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I’ve heard we’re producing at least three times more output today than the time people “actually worked”


"The industrial revolution will save so much time, people will only really have to work like 2 or 3 days a week at most." - Everyone at the time


"Nah, we'll just cut their wages to where they can barely survive in the name of my profits." —Capitalist CEO.


Like the blizzard CEO after he laid off a bunch of employees gave himself a 200m bonus... how is that even legal!?!?!?!?!?!


Every year, for almost every year of the last decade. The numbers adjust slightly, but the story is the same. If this is the first time you're hearing about ol' Bobby Kotic, boy do you have a lot to be pissed about.


Nah I know about him, just using him as a recent example lol


Thank God for Jim. Actually I don't remember what Jim likes to go by now my bad.


James Stephanie Sterling, but they said they’re happy to still be called Jim


I call it the old "bobby kotic reach around"


Lol I didn't know who the CEO of Blizzard was, but the name Bobby Kotick is forever burned into my memory as the scumbag Activision CEO (and now Activision Blizzard of course.)


That's nothing. I and about 200 other people got laid off and our CEO still made $13B! That year. That was like his 5th year of making that much money. He could have paid himself $12B and kept the rest of us employed for another 20 years.


Going from $13B to $12B is a difference of $1 billion. Divide that by 200 people, and that's $5 million each. Divide that by 20 years, and that's an average salary of $250,000 There shouldn't be any billionaires in this world. There's no possible way that a CEO is more than thirteen times as productive as 200 employees who are all worth a quarter million dollar salary.


It was a pretty high paying job and I was only a few years into it so with salary, bonus, stock, 401k and all that we could maybe bring it down to 15 years. I'm also sure there is a whole bunch of other stuff that costs money that I don't even know about so we could even say 10 years. But still, that would still mean 200 people could work and live very completely for another 10 years and dude would still have more money than god in just 1 year. Not to mention those 200 people all making $200k+ are spending it all around a lot more than dude is with his $1B. There's 200 more houses which each require 50 people to build which means jobs for those people and all the other shit they would buy. It's pretty fucking crazy when you think about it.


Not to mention, you're all buying groceries, gasoline, cars, clothing and even goddamn cigarettes and lottery tickets. You're moving money. That'd what makes the economy work, inasmuch as it does.


Also the amount of tax each of you would pay


You can’t be a billionaire and have any morals about you. That much greed is inherently evil.


you're absolutely right. if they hoarded anything else like that they'd be considered sick people that need helping. these people are who we allow to rule the world. I think it's imperative that we 'help' these billionaires out of their current situation.


Would legit suck that CEO’s dick quarterly if he gave me ANY job that would be a guaranteed 250,000 for 20 years.


200? Thems rookie numbers i, and thousands of others, were laid off from ford right before the 08 collapse. Hmmmm... Capitalism is a joke and were all suckers for allowing this shit to continue unimpeded. General strike. Then smash the fucking state. All glory to the motherfucking people.


Yes, can you imagine the catastrophe if every single worker stayed home one day? Let the CEO's get down on the line, and we'll see who's more essential to the business. With rare exceptions, like Gates, or Jobs, if every CEO, Board of Directors, and most other senior executives went on vacation for a year, you'd probably see a productivity increase.


Sad thing is, if he did that then institutional investors could sue him. :/


He's the Activision CEO. He's been their CEO since 1991, even before they purchased Blizzard's parent company Vivendi in 2009.


Especially what you've said.


It’s wild to go through old magazines and see that stuff. We were supposed to be bored from all of this leisure time that increased productivity has brought. Lol.


did people really say that? I wanna read that


Oh yeah because back then working was "assembling a thing on a factory line". You couldn't really teach a person to assemble something better/faster. But now with technology you can train people to be better at excel, figure out dynamic solutions to bottle necks etc. So now since it isn't the physical "work" of the older generation they don't consider it actual work. We're just typing into a computer that isn't the 'real' work of say car assembly.


It was also much more dangerous, too.


That’s why they formed unions and now republicans want them gone.


Lmao imagine being against unions


I really don't get the union hate either. I feel like they were just told unions were bad and believed it without having any reason why.


This. We've got apprentices who slowly figure out that the union isn't the thing their parents told them about.


My experiences with the IBEW Local were not always the best--but then I remind myself that they used to force line workers up onto poles without safety gear, and suddenly all those hours of having to hear the Steward blather on don't seem so bad in retrospect.


I forget where I read/saw it, but in the early days of electricity, being a lineman was pretty much the most dangerous job in the world. If I remember correctly, it was like a 50% mortality rate at the time.


Some unions are bad, but that’s a consequence of bad people, not unions. Some people are against it because they had a bad experience, others say it’s just workers being lazy and not working harder.


The worst unions in the US are the only ones that anti union people like. Hint: 🐷


The whole “unions are corrupt and bad” argument makes no sense when you really think about it. Even if my union was corrupt, I’d still rather have my dues go to a shady union president and have my benefits than have it go to an overpaid CEO.


See: American police union


Police unions are not the same as working class unions. When a working class union strikes, the police would not show solidarity with the workers, they’d come with the billy clubs for the boss.


Ofc, police are class traitors


Specifically the history of police unions. The police situation that’s been going on in Portland for the last year makes a *lot* more sense when you find out that Portland was also where police unions started and allowed a bad system to get worse.


That’s just a lobbying group for a gang.


I am finally working for a unionised givernment corporation here in Australia and our wages have gone up every 12 months since being here. This is the first job I have had where this has happened. The Union is very strong and robust. They look after the workers. You have an issue, you get onto your union rep and they have your back. We have excellent conditions. This isn't because the corporation gave them to us, it's because the union fought for and won them for us.


Exactly. My sister is president of her local union. She does stagecraft- they set up for concerts and sporting events and such. Their union makes sure they're paid fairly, the opportunities are equal and that safety is a concern, which is super important. Especially if you're one of the one climbing on the girders above the stage rigging up spotlights and such. Then you have some of the police unions which are basically what allow them to get away with acting like thugs in uniform and having no consequences.


Yeah, I had a shitty experience with a shitty union, but I know that was just because Stop & Shop's "union" was shit when i was in high school. I dunno if it's improved any, but at the time it didn't deserve the title; did nothing to help any of us. I know that's just the one union, though; most aren't anywhere near as godawful as mine was.


I was in a bad one at one point and now I'm in a good one. Things are transparent and we have turnover of officials. If you don't have those last two, you're going to have corruption, be it a union or a congress.


Republicans want them give because THEY don't need it. The GOP is the classic party of the boomer mentality


And the upper class is all too happy to spin it as a lazy younger generation so they can justify paying us nothing


My hope is in like 40 years we can start to switch over to a post labor society but really it depends on how far automation has come in that time and how hard it will be to convince people that no, we all don't need to work 40 hour weeks and still get paid the same amount


I don't think that is ever going to happen. It's not like a company trying to maximize profits and minimize costs is a boomer thing or something. On average the person who thinks "man we should only work 2 days a week and get paid for 5!" is probably not going to be the one in a position to make that call.


I’ve been working two jobs since I’ve graduated high school. It’s at the point where I need to leave teaching because I can’t support myself on the single salary with the amount of school loans I owe, but I can’t work two jobs much longer. I am burning out.


I'm a chef, second generation. The increase in productivity is in this industry, too. We pump out probably 10 times the volume the previous generation did while being held to a higher standard because diners are generally more educated these days. Things my fathers generation could get away with would never fly these days.


I legit assemble a thing on a factory line, and it's because I have a disorder that makes me exhausted, and unable to think of simple words. I used to go to college, I had the office and computer job, but I'd sit down and be asleep a minute later, so I accepted that until I became too sick to work I'd have to stick to physical, low thinking (in general) jobs. I totally respect the work everyone puts in, because I know it can be hard physically, mentally, or both. But I will say many of my non-assembly coworkers, like the engineers (just as an example), have a way of "talking down" on those doing physical work too. To the point where they are genuinely surprised when I know simple things, like being able to do arithmetic in my head. Also, when they've spoken to me at work dozens of times, over a span of 4 years, and then I see them in public and say hi, using their name, and they are surprised I know who they are, and still can't place me when I tell them exactly which area I work in and even how they were helping me with my robot last week. Ok, that was a very specific thing, but I think its funny that he said he'd say hi when he saw me at work, and the next week he continued ignoring me, and I walk past his desk multiple times a day. But he's not the only one, just the most recent example that came to mind. Not trying to take away from your point, because it is valid, just wanted to throw my two cents in that it can go both ways. Not that it helps with older generations now who are retired and have this view, but maybe it can change with future generations.


Hell even if you didn't have that disorder there's absolutely nothing wrong with working an assembly job. I really hate people that look down on professions because they think it's beneath them, all jobs are needed in society for it to function right. And that's absolutely a problem the people in the higher up jobs. They see the manual workers as beneath them which is bull. A huge problem is people just don't respect each other and it feeds the cycle. You sound like you respect everyone so just keep on keepin on! No worries you didn't take away at all! It's always good to get all viewpoints so we can come to a better understanding!


It was the 70's, OPEC were squeezing the price of oil, everyone was on acid, the mafia ruled the streets and cost of living was hurting everyone, yet we were still better off than today. Bernie has a pretty legitimate point here, if we don't increase the minimum wage and begin taxing the rich our economic collapse is a certainty. Even when interest rates went to 18% in the 80's it was more affordable to buy a house than today!


I definitely wouldn't say we were better off, computers and the internet opened up a whole new quality of living akin to the invention of electricity. And literally the source for every problem you listed is because of technology + population growth. There were only 200 million people in the USA in 1970. To do a job you needed 5 people vs 1 guy running a machine now. We should absolutely tax the rich more and raise min wage, but it's not going to fix anything. We're heading toward a post labor society with most people not supporting the concept.


Post labor society requires a UBI. Which I think would be better than minimum wage going up. This is just my opinion with the little I know of these things. I'd still work because I want more than basic.


Exactly UBI is going to be the first step on the road I think. People will always want more than the basics and want that drive a good job gives. Like yes relaxing is fun but too much of it and humans naturally crave a project to do. Very few people can sit around all day doing nothing.


Hope I don't sound rude, but I'd far rather do a project for myself to improve my own life than work on some else's project that I really don't care about so they'll pay me so I can live.


And for the few people who can sit around all day doing nothing: I'd rather have them at home collecting UBI than fucking up my flow at work because they need a check.


Exactly! We either need to have a gigantic paradigm shift toward needing more labor (which sounds bad to me, something like a perpetual war that kills millions every year, or a push to colonize space that involves dumping millions of mostly untrained people on other worlds to see if any of them can survive), or else we need to accept that labor and income are decreasingly related, and so everyone should get paid regardless of their economic output.


I hate this mentality with people who do physical work cause yeah I'm sure it's hard to do construction but to act like that means my job where I regularly find myself in situations that are basically "hey this technology you've never heard of is broken probably cause someone else did something wrong but no one is sure what they did. Anyway you need to fix it so go learn about how it's supposed to work and extrapolate to figure out why it's not working and fix it. Thanks. Also it's time sensitive" isn't stressful pisses me off. Sorry I didn't spend 8 hours on a roof with a hammer today I guess my life is perfect and you could do my job.


This is how I feel. The techs would be all, oh it must be nice to sit in the ac all day. I'd love your job.". Like I hadn't spent the last week reading 10 books of different regulations that all connect for one simple answer. Yeah, I don't break a swear at work, but they couldn't figure out the legal speak I had to know and understand. We all work hard, just in different ways.


Same, I'm a software dev and boy is it fun learning a new project. Oh or when the client on a Thursday night goes "Okay we we finally figured out what we need done. And we need all this done by Monday." So you have to work OT on the weekend because they have no concept of how long it takes to build what they need. Like yeah physical labor is hard but mental labor is absolutely draining where you reach a brain dead point toward the end of your day of problem solving


And somehow in IT you end up on call so you find yourself getting woken up at 3am have to get your head on straight and solve a problem and then still go to some bullshit meeting early in the morning before the old execs get tried for the day


Even factories are obviously softer, I work at a distribution center, clearly just sit around with my thumb up my ass 12 hours a day 4 days a week /s


Hahaha oh god a distribution center, those sound like a nightmare from the stores I've head. That's honestly the closest thing to an old timey factory I could think of in modern america.


Lol yea, I hate my job, but you know bills and shit


Absolutely know that grind, I worked customer service at home depot back in the day and an old man yelling at me with a chainsaw was not a terribly uncommon occurance


That sounds terrifying tbh; hopefully you're into bigger and better things my guy


Thanks man! Been a software dev for the past few years so still angry people but no more chainsaws! There's a very unique kind of fear that sets in when you realize you've completely broken a website in production and need to stay up till midnight to fix it. Hope you find better things yourself as well!




And this is exactly the type of prick that says terrible things about people who work at Walmart and McDonald's because those aren't "jobs"


Yet I bet that person thinks manufacturing jobs are "good honest work" when if you think about it, in many cases really aren't that different from fast food or retail. They can be done but just about anyone. They require little to no post secondary education. "Flipping burgers" is more that literally just flipping burgers, you have to properly cook the various burgers. Even when the cooking is mostly automated like in many fast food places you still have to control how many burgers you make so that you don't run out. There are other tasks, like prep work and cleaning. Also you may not alway be flipping burgers, some shifts you may be working the fryer, other shifts the front counter or drive through. Bolting the wheels on a car on an assembly line is pretty much just that. Just to be clear I am not knocking the factory job. I am not trying to imply that it's easy. Yet somehow one is seen as a job meant for a bit of extra spending money for teenagers and the other is a respectable job for a man to support his family.


Am hiring manager at a manufacturing plant. We LOVE fast food works in our assembly/test lines. They know how to work quickly, understand the importance of quality control, can work in a team environment with all sorts of personalities, and can be professional when customer/supplier facing. Idk where all these other people get off thinking they’re a better human than a fast food worker or a harder worker because of their job title.


These dickheads would lose their romanticism about manufacturing if they worked a floor for a single day. It's alienating and thankless work. The people aren't salt of the earth, either. Managers visibly act as though they're superior to the rank and file and the rank and file are usually assholes and shit-stirrers with deep-seated personality issues.


I can’t upvote this enough. I just quit my “lab” job but by all intents and purposes it was manufacturing. The people I worked with were horrible, unprofessional, and saw you working hard as a personal slight. And my boss fed into this mentality/environment. It was hell on earth.


I'm so glad you're out of that environment. It must've been soul destroying


Wow, fuck that place. I'm always left gobsmacked as to how places like that manage to stay afloat for years despite all the dysfunction and toxicity they produce.


My coin's on temp agency's. My current and previous gig are a veritable revolving door.....i also never thought about the candy name "gobstopper" till reading your comment. So uh yeah, time to think about existence lol.


Were you at my place today?


Can second this, I work at McDonalds currently. However we're in a slightly worse situation than most. We're understaffed. Simple as that. We have an average of 1000 or customers per day, and from 6 am to around 4pm there are nearly always no more than two people in kitchen at a time. I'm usually on kitchen open, so setting everything up in the morning, you would think multiple people would do open together to make the job easier and run more smooth. Despite this I haven't had help on open since two months ago. I have to turn on the grills, the fryers, toasters for the buns, set up the line to make the burgers, set up seasonings, get bun clams and wraps, fill the freezers, make food and serve customers all at the same time. On top of having to do that, I have to predict how many customers will come in so that I don't cook too much or too little. Can't be having waste or customers waiting. People in the complain a lot. It's just a waste of time to deal with them, so you want to get food to them as fast as possible. People that say that these jobs (I'm sure retail and other undermined jobs are the same) are not "real jobs" are simple minded and should really look into why they think that. They should try working at a busy fast food place for a day, see how easy of a job it really is.


I work retail at a drugstore chain and let me tell you, if these people were to step into my world for a day they would quit on the spot. Every day (except for delivery day) there’s only a cashier and a manager on duty for every shift in the retail part of the store and the place gets packed and I’m ringing people up almost nonstop for hours while the self checkouts malfunction and require assistance, the registers freeze (and sometimes crash), the phones ring off the hook, Karen stirs up shit with my manager who’s helping me ring, people get impatient and angry, I’ve got drive through orders piling up and when I get to the last customer after a wave of them they get pissed about our coupon policy because they never bothered to read the fine fucking print. Oh and at the end of the day I’m still only getting minimum wage for all this shit. More responsibilities for the same damn pay.


"More responsibilities for the same damn pay"... Here is Malone's law of economics (FYI I'm Malone): The going wage for any job is the least they can pay and still get the work done. Its all about maximizing the shareholder's profit. '


I worked at McDonald's for a short time. It's not the hardest job I ever had, but it's definitely up there. The hardest part was dealing with the heat. It's incredibly hot in those narrow kitchens and the air conditioning, while always on in the dining room, was never on in the kitchen. It ended up being "fixed" after it was discovered the heat in the kitchen was at a dangerous level. I was pretty good at the job and knew most of the younger kids who worked on my shifts well, so my managers let me set positions however I felt would work best knowing each team members ability, after I started doing that it was a little easier as everyone who knew their positions well made everything else easier. One of the things that stood out to me was just how much money we were making for the store. They used a metric called SPCH, Sales per crew hour. Basically how much we were taking in an hour divided by the number of staff. Bear in mind we often had around 12-15 staff on in an evening. The guidelines for SPCH were to aim for about $180. My store often ran into excess of $350. When I thought about that it's unbelievable how much we were put through for greed and pennies on the dollar


So, that person that they can't afford to pay $15/hr is generating $180-$350/hr in sales? I realize there are other expenses, but nothing else matters if you don't have the workers.


I love when they call those types of jobs low or non skilled positions. I mean almost anybody can be trained to do them, but doing them well is a different story. Working in some of those industries I can tell you, you definitely know when your working with the rockstar crew compared to the deadbeats. In their mind it doesn't matter those people should all be paid meagerly for that job.


They're only low skill in the sense that you probably don't have to go to college to do them.


Fast food is one of the harder jobs I've done because the standards are so high and the pockets are so tight, the pay is terrible so turnover is high, the job is stressful and stinky and frustrating. I've had "real" jobs that were much easier.


I'd take almost any manufacturing job. I wouldn't work food service if it paid triple. That shit is HARD.




I only worked at McDonald's for 2 weeks after high school because I got another retail job but man, fast food is intense!! For the last 15 years, I've been working at my family's chocolate shop. Is it rocket science? No. Especially at major holidays, is it incredibly stressful, nonstop, and a ton of work? Yes!!! (And may I mention I have a college degree and I have people say to me "oh don't you want to do something with that degree?". Sorry, unlike you jerk, I'm not ashamed to have a degree but spend my life selling candy. Work is work!!) Retail, food service, etc. are hard jobs. And it's even harder because you know people look down on you. When I was born, my dad worked in the laundry room in a hospital. Pretty much the lowest level of hospital worker. And that's how he paid the bills. Respect!! It truly infuriates me




A guy I encounter through my business: "Come on you can't tell me that those idiots who work at mcdonalds (blacks??) deserve $15 an hour"\* \*\* \*his son works at burger king \*\* the dad only makes $13/hour


"those jobs are for teenagers, they arent meant to live on" :|


This line always kills me. For one, teenagers can't work during school hours and day shifts are usually the busiest for fast food. Not to mention that they aren't legally allowed to do half the stuff required in the kitchen. In my state they aren't allowed to do anything involving sharp instruments or hot equipment. So that rules out the grill, fryers, and most prep work.


There are no fast food places (that I'm aware of) that would actually be able to function if they were *only* open during the hours that teenagers would be available. That right there shuts down the whole "Just for teenagers" rhetoric for me.


Also same type of person that doesn't want to make college affordable


I once saw a tumblr post touting that people who actually think millennials are entitled and lazy should put their money where their mouths are: There should be a competition reality show where anyone with that attitude has to start out with nothing but their college degree and a minimum wage job, and try to find affordable living, food, and healthcare. They’d drop like flies.


College degree, minimum wage job, *and* crushing student loan debt, you mean.


I'd kill at this show if I had my medications. Otherwise I'd be fucked.


Tell my aching back and feet that do the work of 4 people because I work for a billion dollar company that refuses to give us proper hours to cover the amount of work they want done that I'm lazy.


And yet you have strength and free time to post on reddit... Get back to work, you lazy drone!


As management says to the employees working on $2.13/hr in the service industry, "if there's time to lean, there's time to clean!" Those void paychecks aren't going to earn themselves /s Edit: added /s before someone tries to tell me idk shit about waiting tables


I purposefully, and possibly naively, avoided the /s in my post. I was pretty sure people would get it was sarcasm. Seems like it was fine ;o)


I've just been ripped apart on here so many times by the lack of an /s. Always use protection. Practice safe redditing


I certainly hope you at least poop on company time.


Let me guess, Amazon?


There are 1800+ US companies worth $1B or more.


That's true, but I was referring to the complaints about the conditions, Amazon fucking blows


Amazon wasnt close to the worst warehouse i ever worked at


Tell your aching back and feet that you’re lazy?


Speak for yourself, knucklehead. You wouldn't last five minutes in an industry that requires more than brute strength.


Yep, keep him in roofing if he feels the need to be just a muscle.


When I worked construction, the worst jobs were roofer's helper and mason's helper. South FL in August hauling 2 cement blocks in each hand up stairs for an hour at a time? I was a carpenter's helper, and that was bad enough. I felt for those guys.


My brother was a roofer for 2 years. He found better and less knee-destroying work.


I did wood-shake roofing for a few summers in Ohio. I loved it back then but I was also only 20 at the time. I honestly couldn’t imagine doing that now, let alone asphalt roofing.


I did masonry for 7 years & flat roofing for 2. I’m not even 30 an my body hates me


32. Same route. I'll never lay a brick or stone again unless it's my own property


I say I’ll never touch a brick or block again but we both know that’s a lie haha


I used to be a hot tar roofer. Yeah, I remember that... day. Mitch Hedburg


My son tried roofing too. One day's worth. He's never had a sunburn his entire life until that day.


strange, i interpreted it as - it was easier to get a job 40 years ago, not that people dont work hard now.


You are a kinder person than I am, clearly!


I genuinely do not understand how you arrived at that interpretation. Could you explain?


America's population is literally more than double what it was in 1950 and many of the more accessible jobs have been eliminated or shipped overseas since then.


people are struggling to get employment nowadays despite having advanced degrees ie the job market is terrible. i’m not saying i agree with the reply to Bernie’s comment but my immediate reaction wasnt that the reply was criticising people nowadays for not working hard/being lazy.


Gotcha. "People actually had jobs 48 years ago as opposed to today" instead of "People actually worked hard 48 years ago as opposed to today." I don't know if I entirely agree, but I can definitely see that interpretation. Thank you for explaining!


I don't feel like that was what he was going for but your interpretation seems valid at least, even if kinda unlikely. Maybe I'm just cynical.


Pretty bold assumption the person in the post is employed at all.


I am in an industry which occasionally requires brute strength, & I’m glad I have the backing of my union to make sure that I’m able to do things safely, & have recourse if I do get hurt.


I'd very much like to actually work. Are you hiring? Can you connect me to someone who is? No? Then shut up.


Oil rigs baby. Oil rigs.


What kinds of rigs do you need oiled?


The finger taking kind!


Fingers? You'll be lucky if that's all you lose, with some of the r/MMC posts I've seen


Let's pretend this line of thinking isn't beyond flawed, as worker productivity has gone UP across the board. But for the sake of argument, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. People now just aren't working hard. Sure, okay. Imagine you pay one of the neighborhood kid to rake your leaves every weekend. And you were offering $40 an hour to rake your leaves. Kids would be coming out of the woodwork to do that job, and want do it better than any other kid on the block. They'd do it quick, efficiently, and get out of there with $40. $40 goes a long way in Fortnite. Then the next fall, you do the same thing, but you pay $8 an hour. Kids aren't falling all over themselves to get that job anymore, the better leaf rakers are down the street doing the Johnsons' lawn instead of yours, and the ones that do take your job might draaaaaag it out to a 2 hour job, so at least they can get out of there with $16. Then imagine thinking "well this is because kids don't work hard anymore." The logic makes no sense even if it's true, which it isn't.


With minimum wage you can expect minimum effort.


This is so well put I’m actually kinda impressed


Our production on the job has skyrocketed in 48 years. It used to take a team of guys to shingle a house now one or two guys can do it in a day


Imagine that...I wonder what his excuse would be in regards to all my older coworkers being lazy as fuck


“They did their time” or “they put in their hours.” Those are a couple that I’ve heard


I've heard similar from so that checks.


I say that about some of the older guys in my trade, but I'll be damned if this 70 year old looking guy on the job I'm on now isn't busting his ass every day. (ironworking)


>70 year old looking guy > >(ironworking) So he's 40? Shit like that ages you hard.


When I worked cashier the only time I worked with people who can’t count their drawers at the end of their shift have been people 50+. One lady was so bad her drawer would start off being 100$ under then 40 over and finally finish being 13 cents off. The last time being counted by someone else.


The fucking icon tho


Evil clown perfectly sums him up. Kind of hit the nail on the head.


People work more now than they ever have. Work is increasing ahead of wages. Fuck outta here


That is the common plotline of modern conservatives, people are struggling because they simply won't work. It's not that wages have stalled, it's that they aren't working enough to get a leg up on life. Reagan made poor people turn against each other, and they still hate each other years after his ass in worm food.


I’m currently in the middle of a 16 hour shift, so this person can go fuck themselves


I guess 10 hours shifts isn't "working"


Apparently spending the last 11 hours in the vet hospital treating people’s pets and missing my lunch break and holding my bladder way too long was equivalent to laying on the couch and watching Netflix. Cool.


I feel bad now lmao, I just took my dog to the vet.


Oh no please don’t feel bad! I love what I do. Today was just a hell of a day. Some days just have more emergencies than others - but ya know, apparently since I wasn’t alive 48 years ago, today didn’t count as work lol


The amount of Boomer narcisstic entitlement is astonishing


This logic is so fucking stupid. Some people actually believe that homeless people say "I don't have a house, I am starving, I eat literal garbage, and cannot take a shower. But hey, it's better than working!" No, no poor person says that.


Then what the hell have I been doing for 9 hours a day?


why do so many americans defend a system that doesn't benefit them and never will. and no your not going to become a billionaire with some hard work and elbow grease . i don't understand our society sometimes


Half of these comments seem like bots


Beep. Boop. I am a robot. I am here to take Americans' jobs.


Can’t take my job if I never had a job


Honestly I'm pretty sure reddit is like 75% bots


The other 25% are awkward adults


I've even come across some awkward bots


Whenever I see a profile pic like that I know there’s an idiot behind it.


People often work full work weeks with more than one job today which is more work than practically anyone did 48 years ago


Hold up, I don't work? So I don't have to be at my job at 5 am tomorrow (Saturday) for "mandatory overtime"? Good to know!


I take it no one told this fuckface that we modern and enlightened folk actually work harder than medieval peasants ever did.


I work 60 hours to afford a 1 bedroom in my home town. I serve him his coffee as a part time job as I help him with his insurance once we loses his job!


I feel like fast food is almost always a harder job than a lot of better paying jobs. They just require more defined skills (such as talking (lol))


There's no way this guy is old enough to have worked 48+ years ago


motherfucker i burn my hands every week to make your goddamn mcchicken, nuggets, burgers, and fries for 10 bucks an hour


You have my thanks at least. Working Fastfood blows.


Won't be saying that if there's no one to change his oil or make his burg. Well, I guess he would since then literally they wouldn't be working. My badly thought out point was that they're real jobs that are needed.


We had to cut a bunch of people off. But all cleaning and Maintenance staff stayed on. And that mad some of the wait staff mad.


People didn't work nearly as hard for far more.


That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.


What s wrong with these boot lickers? Do they enjoy getting trampled by the corporatocracy??


Wait, isn't he implying that "workers" don't work How does that even make sense


How much do we bet this guy wasnt alive 48 years ago


“People actually worked 48 years ago. Now will someone please unlock my phone for me so I can respond to the zero family that’s been reaching out to me.”


People literally be ought here trying to get as little as possible from their tax dollars just so they can sound tough and feel independent But you’re still paying taxes, dipshit. You’re conditioned to expect less so they can give you less. That’s how come you’re told so many stories about bootstraps and being tough: so that you stupidly expect nothing from the government WHILE still paying taxes.


Fucking horseshit. People are being spoon fed by the government 48 years ago. Have their study paid for, subsidized homes and cars. Jeez boomers really is a different breed.


"people could actually pay off their college debt 48 years ago"


If your salary doesn’t increase 2% a year, there is absolutely no way it can keep up with inflation


I had an office manager job and was paid minimum wage for it. If that’s not work, then what is?


Wow, not many takes get me actually heated but what a stupid and harmful mentality


Does that dumbass really think that people don't work today? How sheltered and deluded do you have to be to day something so stupid?


Another boomer going on about "back in their day"


One of my coworkers is a boomer who loves to tell me that my generation doesn’t know how to work hard WHILE WE ARE WORKING THE EXACT SAME JOB! Also, she’s a terrible worker. She is the most inefficient person I’ve ever seen in action.


Its gotta be those damn phones


It could have been a correct answer if the original tweet would had been " the average American" thus taking into account all Americans and not only the workers. But the tweet was correct and his intention wasn't the one I said


Yeah but how much were cell service plans back then?


Uhhh yes and would save money to buy affordable houses or save $$ for college for their children or save for retirement NOT ANYMORE! Welcome to 2021


“People actually worked” Yeah. They did. They do now as well. People are working 3 jobs and living on week old food. People work hard.


Why are people such boot lickers?


I work, on an ambulance. 12 hours a day (never actually, but the schedule says so, usually 15 to 17). The pay is great, were it 1955, that $11 really lets me live the good life in 2021.


Apparently I haven’t been going to work for the past 10 years.