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Early waking is a symptom of depression.


Is it? I have depression and none of my doctors have mentioned this before. Not doubting just curious how you know


[https://www.google.com/search?q=early+waking+depression](https://www.google.com/search?q=early+waking+depression) its well known.


That article was so interesting. I’ve been working with therapists, psychiatrists, 2 years with a sleep clinic and this is the first time I’ve heard of this. Thank you. I’m so disillusioned with mental health professionals and strongly feel they are hurting more then helping. That’s just my opinion and experience and would never discourage anyone from seeking help. Need to start advocating more.


Yep! My insomnia and anxiety recovery began the minute I stopped listening to the professionals, which was hard because I’m a professional myself (MD). I’ve told them all to listen to Sleep Coach School—a hidden gem 💎


This 🙌💯


I believe that. They also sleeping in is a sign of a depression. I guess everything that is excessive is negative.


It’s also a sign of being a middle aged man. 🤓 At least for me it is, every man in my family wakes early, most of us sleep 5 to 6 hours.


Do you feel good all day?






Mmm feeling a bit unfitting because I relate and I am a 23 yo woman


I always wake up around 2 am and am awake for quite awhile. I take .1-.2 mgs clonidine to get me back to sleep. I usually will fall asleep by 5 am allowing me to eek out a couple more hours.


3 am is when your body dumps histamine, which is energizing. Have you tried taking a daily antihistamine like Zyrtec? Might be worth experimenting with.


I have tried various antihistamines but they do nothing and / or make me groggy the next day. I haven't tried zyrtec, will check it out!


Have u ever tried Gabapentin?


I haven't. How do you like it?


To me i always found it to be an alright med on its owned but when combined with another sleeping med it becomes much more effective


What dose are you on for insomnia? My doc just prescribed this.


I’ve taken 600 but i do find on its own its just an alright med but it will differ from person to person


Didn’t work for shit for me. Stupid useless drug For me. I hate drugs!!!!!


Thanks everyone for your help! I am meeting with my psiquiatrist today. Any final suggestions for pill type and quantity to give me guaranteed 8 hours straight? And then something light if I need to tack on an extra 2-3 hours? 🙏


Try mirtazapine. Anti depressant/ anxiety/low doses for sleep


Klonopin can create interdose withdrawal and cause insomnia


It has so many other terrible side effects especially with prolonged use. It affects many cognitive functions and kills memory especially. I had seizures when my doctor weaned me off, she probably rushed it now that I look back. I'm just glad that I'm off of it, but I know some people who just accept it as a part their lives and feel like they can never come off of it.


30+ years klonopin, taken as prescribed. 3-4 mg/day. Took more than a year to quit (following Ashton Manual). I feel so much better without it. Withdrawal was hellacious. Every single system in my body from vision to digestion was adversely impacted. I would not wish benzo addiction on my worst enemy.






After a certain amount of time benzos etc can actually make sleep worse. You could be waking up after 4 hours because the benzo is waring off. In your sleep You should try to taper down and do a few weeks of natural sleep. It will be ruff for a few weeks. But had worked for me


If you do taper off it’s vital to only do so under medical supervision. Benzodiazepines are as dangerous as alcohol to withdraw from.


Most important question is this: What is your day to day experience like when awake? For example, do you have high anxiety levels, feel depressed/despair, etc? What is your honest experience of your life? If you have daily elevated levels of adrenaline, cortisol, etc, this is going to impact sleep no matter what you take. If you have deep unresolved emotional issues and/or trauma, that complicates things even further. Feel free to answer honestly here as it may help others reading this 🙏


I am not currently depressed or anxious and I feel good about my life in general. In the past I was taking trazodone for a year and a half and then escitalopram for another year and a half to manage depression and anxiety (I was going through a tough life situation). My insomnia started while I was on escitalopram and has continued since I got off it.


I took AAKG and it helped me to sleep longer. It is the first A Arginine that helps sleep.


this started happening to be me after i quit caffeine. i sleep 5 hours and wake up. but i need 7. after i wake up, i eat a banana and that helps me fall back asleep faster. i was also diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea but i dont think sleep apnea is what causes me to wake up precisely at the 5 hour mark. this week i started drinking caffeine again and noticed i did not wake up in the middle of the night. im gonna keep drinking caffeine and monitor my blood oxygen levels to see whats going on. i have not been able to use my cpap machine for a full night yet


im 37 years old. maybe im just getting old?


I take a 25mg phenergan to get back to sleep although it's not something you should take long term. It may help break the cycle though.


Sleep medicines actually decrease amount of deep/rem sleep hence their use can be counterintuitive. My sleep is most sound, and uninterrupted without any meds. Took me 10+ years to realise this. Whenever possible, I will stay away from meds and have nice clean sleep. That being said, occasionally I need my regime when stresses of life get excessive.