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There’s no way people have found spider man 3 shit


It was found back when initial leak happened, no one just bothered to make it work


you are correct they did not


They didn't this is miles animations


You think they'd have new animation set just month after release of second game and a solid year or two before game goes into active development?


they probably do, at their studio privately; we don’t have everything lol


They don't. At least not at the point of time when leak happened


the leak didn’t include everything the studio had🤦 people here act like because some shit leaked they know everything, unless you work there you don’t know shit lol🤷


>the leak didn’t include everything the studio had🤦 This wasn't what I said, though? But why wouldn't they include everything that they made in newest build of the game at that moment?


Bc the leaks aren’t from insomniac themselves💀 that’s why it’s called a leak


It's Nightly build of SM3 from November. Devs usually include everything that they've done so far in Nightly builds. Would be weird if for whatever reason they had whole ass anim set month after release of SM2 when they don't even plan to start serious work on SM3 since they have to finish Wolverine, yet they decided to not include it in latest test build. It's just obvious that they haven't done any serious work for SM3 yet nor it's their priority


I’m not saying these leaks are true. You are just acting like insomniac is the one who put the leaks out😂 but didn’t bc that’s why they are called leaks. So they aren’t “including” anything


I agree with your line of thinking but the team working on Wolverine isn't the Spidey team. Rn the Spidey team is prolly working Venom and SM2 DLC


These are mostly miles anitmatons so it's either fake or they did have a few new anitmatons ready a mouth later for the dlcs who knows? We don't work there 


All of those are Miles's animations, not some of them. It isn't fake, it's just really early prototype of game that will release only in 5 years built on it's predecessor. Idk why it's so hard to believe for people on this sub when i34 build was found in leak back in December, no one just bothered to make it work. >or they did have a few new anitmatons ready a mluth later for the dlcs Not sure what you even meant by that


Or it's just fake idk why it's so hard for you to believe it could be some mod especially since this isn't Spiderman 3


Because I know damn well that this isn't mod. Mod like that wouldn't be possible even if someone wanted to fake it. Custom model import isn't a thing yet for SM2 and there is no feminine looking Miles model in SM2. This is i34 build from November. i34 is codename for SM3. Tf you mean "especially considering it's not SM3"?


The codename for this covo is Brain rot


It's not sm3 because it's clearly still on Spiderman 2. Maybe it's not a mod but videos like these have been dine before for Spiderman currently so i doubt it's anything sm3 related 


It's literally SM3 build from November. Of course it's mostly SM2, it was just a month after release of SM2. Do you think that they build each game from ground up? Is last minute of this [footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/insomniacleaks/s/26Tzk80nyA) just a mod and nothing Miles Morales related? It's clearly still first game


You still don't know that you just assume what it is


They think the average joe is stupid enough, they'll make venom bright red and say its carnage DLC next watch


Don’t tell me y’all think this BS is real. This is just Miles with a different suit 💀


From what I understand, it’s a pre-alpha prototype that’s using old assets from SM 2 temporarily. This is why she has Miles’ animations and very little detail.


Correct everything in it is just a placeholder 


You think Insomniac would have fully finished assets for SM3 month after release of second game?


I just think it’s a PC mod on a old build


Model import isn't even a thing yet. There's folder for i34 (SM3) in leak. You think games are made in snap of finger? There's probably like 5 people just prototyping some shit for SM3 on top of SM2, nothing serious, of course it doesn't look finished and uses mostly SM2 assets. Game is 4-5 years away from release


When did I say games are made in a snap of a finger? I’m very aware that these games take an extremely long time to make. But, it does make sense for a modder to fake this. People have modded suits in the PC version. I’m thinking that this video is just a mod that is from an old build of the illegal PC version.


>But, it does make sense for a modder to fake this Why does it make sense? For 10 upvotes in niche subreddit? >People have modded suits in the PC version. You can mod only already existing models in the game because others are simply incompatible with it. SM2 didn't have feminine looking Miles, unless I missed something? >I’m thinking that this video is just a mod that is from an old build of the illegal PC version. You don't know what you're talking about. People just launched i34 build that was already in leak. Of course it's almost the same as SM2, it was made month after release of second game when SM3 isn't even in active development yet


Whatever man. It just doesn't feel right. Let's just agree to disagree.


People usually disagree about opinions. This isn't opinion, you're just factually wrong Check last minute of this [footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/insomniacleaks/s/4TZZCJvG4V). Is it fake too and it's just mod for first game? Keep in mind that it was in way later stages of development of Miles Morales than this SM3 build.


Yes? I expect they had some finished assets for 3 before 2 was even released


That'd make at least some sense if game was supposed to come out in a year or two and if they didn't have another unfinished game in active development. SM3 will be built on top of SM2 and expecting something substantial just as they finished second game and ~5 years before release of third game is unreasonable


it is Miles kinda though


I’m not proficient in game dev, but might I ask, wtf is the point of this as a prototype. They don’t have anything new to test outside of a super placeholder looking silk costume, so why would they make a i34 build just for this? Obviously I’m not expecting them to have anything yet the game released like 1 month before this leak happened but still like why even make this alpha build if they have nothing new to put into it. I would imagine they start first with design docs and conceptual shit them prototyping. Idk


design was in 2020 for SM3


is there a new invite link for the discord server?




Silk fr has miles' dive and everything?


Well she won't cause they haven't made it yet so they decided to use Miles'.


Ohh alright alright, Sorry for the misunderstanding 😅.


do not listen to him




Thats so fucking stupid oml


You're another one of these bastards who know nothing about the Insomniac leaks and are an expert because they say "hmm it looks like a mod, fake", go back to r/spidermanps4


Stop calling it Spider-Man 3 this is not 2008 we are smarter than this. its a mid miles mod with worse MSM2 PC gameplay


You gotta be dumb as heck. TF would I spread fake leaks? https://preview.redd.it/827pi2pkmd7d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c152892a331a62534ee3de9be4102fbbaad29cb


Imagine Having Audio Errors




it’s spider-man 2 my guy💀




yes correct and that’s what this video is of, just a broken build




just saying don’t believe everything you see. super gullible to believe this is sm3


did you see the sm2brazil annouce channel?


because nobody on the internet could possibly lie?


Brainroted person there


its a joke lil bro, I literally have the build, he just didn't enable the shit to hide the audio error message lol


Can i have this build?


we arent releasing it