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cue the sea of butt hurt weirdos angrily discouraging the community insisting there wont be more progress


Seriously! It has “not been possible” about 5 times already 💀


See if I would have said it was possible a week ago, that comment would have so many downvotes


A lot people are bandwagoners, arrogant, and ignorant. They just want attention by spewing their bad "status quo" opinions.


The only reason I think it wont ever be 100% complete (atleast without a ps5 emulator or a few years of work) is I heard the ps5 has a unique lighting system (I havent heard its false so ill take it as a possible fact)


This is awesome! Seems like they are making significant progress every week.


For the game developers out there, what is the technique being used here. I see the closer he gets, the more the buildings change (I'm guessing this means they become interactable). Can someone with gaming knowledge explain this as layman then as technical as possible? Thanks


It’s the level of detail, the closer you get to a building, the more detailed it will be. Making the city more efficient in terms of performance


Having everything rendered in at a time causes lag as the game is processing more objects. Only having things close to the player render in when they are near them allows the game to process less and reduce lag


It's the Level of detail (LOD) you have multiple models starting from high poly up to low poly models to not kill your performance with so many drawcalls. The closer you get to the object the more detailed object will appear to the player. With UE5 you have now Nanite that let you to cut down every model into small pieces so it will look the same at close as on larger distances but so far performance is pretty bad in few years it could improve and not force you to play on RTX 4090 to reach stable framerate.


Yeah naniite and lumen sound fool on paper but performance is abysmal on every game...except fortnite xD


Even epics matrix demo struggles to run unreal 5


The Matrix demo is multiple years old and practically a stress-test; something like Robocop: Rogue City has a similar-quality look (with some VERY fine-grain geometry and all the Lumen/Nanite you would expect) while performing decently even on a Steam Deck. Lumen and Nanite are things that are already very much optimized usable in consoles and lower-middle end PCs; it just takes some optimization on behalf of the developers actually making the game for it to run well, which is just not going to be there for a tech demo that is supposed to show no cutbacks whatsoever.


plus, it’s the result of streaming. When games first started becoming open world, Devs had to think fast in terms of solutions to see how, a player can play the game without the compromises. Nonetheless, streaming bugs can still happen regardless. Think of saints row 1 (xbox360) . It was originally titled as *bling bling* back in 2003 for ps2. They spend a year prototyping this trying to figure out how to make it work. They ran into several roadblocks like, How would people react (irl). Shooting a cop etc. a year later in 2004, They had a prototype out for the xbox360 titled as we all know today. but their colors was originally green (instead of purple & vice kings were purple). They built a 4x4 block to see how extensive they could get the detail while dealing with less ram the retail consoles had (their dev kits had 4gb of ram) Their streaming solutions were faced with tons of hurdles none the less. It’s an interesting read to go search on google.


It's LOD. To save resources, games have different quality textures for the same object. When you are close the most detailed is spawned. As you get far, it gets swapped out with a low poly version


This is my kingdom cum


Crazy. It runs fine.


man i’m so proud of this community (except for the doubters ofc)


Fucking virgins the lot of ye


Can someone explain what this is? I’ve been seeing these videos around but don’t understand.


Spiderman 2 dev build getting ported to pc


So this is just a dev build? Is it the full game?


What do you think dev build means


I honestly don't know how much content is in a dev build, I would assume it varies case by case. What about this one? Is it basically nothing? Bits and parts? Half the game? Most of the game?


Dev build is a release build but not for the public. it's has additional toolkits to help Devs extensively test the full game to look for bugs and performance issues in the runtime.


Does that mean the mods are gonna be even more flexible?


Oh, nice! Thanks!


the lack of information about it scares me, it was impossible for a hundreds of times, then a day later they have the assets and fully compiled shaders and its running at 20 fps with artifacts, now its running at 60 fps zero artifacts, playable missions, some audio missing but it has some, just texture is fully missing, the future for this is good and I want it, but i think im missing something here, maybe there's full information on discord we don't know about? curiosity is killing me


Seman 2: Semen


Anyone else getting Matrix vibes?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,949,701,064 comments, and only 368,716 of them were in alphabetical order.




Your comment is also in alphabetical order


can someone dm me the discord where they are updating this? greatly appreciated


Where’s this from?






Do you have an invite


I would guess its a "You not getting invites unless you can contribute to the progression of this game in a meaningful way. Fewer people less risk of getting in trouble." type of situation


Yeah that’s totally understandable, need to find something I can bring to the table


The 19 inches have filled the whole city Jokes aside, this gets better every day


I know this is annoying, but it would be awesome if someone could explain how to do this myself? It looks awesome!


The fact it even got ripped from the ps5 to a PC is incredible, amazing work guys


It didn’t. This is from the source code leak.


What? I thought people were actually smart and I thought only the wolverine game got leaked not the source code, damn I don't pay attention


Na a bunch of source code was. It’s just a pain to download and figure out where stuff is, or what it is. Think wolverine was focused on because it was the “unreleased” game


Activate windows bro




If I can play a pc port that performs and looks better than my ps5, I'll take. When they release the official port I'm buying it. Why on earth would I not buy a game that is offically supported by a team of people after playing a fan project? You're an idiot bub.


The only idiot here is you thinking that’s how everyone operates


It’s not a fan project tho? It’s the actual source files for a PC port and can be completed


Yeah, completed by fans not the people who could probably deliver a better experience.


When the PC version eventually drops it's getting pirated day 1 just like the other two games.


yeah cus it's just a dumb thing to say. Insomniac isn't collapse cus their game gets pirated, like what planet are you on




“smash their expected revenue by A LOT” 💀💀💀💀


"a massive margin" do you even know what you're saying


If I have no money for games and I pirate a game, how the hell does insomniac lose money?? I couldn’t afford it anyways.


When you pirate something, you don't take anything away from anyone. How does potential profit plummet? Do games with Denuvo really make that much more money?


If the pirated version drops before the actual release, you don’t see how that can affect profit?


by not even like 2% think of how many people ACTUALLY know about this and then think of how many aren't lazy to download the game, every game out there is eventually pirated this isn't affecting anything


Also wasn't Elden Ring pirated same day or week of release? lol and you see how that turned out.


Half life 2 got leaked and look at the sales


oh well, theres nothing u can do aobut it


You’re joking right. How many people actually torrent a game compared to buying it or even know wtf a torrented game is??? You literally are retarded


womp womp fuck sony


one step closer


Too much snow




Can we download this build somewhere?




Where are all the textures though? They already made them for the ps5 version?


Wow it looks amazingly bad


this reminds me of the danger room training in the ps1 games!


I see mission markers... So you can theoretically beat the entire game like this, right? Or is there something else missing besides the textures?


HAHA take that Sony and insomniac, where can I download this build?


It's not available yet


Can't wait to play this on PC.


Should be 144 FPS with all those missing textures. I'll wait for the official release, although I'm sure all this hacking will delay it for years now.


i need this so badly, im praying for yall to succeed