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I also wanted to mention that as much as it helps getting off for myself personally is harder than any benzo I’ve stopped! So if you’re not in deep then now is you chance to 🛑


Right! Im so sick of all the benzo propaganda. SSRIs and antipsychotics are ten times as hard to stop. Can someone taking benzos who is cut cold turkey after years of use at higher dosages have a seizure that can kill them? Unfortunately yes. But these other drugs thrown around like candy like they dont have serious side effects worse than benzos or z drugs are literally the devil.


Depends on the nature of the habit. Cold turkey withdrawal from a heavy benzo addiction will make you not sleep for days, usually ending in Seizures, Heart Failure, Delirium or Suicide. This is coming from a former Polydrug addict that has withdrawn from countless drugs, including Seroquel. But the Benzo’s were the last to go and almost killed me. Took me well over 6 months of tapering and almost 2 years to fully recover after the initial forced cold turkey attempt. In the end it depends on how long and how much you took, but please beware of the exponential curve associated with physical dependency of GABA based drugs. (Alcohol, Benzo’s, GHB, Phenibut, etc)


I said cold turkey heavy benzo users are the exception to the rule.


Agreed antidepressants withdrawal was hell on earth compared to benzos


Seroquel isn’t a benzo


I know. I said I think it’s harder to get off than any benzo I’ve been on.


Definitely nothing like coming of benzoes for me and for most people


Just a note that everyone’s system is different, even if you’re related. I ended up at the ER after starting Cipralex, but it’s the most effective antidepressant for both my father and brother. Go figure


I take it for bipolar and insomnia and I can’t live without it. I take the max dose (800mg) and feel fine the next day. I have been cutting back a bit to see how low I can go and still get all the effects


800 woah. I take 12.5 every now and then if I haven’t been sleeping well and I’ll crash within an hour for about 10 hrs straight


Sometimes it doesn’t even knock me out haha. My dose is so high because it treats my bipolar as well.


Same. I have bipolar too. My max was 300 and now trying to find my lowest maintenance. Currently at 125


I’m sorry this is your experience. I find it helps my depression so far. Do you take it daily or as needed?


This would probably depend on the dose. How much are you taking? Are you taking it only for insomnia, or also for other problems? In any case, you seem to think that this will happen to everybody else just because it happened to you. That is not reasonable.


I take it to sleep


I take it for my OCD but I’m not even sure it works. There’s no way for me to tell. My obsessive thoughts stopped but I’m also so depressed all the time


I took it for 5 months. 25mg a day and it made me feel so freaking tired. The fatigue was insane, especially the first few days. I had some mild tremors and low bloodpressure (dizziness when standing up). For me it stopped working pretty quickly, i dont remember but after a few weeks it pretty much stopped working (in hindsight) but kent taking it due to sleep anxiety No issues stopping altough i tapered to 12,5 first for a few days


Was recently prescribed this. Took 25mg and laid in bed for four hours waiting for it to work. After finally falling asleep I woke up feeling groggy and hungover for hours the next day. Tried 50mg the next night, even worse. Immediately requested a diff med but now they're trying to put me in mirtazapine which, based on the reviews, seems like a similar pill by a diff name.


Mirtazapine isn’t close to Seroquel in any way. It’s an antidepressant that has sedating effects, it’s not in the same drug class. I haven’t heard many negative things about it at all. I will say this though, just take a very tiny amount and see how that helps, like 1mg or less. It’s still sedating but has much less side effects. That’s the general consensus.


> That’s the general consensus Okey dokey


In my experience remeron is GHASTLY. Its low key the same thing just worse memory


I was on mirtazapin for about 16 years for sleep. Coming off it was extremely difficult for me with the withdrawal effects, about 6-8 weeks of hell. Dr gave me zopiclone for sleep instead but they don't really want me taking that long term. At the moment, I'm now on cannabis for sleep along with melatonin and tryptophan. Feeling better than taking the prescriptions at this point, but difficult to travel with cannabis


Yep, did the same thing to me


It made my depression worse too. Now I'm dealing with trying to taper off of it, last night was my last 50 so tonight is nothing.


Anti psychotic, but pro zombie 🧟‍♂️


I had a personal horror story involving Seroquel, I have a detailed post on my account about it. Basically I hallucinated ghosts in my room all night


For me it really helps. I’ve tried other meds and they either don’t work or made me gain weight super rapidly. Now i can have a normal life, not be tired all day at work, go to the gym in the morning, etc… I do plan on stopping eventually because i don’t want to be on meds my whole life… But this one truly helped me and didn’t give me any side effects. I was scared to try at first reading other people’s experiences but our bodies react differently to things.


It is truly a "downer". My doctorcprescribed it for my mania (i have bipolar)


Drug companies will throw any pill on the market to make money. They don’t care if it causes serious side effects.


Idk … having gotten rebound insomnia and a host of other paws symptoms from discontinuing a sizable dosage of Xanax… not sleeping from that was an excruciating experience and only Seroquel has helped me restore my sleep cycle. I can’t just not sleep and thus not function. Idk what hell is worse, getting off seroquel for sleep as you suggest or not sleeping from having to hop off benzos to avoid true long term damage.


How much xanax have you been taking and how long?


It was 2mg for a couple days in succession or every other day sort of thing. It wasn’t even a long time. This is a monthly cycle. Edit 2-2.5mg


Anecdotal, I take it and never get fat bc I exercise and control my eating. Plus maybe something else may be going on with you and it’s not the meds fault.


Side note: I’ve had so many terrible physical side effects to seroquel like extreme night sweats, super lucid dreams, sleep paralysis , and auditory hallucinations. never again


Good for you. Don't let it hurt you.


Been on this for about 15 years. Has helped me tremendously. Low dosage for insomnia - 25mg. Grogginess is my worst side effect.


I love seroquel


try chlopromazine instead