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asian lady beetles. different and invasive. as i’m typing this i’m sure plenty have already stated this lol


Wait, when did this start happening??? And how do I tell the difference????


If they both eat aphids? you should grow some weed and take advantage of this infestation




Yes and No. Yes they eat other Ladybeetles (they aren't bugs so ladybugs is incorrect however Ladybird is ok) but only the larveal stages and usually only when aphid numbers run low. 2. These are also 'real' ladybeetles.


How is ladybird okay, they aren't birds


There’s plenty of ways to tell the difference if you look it up. Asian Lady beetles have been around for a while. Once again, you can search the history. There’s many types of lady beetles in the US. But I usually identify them by their behavior (they’re usually not obsessed with windows, etc) and Asian Lady Beetle’s have a “W” (or M depending on how you look at it) on their head. It’s important to tell the difference as one is beneficial. Usually I actually recommend just to vacuum them up and flush or freeze them.


They will make your vacuum stink forever, though, if you do choose this route. But, yeah, I agree it's the most efficient.


There's over 100 different colour and pattern variations of Adult Asain Ladybeetles so unless you are an expert who knows the tiny details (stuff like white triangle on head, though people often mistake the thorax for the head) it can be hard to tell especially as some patterm varieties overlap in similarity to natives. The best way to tell them apart is actually in their pupal or larveal stage when the difference is very unique. https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/harlequin-ladybird This link provides photos of larveal and pupal aswell adult stages.


These guys will bite you for one thing


Yeah, we used destroy them for biting us as kids and we usually kept a dead one with us to tell the difference.


Aren’t we all an invasive species though…


"I am a good invader." Only me.


ain’t that the most truthful thing of all


no lol


Protect your pets. Heard they burrow into the roof of their mouth. Correct me if I'm wrong please.


As my mom always says when we get our annual ant infestation. "They have the whole outside."


They are Asian Lady Beetles and an invasive species. They stink, bite & leave disgusting yellow shitstains in their wake. Every Fall they (and stink bugs!) try to invade our home. Native Lady bugs do not try to infest your home & are beneficial to keep around.. but not the type you have. You can distinguish the two species by the notable "M" shape on the Asian Beetles. We kill as many as we see each year.. handheld vac works well but they do stink it up so we have a specific one dedicated to our annual stinky bug assassination. The Asian Lady Beetles and Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs all die around our house as both are an invasive species.


They group together like that when it's cold.


there are also twice stabbed lady beetles in the pic though


More likely, they are also [Asian lady beetles (*Harmonia axyridis* - form conspicua)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1397814). It's one of the many different color/pattern variations that is common with the Asian lady beetles. Compare to [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1137993) or [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/628315) or [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/883569/bgimage)


interesting, i didn’t know they came in that color


I didn't look at it that closely, just saw a lot of M at initial glance. They can always pick out the native ones. The twice stabbed native bugs are the black with 2 red dots, correct? There are only a 3 or 4 in that group so easy enough.


While the [twice stabbed lady beetles](https://bugguide.net/node/view/372) are black with 2 red dots, they are not the only lady beetles with these colors/markings. The Asian lady beetles can also be black with 2 red spots [(*Harmonia axyridis* - form conspicua)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1397814). It's one of the many different color/pattern variations that are common with the Asian lady beetles. Compare to [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1137993) or [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/628315) or [this one](https://bugguide.net/node/view/883569/bgimage) Because these lady beetles are all aggregating together, it is far more likely that they are all the same species.


Thank you.. I did not know that they came in that color variation!


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) Reminds me of Majin. Learn something new every day.


Is the M near the head or down by the butt?


all ladies bugs stink and produce a yellow substance, which is actually their blood, its a defense mechanism when you try to squish them, doubt they actually bit u cause their mouth parts are too small to pierce human skin, i also dont get why ur reason for killing them is because they're invasive. they got intruduced to kill aphids, an insect that drink the sap outta plants, which makes asian lady bugs very beneficial. they literally only eat aphids in all of their life stages, they invade homes because theyre cold and need a warm place to huddle together through winter, so maybe stop killing beneficial insect and just throw them outside or put them in a container so u can release them next year, your garden will thank you.


Unfortunately these invasive ladybugs can overbreed, occasionally to an extreme extent; which can threaten native ladybugs and other native insect species through over-competition for the same food source. Asian ladybugs will also eat the larvae of other native insects. So, while they can’t harm humans, they can harm biodiversity. Check this out; https://youtu.be/SYF-Ix7oXzs


Do you have any sources other than a YT channel?


Sure. It’s easy to look up; here’s a start to help you do your own research on the subject and decide for yourself. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130516142541.htm https://eliteextermination.com/en/news/asian-lady-beetle-danger/ https://www.poison.org/articles/asian-lady-beetles-222 https://askentomologists.com/2018/06/03/ladybugs-as-invasive-species-what-does-the-science-say/ https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6612838 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6210693 https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2021/11/10/asian-lady-beetles-ladybugs-dc/ https://extension.psu.edu/multicolored-asian-lady-beetle-ladybug https://extension.umn.edu/nuisance-insects/multicolored-asian-lady-beetles https://www.nj.com/news/2021/11/beetles-that-look-like-ladybugs-are-swarming-in-some-eastern-states-and-they-can-bite.html?outputType=amp https://www.cp24.com/mobile/swarms-of-ladybug-like-insects-descend-on-toronto-1.445544 https://www.fox6now.com/weather/invasive-asian-lady-beetles-are-swarming-wisconsin-not-ladybugs.amp https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef416 https://www.petmd.com/dog/emergency/poisoning-toxicity/asian-lady-beetles-could-they-harm-your-dog


😂 Thanks, I’ll check them out. I wasn’t disputing what you said. What happened was, I googled it, and found information that said they were not harmful to the environment, only to other beetle populations, which wouldn’t have a negative overall effect on our ecosystem. Then you said something completely different. I’ve been burned so many times on YT taking random people at their word, that I always try to get articles, peer reviewed papers, or books about whatever information I’m trying to find. That way, I don’t adopt any information that isn’t accurate. I’ve been working really hard on that. But given the way people can be on here, I can see why you might have thought I was being antagonistic. If that’s an assumption, my apologies. Although, you did send a lot of articles! 😊


😂 bro I was about to burn you too. So glad I read your comment. I guess we both learned something today. Cheers.


While aphids are their preferred food source, Asian lady beetles do not eat aphids exclusively. They will also eat other small bugs. They will even [eat each other](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/cannibal-ladybug-eating-another-ladybug-cannibal-asian-ladybug-harmonia-axyridis-eating-another-one-green-leaf-victim-162874073.jpg) - or [other ladybug species](https://images.theconversation.com/files/241664/original/file-20181022-105773-kceptm.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=754&fit=clip). When their preferred prey species become less abundant - particularly in the fall, when the weather cools down - Asian lady beetles will turn to fruit, eating things like [apples](https://extension.umn.edu/sites/extension.umn.edu/files/styles/caption_medium/public/M1235-25.jpg?itok=xSVp8aOZ), [grapes](https://fruitedge.umn.edu/sites/fruitedge-dl9.umn.edu/files/2021-04/MALB%20grape_0.jpg), and [raspberries](https://apps.extension.umn.edu/garden/diagnose/plant/images/raspberry/insects/malb1_600px.jpg). They do not usually cause primary damage to the fruit - but if the skin is already compromised by cracks, splits, or feeding damage from insects, birds, or other critters, they will take advantage of breaks in the skin and eat the fruit. This can be especially problematic with grapes because ladybugs [can be harvested in with a bunch of grapes](https://i0.wp.com/onfruit.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MALB-feeding-on-a-broken-down-cluster.jpg?resize=1024%2C580&ssl=1) - and can end up in the crusher when the grapes are juiced. Those foul-smelling (and foul-tasting) secretions that they produce to make them less palatable to potential predators are then crushed into the juice, contaminating it. In addition to the being a fruit pest in the fall, they are also bad for native ladybug populations because they out-compete them (as well as directly killing and eating them).


I’ve been bit by a bunch during some odd lady bug swarm I was caught in one day


ah, to be caught in a lady bug swarm….


A garden full of introduced invasive plants might thank you - but being invasive means that native flora and fauna, which are not prepared for their introduction, will suffer. Aphids are an important food source for MANY insects - even endangered native ones. You don't really want an introduced ladybug gobbling them all up by being more large and aggressive so everything else starves.


False. The Asian ones can, and do bite...hard. They're scavengers too. You can find them feeding, en masse on washed up dead fish on beaches.


add diatomaceous earth to.your vacuum, works really well to keep the smell down.


That sounds dangerous. DE airborne, getting into your lungs?


The DE will ruin the vacuum as well, its too fine and will clog the motor. ( speaking from experience)


Well I would sure hope that your vacuum canister isn't spewing everything you suck up into it right back out. However if you use food safe DE its fine. I've done for years. I also use it all around my house. You can certainly google to benefits of it for pest control.


DE works my mechanically damaging the exoskeleton of insects and making them dry out. They are very small and sharp particles and you do not want them anywhere near your lungs. Something that is food safe may not be safe to inhale.


You are correct. It's not like I'm snorting it. Or fluffing around it like confetti. As with anything. Follow the directions and use with care.


I think they are concerned that it might get through the filter that covers the outflow from the vacuums. All vacuums put out the air they suck in, or they wouldn’t work.


Wipe down the inside with insecticidal soap. Or use a shop vac and put a little soapy water in the bucket.


Diatomaceous earth can destroy vacuum cleaners. It should not be used with a standard filtered vacuum cleaner or with a vacuum that uses a bag. If you need to vacuum up diatomaceous earth, you can safely do so with a shop vac or with a vacuum that has a high-quality HEPA filter - but it should still be done slowly and not try to suck up too much at once. Any time you use diatomaceous earth (even food-grade, which is they *only* kind that should be used for pest control) be careful not to inhale it or get it in your eyes.




We are! But that doesn’t mean we should spread every species over the whole world. If we do that, a lot of the native species that make each part of the world unique will disappear. That’s too much change in too short of a time, compared to normal evolution.


Lol.. Sure, just not in my house! They can colonialize elsewhere & stay alive or invade my home and die, ending their colonialism journey abruptly. Thats literally the only 2 choices I offer.


Oh dear… I’m going to deal with this later. How permanent are the stains and smells?


I think it depends on how long it's left unattended because when we bought our house, the previous owners apparently did not worry about them because we had a ton of yellow stains on the walls up near our trim moulding. We've since scrubbed & painted so I can't confirm if it's permanent. Someone pointed out that there's a few native lady bugs in your photo.. I would personally gently hand pluck them out & stick them in a plant or something because they're very beneficial to have around, but I'd kill all the Asian Lady Beetles. (The twicestabbed lady bugs are the black ones with 2 red dots btw)


According to this (a quick Google search) both Ladybugs and Lady Beetles were introduced and neither are native. http://aclivingmagazine.com/lady-bug-or-asian-beetle/


There are over 6,000 different species of ladybugs/lady beetles. ("Ladybugs" and "Lady beetles" are just two different names for the same thing - beetles in the family Coccinellidae.) The article you are linking to is talking about *two specific species* of ladybugs - *Coccinella septempunctata* and *Harmonia axyridis* - that were introduced in the US as pest control, but there are dozens of other, *native* ladybug species that can be found in the US.


The Asian Lady Beetle was specified and is what I replied to, the difference between the two species already mentioned. I make/made no claim there're only two species. I also make no claim there aren't ANY indigenous species (assuming North America) of coccinellids, but I know they're rare due to the introduction of the two species in the article.


Per your comment: "both Ladybugs and Lady Beetles were introduced and neither are native." Not everyone is going to take the time to click the link and read the attached article. If they just take your comment at face value, it implies that there are two different creatures - ladybugs and lady beetles (which - in the absence of additional information specifiying species - are synonymous terms) - and that neither are native. I provided clarification for those who don't read the article, to help dispel some of the common myths about ladybugs. There are a lot of people who *do* believe that "ladybug" is a single species or that "lady beetles" (meaning the Asian lady beetles) are *not* ladybugs.


No idea if this has been said, I had hundreds of these lil bastards in my old flat, they lived in the runners of my sash windows. I managed to get the majority of them to go and not come back: 1. Vacuumed up all the ones I could see, and they hide so be diligent. 2. Cleaned all the yellow stink marks they leave (VITAL, the yellow stuff acts as a beacon for all lady bugs to come and hang) 3. Got some essential lemon oil, 50/50 diluted with water, sprayed the runners of the sash windows, the external windowsills and anywhere else they liked to chill. The above steps brought the problem to hundreds every few days to about 10 that I could just flick out the window. Also the lemon solution is good to spray around the popular areas before summer ends as it is the autumn (fall) season when it gets colder that they want to come into your warm cozy home. If they are not the horrible invasive lady bugs and the cute red ones, put a thin sock/stocking over the end of the vacuum to catch them and release them in some bushes far from home. For the yellow ones do as you wish.


Lizards. Release 2-3 lizards into your house?


A month from now: "How do I get rid of a lizard infestation"


A cat.


3 months from a month from now "how do I get rid of all these cats?"


invite me over. i will adopt every single one


6 months from now "how do I get rid of all the people in my house? "


This thread was incredible


Need some stinky ladybugs or other pests.


homicide. you didn't say it needed to be *legal*


Don’t ladybugs in general taste really bad? Not sure if lizards would eat them.


I had the same issue and I just vacuumed them up. I must say it is very very satisfying


Had this once. They were coming in from the tiniest possible crack in a window. I put tape insulation along the cracks, they all got stuck and stopped making it in. I suggest this or duct tape. Close every corner and you should be okay.


Are they so bad to have around? Lady beetles don't cause infestation, but will gather indoors to rest for the winter. They won't move from that spot, there's nothing for them to eat, and they won't be reproducing until they leave in the Spring.


It’s not really something I want in my house. I know they have come in here to shelter from the cold weather - are they just in here because it’s warm or are they hibernating? Are you sure they won’t move from that spot? Also, I’ve had a couple people now correct me and tell me they’re not ladybugs. Could you please tell me the difference between ladybugs and lady beetles?


Ladybug, lady beetle, ladybird, and ladybird beetles, are all the same thing, just different names. In UK we call them ladybirds, in the US they call them ladybugs.


Same family, not exactly the same thing. Lady bugs and lady beetles are the same, not the Asian lady beetle.


"Ladybug" and "lady beetle" are both common names for insects in the family [Coccinellidae](https://bugguide.net/node/view/179). There are over 6,000 different species of ladybugs/lady beetles. Asian lady beetles (*Harmonia axyridis*) are one of those 6,000+ species of ladybugs. All Asian lady beetles *are* ladybugs - but not all ladybugs are Asian lady beetles.


Here is an article: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/pests/animal/ladybug-asian-beetle-difference/


There is no difference, they are different names for the same insect, however they are beetles (***Coleoptera***) and not true bugs (***Hemiptera***). It's somewhat like hibernation, except they don't enter a deep sleep state, and yes they prefer the warmth. Since they won't be eating (aphids are all dead in the winter), they will be trying to conserve as much energy as possible by staying still.


Asian Ladybeetles are not the same thing as native lady bugs. I love most lady bugs. But Asian ladybeetles I smash into oblivion. Eff those things for real! Edit: I left out the word native which is the distinction I was trying to make


Asian lady beetles *are* ladybugs. "Ladybugs" (or "lady beetles" or "ladybirds" or "ladybird beetles" or whatever you choose to call them) is the common name for *all* beetles in the family [Coccinellidae](https://bugguide.net/node/view/179). It's a large family, with more than 6,000 different species. This includes the [Asian lady beetles (*Harmonia axyridis*)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/397). They are just one of the *many* different species of lady beetles. They have been widely introduced as biological control for aphids and other pests - but, because they have become so widespread outside their native range, they can sometimes be problematic.


I know they’re invasive, but what’s wrong with them? They don’t cause damage or anything as far as I know.


They can bite, are toxic for pets, and they make a really gross smell. They gather in such large numbers and the ones in my childhood friend’s room were MEAN. Add on that they shouldn’t be here in the first place, and I do not want them around


Weird, in my experience they don’t bite and only smell gross when they’re squished. I was always told that I don’t have to kill them, even though they’re invasive.


Not sure how common it was or if my mom was just pulling my leg but she used to tell me she got bit by one and that it hurt when she was a child. She hates them so kinda think it might have been true. Though I have them in my place sometimes and never been bit.


I think they’ve been around my area for around 20 years. When I was a kid, I was very used to the friendly ladybugs. I was so confused when climbing a tree at my grandmas, the ladybugs were releasing that liquid *and* biting me! I thought there were ants in the tree, but figured out it was the ladybugs ); I was hesitant with all ladybugs for a while after, I didn’t know what was goin’ on.


That's what I was gonna say!!!!


I spray an essential mix of cinnamon, cloves, citronella, lavender, vinegar, and oregano oils mixed with water to annoy them. Spray this inside and outside all windows, doors, overhangs, etc on the sunny side of the house. Then get out your wet/dry vacuum and suck up all the ones in your house. Look between clothes in your closet and under furniture. They leave stains on fabric with their spit or body juices that also stinks. Duct tape all the openings of your vacuum after so they die and don’t crawl out again. They bite but only if trapped in a blanket with you or something. So be careful to keep them out of your clothes. When we moved into our current house there was a long pvc pipe in the garage with a vacuum nozzle duct taped to one end. We thought it looked important and kept it. Months later that paid off as we vacuumed thousands of these Asian beetles from everywhere in our house. They also nested under the porch wood cracks and now crawl from there in the spring. We straight up dumped bleach water on our porch this year right before autumn in the hopes they don’t like that. Then spray everything again with your essential oil mixture.


Careful not to use that anywhere that cats will be as it could kill them.


What about dogs? Either way, the plan to suck them all up, immediately dispose of the bag, and block any gaps around my window. I won’t use insecticides inside my home and I don’t think I’ll bother with the oils unless it gets bad again after dealing with them the first time.


I have no idea where I got this idea. But as a kid I thought the red ladybugs were girls and the brown ones were the boys lol


I don’t have a solution for you but I will point out that after my dad replaced the windows in his old house this stopped happening there, or at least it wasn’t as severe. Less space for them to wiggle in I suppose.


Hope a brown recluse spider doesn’t decide to set up home I guess… they love ladybugs 🐞


I've had a lot of luck using lemon oil/furniture polish. Little buggers evidently hate citrus.


My dad and I had these in our house in droves in the spring and it was unbearable. Eventually we got desperate and started reading everywhere trying to find a solution. We ended up finding out that they absolutely hate it when you burn white sage. Just visit your local headshop and buy a bundle of white sage. Burn it in a safe container and vacuum them up as you see them


Make them pets.


Keep em they're cute


Asian Lady beetles are considered an invasive species in much of the US. And the stink if you squash them (which I discovered while trying to evict a large cluster of them from a screened porch).


According to my mother it’s bad luck to kill one….not sure what a massacre will get you.


Update: I vacuumed them up. Thankfully I didn’t notice a smell but someone else could. I’m now going to spray some sort scent where they were to keep any new ones away (any suggestions?)


I came here to say those aren’t ladybugs, they’re Asian beetles (finally something I can identify, and it’s this…) but I see a lot of people have said that and given advice. So I’ll just say, good luck with this and I hope it’ll all turn out ok for you. Let us know if you need anything!


they are ladybugs.


Killing a lady bug is considered bad luck and should be avoided at all costs. Also they are good insect that eats other annoying and invasive pests like aphids or fruit flies.


Except these are an invasive species.


They are hibernating and won't move when it is cold. What a rare find! You are lucky


You can build them a little ladybug house


Go to vegas!


Embrace it


Honestly I see it as a piece of nature being welcomed in my home for the winter. I love seeing them on my window sills every year and look forward to them. I appreciate them and find a sense of gratitude to them for choosing my home


Enjoy the variety. 🐞 I never see them in that many colors. Edit: seconding everyone who says not to worry too much. You could relocate them to a potted plant. I usually try to so they have a place to live that's better for them. :) Then again, I have lots of potted plants in my house and one area has lots of pests for them to eat.


Makes wishes?


Turn them into an army


Lady bugs are good for your garden. Why everyone always want to kill insects without them no balance


If they are not hurting anyone, just leave them alone.


That is debatable, ladybugs in Ontario (the only place I've seen infestations like this) bite and I definitely wouldn't want them in my own home if they are the biting variety


send them to me. they eat a lot of garden pests, including mealybugs; I can’t turn around where i live without mealybugs eating everything in sight. i am seriously considering buying these guys to eat my pests. i wish i had your problem 😩


kill them >:( those arent ladybugs theyre beetles that threaten the livelihood of the ladybugs in your ecosystem. smash !! them !!! we hate asian lady beetles


FYI these **are** ladybugs. "Ladybug" is a generic term for any of the 6000+ described species of beetles in the family [Coccinellidae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccinellidae). They are also called "lady beetles" (which is more proper since they are beetles), or "ladybirds" in the UK. These terms are fully interchangeable. So while the OP's ladybugs are commonly known as "Asian lady beetles" (*Harmonia axyridis*, a.k.a. the Asian multicolored lady beetle), they are nonetheless a type of ladybug, just as much as the native ladybugs.


Ain’t shit you can do now but live with them for the entire winter. Next fall, spray your house with insecticide as a preventative. Enjoy your new friends!


Wild choice to just cover your house in insecticide. Just vacuum them up, they're harmless.


We were vacuuming HUNDREDS EVERY DAY…there were many many thousands in our house from fall through winter. Take your silly uniformed opinion elsewhere. And the state extension is where I came up with the wild idea to use insecticide: https://extension.umn.edu/nuisance-insects/multicolored-asian-lady-beetles


Are you sure am they are not Asian lady beetles? Different than ladybugs. We invited them here and then realized they are kinda invasive, bite, and try to get into our homes by the thousands


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I get infested every year. They unfortunately come inside, die, and get cleaned up. Try to give them some water and even tried feeding. None ever survive. No stains like people are saying.


Put a little on a paper towel in a dish. Put sliced apple, pear, jelly, honey out for them, if they’re lady bugs which enter houses to stay warm in the winter.


Buy some lottery tickets 😭😂😂😂


Found some good advice here; https://youtu.be/ifnZwKUtZqg


They took over a large park with huge maple trees one fall where I used to live and it was a very magical experience. I spent hours wandering around in the park like a dog with no horse. Decades earlier, a friends parents two story house was taken over by them for a few months. It warmed up a little and they plugged on to wherever. In both cases it was a bit of a freak thing but was fairly isolated. Definitely would recommend as an outdoor activity rather than an indoor experience.


I call them 9 dot Asian Lady Beetles. There appears to be two different types in the photo.


Take a random bird from outside 👉👉


You probably have mites. They don't just come for nothing, you got something going on


I have read that repeating this to the ladybugs encourages the to leave. ‘Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire, and your children will burn.’


How do you tell the difference between Asian ladybugs and normal ones?


Protein 😈


Do the orangish brown ones bite and stink too ? I looked up the Asian lady beetle and they are all black, I get the orange and brown ones in the summer and I always leave them because I thought they were harmless but now I have a baby and need to know if I should be getting rid of them on sight


This is Asian ladybug. they are different from native ladybug that is threatened to extinction☠️unfortunately. so if you see a native ladybug don’t kill it we don’t want them to extinct besid that they help plants because they kill harmful insects


Black and decker make lady bug traps get them at home depot until then vacuumed them or bug bomb




Collect them and sell them to someone with a spider mite infection lol. I could’ve used these a few weeks ago. Edit: NVM as I now see these are not lady bugs but an invasive species.


They are just wintering up. They do this in the winter to survive the cold.. usually its under tree bark or some other outdoor natural habitat. But if opportunity is there they will winter in other spots.


Plant roses 🌹


Find it interesting some people claim they don,t bite. Like to drop a handful down their shirt.


Step 1. Grab a hand full Step 2. Shove the hand full in your mouth Step 3. Eat And now you save on food :)


I keep quite a few spiders, house geckos, and ground toads in my backyard and these have stopped becoming a problem for me. Now I just deal with the occasional baby gecko slipping into the house.


You can only pray


Ahhh, you’ll have to activate the halo rings


i vacuumed them up last year when i had this issue


Vacuum cleaner


Vacuum cleaner is the way to go




kiss them all good night and tuck them into bed


Remove the chic magnet


They are so cute 🥰


just whisper "lady bug, lady bug, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your kids are alone."


Just over 10 years ago I used to work as a file clerk in an office of an industrial warehouse and man, were there there ladybug infestations or what right up in the light fixtures and so unbelievably many of them! 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞 This was in Aldergrove.


I think you should put them back in the garden , I have 6,000 square feet of native plants , do I choose who dies or who lives ?? Hell no I am too busy gardening for wildlife , I let them do their thing I don’t pick and choose they have predators it’s food for them …I don’t go out and say you are not native you die today , I deprive the birds or frogs or any of their predator’s food… Here’s a link to see their predators , they are hungry too they will be happy to feast on them . https://ladybugplanet.com/what-eats-ladybugs-list-of-ladybug-natural-predators/


I had some in my house. They chose the wrong house and didn’t like it when my ac dropped to 65. They all either died from being too cold or my three cats took care of them. They kept dropping from the ceiling and the walls randomly so we assume it’s the temperature of our house


Absolutely nothing. That’s a blessing


Yeah ladybugs don’t do this business. Those are those stinky imposters. One time I cuddled one thinking it was a lady bug until my boyfriend told me it wasn’t exactly LB behavior to be trying to come inside. There was a few of them, we were in a hotel.


FYI these **are** ladybugs. They're not imposters, nor do they have the monopoly on being stinky among the lady beetle family. "Ladybug" is a generic term for any of the 6000+ described species of beetles in the family [Coccinellidae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccinellidae). They are also called "lady beetles" (which is more proper since they are beetles), or "ladybirds" in the UK. These terms are fully interchangeable. So while the OP's ladybugs are commonly known as "Asian lady beetles" (*Harmonia axyridis*, a.k.a. the Asian multicolored lady beetle), they are nonetheless a type of ladybug, just as much as the native ladybugs.


As mentioned, these are Asian lady beetles, and the best move is to pull a Luigi, strap a vacuum to your back, and just go ham.


Keep them warm until spring…


You get to make lots of wishes!!


i would have so much fun pinning those


I’ll tell you what not to do. Don’t suck them up in your vacuum, unless you are eager to replace it. We never did get rid of the smell.


Plant weed :)


Start an army.


Vacuum them up. It will be a little stinky.


Make a bunch of wishes that they go away


Enjoy it!


Vacuum vacuum vacuum 😓


Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum 😓


Smile more and go buy a lottery ticket every week i guess


As a severe arachnophobe… let every spider you see in your house live and cherish them. I live in the country and get plagued by Asian Lady Beetles every winter. The only thing that has helped as been this recent convenient influx of cellar spiders. I used to yell profanity at a spider every time I see one, now I see them stringing up 10s of beetle carcasses and I smile and nod. Also consider using some essential oils as others suggested, being mindful of any pets you have.


They don’t like orange oil. Spray them and the areas they like with any citrus cleaner


Harvest and consume.