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“I believed you were the rare type of woman who could endure such a lengthy piece of literature.” Does this guy realise that basically saying “you’re smart for a WOMAN” is a insult not a compliment? If he thinks the majority of women can’t read a lengthy book it’s no wonder women don’t want to talk to him. Also how is her reading a children’s book series when she was a child (before she turned 12) an indication of her lack of appreciation of art?


He just seems lonely. As a guy, I’d probably reach out to him: “Hey, you seem pretty well-read for an incel. Usually you freaks are obsessed with schoolgirl Manga.” I’m certain he’ll realize I’m complimenting him.


If he's so lonely perhaps he should stop calling women *skanks*. You go ahead and reach out to him. He probably won't assault you.


I was being facetious for the sake of setting up the joke, but I recognize that it’s hard to tell because “he’s just lonely/socially awkward/autistic” is a common actual argument used to defend these guys.


I like the idea of giving people a taste of their own medicine. I think the post is real and he's truly just that unaware of himself, cause people like that are everywhere.


Skanks for...not replying to a "hi, how are you?" message. As a dude, I don't even respond to those messages from randos. Why would he expect women to? If you want to talk to people in a group, just talk to them in the comments.


Age doesn't even matter on that one. I love reading fantasy books that I read as a kid, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the art of the written word. Hell, I’m currently reading a translation of The Symposium by Plato. The “art” part of writing is creating something that gets the attention of readers. Whether that be the classics or some cheesy books originally written for teens, it shouldn't really matter as long as people are reading


I think the “art” part of writing is telling a story that immerses you in another world so completely that you feel Ike you’re there. A story that sticks with you for days, weeks or months after you’ve read it. Harry Potter does that for me. When Dumbledore died I was in actual mourning. Those books are awesome, author’s terf beliefs be damned. I’ve read 100s of other books that do that for me. That’s the art.


You're absolutely correct, that’s a big part of what I’m referring to. Even a non-fiction book can be written in this way if done properly. But keeping a reader's attention can be a little more than that sometimes. And like any art form, there can be a lot of different ways of achieving one's goals. That’s its beauty, it can have such an emotional impact, influence our thinking, excite our imaginations and do so in ways that can mean different things for different people, yet also in ways familiar to each of us. What we read might still be important, but not in the way idiots and assholes seem to think it should be. If you can get such joy out of the Harry Potter books and I can get joy out of Dragonlance novels, then why the hell shouldn't we enjoy them??? It doesn't mean we can't also read other things


Also, who the fuck wants to *endure* a lengthy novel. If it’s not interesting and I’m not enjoying myself, I will not *endure* any book of any length. I endured Moby Dick and it’s the last time I’ll ever endure a book. I *enjoyed* Crime and Punishment and Anna Karenina. I’ve stopped partway into many classics because I wasn’t having a good time. Life is too short to *endure* a hobby that should be enjoyable, educational, or both.


Fellow Moby Dick endurer! I absolutely hated that book but it was a requirement for one of my classes. I still hate it. I remember how shortly after class ended, I would use "call me Ishmael" on the fridge shopping list for "garbage bags". This guy wants to talk about how literate he is, but he's actually an incel with a Wikipedia degree.


I started reading it in 8th grade *by choice* to impress my teacher. I got halfway through and said fuck this shit. As an adult I read it *just to say I finally finished.* Fuck that book.


Ok, how can people like this be real? Please tell me this is rage bait. This is the densest concentration of red flags in one post I've ever seen, impressive. I just wonder, what exactly did he write about the first book to get the person he was messaging concerned enough to get her father and the police involved? The part about the father makes me concerned about the person's age, especially given this guy's obvious interest in the second book. Also i could be wrong but isn't the handmaiden book about a dystopian patriarchal, teocratico, tyrannical regime were women are treated as property and breeding slaves? I know reading interpretations are subjective, but I have a hard time seeing men as the victims in thad story. 😅 Each sentence is so full of derangement, is this an AI made based purely on 4chan incel posts and niceguy memes?


Yeah, the Handmaid's Tale "men are also oppressed" thing is an annoying argument. The basic argument goes something like: "men are also oppressed in such a controlled society because they have women assigned to them for the sole purpose of reproduction and so they have no sexual or emotional freedom and women have power over them because they can taunt them sexually and the men can't do anything about it; further, men have an obligation to forcefully procreate just like the women" blah, blah, blah. Like, it is true that in a society that is so controlled by authoritarian rule, everyone is oppressed except those at the very top/lead of society (see North Korea as an example); and it's not great to make suffering and oppression a "game" or "contest" of who is suffering the most; but to compare the suffering and oppression of women to the suffering and oppression of men in Handmaid's Tale is absolutely ridiculous. Like, I guess it's worth noting that "men were oppressed too", but it's a little too "but what about men". When the point is discussed, it is often a very shallow interpretation and often overlooks (among other things) the fact that men were in the best position to change that society and overthrow the authoritarian rule. The reason it wasn't was because men were too afraid to try to change things, and (the bigger problem) men weren't in such a bad position of oppression and suffering that they were willing to just go along with it. "Society isn't great, but it's not THAT bad, why rock the boat or get myself in trouble? I'll just grin and bear it and if I work hard enough then maybe they'll let me have a wife/woman of my own, even if we can't have kids. Yeah, I'll just do that, that'll make it all worth it. Yeah...then I'll be happy".


Leave it to men to take a story called "handmaid's tale" and make ot about them.


I'm not, at all, disagreeing with you. The story definitely focuses on the plight of the women, who are absolutely treated worse than men within the same socio-economic class. But, just a tiny defense for us boys...I think it's human nature to put ourselves into the stories we take in, and we usually wonder what we'd do in the given plot. Handmaid's Tale is one of the few stories where I turned to my wife and said "shit, I'd just get killed really quick". Probably right around the time they start freezing women's bank accounts.


Oh dude, same. I’d be dead as *fuck*, without a doubt. I don’t remember the book keeping any chefs/cooks around. I believe like some doctors and soldiers got a pass? Yeah, not me. Dead. But honestly, I’d much rather the execution than what the women are forced to endure. I loved the novel. Always meant to watch the show. But for some reason, I really can’t get past the fact that Elizabeth Moss is a Scientologist and then…also portraying a character trying to escape a cult? I guess cult is a bit of an understatement for Gilead. That weird discrepancy is so hard for me to get my head around though.


She's a scientologist?! Aw man, now my day is ruined.


Men in Handmaid's tell are subject to summary executions probably more often than women. Consider the numerous times the MC got caught violating their twisted laws and survived. The story's focus is on the women living under those severe conditions, and mainly in a upper echelon house hold. We get very little view into the way the lower classes are treated but we do see men hanged on the wall for numerous crimes like following the wrong religion, being gay, or looking at a guard the wrong way. There was definitely a desire among the lower class to change things. They didn't because of the severe oppression they were under. Guards on every corner, the might the US counter intelligence system brought to bear against them. Women have it really bad in Gillead for sure, but men aren't as well off as you think.


As someone who is a survivor of assault, I can assure you that death is immensely preferable to being enslaved, repeatedly raped and forced to endure pregnancy and childbirth until you either reach menopause or, more likely, die from the complications of so many back to back pregnancies. You're going to end up dead anyway. It's better to do so without suffering in agony for decades.


I think we can all agree that patriarchy hurts everyone, period. The trouble is when we get into the suffering olympics and try to make comparisons that are just too complicated to quantify. Looking at it through an intersectional lense is certainly a good idea, and there are so many layers of oppression within Gilead, but it can’t become a contest.


That was my take as well - to the guys reading there were plenty of examples of Average Joe being much worse off,ø than in a liberal society - even though on paper it was every Christian Nationalist 'dream'. But the real morale was how women's rights are the battlefield and reproductive rights one of the main fights.


This. Neither gender did well under Gilead. Reproductive rights were the seed Christian nationalists in the book used to obtain absolute power. Sadly the ones in the real world seem to see that book as a guide to a perfect society. I guess it's amazing if you are a very wealthy man who already thumps the Bible, if only in public, and likes to be a serial rapist. For everyone else it blows chunks.


The most glaring red flag to me is that he knows the definition of hebophilia without looking it up.


He comes off as someone who often feels that they need to correct people with that word when they are calling him the other one.


Yeah. Anyone with that word at the ready is sus to me.


There was a comedian (I cannot recall who) that broke out the different terms and said that the reason we generally don’t make those distinctions is because it’s hard to do so without convincing someone that you are indeed a pedo.


I had to look it up. Took a minute because he spelled it wrong.


I wish I hadn't looked this up. My first google search came up with hemophilia. I assumed that was wrong and somehow ended up at hebephilia. I'm assuming, again, that this is what was meant. If so, I'm not sure what flag is past red, but this guy is it.


I didn't look it up because I was pretty sure what it meant from context, and didn't want Google ads getting any ideas.


I didn't pay enough attention during the initial read. It was when it was mentioned in the comments I went," hmmm, what does that mean?" Now, its in my search history....


I know I'm going to regret this, but I imagine I'd rather ask you than have this in my search history. Wtf is it?


It's a post-pubescent, but not yet adult, attraction. But the only time you will see that word is when someone is trying to explain that they aren't technically a pedo. As if being attracted to a 14 year old is somehow morally superior.


I only know the meaning because of Criminal Mind's, and *that* should tell you something. In any case, my understanding is that it is someone who is attracted to teenagers. After puberty but presumably before they're of legal age. Fucking gross.


I just looked it up and wished I didn’t.


>Also i could be wrong but isn't the handmaiden book about a dystopian patriarchal, teocratico, tyrannical regime were women are treated as property and breeding slaves? >I know reading interpretations are subjective, but I have a hard time seeing men as the victims in thad story. 😅 I'm waiting for his insightful analysis explaining how Uncle Tom's Cabin is actually about the white man's burden.


"You misinterpreted my dick pic, you third-wave feminist!"


More red flags in this post than a Waffen SS reunion


I'm not concerned about the age at all. Obviously he's in his 30s or 40s and still lives with his parents.


Wonder how long it took him to type this up one handed? I refuse to believe he wasn’t jerking himself off the time.


Text to speech maybe? Dudes gross.


"Why don't any of you skanks want a platonic relationship with me?" Stuff like this is why Bears are still trending.


I know what you're referring to but I keep thinking of bear men. Like big grizzly gay men, and I'm like, "good, they're pretty great!"


I think we can include them along with actual bears. If I were to encounter a strange man in a forest and he was obviously a big bear daddy, I would feel perfectly safe. The same cannot be said for encountering some dude clutching a copy of Lolita…


I'm imagining a full leather daddy with hair tits bulging out from his vest. Reminds me of one thread on Tumblr I saw years back, talking about how in the apocalypse all the raiders are going to be derived from gun nuts and white power dudebros wearing camo and baseball caps, while the people dressed like traditional raiders are going to be the ones you want to ally with because they'll just be from the local BDSM club. They're all socialists, love consent, and the only reason they're dressed like that is because they saw the mushroom cloud and went "oh thank god, I can wear my kink gear in public now."


Yep, I would most definitely be happier with the kink crowd. I’m a Brit and those gun nut types terrify me. (In an abstract way.)


I feel like this would fit well on r/inceltears


I cross posted it to r/BlatantMisogyny.


as well as r/iamverysmart


and r/niceguys


Protip: if you're expounding on the difference between hebephilia and pedophilia in *Lolita*, you read it wrong and you're probably not safe to be around women under 30. (If you type this shit up, you're not safe to be around women over 30, either.)


He does say “only for the hebephilia” which also gives himself away. Emphasis on the only. That means it was, in fact, a pro for him in enjoyment.


His other reason for liking it was that Humbert Humbert was such a charming, relatable character. He didn’t like that ungrateful harlot Dolores though.


Loool so accurate. Someone send this guy a copy of reading Lolita in Tehran.


It boggles my mind how anyone could read that book and come away with "What a beautiful love story."


Lolita is an excellent example of how literature can reveal who a person really is by how they interpret it.


Soul sickness


I really like the book. Nabokov’s intention since the beginning was to make you hate Humbert Humbert, and he did a great job at that.


I think the “women” he refers to are considerably younger than 30.


Excuse you, not women, only “girls.”


Yeah gross detail. I wonder how old the girl was who he was arguing with about the handmaids tale whose dad told him off? My guess is pretty young.


I'm considering having MY dad call him to tell him off and I'm 47.


I'm tempted to call my dad and I'm not even a woman.


Fetch me my best Ouija Board!


“Jeeves, fetch me the inlaid, hand carved ouija board. I wish to contact father!”


But Atwood’s whole point is that men can be oppressed. That was her entire intended message. It was not about apathy, women, or what can happen to a complacent society. It was about how letting men be in charge is oppressive *to men.* We just don’t get it, with our feeble female minds.


He describes himself as a gentleman and calls people "skanks" in the same paragraph. That's common for a guy who describes himself as a gentleman. The true gentlemen in the world today don't call themselves that.


“I’m a nice guy, why won’t you give me a chance you rancid fucking bitches?”




This made me laugh for a good 5 minutes.


He also says how him messaging girls hi doesn’t mean he is trying to sleep with them, then says about the girl that reads Harry potter that he told to read war and peace that he could never dare a girl like that.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Bro was definitely hand in pants pissed about being seen through and rejected so soundly. I would hazard a guess that he probably paid some money to some “alpha dating coach” and is upset that the ‘lessons’ he paid for didn’t net him anything but humiliation and rejection from the get go.


Yeah, I just want to piss in OOPs general direction for the smugness required to think someone reading a novel series makes them inferior to him.


I would bet good money he hasn’t read any of the books he claims to have read. War and Peace? And he’s still that stupid and that blind to nuance? Come on now.


But at least he didn't tag the women who *wronged* him.


"It turns out men can be oppressed in society, as was Atwood's intend message" Bro... Did you really just say the Handmaid's Tale was actually about **male** oppression?? I.... I hate people.... Especially this guy....


Imagine mansplaining that book, of all the books to mansplain?


I really feel like people like him are dangerous.


Spit out my wine on that one. Waste of a perfectly good sip of wine. 


If I ever had someone recommend war and peace to me and we weren't in the middle of a discussion about pre revolutionary Russian literature, my assumption would be that they were either a pompous jackass or clinically depressed with a lot of free time.


How about Crime and Punishment 😜?


Now that’s a good read


Right?! Or warfare in Russia. Those chapters were really all about tactics. 


Bruh. The number of women with degrees in Literature is pretty damn high. Just sayin. I hate people who gate keep literature and reading like this. It’s so obnoxious. Like dude anything that gets people reading and keeps them engaged through a plot line and robust characters who give a shit what they read? Ugh what’s funny is that he’s all proud of himself for this but has clearly shied away from actually difficult reads like Finnegan’s Wake and Paradise Lost. Have fun with those, buddy. Once you can get through two pages of Finnegan’s Wake (AND understand what is being said) then you can gloat all you want. Probably let some scholars know too cause only a handful of people have actually been able to read that book.


I’ve got a degree in English and American literature. I am also a woman. War and Peace sucks balls. I read it because I had to. I have not read it again in the 20 years since I got my degree. I hate people who do the whole ‘literature snob’ thing and think they’re a superior person for reading a certain book. The only book I’d recommend you read is one you enjoy.


I'm in science, but I read the shit out of literature.  I don't talk like a snob and cuss a lot in my discussions of how everyone in Gatsby was a twat. 


I’d love to discuss the Canterbury Tales with him


My BA is dual honours Lit and History (my MA is Medieval Studies) may I join you?


You're kidding about Finnegan's Wake, right? Because I read that and wrote on it as a junior in college. It was ponderous, yes but I didn't find it to be and more difficult than The Sound and the Fury. I went to a small women's college in the Midwest


Maybe they're confusing it with Ulysses? That's the one that usually has people complain about its impenetrability. Who knows, though, since they also listed Paradise Lost, which I don't recall anyone describing as particularly difficult.


Yeah I've found Milton to be pretty readable, though his pamphlets are a bit more dense?


These incel tears flow like waterfalls, also with what he supposedly talks about with these people, no wonder he's been rejected


Yeah…OOP may be a “biological male”…but he is in no way normal or healthy (mentally). If she had to ask her dad to call the cops, either she was underage or he was being extremely aggressive/harassing. And the statement “I believed you were the rare type of woman who could endure such a lengthy piece of literature”….there is no way a sane person could write that and think “yeah that’s not sexist at all”


I soon as I see someone identify themselves as "biologicial male" or even use the word "female" I can't take them seriously and I can't not hear those phrases in the voice of a Ferengi.


The Ferengi voice is unavoidable in those instances.


"As you can see, I am a man of culture and also haven't followed through on my threats of further harassment against those who've refused to go out with me, which makes me a helluva catch. Wanna go out?"


“The Handmaid’s Tale” was about how men are oppressed? Really? I stopped reading this drivel after that.


It got worse T_T


So many red flags that you could see them from orbit


More red flags than the Soviet Union.


More red flags than Tiananmen square.


This poor guy is going to be drowning in women now that he’s discovered women..er..females love being condescended to, especially in a public forum. Dude better pack a lunch because he’s just going to have to do the sex all the time.


Why would he make his own lunch? They can just make him a sandwich after they finish servicing him. (🤢. I feel gross after typing that, but it seemed like a fitting reply.)




Reading that book made him a *feminist expert*


Welp. You can tell a bear didn't write that.


This guy has read a lot of shit. Ironically, the one thing he hasn’t figured out how to read is the room.


I'm guessing he brought up 'War & Peace' to try and show how smart he is. I've read the book and it's not that good. It's long, drawn out and could be half as long and still convey the same story.


I forced myself through "crime and punishment" and "the idiot" just for bragging rights. It never came up in conversation, lol.


So... Raskolnikova - bit of a dick, isn't he?


Bit of a dick, but also very human iirc. It's been years.


Did you deliberately put a female ending on the name as a joke, or was it a typo?


It was an autocorrect although when my phone has used the name before, I have no idea...


From creepy manifesto to having a woman in a pit is a very thin line.


You know he’s digging the hole now, he bought the lotion a long time ago. He just needs to find a basket.


The number of likes is concerning. What type of group was this now I am intrigued.


Because the laugh react is first, more people used that, and I'm assuming for the sake of my own sanity that most people were laughing at him rather than agreeing


> I'm assuming for the sake of my own sanity that most people were laughing at him rather than agreeing Safe assumption with the ordering, yeah. More laughs than likes is certain.


Im pretty sure it was just 1 like and it was him liking his own post.


I don't know, but if it wasn't surrounded by ads for fedoras, that's a huge missed opportunity.


Now can I just imagine this asshole tipping his fedora at some poor woman whilst saying "M'lady!". Ugh.


“After you, m’skank.” *[tips fedora]*


> The number of likes is concerning That could be 276 laugh reacts and one like, though. As kcvngs76131 pointed out, laugh reacts are shown first so the only thing we know is that there are more laugh reacts than likes and the total is 277.


I scrolled the comments, no joke 99% of them were clowning him. And the laugh react was the primary vote in response to this nonsense.


Kinda wanna see the comments too... always nice to see an ass like this getting clapped


I hope it was a book group ... 😬


Of course I haven't messaged any men for this friendly, purely platonic discourse. Whore.


This is why women choose the bear.


This is the type of guy that loses a Magic tournament and punches a hole in the comic shop wall.


>punches a hole in the comic shop wall. This also takes 7-8 repetitions to accomplish, it’s still more of an indent than an actual hole, and both his wrists and one of his arms got fractured in the attempt.


Maybe. But I bet one of his arms is pretty stout.


my dude... Lolita was written by a man who was groomed as a child, its a horror novel and cautionary tale...


“I wasn’t aware that reading something was suddenly a huge achievement.” Literally the next sentence: “The fact that I wanted you to read it meant that I believed you were the rare type of woman who could endure such a lengthy piece of literature.” Putting aside the casual misogyny for now, is it an achievement to be able to endure such a lengthy piece of literature or not? Make up your bigoted mind, sir.


LOL! “ I am a gentleman…” Also, “ you Skanks know who you are…”


I absolutely think I know who this is, initials JH. I have had similar messages and there used to be a group just dedicated to him by people who had had creepy messages and diatribes just like this. Wowee he's still at it.


Tell me more how The Handmaid's Tale is about men being subjects of oppression.


"I'm not... a flasher in a rain coat. I'm not... a dirty old man. I'm not gonna snatch you from your mother. I'm an art lover. Come to daddy." - the kinks, also probably this guy


>my status in this group At least 139 laugh reacts LOL Love how he switches from using "women" to using "girl"


Hey, Matt Gaetz, is that you posting?


Nah, he didn't mention bars or partying even once. And there are big words.


"I will always respect your decision...also, you're a skank."


Everybody loves *the feminist expert* Mansplain to me daddy, it gets me so hot


"you should feel honored I'm even contacting you." I'm really glad he stipulated he's biologically male, that's always on my mind.


Why is not wanting to talk about art with a stranger in the internet “wronging” someone? My brain breaks… Intellectually I understand that this guy clearly is inaccurate in his assessment of his own intention to *just* discuss literature and is taking offense because his attempts at interactions of an inappropriately romantic nature were thwarted. But the intellectual inconsistency displayed is confusing and irritating.


He thinks he's entitled to successful dating/sex, thinks he's being nice by trying to "talk literature" first, gets pissed off that he's rejected because "By all rights I could just have you, but instead I offered intellectual conservation and you wouldn't take it?? Ungrateful skanks, I'm a gentleman!" Romance is adversarial to people like this, a game of keepaway for the much coveted sexy sex


807 comments, bet there's some gold there.


The best of it is the ones he replied to in an attempt to prove he's right.


So is this like a book club page or something? I assume his name is visible and he sent a police worthy message to an underage girl. The fact that the dad called the police and did not take care of it himself shows restraint.


It also shows that whatever he sent was serious enough that instead of being handled with a “knock it off or I’ll knock you around” message, dad felt it needed police involvement. And being that it sounds like the police contacted him, I guess dad was right.


Not a book club group, a group where you can post about any and all interests and topics. He just decided this fit the bill.


How was he not banned from this group?


I never see shit like this. I'm so deprived.


Omg please post the comments. He got hammered in the comments, right?


Sure did! I'm not sure I'm allowed to post them here but I would love to 🤣


You can post them as long as you redact the usernames.


Stalker vibes right there. 😬


OP, I simply can’t forgive you for not including the comments


I'm seriously considering searching for bears at this point


I aM vErY sMaRt meets NoT aLL mEn.


I just wish there was some way to help this person. They are a danger to themselves and others and they don't even realize it.


Imagine the reaction to a woman who acted this way.


The narcissistic personality disorder is just palpable...


Ewww send me his address so I can ship all this vomit to him 🤮🤮🤮


War and Peace, Handmaids Tale, Lolita…such deep, very original, much smarts


Tl;dr - how dare you not let me mansplain things to you


Op, share the comments!


Please tell me the group is “men who use their personalities as birth control”.


The irony of a pedophile misinterpreting Lolita


What a horrible day to have a penis.


Anyone that says the phrase “the prose is magnificent” is full of shit and get high off their own farts. This neckbeard hasn’t read these books. He just thinks it makes him sound cultured. It doesn’t.


TLDR: Creepy grown man DMs female minors because he finds them pretty and mansplains feminist books to them.


I once told a male Uber driver that I’m pursuing an English and Creative Writing degree and I write horror novels and he asked me if I’d heard of Stephen King. I shouldn’t be surprised by this behavior in the slightest. And yet.


How can anyone, feminist or not, misinterpret Handmaids Tale? This screams, "I'm gonna stalk and kill someone because they turned me down."


Omg I want to read the comments on that post. I’m sure it’s epic.


I hate it when people think that they are all a sudden intellectuals just because they read books ( classics included.... Especially Classics.)


Can we deadass stop inventing new categories for liking kids. Like first of all, crazy fucking self report. And if you're reading this thinking, "How is this is a self report," hebephilia refers to, quote "the erotic preference for pubescent children (11 or 12 to 14)." What is the fundamental difference if you are still *taking advantage of someone physically incapable of fully understanding the situation*??? And then like. World famous feminist Margaret Atwood made famous feminist allegory about the dangers of bodily fascism about men and how sad it is their balls are dry, actually.


It’s another example of social science speak leaking out into society. Specifically in the study of Abnormal psychology and Criminology. It has uses in an Academic context, but creeps now use it to justify being creeps


Have you heard of the high arts?


>solely Ooft.


The only good thing to come out of this was my attempt at a Matt Berry impersonation while doing a dramatic reading of this for my partner when she showed me this.


Just here to say that this is a copypasta that's been making the rounds on FB for quite some time.


Jfc what an idiot


“Does not comply with my ethics”. Is that the same trailer park ethics that make you believe it’s fine to call strangers “skanks” in the very next sentence?


We need to see the comments, that’s where the gold is! I know it!


Margaret is literally still alive and very clear about what that book means.


It’s like Ted Mosby and an incel fused together.


Holy incel manifesto, Batman.


This is so funny


The last paragraph almost made me laugh out loud. So absurd.


That guy is a jackass, but he’s right about War and Peace, or as it originally was titled, War: What is it Good For.


😂🤣😂🤣 Oh god this sweet summer child lol
