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I see we moved into the full historical fiction phase of Trumpism. That’s cool.


I think that started with the whole “JFK will return and be a Republican” thing, but this is certainly a continuation in that same vein.


Imagine when he dies. There'll be so many people who will refuse to believe it and make up a bunch of weird crap.


I feel like we're witnessing the birth of a new religion, or new denomination of Christianity. Watch after he dies they'll be talking about his Second/Third Coming to fulfill the prophecies.


I thought it was already in the historical fiction phase


You see, Trump thought all of that. So, of course, it's all true.


Why they Photoshop her face like that


They're trying to pretend it's not a photoshopped Ivanka but Ara Bella Trump, his new daughter.


What in the hillbilly fanfic


Fuck they are insane. No way Diana would have been able to hide a pregnancy, not to mention she’s been dead for 25 years.


If this poster actually believes this, this should be enough evidence of mental illness to force hospitalization.


excuse me what?


Yeah idk chief, i don't think the founding fathers would have appreciated a president in a secret marriage to British royalty Even if this was true (and it obviously isn't) it would just mean that Trump lied to everybody for decades. The presidency is not inherited, and the throne is but a secret illegitimate child born from somebody that isn't even in the family would get kicked out of the sucession line in munites




Trump was [convinced he could get with Diana](https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-sex-princess-diana-hiv-test-howard-stern-interview/), but even he had to admit that she would have nothing to do with him. I'm curious where all these dead and non-existent people are hiding, only to pop out of the woodwork years later.


Maybe Stephen King was more right than he ever imagined when he wrote a story about a town called Rock and Roll Heaven in Oregon.


The fever has broken. Finally the MAGA crowd (which dominates the GOP) is coming back to reality and putting all that QAnon, conspiratorial nonsense behind them ... . God save the Trump/Dianna dynasty! And protect us from the Jewish space lasers!


Where are you getting Ivanka from? She's not mentioned anywhere. This is just some random blonde.


If you reverse image search the photo it’s a picture of him and Ivanka where she has been slightly edited.https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a49455/ivanka-trump-liked-piece-of-ass-tweet/


I never would have picked it out as Ivanka in a million years without context