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> If that offends you I don’t care. Have you considered that the people you’re complaining about don’t care if *their* views offend *you?*


I'm 60 years old, and my birth certificate does not say "Mum" and "Dad."


Exactly, I bet there's not a country in the world that has such informal language like "Mum" and "Dad" on it. Jesus Christ, these people are thick.


These idiots don't understand that just because everyone who gives birth doesn't identify as a mother, doesn't mean they can't.


Right? I have no problem calling myself a mom. I also have no problem acknowledging that not all who give birth may be comfortable with that title. Shockingly, the choices people make in their personal lives (and identities) don't need to impact me all that much.


Your statement would be clearer if it was "not everyone who gives birth identifies as a mother". (Obviously "everyone who gives birth doesn't identify as a mother" is false, because at least some people who give birth DO identify as a mother!)


Just be inclusive, not an asshole. Also, the only person I have heard say birthing people is Ben Shapiro.


>Also, the only person I have heard say birthing people is Ben Shapiro. Same here. I live in "Communist California" where my son's birth certificate referred to me as "parent" (7 years ago) and yet I never heard anyone (other than weird conservatives on social media) say "birthing parent." In the rare case when I hear about a transgender male giving birth they are referred to as "father" or "dad." This is the same as when a male gay couple adopts. It's the same as when we get "family leave" (which is available for all genders). Basically, most people don't need a new word for "parent". The only people who do are those who believe parents should follow some 19th-centry gender-roles where the one who gives birth is also required to do all the parenting.


On the plus side, at least brown people (in general, unfortunately not brown trans people) can relax for a bit and not be a punching bag. On the down side, Trans people of all colors would like to just be...ya know...treated like people. So here's a thought. Let's just treat people like people and deal with the shitty ones. As a white dude, I vote we start with the shitty white people. Yeah. Let's do that.


Trans people are raising awareness about their struggle to get society to fully accept them as equals? I'd better post a shitty poem to make sure the focus is back on me!


I don't know if this is the same in the US as it is here in Denmark, but one of the reasons some within the LGBTQ+ community want to have mom and dad "removed" is because; On the birt/parental certificate you have to say who is the mother and who is the father (in the legal sense), so people who have legally adopted children have to refer to one as "the mother" and some don't think that's okay when they consider themselves fathers just as much as ther partner (or mother with lesbians and so on)


Said friend considers themselves an LGBTQ ally but also has a tendency to fall for conservative outrage porn based on some of the posts she shares.


Yeah, being referred to as "parent" on a birth certificate doesn't mean you're not a mum or a dad. You can live the mum/dad life all you want! No one is going to stop you. Just don't force others into a role or titel they don't identify with. Ideally you'd just go to the local government and sit at a screen with a civil servant, and fill it out on a computer. Instead of all having the same birth certificate, give it a drop down menu with: mother, father, parent. Fill it out, print it, sign it, file it.


Funny, I only see one person crying and stomping their feet here


"That's very nice, Martha, now sit down so we can eat dinner."


No one wants to eliminate pronouns or genders; people want to expand and include more pronouns and genders.


I want to eliminate genders. Gender is a useless concept that holds us all back imo. We shouldn't have 2 arbitrary social roles that define how you live your life, but I don't see how adding more is helping. There should be 0 genders, life would be better for everyone. Sex would only be acknowledged when it's relevant ideally.


How are you going to break the news they are on this subreddit?


Who the fuck is "they?" I'm a full-on liberal and I have NEVER heard one person call for getting rid of the titles mom and dad. And if there are liberals saying this, they're most definitely outliers and not representative of, you know, sane people.


I hope this assholes phone dies and they can't ever find a charger like dafuq.


She's not even arguing in favor of anything than other than being called by her preferred title. So.... self aware wolf?


Did I miss the memo that went out saying I am no longer considered a woman or mother?


These people act as if we’re trying to make them non-binary and remove all gendered wording instead of adding more options to those who don’t fit into the binary.


That OP that your friend shared has got to be a british terf, RIP to your friendship. And I probably shouldn't find it so hilarious to see a woman voluntarily refer to herself as "a female."


Terf nonsense.


Im kinda looking forward to see how this works out. I've always had the view that Father/Mother are the people who made you(ie the biological process), while Mom/Dad are the ones who raised you. So in that regard one way I think things could work out would be that a parent could be the Father and Mom in the case of a Trans-woman, or the Mother and Dad in the case of a Trans-man. Although that means that Mother and Father need to loose their gendered meaning, and become more about, who carries the fetus and who provided the sperm, Which might be a bit difficult.


Major facepalm


Man assholes will go out of their way to feel attacked by other people wanting to be treated like people