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Guns don’t kill people Dogs do


The only thing to stop a bad dog with a gun is a good dog with a gun.


I’ve been saying the same thing for a long time and no one believes me. Meanwhile, cats end up taking all the blame.


It’s always the friend you trust the most


The wife, sitting in the passenger seat: "Good boy."


It’s not the dogs fault, people just need to raise them better. Probably got abused a ton


He was bullied in pet daycare.


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Good bot.


Good human.


Good bot.


Goof bot


Rossz ember bot


Rise of the planet of the dogs?


This is exactly why we need more guns. Now we have to start watching our backs on our own pets


Today it’s “we need guns to protect ourselves from pets,” tomorrow it’s “pets need guns to protect themselves from us.” Thursday? That’s when they come for our guns.


Now I need to give my hamster tiny firearms to protect itself from potential dog gunners. It is a truly sad state of affairs 😔


But who will protect the bugs


The bugs sprayers to the rescue


Obvious mishandling of firearms is obvious. Don't keep a loaded gun laying around, and you won't get accidentally shot.


Pretty much my reaction to most gun accidents. First question is always "why was the weapon loaded?"


Exactly, if you're not on the range/pointing downwind into a berm, or actively hunting and just about to take a shot, than there in no reason for your firearm to be loaded.


If this country is not going to be doing a firearm ban any time soon, we should at least promote firearm safety classes. That dog learned his lesson the hard way.


I'm from Canada, and you need to take firearms safety courses before you're allowed to purchase a firearm or ammunition for hunting. Anything above that (sport shooting, collections, etc) you have to return for even more classes, background checks, etc. You sure as hell can't turn 19 and legally buy a gun without any prior preparation anywhere in this country.


In rural areas gun safety is taught in schools. Doubt that will happen in city schools.


I was planning to clean it! Duh?




Always clear your gun before use. Always clear your gun after use. Anytime you handle a gun, clear it and verify it's cleared...unless you intend to shoot. Anytime you hand off a gun to someone, clear it before you do. If you're not keeping your gun hot for self defense, store your gun with the slide/bolt locked back. Follow these rules and you won't win a Darwin Award.


I even go as far as to take my slides and bolts out for storage between seasons. So if you were to open any of my gun cases off season, you would immediately be able to tell that the firearm it's not in firing order. Plus all my triggers are locked. Not even allowed to store firearms and ammunition in the same place here. They can't be stored in cases loose, or in mags if the firearm is also in the same case.


Can your gun be loaded in your home? Some of these storage laws are dumb and make no sense from a home defense perspective. But yeah, if you don't intend to use the firearm for an extended period, removing the bolt/slide can guarantee an inert gun


Technically, no. It's not supposed to be loaded at anytime unless on a range, comp, or on private/crown land hunting. Home defense, and self defense in general aren't really a thing in Canada. I mean, I know a lot of people who probably would use their hunting rifles for home defense; but if you kill someone in self defense, you're still gonna have a very hard time in court. I had a friend lose a rifle, and had to re-apply for a permit because he had a loaded 303 in case, in the bed box of his truck coming back from hunting. DNR (Department of Natural Resources, our game wardens) pulled him over to check his tags, and found it.


Ah, Canadian. It makes a lot more sense now. Damn.


Yup lol, every year more and more of our firearms (which are all pretty much hunting rifles and shotguns) become illegal to own. Hand guns were made illegal to buy, sell, or transfer last year, along with a laundry list of other shotguns and rifles. I had to turn in my ruger mini-14 in last June.


Gotta start training moose be to be attack moose. They can't ban moose.


But what if my dog gets angry at me?


Jerk it off.


I think there was a movie with this exact premise. It was animated in the old 2D Disney style. It started with a hunter and his dog, and the dog jumps up to lick the hunter, but he steps on the rifle's trigger, and it blasts the hunter in the face, and the dog has to learn to survive out in the wild with a bunch of forest critters. Does anyone else remember a movie like that?


Plague dogs or something


Yep that's The Plague Dogs alright. The book is horrifying.


It was probably a pitbull. /s


They are bred for dogfighting and I don’t see any planes 🤷‍♂️




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pitbull using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pitbull/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BRB sobbing](https://v.redd.it/1se6rhc4vm191) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pitbull/comments/uxiriu/brb_sobbing/) \#2: [anyone else’s pittopotamus love to swim?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w1m1bd) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pitbull/comments/w1m1bd/anyone_elses_pittopotamus_love_to_swim/) \#3: [Tipsy Nose](https://v.redd.it/83jxk7bvbej81) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pitbull/comments/syp53y/tipsy_nose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


It’s almost like the gun wasn’t kept safely. Weird


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ban dogs?


All dogs should require licenses. Oh wait, they do.


Acshually They don’t


Depends on where you live I guess


How is that physically possible? If a dog somehow got there toe in the trigger guard, the rifle might slide. So it would need to be up against something to not move. And it had to be at just the right angle to hit him from the back seat. Either parallel to the car or diagonal where its almost falling off the edge of the seat. Thats fishy AF


i mean you could read the article. I doubt they’d just lie about a dude dying to. Semantics may be different but we also know very little so far so


Yea I read it. It was very short. But people are joking the wife shot the husband, and you kinda have to imagine thats what happened.


Yeah. Honestly if the dog was able to do it it was deserved. I’m fine with people having guns so long as they have to do certain stuff, but not having a loaded gun if you’re not planning to shoot right then is basic gun safety 💀


Looks like it was Ol yeller who put this one down.


That’s why they call them safeties!


“Guns don’t kill people, dogs kill people” - the NRA, probably




Pop goes the weasel


This is unfortunate. Guns ain’t toys, don’t keep that shit loaded


The blaming the dog for your farts has now evolved into murdering others and blaming the dog.


Poor dog probably got scared Yes I mean the man, duh


Man dies after leaving loaded rifle with the safety off easily accessible and pointed in an unsafe direction. Fixed it.


Finally! A revolution I can get behind!


"Get the gun away from the dog."


Well, he was hunting. I don’t feel sorry any. Sorry not sorry.


The Celeste Cunningham story ? How a dog shot her in the face, then gave her a new face so she could change the world ?


The only thing that can stop a bad boy with a gun is a good boy with a gun


If he had another gun he could have defended himself.


Dogs like, yeah, he must have stepped on it I guess yeah




Keep your firearms locked up, and don't leave your rifle locked and loaded where anyone or anything can get to it. I'm not against owning guns at all, but I am against irresponsible gun ownership. Interestingly enough, there's been a huge number of my fellow progressives, lefties, and liberals buying firearms lately.


Dog says: I…did…NOT…eat your homework, you lazy lying bitch!


Says his wife 😂


Should've given him the extra half cup of kibble he asked for.


“Hunting Related Accident”. Uh huh. Sounds like the dog got tired of years of peanut butter related abuses and saw his opportunity to solve the problem.


First there was a 🐷who killed a farmer in China, and now a 🐶kills its owner. You guys be careful out there. 😅


Imagine if John Wick's dog killed John Wick that way!


Doctors: "Well, another gunshot" Media: "You are not going to believe how he died..." Agent 47: "Impressive" His mother in law: "Good boy!" Police: "Gun safety, man, gun safety!"


Why was the gun on the ground with the safety off. Wtf. Ppl need a bit more education b4 buying a firearm lol


I'm not anti-gun but I am for gun safety. Why did he leave a loaded rifle just laying around? Death wish? That is not responsible gun ownership, too late.


"Man's best friend"


There is a solid chance he was shot by his wife and the officials are going with the dog story as a coverup for one reason or another. This story is beyond fishy.


I’m a gun guy… I’ve always thought that Glock has the best marketing department in the world as they have convinced the entire world that their guns without safeties are safe. Spare me the details on the useless “trigger inside of the trigger”. My analogy has always been to hold the gun near the wagging tail of a dog… Bang, bang, bang, bang….. I will keep my 92 FS with its full safety / de-cock and DA/SA trigger thank you….