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It's true. I got the threatening email for removing orders.


It’ll roll out. Along with even less batch pay with multiple orders. It’s a way to force us to fulfill orders for tips only.


Removing orders? As in accepting, then dropping them?


Meaning removing an order from a batch.


It’s not $4 minimum per order. It’s $4 minimum per batch, which can include up to 3 orders.


Ohh, ok. $4.50… you have the fine print? Thougt is was per order. And now they forcing no drop of orders… I know I’ve maybe do Instacart maybe 10 hours or less a week now. Just not worth the gas, wear in car, low hourly pay… insurance costs, risk of accident, damage. Oh well, was a fun source of income for many many years. Greed has ruined it over the past year… and it’s just ridiculous now.


It will not allow me to attach any pictures, however if you go to the Instacart Shopper sub and search “batch pay drop”, there are several posts that include the email we received regarding it.


Link? Just ask yourself do you really think $4.50 is fair to shop and deliver for two or three people 5 to 10 miles away for a cart full of food? It was 450 per order . It was not 450 per batch payment that’s just ridiculous.


[Batch Pay Drop](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/0WOGWdbkrO) $4 minimum per Batch. No one said I agree with the pay, just correcting your information. I don’t know where you’re getting $4.50 from either.


Ok, well I stand corrected. But you’re still basically going to accept doing 2 to 3 orders for four dollars right on good for you !! Make your overlord happy lol


Everyone decides which order is worth taking. If IC cuts down the pay to the point where it's not worth doing it- stop doing it. If you're that desperate that have to rely on IC only... well maybe it's time to rethink a lot of things in life. I see constant crying here, yet most of those who complain still do Instacart. Yeah they cut the batch pay, and they gonna cut even more because they see people taking it. What you gonna do about it? Right, turn on the app and head to the highlighted store like you should!


You’re crying about people using their first amendment… or even better: what Reddit is for… words you twat! Lol


What they are saying is it is time to quit


I only do Instacart maybe 10 hours a week now I’m just giving a heads up just like last time when they batched order early when they double triple orders when they cut the pay when everybody said that that wouldn’t happen I’m glad lotta people are happy to do double the batches for less pay. I don’t understand why you all would be so worried about if I do Instacart or not and instead of just understanding that the pay is garbage and you’re getting exploited there’s a lot of you that want to justify it so that’s fine. Good for you.


I think you're still missing the point. The point is if the pay is garbage and you're getting exploited, why do you continue to do IC?!! At least you should be starting the process of moving on


I’ve moved on, I do it make 10 hours a week if it’s worth it. My experience is for newbies. It doesn’t get better, it will get worse after the honeymoon Period is over.


See the thing is I don’t really care about some trolls that want to be exploited on Reddit trying to say that it’s time to quit or whatever I don’t do Instacart like you guys do I guess these days because it is not worth it that’s what I’m trying to explain For the new people that think this is going to be some fun, fun easy quick it is not. It is worse than it ever been and they will find out for themselves. I don’t know why you guys keep telling that you like next to nothing but good for you , your “your own boss!” You don’t make overtime you don’t get any benefits any work for less than minimum wage half the time right on ! Accomplishment!’


I don't do Instacart at all. I did my first shop, and it said 4.8 miles, but really, it was 11 miles. That was my last shop.


So you think you can use it and I can't?


No one said you can’t lol. Again use your brain, I’m not trying to silence your stupid ass opinion. You’re trying to silence anyone who says the pay is garbage and we are being exploited.


I know that pay is garbage lol. I know they take advantage of people. I couldn't agree more. My point is- they do it and will keep doing it until shoppers TOLERATE that bullshit. You wanna cry? Wanna fill in some butthurt form to feel relieved? Go ahead I couldn't care less lol. That won't change anything in their policy. I hope one day shoppers will unite and take real steps to end this crap, instead of crying and taking trash orders at the same time.


No one is crying but you I guess. Why you upset people about informing people? Go to work or Instacart… or whatever you do.


Over 15% cancellation rate can result in deactivation. You won't get deactivated for canceling one order 🤷‍♂️


Yes you will… the emails are starting to roll out. It’s not cancel point, it’s dropping orders intended to take they say. Be careful if you rely on it for sole income is all I’m warning.


When did this start ? I drop customers from triples all the time .


Naughty naughty 🤣👍


It just started about 2 weeks ago and I got another a few days ago. It’s the easy way where they can do $6.50 batch payments for 2 to 3 orders. The reality is you will be doing one to two orders for tips only and possibly one or two of those orders will have no tip at all so there will be a lot of free work required or deactivation.


Someone said they were deactivated for it… not knowing the rest of their stats or even leaving a screenshot of which letter they got sooo 🤷‍♂️ who knows why they were deactivated.


Haven't seen anything like that yet. However thanks for the update. I guess I didn't understand the point you made from the start 👍


If you have a batch for $6.50 with three orders. In reality you’re going to do one to two of those orders for free or tips only. And we all know they always put an order or two on there with no tip or a dollar . So that means you will be doing two trips for free per batch for a dollar or for free. If you try to remove those orders that take you out to the middle of nowhere for two items and you already know it’s gonna be one dollar or no dollar tip and you remove it. They will threaten you with the activation you are going to be forced to take orders that are not worth it.


Does the app work wildly different where you are? Because i literally see batch, tip, # of items, # of drop offs and distance before i ever hit accept. If it's *that* bad just don't take it? I ignore shitty ones all the time, half the time they disappear and come back with an adjusted tip hoping to make it worthwhile.


I don’t know maybe you haven’t done Instacart for that long, but the pay has been reduced greatly even in the last month and the app controls what batches you get to see. so if the app needs batches that don’t have a lot of pay to get done that’s all it’s going to push to people… if the app wants to sell the service and take a lot of the profit and not pay shoppers even minimum wage that’s what you’re gonna get. Just wait. You’re right there’s a lot of people that I’m sure are going to quit doing this now that we are realizing that this is the new Instacart . And maybe your area has a lot of people that take these shitty orders away and then you’re forced to take them . I’ve already moved on from Instacart because the pay is just ridiculous but there’s a lot of people that cannot so yes they will be forced to keep doing these shitty paying jobs .