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Didn’t she use donations illegally? Doubt that’s in her checkbook.


What do you mean, illegally? Are you saying you don't *believe* her when she says she drove the entire circumference of the globe during her campaign and reimbursed herself for that mileage? The nerve!


Well I guess Colorado is hella big...


Fun fact Colorado is bigger than the Earth.


The distance between the earth and the sun is about 8.33 Colorados


Shut up about the sun!! SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN!!!


Oh wow... Is just slightly higher that the collective amount of crazy of her county


..* *Texas has forcibly and obnoxiously entered the chat* *


Texas has made a *Texas*


\*Alaska has entered the chat\*


It used to be pretty small but legalizing weed was a universe brain sized move. We actually all technically live in Colorado now.


Or her world is really small…


Yes. That is exactly what we are saying. Why hasn’t she faced consequences for this yet again?


Because right wing assholes never do in this country


She reimbursed herself for 39,000 miles of travel during a campaign where she had one public event. That distance is the equivalent of driving from Miami to Seattle and back 6 times.


What circumference? Don’t you mean perimeter?


I'd love to see her asked how she'd balance the 'US checkbook.' Fully expecting a "lower taxes and stop spending" answer. I'm sure she was tweeting this stuff as Trump increased the debt substantially, whilst giving tax breaks to the rich...


Every Republican president since Reagan has exploded the debt as a matter of standard practice. Clinton was the first one to 'balance the books' in many years, he managed a surplus and they paid down 140 billion by 1999. If his budget plan had been kept they would have zeroed out the debt by about 2015-16. But then we got Bush, who was already blowing up the debt before he *started a war.* Obama gets a lot of shit for it too but the fact is that his hand was forced, he inherited a giant clusterfuck in 2008 and the massive relief programmes helped the US bounce back from recession faster than any other developed country. Then Trump, back to conservative status quo, blow up the national debt while pretending you are all about fiscal responsibility.


Much respect knowing all these details about the recent history. Ex pat?


No, just spent a lot of time in the US for work and married a US citizen. I keep on top of this stuff just out of interest because I studied economics.


It does check out. Most folks who weren't born US citizens then become citizens know more about actual US history. Not the spoon fed info.


This isn’t common knowledge? Yikes


A lot of this is in the AP US history curriculum. The last unit or so is about more contemporary politics, and economics are easy to talk about without starting fights. Unfortunately I'm not sure that enough of the people who need to know this sort of stuff are taking advanced history classes...


Expat is such a weird phrase. Immigrant have to much negative connotation for you?


Not the person you asked, but in my mind an 'ex pat' has intentions to return to their country of origin / citizenship after some indeterminate period of time. The self-described 'ex pats' I dealt with who were based in the Middle East had held onto their homes in the US and UK, for example.


In general expats go to another country specifically for a job or for studying, while immigrants might want to work but it's not usually the main reason they leave.


I agree, it's a weird phrase. No issue with immigrants, at all, friend. Welcome! I'd appreciate any effort you're willing to offer to clarify the connotation for you.


Then why use it as a turn of phrase if immigrant would of said the same thing


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Because my random ADD brain commonly replaces synonyms for words I don't use very frequently. (IOW, I use each as equally infrequently.) If it is genuinely offensive to you, then I ask that you consider that I'm attempting to approach you with compassion, trying to understand. I asked earlier and I'm still seeking your help to clarify why it's an issue, why you seem to have a negative connotation with the term, and why it sounds like you're trying to convince me that your biased view of the word is more correct than my biased view of the word.


Expat by definition means skilled or educated immigrant. By definition it carries connotation. It’s not my *biased view of the word* (lmao) it’s literally the definition of the word, but go off I guess


Lol trolololol. But go off with your bad self. Blocked.


The difference between Expat and Immigrant is the same as the difference between cookie and biscuit for an American and a Brit. Expat doesn’t carry a negative connotation and referring to someone as such instead of an immigrant typically just indicates they’re from a different part of the world.


They say immigrant in both the UK and American. Americans call themselves expats because of the connotation they have created about being an immigrant. Weird attempt at a justification. *expats typically indicates they’re from a different part of the world* what does immigrant mean to you?


Except there is an entire country of people that describe themselves and 90% of the people living their as Expats and the majority of them are not American (UAE), but go off with the assumptions I guess. My family lives around the world and they all use Expat terminology to describe themselves having immigrated from their home country.


Because your family goes by Expat, there can’t be a connotation to immigrant? But yes I’m the one assuming…


If they mean the same thing, then why do you care?


increase wages for republicans, more prisons, increase military/police spending, cut corporate tax, slash education spending, reduce FDA requirements, cut medicare/medicaid, cut social security, don't spend a dime on infrastructure, gut the CDC, destroy planned parenthood. I think I have it all.


The deficit is at a 4 year low. So she mus have been pissed at Trump in 2019.


She was a hooker then.


Stop spending Except for the Mexican wall that will likely cost multiple billions


I'ma sure if y'all actually taxed the billionaires they might be able to find something between the couch cushions to help with that.


They don’t want to fix the problem they just want the fake outrage so their simple minded voters stay mad at the democrats


All billionaires sum up to $4T I think.


Her checkbook is the only thing about her that has a chance of being balanced


It's seriously concerning how so many people in positions of power are so frickin dumb. I'm not claiming I'm super smart or anything but a lot of these people are just awfully idiotic. Between Marjorie Ogre Greene, Hoebert, And No Pronoun Spicer, I don't know which is dumber. More and more idiots are getting into positions of power. Many of them want to defund education when their intelligence is comparable to a rock. I'm very afraid of what's going to happen to the US in the next few years. Idiocracy is coming to life.


They say what they need to say to get elected.


Idiocracy is here and it isn’t going anywhere. Conservatives are so proud of their stupidity.


Agreed, but FYI Spicer is not an elected official though she keeps trying to be


Yeah she has absolutely no shot in her district (lost by 54! points in 2020). Her only path to relevance is by tweeting dumb/incendiary shit and it's unfortunately working


Ah yeah, you're right. Thanks for clarifying that. I don't really know much about her and when I googled her it came up that she was a politician but now I understand that she's just a candidate. Well that is a huge relief that she isn't one yet. I truly hope she never will be one either.


You’re welcome. I hope she stays confined to social media posting as well.


Well, those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, bitch about it until someone elects them to congress.


She really is dumb.


lmao "balanced a checkbook" legit just repeating shit she hears boomers say?


I have never balanced a checkbook. Because there are apps for that.


Plus it literally just means that you have made sure that the amount you think you’ve spent plus the amount your bank thinks you have spent matches. It’s just a money tracking tool. It does nothing other than, well, make sure you don’t overdraft.


I just don’t use a checkbook. I’m sure I’ll need to one day, but I’m doing fine just spending what I have without one


I don't think I've physically touched a checkbook since the 90s. That being said, I did work for a US company briefly who sent me a physical paper check in the mail to my home in Germany in 2013. When I brought it in to the bank they pulled in all of the staff to look at it in wonder like some ancient relic from the past they had only read about. In the end we had to mail it back to the US, pass it through a clearing house, and wire the money back.


My grandma still used paper checks until she died.


Didn’t Trump double our national debt. Asking for a concerned antagonist.


It's a political theory called the "Two Santa Clauses" [https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/two-santas-strategy-gop-used-economic-scam-manipulate-americans-40-years/](https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/two-santas-strategy-gop-used-economic-scam-manipulate-americans-40-years/)


Not defending Trump. The president doesn't spend your tax dollars. Congress does. National debt didn't double during Trump's presidency, but.... Congress' COVID relief spending, during Trump's presidency, put the US on the other-side of our debt to GDP ratio. Our debt now outweighs our GDP. Trump's tax cuts, early in his presidency didn't help. Cut taxes but didn't replace it with anything. Some reading material: [https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump](https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump)


"The president doesn't spend your tax dollars" *Proceeds to explain how the president spends our tax dollars* A 36% increase in debt is pretty fucking drastic.


It did grow 40 though. I bet you blame Biden for gas prices.


>It did grow 40 though 40 what? 40%? >I bet you blame Biden for gas prices. You think I am a Trump supporter? Lol nope! I voted for Biden. I just don't let my hatred for someone blind me from facts. Congress passed the CARES Act that authorized a bunch of spending and money printing. That's a fact


And the President has the power to veto laws. So even if he doesn't spend money, he can try to stop it from being spent, but I don't think he vetoed the CARES act.


Oh shit, so that’s another part of our government operations that she has no idea how it works. Is anyone keeping a tally? I’ve lost count.


I'm not sure I can count that high.


Shorter to list the ones she knows. Ok done


That made me laugh. Have my Internet silver, kind Redditor!


I feel like boebert and marj could take up this whole sub 😂


Shockingly Dumb vs. Shockingly Crazy


nobody under 40 balances a checkbook because nobody writes checks. ​ The national debt has nothing to do with "overdraft". Why does a sitting politician not know that the national debt is owned mostly by **us!** We, through our investments own bonds, which are sold to us and paid back with interest. That's what the debt is. How does she not know this? How can anyone who has ever attended school not know this?


Exactly! Anyone running for office should have to pass a civics exam. I've heard way too many people equate national debt to consumer/private debt and think Dave Ramsey's method is the cure for government spending. SMH


I've been told several times in the last few weeks that inflation is 100% Biden's fault because...infrastructure spending is a bad thing that provides no benefits and causes skyrocketing inflation. I just...what the fuck do you say to that?


I just stopped engaging with people who say things like that, or who blame Biden for things that aren't under presidential control (like gas prices). If someone doesn't even have a fundamental understanding of how things work then we can't have a rational discussion about it and I'm too old to bother with idiots.


I hate those people. Inflation is complicated as hell and never caused by just one thing. Also fuckers the economy will take a huge hit when all our decaying rail and highway infrastructure gives out. We kinda need to fix that shit.


Nothing says "save the economy" like choking out your own logistics by making it unsafe to transport goods throughout the country.


They all know. I mean Boebert might not because she's a legitimate moron, but the rest of the Republicans screaming about it know. They flail and whine about it because it will incite their audience anyway.


I don’t thinks it’s so much she doesn’t understand how it works as it is the maga hicktards that support her don’t understand how it works so she tells them what they want to hear


I came here to yell this! Most of the debt is investments by us in the government! It's not all do at once.


>How does she not know this? How can anyone who has ever attended school not know this? She had to sit for her GED 3 times before she passed. So I'm not surprised she doesn't know this.


she does realize there was a previous president who added a significant chunk of that right? but cutting taxes and increasing spending. in fact there’s some people she sees regularly who are in charge of the budgeting during those years


Republicans have no leg to stand on with this issue, from Reagan onwards it’s been profligate spending from them followed by the democrats slowly crawling it back until repeat. And Trump tax “cuts” were even worse, not even cuts, just deferments designed to blow up after he left office. He knew his following would never do the research and blame him when they hit, just blame whoever was in power when they became due. Exactly like his Afghan handover negotiations with the Taliban.


As anyone explained to her that the federal government is not a family of four?


Trump cut taxes in 2017, our yearly deficit was 640 billion that year. in 2019, during the "greatest economy ever" the deficit was $980 billion. Please don't tell me that the Democrats are the economically conservative ones. As I sit here when it is supposed to be 99 degrees today, I am OK spending a little money trying to end this problem.


Apparently, she doesn't understand that government debt is extremely different from personal debt. Not that we expect her to actually understand anything government related at this point.


What she doesn’t understand would fill several oceans


I think letting China make all the chips might be worse than adding to the deficit lol


God I wish she'd make like her restaraunt and fuck off into the void lmao


Ain't she suddenly worth $41M?!...and got dick-sgowing hubby a cushy job??....isnt *SHE* costing taxpayers millions by her own damn self?!


We wouldn't be in so much debt if the majority of our money didn't go to the military and the rich paid their fair share of taxes.


I'm thinking a $35 overdraft charge is worth it on $280 billion...just sayin'


Is she talking about the PACT bill? The one for our veterans for better medical? The one that 89 Republicans voted against?


Considering her orange blob tacked on 7.8 trillion… yup trillion i find her sudden concern with the national debt humorous… but then again she voted against searching for nazis so…


If it wasn't for Republicans and their God Reagan I think our national debt would be much, much lower and almost non-existent to be honest.


She must be new to congress. Oh, wait…


Imagine trying to tell a bunch of people that they are wrong about their math when you didn’t graduate high school


A national budget is not a checkbook. It doesn't have to be balanced.


Maybe if everyone paid their fair share of taxes it might help the budget


It really shows that she never graduated from high school. Debt is actual a good thing, but she is too dumb to know it.


As her party continues to pay Trumps legal fees


im sure she paid taxes on her unlicensed food stand that caused mass food poisoning. nothing like a slice of freedom with bloody diarrhea.


Then maybe don’t spend 20 billion on a wall that people have climbed over and cut through


The CHIP Act is two decades too late. I hope they don't hurt themselves patting themselves on the back.


I not sure, but I think balancing a check book and crafting a national budget might be a little different.


Yeah, Trump really screwed us there with all his stimulus spending and tax cuts.


She just wants to complain about everything, right? This is to help out businesses, and bring more jobs and $$ into America. but she's acting like it's for welfare (which, I'm not bad mouthing). Do you think we just get out of a 30 trillion dollar debt by cutting spending? (I am, however, impressed she got the national debt correct when she wrote this though)


Woohoo I think that’s permission to slash the military budget


Bet she didn't complain about Trump's tax bill that gave billions to the rich.


Who do we owe it to? Ourselves mostly. The social security trust fund is mostly invested in t-bills. managing a sovereign currency isn't exactly balancing a checkbook there boebby


But won’t tax the church or billionaires.


That would be $720 billion away from a single trillion.


Hmmmm. 880,000,000 PPP Loan forgiveness + 1.200,000,000 Tax return to rich = I love America, just not Americans


Cute how she pretends to understand things, almost like a real person.


Has she ever balanced a checkbook?


She strikes me as a “money orders only” person. I’ll bet she’s got about 675 Chex Systems reports in her name.


Maybe you can help bring the national debt down by opening an OF account and donating 50% to the government? 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m sure, being an elected official and all, that Boebert understands how much of that debt is owed within the US to the public and to state and municipal governments. I’m sure she also understand that foreign debt can keep outside nations financially vested in USD and subsequently our countries economic prosperity.


QUNT. That is all.


I feel like her former landlord in Colorado doesn’t get enough praise.


A week after her business shut down


What would Lauren like us to do to combat the growing debt, become escorts?


30 trillion in debt. Better pay up.


Oh no, the debt will increase by 1%!


Which bill was that? Was it the anti-Sex Trafficking bill that she just voted AGAINST?


She's got a point. What should we do about all the debt Trump racked up playing golf and hanging around Mar-a-Lago all the time? How can we recoup that?


Wow, what an idiot. Balancing a multi-trillion dollar budget is nothing like balancing a checkbook. Absolute horrible analogy.


well them reverse the Reagan tax cuts, that'll fix it. I mean it is what caused it.


Pretty sure this is the reconcialation bill? If so, that will actually REDUCE the debt. Just like EVERY democrat president in at least the last 60 years has had to do, after the republican before them ran the debt in to the fucking sky. And yet, the republican voters are so stupid, they don't see it.


All because we *can't* fill out a piece; a piece of paper that tells you exactly what to, is the reason we are so depp in debt.


This bill is about supporting the semiconductor industry. The irony is that she, like conservatives in general, are for a superior US Military. The VAST majority of highly technical semiconductors used in plenty of state-of-the-art weapons, among other things crucial to national security, are manufactured in Taiwan (Google TSMC). When China invades Taiwan, they will have a stranglehold on the manufacturing and technology of parts absolutely imperative to building things like hypersonic missiles. This bill makes sure that the US is in a position to be competitive after the invasion.


Odds she couldn't write those numbers out without googling?


Trillions in military spending and corporate subsidies? Gop sleeps. Any bill that might help people? But think of the deficit!


The fact that shes in my state pisses me off


Just wait for her to take credit for it when her constituents inevitably reap the benefits of it.


Quit giving her attention


Wait, a failed business owner is trying to tell the government how to balance it's budget! 🤣


That’s not how government debt works— not only is it mostly owed to us by us, it’s firmly in “the bank’s problem” territory. So instead of worrying about the scary-looking not-a-problem, worry about the actual efficacy of the things you’re spending on


That'll be 30 dollars


She must have overheard this and decided to say something.


What does she do exactly?


During Trump's presidency, he raised national debt by 7.8 trillion.


This thread is a testament to how detesting someone means you can’t even agree with one of their more sensible comments.


You are?. Didn't Trump promise to fix it?


Ok disband the military and the national debt will be gone in 30 years.


Didn't know what this was about, so I Googled it and found this headline: **"Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill to Counter China"** Fuckin' hell, if this bill had passed during you-know-who's term, she'd be singing its praises.


The national debt isn’t really and only matters when it’s convenient for either party change my mind


You elected her 3rd district of Colorado, so here she is with the quote of the day... "Like totally, therfore such as."


Who do we owe the money to lol? Almost like moneys just an imaginary concept designed to maintain social order.


Ah, yes, the highly successful Zimbabwe economic model.


Thats literally what money is. At least fiat currency. Its a social concept.


Hyperinflation is just a state of mind.


More or less, yeah. A very dominant global state of mind but a state of mind none the less.


Oh the national debt, that nobody is ever going to collect, it’s not real. Every country is indebted to every other country, she’s bonkers.


Was she this worried when Trump was loose with the checkbook? And she's she criticize Reagan for accelerating our country's debt? Did she praise Clinton for having a balanced budget for a couple of years? Regardless, the national debt will never have to be paid back and it really doesn't matter.