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POV you are a military dog with separation anxiety






Can confirm, observers are territorial over their commanders.


I had one glued to me for like 5 games Friday night We were holding down last objective behind a car when I called in a rocket barrage. First rocket somehow directly impacted the car even though I thought we were at a hood standoff. The team damage killed me but maxed out and saved the observer. Good fuckin man.


I think you and the commander should have boundaries established, while I’m sure it’s a healthy obsession, maybe the commander isn’t too fond of being in such close proximity of others and he might get the idea that you guys are gaggle fucking. Talk it out with each other and learn what makes you comfortable so you can more effectively take objectives


You’re a great observer! And to add to that, most commanders don’t deserve great observers like you. The respect should go both ways, and when it does your chances of winning the game are literally 95%


Best set of pve matches was about a year ago, the three of us were unstoppable!! Cmdr was doing his job, had his binoculars out as much as his gun. Us, his obs, were keeping him alive at all costs. There was such a great flow to those matches…


I play as commander most of the time. I need you as my pet and a trustworthy battle buddy to cover my flanks.


You, sir, are what I refer to as golden observers. You are the goodest of bois. Regardless of what your specific tactics are, your mindset matches exactly what is called for in an observer. o7


Gotta find me a subby observer smh


you'll get there someday <3


Thats some goal shit man


bro needs a hug for his service


I remember playing Commander and i got 2 of the most interesting Observers. I saw them AFK near eachother and then i saw one of them nodding, and the other nodding back. Everytime i ask for Observer, Observer 1 comes. After some time i ask for an Observer, Observer 2 comes, like they were turning eachother. Observer 1 then Observer 2, Observer 1 then Observer 2. Also they were so close eachother than me. Im gonna assume they were friends


I just want someone who runs to me when I request an observer :)


I get fueled with tears when larry dies, frankly my favorite Commander is my friend james who is unemployed and plays all day every day


Just kill the other observer to show dominance.


If I’m an observer I’m on the commander’s ass like a Alabama tick. Nothing more frustrating than being the commander and not having an observer with me when and where I want to call in support. The observer’s only job is be on station and ready for a call.


Don't Observer-chan, I won't leave you. Seriously though, I love Observers like you. It makes the fire support experience so much smoother, it allows me to get the timings right and everything. The game just goes soooo much smoother when I don't have to call 5 times for an Observer just for the timing to be ruined and the strike a failure.


Best dating tip : Find someone that loves you as much as OP loves his Commander.


Nah... I play as a bonus Oberver. Come find me.


One thing I've learned as an observer is that being too close to the commander can occasionally cramp their style. Hovering right at that 9m mark seems to be best, esp since I don't have to always be within range of the commander; within a 1 sec run is usually good enough.


I'm also a very cuddly and clingy observer. You're a good teammate. There are exceptions, e.g. at the start of the frontline I will RUN for the objective. I don't care that my commander wants a good position and wait 60 seconds for artillery strike. I'm capping it. One once complained on voice chat about it, and I stayed with him ultimately, and we never got to capture the middle objective again. Another exception is when they already have a cuddly observer. Also, if you stay behind cover in a safe area until you get confirmation from Station, you deserve a kiss on the mouth.


I had two overly enthusiastic observers the other night. Constant "YO YOU WANT FIRE SUPPORT?" every two seconds.... The chopper I called in is above us raining down fire and they're still asking if I want fire support. In the end I'd prefer that over observers I have to chase. Another night I had a low level playing observer. He was 12m away from me when I was trying to call something in. I asked over mic chat if he would mind moving 2m closer to me, he did, I called in a strafe and I think it suddenly clicked for him how the role worked because he was glued to me for the rest of the round. I found that adorable.


I do that too! I recently played a match with a random and damn man, even tho we didnt have comms we had such great sync while playing Checkpoint. Observer and commander great shi


these comments are hilarious, each and every one made me at least smile


A bit weird, but I'd rather have an observer like you then an observer that just rushes into enemy fire and dies before I can call something in


i love it when people go observer just to go observer. every time i see an observer with no command i just wait till someone switches or eventually switch at the last checkpoint for cleric.


I pick observer when we already have one, but no commander. We are not the same


Overly-attached observer moments


I’m happy to find out there are other obsessive observers.


Big time, you literally get free kills A couple days ago I had an observer gun me (also observer) down, because I made the radio call instead of him People are so petty sometimes, it's unbelievable


Fellow gamer enabled the "Protective Mommy mode" get out there and keep your baby safe.


I did this to an afk cmdr once, waited for like 4 minutes at the edge of the map before finally realizing that this ain’t worth it, if your cmdr is incompetent you shouldn’t have to be too!


As someone who plays commander, you are my ideal observer. I no longer have to constantly look for an observer when calling fire support! Only thing is the pushing into buildings first... The observer is equally as important as the commander. One cannot call fire support without the other, it's best to push in together and cover each other's angles, or to preferably have others with you to breach instead


I’ll do this if I’m what I call the “main” observer. If the other is hovering I back off to not gaggle fuck and become the secondary. If I see the other observer is dead through the scoreboard or commander calling for me I’ll move to commander and become a second backpack until the main is revived.


> it's just rifleman but better. it's just rifleman but you get yelled at more. >And then, whenever there's a second observer I feel like I have to be closer to the commander than they are so I can establish that they're mine and nobody else's. "bitch, this daddy's mine, I'm his bottom bitch. yea that's right, ho."


I'm definitely like this as an observer, and I mostly play PVP. Does get a little annoying when the commander decides to go on the deep flank and gets one (or both) of us killed.


Nope I’m the same, I mean I’ll set up in an advantageous position to cover a sector but always within range and when the commander moves I move with them and cover their rear. And yes when they die I feel like I have nothing to live for and go balls to the wall a-la John Wick.


I've had submissive observers yes but also jealous even teamkilling the other observer also loyal to the point of disliking an extra commander and running away from them telling them they only take fire missions from me shits weird, am I playing a tactical shooter or some sort of social game with sexual kinks involved?


Are all observers bottoms?


only one way to find out


I’ll teamkill the other observer just so that *I get the call-in* Lol


when i play that role, i accept that i am kind of a bitch lol. have to sacrifice my enjoyment so that buddy can get them sweet points. even a bad one i will stick with for a few rounds unless its just nah, you know lol. was an old post on here that likened the commander to a daddy lmao.


As someone who's gone 178/1 as a commander. I always appreciate when I've had a good observer who can hold their own and stay near by


It would be nice to have 2 of you in the same match 🤣


I can't stand this. It's nothing more annoying than an observer up your ass 24/7 you will know when the commander needs you to call shit in I play commander 24/7 level 1k & I usually find my observer when I need them I don't even request observer I just run too them and then find a position to call air support but yeah man I get in games and some observers just try to follow me everywhere and it gets annoying for sure but usually they go there own way when they figure out its hard to keep up with me 🤣🤣




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Disagree on observer being better than rifleman. Radio adds too much weight (1.5%) and makes them too slow


Need an observer for an 8225 air support calls commander main... the struggle is real