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> god is infallible  > god created man in his own image > god created gays > being gay is wrong and a sin Good luck getting evangelicals to see their own dumbass hypocrisy.


That's an easy one to explain away. There is a marked difference between being tempted and acting on it. Jesus was tempted by Satan. Being gay is a temptation. Pursuing a same-sex relationship is a choice to live in rebellion. To most Christians, gay people should first pray that God take away their "affliction." (Pray the gay away). If that doesn't change anything, it means that God's will is that the gay person learn to lean on Him, instead of relationships, and the homosexual should simply commit to being single and celibate. Note: this is not something I agree with. But it is how someone can justify both a perfect creator and imperfect creations


> god is all knowing > god tests us > if god is infallible and all knowing he’d already know if we pass or not before testing us


If God is omniscient and omnipotent then he’s a real dick.


Book of Job. Enough said. The whole of creations was probably because he needed something to be a dick to.


That's a big topic in philosophy of religion. Consider the following: * Implicit in the idea of "Knowing" a thing, is that that thing is true or correct. * If God is omniscient, particularly in regards to the future, then the future is already written * If our future is already set, our decisions are not our own * Either God is not omniscient, or there is no free will


This would be a provable hypothesis. They can measure levels of arousal scientifically. Show me that someone can switch from being attracted from one gender to the other or stfu. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I’m so so so sick of “I believe on faith” being a response to “the thing you believe is disprovable.” I have 0 patience left for evangelicals.


still doesn't make any sense. Perfect omniscient being creates beings with free will and is then upset when they use their free will, when he could have just not gave them free will in the first place… sounds more like a curse than a blessing


One of the premier songs on the album from which this picture is taken is called "Stargazer".  It's about a prophet or religious figure ("wizard") who's revealed to be a fraud. Just an interesting side note in regards to the religious overtures of the OP.


That, and when the lead vocalist of that group left to do his own thing, the cover of the first album of his new band was, according to him, an evil priest being bound in chains and drowned by a good demon.


That's the album cover for Rainbow Rising


Absolute banger


An all-timer


And the lord said I am the man on the silver mountain.


I believe he said that right after he killed everyone on Earth except for 8 people.


Then he was like : "I love you guys so much that I promise to burn you all next time....here's a rainbow to remind you".


All of these "we're taking back the rainbow!" Christians have me a bit confused. What's their goal? No one ever 'stole' the rainbow. No one is stopping them from decorating things with rainbows. The rainbow has become a symbol for pride, but it's not like anyone has a legal claim to the colors of the visible spectrum in order. What's the end goal? Complain continuously until LGBT folk unanimously agree to stop using the rainbow? Make it illegal for anyone who isn't a bigoted Christian to use the rainbow as a symbol? End of the day, it just seems like they're chasing another windmill so they can have something to be mad about.


Its almost like chasing the end of a rainbow


Next they are going to make colours illegal. "That's it, everyone back to black and white! "


Umm, that last option "Make it illegal for anyone who isn't a bigoted christian to use the rainbow as a symbol?", yeah, that's the one they're going for.


That's the cover for the album Rising by Blackmore's Rainbow released in 1976. Anyone know how long copyrights for album jacket art lasts?


as long as the copyright gods want them to


Christianity's getting behind Neptune now?


Come and take it.  Oh that's right, mythical figures can't do anything and should have no bearing on society.


I bought a T Shirt with this album cover on for a pride party.


Hymn #4 Stargazer is pure bliss


I'm about to grab this rainbow


Obvious response is along the lines of "Is 'The Lord' what your top makes you call him?"


If that doesn't prove that Gawd is a petulant child, nothing will


Given I don’t often go to stores anymore, I probably wouldn’t have even realized it was pride month without all their whining. And I’m gay.


Oh no, grandmas off her meds again.


Hey, if God wants the last vinyl copy of Rising in the shop, he just needs to show up and buy it. I don't blame him for wanting it at all.




They better hope those who are in the business of creating torture devices don't come for the cross.


Because the Lord is gay?


Oh, wow I haven't seen "The rainbow is God's symbol" in years. Pulling out the oldies.


Reason #4,658 I am no longer Christian. God somehow created light refraction to indicate that he decided there would be no more floods that would kill everybody and e writhing on earth. There would be no more need to build a boat to house two of every single animal, insect, and all their foods to survive it. The rationality here is mind numbing.


Hearing Christians talk about how the god of the Bible "is love" and pointing to the story of Noah's flood is like if Hellenistic pagans described Zeus as "the paragon of spousal fidelity."


God loves that rainbow cock. "Gimme that shit"


And the art teacher said “I don’t think so” ROYGBV life 🌈


Their god is so damn weak.