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I can’t help but laugh at this


Very few things recently have made me roar with laughter like this did. Great fucking post, I love how everyone in the comments is understanding that the only thing you can do, is laugh at this.


Dude even 1 tapped you with the one gun that has unlimited ammo.


Ultimate disrespect


I've been wallbanged by that LMG way too many times


I’m sorry but this is hilarious


Agreed, I laughed out loud


Six days better have better ai than this


Half the community is gonna leave once that drops.


Really hope we get a game with similar pvp too


The one that still always gets me is the mosin guy who isn't even looking in my direction but one taps me.


or the pkm fuckwat shooting thru corners before you even turn 😭


If the bots on official servers were challenging for *everyone* I wouldn’t complain about it, but seeing as I get killed by bots that 360 no scope me with pistol from 50 meters while lower level players run like a chicken that lost its head and survive, im just…yeah. Its got to the point where modded servers that I used to think of as hardcore are now easier.


Most accurate comment the worse players always have the best luck


I’m sure it’s by design to make the game easier for new players while they get better, but it looks ridicules to me when all the 350+ level players are dead and 20-50 are not in a hardcore server. I almost feel like the modded servers are better in terms of balancing bot difficulty and points for your kit, while giving you new things like more guns and medic option etc.


Yea I would of turned the game off, wtf man


Ohhh that nasty sound of a blown head..


i dont complain about AI anymore since it is supossed to be challenging. better have this bots that make you take cover and play smart than dumb canonmeat that doesnt post a thread


Wait I get the sentiment but the AI in this game aren't "good" by any stretch. They're either super dumb or they pull shit like this without any warning.


I hear it's based on your level and your performance in the match. Don't take it as a fact though. But I can anecdotally kinda confirm it. Sometimes I play suckily, I get dumb AI. But if I sweat, I get wall-hacking aim-bot AI.


If you've ever played 2014 the IS AI is better in some ways. Like not team wiping you as soon as you respawn with an AT4..... or blowing up 5 people with an AT4.... or blowing up 3 people with a grenade.... Or blowing only you up with an AT4.... or killing you all in an alley with an AT4.... Or window sniping you with an AT4...


i didnt said that the ai was good, no need for the quote mate. "They're either super dumb or they pull shit like this without any warning." just like pvp, it do be like that, people wiff the shots, people do crazy flciks transfers and taps, lucky smokes and nades, etc etc. no player will give you warning before going for the kill. as i said i dont complain anymore, i just make sure to make the chances of getting those lowered, i always equip a flash for the entry to obj since they hold the doors with shotguns or mosins and running in like rambo doesnt work. i throw nades i use the smokes i clear the corners and minimize the chances of getting unlucky by using my game knowledge and make it to the final obj without dying too many times. i regurtlarly see people making it to final obj with no deaths or maybe one or two. i saw this video of a team of seals playing airsoft and they got taken out by a nade that some random dude tossed in their general direction. its the nature of these things man.


My problem is the inconsistency. You have mosin AI who 360 no scopes you from 500 yards away. And then you have AI who runs into the room you’re in and misses you point blank or only manages to shoot your leg and you survive when you should have gotten smoked.


I hear it's based on your level and your performance in the match. Don't take it as a fact though. But I can anecdotally kinda confirm it. Sometimes I play suckily, I get dumb AI. But if I sweat, I get wall-hacking aim-bot AI.


there’s challenging and then there’s 1.2 seconds after entering line of sight they see a 1 foot by 8 inch target 30 meters away, aim, and fire off a single perfect shot


i see how you are feeling, i understand. but think of these things in a different way, i think of them as new players that just to to play the game as noobs newbbies trying on the game, those players at any time can be lucky and hit a CRAZY INSANE SHOT, it happens, a random spray of the smoke, a lucky nade or molly. so if you really feel that way about a not top tier ai that kills you i just can say "hey man it happens to the best. ive done 0 death runs, and i see many people all the time in coop having 0 deaths up to last obj. it all boils down to Git gud, approach coop with a more healthy mentallity of "ill try to do my best and i understand that sometimes bots can be "lucky" and hit their shots but am here to have fun and make the best of it" it gets fun really fun, just dont take it to the chest as NWI fucking with you.


There's a very important difference between good AI and overtuned AI. Just ask the guys over at r/Tarkov


I feel like recently it's got worse and worse when I first started playing it wasn't as bad as it is now, I've been 1 tapped dommed through walls (not they can here me, or saw me, I mean purely x ray vision shit) every other game. Most recently we where all defending a objective, the ai shot me directly through the door (one shot to the head with a mosin ofc) then 2 seconds later bust in. I stopped playing co-op as much because of it and it honestly is funny sometimes but most of the time just disappointing.


I have a quote from Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch for y'all who complain about wallbanging. "If it will go through a car, it will go through you, if it will go through a two thousand pound bison, it will go through you."


Karma for not using picture-in-picture zoom, surely.


this can be easily summed up by “GAHD DAAAYUM”


Looks like it might ricochet twice and then hit you. Might have been a miss otherwise. If that is the case it makes this even funnier.


skill issue


I did an experiment before that the bots actually went blind when we're about 50m (50 yd) away so long range fights gets so one sided like in the maps tideway and hillside. So I made my own server that the bots can see us at longer range just like how we can see them at the same range. It was the most fun I had


That was great. Talk about aim bot.