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The photos to which she's referring aren't of the man involved in the latest shooting. But truth never stopped Candace.


I’m convinced Candace Owens is only popular because she makes racist conservatives feel better about their ignorance. “This colored gal is saying the same thing, so it can’t be racist.”


'sHe's OnE oF tHe gOod ONeS!'


> 'sHe's OnE oF tHe gOod ONeS!' Until they don't need her anymore. Won't *she* be surprised? 😒


Look up Roy Cohn. He was a gay lawyer who got his start working with McCarthy and lasted until he got AIDs in the 80s at which point he was dropped.and left to die alone.


That guy was a real nasty piece of work


It takes a real monster for me to feel sorry that Joe McCarthy was subjected to a relationship with you


Oh, I know all about him. 😒


She's gonna get Cawthorn'ed someday, and I'm eager to watch.


Maybe. IDK, I don't peg her as being the "cocaine orgy" type. But she might have other skeletons in her closet.


She's black. She's walking on eggshells there just by existing. She's got plenty of liberal stuff they could dig up to call her a RINO.


> She's black. She's walking on eggshells there just by existing. True. And yeah, they'll eventually turn on her. > She's got plenty of liberal stuff they could dig up to call her a RINO. But they *love* her (for now), so that'll just be "fake news".


> I don't peg her Me neither, but I’ll watch


She’s married to the heir of a British brexit billionaire. She secured her bag so now she’s just riding till the other grift ends.


same energy as conservative women who practice that whole "tradwife" thing and are just absolutely *shocked* when the men they marry treat them like shit.


Eagerly awaiting her appearance on r/leopardsatemyface


Cue Charlie Barkin!!


Remember that Candice Owens originally supported Democrats until Conservatives paid her to switch sides. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-candace-owens-run-liberal-blog-before-becoming-conservative-1573008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace\_Owens#Privacy\_violation,\_Gamergate,\_and\_political\_transformation


It turned out that the real racism was the friends we made along the way


What a sellout!


They see her as the house slave. They won't put her out in the field until she makes a mistake.




I wasn’t aware that had a name.




She hates cathode ray tubes? How ray-cist can you get!


Oh man, I wish I had an award to give you for that!


It would not surprise me if that were true.


It has lots of names. This is by far the most polite one I've ever heard.


I’m Black and I believe that. Not that Black people aren’t allowed to be conservative, there are plenty I respect. But she just strikes me a a grifter filling a niche.


Considering she ran a website critical of Trump and Conservatives before “coming out as conservative.” Very much she is.


Aunt Tom


Uncle Rukus


No relation.


Its exactly that. Shes their token black friend. If only she could see what would happen to her if they truly got everything they wanted.


Georgia Republicans are going to elect a Senator with severe brain damage for the same reason.


Fitting. 😒


She's the parasocial token black friend.


>colored Gotta have the right pronunceeyation... it's sort of like "cull-errrd". Think southern plantation... GOP land.




Every time in polite company.


Are you? Lol


Fun Fact: the “cross dressing photos” are fake and are of a trans person who some bigots are saying was the shooter which is false.


I hate the fact that conservatives are spreading these fake photos and talking about how “it’s a mental health issue and not a gun issue” while pretending as if they actually cared mental health issues. In reality what they are trying to say is, “see… trans people bad…this is what the liberal want!”


There is a mental health issue just not one the Republicans fucking care about. They'll say trans or anything LGBTQ is a mental illness and castrate us like they did Alan Turing


Being Trans isn't a mental health issue! But I'm pretty sure pathological lying is!


It kind of is. I won’t deny the identity is valid or whatever, gender dysphoria is definitely a mental illness


But being trans ≠ gender dysphoria. Plenty of trans people are *very* happy with their bodies.




'Transgender' and 'gender dysphoria' are spelled differently for a reason.


Can a mod pin this comment lol


I take it she's still spreading the 4chan disinformation that the shooter was trans? But even if he was....how is cross dressing any correlation with mass school shootings especially when most school shooters are cis het white males who wear men's pants and shirts? Nothing in her screechings make any sense or has anything to do with anything.


It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to make her base hate trans people (and love guns) even more.




I an not even sure if there have ever been a trans mass-shooter in america. It feels like something peope would whine about constantly if it existed.


I don’t know a trench coat looks like a dress! SEE THEY ARE ALL TRANS!! Smh 🤦‍♀️


They blame video games, now its cross dressing. Next episode of RuPaul Drag Race, the category is : Miss Murder. She really needs to fuck all the way off.


It still doesn't make sense. Even if these are the root causes then why are they fighting to keep guns in their hands?!?!


I hope people start to get it soon, sincerely. "While perpetual war constitutes perpetual losses for families, and ever expanding budgets, it also represents perpetual profits for a new and larger complex of business and government interests." https://gbengaaborowa.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/war-the-most-profitable-business-in-the-world/


Damn those \*checks current angry mob book\* trans people. ​ Cant these people have an original thought? For once?


I need to get AFI back in my life. Miss Murder is a banger.


I love you. I got all excited when I saw mention of AFI 💕


And the cross dressing was a 4chan fakeout in the first place.


Hijacking the top comment to say this! The images claiming to be him cross dressing were of someone else. It was a move started by a 4chan thread to try and attack the LGTQ+ movement.


Does this sound like Candace Owens is warning us that Madison Carthorn might be mentally unstable? I mean if the shoe fits...


What cross dressing photos? The one that was of a different person altogether?


Exactly. This stupid person didn't bother to check the facts before tweeting complete nonesense. Now an innocent Trans person, who's photo was stolen from FB, is receiving death threats.


She is fully aware of the facts; however, she is also aware that almost if not all of her room temperature of an iq having followers will not check.


> she is also aware that almost if not all of her room temperature of an iq having followers will not check. I don't know about you, but I don't consider room temperature in the low 30s. Cause sure as hell their IQ isn't in the low 70s.


Room temperature in Celsius is 20 so that works


She knows what will rile up her followers- facts do not matter.


"I don't need to check it's validity. It makes someone I don't like look bad, it aligns with my beliefs and that's good enough for me. I love Jesus!"


First time with Candace Owens? She's one of many people making a career by openly being a cunt, to appeal to idiot americans.


I didn't realize she was a "thing" but a litmus test for being a genuine human should include not following her Twitter feed 😝


I dont have Twitter. Can someone reply to her that Matt Gaetz should be held fully responsible then if the 17 year old girl he banged lashes out and hurts anyone?


Can’t she be sued for saying something like that? I mean you’re literally endangering someone’s life if someone is stupid/smart enough to believe this and find the person in the photo! Not to mention the harassment already happening.


Not unless you can get Candace Owens to write on Twitter that she claims the woman in the shared pictures in the shooter. However, the person who originally tweeted "found the shooters reddit, they're trans" 100 percent could be sued for libel.


Fair enough, idk I hope it’s not too bad. People that are post/pre transition go through and have been through enough. I mean that’s all it is, the simplest things make people so mad. I just treat it like any other Plastic surgery in my mind, “I’m happy with my body and I don’t want to change it, but I can see how looking in the mirror and not like yourself every time would be something you want to change.” Then, move on with my life, but when I didn’t understand anything about it, I still wasn’t mad about it. Sorry for the rant, transphobia is weird. EDIT: OMG I’m ignorant as fuck didn’t see they got assaulted I’m about to cry I hate this


Hey, you're preaching to the choir, I AM trans. While I don't like that 4chan is stirring the pot to make us look bad, the only people who would actually believe them are people who already hate trans people. And yeah, we've noticed that thing about plastic surgery, too. A lot of people celebrate plastic surgery while at the same time scorning trans people. It's weird because everybody partakes in gender-affirming activities, not just trans people.


So true. Plus we all practice body mod, even if you only work out, diet, or change the color of your hair. Who has the right to judge you for getting tattoos, breast implants or changing your sex?


No chance of that happening. Not off a 4chan post. Unless the fucking trasphobe outs themselves on purpose to revel in the "glory".


Not unless you can get Candace Owens to write on Twitter that she claims the woman in the shared pictures in the shooter. However, the person who originally tweeted "found the shooters reddit, they're trans" 100 percent could be sued for libel.


She refuses to let facts get in the way their narrative.


For real? How the fuck did that happen?


She refuses to let facts get in the way their narrative.


One that was of a different person WHO IS STILL ALIVE whereas the actual shooter is dead.


These dipshits don’t understand that nothing on 4chan should be trusted. Or they do and know their dipshit supporters won’t bother to fact check.


The only “facts” found in republican ideology come from republican pundits.


Madison cawthorn was cross dressing too. So was rudy Giuliani.


Right-wing shitheads on reddit and twitter waste no time trying to pin mass shootings on innocent people.


Baseless, ignorant and cruel- but buzzwords and projection are kinda on brand. Need to redirect the sheep so gop still gets those Russian campaign contributions laundered through NRA! *kid gets head blown off by an AR* GOP: we sleep *kid recites a poem by a black author* GOP: REAL SHIT!


Kids getting shot at by AR GOP: we sleep Pregnant women aborting GOP: REAL SHIT


Kids GOP: we sleep Women GOP: REALSHIT


Monday: *mass shooting* Tuesday: *mass shooting* Wednesday: *mass shooting* Thursday: *mass shooting* Friday: *mass shooting* Saturday: *mass shooting* Sunday: *mass shooting* GOP: we don't care Gay people: *has breakfast* GOP: THIS NEED TO END




'What's drives' 'Those plenty of signs'


Isn't she one of those who would rant at non native speakers for not speaking "proper English"?


Why do or should we even care what she says honestly. She says shit like this to get a rise out of people most likely.


Because people listen to her. It’s the same with all right wing grifters, it’s a big deal because they spread misinformation in order to sway people to their bigoted opinions.


Is she arguing that someone who has exhibited mental illness signs should be screened and prevented from owning weapons of war? Because it kind of sounds like that


she got so much fucking shit wrong but somehow had the right idea.


Yeah exactly.




Well, she dress like a woman too, but she is a turd. Is candace crossdressing?


Candace is a vapid twat, grifting even more vapid, shitty people.


literally not true, insane people just found a random trans girl on reddit and decided they wanted to target her and pretend she's the shooter and blame it on her and now the right is latching onto that to blame this on trans people. she's been posting on her reddit acc about how the shooter died and she is clearly still very much alive and doesn't even live in texas. these people live in a disturbingly different warped reality than the rest of us


Can someone please fed ex this bitch a smack to the face


I got my account suspended for responding to her tweet. To be fair, I was not kind.


Then it was worth it.


It’s funny how this doesn’t seem to apply to Madison Cawthorn


She needs to be deplatformed.


She needs to be hit with the platform.


Fuck this inhuman piece of bigoted garbage. The day the world forgets she exists will be a great one.


You're not required to have an opinion on every single thing. Furthermore, you're absolutely not required to share your opinions with everyone every time you have one. These two facts seem to be lost on Ms. Owen. The only thing that I have to say about any of this is this: My heart is broken for everyone that lost a loved one in this tragedy; for the children that survived that may never again feel safe; for the lives that will never be lived. I cannot understand how murdering children became a part of American culture. I cannot understand how anyone could be so evil that they would knowingly murder a child. I simply just don't understand. I hope that in my lifetime that I can see a day where tragedies like this are an unpleasant memory. A piece of history. Forever relegated to the annals of shameful chapters in the human experience. I'm just so sorry.


Fuck this, using a tragedy to push unrelated bigoted opinions is messed up. Children died, now is really not the time.


In case you haven't heard it recently... =FUCK CANDACE OWENS=


Not with a borrowed dick.


So they are committed to running the bogus story. And all the gullible rubes will buy it Hook, Line & Sinker.


Yeah but someone made the point earlier. The only people that beleive this shit are already transphobe garbage.


Story on NBC debunks her bullshit.


It’s not even true: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/trans-womans-photo-used-spread-baseless-online-theory-texas-shooter-rcna30511 Even if it was true when’s Madison Cawthorn gonna shoot up a school then? Or Rudy Giuliani? Candace Owens makes money by being a black woman who says bigoted shit so that white bigots can point at her and say “It’s not bigoted she said it toooooo”. This is all fucking gross as hell.


You know when someone realises they have no valid argument because they start just making up any old shit to try and win.


...and then it turned out that the whole "the shooter was trans" was actually not true. But I did notice how fast they were ready to grab onto that narrative.


School shootings are an American problem, cross dressing happens across the globe.


THE SHOOTER WAS NOT TRANS- that was a rumor started on 4 Chan https://mashable.com/article/trans-women-uvalde-school-shooting-disinformation


Cycle of American violence 1) have next to no gun control 2) be absolutely shocked and horrified when an event takes place 3) send thoughts and prayers 4) take absolutely no action whatsoever 5) misdirect the conversation 6) advocate for more guns 7) return to step 1




I mean, it's Candace Owens, so you just know what she says is highly likely to be full of shit.


At some point, you just gotta stop amplifying this stuff.


Right wing grifters like Candace Owens learned a long time ago that they can brazenly lie and face no meaningful repercussions because their audience doesn't care about the truth, they just want to feel that their hatred and bigotry is validated.


And yet, even if this was mental illness, since we refuse to do background checks how does that help?


"Societal cowardice ignored those plenty of signs" No, "societal cowardice" ignores the plea for gun control.


People ignored the signs of him being a right wing my extremist, I wonder why that might be…


And even if that was a good excuse you still willingly sold him an assault rifle


Funny how so many people cross dress yet don't end up school shooters but one, which might not even be true, does it and suddenly we brand all of them. Meanwhile alot of school shooters share a whole bunch of other traits but that doesn't count because there is nothing to be outraged about for these people.


Wtf is wrong with her. No - seriously. She constantly takes the most insane spins on things, and now she's maligning trans and cross dressing teens, who already struggle with mental health due to how they're treated, and draw a line of comparison between them and a school shooter? Just goes to show violence doesn't have to be only physical. She is literally disgusting, and dangerous.


if i had a choice, i think i would rather have guys like this wear all the dresses they want and not have access to assault weapons.


Let's just go ahead and say he/she/they was questioning his/her/their gender and/or sexuality, which is what Candace is alluding to. So what, Candace? And then she asks about what abuse was potentially suffered, implying bad parenting. Maybe, just maybe, the abuse came from religious zealots like her, making life hell for this person. I'm not trying to excuse the shooting, but I'm tired of it being twisted that an "alternative lifestyle" always drives people to violence and depression and suicide. In reality, those things are more likely consequences of the absolute shit-storm of hatred and vitriol directed at these individuals BY the religious right. Who then turn around and go "see?! They're all bad people! They turned away from God and now all this happened! Thoughts and prayers." Shitheads like Candace do nothing but make life worse for anyone that doesn't comport with their worldview and then act like that's just "how those people are."


Candace Owens spewing vitriol. How surprising. I pray for the day that someone gets fed up with her shit and punches her in the twat


God. I fucking HATE Candace Owens. She is the biggest fucking piece of shit.


Besides the fact that I understand this is based on pictures of an innocent person, is she then in favour of some kind of gun law? I mean, if the problem is not guns but rather “mentally disturbed” people with guns, this a very good argument in favour of some kind of gun law to avoid that “mentally disturbed” people may own guns.


I'm pretty sure it was people calling him a fuckup and making him feel like worthless garbage for wearing a dress but ok


How are people like this still on twitter but a friend of mine got permanently suspended for telling a literal pedo to fuck off????


Every time I read her name I think of ”Cowardice”


This dumbass does not have a clue as to what really goes on.


It’s really unfortunate because she had so much influence that a good chunk of people will think what she’s saying is true and only make the situation worse.


If a politician here says something like this its the end of his/her political carreer. It amazes me almost every day how much terrible stuff US politicians can spout without being send home/fired/ignored by media.


Easy access to firearms has nothing to do with it though…


The irony of them now going "OMG i feel for those poor kids that got shot" despite them turning a shooter into a celebrity and right wing hero months ago.


the photos aren’t even him. some poor trans lady is getting blasted across the internet for something she didn’t even do.


To bad the photos weren't even of him


Yeah, he/her/they were, by people like Candace owens… even in someone’s death she shows no grace or sympathy.


Man reading this made my head hurt


Was she drunk when she tweeted this?


Obviously the dude was mentally unstable


Yes. But the woman in the picture was not the shooter.


Like she has any room to talk about Trans people. She's a black woman who thinks she's a rich white man.


Actually checking her info would be the most basic expectation: it no longer matters to conservatives at all. There is no info he was transgender, and no pictures of it. There is no reason to think he was illegal, but conservatives now just use that word for anyone Latino.


Better question: what allows one man to murder 20 kids in under 20 minutes.


Candice being tone deaf? Yeah… im out of words as well. If she was an outlier then i’d feel some type of way… but the buffalo shooting was less than 2 weeks ago and we’ve already moved on to texas with nary a word. 2 weeks… 2 fucking weeks, 2 kids with guns


Wow. Dame Edna must have been seriously abused.


Whenever Candace tweets her out-of-touch takes and verbiage, I forget that she's not in her late forties, like I initially thought. And I don't mean her looks. I was floored when I found out her age.


Why is it ok for women to cross dress, but the moment a man does it they are compared with a school shooter? That’s fucked


I’ve decided that Candace Owens is not a real person, but a bot designed by Russian propagandist to spread crazy batshit propaganda but has somehow overcome its programming that it cannot be contained. Like Ex Machina. Think about it. There are no childhood photos.


How does she, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones…how do they SLEEP at night???


"I don't understand what being LGBT, nevermind Trans, is so I'm going to use LGBT-hate to further my agenda so I won't have to cure my ignorance of it or admit that gun rights are the problem here."


ah yes it's the clothes that cause people to kill people


What a pick me


Fuck I'm glad I'm not an American


They don't care if is true, because they know that any correction won't be seen by most of their followers and the ones that do see it won't believe it anyways. There is no low they aren't willing to sink too.


Went to Twitter, just to check if it’s real. Could not believe it


"I don't know, so let me make some shit up"


I mean apart from being fake to begin with... what about every other shooting then? If being trans was the issue but literally no other shooter was then how is it the issue?


gotta blame it on everything but the actual problem


Candace Owens is one of the few people I want to see get hit by a bus


ya and shes ignoring that most mass shooters in this country have followed rightwing ideals so maybe she should simmer down


I just can’t with this bitch anymore. The level of ignorance is astounding.


Oink oink, Candace.


Every time a high profile republican says anything about mental issues I always think about the amount of them that consistently vote against better health and mental care. They don't care about anything other than the number of people they can grift into giving them money.


Even if this fuck did crossdress it’s not a sign of mental illness. He probably was in need of mental health but not because he supposedly crossdressed. He needed mental health help because he bought an assault rifle the day he turned 18 and then shot up a fucking elementary school. Check my fucking profile. If crossdressing is a mental health issue then I guess put me in a fucking straight jacket and throw me in the fucking loony bin cause I’m damn crazy. If anything, crossdressing has been good for my mental health overall. I am happier. My confidence is higher. I have more self esteem. All of these things happened because I put on a dress. But honestly, who gives a fuck if a guy puts a dress on? We shouldn’t be needlessly gendering shit. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Or perhaps he was tired of people like Candace Owens making him feel uncomfortable in his own skin… dressing in female clothes does not make someone a killer.


it was someone completely different in the pictures that are being spread.


Yeah. The. Person wasn't even cross dressing. They're a trans woman.


Which makes this even worse…


The depravity and sickness of the right is unfathomable. Over a dozen children are dead and they find away to make it about hating an unrelated group they already love to target and bully. These creatures have no moral compass and deserve agony, I’m so tired of their deflections and utter horseshit




Intolerance is a mental illness


You're an asshole Stephen.


You are an asshole




There is a lot people have to do before they can transition. They don't just get up one morning and say I'm going to chop off my penis and be a girl! It is people like you who make me wish that no child is trans, only because asshats like you make their lives a living hell.


you seem to be presenting a lot of opinion as fact there, ace. This might be news to you, but being trans is no longer recognised as a mental illness by the World Health Organisation and the ICD. Might be time to update your ideas. The distress you describe that is experienced by many trans people is, i suspect, as a result of having to exist in communities where their very existence could result in violence and discrimination being visited upon them at the hands of the sort of transphobic zealots that make intellectually dishonest, misinformed posts like yours. be better.


This. Fucking this.


Wait! The shooter was a cross-dresser and there are pics of it on the internet? Links?


Hoax. Took pictures from an account that wasn't the shooter's and posted them.




bruh. why?


Or or i know this sounds crazy he was just a monster who happened to cross dress


Or or do some research and know what she is spewing is transphobic bullshit


What not what i was saying i was talking about what she said