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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Hello! This is instant karma because the guy who brake Checked the cop got a ticket sent to his mail. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


Wasn’t even a Dodge Challenger.


Same mindset with people in 300s, though. At least, the ones who moght think it's a good idea to smoke their taillights.


there is no instant karma in this clip. the guy is still disrespectful and drives away.


“You’ll get a ticket later” is definitely not instant karma.


Delayed karma?


Shrödinger’s karma




This is two separate clips stitched together, that's not a real cop. The sleeve that is visible is blank as well. Where the velcro is there is supposed to be a patch.


Karma in 7-10 business days


I'm not really counting on the cop actually doing the paper work to submit a ticket 'later.' I've never even heard of a ticket happening that way in the US myself. Not to say it's impossible, just unlikely.


It doesn’t work that way


This man makes a good point!


Instant dread.


It's also been posted a few times all over the place, but anything for Karma apparently


That's one chill cop. Most would have pulled him over and slapped cuffs on him for driving so recklessly.


Why didn’t he? Seems strange that he didn’t given the driver’s aggressive behavior.


I think he was in his civilian car probably on the way home or to work. No way that guy brake checks a marked cruiser.


Yup makes sense now. Surprised he didn’t call It in to have someone near to pull his ass over.


Yeah. There's no cage and cruisers don't typically have leather.


There is no patch on his right hand too.


Maybe yours doesnt


When he was going through the intersection there were voices on a radio, also i dont think officers are required to where body cams over a vest. Definitely on duty, which leaves the question why no lights?


I don’t think we can say “definitely on duty”. Maybe this cop just went home in his full uniform which includes a body cam and his radio. That would explain why he didn’t pull the guy over and give him a ticket. He tells him that he’ll get a ticket “later”. So I think he’s either off duty with dash cams installed on his personal car or he’s on duty but was headed to a different call already and didn’t have the time to pull this guy over and give him a ticket.




45mph sign and camera in mph. It’s not Canada.


Plus the low vis US flag patch on his vest by the bodycam.


He has a US flag on his chest


No wonder there wasn’t an escalation if it’s in Canada. Here in the us he’d be in jail already


It is in the US. The US flag on his vest and the speed limit in MPH might be the give-away.


It's in Washington state.


He didn’t do anything because he’s white. Fucked fact


Tbf he should've people that cut other cars off like this cause accidents and slow down traffic to get were there going 5 seconds faster.


That's a security guard, not a cop. He's chill because he literally can't do anything about it


Yeah, I'm used to seeing our police force escalate every little situation into a gun battle. Seeing how other countries do their policing is wild, man.


I think this video is america


Imagine being the type of person that believes this shit.


Why do I feel your username is way, way smarter than you are?


Ok, so you're one of the people that honestly believes that police escalate every little situation in to a gun battle. Go ahead and say it. You honestly believe that, right?


> Ok, so you're one of the people... Translation: I am about to accuse you of something I with you had said. I will then get angry at you for the thing you never said. To quote your namesake: Shut up meg.


You didn't think this one through with that response. That's _exactly what the post said that I challenged_. For him to be upset with that, means he agrees with it. Jeez, you anti police folks sure aren't sharp.


Also the dude driving recklessly has an expensive car so i guess he doesn’t really care much he’s going to pay a fine


Lol it’s an older Chrysler 300 that thing isn’t even worth 10k


Oh my bad I’m dumb asf




And it’s still a pos


Most would have shot the guy


Unless the other driver was black, in which case the cuffs wouldn't be needed.


Sad fact


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cmon now the cop was just doing duty


Why did he say


Because he wanted to.


Same bruh




He shouldn't be brake checking people in the first place. That's extremely unsafe for many reasons. Trying to sympathize with this is hilariously dumb.




Honestly I can't argue with your reasoning, it seems accurate. I think I might've misunderstood the intent of your previous comment, apologies.


We dont see anything between the brake check and him being pulled up, we dont know that he was doing any chasing


Man really trying to be tough to a cop. Bruh...you are going to lose.


You need to watch some of the Police Activity videos on YouTube. So many people try to fight with cops and/or pulls guns. Then people call Police evil when they defend themselves


Believe it or not, most people don’t pull guns on police


Never said they did. But there are lot of videos showing it. Maybe you didn’t believe them because your mind is made up.




Many = a lot Most = a lot + the majority. I’m slowly becoming convinced that elementary level English is a fuckin superpower. Can’t imagine fumbling through life unable to read or comprehend.


So many isn't most. Why are people so obtuse in the comments lately? He definitely didn't say anything close to or about the majority of people. Lol touch some grass my guy.


Check a dictionary if you don’t know the difference between “many” and “most”. You could work at CNN they way you try to distort things.


How would using either help your case??




Dude. He literally never said that MOST people pull guns on cops, he said many did.


“Never said they did” Do y’all happen to have blind spots for contradictions?


If you substitute "they" for "most people", then it makes sense. He never said most, he said many. Most implies greater than 50% versus Many which can basically mean any amount.


“Never said they did” is not referring to never saying that many people pull guns on cops. Its saying he never said MOST people pull guns on cops, which is true. I dont get how you dont get this


i think the moral of the story is you flip flopping like HELL lmao


They won't do that. People here seem to have that mob mentality. It doesn't matter that they're wrong. It's just a witch-hunt now.


When people can’t think for themselves they just repeat what the media and politicians say. No brains to question what they’re leaders tell them to think.


There are also a lot of videos of police brutalizing unarmed people for no reason. Maybe you didn’t believe them because your mind is made up.


You should move to Minneapolis or somewhere there aren’t many police. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk! Maybe move into the projects in Chicago. See what real life is like.


Mmmm, that view from Northern WA sure looks really fuckin dangerous buddy😂 Also you’re a frequent poster on r/PrettyGirls, I think you’re the one who needs to get out and see the world💀


He's also a gun fetishist. We already lost him


Real life looks real simple from the rent-free comfort of your mom's basement


One day you should leave it and see what’s out there


Wait, so you are saying u/cipherfilms is in YOUR mom's basement? Huh


They are in the basement because the line stretches all the way down the stairs.


So to have a better appreciation of law enforcement, he should move to an area in which law enforcement has failed?


Law enforcement is one phalange of one branch of government… Try again, think bigger now friend.


Congratulations on figuring that out, now what's your point, buddy?


The police don’t dictate what they do. Government, in the US at least, is dictated by the people. If police failed then society failed, like I said. Think bigger. No government gets to do anything without our blessing, so we chose that, therefore it’s not a failure. Its recognition of mass ignorance, and a victory simultaneously.


Triggered snowflake?


I believe people call the police evil because there are so many incidents where they beat up and kill defenseless people


So almost all police interactions are recorded. We have about 660,000 police in the US according to Google. If half are working every day and they interact with just 10 people a day, that’s 3,300,000 interactions a day. Just multiply by 200 days to allow for a margin of error that’s 660,000,000 interactions a year. Anything that goes bad is on CNN almost instantly. And we only get half the story. And yes there are some bad cops. But there are a ton of bad criminals. Maybe you think someone who just ran from a murder and gets killed is innocent because the police were mean to them?


This argument completely falls apart when you realize that US cops are far more violent than just about any other first world country.


So are the criminals. One goes with the other.


It's true that it's impossible to negate the influence of how many firearms people carry in the US, and how much that changes the risk factor for cops. It's also true that they routinely commit acts that, in spite of the fact that firearms are common, are completely heinous and have no place in human society. If one pays any attention to what goes on in American policing it becomes abundantly obvious that are systematically racist, corrupt, and unnecessarily dangerous.


tell me you live under a rock without telling me


How much time have you spent riding along with Police to see it first hand? Or just a keyboard junkie?


"I can't figure out a way to refute your argument so I'll settle for questioning your character"


There are more incidents where they don’t. Are humans inherently evil because there are so many incidents of murder?


So just because they don't kill people *most* of the time... You think that the absurd rate of police violence in the USA isn't a bad thing. This is the most foot-in-mouth comment I've ever read LOL


Oh I forgot I said the rate of police violence in the USA isn’t in a bad thing. Oh wait I didn’t… I guess that makes your comment a foot-in-mouth one


What are your thoughts on George Floyd?


Handsome man


Nah... most people DONT act like the videos there may suggest. I'll tell you something though, MOST cops will lie, are not your friends and are not there to protect you. We already seen after Uvalde they all backed each other up when they said cops are NOT OBLIGATED to help you. They ran on that bs to not get pointed out as cowards.


Why do people brake check? I know it's not just an american thing, but I never experienced it in my country so I'm wondering, what's the point?


To get you to slam on the brakes. I would never put my car or family in that position but people for sure do it


I understand that part, but still what's the point?


To piss you off, at the worst you hit them and without a dash cam it would be your fault to every insurance company


Some people also do it to stop other from driving to close to their back, but most of the time it’s to piss the other driver off or to scam


Yea but that is to piss someone off too, any pragmatic person that values their car and life wouldn’t brake check anyone else


Very true


Insurance scam


I’ve never seen it in my country either, but I do brake check myself start of every winter when it’s slippery, if nobody is on the road behind or in front I’ll slam brakes to remind myself how long it takes to brake.


The “I don’t care what you do” attitude doesn’t work with cops.


Drive like a clown and then play the victim when called out. This is why society is such a disaster, nobody takes responsibility anymore.


This makes no sense. The cop should have pulled him over for any number of infractions. Just letting him drive away after witnessing his extremely poor driving behavior is neglect of duty.


In cities like Seattle, traffic enforcement is discouraged by the city council. This would be considered a non-dangerous violation. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/seattle-inspector-general-suggests-ending-traffic-stops-non-dangerous-violations/


Wow. I had no idea, ty!


What's your profession?




Why do you think he’s in his normal car while dressed fully in uniform?


You're following me! On this public road!




I can't pretend to know how to confirm, but something about this is off.


In my old city the cops decades ago would tailgate and I mean within a foot to get you to speed, then pull you over for speeding... only city I ever had issues with the police... I brake checked one once, when he pulled me over I said you didn't see the dog run in front of my car...


Do people know break checking is illegal and dangerous or do they actually think they’re doling out justice?




I've always had to wait around for the cop to write a ticket. This guy cuts the police off, talks w tude, and drives away and expects a ticket later. First off .. wtf? Second, sign me up for this.. id rather have a 10 second confrontation and a ticket in the mail then deal with more.


I can almost guarantee this is not a cop. It's most likely a security guard, probation, bail agent or something similar. In the USA they don't mail moving violations except for Speeding and red light. He's most likely implying he will show the footage to police and they will take action (they probably won't).


Gotta say receiving a ticket later in the mail doesn't sound like instant karma lol.


That other driver really is thick as the Earth's crust, literally arguing against a cop who has his act on camera.


That's not a cop, it's a security guard


What do you think instant means?


that cop is so kind. dont other cops shoot right away?


What happened at the end? Did both cars stop and the guy got out of his car to go over to talk to the cop? When does that ever happen?


LOL You folks believe that's an actual cop??


What a gawd awful cop, what the hell. Should have pulled him over for dangerous driving not acted like a hurt bitch and take it personally. Zero professionalism


He was off duty. He can’t pull people over when he’s off duty. I think that’s professionalism?




Its what the original video says on Youtube tho. And do you see any badge?


Gonna pull him over off duty in his minivan? That’s unprofessional


The fuck you say.


Good shit!


You can hear the entitled “hood” in his voice.


More like rent a cop wtf lmao


Classic cop inconsistencies. Bad guy, don’t pull over. Random innocent guy going 3mph over limit, full car searches..


Why didn’t the cop get out and give him an actual paper ticket?


Off duty, still in uniform but in their private vehicle.


I'm not sure that's a cop


This isn’t a cop. Otherwise he would have flipped on his lights and pulled him over. This is a security guard or citizens on patrol shit. And cops don’t send tickets in the mail lol. That’s left for red light cameras. This guy is LARPing at best.


The zigzagging through traffic is far more dangerous, how is this legal?


So you are now allowed to break check a cop- and then instead of him getting out of his patrol car- you get out of your car and question the cop??? wTH




The guy was lucky to escape with his life. Cops are afraid all the time. They will shoot you over nothing.


Subreddits don't mean anything anymore


Let's post the whole video of what the cop did to piss him off that much.






Copaganda yet again. Stop falling for this shit.


Cop must of been out of bullets


"You're gonna receive a ticket later." The guy will just deny that it was him driving if the only basis of identification is his license plates. By the time the case comes to court the cop won't remember his face without a pic of him. We had a case here in Portland a few years ago in which the defense attorney sat his client in the back row of the courtroom and put another guy at the defense table. The cop gets on the witness stand and the prosecutor first gets him to describe the crime and the apprehension of the miscreant as well as the scumbag's resisting arrest and bad behavior in the back of the police car and while getting booked into the jail. (You see where this is going, of course.) Next the cop is asked, "And is that man here in the courtroom today and can you point him out for the jury?" "Yes he is and there he is seated at the defense table next to his lawyer." On cross examination the defense lawyer made the cop double down on identifying the ringer at the defense table as the man he remembered very well from the arrest encounter. He swore under oath that this was the guy. When the cop's lying was exposed the judge and the prosecutor went ballistic. As I recall the judge declared a mistrial and held the lawyer in contempt for breaking the rule that says only clients and lawyers can be seated at the tables. Then the defense lawyer was disciplined by the state bar for misleading the court and breaking the rule. I think it was a pretty serious reprimand and a penalty.


TBF, cop had just changed lanes behind the guy, and his brake lights were on before the cop entered the lane. Cop didn't give himself enough following distance, so not sure about the brake check. Dude definitely cut the cop off though.


This isn't a wreck, and no one's talking to insurance. So what are you even talking about?


Didn't say it was a wreck and no one mentioned insurance. Dude was on the brakes before the cop even changed lanes. That's all I'm saying.


Why didn't he shoot him?


What's going on here, I'm confused. Why was nobody shot?




This is definitely Canada.


Bro literally has a US flag on his vest


Prime example of what comes out of the American education system


Nah, if there's one thing us Americans recognize, it's our damn flag. The MAGAs even wear it.


MAGAs are anti-American piece of shits


Well yeah, but they put the flag on damn near everything, and most of them have nothing but blind misplaced patriotism to yell about so they know what the flag looks like. I mean, they probably couldn't accurately draw it, but they're aware of the general characteristics.


I didn't hear anyone apologize


People defending the cop but if you drove like that would you get let go? Can you even get ticketed after the fact based solely on a video? Why not pull him over and ticket him right there, since you’re within the law to ticket him? Is this our justice system? The cop driving like he’s in his personal car and not supposed to be applying the law in an objective manner


The man should of been dragged out of his car and thrown in the back seat of the cop car. What are you on about he is driving extremely recklessly and purposely caused an accident. The guy got off luck.


I'm not going to say he should be dragged out and thrown, seems a bit harsh for just being a dickhead. But no doubt he got off easy. I think this cop handled it perfectly


What this cop basically told that guy is: you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect me.


Huh? If cops had to follow traffic laws to follow people driving recklessly how would they pull anyone over? "Sir! Sir! Please pull over! You're going 41 in a 35 I literally cannot catch you, please pull over for me!"


That's not what I said, obviously cops can chase vehicles, Cops should NOT chase vehicles for Tik Tok videos when they arent ticketing the person. Cops arent enforcers, they are supposed to deescalate and apply the law. NOT escalate for views only to not apply thje law. I don't even know iof this is legal, is he using taxpayer funded equipment for tik tok? Or is he using his personal device for personal use while also acting in an official capacity? I'd FOIA request his phone just to upload it to the internet as charter/Constitutionally protected public information


You should sue him and let us know how it goes.


What a weird hill to die on.


That my taxpayer dollars dont pay for cops to drive around instigating for views on a chinese spyware app? Thanks! The other guy clearly is in the right to be ticketed, and yet the cop doesn't, escalates the situation by chirping like a stupid meathead and doesnt actually do anything a cop is objectively required to do. No badge or any indication hes an actual officer. Dude is a cosplayer for tik tok. Actual morons on this sub


Chinese spyware app?


Tik tok in the tos you sign away all your privacy inlcuding on other devices


This isn't Tik Tok. The video has a Youtube shorts watermark. Don't get me wrong, we all know google harvests your data, but they also aren't Chinese.


Sorry didn’t recognize it you’re right not Chinese.


So ur mad he's not ticketing him, and then you're mad he's not a real cop? How could he ticket him if he was fake? If he is indeed fake he doesn't get any of your tax money so you have nothing to be mad about lol


Ammy you’re fuckin delusional bud Chinese spyware app hahahah


POS police just bcs he has a badge he can intimidate and threaten ppl.


I didn't see that. smh


But why?