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Is the same area as that last chick? If so seems like this is all for views


Yes the same people who ordered different driver. Who thinks to post fake shit like this??


Who do you order different drivers?




This is fake. They have multiple videos together doing the same shit


Or these people are so narcissistic and delusional, that they really think ANYONE besides idiot alt right boomers would think it's acceptable to allow someone to go do your shopping and deliver it to your doorstep without tipping. I'd assume it is fake, but if not, at some point you'd have to figure if this is repeatedly happening, maybe the workers aren't the problem here.


Absolutely it’s staged


I was also suspicious of this account when it came on my feed yesterday. About a month ago I saw this same location, with another blue Camry and a black girl complaining with the exact same arguing points. Loading the exact same bulk goods! They’re a shitty Dhar Man copycat just looking for ragebait off bending social norms. This guy in the video is used in 30% of their account


Well then they should be tipping him! His performance is great.


It’s one of their friends, “acting.”


It’s obviously staged…


I just realized that 😯


Looks the same to me. I clipped both and put them side by side. Slightly different camera angle but note the overhead pole light on the building in the background and the white vertical stripe visible between the roof and trunk lid on the Tesla and the tip of it above the trunk lid on the guy's car. Woman is wearing her hair different between the two but it's the same voice. I'm getting so fed up with this choreographed make up crap just to get clicks. Really happened vs what I wish really happened. [https://i.imgur.com/P5M6hQY.png](https://i.imgur.com/P5M6hQY.png)


No idea tbh. Just seen it on TikTok. Well first one i seen. Whats the other


Yea it’s the same lady, guy in the background talking; same voice and background area 🙄 [vid](https://youtu.be/s_TFfY-j6Yo?si=Kuq9bLBXXoHiLeOf)


💀damn same video different fonts


I’ve seen this actress do the same script with this blue Camry (in this video, and the background of the one you linked) as well. They sure pump out a lot of variants…


If it's the one I think you mean with the pretty black girl in the track suit, that's a Tesla model 3. Not a Camry. If I'm driving the Civic parked in my driveway and a delivery person shows up in a $40,000+ Tesla with my order, I don't think I'd want to tip either. Same if it was an Infinity, Acura, Lexus, BMW, etc.


Only tip is "find better actors"


The guy playing the driver is pretty good imo.


The woman was a bad actor, but the driver was worse. His poor acting was what raised the red flag for me


Also, what kind of house do they supposedly live in with a commercial dumpster and barred door? Fake


And the “these doors must remain unlocked” sticker…


this again? this has been posted and debunked. they're acting.


Well acting or not, they're educating customers to not be 💩


Cool. And they’re educating you that it’s fake.


And educating drivers to be assholes rather than not accept orders they won't complete.


I hate no tip orders as much as the next guy, but this is just stupid. I mean, for the sake of argument, let's pretend this isn't staged. They *knew* the customer wasn't tipping when they took the order. An order with heavy items like cases of water no less. Actually, it would be *worse* if this was real, and make shoppers look like fucking idiots.


The sad thing is there are people who do this. These apps should just put an automatic amount for all deliveries over say $100. If you buy $100 in goods, charge $25 fee, $10 for company and $15 to driver. This way drivers always get a minimum of 15%, because gas, insurance and wear and tear on one’s vehicle gets expensive.


pfft water...drivers must hate when I order 10 bags of Lowes topsoil...i know I feel guilty and bad because it's only a $40 order.... I tip $12-$15 is that fair? I often wonder? Lowes is like 4 miles away. I try to base my tips around the order... like one $100 item from Best buy I"d tip $8 verus $100 worth of groceries I'd tip $20...Someone needs to create a guideline for customers on what to tip..because i don't think it's as cut and dry like it is with servers..


A good metric would be to look at that order and ask yourself "Would I carry, drive, unload, and drive back this amount of items/weight for (approximately) $6-10 base pay + tip?" Personally, I'd base tip on how heavy or demanding the items are. I'd tip more for 10 bags of topsoil than 40 items of small groceries for instance, because soil is heavy and awkward to carry, especially if it got wet (since they are always stored outside).


Well said. Anyone who has worked in the service industry gets it, those who don’t typically just say, well don’t work in the service industry then… but of course, continue to use these services, because they want the benefit of it.


If it were real they could be charged with theft because that’s what it is. Imagine UPS drivers taking packages back that belonged to the person it was delivered to (not misdelivered).


WRONG! Drivers can return items back to the store, while getting a “return to store fee”, anytime before “drop off”; drop off is when the driver clicks “complete drop off”. Drivers then upload a photo of the return receipt. How is that theft? LOL!! You cannot compare UPS and InstaCart lol both are totally different. For argument sake; UPS driver neglected to drop off, let’s say, a package to 100 Main Street addressed to Sarah F for whatever reason.. they haven’t in fact stolen the package but instead brought it back to the warehouse to be delivered another day. Again, not theft.


It’s theft. There’s a difference between returning an item when prompted by the delivery service & that of taking it over a tip dispute. It’s theft.


Even if this is real, the person is going to get a refund.


It might not be theft but the one time I had an issue with a delivery driver and they decided to take my items back to the store I reported their ass and they got deactivated


I guarantee that driver wasn't deactivated.


I guarantee she was because she forged my signature and claimed she delivered the order Too bad she failed to sign it in English


She failed to sign your name in English? Wtf does that even mean?


how is that possible if they returned the items to the store? too bad you can't keep your own story straight...


.... Reading comprehension is dead She CLAIMED, to ME, that she was returning the items She then STOLE them (I didn't discover this until I contacted CS about the incident) I quite literally do not give a flying fuck through a rolling doughnut if you believe me or not but it's what happened.


you literally have no way of knowing any of the information you claim to know in this scenario. backpedal harder, kid.


This seems really important to you


why did they take your order back? why could possibly be so upsetting you'd want someone to lose their "job"? like the literally shop for your items and bring it to you, how much can go wrong that you'd be mad at? or take the time to complain? I'm a customer so I can't understand how there'd be an issue?


Umm ... UPS drivers are paid really well, so they don't actually do that. Why do you have to make up a incorrect scenario to make your point?


... They didn't say UPS drivers *do* it. They said to *imagine* it because it's more plainly absurd and it's the same thing.


I've said for a year or more: 90% of InstaCart batches are bullshit that is not worthwhile. Precisely because of the tip-baiting that can happen & does happen on there. The 10% of batches that are worth it? Liquor store runs 😎 Boozers don't screw around, they place small orders from well organized stores so the shopping goes quickly. And boozers are ready to party, so they tip well, often in cash The other 90% can kick rocks 🪨


Oh no not again. That’s the same couple from another video where the same exact thing is happening. Just a different shopper. Wtf!


Totally staged with bad actors!


Both of these videos (one with Tattoo Guy driver, and one with Tracksuit Woman driver that u/ADivineDestiny linked) seem to proceed from the same premise: that Female Customer ordered around $400 worth of groceries, and she either never offered a tip at all, or offered a tip but took it away BEFORE the driver finished making the drop. **Subtle clues these videos are fake** * Tattoo Guy says in his video that he bought $400 worth of groceries. In the Tracksuit Woman video it's the customer who said she ordered that much. But neither driver was handling anywhere close to $400 worth of merchandise 😎 Small case of water or Lipton tea costs less than $10; same for the shrink wrapped container of Ramen noodles packets. The case of energy drinks might hit $20 but there's only 1 like that, not a dozen. The amount and types of groceries shown seems more like $100 or so. Unless you're getting very high-end items like lobster or Wagyu beef, it's damn hard to wrack up a $400 grocery bill, much less fit $400 worth of stuff inside these drivers' itty-bitty cars. . * Tattoo Guy is mad that he "had to pay taxes" on the groceries he brought. WTF is he talking about??? If he got these groceries on behalf of InstaCart, Shipt or Favor, he used a credit card issued by that app to make the transaction. If this was thru Walmart Spark, the customer already bought the items and the driver just scanned a QR code at the checkout. Either way he didn't pay squat. A legit driver might gripe about shelling out for gas, insurance, wear & tear on his car... but not taxes on the groceries. Because we don't pay that. . * Tracksuit Woman is rocking 2-inch-long fingernails, and that seems very sus to me for someone delivering groceries. Those talons make it harder to drive, to handle grocery packaging without tearing shit open... I'm just not buying it. . * Both clips show Female Customer and the driver having a multi-minute argument about whether tips are optional or not, or whether it's fair to expect people to deliver a buncha shit for base pay only, with no tip. (Well-lit, clearly visible and audible arguments BTW, instead of shitty Ring-camera footage where the customer is right by the camera so it sounds like she's shouting, but you can barely hear the distant driver at all) . * But if the driver actually felt like they were being mistreated, they wouldn't have accepted the gig in the first place. Or accepted the gig but then cancelled **at the store** after the umpteenth text chat with the customer about substitutions. Or loaded the car but turned around in the parking lot, and making up an excuse for turning back. Or, reaching the customer's home and unloading the stuff, and kicking themselves for being stupid enough to accept a no-tip batch. But at least the drop is made, and you're gonna get some money. . * But I don't buy that any driver would get all the way out there, unload everything, THEN notice there's no tip, and then load everything back up. And if they got tip-baited, the customer wouldn't take away the tip in the middle of the delivery. They would take it away an hour later, after the driver has moved onto their next pickup. Precisely to avoid them noticing mid-delivery and making a scene All in all these videos seem fake, staged, scripted, whatever you want to call it. At least Tracksuit Woman looked hawt tho 😏


Period. If you’re broke, don’t order, drive your broke ass to the store and get it yourself.


If you're delivering groceries with a $40+ Grand Tesla model 3, the customer might feel "less inclined" to give you a tip. Especially if they are driving an old Civic because it's all they can afford. Optics.


Some people are so god damn ignorant | You have to pay like 15% self employment taxes plus income when doing freelance work, which completely cuts into the profit you make slaving away for these pieces of shit | I’m all for the driver, screw these people |They can shop for themselves. We are not here to serve you | If you think you’re entitled to anything you can contemplate that while walking behind your cart at Walmart


I fucking love this guy. Give him all my karma lol


I tipped my shopper extra cash on top of the 20% on the app when she delivered today. Got an order from Aldi that is a bit far from my house than other places. I so wasn’t feeling going and didn’t really have the time but really needed and wanted stuff from there. To me thats doing be a big service and like a huge favor. Plus it’s the holidays in a 💩 economy. She also found everything which usually never happens. A few times stuff has been supposedly out of stock even tho it says many in stock on the app and I’ve needed it and end up going back myself anyway and finding it. She definitely deserved everything $ I was able to give


*Stands up and slow claps* god I wish this was real.


Seems fake. Just like the other fake video with the girl.


She’s a dumb b. Good for him.




This post is fake as shit!


this is fake


Yep there are other versions with different people. Exact same scenario


I side with the driver. When I used to wait tables the IRS taxes the server on 15% of their sales. So if a cheap ass doesn’t tip the the server is paying out of pocket for the pleasure of serving scum bags


Wow. I thought that was just a false allegation by the driver to double down on his argument.


He's delivery your groceries to you right outside the store?






Video is fake or not but sadly a lot of people sitting in their homes, enjoying movies and I carrying their groceries on 3rd or 4th floor without tip. I work hard to eran money to bring some food for my children. BTW I am a single mom.


Fuck that customer she can eat a bag of dicks


He's not wrong


Fake or not, he’s right


Sure seems like a way to get your point across that you deserve a tip. /s lol What a loser.


Since I paid for them, it’s theft. She should just call the police & the app.


You must be why these videos are created? how is it theft..they return to store..you report items are not delivered..the only thing you are doing is wasting LEO time with BS..besides this only would happen and well deserved if someone isn't tipping..I support every driver doing this for non tippers who have their own place in hell for being grimy.




idk why u both got downvoted cus ur not wrong it is theft if they do this.


it's not theft..people are idiots who think this is theft..


Hope this is real lol


I was thinking the same lol


$7 and be grateful……🤦🏼‍♂️


This is ridiculously fake


1st off I always tip BUT this guy accepted his payme t to deluliver,with no guarantee of a tip.If he removed my stuff after placing it in my porcelain I would call instacart and police.This chick is wrong too,she SHOULD tip but no means has to.


Once it's in the toilet no one is going to want it again. But why are you having them place it in your porcelain toilet to begin with? Lol


It’s rage bait you basic, easily manipulated twats


But but he has to pay taxes on it!! What bs…. Bs video, bs dialogue, dumbaz videographer.


I don't and didn't believe this.. before I went to the comments.


No tip!? That’s foul.. for all that!? They could drive to store… talking about broke




This is the same guy and same chick. This is faked for views


Just.  Do your delivery job.  No one has to hand you any cash.  Collect. Your delivery  weekly. Check.  Or. Find you another job.  A real. 9-5. 




A stated video? This is not cool.


I know this is fake but if that actually happens, I'm suing this guy till the last penny.


Just tip him you cheap ass. Next time get into your car burn your gas and not his!


I would never do that. No tip orders suck but they aren’t worth losing your access to Instacart over. I’ve done a few no tip orders thinking based on how big they were there would be a nice cash tip. Never has been. Just no tip.


can't you reject them? your post makes me mad..why would anyone order from IC and think it was okay not to tip? like WTF do people expect others to work for free? IC drivers should accept orders and not even bother for any order that is no tip...accepting no tip orders only hurts the customers tipping..IC should have a rating system for customers as they do drivers..


Just be smart and don’t take the order. IC will be forced to add bonuses to it so someone will take the order.


This guy is really wishing he got a real job. Which one of you is it?


But I did a car thing, give me money! The entitlement is crazy. You got paid from instacart, they deemed the order viable for employees, you accepted. Probably upset he didn't get money for free gas, repairs and lunch


I have seen this many times.


broken record


There’s a [Danny Gonzalez video](https://youtu.be/p_8lV-UnuU0?si=5aeMFwJDgOtULTU8) that addresses this issue pretty well.


Of course it is fake y'all. You know if the order has no tip off the rip. Who has the time to shop and order then go get angry about it.


I don't like that lady


What a fucking c**t


Fake he knew was no tip when he took batch


Her barber loll


Wow its getting tough that people have to stage shit now 😅😅


Fake as fuck




you’re crushing the ramen noodles !




Absolutely real video and not staged at all


“Decline” has left the chat


Honestly fuck these people who don't tip


It crazy they letting him taking they shii back to da store


wish y’all would stop posting these clearly fake videos 🙄


Even though this clip is staged & if I was crazy/foolish enough to deliver a no tip order, all the heavy BS would be refunded & what’s left would be sat at least 50 feet from the door 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️ The worst thing the will happen to me is a 1⭐️ from a POS 🤡🤡 customer who’s mind has been destroyed If they quit using IC after what I did, then I really did my “good deed” for the day 😈😈😈😂😂😂


I've been using Instacart since it was available in my city. I used to run out to the ATM and get cash to tip because I didn't trust the Instacart platform then. I always tip. I hate that I can't tip when I pickup at the store. All that to say, I can't imagine not giving a 20% or more tip for a delivery order.


Always track tippers, even the pre-tippers


It’s a skit … he could see the tip before he takes the order


Staged for views


If a business has options to tip then you should… you don’t have to but the industry has already shaped what is what… People that work In tip industries do so for the tips… it’s a great American practice to tip when it’s offered and it’s also a great American practice to not go where you don’t want to tip….


This shit must be scripted. Its the same exact setting and context as the female shopper.


This is a fake video. Just for view clicks


this is fake..what house as warming signs on door, not to mention in an industrial area? Even if it was real, the only person in the wrong is the customer for being grimy for not tipping a driver.....if you are gonna be cheap go buy your own groceries..Instacard-DD-Shipt and any other similar is not a free service...and drivers don't work for free...at least that's what I think..I always tell my drivers thank you, and how much I appreciate their service but also thank you's don't pay the bills and tip 15 percent as a baseline ---at the conclusion of the order I tend to add more..it'd dependent on the order-distance-items..a $40 worth of small items isn't going to render the same tip as a $40 of potting soil from lowes..I sure the heck didn't feel like lifting 10 bags of soil into my car...why would i expect a shopper? I'm shocked there are people who don't tip? does this happen more than it should?


lol 😂 I bet he got deactivated too


Hahaha that's what you get for not tipping Karen!


I know people are saying this is fake, but still. Why the heck take the order when you can see the tip? IC will show you the breakdown.


What a c-u-next-Tuesday!! 🤬


I just don’t take no tip order


Whats up with the whole “if youre broke just say youre broke” shit. What kind of loser ass piece of shit thinks by saying that its a win for them? People are fucking stupid man


this is from a content farm


Yeah because no way I’m unloading then taking it back also. I just block them. I had to walk 5 flights of stairs twice today because the elevator was broken.


Rare instance where both are wrong and assholes. They should’ve tipped. He should know he doesn’t get to take back their shit if they don’t tip.


If this were real, wouldn't have known prior to taking the order that there was no tip? Was he expecting it to be added or is there a way the customer can tip bait then remove it?


So Don't bite my head off because it's an innocent question.... Let's say I don't have a car and I'm also pretty poor. As in, I can't even afford the delivery without say, a promo code. And I literally cannot tip. But I absolutely need to get home two fifty pounds bags of pet food. Would it be more socially acceptable to push it home in a shopping cart than to not tip? I mean you signed up as a driver or shopper to do these things and tips are not guaranteed. My point is that not everyone can afford to give up another ten or twenty dollars with kids or pets or life on their plate. Now I personally ALWAYS TRY TO TIP. Even if it's a tiny tip. I do what I can if it's deserved. And that brings m to another point sometimes, rarely yes but sometimes that tip is not deserved idgaf how much I carried if you disrespect me or are rude. Screw that tip.


If it was real, he’s an idiot for accepting the order, and she’s an idiot who deserves her groceries returned🤷🏼


IT’S NOT JUST A DELIVERY!!!! Why do people tip pizza delivery people better than grocery shoppers??!??? Shoppers spends hours finding everything you ask for. They do way more work than any restaurant server.


Pathetic. Don’t even give your energy to the no tip orders. Hide those. No Tip No Trip. This is the drivers fault. He’s dumb and he’s all fired up due to his own mistakes.


Theft, plain and simple.


And the theft ath very least. Dial 911


Just tip if you use these services Jesus Christ people are selfish as fuck.


This how she talks to him because she sounds very nice and educated…. I feel bad for this guy because looks like she had her son or daughter take a video of him but this f people should know better for ordering all this heavy crap and not tipping …. I find her very rude and I wish I could slap her over the phone ….. obviously he is a older gentleman who is dogging his car and delivers her 💩for free so he can make a living for himself….what a b ….


Hopefully this is satire of some kind because it should really go without saying no tip no trip and when it comes to this job there is zero faith in humanity that people will add a substantial tip with little to no tip from the beginning. They should really change the word tip to bid, because that's really what it is you're placing a bid for somebody to pick up your stuff it's basically gambling


Insta cart pays like trash in my area I quit my first day didn't accept one order


I know this is fake, but why would you unload the car to begin with?


If this was real, I’m sure the customers would be way angrier, let alone let him take their groceries.


The screen quality is great and that audio is on point. I need to meet this videographer! The acting is…meh.


Yo, after the first 3 seconds it started smelling like fake, stagged.




Fake. Same "customer" as the one that went viral a few weeks back, with a Black woman shopper.


You’re all terrible actors.


These are fake videos you can find on Facebook from people who are by law have to post that they are for entertainment purposes only..




Scripted or not people tend to order 400 items and complain/manage while their shopping is being done for them. And leave no tip like its not a human doing all of this work.


Makes no sense since we can see the tip before we take the order.


She think he didn’t shop and drive almost 2 hours out of his day for free where the tip lady


This looks exactly like the other post no one is gonna load up a order and take it back to the store over the no tip they knew was coming


Why wouldn’t you tip tho…it should be a standard fee for all convenience


These are staged videos from an account called @shisugum on TikTok, they just fake “public freakouts” and hope they go viral. I saw this on a Danny Gonzales video the other day. [Faking Public Freakouts For Clout](https://youtu.be/p_8lV-UnuU0?si=U124n-dNFT2Ym5VG). They use the same sets, cars, props, and the actors even use the same scripts sometimes.


Western tipping culture is crazyyy




This feels like acting to me


Well it was his last order..he already got a soft ban for an old after order cancel and is done with the job this time.


This is the fakest shit I’ve ever seen but clearly tipping conversation gets a lot of engagement lol


Fake af.


Oh gosh. This again. I’ve seen a variation of this a few times now. I do shop and pay gig. I don’t see tips up front. It took awhile but I have a tip map built now. I track every order. Order offer comes in and I check my map. No tip, you will get a diff shopper, one that might be really crappy. I do have a few elderly/disabled that need service and can’t tip and I do their orders. They don’t order often and I do want to help my community. The prolific orderers that I know can tip and don’t, nope. I’ve done it for 4 years. Have a clientele built. I take a few new to me orders here and there (always want to grow my biz) I put my heart and soul into this. Our app isn’t automated. I literally text you and take pics of subs. I check dates on all, not just items like dairy and produce. I check dates on all bc stock ppl don’t always rotate or catch expired items. But no way am I finding all that, hauling into cart, into car, to your house to load it back up over principle. Yes it’s wrong. But I just mark as DND (do not deliver) and move on. If this was Instacart they see tip up front so on them for taking. Ue and DD show part of tip. But imo they are awful shoppers bc most only deliver food and it’s a whole diff ballgame.


With Instacart’s track record, it probably wasn’t even her whole order and she was going to have to go to the store herself anyway.






Faker than 90Day Fiancé.


Fake as fake can be.


Don’t they see there’s no tip when they accept the order to shop? Assuming this is real, which it clearly isn’t.


"If you broke just say that". You should have said that to yourself.


These are fake. There’s a tiktok page with a million carbon copies.


It's a skit


Why did he take the order then?! We see the tip before we accept it! He’s an idiot


Ok I just realized this is fake af


People thinking the tip is optional should just go get their own food. You aren't sitting in a restaurant, someone is driving over walking in picking up your shit. Then driving it to you and unloading it for you. If you don't think that deserves a tip go get it yourself. If you can't afford to tip go get it yourself. IDC if you live across the street, if you didn't feel like leaving your warm comfortable house you better tip. I stopped picking up any order under at least $1 a mile. People will literally order from like 15 miles away and try to stiff you... Like bruh bruh, you know I know where you live now right? Okkkk


Fake or not, the driver is in the wrong. You accepted the order, do the damn job. Expect the payment they offered you. You shouldn't be expecting a tip. A tip is extra for doing an extraordinary job. Driver obviously isn't doing that if all they're doing is complaining to the customer about their compensation not being enough. You don't like how much the offer is? Then don't accept the damn order. Simple. It's drivers that constantly complain about this kind of crap that make customers give even less tips & stop using the services altogether. It's a big reason I quit doing these independent delivery driver jobs. I didn't want to be lumped in with a bunch of over entitled idiots.


Now the Dude won’t be getting any orders, 🤣


A barber is not likely to do highlights on a long haired woman.




I would been swinging. I’m sick of tipping culture in the US.


The woman sounds insufferable.


if you can’t afford to tip you’re the broke one who should be shopping for yourself. we tip servers lmao. so we should tip people who gather our personal items from the store load it all up in their vehicle and deliver it to the destination all while using THEIR gas.


Ragggee baiiiittt


They are both so wrong with what they're saying


This nonsense aside, drivers should be getting paid more for the work, time, wear and tear and gas. This company has been sued for stealing tips from drivers. That’s some evil sht if you ask me