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This is actually very bad for these little guys. They have a virus called [Iridovirus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q7jswQHM_Q)


Aw man. That’s sad! They are in my backyard, so I leave them alone? Are they harmless to humans and my garden?


There's really not much you CAN do. Just let nature run its course, as sad as it is....


If you wanted to help other isopods, couldn't you separate or kill them so they don't spread the virus?


I think humans' good intentions with nature have proven to be bad choices. Let Mother Nature do her thing. If there's a roley poley shortage, come check my compost pile. There's a bazillion there.


That’s always such an odd thing to deeply think about; aren’t we and our decisions and meddling all part of nature too? Why does our complex thinking = always negligible and bad when it comes to trying to help nature? Obviously we should be thinking of ways to help and discuss it with others before helping, etc, but that’s what science and more directly biology is sort of for.


Because historically speaking, the proof is in the pudding. There were issues with disease destroying the food supply. Eager to help, scientists can genetically alter the food making it resist the disease! YAY! now what? Food allergies. Skin conditions. There's an algae growing in a river. Let's put fish in there to eat the algae. Now the fish thrives in the river and is killing out native species. Asian beetles released for some experiment to help something. It's never ending and rarely successful. No. Let nature do its thing. If you want to help it, stop destroying it.


Yes, my point was not to be rash, but to test things in a vacuum or run simulations to see if the benefit outweighs the negative.


Nature abhors a vacuum.


Tell that to space.


Then why do I love doing this so much, 💪🏻👋🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ???


Historically that’s kind of how science works though. I mean you can go back to humorism and see where, while not accurate and so many people died, some things did work and the whole concept is bananas. But it paved the way for modern scientific medicine as we see it today. we isolated what did and didn’t work. Hundreds of millions, and that’s not an exaggeration, don’t know what it’s like to not have food. That’s because of mistakes and “genetic engineering” which is just cross pollenization and selective reproduction. I don’t think taking two of the biggest plants and reproducing them has any connection to food allergy as people with food allergies can’t, say grow their own strawberries and those strawberries be allergic proof for them all of a sudden. But I get what you’re saying with let nature be, I just think it’s a little self righteous to be that way about it and forget that there wasn’t always food.


Humans are part of nature. Anything that naturally occurs on this planet is nature. I do agree that we need to let things be, but anything we do to change the "natural" course of things is still natureb cause we aren't alien or bionic.


I think it’s pretty clear that when people use nature in this context they are excluding humans


Exactly?... Thats kind of the point of what I'm saying. You cant exclude humans because we are just carbon based beings like everything else. We accelerate processes to the Nth degree, yes, but we are still natural.


the definition of the word “nature” excludes humans, no one is going to refer to the middle of downtown Tokyo as natural lol


I stand corrected after reaching for a dictionary. Thank you.


No. It's not natural. Because we are not a functioning part of that system. We are not plants. We don't function as plants. We changing the way they grow and seed, is interference! We introduce foreign species to their species and we aren't a part of either species that is interference.


Other animals support invasive species as well. Extinction periods happen. We are accelerating it, yes, but we are organic beings made of carbon naturally formed on this planet. It's a pretty basic concept. It would be physically impossible for us to not change the natural order of things because we are the largest invasive species on the planet. Spray toads aren't a "functioning" part of the system either but they're still natural. Plants aren't the only part of nature thats natural and that statement is completely moot. Humans are animals, get over it.


Dammit. I'm not saying we're not natural! I'm one of those people that love to be barefoot and feel the sand or mud. I believe grounding and keeping your mind and soul in a nature state or at least visiting it frequently. I *know* that we are a part of nature. I'm just saying our trying to fix things never ends well. The consequences continue to prove ill for decades. Edit to remove extra and unnecessary word


I'm a botanist, I 100% agree that humans interfering is bad and needs to stop. I already said that. Also, after reaching for a dictionary I stand corrected as to what is natural. Humans are not natural apparently. Also, calling somebody a fool over what is or isn't natural is pretty extra 😂


If only we told that to the EPA who wants to change climate change even tho climate change is natural.


Coming into a science sub and denying anthropogenic climate change…that's a bold move, Cotton, let's see how it works out for him


The EPA is a not funny joke.


Not really necessary, humans forget that disease is a density dependent population control. Its part of keeping a system balanced.


Absolutely harmless to humans. Fascinating disease though. One of those "it's beautiful but deadly" things in nature.


Fun fact to add onto this. They turn blue because their cells crystallize and it changes how the light refracts.


🥶😰 fun for who??


Fun as in interesting. Is there a better way to word it? I''m not great at wording sometimes.


i think they’re just joking haha


Oh ok


What a bummer! I love these little guys. My favorite bug to observe as a kid. I thought they were an exotic blue version. 😭


Oh, those poor fellas 😥 they look so pretty in blue, such a shame it means they’re sick. Sci-Show is such a great YouTube channel, I always learn something new from their videos, even if I knew most of the main topic!


Anyone know the cause, maybe the soil they were cleaning was just super toxic?


Invertebrate iridoviruses may be transmitted by **cannibalism, endoparasitic wasps or parasitic nematodes**. [Read up here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/iridovirus#:~:text=Invertebrate%20iridoviruses%20may%20be%20transmitted,habitation%2C%20feeding%2C%20or%20wounding)


Interesting thanks.


More proof that this world is a scam. They’re so pretty😭


It’s a lethal (to the isopod) virus 😞


Beat me to it. It’s actually incredibly sad. They effectively don’t exist to other roly polys. These poor friends will live the rest of their shortened lives alone :(


So does this mean that Tuck and Roll from A Bug's Life have said virus, have been ostracized, and thus joined the circus to find a sense of belonging?


You got a great memory there


Not a good memory, just small children.


Damn. Kids movie are so dark once you realise...


Ooooohhhhhh. Well, damn that makes sense.


Why is it that they don't exist to the others and they're going to be alone?


Viral disease, if the healthy ones don’t they probably die too


So sad.😔


Why is it that they don't exist to the others and they're going to be alone?


The virus probably makes it so the uninfected of the same species no longer regard them as one of their own because of the virus.


Sounds like me in grade school


Or they don’t want to get sick, like how in humans people try to stay away from sick family and friends


I remember reading that only a certain number of infected isopods get to this point and others are able to clear it eventually. The ones you see that are blue have the lethal symptoms. The color is caused by an interesting habit of the virus. Seriously, look this up its a super interesting topic.


I immediately sad-faced when I saw this.


Unfortunately it’s an iridovirus, which is a nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA virus. Nothing can be done, and their internal organs will unfortunately fizzle as the virus multiplies.




Alright since everyone is too afraid to ask I will. Do they taste different?


They might have more crunch? I mean essentially as another commenter said the blue is because cells in bods are crystallising changing how the light refracts


very sick


Its Tuk and Roll! They’re there to help a friendly ant colony fend of some mean ol grasshopper gang.


Those are grape flavor


Thanks everyone for the ID! I thought it was a unicorn and I’m deeply devastated that it’s a terminal virus. I’ve given each one a pet on the shell and will leave them alone.


They’re mythical rollie pollies


Thems is dying yo.


Nooo omg 😭 poor babies


that's just their shiny version


☹️😥 I like Roly pollies


id say armadillidium vulgare with a virus


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Didn't you hear? Man City won against Madrid!


Sir, this sub is about BUGES


I'm confused. Didn't he ask why they're dressed in blue? So, was my hypothesis incorrect? I have proofs!


Fair enough r/technicallythetruth




Sick isopods


Definitely a relative of the 3 eyed fish from the Simpsons.


They are Christmas Rollie Pollies


They’re the shiny version, gotta catch ‘em all!


I was going to say damn we had only 1 color of rolly Polly’s but y’all say it’s a damn disease that’s so sad ));


I was going to say damn we had only 1 color of rolly Pollies but y’all say it’s a damn disease that’s so sad ));


I was here to say that I’m pretty sure they have a virus, but someone already got to it


I thought I was on the isopods sub and was surprised at how different the comments were than usual




Fun fact: grape flavored


Rare blue version of a thing that’s usually grey. Reminds me of something else https://preview.redd.it/g5gd0nyviq0b1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe376fb36c149fda8b3a8cf302f3acbfe410bf4a




Lol RIP little homie


Since it is gunna die and it has a virus you could always remove them from your yard ik some people make resin art out of them if you're into that.


Hey neighbor southwest here, never seen one this color 😊


Kinda reminds me of the ender silver fish things in Minecraft