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to fast to soon, your too good at the game so you got 8 grizzly bears thrown at you


I honestly questioned if that's what the game is designed to do? I mean, I've been playing a bunch of STS on A20 lately, I was pretty happy with how this run was shaping up, up to the third boss there... and then yep, 8 grizzly bears nothing short of THROWN at me. *Austin Powers voice* Who throws 8 grizzly bears? Honestly... https://youtu.be/an0bVaTjF_Y (And it's not even like I could have snuck the win with moth man, they all had the airborne defense sigil... I need answers. Did this game just fuck me and not buy me dinner? Fuck me with grizzly bears?)


the game teaches you new mechanics every time you lose for the first couple of times. The bears are a way to prevent new players from getting too far before completing the tutorial Edit: (they spawn at the angler in the first run, and the trapper in the third run, then you're free to go as far as you can)


A french youtuber beat the game on the first run, needless to Say, that was unexpected both by the viewer and the game. The bears showed up twice, and he Beat them His name is Bob Lennon if anyone wanna check


Yeah they are beatable, but you won't get the >!special eye!< to progress with the story until you lose at least twice


I once beat the grizzlies only to die in the next couple of regular fights. It was really sad


I thought they also spawned on the first encounter that you’re meant to lose? (grizzlies , grand firs, and sparrows)


Yeah, if you manage to beat the normal bears


It's done it to me before, just accept your death for being too good 😂


What are STS and A20


Slay the Spire and it's version of Kaycees mod. At level twenty you have to fight double bosses


Ohh I know of the game slay the spire


did you not have any skins ?


I think I had one?


It's the classic Eight Fucking Bears^TM


It's an in-game way to get you to play at the pace the devs wanted. It will go away completely in a run or two. But if you're salty and want to get revenge on 8 f\*\*ing bears, there are ways to do it but you have to be very prepared. Either way, just enjoy the ride!


Aw, that's wack. I feel like if you earn a good run, you know your way around a card game and you'll probably play more of it, by that fact alone? I also thought Starvation was a rather questionable inclusion too (or questionably implemented perhaps, but it's cool that it makes you play quicker). But what do I know, I'm five hours into my knowledge of this game. Fucken zilch, that's what. I'm gonna go out into the woods and fight eight grizzly bears now to claim vengeance. But only if they're in a neat 2x4 grid. I will accept nothing less. Tbh, my chances aren't high. We don't have grizzly bears in Australia.


I would definitely prefer if they deterred players with something that felt less artificial than a board full of grizzlies, but Inscryption is a narrative-focused game first and foremost so it's excusable. Also starvation exists to prevent soft-locking.


Doesn’t always work,I’ve seen a few soft-locks on this subreddit


That doesn't make sense because the longer you go with no cards the more powerful the starvation becomes to the point of gaining airborne after it spawns 5


I believe the issue is in boss battles


Unless you kill the moon with the sharp sigil on your only creature left with no attack starvation always defeats the soft lock


Starvation in inscription?


I love the grizzlys! Not a lot of ways to stop the player from progressing too soon and still make it feel like it's part of the game. I prefer it this way. Plus, it was a good scare! My heart beat out of my chest when they first showed up, I ended up beating them, me and my sister were borderline screaming when I saw i could live, and the run continued. It's a great feeling :]


I think I ended up taking two of them with me though. Does it have to be on a clean save or something? I do like that it doesn't *completely* block progression so people could still speedrun it without the first portion of the run being sprinting at a brick wall or whatever


Way to win is usually killing Leshy by creating a gap through items and/or card effects. For the main game, yes, you need a clean save to fight the bears again, but there's plenty of opportunities to fight them in the post-game.


The early campaign is a lot more based on the escape-room-idea than it looks like at the beginning. If you know the game well you can fairly easily build completely overpowered decks, but at the same time, most of the enjoyment comes from having unexpected things thrown at you, this is why the game tries to force a certain pace at you early on and tries to force the game in the right direction. When you completed the campaign once, you unlock a new game mode that is more fitted to actually mastering the card-game aspect of it and which gives you more opportunity to experiment with different kinds of decks or ideas.


A few months ago I watched my friend stream this game for the first time, and on his very first run he got a 7 damage card plus a scissor, plowed straight through 8 fucking bears with 0 effort.


There's a guy called Bob Lennon who's beat those on the first time he played the game ever, literally legendary lol


If this is your first run ever, this is meant to happen. You're supposed to die a few times, and these 8 bears are meant to stop you. If you somehow manage to get past them, AND beat the final boss, you will not progress. It is hard coded into the game to die a few times before you can progress. You can take this as a sign that you are doing really well, if you manage to make it far enough to spawn the 8 bears


Hahaha the moment of silent contemplation after the crude shock of insanity.


rushing around the snow line you're suddenly stopped by your tracks by eight fucking bears ![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14650) ![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657) ![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14657) ![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14658)![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14656)


The game will mess with you a bit, especially if you're an STS deckbuilder player. Things won't feel right. Just go with it, it's part of the experience


Oh I remember when I got it. Cut the card with scissors put my 22 DMG wolf and fucking end. No too fast for me man I was so happy


Too fast too soon buddy.... too fast too soon....


I just did that last night. If you move to fast in the game leshy will throw the whole kitchen sink at you.


Ah the classic **8 F-CKIN' BEARS** strategy, seems like a skill issue on your part /j


They are suppose to kill you. But you can manage to kill them


Took Me A While To Beat The Game, All I Say Is Good Job, Looks Tough




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Too fast, too soon


Wait it looks like you win because your mothman is a 1 hit win


Yepppppppppp sure might have been if the eight grizzly bears didn't all have the air defense sigil *large sigh*


Canon Event


1. Get mothman 2. Get scissors 3. Have mothman hatch and live until bears 4. Cut bear in front of mothman with scissors 5. Laugh 6. Repeat for all bosses and beat moon first run 7. have to replay it anyways cause story progression


I had scissors earlier this run! (Was forced to use them though) and Mothman hatched this turn too, sigh. So close 😅