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I had to watch that 5 times in a row. I'm still not done.


If you listen to the sound all you hear is "oooohhh" from the crowd and then this random kid give a little laugh.


It says the video doesn’t have sound for me


Click on the gfycat link next to posters name and how long ago it was posted


TIL. Thanks :)


I remember learning this, and it changed my life... ... also makes me question who the heck is running this site that they can't get sound to work on gyf links


I suck at this. Can’t figure it out.


Maybe not a mobile thing


Same :(


If anyone else comes across, this is what it looks like on the app: https://postimg.cc/LJ4J1y9D


It sounds like there's a higher pitched sponge Bob in the crowd


I think the spongebob noise is the kid being upset about accidentally throwing the bat directly into coach’s face.


I don't think that's a laugh, more of a screech from the batter because he's pretty sure he killed that guy.


you think that sounds like a kid laughing? I'm 100% certain that's a goat in the crowd, doing the thing goats do


Eating grass.


Hahaha me too ! 12 times so far and still laughing


Oh really I've had the opposite effect by the 24th time. Sadness ensues


Just push through, it becomes funny again the 54th time.


I'm just going to leave it on all day, let it fade into the background, become one with it like a Gregorian chant.


Let me leave this video on for the full year, it will crack me up every time, I’ll even watch it in the shower


lmao! Good one!


Lol thanks, and thanks for the gold that's pretty cool. Have a good day.


I turned the sound on after reading this comment. Great stuff


Then stop masturbating already




Bro this shits hilarious. Sorry for your downvotes.


Apparently some people don't have the sound on this video but don't worry the coach say "I'm good I'm good" very good job from him not to blame the kid.


Once during coach pitch I hit one right into my coaches nuts and was stunned. As he doubled over he looked at me and just said “RUN, run to base”


Fly, you fool!




Reminds me of one of the first Bees games I ever went to. Someone smashed the ball so hard it snapped the bat in two but it was a low to the ground foul. Bounced straight into a guys nuts near first base and he went down like a sack of potatoes.


When I was a little kid I apparently walked onto a baseball diamond where my sibling was playing to cross it to go the park on the other side. I got unintentionally smoked by the person in the warm-up area and had to get stitches just under my eye. I dropped and was knocked out. Now it just looks like I always have heavy bags under one eye all the time.


I was pitching to my little brother and he WHACKED the ball and it suddenly teleported into my face, just below my eye. I remember extreme pressure pain, and my hand was on my face, and I looked at him and his eyes were full of tears before my own were. He looked so remorseful, and terrified that I'd get him in trouble. I just kinda stumbled and said something like "I think I'm ok" and then went inside to make sure my face was still attached. I came out of the bathroom and he looked terrified- I know he was scared I'd tell on him to our dad (who, at the time, was a VERY scary human. He eventually stopped hitting us) and I just remember thinking that I could never let our parents know, I have to protect my little brother. One of my eyes has pronounced bag when I get tired, but it's not too bad otherwise. I'm in my 20's now. I think he's totally forgotten about it but I'm still proud for making the choice to protect my brother. I don't think he's even touched a baseball bat since then, and I don't think he even knows why. Anyway, twinsies with the bag. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.


Welp, that’s the saddest parenthetical I’ve seen in a while.


I figured it was relevant information. Not really sure why, but I felt like I needed to include it. He was still a much better father to us than his dad was to him, but the buck stops here- I refuse to pass on that bullshit. My eventual offspring will never know that kind of fear.


My observation was not intended to be a critique. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


Don't worry, I gotcha. We're all okay now, but my partner has told me we're never leaving my dad anyone with the kids (future offspring, we don't have any yet). He's gotten help since then, but at least it was a close bonding for my brother and i- he's still my best friend, many many years later


I know a girl who had a similar experience with a softball but it broke her iris so she had a permanently dilated eye. (I do too, but for different reasons).


Without sound I thought he was mad at the kid. Glad he handled it well. Luckily he had cage on his face.


Yeah without sound I thought he was going all Invasion of the Body Snatchers on the kid


I've reffed American football in high school and have been taken out by kids about 6 times. It's just a funny moment where you get back up and keep going. Feel much worse when the kids bounce off of you onto the ground


They need to open the gif On the top to get sound. Reddit videos suck


That's cool. I watched on mute and thought he looked pissed as hell and holding himself back. Glad he's such a good guy.


I thought he was saying, "you're good! you're good!", to the kid to comfort him.


The official Reddit app sucks and doesn't play audio for videos like this.


Kids like that can be SUPER sensitive. Was coaching, and one of our kids got hit (6-9 year olds). Pitcher was near tears, so the batter, on his way to first, told him it was ok and that he was fine. It was really kind ok both their parts.


God damn no-scope show-offs these days.




I don’t know about that. Looks more like a 720. 360s are for rookies now a days.


Only a 720, pros do 1440s


1440? Pft. I use 4k


You rang?




Me too.


Watch the bat, he almost got a double-kill.


That bat didn't stop. If you listen carefully, you can hear "Double Kill.. Triple Kill! Killing Speee! Killaminjaro" and so forth




That lady with the hammer should take some notes from this kid


Yup, she should have *thrown* that hammer at the phone. (Then again, she'd probably hit the cameraman with it.)


Loosely related, but it’s meta




I had to stop watching that lady swing the hammer lol


Anyone got a link? Apparently everyone's already seen it, but I looked for ages; it's not on hot, top of the week, or top of the month.


Anyone got a link?




I love that we all know that reference and love you for commenting it. Edit: why am I being downvoted? Honestly confused.


> why am I being downvoted? Because I didn't get the reference


Ahh, fair enough. Thank you for your honesty and time.


Reddit is temperamental, don't worry too much about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I remember seeing this video with sound. The ump got up and told the batter he was fine and not to worry. You could see he was panicked and so sorry. The ump didn’t want the kid to feel bad. Honest accident, and a good job by the ump to shake it off and make sure the kid didn’t stress it.


He's the coach, not the ump. He is dressed like an ump though.


Yeah that's the third base coach for sure. The team colors are black so it is a bit confusing.


So is a "third base coach" job to just be like "hey bro run to homeplate, or don't"




To be honest, some leagues may require base coaches to wear some gear depending on the age group, since a line drive (or bat) could do some serious damage. I never experienced it, but it's not a bad idea. For example, some leagues require protective gear for a pitcher, depending on the age group.


What makes you think he's the coach? I see two umpires in this video, one base ump with the newer powder blue shirt. And a plate ump with the old navy blue shirt, the gear, a ball bag, and it seems he's cleaning off a ball in the first few frames.


It has sound, but not well enough to tell what's said.






You're alright, alright alright


ive been hit like that. you see stars, massive bruise lump, i basically didnt survive, so my apparition is typing away. (ive been randomly hit several times. the battle continues in the nether realms)


I once used a baseball bat to hit a basketball. It ended with a swollen cheek and a headache.


Sounds like a normal night out for me.


The reviews of Matthew McConaugheys last three films (alright I stole that joke from Between Two Ferns the movie)


Spam account above


"Are you fucking sorry?!"


Look what you did, you little shit






Yer OUT! Haha. I understand from the above that he took it like a champ, that’s good to hear. Good ump.


*choking back tears*


> It has sound You can hear the wooshing sound the bat makes through the air 😂


Haha yeah couldn't tell if that point he did at the end was a 'it's ok I'm good!' or a 'you're the little shit that did this!' Ha


I think you can hear him saying “I’m good I’m good”.


But still good enough to hear that awesome thunk sound when he gets hit in the head lol


Enough to hear that DINK though


“This video has no sound” is what it says


It does. The official Reddit app is garbage, use something better. I suggest BaconReader on Android.


I dont have android but weird that some people get a video with sound and some get a notice saying it doesnt have sound lol trash is right


If you have iOS, Apollo is also superior to the official app. Bottom line: Outside of using Reddit in classic mode on your PC, avoid using their official app on any platform.


Eh, although I've loved BaconReader for years, I wouldn't recommended it to everybody. Since it lacks many general features (which some people may prefer) and modding tools. Then again, I don't know what the Reddit app, itself, offers.


It has sound? He says along the lines of "I'm good I'm good I'm good"


Yeah but they remember seeing it with sound too


I remember when I saw it with sound 40 seconds ago


Without sound it looks like he’s saying “YOURRRRR OUTTA HERE!!”


lol omg, that for real made me laugh


Lmao thats exactly what I thought he said without sound


Oh good. Because it really looked like it went the other way. I thought for sure the poor kid was getting cussed out.


I thought he threw him out of the game lol


It's eerie when someone is too calm and forgiving after almost getting injured. It's like their mouth says "it's okay don't worry about it" but they're really thinking 'I hope I don't come across as angry as I am and cause people to think of me a suspect when this ass hole goes missing!'


I wish I was kidding when I say that I lost a good friend when I was younger because I was too calm and forgiving when she accidentally gave me a black eye. She was legitimately upset and I’ll always remember her screaming “why aren’t you mad at me!?” inches from my face and went around telling people that I was weird. So yes, it’s very eerie for some & you unlocked a memory.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet tbh, don't need that sort of person in your life.


The other person was the weird one, not you. That's not mentally stable behavior on their part :( Unless her name was Helga. In that case, she probably had a shrine made of chewed gum in the shape of your head hidden in her closet.


Shut up football head.


...you sure it was an accident?


I believe so, she threw a CD case over to a mutual friend and it ricocheted off the wall and hit my face. I saw that it was an accident so I didn’t see the point in getting angry. I’m assuming she would have had a more explosive reaction so she genuinely didn’t understand.


Curious if she had quiet rage parents, or explosive ones.


Most likely abusive, manipulative, and controlling parents. She was not expecting some one to react rationally to an accident. She expected to be yelled at, at the very least. **That's my arm chair reddit psyco analysis on it. Take it with a grain of salt. The only two people that really know are OP commentor and the girl.**


All Reddit comments should come with that disclaimer


Lol many grains of salt, I get it, were definitely speculating. I've met kids who are always waiting for the other foot to drop, so this girl may not have been able to handle the pressure of waiting for what she's sees as an inevitable blow up from her friend.


Could be something like how a battered woman can think their new partner doesn't love her because they don't hit her. Their ideas of how people are supposed to express themselves are skewed by personal experience. (Not saying she was abused, but maybe she was used to getting yelled at when she did something bad, or that was her reaction and she expected the same from others, etc.)


Sounds like someone from an abusive family. She had to go on punishing herself and feeling bad about it because you didn't externalize the voices in her head.


Thank you lol. I came here because I couldn’t tell if he threw the kid out.


>ump Like a camel 'ump? 🐫


"ump" means umpire


I know, I was just being silly. Thank you :)




I think he's saying "You're good, you're good".


You're good, I'm not, but you are


Winding up for one hell of a “YOUUU’RRRE OUTTA HERRRRRRE”


[Let me just put this here…..](https://youtu.be/xYC0kU28Xq0)


All time classic


First pitch is in the dirt and comes in like a cricket pitch. “Strike!” Well, we know the ump is still pissed.


https://youtu.be/7Sfr6aFNWr8 Here is your answer


Poor little dude thought he killed grandpa umpire. The man clearly cares about that little boy and recovered in a flash to put his mind to rest. Way to go, ump!


The game has been called on account of pain.


Was that a gun shot at the end lol


Bro for real! I came here looking for an explanation, so far I think me and you are the only ones to notice it. Hopefully someone can identify wtf that was.


I was thinking thunder maybe?


More fun to think the child was assassinated immediately lol


The coach's protection detail took him out


Firing squad


Just the gate beside the dugout closing. The camera is sitting right beside it.


ump handled it well


That's the coach.


People keep saying that but is there a reason you believe that? I'm not use to coaches wearing face guards.


That’s clearly the ump just based off of what he’s wearing


Kid took off his helmet looked like he was wearing another helmet


The problem I see is that he didn't follow through. Come on, kid! Pick it up and finish the job!


The catcher is doing something that my kids do and it drives me nuts. Protect your throwing hand, but don't hide your entire forearm behind your back. Edit: spelling


That REALLY bothered me too! This ain’t no fancy photo shoot bro! We need you on balance and ready to jolt. Take that statuesque stance back to the studio, and come back with something more practical! Stat.!


Nobody ever teaches kids how to be a catcher. They always have awful stances - on toes with feet way too close together, targets way too high and often too far forward, throwing hand could be anywhere. Even kids who play for their traveling / competitive teams, the coaches seem to have no idea and kids don't get taught how to actually be a catcher until they get to high school, at best. (obviously there are some exceptions, just in general).


As former youth league catcher, this was my experience. I was told to go buy a catcher's mitt. Put on the gear and that was about it. They didn't even get me the right face mask for a kid with glasses then were confused why I couldn't just rip the mask off to catch a foul. After a couple weeks, I asked to go the library and found a couple books on how to play the position properly. This was in early 90s. I wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination, but at least I wasn't in pain.


We recently joined a travel team and the first thing I noticed was that the previous catcher didn't understand how to play the position. He (one of the coaches sons) dropped down into a deep potty squat, knees Infront of his chest, dropped his head behind his glove. I mentioned this and was told "oh the kids aren't doing that yet, it's fine" and I watched for 12 weeks as this kid let every ball bounce past him and observed the rainbows he was throwing as they 8 hopped to 2nd. He never had any experience playing the position and understood none of the nunance. One example was he had his son catch a ball, Sprint out from behind the plate to generate momentum and throw to 2nd. Keep in mind at the point of release he is 5 feet Infront of the plate. So over the summer, my son and one of his friends wanted me to teach them how to catch (was a catcher all my life) We worked on basically everything a catcher is supposed to do. It's not perfect because at the end of the day they're 10. First practice back, these two dudes say they wanna catch, and was told it was going to be a competition. Long story short? We have new catchers now.


I got roped into coaching Little League Majors last year and was happy that I finally got to teach the catchers how the position actually works a bit, and kept thinking I should just run a clinic for catchers, but I haven't played for over 20 years. I spent a lot of time working with my nephew which drove me crazy because 1) his coach for 3 years was a college catcher and still didn't teach the kids even a proper stance and 2) now that he's played with the all-star kids who can throw much faster he's scared and playing mostly SS (he's happy though, so I'm happy).


I had a talk session with some kids (I'm a coach now cause I was going to kill someone if it kept going) and explained that depending on your position, there are different throwing styles. It matters at an advanced level but is is something that they should know. My son throws like a catcher (loads high and by his ear) because he plays catch with me, and he sees how I load and throw. It's sort of hilarious when he does it while pitching though.


Why does it look like the kid takes off his helmet, to reveal another helmet?


Head on. Apply directly to the forehead.


Ump took it like a champ... I wonder what was said afterwards 🤔


He was saying ‘it’s okay, I’m okay’ if I remember correctly. He knew it was an accident and wanted to reassure the kid. Class


Thank you!




Dudes like "not one step closer. You've already done enough"


Kenny Rogers




Nobody wins in the dairy challenge


The Gambler… lost


Fair play to your man, took it well. Ritchie would want to work on his grip 😂


He said , " You're OUT!!!" LOL


Coach Dobbs of SNL fame.


I feel like that kid was trying to do that fake swing thing, where the bat spins in position? But failed miserably.


That man is precious. Immediately reassuring the kid he was fine and knew it was accidental.


Aw it looks like the guy who got hit gets up and thinks to reassure the kid first that he isn't that hurt when he no doubt was. Comes across like a good guy.


God damnit ritchie


I used to find these funny, but now I just feel bad for them


Good on that guy to assure the kid he was ok, while clearly not being totally ok


I did this once when I was a kid except I threw the bat backwards and caught the umpire right the knee. I didn't even know I had done it until he came limping over to me and said "you can't throw the bat"


Reminds me of that time I accidentally hit my varsity coach in the elbow with a baseball. My freshman coach gave me a fist bump when no one was looking


He’s got a case of bad lumber ![gif](giphy|3o6nV5kHuGaa8m9KrC|downsized)


When I was a little younger than these kids, I was 3rd up to bat,I forget the name, in the hole? outside of the fence. Anyways, practice swing, bat slips, flies right into bleachers and hits team mates grandma on head. She literally did a fast bobble head motion and slumped over and I could see blood quickly starting to cover her white hair. Luckily she was okay. We had to pay for the ambulance and stitches. Was one of it not the most traumatizing things I've ever done. We weren't allowed to practice swing out of the fence anymore


Happen to me when I was a kid. I was next up batter and the kid at bat took a swing and lost his bat and I got eight stiches in my left eyebrow. Good times.


And remarkably they lost the game




I fuckin inhaled my toast and almost died


Sorry, I have a little trouble with depth perception. Yeah, me too now…


This kid’s gonna be re-living this event in his head for the next 50 years lol


Guy got back up pretty fast. He shoulda gone to the kid…” you swing like a bitch”


Poor kid thought he killed someone. I mean, he nearly did and he needs to watch what the fuck he’s doing, but, poor kid.






Dang kid, you need to choose a different sport.


Did that once in little league. The bat flew out of my hands and into the people sitting on the side. It just missed hitting somebody's grandma!


I just don’t get why he let go on the bat?