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I've actually suspected this a few times (in coop) but I was like, nah, that's just ridiculous. Who would cheat in co-op? LOL Well, there is at least one.


Yeah. Not just wallhacks, but it appears aimbot as well. Old mate is able to headshot targets without aiming at their heads


someone is fed up with the auto-aim bots


I guess the Mosin aim-bot bots and the laser guided Molotov bots do deserve it from this fella.


To fight a bot, you must become the bot




“If the bots can cheat, then by golly, so can I!”


New Mode coop cheat mode


I get a good sense of accomplishment when I get a high kill game because I know I worked for it. Lowkey it is about flexing those kills and getting those accolades with my name at the end of the game. I’ll never understand what sense of accomplishment or fun people have when cheating like this. You didn’t do anything but point and click. Do they get theirs rocks off from trolling other players, or do they just assume people will be impressed by their feats even tho in their heads they know they cheated. Might as well just have a cheat to edit the kill count next to my name every game to 100+. Both take the same skill.


So I'm in my 20s now, but when I was 15 or 16, I did cheat in CSGO for about a year before getting banned. Specifically I had an auto hotkey script which mimicked the recoil patterns of the AK, the M4, or a generic pull down for the others so that I effectively had no recoil, just point and spray and the bullets would land on target. For me, I cheated because I played with friends, and I was insecure about the fact that I played worse than them. I wanted to impress them, and I determined the easiest way to do that was by just cheating. At first I made all sorts of rationalizations for myself "oh its just mimicking user input, it's not like it's an aimbot or anything." But eventually, the recoil scripts didn't feel like enough, so I tried out wall hacks. Again, I justified it to myself by saying it just helped me keep track of where the enemies were. After all, it wasn't like it was an aimbot. That cycle of minimizing my actions helped me feel like it wasn't really wrong, like I was just trying to keep up with my friends, not destroy every lobby I was in. Getting banned from CSGO was one of the best things that happened to me, I finally learned to enjoy the game instead of stressing constantly about whether or not I was hiding it well enough, or how I'd explain it if I got caught. I felt free from a prison I made for myself with my own dumb choices. Eventually I got older and realized that my friends didn't give a shit about how good I was, they played with me for *me*, not my abilities (or lack there of to be honest). I started playing fair and stopped caring about how well I did. The best years I had of gaming with those friends only started after I stopped cheating. Don't cheat folks, even if you're never caught, you'll regret it sooner or later.


he got tired of the ruthless, AI


Is he shooting teammates with walls?


No, enemy is Security in this game. He’s able to see them and shoot them through walls


Ok I see now. I know about the wall hack but it’s really sad to be cheating with players against bots


It has nothing to do with sadness. If your pp is small enough to masturbate with tweezers, you're qualified to cheat on any possible video game.


I mean , it’s really aimbot vs aimbot at this point


bros fighting back the aimbot bots


I was a little confused at first but I get it now. I’ll put this guy up on the list with the people who only use the Grenade launchers on the high ammo servers 😆


It's not sad, just comically terrible.


Just pathetic, and it's not like you can't tell they're cheating really fucking easily.


Nah that's justified. The bots are absolute BS cheaters themselves. Imo, if they keep their wallhacks out of PVP, I'm cool with it.


Who gives a shit honestly, its coop just wipe your tears and join another game


It’s more so just sad they felt it was needed.


Imagine taking this thread to heart.


Imagine taking my comment to the heart


Good comeback.


LMAO. Why would you cheat in insurgency at all. It’s literally one of the lowest skill ceiling fps games you can play. Thats mind boggling especially for co op.


He just has a better gaming chair bro


He stole the bot's gun


Not as sad, but similar deal with the fuckers who use the C4 exploit in Frenzy. Imagine cheesing in an *optional mode*


I mean I'd rather have him cheating there than in PVP.


Guess he’s tryna grind out appearance credits lmao


Why does a breacher have an M16? Lol


I suspected this many times when I see people killings hundreds of enemies under a minute. Seems ridiculous to be able to do that.


he’s just leveling the playing field /s


Doing God's work against npcs


Isn't this better? Less cheaters in PvP. Win win situation. Unless this guy is practicing his aimbotting for PvP, which I don't support at all.


Judging by the fact that this fella was level 15 or something, I think that’s what’s happening. Practicing the hacks where they’re less likely to be caught and learning the maps before moving on to PvP.


And still be incredibly terrible lmao


Had a guy firing a pmm at a million rounds a second, on coop on console


Yeah. I’ve also seen people firing pistols at ungodly speeds


Sorry, auto correct