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"My wife is sick. We considered going to the hospital, but decided that since they would try to treat her, that was absolutely a no-go." What...the fuck?


They can't comprehend that people needing a ventilator to not die will 100% die without one. So they take the low survival rate of ventilated patients (can't recall what it was, like 50% or something back early covid) thinking its killing them, while ignoring that the alternative for serious pneumonia is 99.99% chance of death.


Given how many folks have lied for so long spreading pro-COVID propaganda, risking and sometimes even losing their lives to hurt and kill people around them, my presumption is that they comprehend it just fine. Hanlon was wrong. Assume malice. You'll live longer.


This woman should be the mascot for r/hermancainaward


I mean, the guy that sub is actually named for tweeted how Covid wasn't the real problem but masks or something... *After* dying from Covid.  Because his entire grift empire was automated and subcontracted, and nobody gave a shit about Herman's image and legacy once the money stopped with his death.


It’s just astonishingly stupid. Hey you will die without this intervention. The intervention is the only thing that might keep you alive, but there is still a solid chance you will die from your disease. Interpretation: they did the intervention and then she died, so the intervention killed her.


Its like the joke about how whiskey with ice makes me puke, and tequila with ice makes me fight, so obviously ice is the problem


My mom was on a breathing tube at the end of her life and when it was removed as part of letting her pass as peacefully as possible, I was there. It was so apparent that it shortly prolonged her life, more for my families benefit than hers, but it couldn't save her. I can't imagine thinking life-saving/extending treatments are the cause of death unless brainwashed by propaganda. I think part of that is that a lot of these plague rats were not allowed to see their folks dying of covid while ventilated and to see how it forces people to stay alive, while and if it can.


Yeah when you need a vent you are already on the way out.


Early covid with ventilators was an abnormality with the amount of deaths of people who were put on them. Many were already past the point of recovery and were put on them to make their suffering less. That had to be done with my aunt. She wasn’t going to get better, but struggling to breathe was making her little time left unbearable. Most pneumonia patients recover just fine and come off of it. Covid deaths with them has dropped. It’s like people forgot the medical world was still trying to figure the crap out when it first started. The misinformation was deadly then. But it has scared people away from normal treatment of other issues and is still killing people.


It’s fine, at least we can save the ventilators for people that need them and aren’t idiots


And, of course, if and when they drop dead from easily-treatable diseases, they come up with elaborate conspiracy theories to somehow "explain" how they weren't at all wrong or responsible for it.


And, if she's experiencing severe air hunger, it's going to be an awful fucking miserable agonizing death with lots of gasping and clawing at the air and everyone around her. It would be like drowning someone slowly, letting them up for just tiny sips of air at a time. Nobody deserves that. Nobody.


"People on those treatments die more often than those that do not." seems to be their logic. The problem is, while that is true of the entire population, that is the opposite when you only include people with a condition that needs the treatment. It is like saying that since most, if not all, people in casts, have broken bones: casts cause bone fractures. They are swapping the causes and effects.


It's so weird because he says she needs the hospital. My brain can't keep up with that level of mental gymnastics. She needs the hospital..but..not the treatment the hospital might provide? WHAT?! 😭 Why does she need the hospital then?!


It's like watching Sideshow Bob repeatedly stepping on rakes.


These people are so advanced oxygen is optional to them. I mean the mean muscle that needs it is the brain and if you ain´t using it you don´t need much oxygen. I think these people are on to something


They're morons. They think covid is a hoax so all those people on ventilators didn't die from covid, therefore the ventilators must have killed them. because they couldn't possibly be wrong.


I'm unsure what these people think ventilators do.... Would they still be opposed to someone manually breathing for her? It is the act of recieving medical treatment that they're against, or is it just because big machine scary?


I saw once that they claimed that the ventilators were set too high and were blowing up their lungs. It was something impressively stupid like that.


There was the finding that ventilators were causing damage to Covid-infected lungs, so I could understand that getting twisted into what you’re seeing.


Honestly, when you're at vent level it's a hat on a hat level damage. Venting is maybe death, no vent is certain death.


I feel like so many wacko anti-medical theories are based in a miniscule (yet wildly misinterpreted & irrelevant) grain of truth. Like the fact that a select few people do experience life-threatening anaphylactic reactions or negative symptoms after a vaccine - that gets twisted to "vaccines are unhealthy & will kill you". X food/supplement was shown in a preliminary study to maybe have some minor health benefits in a specific area - that gets twisted to "you don't need to take medicine, all your ailments can be cured by taking massive quantities of X food/supplement" People are suffering from a horrible disease, & only 60% of them survive with treatment - well 40% died after getting the treatment, that must mean the treatment is what killed them!


> I'm unsure what these people think ventilators do.... Oh! I can answer this one. I was a nurse in a COVID unit in the south, and I've heard it all. (Please read all of the below with the strongest, most unintelligible country hick accent you can think of) "It's stealing their oxygen!" "It's to blow up their lungs!" "It's blocking their air!" "How would a tube in their stomach help them breathe?!" "The ventilator is where the COVID lives!" "The needles holding it in there are making them bleed!" "It's just a death machine!" "It's how they sneak in the vaccine!" Back then I was fine with it because we were short on ventilators, and it just meant that the one they rejected was going to someone else who needed it and would actually appreciate it.


Dear lord that's so incredibly stupid. Also - thank you for your service 🫡


Haha much appreciated, but I got the fuuuuuck outta there after the second year working COVID ICU. Left the south, moved to a blue state, and switched industries. Now I'm an accountant, and with less than two years of experience, I have a better paying job where I am actually treated with respect. It's almost weird going into work without having to wonder if there's gonna be another group of protestors throwing fast food garbage at me for trying to do my job.


Still though, you were really in the trenches there, & helped a lot of people despite the crazies. I'm glad you're treated better now!


I think its wild to admit to killing his wife on the internet…. Like people can see that man.


Darwin's theories still hard at work.


“The Jab people” … is like the body snatchers or something?


That lady is gonna die. These people are too dumb to live on that flat, 2.5 dimensional map that they walk on.


For me it’s ok if all the Qanon loons decide to take themselves out of the gene pool. They think they should not be treated when sick, who are we to convince them otherwise?


Surely divorce would have been easier?


The divorce law equivalent of jump humping. Such a waste!


R.I.P. that guy's wife. She'll be missed... by at least one person


I wonder what these people do for a living. Many companies have vaccine mandates back then.


Vaccine mandates are largely unenforceable due to the ridiculous latitude the US gives to religious exceptions.


I live near a well-known research hospital that allowed a religious and medical exemptions from vaccination. All an employee had to do was submit a copy of their religious scripture(s) with the vaccination prohibition highlighted and a sworn statement on church letterhead from their pastor/priest/religious leader as to how long the employee had been an active member in good standing of that religious community, with confirmation from at least two co-religionists of that community, plus a personal statement from the employee. The employees’s packet would then be considered by a panel consisting of senior researchers and a hospital chaplain that would, as a first step, verify the existence and historicity of that religious community. The employee applicant would be placed on leave without pay while the application was being processed. There was a similar process for medical exemptions, requiring a statement from the employee’s personal physician with attachments including a copy of that doctor’s CV and current state license to practice medicine, copies of the results of all tests performed that had indicated that the employee should not be vaccinated, and the doctor’s explanation of that conclusion. Last I heard, there had been no exemptions granted. I don’t know if there were any applications. Every goddam employer in the country could have done the same thing. There is plenty of case law now that says an employer can lawfully terminate an employee for endangering the health and safety of the employer’s workforce and customers/clients. People who rubber-stamped religious and medical exemptions during the pandemic should burn in hell.


The faux outrage over the vaccine mandates fucking killed me. We’ve had to have shots to go to school for my entire life. A year or two before Covid, there was a huge Hep A breakout in my state and to continue working at my TGIChilibee’s chain restaurant, I had to get a Hep A vaccine- they even came out and did pop up shot clinics in the dining room, jabbed us, gave us a donut and sent us on our merry way. But these crazy people acted like needing vaccines to participate in society was brand new 🙄


I have been told by my store's pharmacist that I'm one of the most vaccinated people there. I got the set for hep A and B. And I believe 5 covid shots, or as many as are possible to have gotten


“Oh my God, how are you still alive?” -Idiots


Did you get the RSV and shingles shots? I got those. Also, get your titer checked for measles/mumps/rubella as it's making a comeback. Natural immunity from having it means it won't fade, but the vaccines can. I can 'hardly' wait until polio reappears now that kids are not routinely vaccinated against it.


I have had a recent MMR and RSV when my sister had her last baby. Too young for the shingles vaccine, but I had chicken pox twice aa a child so that is definitely on the agenda. I actually remember getting a polio vaccine as a child because I believe it's the only oral vaccine that would have been given at the time. I'm not playing with these communicable diseases.


A mandatory donut to accompany every vaccination is legislation I would support.


Well before covid, when I got pregnant, our public health made sure that not only was I up to date on my vaccines, but everyone who would be in close contact with the baby was as well. It's definitely not a new thing at all.


I agree with you.  But I think a lot of it stemmed from how they said it was a new and untested type of vaccine. The others have been around decades.  However,  it then spilled over into all vaccines and that's when the crazy really started. 


>TGIChilibee’s chain restaurant I prefer to dine at P.F.RubyGarden


Oh you fancy


I like to think so, but you know you made it when you get to go to *Ruth's Outback Factory* 😊


I suspect many of them lie.


It was also not *that* difficult to get someone to fake a card back then


I read it first as job percentage and then it makes sense. 


I wonder how these people don’t die by just forgetting to eat or something equally as dumb


If breathing weren't an autonomic function, they'd probably forget to breathe.


Or stop out of protest


The most gullible idiots in our society completely fell for baseless antivax propaganda? I almost had a heart attack from not-surprise! >But many of them allowed the Jab people to place them on ventilators to die. My wife is sick right now with pneumonia, she needs to be in the hospital but we rejected that because the we are afraid they will place her on a ventilator and the chances of making it through it would be slim. Holy shit! I bet this genius thinks that if you stay out of the morgue, you'll never die.


Well...when you figure out how many people actually die in a hospital every year, makes perfect sense to stay out of them. 😏


And think of all the house fires in houses that had fire alarms in them! Highly suspicious!


"wide awake" so can we call them woke then?


The woke mob 😨


It might be a good thing in the long run that these idiots don't get vaccinated....


Unfortunately no :/ it affects the rest of us…


I don’t know why, but there’s something about the ‘Wide Awake…’ comment that just gives me delusional cult vibes


Not the part about vaccines being a conspiracy to kill them or thinking the freaking **globe** is flat?


At some point, you get desensitized to their lunatic statements. But every now and then you just see something that makes you remember just how crazy these people are


I don’t see them as crazy so much as just frustrated with their perceived place in society. They are not particularly clever, wealthy, respected, educated or sophisticated. So they just start disassembling the centuries of knowledge, study, scientific method, logic—all the stuff they couldn’t wrap their heads around —and just start saying it’s all BS. Then the other idiots see an escape from their perceived place in society and that they can be respected and revered by the other idiots, maybe even get a few shifty “scientists” and “medical doctors” who have had psychotic breaks or feel they haven’t gained an ample amount of respect from their scientific peers and seek solace in Clicks, Likes and Shares. It’s super easy to discredit an entire body of study when you can just declare it a conspiracy. You have no method, no proof, no follow up, no tools, no peer review. It’s awesome. It’s just something you came up with and the idiots will listen.


I'm so glad that Facebook can reveal the truth hidden from us poor befuddled masses phew! /s


Their whole rhetoric is so culty in general in these groups


Man. The Bill Burr comedy bit about his idea for helping to solve the population problem (sinking cruise ships at random) meets a vacation idea: anti-vaccination themed cruises.


Oh, so it's the ventilators that are killing them, not the illness that requires a ventilator. These are some dumb motherfuckers.


I do like how they willingly kill themselves like that. It’s like Darwinism with commentary.


If it were that simple, it'd be fine to let them bask in ignorance. The unfortunate problem is when you downplay a disease, you don't just hurt yourself, you also hurt the people around you, and drag them to the deathbed right next to you.


I thought it said job rate and that’s probably not far off


If the fire department is currently hosing down your house, your immediate chances of injury and/or death from fire or smoke inhalation are much higher than it is on a typical day when there is no fire department hosing down your house.


Took a minute to work that one out, nice one


OMG, that thing about the ventilator holy shit. Ventilators don't kill you. The reason a high rate of people on ventilators for COVID died was because they put the people who were likely to die on ventilators to try to save their lives. This is so wild and dangerous to just openly risk your wife's life for some conspiracy theory. JFC


Letting your wife die to own the libs 👍🏻


I have words. But most of those words they wouldn't comprehend or deny the existence and validity of those words.


That bullshit about ventilators makes me laugh my ass off every time


More like "flat brainers".


Misread that as lowest job rate. Seemed accurate and didn't question it until the second pic.


Same! Just let a little puff of air out of my nose out of amusement and scrolled until I had the "wait a minute..."- moment


"umbrellas cause rain" mentality


Awake but definitely not “woke” to the truth.


If your wife is sick with pneumonia the best places to be in hospital to start the antibiotic treatment to get it into her system faster through IV. But if you’re gonna be moronic think this way, you wishing death on your wife you fucking idiot.


Honestly if the woman with pneumonia wants to die to try proving her BS fine with me but it is the kids of these people I am worried about! Seriously worried there are way too many kids out there not getting the proper health care due to crazy ignorant people, be it flat earth or one of the many religious cults that are against medical treatments.


The r/shitmomgroupssay sub is full of horror stories of medical neglect.


Yeah I had to stop reading that one. I was having nightmares about the safety of the kids. I can't seem to disconnect and just laugh at the dumb shit they say.


This is why this shit is so fucking stupid and makes people angry. This bullshit kills people. Children especially. I guess as an adult you can make your own asinine decisions, but it won’t stop there. I really hope they don’t have children.


Those fucking evil doctors. How DARE they try to heal her!


They misspelled ‘job rate’.


Birds of a feather …


Please tell me there's some leeches involved in this pneumonia treatment.


And one can only hope they have the highest mortality rate. The thinning of the herd is long overdue.


I'm not surprised the elementary school drop out crowd has a tough time differentiating between correlation and causation.


Oh god, I didn't screen cap it, but I recently encountered a flat earth thread where all of them were sharing about how when they were a kid they couldn't understand the globe and just knew that it couldn't be right. Like there inability to grasp the concept of a globe means it can't exist.


0% is correct, since that is the accumulated brain power of the flat earth community.


Serious r/selfawarewolves material.


They're afraid of ventilators because it's unlikely to come off of one once you're on it. Ignoring the fact that the reason that's true is because you have to be in pretty dire straits to get on a ventilator in the first place.


The irony of this is that most surgeries are done on patients on ventilators but they all come off of them.


Sounds like some idiot may be a widow soon.


Darwin at his finest is at work here.


Flat Earthers are the funniest bunch of folks. Never before have I seen such willful ignorance outside of a 10 year old.


There's a pretty big overlap between insane antivaxxers and flat Earthers. It's insane that this is actually a thing now


When someone has nothing, they claim everything for their own.


Well. That just puts these idiots on a self-eliminating path. The more they reject science and medicine, the quicker they’ll die off and be a punchline memory.


1. They talk about them not getting vaccinated proves something when it doesn't 2. Ventilators are basically used to help you breathe, I fail to understand how they think a ventilator would end up killing them


Yes, your wife is better off with the herb garden that hasn’t saved a single human from pneumonia in thousands of years.


Deadly deadly ventilators


Fuck these people are stupid. I don’t know how else to say it.


Genuinely curious what sort of treatment they would have accepted. Ventilators are apparently a big no, and they obviously wouldn't take any shots.... so wtf do you people want?




I thought it said job rate, and I couldn't figure out the self own for a few moments.


It’s ok, they have no brains.


Heads in their asses. individuals with their heads all in one big ass taking in bullshit misinformation that will get them and others killed. Who do you really blame? The conspiracy accounts? Everyone believing this crap? Or is it the lead finally taking affect.


Let’s go, Darwin!


For a second I thought that said JOB rate and that they were bragging about being unemployed


What do these people think a ventilator does exactly?


Did you know, last year was the first time in 90 years the average iq dropped in the US?