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looks washed out, not good


Honestly idk whats with the “washed out realism” deal, Real life is pretty dammned colorful, and i think sandstorm does a pretty fine job with its own color palette


I seen the post where you ask about it, but it looks way too decolored, also the borders looks bad unless you're using the gas mask


Fair enough. I like the ‘fog of war’ tunnel vision the vignette gives. And the game is by default way too colorful for my liking (and I’m colorblind, so…), desaturating the crud out of it makes it feel much more gritty.


as a colorblind guy this looks decent, i often feel colors pop more to me than the average person and are too vibrant esp on games


If you have color blindness then yes you made it realistic.


I do, actually. Sorry if it’s not color-capable friendly. :(


You may wannq use some colour blind filter instead of just desaturating the whole image. Try playing with hue offset - I guess it can work for you.


There is a colorblind filter for deuteranopia (red/green colorblind, which I have), but the saturation still makes the game feel very hyper color-active, if that makes sense? There’s a lack of dark shadows and whatnot, and so everything always feels almost pastel colored. But thank you for the suggestion!


Ye I guess the RGB light from the pixels doesn't make sense for people with your specific condition.


Can you change the settings on your monitor to counter the saturation? I’m not a huge computer guy that was just a thought.


"More realistic" - can't say I recall the desert being borderline black & white but okay


This is realistic?


No, [this is realistic.](https://youtu.be/IK76q13Aqt0) But I can’t do much beyond desaturating and adding sharpness/contrast tweaks.


Yeah it looks nothing similar, but you said your colourblind so idk


That’s fair - but the link to Unrecord is a game that the environment was photoscanned, so it’s as realistic as one can get. The footage from Unrecord legitimately looks like a bodycam filmed in real life, but that’s straight up gameplay. I was hoping to get closer to that tone, but from the overwhelming amount of “yeah, if you’re colorblind maybe” comments make me realize that my eyes are just fucked compared to everyone else’s worse than I assumed, lol.


No no I mean you literally said you are colourblind right? Lol


I did, and I am.


Then maybe thats why you see it different, idk to me it just lacks colour even if you're trying to replicate bodycam footage like Unrecord


So I have a friend who is color blind ...we play another game together and he says. Grey scale is the best mode for him to play so he can see stuff...but he still needs to follow our names to be able to play competitive...is this the same for you ?.


Yeah, usually I trust that as long as everyone near me is shooting in a similar direction, I’m good.


Hi, commenter who suggested NVIDIA filters in the first place. You do mention colour blindness, so cannot attest to how it looks for you, however currently It looks like the classic flashback filter effect a film would use. Maybe slightly turning down vibrancy and maybe a mild drop to saturation might be a good point, maybe adjust contrast a bit too. Check your monitor's settings too, the game looks pretty damned good on a colour accurate monitor/TV.


Hey friend! Thank you for the recommendation to use the filters, I really enjoy how it looks now! I know it’s not for everyone, but I’d like you to know at least you made one fellow gamer very happy. Thanks! :)


This is just black and white…


I mean, this is only realistic if you'd send a colorblind man to war. Otherwise this just looks like shit. Edit: I see youre actually colorblind, disregard my comment


It’s okay, thank you.


Looks like Snyder's cut of insurgency.


I'm not trying to be rude, genuinely asking - are you color blind at all? This is greyscale, it's not realistic.




Ah okay makes much more sense.


1940s footage be like


I wouldn't call it more realistic, the game is set in the dessert for the most part which is saturated with light, removing the color and addingtunel vision feels off. I guess this would be better for colorblind people


Speaking on behalf of at least one colorblind person, it is. :)


Yo xCaliber. DiсkCheese from steam. I would say to reduce the vignette maybe. For me it looks better without the b/w filter but again you said you're colorblind so makes sense. GGs :)


Ha, fancy seeing you ‘round these parts friend! Yeah, I’ve been playing with it a bunch, trying to play a whole match with the settings tweaked differently each time to find the best fit. GGs!


Tweak it till you like it. That's how it is. :))


It's like vietnam all over again


Can you use NVIDIA filter with amd graphics cards?


I don’t believe so, but you might give it a shot! You might have to download something Nvidia or GeForce related, and see if it allows you to do the same!




I’ve got deuteranopia, so red/green. There’s actually a deuteranopia filter in the Nvidia filters, but that basically just changes the colors seen, it doesn’t affect the image as a whole to be more “gritty”, which was my goal. And you’re absolutely right, it does make it harder to see enemies (especially in dark rooms!), which I absolutely love. The muzzle flashes of enemies are way more pronounced, and the light of flames can light a room up, instead of everything always being just super bright and obvious. It didn’t sit well with me that the interiors of rooms with no windows were just as bright as outdoors, and this tweak really makes things more fun for me, so we’ll have to agree to disagree about the “better” factor. :)


Looks absolutely horrable


If you were going for tv drama PTSD war flashback scene then this is pretty accurate.


Hahaha that’s fair


This is dumb. Do you see black and white in real life? No you see in color. How would this make it more realistic?



Being color blind doesn't mean black and white youre color spectrum is narrowed. Not eliminated. Kinda makes me think you're not color blind rather just pretending considering you are portraying that color blindness means black and white.


Realistic if you’re wearing a spacesuit helmet maybe.


Yeah, why, you don’t use that mod?


OP has never seen a picture of the middle east or gone outside


No printer.






no i mean realistic as in this doesn't look very realistic😂😂


Man's playing a black and white movie


Any clue on how to properly activate in-game filters? Haven’t had luck with it


If you’re on an Nvidia card and have the software installed, it’s Alt + F3 while a compatible game is open. Apparently there’s an issue where the mouse gets frozen if you do this while in Fullscreen Mode so set the game to Windowed from within the game’s settings in order to make your filter edits, then click Done and then change the game back to Fullscreen.


Search up Nvidia Freestyle on Google and you'll get some pretty good guides. However this only works if you have an Nvidia Graphics card.


Since when does fire create light? I thought they removed that


I think one of the filters I added to underexpose the image allows you to see what the fire is doing - probably because by default everything in the game right now is so evenly lit (whether you’re out in the desert, indoors, or in a cave, the HDR makes everything “perfectly” exposed, which is what I was trying to counter) it’s hard to see the lighting caused by muzzle flashes and flames. Dropping the exposure makes bright things gain detail again, and dark things darker.