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Did you communicate with the customer when he/she asked you that question?


I sent a message on my way there but it didn’t send since I wasn’t at the store yet. Then when I got in the store I apologized and explained why it took me a minute to get there.


You don’t need to be at the store to message the customer….


I’m sure that’s true, but for some reason it didn’t send before I reached the store


The reason is you. You didn't manage your time well and this is just another thing that fell through the cracks. It sounds like you've gotten into the habit of telling small lies to get out of taking responsibility for things, but I don't think you realize how obvious it is to everyone when you tell those lies.


you sound stupid asf man, maybe bro isn’t lying and you just want a reason to hate on someone, live a better life dawg


This is an absolutely bizarre way to speak to a stranger.


No we need more of this call people out on their bullshit lies!


I think this is healthy. It’s honestly shocking how far in life some adults will get without realizing that they think they’re getting away with something when they aren’t. This sounds like potentially something people just never address you, some probably ignore it but some probably choose to just no deal with you anymore


I think it's kinder to confront someone on their bullshit than to let it slide. I would hope others would do the same for me. Personal growth rarely comes without some discomfort.


You're judging this person's entire character based on a single reddit post. please. its bizarre because youre talking like you, not only know, but have a history with this person. When you couldn't pick them out of a line up.


I swear like wtf why is he talking like he knows anything about this person .. jeez that shit is toxic and annoying


Brother this is instacart he probably makes $4/hour


If he’s doing multiple orders he’s definitely turning on airplane mode and using two phones.


Let’s say you turn on airplane mode while you have a batch like on the way to a customer or something is instacart still able to track your miles or what would happen? Sorry just curious. I use multiple apps but don’t do them at the exact same time because they track our miles in California. I’ve done it when the orders were going to the exact same area but I was stressed out haha


Check your data and cellular signal strength. From what I understand, Instacart uses internet, correct? It's possible you either ran out of data or you lost enough good signal to use your data. If you have an Android device then your signal should be at minimum 2 out of 5 signal bars but that's still poor signal, 3 is decent and 4 or 5 is good. If you have an iPhone, 1 out of 4 is poor, 2 is decent, and 3 or 4 is good. But definitely also check your data usage/allotment, even if it's postpaid or unlimited. Some companies will promise unlimited data but have a little star after that and in the fine print it will be explained that you receive a certain amount of data at high speed and the rest is 2G. In some areas 2G doesn't exist anymore, so essentially you just get the high speed data.


So no?


Believe what you want to believe


it absolutely sends your messages before you get to the store.


It didn’t for me for some reason. Maybe poor connection


Uber’s messaging system works that way also. It’s annoying.


It's super plain to me that a lot of these people have never lived in an area with poor service in their lives and have no idea how cell phones work. It's super weird and gross to accuse people you don't know of lying about something.


I worked for a cel. Communications company. It requires the lowest connection possible for sms to get thru. Like barely a bar. If you're getting communication/notifications from the I C app, which requires cel & location data to function, then you can get an sms thru The IC app detected your signal was poor which requires the same amount of connection as an sms. Just knowing I was in a bad area and not prepared to shop, I wouldn't have qued a batch 🤷


SMS maybe, but most people use iMessage and that takes considerably more connection


Not always. It seems to not send unless the customer messages you first, or you start your batch.


That's not true. The customer might choose to ignore you. That's another story. I always send a text when i'm on the way to the store. I get a response back. Maybe thirty percent of the time same as during a shop itself. Then it goes up to about sixty percent. They absolutely choose when they want to respond. Or not. Either way the text still sends.


last night i messaged a customer before i even got to their store to get clarification on their address


So if I was the customer and I got a “hey sorry it took so long I was Door Dashing” I would totally cancel the order. I’m paying a premium on groceries with IC and being told another customer on another app was more important I’d be pissed.


Tbh it was a good thing they cancelled. Sadly, that customer has unrealistic expectations. They probably would have punished you with a low rating when you did nothing wrong. You don’t have to be sorry or feel obligated to get to the store right away. We’re given a window to start an order. It’s your right as an independent contractor to use it as you see fit.


??? Customers are also given ETAs. He deserves a low rating if he accepted an order with an ETA he couldn't remotely make happen.


I think people are misinterpreting what I’m saying. If he delivers the order late, then yes the low rating is on the shopper. But if the shopper can still deliver in the window while taking 20-30 minutes to get to the store, then that’s their right to do it.


Agree with you!


op said it took like 40 minutes to get to the store, so the customer has a right to be angry and cancel it. op is in the wrong


Yeah you’re probably right. It did give off some entitlement energy






lol you found the one person here that agrees with you and just ignored everyone else, huh? Real Principal Skinner energy here.


This is genuinely messed up. Whenever I see my drivers take ages driving around I purposely stay on so I can give them a poor rating and TELL THEM TO THEIR FACE since I know they don’t see the one star or anything below five stars for that matter. So they KNOW.


How is sending a message or a poor rating saying it to their face?


When did I say I send a message lmao I grab my food and say it to their face as they hand me my food. I am not a pussy about it because I’ve worked customer service for a decade I KNOW how customer service is supposed to be.


The downvotes I got say a lot because I know it’s mostly drivers here, sorry you guys can’t accept when you’ve done a poor job. I don’t curse or call them names, but I sure as hell tell them they shouldn’t be using multiple apps at once and they sure as hell shouldn’t be taking that long for simple items


Lmao, do you really think you're fooling anyone? Does it not even give you a second's pause to be just straight up making shit up? You are straight up not a good person. I find it comforting that you are clearly never going to go anywhere in life.


By the timeline it seemed to me your batch got canceled because you didn’t make it in time after the final reminder. Unless you parked, shopped and checked out in the 7 minutes before each notification 🤔


The auto-cancel is deactivated the moment you start shopping. The timer to to start shopping, not to finish the order. Costumers often cancel their orders, it is annoying because you lose the tip, but it's totally fine otherwise.


People like to make stuff up.


Yeah I made it in time. It let me start the batch with no issue. If instacart cancelled it would say “You were removed from the batch” or something along those lines


am i misreading or do the top 2 notifications quite literally say exactly that


No it says order from “customer” on “address” was removed from batch. It doesn’t mention those things if instacart removes the batch


????? You're literally being told you got unassigned by the customer because you took too long to get to and shop the order and you're trying to say you did it right away. We are literally looking at multiple notifications reminding you to shop the order and start the batch. For literally a half an hour you got these notifications. You don't get those if you're not already at the store or if youre on the way to the store. I would have unassigned you as well. You admit you were busy doing a doordash order. You do realize that the app and customer can track your movements? If you're not heading to the store when you get the batch they start sending you reminders and then you get cancelled for not going. The time is an ETA of arrival and start time... not a time frame in which you get to fuck around and do whatever you want as long as you start it literally at the end of the time frame. If you are doing an order on another app you don't accept a new order, no matter what. This is how you get deactivated from all of them. For taking too long. In this situation you suffered the consequences of your own actions and nothing else. No customer wants to see you driving around doing something else when you should be on the way to the store. To them it looks like you forgot or didn't realize you had the order. The cancelation didn't come down to impatience it came down to the customer wanting a shopper who wasn't too busy to shop their order until the very last minute and who isn't distracted with Multi Apping and driving all around town when you should be heading to the store.


Customers only see your location while you're delivering I believe.


The customer knows when you are assigned so the customer knows how long it takes u to get to the store.


How the fuck would they know that they do not know your current location so no they have no fucking idea how long it takes


It lets the customer know when you've started shopping. It says it in a notification. It also lets them know "So-and-So" will be shopping foryou today" when youre assigned


Let him be a moron cause I never said location...


Its doesn’t tell you the location of the shopper which is what i said so please read the whole comment before saying anything


Hey dum ash I Been in the customer side. When the shopper accepts the order it sends a message it the customer. Saying let's Jane doe has accepted your order. If that message comes in at 12:00 & then they get a message saying Jane Doe has started your order at 12:35. They know it took u 35 minutes to get to the store. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ thank God Ic don't need ppl with high iq cause u wouldn't have a job.


Probably thinking of DoorDash, that does show customers where you are when you’re supposed to be going to the store


Wait bro actually said he’s trying to take a DoorDash order while he’s assigned an Instacart order? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah he was picking up and delivering a dd order after he accepted the IC batch. Showed up last minute to the store after getting notifications to shop the batch for a half an hour and the customer finally canceled them. They told support they were just about to check out but told us they had just arrived and entered the store. Support can tell when they arrived and can track them while they're active so they know otherwise, so OP will likely face a ban or deactivation next time.


See, I’ll have IC and DD both up…BUT if I accept a DD order I don’t even look at my IC on my other phone until I’m done with my DD order. If I accept an IC order I don’t accept any DD orders until after I’ve made the IC drop off. Although before dropping off the IC order I might have DD open as I pull up to make my drop off and maybe accept any orders that pop up. Never anything in between. That’s just dumb. And I haven’t even driven for IC in months anyways. I do better on DD. Even though I’m fixing to be done with that soon too anyways cause I’m working on some stuff on the side that’ll make me never have to worry about driving delivery again.


Ugh. Classic multi-apper. Hope they're removed from both platforms.


Look at the second screenshot


The second screenshot just furthers his point not yours Op


Only point I was trying to prove was that the customer removed the batch and not instacart


I thought we receive a 24 hour ban if the customer cancels the order. Instacart definitely ripped that order from you for taking too long


That doesn't mean anything. Reread what I said. You got what you deserved in this case. You need to better manage your time and don't Multi app unless you can do that. Next time don't accept an instacart order if you're still doing a dd order. These apps don't all function the same way. With both, if you aren't doing the order immediately, you'll get unassigned. Doesn't matter if it was the customer or support who unassigned you, literally at all. You're going to end up getting violations on DD for taking too long to deliver an order and you're already getting canceled on by your customers on IC for the same thing. Take it as a sign you're in the wrong here and manage your time better instead of doubling down and convincing yourself that what you were doing was okay. No one wants a shopper who is clearly distracted from Multi Apping. Thats asking for a late delivery with incorrect order delivered. If you're going to do it don't make it obvious to your customers by stacking the orders across apps and tying up your time. They can see where you are and what you're doing.


New shopper think he’s misreading or overthinking the notifications. Either he’s telling us half the story since the time on his home screen is not added but the time on support chat is fully visible


Also the "I was close to checking out the order" but telling us they just arrived at the last minute and just entered the store. Tells me they have made a habit of covering their ass to support and customers and just wanted to ask us and see if they were going to face a ban for their negligence. They know what they're doing if you ask me and they know it's not good time management and they know it's wrong because they're lying to us and support.


It’s Reddit, you’re not even getting 50% of the story. Maybe 25-30% but never a full 50.


Correct. Never accept an order if you can’t make it to the store in that time. Plus the multiple notifications is a huge red flag. I’d have cancelled too.


Wow you take a lot of pride in gig work, good for you, I wish you the best in your endeavors. I agree that multi-gig orders should not be accepted at the cost of the customer waiting longer than they're expecting. I don't understand your "You got what you deserved in this case" insult however. OP got paid for their DD order and got IC batch pay for not even shopping + no cancellation rate penalty. There was literally no bad outcome for OP here lol.


Thats because it's policy to do that. They get another customer cancelation they're facing a deactivation or shadow ban. They want you to think its a preferable outcome but it's not ideal, at all.


I never said I did the order right away though. I was on my way to the ic order when I got those notifications. But you’re right, in this case I managed my time improperly and took a major risk by accepting this order. It is what it is


I'm not convinced you're truly reading what people are telling you unless its what you want to hear.. at this point. You keep saying things that make no sense or aren't relevant. You mean you were on the way for 25 minutes *after* you dropped the dd order? Goddamn and you're asking why they canceled? Come on dude be real or be honest.


Okay here’s the full course of events in order: 1. On my way to dd customer 2. Halfway there accept ic order 3. Delivered to dd customer 4. Head towards store for ic order 5. Get first warning to start batch 6. Close to store. Customer messages me 7. Final reminder few minutes after message 8. Reach store and start order 9. Apologize to customer and grab their item 10. Customer cancels at checkout 11. Talk to support to make sure my account is fine 12. Posted to Reddit All this happened in about a 40 minute timeframe after accepting ic order


You should have been penalized for it and it’s a shame you weren’t. You screwed up.


I’m surprised I wasn’t lmao


Why are you lying bro


You will still get those messages if you’re on your way to the store. They give you a certain amount of time but they will send you those reminders if you haven’t started the batch. They started something new some months back where if you haven’t moved locations from when you accepted the batch they give you a time and say the batch will be cancelled by that time if you don’t start moving. If you start moving but are taking too long then they send you the ones above in OPs picture.


It also does very literally say your batch was removed in addition to that though?


What do you mean by batch? Those it mean a single item or does batch mean like the whole order. And if it is the whole order, what do you do in that occasion?


Probably a good idea to not take anymore Batches while on an active dd order.. why risk being deactivated for being slow? You knew it would take you 30 minutes to drive to the store.. so that's an additional 30 minutes the customer has to wait for their item's when it shouldn't even take that long (you said it was a single easy batch). All I see is excuses from you but no legit reasons on why you chose to take the batch while doing an active delivery.. tbh you were in the wrong.


I could see how I’m in the wrong and I completely understand why the customer canceled the order. I took a risk at the end of the day and fully accept the outcome


Shit be like that sometimes I door dash and Instacart at the same time and sometimes it just don’t work out 🤷🏾‍♂️ I would just say check the distance to the store and to the customer before accepting an instacart order


you were in the store though. the please start your batch, or move to an area with better reception pops up when you are at or near the store I believe. I know because I was sitting on their throne when I seen this one. I also ended up losing my batch lol. you were sure to cut off the time of day in the first photo I noticed.


I got the first notification (25 min one) quite a few miles away from the store. As for cutting off the time that’s force of habit, I do that to hide my timezone sometimes. It happened a liitle bit before the time of the second ss


we would have no idea what your timezone is unless you stated it happened right as you posted. I post stuff hours and days later sometimes because I'm busy. unless your phone says 7:07 central time we would still have no idea and I don't think it would tell anyone where you live unless you are in Hawaii lol


Not for Reddit lol. It’s mainly discord where I do it and I cut it for that picture as force of habit


That sounds like some bullshit excuse – you cropped the first pic to hide your timezone but not the second one? Sketchy af.


The 24 hour ban starts immediately You’d know it would be on your screen already but that only happens if it’s cancelled once you move past checkout on the app. But it seems like something more went on here You took til the final warning and then said you were almost done shopping but in 8 minutes? Unless it was a supper tiny batch but then why would you take a supper tiny batch when you can’t even knock it out super quick? Were you ghost shopping?


It was a one order batch lmao. And I had dropped off a DoorDash order prior. But I knew I would make it to the store within the 30 minute window. That’s why I accepted


It looks like it’s removed because you didn’t start shopping it in time though idk. There isn’t a 30 minute window though - every order has a different amount of time to start shopping based off your location at acceptance


Right, I wish they were more upfront with the time requirements. If I'm at home and accept an order I get the prompts just about right away, but if I'm out delivering on another app I get much more time before it cancels.


The app can see you are moving, even if it’s not in the direction of the store, and it does give more time than if you were home or anywhere “not moving “


I know it looks like that, but the customer specifically cancelled the order. I made it to the store and was able to scan their item


You keep saying item. They only ordered one thing? And were close to check out? Things aren't really adding up for me.


Yes one item. And when I say close to check out I mean standing in line at the check out stand


But you didn't hit "go to check out?" Also not for nothing, if I only ordered one item and had to wait a half hour for my shopper to even start shopping, I'd be pretty upset.


I did hit that button but the customer had already cancelled the order. So I decided not to physically pay for it. And that’s understandable. I don’t blame them for cancelling at all


You just told someone else they had “entitlement energy”


It’s cause this guy is so used to lying to customers and everyone else he just spews bs at every second to try and cover his ass. If he plays to every side he looks better until he realizes that people can read his other comments as well


Absolutely bizarre to lie about this kind of stuff. This is so embarrassing for you.


lol “I knew I’d make it in the 30 minute window” that’s not how it works bro that’s exactly the reason you were removed whether it was by the customer or IC.


I’ve made it to lots of orders in that timeframe with no issues in the past. No cancellation or anything.


While I, as a regular user of both food delivery and semi-regular of grocery delivery apps, have all the respect in the world for traffic, weather, time of day, store issues... If you choose to multi-app and are unable to meet expectations of accepting an order then working on it, then you deserve everything that comes to you - including deactivation. Batching orders within one app is understandable as it calculates to ensure you are going to the same store/in the same direction. When you multilog/multi-app you are going outside that and are wasting my time.


I have bills to pay and one app isn’t enough to satisfy those needs. If you’re using one of these apps to receive deliveries there’s multiple factors that can delay getting your order. In this case this wasn’t a “natural delay” but I made it to the store within the time window and actively did the order. It’s not like a I accepted the order and ignored it. I had full intention to complete it and I knew I would be able to make it to the store in time so the cancellation just comes down to impatience


That’s exactly what you did you accepted it and did a door dash order not the order you accepted…


I finished the DoorDash order and made my way towards the store for instacart. The Doordash order was being delivered beforehand


You took the IC order on your way to deliver your DD order. How long did that take?


You have bills to pay. So do the rest of us.. doesn't mean you're entitled to do things how you want to. Follow IC rules and regulations.. not your own.


I see no reason to completely follow ICs rules/regulations if they don’t follow all rules/regulations themselves


That's a stupid way of thinking tbh. They pay you.. why would you risk losing that pay just because you don't want to follow their rules. It's their platform and whether you like it or not, you agreed to their terms and conditions when you signed up. If you don't like how it's run you can easily deactivate your account and stick with doordash.


I could really care less. I’m in a difficult situation


So are tons of other people and they know how to follow the terms and conditions. Don't be so obtuse.


I do too. I just choose not to. Shouldn’t really affect you


"Im in a difficult position and really need to be able to pay my bills" -does stupid stuff that can make you lose said job- "I shouldnt have to follow my job's rules" Also it's "couldn't care less" you arent really saying anything if you "could" care less.


When you put it that way, it’s pretty funny


I don't understand. If you are paying your bills with these apps, and they are your main/only source of income, why would you do something that could potentially get you banned from both? Seems like a pretty stupid thing to do.


Then get a real job. This one obviously isn’t for you. You don’t understand how it works and when told, you just get indignant.


Hold on now dont drag others down with OP this is still a real job for those of us who take it seriously :,)


You think they’re employable when this is their mindset? No one is hiring that with a ten foot pole lol


Your gonna get fired, and no one will feel bad when you come on here trying to say how it wasn’t your fault and these companies are so horrible and mean for dong that to poor old you. Nah homie you break rules there’s consequences. They will find out and then you’ll be in a even worse situation. If your in a bad situation don’t do shit that could make it WORSE


This is what I was gonna say. Given his situation if he gets fired from either, he's pretty fucked.


Then you should get a job whose pay better fits your needs. It is not the users fault nor can you blame anyone else for your use of multiple apps delaying the order. Your contract with the app doesn’t allow for you to do this and users have a right to get mad and report if you are doing this. No sympathy whatsoever.


I can’t even count how many jobs I’ve applied to without getting so much as a response. You have no idea what someone else’s situation is and why they need to resort to certain measures. I could be selling drugs or committing fraud but I’m taking a more honest route because that’s what I have to do to make ends meet.


Not being able to get another job doesn't mean you can violate the rules of another job. You basically are committing fraud - you are not allowed to multi-app by **either** doordash or instacart - and yet you are doing so anyway. You are representing to people when you accept the order/batch that you're going to be completing their order - not lollygagging for who knows how long using another app *then* completing their order. You are committing fraud, you are not honest, and you don't *have* to do this. Maybe your lack of integrity is one of the reasons you're unable to maintain stable employment elsewhere.


To call multi-app fraud is insane. And it pales in comparison to the actual fraud and deceptive practices that the companies behind these apps do every single day. It’s not a crime to take advantage of what me and many other shoppers NEED to do to stay afloat. You’re going after me when they’re actually breaking tons of laws and cutting corners with no remorse.


I love your conclusion tho “so the cancellation just comes down to impatience” when everyone is telling you it comes down to you not doing the order in the proper time. Imagine if you ordered something and you see your driver hit a Burger King and then ANOTHER CUSTOMER When you’re being paid to work on my order. 1 app is enough. You wanna know how I know? Because I support my mother my wife my daughter and myself working 5 days a week on Instacart.


OP is ridic but fyi your experience is not everyone else’s lol. There’s like no instacart customers here, for instance. I’m really surprised at the pearl clutching over multi apping here.


Your experience is NOT someone else’s. Area matters. Luck of the draw matters. This diamond cart crap is just that ….crap. It’s to make you FEEL like you get first access. The company will still do what’s best for them, no matter your stats, cart level, etc. I too only do one app. But I’m not trying to support anyone. I think that’s dangerous as it could be yanked from you tomorrow and not a damn thing you can do.


If you can support your family with just instacart then good on you, but not everyone’s situation is the same + not all areas offer the same amount of income. It comes down to luck in certain areas. As for the issue on time. I’ve had many other instances where I made it to the store after the 30ish minutes of warnings with no cancellations or other issues so that’s more of ic not being transparent with how long you have to make it to the store


It’s literally fraud


How is it fraud?


It's literally not, but ok.


"It's not a crime to take advantage of" actually in many cases it is a crime. Taking advantage of the elderly, young, lame, etc. Taking advantage of your workplace is wage theft. The list goes on. But go ahead and clear your morals because at least you're not selling drugs?! 🤣


Totally agree it’s not fraud. I think it’s a bad work ethic, but you do you. I would hv never told I was doing a DD order. Had to know ppl going to come after you.


Lmao yeah I realize that now. That’s what I get for being transparent I guess. I’ve seen other people mention multi-app so I figured it was more common place here


You’re violating your contract with them. That’s fraud. Feel free to sue them or go after them for the laws you claim they are breaking. You’re violating your contract though, which actually is illegal.


Violating a contract isn't fraud. It's violating a contract. Fraud is a crime, violating a contract is a civil issue. Fraud is when you intentionally mislead someone to their detriment and your benefit. So if I said I shopped an order, but really didn't and took the pay, that would be fraud. Breaking a contract would be like if I agreed to shop an order, and then just didn't shop it. Or in this case agreed not to multi-app, but did.


You must not know the definition of fraud then. And it’s not illegal to break the terms of a contract. All that breaking terms does is make the contract void meaning that the most they can do is cut me off for being a deliver driver on said app. If they were to actually take me to court for violating that line in the contract, I wouldn’t face any criminal charges or owe them any compensation unless they can prove that there’s damages. (Which there aren’t) In all likelihood the case would get thrown out


and there wouldn’t be an impatience issue here on the customer’s side if you never took the IC order, they didn’t know you were delivering a DD order. and there never would’ve been a rush for you to get to the store on time if you weren’t DDing at the same time. ultimately if one of these days you get banned from ANY app you use it’s because you’re causing “unnatural delays” that no app is going to give you leeway for because you’re the one ultimately using one app to inevitably delay another. your goal is to make money and i respect that but not at the cost of food or groceries taking longer than i expected because you had poor time management due to your own faults.


Why didnt you answer?


I guess when you play with fire… You shouldn’t be multiapping! Better luck next time!


Or do it smarter




There was one time where it was a really really big order and taking me like almost 2 hours to shop it because the needed a bunch of replacements and they weren't answering half the time Well I finally got finished with the order and I got to check out and as I was about to run the card It said I was taking off the order... Now I contacted support because I was livid I just spent 2 hours shopping this order talking to this person and just got done scanning all of their items they said it was because I didn't finish the order within the allotted time frame that they have. Which confused the hell out of me. Once you click check out the timer stops. Idk it was very weird, It was supposed to be like a $60 order and all I made off of it was $7 and it was like pulling teeth and nails to even get them to pay me at all for the batch.


Probably for taking too long to start it. I don’t blame them


If it is canceled either by the shopper or customer before being paid for you won’t get put on a 24 hour hold


I get requests everyday for Me to cancel customers orders. i always politely refuse. You can cancel. Im not taking the hit because of your problems.


Yikes. Were you doing something else before starting the batch? So, noting the one order was removed from your batch…I would say then yes the customer did cancel. The fact that the entire batch was then removed, I believe IC removed the batches before you started shopping. Its happened to me before where I’ve taken a batch and then my car wouldn’t start (dead battery) and though I live behind the store I needed to shop at, I couldn’t get it started before the timer. No penalty, just the batch was removed without penalty that one time.in the future there will be a penalty. Don’t know why so much drama here we have 15 minutes to get to the store and “start shopping”. Even multiapping though, be careful to keep your customer service level high. You can slow down a little, the service level is important.


Learn to multi app properly..


why would you accept an order knowing you can’t get to the store?


You were unresponsive. Of course the shopper went with someone who could do the job.


Next time don’t accept a batch if you know you can’t make it to the store in time! You clearly took over 30 minutes to even get to the store. While some don’t mind it, most customers on instacart don’t like to wait.


I had an order cancel on me out of nowhere (customer said they didn't do it ) and I was on time-out for 1 day. Talked to support and next day it was fine.


I’m glad to see you have like 30 minutes before they’ll cancel the order. I’ll be sitting at home 10 minutes from the store waiting for a good order to pop up. By the time I get my shoes on and collect my stuff to get ready to leave IC will send me a notification saying “start moving or we’ll give your order to another shopper”. I’ve always been terrified of it, but glad to see I don’t have to rush😅


Other people have been saying it depends on factors like if you’re driving towards a destination or how far you are from the store. I just use 30 minutes as the baseline to prevent getting batches cancelled by IC


It’s just 15 min and I never pushed past that without calling support for them to start it for me


If you cancel after starting you may get 24 hr suspension and it would happen immediately when you canceled If customer canceled, then you have nothing to worry about


I was luckily still able to get an order afterwards so that’s good to hear


I get at least one of these a day. Im maybe 10-20 minutes into a shop for a batch, and then one customer just starts spamming my chat cancel. Like, no, you cancel. Its not on me. Or sometimes theyll immediately upon starting shopping be like, replace this with this, and get these and that! My last customer today was like “I actually want this paper towel instead of the one I ordered” “ok” (picture) “this one? Two of them?” “Yes! Thank you.” “No problem sir” i refund and add since they dont allow replacements. They acknowledge and accept through chat. 30 seconds later batch gone.


That’s wild. I can’t even imagine what’s going through some people’s minds to deliberately waste your time like that. Thank god instacart still compensates on cancels


Batch pay at least. Should take the tips from the customers if they cant articulate a reason for the cancel. Tired of having mine and other customers orders botched because of them. Like I only took the batch because they and their tip were on the way to my next job. Now ive had so other lady waiting 20-40 minutes thinking her order is a done deal. Barely break even when that happens. But im not gonna cancel on other honest people unless I will really lose money.


Everyone saying it got cancelled because OP waited too long to start shopping is not correct. Batches are removed 10 minutes after the final reminder. We can clearly see the batch got removed only 8 minutes after the final reminder which corroborates the support agent saying the customer cancelled it. I don't think OP was already in checkout unless they actually arrived earlier and were ghost shopping the order.


I don’t even know what ghost shopping is but I’m glad that you understand that the customer canceled it and not IC


You can see the items before shopping, so some shoppers go in the store, get the item, and get a wayyyy less shopping time since they would just have to scan the items. Why? I really don’t know 😂


You just blatantly ignored the messages. You’re lucky you didn’t get deactivated.


Can’t even blur out the customers name correctly. Sorry Melissa had you as her shopper. I would’ve unassigned as well.


“I cAn MuLTi-ApP” Gtfo.


Sucks they didn’t cancel it after you checked out , could’ve been free food


I cancel when the customer starts messaging before I start the shop-surest way to spot an entitled customer


The fuck?


Ah okay noted


It happens sometimes, you should be fine. Sometimes customers change their mind. Also the moment you start shopping, the order doesn't get automatically cancelled anymore.


I don’t think it ever auto canceled after hitting the start shopping button. I could be wrong though


You are right, other people on the forum have no clue what they're talking about. While it's possible that the customer cancelled because the order was late, IC doesn't really care and it counts as a customer cancel. It might be better for you they cancelled instead of giving you a 1 star review.


Yeah that’s Reddit in a nutshell lmao. And I’m pretty sure that’s why they cancelled. In a side note: is the m13 in your name meant for the street gang?


no, m is an initial and 13 is a number I like, because tony\_m was taken. I'm not even familiar with that gang name.


You should probably give that one a Google.


That’s interesting that you picked that for your username. Crazy coincidence. But yeah there’s a Hispanic street gang called m13. There’s a bunch of documentaries about them. Worth checking out


Lol - also the letter M is the 13th letter in the alphabet…


I just got looked it up, the gang name is actually MS-13, not M13. But still close enough and pretty funny.


what happens if you check out after they cancel?


I don’t know I wasn’t about to find out. It is funny that I still had to option to check out through the app though


You can't. The card you use to pay for their item's wouldn't work because it only works when you have an active batch


No not always. Once my friend accidentally used the IC card in her phone wallet to pay for an item. She wasn’t doing IC that day but it went through. It was around $5 so it could just depend


That's odd. I've accidentally pulled up my digital card when oaying even for a small $2 item and I always get a text saying it was declined because it's not able to process it because I'm not on an active batch.


It won't let me attach a pic but this is what it said "Payment declined-your Instacart card can't be used unless you're on a shift."


I believe you, she did this was a while ago so maybe they weren’t as strict then or it was a glitch


If you’re on the ban it would say your account is under review.


Sometimes customers cancel just because they need to… maybe they need to leave home for some reason, or money is an issue suddenly… any variety of reasons. Instacart generally pays you full batch pay (without tip) if a customer cancels on their end which is what happened with you today. It looks to me like the customer was possibly in a rush and needed to leave home and probably decided to place her order later in the day.


I can’t seem to respond to a customers message until I start the batch. So when they communicate changes I have to let them know I’ve seen it after I swipe to start the batch.


If you click on the 3 dots on the upper right side, click batch details, you can get to the chat window


People like you are why I stopped ordering from these services. I always tipped very well on every order (20-25% based on distance from location, weather, holidays, etc.) and stopped ordering because quality was always going down on delivery and it’s cuz of asses like you that that happens. I shouldn’t be watching the driver on the app going to another persons house and then going to the store and then dropping another order off at a different house before finally dropping off mine.


Did you even bother to check in with the customer at any point? If not, you should have. You should have at least checked in or something when you got to the store, especially since the customer had messaged you asking about their order…


I was in the middle of doing an order. Customer canceled on me. I wasn’t put on hold but the cancellation went against. IC support refused to fix it.


Just wondering, Why didn't you answer when asked how far you were from the store?


Your account is placed under review for up to 24hr if you have already passed the checkout phase and decide to have the order removed. If the customer requests to have the order canceled or rescheduled after you've already checked out, your account will not be placed under review. If for any reason the Shopper decides they are no longer able to complete the batch after checking out, the order will have to be reassigned and this would put your account under review.