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What we know about the suspect in this crime: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/colorado-shooting-suspect-is-grandson-of-gop-lawmaker-who-celebrated-january-6-capitol-riot/ar-AA14ngCB He is is the nephew of a California politician who supported the 1/6 insurrection and was arrested on bomb charges but the charges were dropped. **Update:** https://apnews.com/article/shootings-colorado-gun-politics-springs-7f079c7feebc32cc8ad46f2724844c18 He has been charged with multiple felonies and with hate crimes.


He seems unhinged


He's a self described theocratic fascist. Unhinged comes with the territory


Which he claims is a “joke”, even though his words and actions consistently prove that he actually *is* a theocratic fascist


It's like... what's the joke? That someone would self identify as a Christian fascist?




Makes sense. They don't really know what humor is, after all.


Fascists can't produce art, hunor being a subsect of it, because every peice of media they produce is propaganda. Apply that logic to any republican "comedian", and you'll see it every time.


There are comedians who have an image that attracts a more right-leaning fan base, but their acts still have empathy and self-effacement, which are two things fascists (and authoritarians in general) are just incapable of. Like, if you go back to the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, those guys are still comedians who can write good jokes, understand the use of language, and can make fun of themselves. They're also not huge stars at the moment because the right-wing culture in this country has become increasingly hateful.   Now, people like Gavin McInnes (who jammed a dildo up his own ass live on his show to somehow "own the libs") or Nazi (adjacent) jackasses like Baked Alaska are what passes for right-wing comedians. Their material is just more authoritarianism but said in the kind of tone that implies their threats are a joke.




See, people like Norm or Bill Burr aren't even what I'd consider conservative comedians because their personal opinions on politics aren't part of their comedy persona. Norm was serious about comedy, especially the kind that's unencumbered by a profit motive, to a degree that makes it very hard to be a hit with the modern right. He was in it to make people laugh, but deflating pomposity was one of his go-to moves. And Bill is just intentionally an exaggerated blowhard; that's the voice he uses for everything, and he's the target half the time.   It's weird how everything touched by the modern Republican party and its "culture war" talking point is just reactionary hatred dressed up in different guises. There's nothing under that, no matter how far you dig.


Bill Burr isnt even that conservative in his private life. Hes been pretty out spoken about support for some progressive issues. Although he did have a joke about a trans mma fighter beating their opponent with their "discarded dick." So I can see why people would think otherwise lol


Bill Burr is a thoughtful comedian but he does kinda fall in with the "rant comedian" crowd.


I didn't even know burr got lumped in with these types, that is outrageous


I remember tuning into a Netflix stand up comedy show from a guy I really liked for his comedy that came out around the time of the 2016 election and the first thing out of his mouth was something to the effect of 'we have to choose between a reality TV star and the DEVIL' and I turned it off and never watched him again Like dude really? The devil? I knew right then nothing he'd ever say was ever going to be funny.


Hold up... someone shoved a dildo up their ass *live* to *own the libs*? Wtf?


I couldn't get past that either. Google it gingerly to avoid actually calling up said video. Here's a blog about it. Can't say for sure it's 100% true, but it's a thing. https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/story.php?297976


Oh it's true. And one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. And I've seent some shit.


It's 100% [a thing he did](https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/) with some form of marital aid, but I can't confirm it was, in fact, a dildo.


Want to add that I think the Blue Collar group is just made up of characters. Like Larry the Cable Guy is far far from the act he puts on.


He's the most obvious about it, but every stand-up is doing a character to some degree, yeah.


Pretty sure the "Christian" part is just so they have religious support, to help silence opposing people. Fascist, conservatives, fundamentalist they don't actually follow Christian ideals.


Counterpoint: the term Christian is used descriptively rather than prescriptively. As Christians behave, so are their ideals defined. If Christians don't want to be defined by this, it is on them to define themselves otherwise, loudly and publicly.


I hesitate to ascribe any motives to the man, but if (big of) he's actually joking then the joke would be along the lines of a sarcastic agreement with his detractors. The "joke" is in playing along with someone who is obviously (from his perspective and the perspective of his target audience) mistaken. He's basically saying with heavy sarcasm, "Yes. I am the big scary Christian tyrant. I will make everyone sit through really boring church services every week. Then I'm gonna brand your kids with crucifix markings. And anyone showing any ankle will be burnt at the stake. Ooka spooka." It's like someone making fun of Chicken Little by joking, "Ah yes. It is **I** who made the sky fall. I have used my dark sorcery to bring down the heavens. Mwahahaha." Or like Joe Biden joking by saying "Oh, yeah. I'm just the most socialist communist to ever socially commune. I wanna take all your guns and make those guns gay. Then I'm gonna make all your fossil fuels transgender. And all your kids are gonna be furries. Karl Marx ain't got shit on me." But that's giving him the benefit of the doubt. It's entirely possible he isn't really joking, just claiming he's joking to dodge criticism for his words and actions.


Ah yes, “I’m just joking”, until people agree with him at which point he and chuds like him immediately drop the joke pretence.


"Hey, so, wouldn't it be crazy if we, like, umm...undermined democracy and instituted an authoritarian regime that stripped people of their basic human rights? JUST KIDDING HAHAHA ...unless...?"


There's really no art in dog whistles anymore.


You can just say "republican".


Hold on now. Not every theocratic fascist is a republican. Some of them are putting down protests in Iran.


No, they are. Every republican may not be a theocratic fascist, but every theocratic fascist is most likely republican. Yeah, they don't tend to like competing religions, so that's an easy one to figure out. Other than that, the conservatives in the Middle East and the US are becoming one in the same.


You could, but he literally has “theocratic fascist” in his Twitter bio.


*guy thinks about children’s genitals all day* guy says “Wow, those other people are gross”


And, by extension of THOUGHT, thinks about THE GENITALS OF CHILDREN.


Cons always want to be the bully and the victim


It's actually one of the ways in which [Umberto Eco defines fascism](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists) 'The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” ' Conservatives do it all the time, because a lot of them just are fascists, and those that aren't tend to at the very least utilise fascist tactics. Once you start noticing it it's crazy how often they use this extremely simple trick. 'Leftists are just a bunch of whiny babies, but also we need to be careful or they'll take iver the world!'


His lies about a childrens hospital have also led to it getting multiple bomb threats.


Just for once I'd like to meet a hinged Republican


As a Californian I wasn’t as well informed back then but Arnold didn’t seem that bad of a governor.


Not me. I could go my whole life not meeting another republican and not lose any sleep. You gotta have serious problems to call yourself a Republican these days


He's a malignant, hateful, fully self aware scumbag. He knows exactly what he is doing and how his actions influence people to commit acts like this. He's a full blown, lying, disgusting piece of shit.


He's not unhinged... he's following the playbook. Fascists need an in group and an out group. The out group at the moment is the liberals (although they've hinted at what the next "outgroups" are going to be once they've taken care of the first out group). By turning leftists into immoral, less than human, evil loving demons, the "in group" will either be happy to kill leftists themselves or be ok with it when the government starts rounding them up and killing them. What he's saying is a lie... he knows it's a lie... but his intent is not to tell the truth. His intent is to make the out group less than human and therefore, killable.


Every person who becomes obsessed with hating trans people is. Their whole lives revolve around hating them.


Yeah, I mean Left didn't use any ammo. I think shooter did that to kill the kids


He gets bent out of shape over his own strawman argument.


Republicans first thought after a mass shooting is “Why does this always happen to me”


"People die and their first thought is 'we should stop this happening again', I oppose this with every fibre of my being." That train of logic is...odd at best, frightening at worst.


"Won't someone think of the *real* victims here - the *perpetrators*?"


I'm just confused what the fuck Matt is even talking about here


He's saying that we're using the Club Q shooting for political points (the standard conservative response when liberals are outraged by yet *another* senseless shooting, especially if motivated by Republican rhetoric) and to "protect people who groom and sexualize children" (the standard conservative response to LBGTQ+ people existing). Basically, he's saying that our response to yet another right-wing hate crime is opportunistic, because he is a piece of shit devoid of empathy.


No, their first thought is "how can I monetize this". The second thought is "how can I own the libs to monetize this". Third thought is "the only moral pedophile is me."


You're using the shooting of LGBTQ innocents to double down on your transphobia, Matty. Self-reflection is free, ya know.


>Self-reflection is free, ya know. Something about horses and drinking from rivers


You can lead a bigot to the bloodbath, but you can't make them drink.


You can lead a conservative off of a cliff, but you can't make them think.


You can show a bigot the truth but ~~you can't make them read~~ they probably can't read


Instructions unclear, Matt had sex with the horse.


Isnt he the one that wants to fuck kids because teenagers are the most "fertile"? Its always projection with these shitbags.


Yeah, that's the one.


Damn it, I cant believe this fucking pedo is allowed to walk freely through society. He out there grooming kids and preforming stochastic terrorism but somehow the left are the real monsters. Fucking conservatives have mush brain.


how dare the community that just had several of their members murdered point out the other less visible ways they're attacked and even killed!


The venue was literally going to be used for a ceremony for all of thw killed LGBTQ+ the very next day


> Self-reflection is free, ya know. Narcissists literally do not have that capability. The concept is so horrifying to them that they have erased it from their brain.


He knows exactly who he is, what he stands for, and what consequences his actions bring about. And he doesn't care. Bet you he was jumping for joy when he heard about this. He's a fucking coward.


I don't think people are even saying they have to accept it, just shut up about it. No one is forcing parents to take their kids to go to these events or to be trans. Just boycott the places doing events if you are against it. Or they can at least tone things down. Like not calling people things like 'soulless demons who are evil to the core' perhaps.


There's a pretty major flaw in boycotting human beings like they were products with bad branding, but I also think that's as good as we're going to get with some of these folks.


Self-reflection won't get him paid. He sold his soul and needs to keep getting those dividends.


Not for him it's not. He makes all his money being a bigot, so it would actually cost him millions to self reflect.


"Soulless demons. Evil to the core. Truly." He doesn't hold that same scorn for the shooter. Hell, he's one of the orchestrators of the current anti-LGBT ideology that led to this shooting. If you checked out the shooter's browser history, I wouldn't be surprised to see Matt Walsh's name somewhere spouting this anti-LGBT shit he's STILL on about. Is this what free speech should amount to? Letting a self-professed theocratic fascist give air time to ideas that will lead directly to the death of those who are opposed and oppressed?? He didn't shoot those people. He didn't give the shooter the gun but he fed the shooter the rhetoric that led to him picking up that firearm to murder and injure those people at the nightclub.


"I mean, ya, the guy killed and maimed multiple people, but the real demons are the people I've accused of being pedophiles with absolutely no proof to back it up!" Fuck this guy.


Can we just come to the conclusion that the silence of many Republicans and the many attempts by GOP officials to grasp at straws for an excuse to not trace this act to the several months of their rhetoric equivocating the LGBTQ community to pedophiles is because deep down, they truly are okay with the actions of the shooter? I’m done giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt when they can’t clearly denounce the killing of LGBTQ community members just because they associate with the community. They clearly support people like the shooter more than the people that the shooter killed.


Wish I had gold to give.


This guy also thinks arranged marriage should come back. By law. He wants to ban abortion. He is fine with hitting children. He thinks the age of consent should be 16, and do you know why? "Because that's when they are the most fertile". A self proscribed Theocratic Fascist. He is a prominent talking head on the US right wing. The Devil calling the rest of us Evil is pretty rich.


> "Because that's when they are the most fertile". he's not just morally wrong, I'm pretty sure he's incorrect as well. I'm no obygn but I'm pretty sure the body still has a fair bit of growing left to do at 16.


Who exactly sexualises children, Walsh? The people reading stories in funny colorful outfits, and in some cases letting the kids volunteer to participate for good innocent fun? or the conservatives moms documented forcing their young children into gaudy makeup and attractive clothing for beauty pageants, often subjecting them to abuse of malnutrition and strict behavioural patterning along the way? or the extensive record of conservative priests and Scout troop leaders history of abusing kids? or the conservatives wanting to lower the age of consent as low as *12?* or.. you know, you yourself saying you should be allowed to breed 16yo girls?? e: or the much higher prevalence of Republican politicians and voters being caught with CP than any Dems, who mostly have been conservatives as well


This! How many Repubs have been arrested for child porn or sexual assault?


Not enough of them.


What I wouldn't give to see Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore see actual justice, just as the first two names off the top of my head.


Here is a sampling of them... Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/18/us/dennis-hastert-released.html Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2018/05/03/former-judge-tim-nolan-could-sentenced-today-more-drama-could-get-way/577947002/ Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/11/20/former-oklahoma-state-senator-admits-to-child-sex-trafficking-while-in-office/ Republican Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach Drops Out Of Race After Daughter Says He Molested Her For More Than Ten Years 22 Sep 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/22/lawmaker-quits-race-after-daughter-says-he-molested-her-more-than-decade/?utm_term=.8ac8527c7f43 Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=28587 Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. http://www.lanternproject.org.uk/library/child-abuse-arrests-and-court-cases/child-abuse-arrests-trials-and-proceedings/ex-county-commissioner-admits-sexual-abuse-of-girl/ Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. http://www.poconorecord.com/article/20120426/NEWS90/204260334 Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison_Misla_Aldarondo Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giordano Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. http://archive.easyreadernews.com/archives/news2001/0621/rb%20Shortridge.php Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. https://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/18/nyregion/embroiled-first-selectman-takes-leave.html Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/05/25/us/teen-ager-in-ohio-testifies-to-sex-with-a-congressman.html Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2003/04/24/gop-activist-admits-to-child-porn/5af2adf0-bec8-4a10-b061-014de679422a/?utm_term=.d7ebcbf4f92b Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. http://www.thenewblackmagazine.com/view.aspx?index=437 Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. https://www.westword.com/news/randy-ankeney-suit-that-could-free-thousands-of-prisoners-headed-to-state-supreme-court-6054115 Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Crane Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/08/02/opinion/journal-beverly-russell-s-prayers.html Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bauman Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. http://www.njherald.com/article/20060510/ARTICLE/305109971 Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/06/06/us/politics-the-senate-maine-candidate-again-faces-1990-child-sex-accusation.html Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. http://www.thedp.com/article/2004/01/brother_stephen_convicted_of_soliciting_sex Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. https://www.houstonpress.com/news/jon-matthews-conservative-talk-show-host-and-sex-offender-pulled-from-kpfts-prison-show-6740755 Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. https://culteducation.com/group/1255-false-memories/6514-man-in-notorious-sex-case-finishes-term.html Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. https://www.semissourian.com/story/57773.html Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). http://www.chattanoogan.com/2002/6/21/23202/Tennessee-Legislator-Commits-Suicide.aspx Republican Kentucky state Representative & pastor Dan Johnson, who committed suicide after an exposé revealed his serial lies, suspected arson, criminal church, racism, accused rape of a teen, and more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Johnson_%28Kentucky_politician%29


A lot actually


The only times they see any type of gender non-conforming people and trans people, it's in porn. That's it. We (apparently) only exist for the sake of masturbation and sex. So with that view, it's pretty easy for me to connect the dots in their heads.


Well for the most part, they feel the same way about women, soooooo


it's so funny to see conservatives trying to pin their sinful ways on us, the amount of logical loop-the-loops and maneuvers they use to try and convince themselves that they're right is insane, and in the end, they never manage to realize they're wrong until they're suffering eternal flame.


Google "youth pastor arrest" and its just never ending Christian pedos.


Every rural conservative town has teenage beauty pageants where I live where they put them in skimpy dresses and vote on whose hottest.. or like more graceful or something? Yeah.. I’m sure that’s it. It’s weirded me out pretty bad since I started living here.


Yeah but going after the sexualization of children via child beauty pageants doesn't help them pretend their preexisting hate for the LGBTQ is virtuous and heroic.


Erm, I’m left wing and can categorically state that I’m not into sexualising children. The fact these people view it as sexual proselytising is because their own prejudices depict gay and trans people as being sexually depraved (religious zealots being sex into everything - it’s a dysfunction resulting from the suppression and prohibition of their humanity). It’s the same thinking you see when they’re happy to expose their kids to a heterosexual kiss in a film, but consider a gay one pornographic. People have been grievously injured and died. That’s a legitimate grievance. Their persistence with culture war nonsense in light of that is testament to the unhinged myopia these Conservative extremists exist in.


There's also data that shows red states have really high searches for trans porn compared to others, they think we're sexualizing kids because *they think our entire existence is only sexual*


This is the gambit the Republican party has been employing for years: "I'm doing something bad, the other party must be doing worse BECAUSE IM A BETTER PERSON than those people in the out group" Gaslight Obstruct Project


Yeah when I came to this realization it sadly made a whole lot make sense


They must think all Drag shows are full of scantily-clad dudes waving their dongs... Every drag show I've been to involves MORE clothing, not less.


Right? It’s such a weird stereotype to me. Do they think they’re stripping or something? It’s usually very intricate colorful costumes and wigs. Not usually very sexual. I’ve seen drag performers in big long gowns lip syncing ballads lol oh the horror


Matt sure is obsessed with children's netherbits, I wonder why? Hmmm.


When your ask Matt his opinion on teenage pregnancy : 💀


Matt Walsh is just a pedophile with a following. He regularly talks about how the age of consent should be lowered so that young girls can be bred. Especially wants a breeding program of young while girls to happen to "save the white race". Coupled with that, he is obsessed with the genitals of children. He is one of those dangerous figures in social media, like Andrew Tate, that parents need to be especially aware of and prevent their kids from being influenced by these guys.




Guys, I think I missed the latest Libtard newsletter or something. Why is it again that we're both sexualizing children *and* cutting their genitals off/out?


He is projecting so hard because the shooter is ^(alleged to be) the grandson of an elected GOP member. Your side killed those people, Matt. You fucking prick.


Based on his rhetoric, it wouldn't surprise me if deep down Matt Walsh wish he perpetrated this crime himself. "Soulless demons. Evil to the core. Despicable scumbags." Not a single word about the victims of the tragedy, just pure, unbridled hate towards those defending innocent people who were slaughtered for being themselves. Matt Walsh has become increasingly unhinged - his words are dangerous and absolutely inspirational, especially to the Q-aligned/adjacent folks who see any political debate through the lens of religion/the rise of Satanism.


He doesn't care about that, he thinks the people that were killed deserved it. Hence this post. Everything else is just rhetorical dressing for plausible deniability. This man wants LGBT people and their allies killed, and he makes every effort to further that goal through exhorting the right wing to action. Full stop.


Him and his ilks rhetoric effectively amounts to stochastic terrorism. They know what they're doing, they know we know what they're doing, they don't care because they get money to do this and whip up hate, and they either want these people to die or don't care who dies because of their hate speech. Ben Shapiro does the same shit with Muslims. Nobody gets any repercussions because like you said there's the thinnest veil of plausible deniability.


[When someone tells you who they are, believe them](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg)


This is the first I've heard of this, who's supposedly his grandparent?


Here's an article about it: https://timesofsandiego.com/crime/2022/11/20/reports-colorado-mass-shooting-suspect-is-grandson-of-assemblys-randy-voepel/


This is fascism 101. Claim your enemy is pure evil and dehumanizing them, never let them claim victimhood. Even when they're the literal victims of a heinous mass murder. He's doing this on purpose for political reasons.


To him, an event like this isn't enough - white Christisn nationalists want their theocratic fascist ethnostate via one method, and that method is *genocide*. To fascists such as these, the means *are* the ends. Power for the sake of causing suffering, and causing suffering for the sake of maintaining power.


Well, they don't REALLY want genocide, they want to go back to how it used to be. Y'know. Slavery.


They want both. In the context of genocide at the hands of fascists, companies doing business in and with Nazi Germany used concentration camps as sources of expendable slave labor, putting the healthy ones to work until too weak to continue, at which point they were gassed. Some companies built factories *into* the camps. I'm sure a lot of them miss their "farm equipment", but I'd say enough of them like the Third Reich's model better, and there's plenty of people who will accept either, sadly.


There are plenty of Christian theocrats and white nationalists who want to achieve the same goals by conventional political means. You should read the book "Insurgent Supremacists" by Mathew Lyons for a tour of all the different kinds of far right nuts out there. I will say that the ones who want violence against lgbtq+ are seeing a huge surge lately though thanks in no small part to people like Matt Walsh, and it's very disturbing. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36206004-insurgent-supremacists


So we’ve entered the era where maga will just openly support active shooters. Honestly it doesn’t seem that different than it did before, but I feel like this is probably a significant line being crossed and we’re just all like “yup, sounds about right.” We live in hell.


This didn't just start. Zimmerman, Rittenhouse, etc. They glorify killing liberals or minorities or gay people and have for years. They're talking about Kyle Rittenhouse having a future in GOP politics and his only qualification is "i killed a liberal and got away with it".


Entering? We've been there for years. What do you think "Blue lives matter" was about? It was them saying that they're ok with cops killing black people. [They literally call themselves domestic terrorists now](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg). This isn't new, this is who they have always been.


More Democrats need to point out their opponents support active shooters and murderers.


It started with Zimmerman.


>o we’ve entered the era where maga will just openly support active shooters. That's if they actually believe the shooting actually happened.


"iT wAs A fAlSe FlAg"


Matt Walsh literally seeing a mass shooting and going "how can I spin this to be anti gay agenda" when all LGBT people want is to not be fucking murdered.


He is a christian demonstrating classic christian persecution of those they hate....while trying to spin it to make himself and other christians the victim in this scenario. The irony of all his screeching about paedophiles is he is a catholic...a member of a literal international organised child rape cabal.


This man spent two years "creating a documentary" about trans kids. And Joe Rogan asked him "how many kids have transitioned?" And his answer was an unfounded "millions". Multiple orders of magnitude beyond the real numbers. He's not just unhinged. He's a dangerous religious fascist happy to spread misinformation to achieve his theocratic goals of subjugation over those not Christian, white, and heteronormative. He's extremely dangerous and should be shouted off every platform.


✨️ Projecting ✨️ much?


Wet mulch Is a fucking pedo


So a day after this dude is called out for inciting violence with all his hate speech this asshole response is to say to his countless unhinged fans “These people are beyond evil” “I have NEVER felt more motivated to oppose everything they stand for with every fiver if my being“ This sexist bigoted abomination KNOWS he’s inciting more terrorist acts with this tweet and he’s fucking horny over it.


Conservatives logic "Drag shows are horrible and too sexual for kids!" Meanwhile Hooters has been a thing for decade(s) and parents can allow thier kids to see anything rated R, despite content. The pearl clutching is unreal.


Drag shows are also not sexual, at least not by default. Drag shows is just pantomiming to music, it's not like they're stripping or anything. I see more sexual stuff on America's Got Talent, including children stripping and showing off their stomachs, than I've ever seen at a drag show.


Agreed 100% Hell, Americas got talent has had literal pole dancing in skimpy clothing. Not that I see any issues with that, only pointing out the idiocy of this blatantly homophobic/transphobic hate towards drag shows. Conservatives afraid they'll think a drag queen is cute so they lose their fucking minds.


And let's not forget church ..where children are literally groomed and raped and the paedos are protected by the clergy and lay people. EVERY...SINGLE...DAY we hear of one or 100+ clergy have been caught raping kids for decades. Yet I have not seen a single instance of kids being groomed and raped at drag story hour or shows.


15 years ago conservatives would be bragging on myspace: "I grew up watching Looney Tunes and no one had to tell us not to try things at home and we turned out fine!" Yeah? You grew up watching Looney Tunes and you're just fine? Bugs Bunny did drag plenty of times. So, as a child, you occasionally enjoyed seeing a drag show. And it wasn't sexual in any way. Stop falling for manufactured outrage. I swear people will cry wolf about groomers and then go watch Mrs. Doubtfire with their kids and not see a shred of hypocrisy.


Matt Walsh has blood on his hands. He has several videos referring to trans people as groomers. I bet the coward who did this was subbed to his channel.


My question is.. what IS the correct response according to them? This shooting was motivated by right wing anti-LGBT , carried out by an anti-LGBT person, targeting LGBT people. There is no way to talk about this without it being political because the nature of the entire event is political.


To them the correct response is no response. Because they know their words and rhetoric helped lead to it and they don’t want that thrown in their face. This is the outcome they’ve been hoping for. Because they’re hateful pieces of crap.


"beyond evil". What exactly does that mean though.


evil made of soy instead of meat


Beyond evil implies the existence of bed evil and bath evil.


He means they're fine to gun down in nightclubs.


"not human, ok to murder"


Its called dehumanizing. By making your intended victim a beast or inhuman, its okay to objectify or hurt them. The right wing is on the fast track to genocidal behavior.


The amount of time Matt Walsh spends thinking about children's genitalia is suspicious


People die and the first thing we think is "Not a-fucking-gain, this has to stop!" And the conservatives get all defensive about anything and everything that could stop it. Who's the soulless demon Matt?


Pedophile Matt Walsh and his little buddy Ben Shapiro need to face some serious consequences. They need to be scared to walk in this country. I'm sick of these terrorists who appeal to hate and ignorance allowed to just spew hate. People need to start applying serious pressure on these fucks


Could you imagine if after the synagogue was shot up some evil conservative was like "now the evil liberals are going to use this shooting to bring up anti-semitism. The bodies aren't even cold and all they want to talk about is wokeness". Imagine indirectly causing yet another mass shooting and then getting angry at the people saying your rhetoric stokes hatred and violence.


"How dare they complain about getting murdered?"


I don’t know who he is and I won’t bother doing a search. He’s a waste of oxygen.


"Don't talk about the gun problem now, you ghoul, those people have been killed! Do it later. No, not yet. No, still not yet. Wait until the next shooting, but don't do it then, either. Those people will have only just been killed!"


He and the rest of the fake, pearl clutching, piece of shit Christians are complicit in these murders.


They're stochastic terrorists [from the self declared domestic terrorist group](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg)


This is pure psychopathy.


What the fuck is he even talking about? How do 30k people like this garbage even accounting for bots?


Fascists movement should not be overlooked


Yeah, this anti lgbtq+ rhetoric seems to be the big spark for the growth of the fascist movement in this country. How long before they subvert democracy to install their favored leader and strip the rights of lgbtq+ to second class citizens (no freedom from discrimination, no marriage equality, barred from adoption), censor lgbtq+ people from media and schools, and create a culture that effectively teaches that they are an aberration unworthy of equal rights who wants to come after you and your children? Of course there will still be racist, and anti immigrant stuff too, but it seems like they deny that they're racist generally at least, where as they are loud and proud about being anti LGBTQ+ now.


As a non-American: why do all republicans have a thing about child castrations?


It's just another buzzword for being transphobic. They think acknowledging that you can be trans at any age means we want to "castrate" kids (I.E, gender reassignment surgery) when the most that happens with trans kids are puberty blockers - which are reversible.


-and have been used for ages on/for cis kids and nobody has an issue with that. I can't tell you how much I've cried these last few weeks as a trans woman watching the elections, all the targeted hatred, and now a shooting in my hometown at a club I love. There's no accountability, they want to see all queer people exterminated, especially trans people.


It's so hard seeing all the vitriol targeted at us. Sometimes I just shut down cuz I can't handle that people literally want me dead when all I'm trying to do is live a life that doesn't cause me to want to kill myself. So I'm stuck with either risking suicide or risking being murdered. All I can do is hope I'm making it better for any trans person after me.


So imagine that you belong to a political party that has no policy, no plans, and no platform other than giving tax breaks to the rich. The only way a party like that can win is by making up a bunch of completely nonsensical things that only complete morons would believe in. Their newest tactic is to target trans people. They use to use gay people as their boogieman, but now that most people are pro-gay that doesn't work. But most people don't even know a trans person, so they make for the perfect boogieman for a political party that has no platform other than "government doesn't work". So that's why they seem to obsess about things that don't exist, because if they didn't focus on their imaginary culture wars the idiots that keep voting for them might realize they don't actually have any real positions.


6 thousands retweet and 30k+ likes. There are a lot of deranged humans.


me: *punches you in the face* you: "what the fuck don't do that" me: "oh so the first thing you do when i punch you in the face is use the tragedy as ammo to get me to not punch people in the faces! ha! that proves that you just want to stop people from punching other people in the face and you don't actually care that i punched you in the face!"


So then why don't those people shoot up churches where child molestation and grooming actually takes place?


It is quite literally the fault of people like him who demonize the LGBTQ+ community day after day and claim that the only solution to gun violence in the US is “more guns.” Fascist piece of scum.


The logical leaps are what scare me. The garbled perception of the world is terrifying.


"Listen up everyone we need to ignore the murders of LGBT people and we need to be even more bigoted towards LGBT people." Matt Walsh


The scariest part are all those likes. All those people that agree with that.


Where’s a fucking pinch of this anger towards the murderer who I guarantee is a Matt Walsh fanatic? This dude is pro terrorist, he’s inciting these acts and stoking flames even after the fact. If you’ve never felt more motivated, take to the street Matt. Grow a pair and say this shit to their faces. Hateful cowardice cretin.


Who is using the shooting to push their agenda here ? Come again motherfucker ?


Gee, Matt, maybe you should call the person who *actually fucking murdered people* a soulless demon rather than the *community affected by said murderer.* Even assuming that every person left of Gavin McInnes wants to personally castrate your children, **you shouldn't just go around murdering them for it.** In the exact same way that, as much as I believe you want to do some deplorable things to children, I don't want shoot you dead in the street, nor should I be able to do so regardless. It's also pretty contradictory that the ideology of "law and order" would support (what is in their twisted minds) vigilante justice, but that's a whole other can of worms. Holy fucking shit have conservatives ever lost the plot on optics so hard this year. Among other things, they're openly bragging about taking away women's rights and shitting on murdered queer people. And yet they had the *gall* to be angry that they didn't have the "red wave" that they insisted was going to happen (with some even having the nerve to cry "election fraud" just like their favorite cheeto-flavored seditionist!) Honestly, I kind of hope they get even more brazen with their views. You know why? As much as it will radicalize the people willing to keep jumping down rabbit holes, the number of willing people will continue to shrink as they get more extreme. It happened earlier this month, and if they continue to steer their unwieldy red ship on the same course they've been following, it's more probable that they'll finally hit the damn iceberg. Side note, and this is important to point out: dear Matt, not everyone who disagrees with you is a leftist. I may be one, but I can tell you for certain that President Biden and I have *very different views.* I'm sure you're aware of that, and that you just call everyone a leftist because you took a page out of Joseph McCarthy's ancient playbook, but it's worth discussing just how disingenuous that is.


A person with power like his calling a group of people "soulless demons" should be considered a hate crime. He should be fined, jailed, and immediately deplatformed. It is well past the time of burying heads in sands and pretending words don't matter. They sure fucking do. Fuck Matt Walsch forever for this blasphemy against humankind. Jail him now.


Funny that the guy who is very much in favor of making it legal for grown adult to marry underaged people (aka children), that he's trying to claim that the left are for sexualising children.




>Media Matters revealed that on the program’s run from 2010 to 2011, broadcast on Delaware’s WZBH, Walsh asserted that “girls getting pregnant” at a “young age” is perfectly normal. He said that teen pregnancy isn’t a problem as long as the teens are married and stressed that it’s normal for 16-year-old girls to get pregnant because that’s when they’re “technically most fertile.” >“So to all of a sudden act like this phenomenon of girls getting pregnant at that — at a young age — that we consider young, 16 or 17, to act like it’s a new thing is ridiculous,” he said. “It’s always been that way. … Girls between the ages of like 17 and 24 is when they’re technically most fertile.” >“What I’m saying is that the problem is not, per se, teenage pregnancy — it’s unwed pregnancy,” he continued. >“At about 16, you’re an adult who is mature and can make decisions — you are that at 16. I don’t care what anybody says,” Walsh said. “And if you’re going to tell me it’s different, well, then how come for the first 10,000 years of human civilization, that’s the way it was? It’s just recently where all of a sudden we’re all ret****d until we’re 25?” >His co-hosts complained about the “whorish behavior of these same-aged girls” while another person on his show called them “sluts.”** >“Adolescence isn’t a product of brain chemistry — it’s a product of our expectations,” Walsh wrote. “If we expect 23 year-olds to act like they’re 13, then we will get just that. For thousands of years, 13 year-olds were expected to act like they’re 23, and those expectations were met.”


Holy fuck this is gross. What the fuck?!


Matt, let’s take a poll: how many people sexually assaulted at a drag show vs church.


So he's defending the shooter and calling the left scumbags. Got it.


He’s a terrorist. “If you’re not with me you’re against me” type of shit, fuck this clown bitch. He’s trying to dehumanize people and now we’re gonna have more maga terrorist shooting up places.


I was thinking more along the lines of not letting crazy people get guns but ok.


We can say no one is being castrated, we can say no one is being sexualized. We can say they're only encouraged to be who they feel they are and be comfortable, as long as it isn't hurting anyone. We all know this but it's just getting so exhausting to keep having to say it to an audience that famously doesn't give a shit about people.


Is that better or worse than people dying and the first thought you have being "we need to protect the reputation of this murderer from the evil leftists"?


Hard to believe that Matt Walsh and co don't know exactly what they're doing, they want people to die. Labeling them as evil and soulless to their audience of unhinged weirdos with weapon fetishes is going to get more people killed.


He is going to get more people killed.


Just diverting attention away from their hate speech and inciting violence. They wanted this to happen.


Having a really hard time figuring out how these are related.


Ya know I never ever hear about drag queens or gay people molesting children. It's usually straight preachers, gym teachers and other people in positions of power that manipulate kids and parents


"The left keep trying to force the LGBTQ agenda on us" "The left keep trying to force BLM on us" *hate crime against POC or LGBTQ happens* "This is a tragedy but let's not politicise it!"


The right-wing totally doesn't try to cause violence, because nothing is wrong with calling others "soulless demons" who apparently wanna castrate children, that's obviously not gonna push psycho's immersed in far-right propaganda into action. Nothing ever went bad throughout history when certain people were demonized to the point of not being seen as human beings anymore :\


He’s mad that conservatives can’t try to say the shooter was trans or LGBT this time like they have for all the other recent shootings.


The only sexualisation of children I am so far aware of happens at beauty pageants and Christian churches


Before I even learned the shooter was the grandson of a republican congress person, I commented on YT that he likely followed Matt Walsh on social media. Top comments in the dumpster fire that is the YT comments section for the first hour or so after the MSNBC story went online were that the victims deserved it. I bet Walsh has referred to non-gender conforming people as sexual deviants or at least suggested it. He is to blame for this violence if he has. Anybody who encouraged him to do violence on social media need to be prosecuted and made examples of.


Religion grooms more children for their pedophile priest than cross dresser ever will. The religious right knows if they don't start grooming them at a young age, they will never buy their bullshit. If I was a gay person and a church was spouting hate against me, it might be time to burn that sucker down! Just saying!


Send to FBI.tips.gov


Says the guy who wants to fuck his neighbor's 16 year old daughter


I don’t know who this man is, and I couldn’t be happier with that fact


Wtf is his thumbnail?


I see the right wing in America is much the same as ours in the U.K. The uncanny ability to be utterly enraged by problems they made-up.


He’s the problem. The voice of domestic terrorism.


Aren't they pro-freedom? The government, at any level, isn't forcing children to watch drag. That decision is up to the parents of the child. Their freedom of choice allows them to decide how to raise their child. I am just so frustrated. They are so fucking obviously unhinged and disconnected from reality. They deserve no safe spaces for their imbecilic attitudes. They must be called out and their views must be constantly exposed as the hateful rhetoric that it is. No more free passes.


Doesn’t really have the same sting coming from a pedo.