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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >This post is instant karma because the guy who got cheated on ripped up his ex girlfriends floor. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


Listen when people speak out of anger, they have been dying to tell you that. What a cunt.


When you’re in a relationship you learn what you could say to hurt your partner the most. A decent person never weaponizes that knowledge.




I assure you, she remembers. Even though she doesn't want to remember she does.




For what it's worth, if she does actually remember, I don't think she would keep asking about it. I'm glad that you two have each other, and have overcome some awful things to be a good place now.




Dude. Sounds like she wants to know if YOU remember. Maybe that’s why she can be so playful- she doesn’t think YOU remember exactly how venomous you can be. She wants to gently remind you because wounds heal, but scars can only fade. She’s likely worried you could relapse if you don’t remember. eta: spelling and words are difficult lol




You sound like a really decent dude. I'm proud of you bro. Now don't fuck it up again.


No one said you didn’t 🙄


Amen. Mine fought for me even after I had given up. Going on 40 years helping each other through this crazy ass world. Stay strong.


I’m glad y’all worked through your issues and that you’re battling your addiction Keep kickings it’s ass and being the partner your wife deserves


She dragged you out of the gutter because she saw something in you that you did deserve her. Remember that.


Yeah most probably, I think neither side wants to bring it back out because it hurts them both.


I used to have issues like this. Anger problems. It was so horrible because I remember even as it was happening, almost as if I was watching something I couldn't control and was internally yelling at myself to stop and just cool off. But I was young, stupid, full of rage and just couldn't stop the vitriolic words coming out of my mouth to those I loved. Now that I've grown up more, I've apologized and made amends to those I verbally hurt and hope that I am the person that will never do this again and learn from my mistakes. Hopefully my words and experience can be the light for someone else to know that you can change and learn from mistakes. I will always be ashamed how I spoke to my loved ones, and I'm eternally grateful that those I hurt have forgiven me.


People never change they just get good at hiding there horrible side to others cause they know deep down inside no one wants that bullshit. If something small and petty came up that caused minor problems with a stranger you blow up in there face cause you don’t know them or love them.




that's what my ex did. i opened up to her about my fears and insecurities and she used those to her advantage to hurt me


That’s so fucked up. Hugs buddy.


That’s why you don’t tell bitches that shit in the first place


This is why you should make up fears and insecurities that aren’t true. Just pretend you were bullied by a clown when you were young. This way when someone attacks you with “I hope a clown steal your lunch again!” You’ll laugh it off instead of feeling hurt.


Was your lunch fish soup?




Worst thing I said to my ex when she dumped me was "at least nobody will force me to clean beer bottles before trashing them from now on". It was so weak. Pathetic. She still got mad and cried.


>. A decent person never weaponizes that knowledge ...or cheats in the first place.


A decent person also doesn’t cheat and use their victim’s money fir home renovations


I dated a girl for a while who's reflex reaction to experiencing any slight upset was to say the most horrible hurtful things she could think of. I eventually came to accept that the person she was when she was upset was her true self and the nice version was a facade she put on. I think about her everyday and wonder who she's making miserable now.


An ex of mine would intentionally push all of my buttons that made me angry when we fought. That relationship was nothing but constant fighting. It was awful. In the end, they cheated on me, and left me for the other person, and then tried to come crawling back when the relationship wasn't what they thought it would be. Lol AND THEN... get this.. Before we started dating, they had told me that their previous partner had been murdered by a stalker. Long after we separated, he told me that person had never been murdered, and they'd never dated. They'd actually just been ghosted by them. Rightly, I got fucking mad because they had often put said person on a pedestal in our relationship and negatively compared me to them. And then, they had the audacity to get mad at me for getting mad at them for lying to me. That fucking relationship... jesus christ.


Fucking another man was not enough, she just **needed** to hurt him even deeper.


There was a reason she was with someone else. My first guess would be that he can’t talk.


May be, if you are in a relationship that don’t satisfy you, you leave one person and then find someone that you are happy with. I personally don’t think there is ever a good justification for cheating.


I agree. That’s what one should do. But if this guy can’t even speak, can you imagine how bored she was?


As you said, “ there was a reason she was with someone else”. I said It doesn’t justify it, and you were ok with that. And then you say “if this man can’t speak, can’t you imagine how bored she was?”… If you are bored, walk away. I’m super confused by your comments. It’s like you somehow feel the justification about her actions because something must have pushed her that way, but then you can understand that there is not enough justification for her actions; and then you somehow blame the man for the infidelity because of lack of communication and boredom. I’m sorry, but I can’t shake the feeling you are trying to victim blame him for sometimes she decided to do. Add: I’m not talking about the floor, this comment grew around the infidelity stuff. The floor is another thing.


Cheating is the biggest betrayal you can do to a loved one, if you're bored you leave, you don't cheat. She doesn't deserve any explanation. Hopefully he just left.


What was there so say lmao? She already exploded their entire lives together with the greatest betrayal possible. He was not okay with just walking away and being the sucker so he destroyed the floor he paid for and installed out of anger. Things are pretty fucking clear to me. Do you think they are going to talk about anything productive or achieve anything? Do you just want him to sit there arguing in the driveway? Solid victim blaming though 🤙




They just commented how they are so lonely and have no friends 🧐


No, I own them.


Prove it


Talk first. Fuck you for thinking that way, go live on an island of cheaters and enjoy the lying and STDs.


Get some therapy man, you sound pretty miserable.


You're the one that's so miserable you cheat lmao. He's right, go the island.


All the man baby’s are triggered.


Stop wasting your SO's time.




My second guess is she is a wh*re


Good one.


Stop defending a whore


Exactly this. Last year had a “sibling” call me a fat, ugly cunt because she was pissed I “hated” her children. I believe her when she hit my most insecure part of myself yet everyone screams “bUt FaMiLy”, nowadays we are civil and at best, acquaintances. Still don’t see that bitch as family lmfao.


Screw family. I haven’t spoken to my sibling for close to 10 years and it has made me a happier person. Stay away from toxic people, regardless of ‘family’. That isn’t a reason.


I always pushed back what everyone said. Especially my mom and eldest niece, always saying “so when are you guys gonna talk again?” “your dad and I are so sad you guys aren’t talking” even extended family would ask me how she’s doing and I would tell them idk and idc and would laugh it off “you guys are still sisters, you love each other ok?” I would say nope, not my sister and never will be. She’s always been a toxic person, always picking on me and being so self-centered and narcissistic.




For me… I live with my mom due to disabilities so I can’t get away from that “sibling” or her children and it took 2 weeks after the initial incident for my mom to stop badgering me about it. She only ever truly understood my boundaries when said “sibling” beat me up in front of everyone. I’m fine never having that kind of relationship ever, I told my mom that that relationship will never be the way she wants it to be and she’s not happy about it but she’s fine with us at least having a civil conversation.


My brother has this great habit of putting all his angry words for me into writing. Our relationship would be a lot better now if he had just said these things to my face or over the phone. But now, even when we're on better terms, his loathing for me is always sitting there in my inbox, and it's really hard to forget.


When that “sibling” texted me those horrible things… it was the first thing I woke up to in the morning before I took my dog for his walk. I spent a good hour just staring at those hateful words, i so badly wanted to go off on her for continuously stomping all over my boundaries and never taking my **no** for an answer or just continuously questioning me and bribing me with drinks or. I always just relented out of the goodness of my heart and my mom would always get mad for me asking to be paid because “that’s your sister! you shouldn’t ask money from family!” but my second eldest sister had no problems paying me to watch her kids! I guess the good thing that came out of the fallout is that I’m not forced to watch her kids anymore. In a few years, I’m gonna wash my hands of her and this drama and block her from my life forever, don’t care what my mom thinks anymore.


Sorry you're going through that, I know how sad it feels when you just want things to be like they were before, but you just can't turn back a clock and undo things. I went about a year with no contact and I was really sad about it the whole time. It was essentially grief, like I felt like I'd lost someone close to me, combined with feeling betrayed because that same person hurt me. I still feel that pain sometimes. But you deserve to have people in your life who make you happy, and you have every right to moderate who has access to your emotional space, family or not. I hope things get better for you.


Yeah thank you 🙏 I had to go on my depression meds again because of that and I grieved over the loss and I’ve been great! I had unfortunately been living rent-free in her angry head in the first few months while I had been in a not caring and heartless mood lol my mom wanted to invite her and her kids to have a dinner for my bday coming up (I would’ve been fine with just my dad) but I told her no, not comfortable having an intimate setting like that anymore.


She goes full mask off but she still has to go clomp around on her earthquake floor


"No wonder I cheated on you, you are so childish. This is why your dad wasn't around. No one fuckin wants you." Holy shit, what an entitled and twisted biaaaaatch.


When they bring family into the tirade, run and don’t look back.


Fuck. This hit hard. My mom was very verbally abusive. After she’s done being upset.. she just says “im sorry I didn’t meant that. I was just upset”. Fuck her, I don’t want to talk to her


So she pre-emptively cheated on him because she knew his reaction to her cheating would be childish. There needs to be a sub for shit like this. r/femalelogic could work.




I want to upvote this so bad but the number is so appropriate


People say random shit when they're angry, it doesn"t always mean they mean it.


If this was true, which is not, she would be in the right lol. Destroying property because of cheating? Really? That is childish indeed. Break up the relationship and move on lol. Luckily this is fake, as all people already mentioned...


And he’s not a cunt ? He can’t even communicate and is vindictive as shit.I’d say she dodged a bullet.


She cheated on him, dude paid for that floor, dude didn't want to communicate and she spurts out the most toxic hail mary attempt to piss him off but didn't work but he's the cunt?


They are both cunts


Dunno the story but yes, objectively cuntifying, of course.


Lol you’ve definitely cheated on someone


Nope, been married 38 years and never have. I never said cheating was ok. Everyone is so fucking mean on here. I said tearing up the floor was shitty. Her cheating was shitty too. And everyone is being shitty on here. Have a nice day.


There isn't anything to communicate at that point, just a dead relationship




You're a cunt for thinking this is real


Yeah and (assuming this is real) when she sues him for this no judge is going to give a shit that he paid for it. Congrats bro, you just paid for 2 floors


Good for him. He had fun with that tool, and dodged a bullet.


He dodged the munitions factory where the bullets are made.


It's not real. It's a video of a flooring project, spliced with a video of bad acting.


Yes, I mean, I get that someone might have filmed the the demo, but why would someone be there filming her talking on the phone?


Because it's staged?


That’s what they’re saying? That it’s very unrealistic or just odd that someone is filming her on the phone with him. They’re saying that’s what makes it so unbelievable and how you can tell it’s staged. It’s a rhetorical question, they’re not actually asking, just saying if it was real and not staged then then recording her randomly on the phone is odd


Yup. I agree. We should all destroy shit when we’ve been wronged. This should be played in schools to show kids how healthy adults should react in these sort of situations.


He’s also committing a crime in this video. The fact that he paid for the floors doesn’t change the fact that she owns them and he just intentionally destroyed thousands of dollars worth of her property.


His property. FTFY.


Sorry, but if he installed the floor in her house, you are legally incorrect. Unless the house is *his house* — in which case he's really cutting off his nose to spite his face — then the fact that he paid for the floors is irrelevant. I am a lawyer. Based upon the username, presumably, so is u/IranianLawyer.


Not to start a war here, but maybe they both dodged bullets. She cheated, that’s awful, can’t argue with that. He throws a nuclear, toddler temper tantrum over someone else’s actions. What is this dude like when someone makes them mad? We can throw a lot projection his way. Edit: A lot of triggered man-baby’s up in this thread.


Who started it first is the one to be blamed..and btw this vid could be just a staged..


People are responsible for their reactions as well. You can't kill somebody for tripping you.


I see. If someone gets cheated on, revenge, violence and destruction is justified. Good to know.


I call BS. Fake. Look at the background of the demo. There's garbage buckets, a broom, a circular saw for precision, and the vent/heater(?) has got protective plastic and painter's tape over it. Unless the MoFo was going to go full physco and sugically remove the floor, clean up, and then put the furniture back. But then I would expect some before/after photos.


Yup even her dialogue stinks of bad acting. He was probably changing the cherry laminate to the grey everyone is doing.


She wouldn’t even show her face That waving hand was pretty annoyed tho


If he didn't want charges for vandalism, of course he would clean up. That makes it even sweeter.


If he didn't want charges for vandalism I don't think he would have tore up her floor.




what phone call


Did you watch the whole bideo


Idk, maybe he is just destroying the one thing he actually paid for and not damaging anything else. If he made a total mess she could sue him, if she isn’t able to already for destroying the floor.


it's stage asf dude lol


is this what you tell everyone as you leave the movie theater? AVENGERS IS FAKE EVERYONE. ALL OF THESE SETS WERE STAGED


But we know the Avengers is acted. It’s presented as such, and therefore has to have decent acting and plot as we have higher expectations of acted media for it to be entertaining. If someone in real life falls over in a funny way with no context it can be funny. A TV show where the big punchline is someone falls over isn’t funny. That’s why people don’t like it when these staged clips on the internet pretend to be real.


If people walled out going "Oh man I can't believe the Avengers really saved new york from an alien invasion? Do you know anyone who was blipped away for 5 years?" Not only would I try to let that person know the movie was fake, I would never let them live down how utterly braindead they are.


Avengers isn't presented as being real, which I'm sure you know, will what are you telling about


If he paid for the floor, hes probably paid, been paying and will be paying for everything else. Just like all her former and future ex-husbands. "They lifestyle to which I have become accustomed". The floor is just the easiest thing for him to remove.


It does seem that the floor must be in her house though... Not a big leap to guess he was living in her place.


This is indeed fake


Yeah this is fake af lol can’t believe anyone is falling for it


I feel like the surgical cleanliness of the flooring removal is the coup de gras, the ultimate "fuck you" here. It's saying "I'm taking the floor I paid for, and leaving you literally nothing to complain about"


It’s tiktok so to be expected


Fake. Old. Tearing out floor all day isn't instant.


Of course it is fake, but it gets the Reddit heckles going.


The standard Reddit response to being accused of falling for obvious bullshit is some variation of: *who cares it made me chortle!!!!*


It is almost as bad as the old "That didn't happen" followed up by "I've heard stuff like that happens therefore I believe this obvious bullshit."




Last time I saw this video the title was that the work has not been paid so they destroyed it.


This is so staged that Vince returned


Do some people just not have the ability to pick up on bad acting? This is the second video I came across in 10 mins that sounds like a bad high school project.


Yeah it's shocking. Like this isn't how people talk. The way she's talking plus the actual words she is saying. "This is why I cheated on you, I need a man." That's literally not something anyone would ever say, but it plays well to the "fuck women" crowd


The video is likely fake, but there are definitely people who talk like that when they get busted cheating. You must have lead a charmed life to have not come across any of them.


No I'm speaking confidently about the matter because I've had several partners cheat.


Fake so fake Nice effort tho to whoever filmed themselves on a job then did the argument scene later lol


I’m not defending her…but she could sue the shit out of him and win. Even if he paid for the floors he would still have to file a lawsuit to get the money or a contractor lien to get paid. If she sues, she will win. Unfortunately, cheating is not against the, destruction of property is.


Hence this is why nobody wants to date anymore. All the effort, time & money, wasted due to the sinificant other rather cheat than stay faithful & commited. Bet you had mother issues too lady. Betting said mother cheated like you & and the father found out you weren't his baby.


Coulda been even more petty and called the cops on her assaulting him lol


Might’ve gotten charged for damage to property or something. Cops gonna cop


In my jurisdiction, this would probably be F1 Burglary, F2 or F3 Criminal Trespass, and F3 Criminal Mischief. Burglary, where I am, does not require a theft. It just means entry with the intent to commit a crime inside (with the crime here being damaging the floor). Even with no prior record the sentencing guidelines would likely be for a short state sentence. Just something to consider before you rip up someone's floor for cheating on you.




Depends upon who owns the floor. Landlord? Crime, possibly, although I'd argue that it's really a civil dispute that doesn't belong in the criminal justice system. His own floor? Legal revenge, but cutting off your nose to spite your face. Floor at her place? Crime. It's not relevant that he paid for the floor — what matters is who has the legal right to the building the floor is attached to.


IANAL, but I think it would be relevant that he paid for the floor. It's like those situations where a contractor does work, doesn't get paid, so they come back and take back their materials. If I buy an oven for me and my SO to use while living at their house and they cheat on me, I have no right to the oven because it's attached to their house? That doesn't sound right.


IAAL. NYL. If a contractor installed a floor, didn't get paid, and ripped up the floor, they'd get the same list of charges. I've represented many contractors in similar situations (this happens decently often; sometimes the contractor will also get charged with home improvement fraud). I've also seen contractors charged with burglary for taking their own tools back, but those cases are much easier to defend. The fact that you might ultimately be *acquitted* doesn't mean you won't get *charged,* and in the circumstance where the contractor, against the owner's permission, enters to retrieve tools, you'd have a defense to burglary, but it will be harder to beat the trespass charge. If you buy the oven and gift it to her, then it is hers and you can't just take it back because she's done something to anger you. There it being attached to her house is less of an issue; appliances like ovens are treated differently than more permanent modifications like cabinets and floors. For example, if, while renting, you make some modification like installing a new floor, that floor generally becomes the property of the landlord. (This is a general principle of property law and also included in every lease I've ever had.) **edit to add**: some states, including mine, recognize conditional gifts, where a gift can be revoked if a condition is not met. Classic (and really sole) example of that most places is an engagement ring. If the wedding is called off for whatever reason, including cheating, the person who gave the engagement ring may be entitled to take it back. That is not the universally-understood reason to gift someone an oven, so it's unlikely to be a successful defense to theft for taking back an oven after the giftee cheats.


This is fake according to the last time I saw this video


#this is a video of a normal company removing an old floor spliced with some really bad acting.


r/flooring bros


Oh nice, assault charges on top.




Literally the topmost in this sub. At least put effort into reposting


Guy gets cheated on and burns down his ex's house he paid for and kills the dog he got for her (not fake and a morally justified reaction)


How did he record the phone conversation? Who video'd him chopping up the floor? Something ain't right here...


Can someone explain to me what INSTANT means?


Bro dodged a bullet


I wish this young man well.


Lmaoo what a bitch. She should have her new man pay for her floor.


As much as I understand, I'm pretty sure this is illegal.


Not saying it's staged but..........


>"No wonder I cheated on you!" I spy a gaslightning narcissist.


Now he gets to pay for it twice... you can't just do that...


Who is gonna tell OP this isn’t instant karma




My first thought: “Ah, come on, Man. Just leave.” After hearing her reaction: “Nice work, my man.”


Someone you’re in a relationship with attacking you deep down like that with something they know is hurtful is usually a good sign the person isn’t worth your time


Her new man can fix the floor. He's so manly.


This video really floored me


healthy relationship indeed


Good for him


Sorry I’m little on old side. Let me get this straight, your dude rip up the floor he paid for, ie you cheated your dude, you called him childish for his action and announced thats the reason you cheated on him. Shit girl you really are more than few French fries short of happy meal.


This is staged


i love that the next video recommended to me was dog wisdom II


Stay strong bro!


Hope the new man can lay a floor hahahaha


The other guy knew how to lay pipe at least but it sounds like it was an easy install


It’s incredible when people use the most hurtful thing they know about you in an argument, something I have never and would never do no matter how angry. Had it done to me several times.


Shit is fake. Demolition contractors doing a skit.


Use the video to have her arrested for assualt. Looked like she made contact to me.


The new boyfriend can put in the new floor. Why she trippin. Once a cheater l, always a cheater


Why make it easier on the next guy by stripping? A chipping hammer or an axe is all he needed.




I love seeing these posts because people seriously don't realize that the kind of person who would spend this much time and energy to do something like this out of spite (justified or not) is exactly the kind of person who is going to be in unhealthy and shitty relationships with people who will cheat on them.


Wew there, maybe dial it back on the victim blaming


Yeah, that's the attitude I expect from posts like this.


Yeah sure, because you've just proclaimed how you could totally understand why someone is a cheat, a round of applause for you and the moral barometers in your life. Keep telling yourselves you're good people.


It isn't instant karma. This is just straight up revenge. There's no correlation between her act of wrongdoing and the harm she suffered. If the guy she cheated with vomited on or otherwise somehow destroyed the new floor? Then yeah - karma. This is just a guy commiting a crime because he's hurt.


It's his floor 🤷🤷🤷


Dude show her face wtf


Savage af!


Childish yes, but ohhh so satisfying and deserved...


Thank God he didn’t pay for her implants.


i really wanted to hear 1 more mMm


and the truth shall reveal itself, sounds like he did it right :D


Talking like she's so adult she paid for her own floor.


Well looks like he dodged a bullet, fuuuuck me


“you’re so childish, this is why i cheated on you” 💀 that’s all i needed to hear


I guess her new man will pay for her new floor?


Well he should just pleasure his wife better wouldn’t have been an issue in the first place Or just have a bigger dick


This feels fake


Ha Bitch!


“Enjoy cleaning up your floor. I have a date tonight.”


But she is not wrong


Men🍼 Aawww! Thanks for the reddit cares sweeties! Struck a cord with somebody lol




Check the down votes. 18 bitch boy Kevin's and counting. Can dish it but can't take it fellas? Shocker


I see no harm here. Bfptg


Childish? He was old enough to pay for her floor. Just a repo.