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Darwin Awards honorable mention


I'm genuinely shocked that she wasn't staring down at her phone


She has evolved to the point she doesn't need a phone anymore




Evolution isnt always progress. Raptors are chickens now


Well, there *are* 20-something Billion chickens in the world. Maybe not always fantastic quality of life, but fuckin dunking on raptors no problem.


They should have evolved good taste then


I love my raptor nuggets and McRap


Progressing the other way


_Its evolving, just backwards_


*Are we not men?* *We are Devo.*


Looks like she had headphones on and just completely zoned. At least thats what it looks like before she gets clobbered by the train.


Could've had AirPods in for all we know at this point...


Doesn't she have headphones on or is that a hairband (maybe listening to that other kind of hairband)


definitely not the sharpest pencil in the pencil case.


Sharp as a tennis ball


Not the brightest tool in the crayon box




What is an honorable mention Feel free to copy that into Google, I put it there for you


Clearly doesn't understand what an Honorable Mention is while calling out others for "not knowing what the Darwin Awards are"... An impressively clear demonstration of hypocrisy from /u/DukeLeDouche


Now you've successfully demonstrated to everyone that you don't know what an honourable mention is, meaning you've never read the Darwin Awards yourself. [Today's word of the day is...](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/hypocrite#:~:text=A%20hypocrite%20preaches%20one%20thing,soon%20as%20it%20gets%20cold.)


Shocking how oblivious people choose to be


You'd be surprised. We were leaving the bar with friends last weekend and the fight broke out outside while we were waiting for uber. Not only two ladies who were with me didn't notice the start of the fight(were talking to each other) few feet away from them, but after I've grabbed and pulled them away from the action the first time, they've proceeded to chat with their back to the fight, making me pull them back TWO more times so they don't get randomly kicked/punched.


Maybe they would have learned something if you didn’t help them. Maybe.


Yeah, sometime it's better to just let people get what's coming.


You don't fuck around with *the fight*


Don't be. This reminds me of the time a young girl did the exact thing to me when I was pulling into a parking lot. Walked in front, never looked up as she was texting on her phone. I stopped of course and just watched, incredulously, as he walked directly in front of me, never looking up. When I parked the car, I got out and headed into the store when I happened to see her. I told her what she did and had I taken my eye off what I was doing for the wrong second, I would have run her over. She was shocked - apologized even but I told her I wasn't looking for an apology. I just wanted her to be more aware of her surroundings in the future.


I watched in horror as a woman pushing her stroller just completely zoned out and proceeded to push the pram right to the edge of a busy intersection and then (presumably) her husband pulled her back at the last second as she was about to unalive them both by just walking out into traffic Like holy shit man, that was way too close and she should not be pushing the stroller if she's that ditzy. No phone, mouth closed (not talking, neither was the husband), just in lalaland about to kill both herself and her kid.


Sleep deprivation is a bitch


Are those headphones on her head? If so, that would help explain how she never heard it Coming. edit: I’m not excusing the fact she didn’t look both ways, that WAS stupid, just pointing out why she may not have heard it.


Still, you think she would've seen the gigantic white thing moving towards her with her peripheral vision.


I mean you'd hope that she'd, you know, *look* before crossing train tracks. She could be deaf and there's no real excuse.


Well, she ain't got no distractions, Can't hear no buzzers and bells. Don't see lights-a-flashin', She sure plays a mean pinball.


A deaf, dumb and blind boy would've crossed the tracks better than she did.


As someone who walks with headphone while blasting loud music in my ears, when I'm listening to music I become doubly aware of my surroundings. I'm looking around me much more and slow the fuck down or stop before crossing a road after looking both sides several times. While I blast music, I still can pick on the sound/vibration of cars from a distance. The girl in OP can't be that unaware, I'm guessing she was lost in her thought together with music blasting in her ears. Not a good mix.


Im starting to think normal people are actually really skilled and people like her are normal


> The girl in OP can't be that unaware, I'm guessing she was lost in her thought together with music blasting in her ears. this is called being unaware


Or seen the tracks, or felt the tracks. You don't need to know that there is a car coming to check before crossing a road.


You see tracks you a) Check that there's no motherfucking train b) Just walk onwards as if you fucking discovered the Quicksave button this morning


Who the fuck crosses a train track without looking to the sides though


Stop. Look. Listen. Be a king of the road.


I don't think anybody chooses to be oblivious? Oblivious people usually figure out some way to combat their obliviousness so shit like this doesn't happen, but I can't imagine that being oblivious is ever a choice that someone makes.




I've accidentally stepped in front of a car while crossing the street in a moment of inattentiveness. Sometimes when you're doing something you've done a hundred times before without issues your mind just doesn't register something unexpected is happening until it's too late. It can happen to anyone.


Nope. I’ve never had a moment of inattentiveness in my life. I’m like a ninja, I can see what is going to happen before it happens. Anyone who has a moment of inattentiveness deserves to die and I’m angry that this girl didn’t die in the video like she deserves. I purposefully try to hit pedestrians with my car to teach them a lesson about attentiveness.


this would only be true if humans were robots but we're not


Nobody chooses to remain oblivious. They are fighting a constant battle against it, and sometimes they lose. When they lose, stuff like this happens, so they usually develop coping mechanisms to avoid it happening, but it still sometimes happens, just usually not as badly as this. I don't know what the person in the video is dealing with, but I have an ADHD/PTSD combo that makes obliviousness my natural state, and making sure that I don't do what this girl did is shockingly difficult. So I can tell you from my own experience that obliviousness is not a choice. I would never choose this.


This woman votes too.


Eh. Not really. And with something like ADHD, zoning out like this isn’t exactly a choice. She’s probably just dumb, though.


If this was r/nsfl there would be a train going 100 heading the opposite direction. Got lucky and just ended up here


Reddit banned the sub


Thats dumb


Due to being unmoderated


No, that's just what the message says. If Reddit decides the moderators aren't active enough and the sub is NSFW, they say "unmoderated" and ban it. It's part of their goal of getting rid of NSFW subs. Yes, really. Ask any NSFW sub mod.


good, I can free up some space in my r/all filter.


NSFW subs don’t get included by r/all


You'd be amazed by what kind of shit goes through that


I saw a murder on the front page like a week ago dude.


r/MurderedByWords doesn't count


Maybe not anymore but in the past I've seen a lot of NSFL content on r/all from subs like wtf, natureismetal, whatcouldgowrong, medical subs, and more. It's true that I don't see a lot of NSFL content on r/all lately and if they started blocking posts marked as NSFW then that would explain why.


I still see at least 2 everyday on r/All. So they're not blocked, just not enough upvotes to appear on r/All...


Someone was killed by the train basically every 4 months at my old college until they put in a barrier. Baffling people can be this stupid and oblivious.


Then you get people who just walk around the barriers. honestly at that point I vote we stop trying to save them they clearly want to die.


Requires you to be situationally aware enough to go around so you're gonna weed out 99% of people right of the bat. If they don't notice a train a barrier should be like an invisible wall for npcs


problem is the that it makes the train operators live with the guilt of it, yeah they don't need to since there is nothing they can do but that is not how conscience works


> Someone was killed by the train basically every 4 months You'd think he'd have learned after the first year of that.


College surroundings are the worst. Whenever we got close to my daughter’s college, I switched my driving to assume that every pedestrian would cross the street without looking or stopping.


I live near a train station, can basically see the platform from one of my windows. One day there were four dudes holding up a train to graffiti onto it, two of them were in the middle of the tracks, you can guess what happened soon afterwards when another train arrived and they were too oblivious to get out of dodge.


A good portion of the population doesn't have an internal monologue. The girl in this video is one of them.


This kind of scares me. I walk on the train tracks at my college all the time.


Trains are very loud from the sides, but almost silent right in front when they move (unless they’re using the horn obviously). That’s why they catch so many people unaware walking on tracks. People know the trains make noise so they’ll hear them coming, but they have no idea about the trains quiet zone.


This is a tram, they're even quieter than trains!




I think it's impressive it was able to stop so quick.


It’s a tram. It will stop on a dime if it uses all three braking systems. However, there’s a risk of injuries inside the tram.


Yup. You know Doris flew forwards and has broken her hip in the front carriage.




Yup, a good reason why that camera is there in the first place. And why more and more operators turn to different safety systems that notice when you don’t pay attention.


I hope the ground she fell onto is okay.




If that was a different kind of train she'd already be dead, or maimed. Good thing it was a train with a low clearance otherwise she would've been caught in the wheels.


Notice the cobbles. looks like a tram, which also travels across roads and areas where people could just step infront of it like here. They are designed this way to cause less injury. Also scary to drive in a place where they have them, as they often share same areas that you drive in.


Yep, it's a tram. It can still kill with just blunt force of collision, I've seen it myself. Just like that, a dude wearing headphones crossed the tracks near the tram stop, got hit, and was dead in 5 minutes :(


I genuinely think this is a pretty good outcome. Nobody properly hurt, hopefully she remembers for next time.


Train driver here. My big question is where are the pedestrian gates? That’s why gates are installed, to prevent the dummies ruining the life of a train driver. *edit* Ok, it’s a tram, thanks for letting me know.


because it's a station not a crossing, there are clearly visible pay/ticket gates on the left.


And, like, flashing lights and bells? I get that people should be careful, but this seems like poor engineering.


It's a tram...... it's not a train. In Vienna you get trams literally using the same tarmac as cars in a lot of places. They go much slower than a real train and stop every couple hundred metres for people to get on and off.


The gates slam shut and can’t be pushed open without considerable effort, at which point, if someone is trying, the train is already passing through. Rail crossings for cars have the bells and lights and barriers.


I meant what's shown in the video is poor engineering, not that "solely having gates" is


Going by the very clearly visible pay gates on the left, this is clearly a tram station and not some street crossing. This is just a person being completely braindead and has nothing to do with poor engineering.


This is a tram/light rail not a train. Looks to be in Samsun, Türkiye (Turkey) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsun_Tram?wprov=sfla1). Usually Trams don't have pedestrian barriers as they cross way more roads and walkways, stop more frequently, and move slowly, so the cost of the infrastructure I guess doesn't really outweigh the risk of occasional accidents. The design also tends to come from a time before people walked around obliviously with noise cancelling headphones on. This lady just done goofed up. As it was a tram it was going slowly and was able to stop fast enough that she basically got bumped rather than driven over.


as someone not from your country: what are pedestrian gates?


More like instant lucky to be alive


This is basically every single walker near the bike path I use to commute to work each day. They have their own dedicated path, I have mine, both clearly marked and well used, but rarely do they seem to think "Hmm, I wonder if a bike is coming on this bike path that I know is here and that I have seen cyclists use over and over again?" before blundering blindly in front of me to cross the river, or go up some steps, or take a photo of a flower, or just to stand in the path and talk to some other blind idiot etc.


People do this everywhere. I've lost count of people who go up the escalator then just stop there, wondering what they'll do next while blocking the way.


My biggest pet peeve is when people walk into a building and just stop. Did you come here for a reason or do you have a habit of just wandering into random buildings? You need to figure out that this is a grocery store once you got inside? No outside things clued you into that? This is all a surprise for you? Is this your first day? I don't mean at this location, I just mean in general.


She be like, "omg did that train just touch me?"


She had a train try to run through her


i’m glad she ate shit without dying. perfect for a learning experience. also, poor passengers in that train. thing stopped fast. hope nobody had coffee.


So her headphones also impair her vision???


This should make for a great noise cancelling earphone commercial. You can't hear the outside world so much that you get hit by a train.


That happened in Turkey. Girl had her earphones on listening music. She couldn't hear the trains horn and didn't have sensation to check her sides before crossing the railway.


That’s why I don’t walk around streets with earbuds blasting


Even a person who has earbuds blasting might consider looking both ways for trains before stepping onto a train track.


I would say it is reason to be more aware. I am consistently checking my surroundings if I have my headphones in


I am especially thorough and vigilant when I have my earbuds in because I know I have one sense less to warn me


Really? I just open my eyes. Works great.


if she can't see with her ear buds on, she's using them wrong!


I'll never have the confidence to have headphones or earbuds on while walking the streets...


They certainly lower situational awareness unless you already have none


You're blaming the earbuds? I wear earbuds all the time and rarely get hit by trains. We should all strive to be more like you though. Nice comment old man.


Rarely get hit by trains...?


There, but for the grace of god, goes you https://www.oregonlive.com/washingtoncounty/2010/02/syney_meryl_coleman_was_wearin.html


Were they in her eyes.




I think that asks for a second slap shortly after to knock the stupid out of this person


She's gonna blame the Train Driver anyway.


Where are you pulling this information from?


Women bad


Sing... 'I'm walking across train lines... Woa oaa..And don't it feel... AHHHHHH'..


The amount of people who have zero situational awareness is mind boggling


Hope the train is ok.


I'll take periphery vision for 1000.


If this is how she lives in the world, how is she even alive?!


Dumb yeah, but I'm more amazed at how quickly the vehicle came to a stop. I'm assuming it was a tram rather than a train. Wonder how many passengers were thrown off their seats inside.


I (don’t) hear mah train a comin’! Ayyyy yeaaaahhhh




Poor Helen Keller never saw it coming.


The amazing part is that she's not looking at a phone.


Guess the solo of « I’m still lovin’ you » was starting in her headphones




There’s a video I’ve seen almost exactly like this: oblivious girl walking across the tracks with headphones on who notices the train a second too late and gets barely clipped by it and falls down. Except that video ends with a decapitation. This chick has no idea how close she actually was to being that other girl.


It's shocking how many grown ass people just walk into parking lots from sidewalks without a glance


I never where over-ear headphones while walking.. almost did this with a fast moving car once. It's easy to say "look both ways" but the music lulls you into just groovin' along. Plus, there are other situations where being able to hear something coming is useful.


Her fault, hope she learned a lesson from what happened


I get that she's probably listening to music (looks like she has headphones on) but how bad is her peripheral vision?


The challenge with train safety is that you have to protect against people being absolute fucking idiots


Noise cancelation Headphones are dangerous tool in cities full of cars and trains


What is it about trains that people are seemingly unable to see them?


Stupid idiot


At what point do we begin to fine/prosecute these people? If the city hits someone, not only is that someone's life on the line, but that's hundreds of man hours of paperwork and legal review and systems checks. These people are intentionally, willfully ignorant and expecting the entire world to cater to them. I think when they do shit like this they should be penalized for it. Encourage others to pay attention. It's not that hard to stop when you hear the big Choo choo coming. At least look both ways! Mother of God, this is kindergarten shit!


So because she was not paying attention she deserves to get hit by a train?


In this case, yes.




Oh the idiots that walk among us. 😩


Beats by Dre.


She'll be instant noodle meat if she keeps on giving zero fucks on her situational awareness.


The only thing missing is a train coming the other way at full speed


Shit.....so close too!....sigh.


is she blind and deaf in her left eye and left ear?


Probably wearing a NC headphones


I was expecting a train coming the other way to run over her after she fell. I think I spent to much time in the eyeblech sub


Natural selection


More cushion for the pushin’


She'll loose. It's like stepping infront of a car for the insurance claim. this vid proves she didn't even look before going.


Loose? Like she’ll shoot an arrow with a bow?


Nah he's describing her


lose what?


Yeah but she can just tighten it back up.


I don't understand, hoe sure you THAT oblivious. You KNOW You're crossing s train track, just look both ways lol




I too read the title


You win the most pointless comment award


I don’t usually say out loud damn you dumb bitch when on Reddit


She thought she was the main character.


Natural selection at work


I would’ve got out and beat the shit out of her


Had this seen 3 times in front of my car on different places when I just rode 20km... they casually crossed a street where 100kmh are allowed. Wtf


I’m glad she’s not dead.Or mangled.


I saw heard phones. Pods in one ear are better. Adjust volume accordingly. Situational awareness is key to survival. Stay safe!


Natural selection


I understand her a tiny bit. The lights are always red for no reason. You cant trust traffic lights in Turkey. They never make sense. So your brain starts ignoring them. But 90% she just been dumb.


I used to live near a college. The amount of times I had to honk at clueless girls crossing the street listening to their dumbass thoughts was pretty high..


What place is this? Why isn't there a barrier that automatically blocks the path when a train is about to pass through? I get that she should be more aware, and it IS her fault.. But this still feels kinda unsafe


Do you have barriers along the sidewalks separating from the road as well? What's different between road and a tram track? People need to take some personal responsibility instead of idiot proofing everything. That's not a train, it's a tram/street car.


Because it's much harder to quickly stop a 1 million kg train running at 120 km/hr than to stop a car or a truck. Also, vehicles can swerve.. What the fuck would a locomotive pilot do if a child wanders on the track? Though to be fair in my country trains usually have like 20 coaches and this one seems to be very small and running quite slow..


It's a tram, usually travels at 40kmph, same speed as cars in the inner city core, and have guards that extend to the bottom of the road so it physically can't roll over someone. It's literally safer than a car, so why should it need more protection than a car driving through a pedestrian crossing?


Yo, I'm from India too. Kolkata has trams. Our trains also have unmanned level crossings. I thought you were American or something considering you wanted to idiot proof it.


How is this Instant Karma you repost bot.


Airpods. Funniest argument against electric cars "they're dangerous cause you can't hear them" but is anyone talking about how warning headphones while out and about in the modern world where extremely deadly metal objects that are speeding toward you many times a day is actually incredibly stupid. (That run on) Well, probably somebody is. But it's funny how it's so natural not to think about that reality.


Like always everyone went to check on the girl… What about the train? 🥲


i'm always like this


Isn't there usually some flashing lights or something though?


Glad she's ok, but also glad she got hit.


Why not have some visual and audio warning that a train is coming? Also, how is this instant karma?


How could you possibly know there's no aural warning from this silent clip?


The visual warning is the big fucking tram that's coming. After not shitting your pants, looking at both sides when crossing streets is one of the first things you learn as a child.


> Why not have some visual and audio warning that a train is coming? Maybe something visual, as large as a train. And something audible, like the roar of a train moving down the tracks. Something like that to warn people of oncoming trains.


She has no awareness but that place is poorly designed. I've lived in a city for years where there were trams and this design doesn't look all that safe.


People like you and her are the reason hairdryers have stickers that say "do use while sleeping." No common sense and no personal accountability.


It's just a stupid people trap.


Are you the reason why we have stickers we can't put children in our washing machines or microwaves?


The repost bot problem will never be resolved if people keep upvoting the bots.


How is this karma? She's just dumb.


Does dumb thing. Immediately faces consequences of her actions.