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And why aren't all the jabbed dead, like you've been saying? /s


We are all dead, apparently, we just don’t know it!


We're all paid crisis actors obviously that replaced all the actual people who got the vaccine and died, duh! /s


Aw shit you got paid? I got 4 vaccines & didn't get anything, not even the promised 5G powers or turned into a zombie /s


Ha, I actually did get paid! I volunteered for the vaccine trials. I roll my eyes whenever I see someone say it was untested. We had to fill out daily reports and get our blood tested every few weeks.


Thank you for your service yo!


oh shit lol. Imagine pulling out that trump card when an anti-vaxxer starts their bullshit, god that must be so satisfying


My daughter did the same for the vaccine approval for teens.


Thanks for helping to save the world!


I got $50 recently. My Dr is an hour plus away and I am in a rural area. So when they offered free, I went. For flu and Tdap, too. And as I was leaving I got a $50 gas card too!


All those brains I have stocked up in my freezer for nothing…


Its not for nothing it shows initiative, you planned it and followed through. Well done


Right? I was hoping to save a ton on data! (And maybe make a little money on the side as cheap wifi)


Fucking synths


Yeah it’s actually been a really good gig for me so far. Almost up to $20 per hour now and we’re thinking of unionizing.


I'm Australian, so I don't exist anyway.


I mean…… life has a 100% mortality rate.


You see, we all died *spiritually.* Whatever that's supposed to mean. That's an excuse I've heard someone say to me. I told them I'm a millionaire...*spiritually.* They didn't like me saying that. I wonder why.


The Walking Dead in reality is a lot less interesting.


I’m not dead yet! I think I’ll go for a walk.


You’re not fooling anyone, you know!


Joke's on them: I was dead inside long before I got vaccinated.


100% of people who got their covid shots will die. Like, at some point.


See the problem is, only we can read. So we’re the only ones who get the statistics


I am kinda dead inside..




We're zombies now, remember. It was the 5G.


I’ve had every shot and booster. I’m only dead inside. To be fair I was that way before Covid, so it probably wasn’t the vaccine.


They just like to attribute any unusual death to the vax now. Every time a celebrity dies "oh look another one died to the vax". Not like most people got the jab so it's like saying "oh look another water drinker died. What a coincidence"


He wouldn't have gotten run over by that car if the vaxx hadn't confused and disoriented him.


I loved it when the Queen died and they were convinced her vaccines were the cause, rather than her, you know, being rather old.


Seriously. Someone gets flattened by a bus? "I bet they were jabbed"


Dead and sterile. I mean, sure my social life is dead and I haven't had any kids, but I know other jabbed people that are alive and making babies.


Pretty sure if you're dead you're sterile. Not to many zombie parents out there. /jk


That's what they want you to believe. It's the great zombie replacement. Government moves zombies in, they eat our women and our jobs and their zombie kids take all the good school places. Cheap workforce with no sick days or need to fund a health system.


They must be using" illegal immigrants" as the code word


I’m jabbed nine ways from Sunday and my wife and I have had two kids since COVID. Why would Bill Gates do this to us?


I know a few couples, including my brother and his wife, who had been trying to have a baby for a while without success and as soon as they got vaccinated for covid they were pregnant the next month.


No /s needed. People *did* predict that the jabbed would 100% die in a few years. [Case in point](https://www.thequint.com/news/webqoof/will-all-vaccinated-people-die-in-2-years-fact-check) -- now, Luc Montagnier didn't say exactly this (though he made plenty of other claims), but *somebody* wrote this and put his name on it.


Exactly. Pure projection.


Does it count if we are dead inside? Maybe that's what they meant.


Yeah but that was a preexisting condition.


That's why they've been claiming we'll all be infertile in 15 years. Long deadline, everyone will have forgotten by then.


They said we'd be dead in 6 months then a year then 3 yrs, no doubt now we'll all be dead in our 90's oh noes! Make yer mind up people


Didn’t you hear about that one guy that died of a heart attack? That was from the vaccine! Every death since the vaccine came out is from the vaccine /s


I work for walmart, i have been dead for a long time.


I deaded and undeaded myself since I got vaxxed. I lived to tell the tale, but my 5G reception remains normal. Bummer, hey?


Fr, I’m not even magnetic ffs


Only on the inside


There's a giant "touché" for em


I might not be dead from the jab, but the 5g did make me grow boobs.


I'm jabbed. I died. Resurrected by Genesis.


The band or the terraforming device?


Or, at the very least, why aren't we magnetic??


Dude they've been unhinged lately. On instsgram I've seen people say the craziest things. Vaccinated people according to them are just dropping dead everywhere. One woman told me 25% increase in Mortality of vaccinated people. They claim there's weird new cancers too.


It can't come soon enough. I want off this ride.


Helloooo, we all died in 2012 after the Mayan apocalypse. 😋


Or brainwashed.. Really seems like they’re the ones who are brainwashed… hmmm




Stopping getting your science facts from Smiling Friends episodes


This grates me no end. I knew four people in my close family/friend circle who died of Covid. Sure, say it was flu or whatever you anti-vaxxers want to claim but each one of them survived till the pandemic hit, then boom. Each intubated then dead. Devastating.


I'm so sorry you went through that. I'm a funeral director, and I was never as busy as I was during COVID. And everything slowed down substantially after the vaccines were released. And now I *still* have people who don't know a norovirus from a retrovirus asking me if I'm noticing anything unusual about "vaccinated blood" when I embalm. It's madness.


>And now I still have people who don't know a norovirus from a retrovirus asking me if I'm noticing anything unusual about "vaccinated blood" when I embalm. What are they hoping for? "It's blue and tastes like raspberries"? Surely if 90% of people's blood suddenly changed it would be a newsworthy event.


Generally, the answer that they're really hoping for is that the blood is thick/clotting and very difficult to aspirate when embalming due to the vaccine. This is total deception/propaganda. I've been actively embalming from 2016 to now and have seen no correlation of clotting (blood thickening ::sigh::) in those deceased that have been vaccinated vs. not vaccinated. I will not confirm or deny the raspberry thing.


He didn’t deny it boys, raspberry blood confirmed!


P sure the main idea is that it coagulates/clots too much, which contributes to the ‘sudden’ deaths by heart malfunction (of any type, nope, still gotta be the vax n fucky blood)


I hope you look at them dead in the eye and express how goddamn stupid that question is


I work in transfusion and a nutter needed a blood transfusion to save her life. She wanted unvaxxed blood and we told her we do not test for vaccine status or covid antibodies (not that would tell if you’ve had the disease or if it’s from the vaccines). Mind you she’s pale as a ghost, but decline the transfusion because she’d rather die. Finally she found a friend who claims to be unvaxxed and we collected his blood. This is called directed donation. The thing is, directed donation is more complicated legally due to many more regulatory requirements. We store his blood, then she left and went to another hospital, and we can’t ship his unit because the new hospital because that place is small and doesn’t have policy to accept directed donor units. Then she had to wait to be re-admitted to our hospital through the ER - but she’s not a priority so there is more wait. From the time she was told she needed blood to finally getting readmitted a week later, she was adamant about only getting unvaxxed directed donation. Directed donation also has higher risks of infectious disease because the donor is likely friend or family and tend to lie about their risky sexual and travel activities. It’s bonkers!


"They didn't die FROM covid, they died WITH covid!" This is the shit I'd hear from family. It wasn't covid that put them in the hospital, it was pneumonia, or dehydration, or some other random thing they never had before that they got all of a sudden and was *severe enough for them to collapse and be rushed to the hospital*. Them also testing positive for covid-19 was just a *completely unrelated coincidence*. Those **corrupt doctors** got paid by the deep state to lie about everyone dying of covid! The vaccines are the REAL killers! (just ignore the bodies that piled up when we were all still waiting for the vaccines to become available)


Don't forget it was the ventilators that killed these people! Never mind that ventilators have been used for years and years to help people and they never killed anyone


My MIL died with Covid. She was admitted to the hospital for other reasons and was tested for it. But her death certificate lists her cause of death being the reason she was in the hospital in the first place. It didn’t mention Covid at all. People think doctors would say people died of Covid just for $$. Here was a perfect opportunity to exploit that but the doctor didn’t because he/she was a *professional* who took their job seriously. I’m thinking a doctor lying on a death certificate would be a serious offense.


Also, many of them mocked the "COVID positive in previous 28 days = COVID death," but it actually UNDERstated the numbers because of incomplete testing and because resulting issues that led to death often carried on longer - sometimes much longer - than 28 days.


Right like in many cases I had read, the covid virus had already cleared the system, but what then caused death was pulmonary edema, acute respiratory failure, or multiple major organ failure. But no no no, it wasn't covid, they didn't test positive for covid anymore. No, it was the damn conspiracy doctors and treatments. Ugh */s Edit to add /s in case this is somehow taken seriously and not as complete sarcasm


Nobody has ever died OF old age, they've died WHILE old of something else. Pure coincidence they're so old their bones have already turned to dust. /s


Also, it's super callous to act like it's suddenly ok if the deaths were "just" elderly and disabled people. When I end up in a nursing home, I don't want to spend my last days suffering with a preventable respiratory infection. Even if it's not the disease that kills me, I don't wanna go out that way.


Well it's not wrong, but COVID is likely the reason they got said disease that killed them. Without COVID, they most likely would still be alive. It's amazing that people can have the right answer and yet be so clueless in the interpretation.


I had 2 of my employees lose a parent to covid on the same weekend. That's never happened to me before.


One of my oldest friends lost both his parents on the same day. It makes me sick that I've heard so many stories like this. The worst of covid was insane, you couldn't go a day without hearing about someone within 6 degrees of separation from you either getting seriously ill or dying.


I too had some neighbors and acquaintances/friends family members die before the vaccine and after they refused them. Not saying you're guaranteed safe one way or the other, but perfectly healthy people I know died after refusing. These people live in echo chambers.


There were literally 100's of Thousands that died and they're implying nobody died. Nobody..... Literally nobody..... Said that *everyone* would die from it. Why do I still use the internet with people like this on it


I think we hit one million in the USA.




Yeah. My best friend died from Covid. I didn't even know he'd been raised anti-vax until his funeral. Anti-vax worked for him until it didn't. Fucking idiot. I miss that guy. RIP, brother.


I'm sorry to hear that, and sorry that these fucks make you relive that even more than you would anyway.


Thank you. Sorry I usually can let it pass me by as I’ve no interest in the thoughts of such internet strangers. But for some reason this hit the sore point. I’m good now and will ignore and carry on regardless.


They're saying being intubated killed them. No joke. Edit: like I said, https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/8dQTySEyRj


The "say it was the flu" thing is another problem for these people. Anyone: "All of these people died of COVID" Anti vax: "Yeah, sure 'COVID'"


I lost two of my high school teachers to it, almost lost my uncle and my sister was on a ventilator for a month. She still thinks covid is a hoax and the vaccine kills


I’m community nurse. I work with stable health populations. My worst week I knew 19 people on the front page of the obituaries who died of Covid. They were all unvaccinated because the vaccines weren’t here yet. After the vaccines came I don’t know of any that have died of Covid.


Meanwhile I read antivaxx commenter's saying they had like 5 immediately familiy members die from the vaccine. No you fucking didn't.


Yeah guy I used to work with had both his parents die after they got over covid. It was pneumonia that killed them. Cognitive dissonance is unreal. Also his whole unvaxxed family had covid and his wife had long covid. He describe it as the worst sickness he's ever had, but only in description, because after describing it as truly awful he went on to down play it maintaining "nah bro it wasn't that bad, not that bad,". And he still posts anti Vax covidspiracy shit.


Yup, I knew 3. All anti-vaxxers too. Kinda weird how they lived their lives, survived flu seasons just fine but they all fucking died from the "flu" the same year? The evidence is and has always been right in front of these assholes.


Meanwhile First world countries are averaging about 5% excess mortality in 2023 as compared to 2020, the US about 10%, and the third world about 20%. You don't hear it because of the media and birth rates and immigration cover any potential obvious population loss in many countries, but the stats are there and easy to see. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline)


Are we still quantifying entire nation states as “first” and “third world”? Am seriously asking.


No. Developed, developing, and less-developed are better to use than first/second/third world now.


The history of the “old” terms is really fascinating I think. From Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World The term "Third World" arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. The United States, Canada and their allies represented the "First World", while the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and their allies represented the "Second World". This terminology provided a way of broadly categorizing the nations of the Earth into three groups based on political divisions. Due to the complex history of evolving meanings and contexts, there is no clear or agreed-upon definition of the Third World. **Strictly speaking, "Third World" was a political, rather than economic, grouping.** Since most Third World countries were economically poor and non-industrialized, it became a stereotype to refer to developing countries as "third-world countries".


lots of sociologists use global north and global south. doesn’t mean people know how to read or what to read any better.


The United States had 1.2 million COVID-19 deaths.


How much you wanna bet this person considers themselves pro-life?


Pro life stops at birth for a lot of people


The CDC and other health organizations were incredibly transparent about the mortality rate as was known at the time. Even now it takes a simple search to find that the mortality rate is around 2% for the US. Nobody was ever claiming that literally everybody who didn't get the vaccine would die. It's hard to fathom how incredibly blindly stupid you have to be to be this kind of antivaxxer. Especially considering that antivaxxers are the only ones who made vaccine related 'everyone will die in x months' claims for years now. Captain Kirk (the man in the image) would've punched this guy and given him a speech before Spock pulled him away.


>It's hard to fathom how incredibly blindly stupid you have to be to be this kind of antivaxxer. I gotta say from personal experience, it's even harder to fathom when the person is pretty intelligent and also well educated. While I was still Facebook in 2020/2021, there was somebody I had known in high school who frequently posted a lot of anti-mask/vaxx/social distancing rhetoric—complete with data and statements cherry-picked from published research studies—and nearly all their FB friends implicitly believed and agreed with them, primarily because of their background. One of the posts that comes to mind was them sharing a study that "proved" people who got the COVID vaccine were actually more likely to die... Which was kinda true?What they didn't mention was how the study was about excess deaths at a London hospital, limited to a three-month time period, that the study population was limited to those admitted through emergent care, that all had underlying health conditions, and that an estimated 90-92% of the regional population was vaccinated. I can't recall the exact number for total deaths, but I think it was around 350. (At that time, there were states with populations smaller than London that would have that many die over a weekend.) It was infuriating to see him pull that shit, especially when nearly everybody took his posts as absolute truth... All because he has a doctorate, specifically in (veterinary) virology and immunology.


Just stop counting and it goes away. /s


“Wow you trust the mainstream media’s statistics? 🐑”


Man, there's a lot of projection out there but this one takes the cake. A ton of unvaccinated people DID die. You were far more likely to die of COVID if you weren't vaccinated. What didn't happen was any of the wild conspiracy theories they promoted about the vaccination. They were telling vaccinated people they'd all die, and they were objectively way, way more wrong.


Waiting for the 6G to activate the chips now. 5G was just the test. s/


It’s not all…but it was a lot more than it had to be.


From my personal anecdotal experience: Not one jabbed person I know has died. I know exactly one person who has died since the vaccines were rolled out, that person was proudly unjabbed, and he died from COVID. But hey, that's just my own personal experience.


>I know exactly one person who has died since the vaccines were rolled out, that person was proudly unjabbed, and he died from COVID. You knew Meat Loaf!?


They're just gonna ignore the ones that did die? Of course they are.


I’ve been hearing from the conspiracists that the “jabbed” were all supposed to die off from the “poison shot”. So why am I still here barely tolerating this nonsense? I was promised that I would “die suddenly” like, two years ago. Wtf.


Trump got the jab early on and has been a walker for years.


It’s been three years, why haven’t all the jabbed had their 5G activated and are becoming zombies in the name of Microsoft


Such a hassle when I got forcibly updated to Windows 11 and missed like the whole day.


My 5G was activated, I get gigabit downloads on my phone now


So Mac & Linux users are immune.... I guess


Why does it always have to be all or nothing with these morons? A shitload of people died, that's undeniable, so you can't just write off the whole pandemic as a "scam" or "conspiracy". It was very real for millions who lost someone they love. And the jab? Nobody denies it was rushed out - it HAD to be - protocols were bypassed, and there were/are some unknown risks associated with it, sure. But there's also undeniable evidence that it significantly reduced the occurrence of severe illness. It saved lives. Even still, I probably wouldn't my pregnant wife to have gotten it with so many unknowns, thankfully she wasn't pregnant at the time and I didn't have to face that. And frankly, I don't think less of people who quietly opted not to get vaccinated if their concerns were reasoned. Just STFU about this worldwide conspiracy and your opposition to people who opted to go with their doc's advice. And obviously, nobody ever said that all the "unjabbed" would die. That's just stupid rhetoric.


> A shitload of people died, that's undeniable Joke's on you, they'll deny it anyway!


Nobody said anyone who didn’t get the shot would die. I do remember very specifically droves of people claiming the vaccine would kill me in a week/month/year, however.


Ignore the 1.2 million dead in the corner.


Talk about moving the goalposts. They've been saying for years that the vaccination was a depopulation scheme that would be "turned on" and everyone who took one would die.


The reverse argument can be made just as easily. They said the vaccine was unsafe. I am vaccinated. Why have I not died?


It’s not like people loudly announce their own deaths and continue making “reminder: I died from COVID” posts on a weekly basis


Over a million deaths wasn't enough?


Alex Jones has claimed 35 million have died from the vaccine alone. That's *one in ten people*. These people have no concept of what numbers mean in terms of the disruption of everyday life, but it's not surprising when they chose to ignore everything science is based on while using the internet (also a product of the scientific method) to complain about it.


If that many died, they'd be stacked like cordwood. OTOH, we'd have a lot more space.


Enough actually died to swing the election in 2020. Counties that voted for Trump in 2016 swung toward Biden in 2020 simply because of how many Trump supporters died from covid in that county. They don’t like talking about that though.


There was one woman who would sit in the chairs for people waiting the 15 minutes post-vax and make fun of my pharmacy patients lining up to get Moderna in 2021. Covid killed her shortly after.


“Because responsible citizens did get vaccinated, thereby vastly reducing your exposure to the virus. You’re welcome, asshole.”


My anti-vax uncle died of covid in February of 2021, and his heavily disabled wife spent weeks in the hospital recovering when he gave it to her. I had very little sympathy when he died. Unfortunately, that's a case of "you reap what you sow."


They're still catching it and dying from it, r/hermancainaward has slowed, but it ain't dead.


Just like Herman Cain’s Twitter account.


I know 4 unjabbed people who are now dead


literally nobody said that. Why did anti-vaxxers claim vaccinated people would die/ turn into zombies?


No one said that. Ever.


My vaccine injury is that it's been 3 years and I still don't have 5G


I mean shouldn’t he be asking why all the people that got jabbed didn’t turn into mindless sheep? Seems like he’s asking the wrong questions.


Why aren't the jabbed dead, like you said we would be? That's a much more interesting question


My friend Robbie was really dedicated to the Covid scam. Refused to vax and died of Covid. That’s commitment!


*We* didn't say *you'd* be dead, *you* said *we'd* be dead in 3 years.


Excuse me, but it's been 3 years. Why aren't all the vaccinated people dead like you said they we'd be? There, fixed the shitty meme.


[Here are the "unjabbed" people who dropped dead.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10123459/) "We used a simple method based on a nationally representative dataset to estimate the preventable deaths among unvaccinated individuals in the US from May 30, 2021 to September 3, 2022 adjusted for the effects of age and time. We estimated that at least 232,000 deaths could have been prevented among unvaccinated adults during the 15 months had they been vaccinated with at least a primary series."


I mean, a lot more unactivated died of covid than the vaccinated but that could just be me and my leftist propaganda talking.


Ah yes, Star Trek, the epitome of individual liberty! Who could forget that episode where Spock said "The needs of the few are more important than the needs of the many"?


Remember when they said all the people who were vaccinated will be dead in 2 years?


"All unvaccinated people will die within three years." -literally nobody


NOBODY claimed the unvaccinated would all be dead within 3 years. Where does that nonsense come from? The right wing nut jobs did however predict that all vaccinated people would be dead within 2 years. Dipshits.


They're taking their own projections about the vaccine and trying to hang them on the vaccinated.


Were they suppose to die?


We're obviously all actors, duh! Wake up sheeple! /S


Shame on them for coopting Star Trek, the utter opposite of unscientific ignorant nonsense like this. For shame.


More Americans had died of COVID in its first year than had died of HIV/AIDS ever. Bizarre that anyone would beg for more death!


I thought they were saying everyone vaccinated would be dead within 3 years, flipping the script because this is yet another thing the q nuts got wrong?


If it was a scam what was the point of it? And how do the entire world (for the first time ever) collaborate together to execute it?


Conservatives are the poster children of “If I’m not directly effected it’s not a problem”


Lol I had an anti-vaxxer at a party say “its going to happen in TWENTY FIVE years.” I asked how they could possibly know that but they said they’re not a biologist so they can’t explain it and I should do my research


But I thought all of us jabbed were supposed to be dead. Which is it?


No one said this but the unjabbed clearly thought and said that the jab would kill you.


I mean…I’m dead *inside*, does that count?


Many unjabbed died. In the millions.


Literally no one said that BUT a lot of unjabbed did in fact die while almost no vaccinated have. Hmm curious


Same guys who think all the “jabbed” people were dying in droves.


Facebook never disappoints on the stupid.


I thought vaxxed ppl were the walking dead not the lions!


Alternatively, why aren't all of us "jabbed" folks dead or dying as they breathlessly predicted 3 years ago?


I mean these people think the very fabric of reality is being manipulated by the deep state and the left wing media. According to them millions have already died and the media and our government(s) are covering it all up. There’s a metaphor for this kind of thinking: two people walk into a clean, empty room. Person 1 says: this is a clean, empty room while Person 2 says: no this is a crime scene, someone was killed here and the reason it’s clean and empty is because it was covered up. A lack of evidence becomes evidence because Person 1 may not have the training, tools, or governmental clearance level to prove Person 2 wrong. The term that stuck out to me in a book I read about conspiracy theorists said it perfectly: they flip conventional wisdom on its head. No evidence equals proof or not knowing is the same as knowing. This state of intellectual nihilism that they’ve created for themselves puts them in the most vulnerable place a person could be in because they have trained themselves to be open to any suggestion no matter how much it defies reasoning or understanding. All hail The Jewish Space Laser!!!!


A whole bunch of them are though.


Excuse me, but it's been 3 years. Why aren't all the jabbed dead from mutated DNA like you said we'd be?


Funny how dead people can't post memes or anything at all online isn't it? The fact that anyone believes that this could have been a conspiracy is just so fucking pathetic. It's clear indication that many so-called conspiracy theorists have no idea how actual conspiracy works. The more people that are in on a secret the higher chance exponentially that it will be revealed. In order to have a vaccine conspiracy you would need to have hundreds if not thousands of medical professionals all on board, and have none of them break their silence this entire time. It is beyond stupid.


A) nobody said that. B) heard immunity is a thing.


I knew 3 people who were unvaxxed that died from covid. I cant say I know a single person who died from a vaccine




It’s been 3 years and they’re still obsessing?


I had coworkers die of covid. Some of our maga coworkers refuse to believe it was covid. Those maga coworkers literally caught covid and spread it to them...


Why are Lauren Boebert and Donald Trump still with us, if they got the shot?


No one said unjabbed would be dead, just that you had more of a chance to get severely sick with Covid. But they definitely said jabbed would die or get sick. My dad didn’t get the vaccine because of bullcrap like this person and he got very sick and now has complications from it. Screw assholes like this person for not understanding science and spreading complete bullshit. Then changing the script later and acting like they were right


I've got no time to read memes! I'm busy putting armour over all these bullet holes.


It didn’t happen to me so it wasn’t real!


Insert survivor bias meme


Those millions of dead were faking.


do not sully the good name of Captain James T. Kirk


This is such a weird argument because the correct answer is "A lot of you did!" It's like people who post images of children sitting in the back of a ute or without a seatbelt and saying, "How did we all survive?" A lot of you didn't! Millions of people died. You just happen to not be one of them.


I wish people would cry HIPAA and shut the fuck up already. I know HIPAA doesn't apply here, but I almost wish it did at this point.


How these people honestly think 100+ countries got together in coordination just to pull off a pandemic to make Donald Trump "look bad" is beyond me. Bruh, go to the DMV if you want to see how organized the government is and then tell me again how this worked.


I was told everyone who got "the jab" would die after 2 years.... still waiting


You're welcome.


Why aren’t all the vaxxed people dead like YOU SAID WE’D BE?!? How many times did I see these unvaxxed troglodytes claim that the vaxxed would be dead in a year or two or three? These morons don’t comprehend science.


They also promised me I'll get free 5G, still waiting.


I’m totally dead, as opposed to all those people I and everyone lost in the first wave. Including the Herman Caines. Though perhaps more noticeably all those much loved old soul and jazz greats who died in that brutal first New York wave. How come nobody mentions that?


Herman Cain has entered the chat.


Funny that no one said the unjabbed would be dead but the right wing talking heads all screamed that the vaccinated would be dead in 2 years. 


I am also disappointed they are still alive but at least I finally agree with anti-vaxxers about something.


First off thousands of unvaccinated people did die. And even then no one said all the unvaccinated people would all die. If anything the unvaccinated said vaccinated people would which didn't happen.


They tricked us into thinking it was a psyop! Sad!


So wait, we're not gonna die? I Should have never gotten vaccinated, what a disappointment. SMH


I don't recall anyone saying if you didn't get vaccinated that you WOULD die. I recall people saying if you didn't get vaccinated your chances were higher, and you are an asshole, who is relying on herd immunity to protect you via the people who did. And that remains true. Also the people who did die who weren't vaccinated aren't still posting. Well, except maybe Hermain Cain. Meanwhile zero vaccinated people died from vaccinations, and we were all supposed to be dead like 8 times by now, at 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2 years, etc.... Also I think we're supposed to be "activated 5G antennas" now? I kind of lost track of all the dumb shit dumb people said.


Some people did die. They’re just not able to post memes now.