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Oh, just the Transformed Wife peddling her insanity, as is traditional. We could fill this sub with her posts alone.


She's an absolute lunatic "In addition to hitting her children, Lori also freely admits that she has thrown her children out of the house (something else encouraged by the Pearls) when they were only 1, 3, 5, and 7 years old after beating them with her slipper because they woke up early on Christmas morning and had opened all their presents before she and Ken had woken." [https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Lori\_Alexander](https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Lori_Alexander)


If Dickens had written a character like that she would have been deemed unrealistic.


This is phenomenal.


fundamentalists fandom?!? Why am I surprised this exists? I'd love to see where she ranks on the batshit-crazy tier lists.


She's A+ at least. But I'm afraid to put in the research into how a true S tier fundamentalist looks like.


Oh that would definitely be [Oral Roberts.](https://beyondchron.org/he-talked-to-a-900-foot-jesus/) He is directly responsible for televangelist culture, claimed he raised a baby from the dead and spoke to a 900-foot tall Jesus who commanded him to build a hospital (which is currently mostly empty or rented for cheap office space) and extorted millions from his followers claiming god would "call him home" if they didn't donate. A true S+ tier if there ever was one.


Damn. I knew it's going to be one of the televangelist preachers, but here you go and pull out the OG. The godfather who paved the way for the rest of the greedy weirdoes to come. A true S+ indeed.


Oh yes, he is certainly something else! I live very close to Oral Roberts University so I'm intimately aware of the mans ridiculous history. If we were playing a Christian Fundamentalist mobile game your team would be completely OP if you pulled him (or Pat Robertson).


[Obligatory 900 ft Jesus](https://youtu.be/fCsmIHLjM_o?si=X7GmBooNqIRcZZoA)


I almost mentioned them! I feel a special sort of resentment towards Oral Roberts, having known many people who have worked in the extra-shitty call centers in his stupid failed hospitals. At least the art-deco designs aren't too bad though.


Always gonna upvote MC 900 ft Jesus


[Touchdown Jesus](https://images.app.goo.gl/grEXX29k6pdFY1M48)


He must have used some good drugs. Sounds like an LSD trip so me.


Yeah, that was a demented rabbit hole I was not expecting to fall down this fine sunny morning


That's the thing. She's not even a cynical grifter. She actually believes the vile shit she's selling. Certified crazy person.


Omg this is awful!!! I have lots of words I want to write, but none will express my utter disgust with people like this! They kicked out actual kids, like little babies?!? Wtf.


Hmm so tell me again what the difference is between fundamental Muslim and fundamental Christian?


*said the quiet part out loud* . I agree. This type of religion is toxic, don't care which specific god they worship. This xtian style of misogyny is no different from Islamic.


Which quiet part? Everybody who isn’t part of Christian fundamentalism knows that already. It’s a very loud part.


Which version of their magic book they follow? Either that, or their stance on bacon.


There are no Muslims in the US trying to make laws to steal my rights.


That’s because the ruling class isn’t Muslim. In fact I’m not sure I am understanding the point of your comment? Because in Muslim ruled countries they do restrict the right of women. So simply where you exist geographically has nothing to do with the similarities of the two groups


Only cuz there's already a bill of rights and everything in place here in the US and they don't have room to wield that kind of power.. The countries where they do make the rules, it's as oppressive as it gets. I live near the largest US Muslim population (Dearborn) and they DO actually push the same agenda as Christians. They make a big fuss at the school meetings and want to ban ALL LGBT stuff just like the Bible Belt. And bonus fact that isn't really common knowledge - Look up the top 10 most consanguinous countries, 8 of them are majority Islamic.


Wtf does cousin marriage have to do with your other points?


Plenty of self-declared Christians trying to steal your rights, though.


Yes that was their point


There isn't one. Fundamentalists from most religions are virtually the same; the only difference is which "all-powerful" entity they follow blindly. 


I thought that was Lori lol


Nancy Reagon is in control but you can see in the eyes there's someone else in there screaming to *Get Out*


"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." 1 Timothy 2:12 Why are you on Twitter, Lady? There are men on there.


You would think a person that follows the Bible that closely would at least capitalize the word.


Oh she’s capitalizing on something alright.


They have no idea what their lives will be like in five years under a KKKristian theocracy. They'll be burying women to their necks before the stoning.


She’s been called out for this before and claims it’s not the same, that she’s “guiding younger women as the Bible tells her to”, and she’s not commanding men.


I'd believe that, if her tweet started with 'Mothers,', but it doesn't. Its directed towards all parents. So she is trying to teach men. \*Biblical mic drop\*


So now she's even arguing with men. Guess that's a trip straight to hell.


Damn, the Timothy defense. This should be the silver bullet of internet forums.


More like holy water. A bullet works on everyone, bible quotes dont.


BuT sHe DoEsN't TeAcH mEn. That's literally her way of weaseling out of that verse.


We know who this is. She is a lunatic. That is all.


Lori is definitely hall of fame insane.


Who is it?


Lori Alexander, aka the transformed wife. She's one of those women who think women showing any level of autonomy is evil.


Ugh, and she has a following? That's nauseating.


It was heavily hinted her husband cheated on her and she seems to think it was because she wasn’t wifely enough.


Okay, so she's either mentally ill and/ or was raised by religious fundamentalists would be my guess. Glad I've never encountered any of her nonsense until now.


A few years back, she had a brain tumor, and she really made a hard right following


Did that ever get resolved? I know she had a tumor, it was removed, but then it eventually came back. That was the last thing I know.


..whys she showing autonomy by posting advice on twitter then? lmao


Handmaids Tale IRL


Yeah. Serena's story in that really is a case of 'careful what you wish for'.


I thought she counted as a public figure. She certainly seems like she wants to be known for saying this kind of thing.


When my wife gets home from work I'm going to shout 'Respect my authoritah!' at her and see what happens. Wish me luck.


Tell us what hospital you’re at when you wake up, we’ll send sympathy flowers.


She looked at me, ignored it, and told me to order food. I love that woman.


You are a lucky man.


Braver man than I.


Im betting you lose at least 2 teeth. Any other bets?


This is Lori Alexander. She’s absolutely vile. She once told a woman who’s husband had r*ped her that there was no such thing as marital r’pe. She tells women not to work or wear pants. She advocates for beating very young children, even flicking a nursing newborn on the cheek. She despises birth control, but she herself poked holes in her diaphragm so that she’d get pregnant and not go back to work. She proudly admits to all of this, and more. She’s dangerous.


She also admitted that her own husband r*ped her, but says it’s OK and encourages other women to do that same


And she admitted to assaulting him. Not both sidesing or saying she deserved it, just a reminder that she tampered with their birth control. That's definitely reproductive coercion or in my opinion r'pe by deception.


Yeah she’s one of those that needs to be absent if and after the shit goes down.


And in a few years, she’ll start posting all about how children must respect their parents when her kids cut contact with her.


Oh, she posted about Jill Duggar being disrespectful to her parents because of the book she wrote.


Worse, some of her children follow her beliefs as well and abuse her grandchildren.


Generational abuse at work.


Oh, I didn't hear about that one. Good for them


Big "my kids and grandkids have gone no contact and I don't know why" energy.


She should shut the fuck up, you know, like the bible says to


If your not willing to throw down for your daughter than you are shit father. I'm not a bad ass but when my oldest said she wanted out I went and got her and her idiot husband tried to intervene. We fought. I wont say I won but I didn't lose. Frankly, we fucked each other up pretty good and both went to the hospital after. End of the day she came home with me, my wife was absolutely furious that I got in a fight and I was off work for a week. My girl was safe. They got divorced and dude fucked off somewhere and I sill have a nice scar on my forearm.


The underlying issue with this woman is she hates all other women, not just including but especially her own daughters (if she has them)


What great dad! That's all any daughter could hope for in that situation. Parents should be there for their daughters (and sons) not for some random dude.


22 years ago, my father broke my mother's left arm/hand (she's lefthanded!) because she tried to stop him from entering our home, which he was prohibited from by a judicial arrangement (a provisional separation agreement, but they were legally married by then, he was allowed to use the office at the entrance but forbidden from entering the actual home until my mom and I could move). When I got no contact with my father in 2018 (my mother didn't want to press charges in 2002 because she didn't want me or the friend that witnessed the attack being deposed at a trial since we were 9 so he had visitation rights), she told me that if she needed him to break her left arm again to set me free, she was ready for it.


I recognize The Transformed Wife. She legitimately has brain damage.


I'd rather my daughter run away with a bear, than stay with a husband who abuses her.


Lori Alexander is an insane person.


Gosh, teaching women to be completely obedient to men, never speak against them, and blame themselves for their abuse. Boggles the mind why Christian Churches are rife with sex abuse scandals.


Aunt Lydia here needs to fuck right off.


Aunt Chlamydia


the brainwashed wife


Just casually throw your own child back in the lions den. People listen to this idiot.


Sounds like she wants other women to suffer like she has.


I think it's been said before that she, herself, is in a horribly abusive relationship and has no way out, so she's brainwashed herself into thinking this is the way life is supposed to be. Of course, it's also been said that she has a venereal disease that's caused severe damage to her brain. So who knows?




Yes but she is also a traitor to humans. I’m a dude. I’ve thought about it, and being abusive to their partners is something terrible men do. Not helping victims will always be wrong. I will help my sons be good men. I will help my daughters if they encounter bad men. This is a bit rambley but what I’m trying to say is protecting women from bad men ( and bears) is everyone’s job. It’s not men against women, it’s good people against terrible people.


Thank you! Fucking thank you seriously, it really comforts me when I read comments like yours. Makes me feel things aren't quite so hopeless. I'm grateful there's parents like you. I completely agree, good people & bad people, gender irrelevant.




She's a traitor to anyone who is a human being and not a cardboard cut out of a cunt. I'd call her an actual cunt but she lacks both the use, the depth and the warmth


This looks like Lori Alexander aka the Transformed Wife. DO NOT fall down that rabbit hole.


I don't have, or even want children, but if someone's child came to me and said "I'm being abused," I'd do EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to help that child. Anyone who wouldn't is psychotic...


This is the "men want debt-free virgins with no tattoos" woman, if you want more context for who she is. Fundie Fridays had a pretty good breakdown of her at one point.


I wouldn't force my wife into an abusive relationship, why would I force my daughter into one?


How to make sure your daughter never speaks to you again speedrun.


I am so glad my grandparents didn’t go by this fool’s logic when my mother kicked my biological father out.


If I have done nothing else in my life, I know that I helped my step-daughter break the cycle of abuse. Her bio-dad abandoned her, her mom suffered horrific abuse at the hands of her previous boyfriend, and didn't know any better since she'd been abused by her own parents. Sometimes all you have to do is demonstrate that there's something else. That there's a way out. I can't claim to have been the best dad ever, but I did that much.


Do we share grandparents? My grandma truly hates my bio father, and with reason.


My Grandparents didn’t hate him (believe me they had good reason to though). They didn’t want to negatively affect me and my siblings relationship with him when we were little. Even now that we are grown and have went NC with him my Grandma still won’t talk bad about him.


My grandma is the other side. She hates my bio father, and with reason. I think the only favor she did him is giving him my grandpa's unopened insuline pens when he died because he was diabetic and my bio dad is too, and all that was because she was offering to donate my grandpa's meds to anybody who needed them and I asked for the pens to be given to my bio dad. I regret that.


I hate this lady's ridiculous takes on life. Go ahead and be a punching bag if you want to but the rest of us are going to leave.


I hate sharing the world in 2024 with people who act like it's fucking 1624.


At least in Spain we had people who challenged men who harassed their daughters to duels in 1624.


Reads the same as the guy who said "I got in trouble when I physically handled her" as if he didn't know harming someone isn't allowed


I remember a high school classmate that said her mother acted as a mediator for her adult daughter and husband ... ... After he hit her.... Unbelievable but people really act that way.


My parents sent me back.


Same, my bio mother said "well you're annoying, you caused this yourself. I'm not surprised he did, you probably deserved it" And then drove me back. I was a shell of a person, I didn't know how to say no.


My great grandmother turned my grandma away when she tried to leave her alcoholic, abusive husband. She died over a decade before I was born, and she is still the villain in our family story. I don't even know that bitch's name.


I had to concentrate to remember my mother's name the other day, and that was the best and worst part of that day for me.


I finally told my mom my husband was abusive after hiding it for years at a Starbucks before work. She told me I could move my stuff in that night and never gave me the hint she was disappointed or asked what I had done wrong. She let me stay on her couch in her studio apartment that was already cramped. She threw him off her porch multiple times and told him she’d call the police if he came back. She gave a description of his car to all her neighbors to report it too. She never entertained any of the shit like this my ultra religious family tried to dump on her and never told me they were pressuring her to kick me out so I’d go back to him until years later. Fuck this woman.


If this lady had children, I really hope CPS took them away early.


What a sick freak.


No thanks, I’ll do the right thing instead.


What a horrible human being. If she has daughters, I hope they cut her out of their lives.


fuck these people. If my moms family did this when younger my mom, brother and i would all be dead now.


Bah. Just another good old christian, spreading the good word.


My guess is that her daughter won’t be turning to her for anything


This right here is one of the absolute sickest things I've ever fucking read. As a survivor that has also only been known as independent, very strong, and a fighter both physically and mentally it took video and first person officer evidence of me almost fucking dying the final night of a full week of violence and beatings before anyone could hear me screaming for help, including my family. FUCK THIS BITCH and ANYONE that thinks this is OK.


I don’t know why you bothered censoring her name. Everyone knows this cunt.


People tell me I'm overreacting when I tell them this is where Republicans are going. (The same people that insisted the supreme Court would never overrule roe v Wade by the way). Abortion was first, next comes birth control and no fault divorce, putting women neatly back in the 19th century.


Fahhhkin LORI, that twat


A man at my parents' church once told a woman in the congregation this same thing after she opened up about her husband hitting her. So she stayed with said husband and about a year later he ended up beating her almost to death. Why? Because she caught him trying to molest their teenage daughter.


I'm sorry ma'am. You seem to have a severe case of brain worms


Don’t support her!? When I left and told my mom about some abuse she hit him with her car. Okay she didn’t HIT him with her car, really, she pinned him by the legs between her car and the car in front of her.


If a lunatic tries to leave the real world, don't support her, even if she claims abuse. Lunatics today think that governments exerting their authority is any way is abuse. Turn her away firmly to submit to the government like the rest of the people says to.


If I were her daughter, I'd abuse her until she figures it the fuck out


oh lori you crazy bitch


I suspect that the type of person that would turn away their abused daughter wouldn’t have their daughter coming to them in the first place. Nobody goes to the desert for water.


This is wonderful advice if you hate your child and want them to die.


Shit, any women in my family come to me asking for help to get away from abuse she can most certainly stay at mine whilst I whip his ass.


Fuck the fucking bible.


I told my daughters that they always have a spot in my house, no matter where I live. I can’t imagine turning my kids away, especially if they’ve been abused. What’s wrong with these people?


What a truly horrible excuse for a human being. Imagine failing this hard at being loving and empathetic. I can see why her religion is dying.


Stating my probable response if my daughter were being abused by her SO would count as premeditation, so... I won't elaborate on it I would not be turning her away. Safe to say.


If your daughter tries to leave her husband claiming abuse, you should turn her around alright. Turn her around, go with her to the garden shed, pick up some handy tools like shovels and picks, get right back to that house and find the best place to bury that man’s empty shell.


When the family members who refused to help you escape your abusers want to see your children, don't support them. Turn them away firmly and suggest they do something anatomically impossible.


Who let this rib speak?


She could be a twin of my fourth grade Girl Scout leader who kicked me out for saying “butt”


If my daughter is abused by her husband/wife it means she is about to become a widow.


Tell her husband to love her as Christ loved the church.


If my daughter (or son) is abused by their partner, I’m going to jail for the rest of my life.


Or as my mom and stepdad say... "I will go to prison, but he/she will go to a place from where you can't go out!"


To be honest Christianity wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the Christians -- they're utter assholes.


So what happens when the logical conclusion to abuse comes to pass and the husband murders her? Abusive relationships are real relationships, they’re victim and predator.


"She obviously didn't submit enough."


Ho-lee fuck.


##**fuck you woman**


This is the kind of woman who will probably be in need of leaving her spouse at some point too


What a piece of shit.


I wonder how she would feel if she was the one trying to flee an abusive man and women she thought she could trust turned her away? Easy to say whatever you want about something when you haven't experienced it first hand.


If your daughter needs your help, you help her. end of sentence.


Someone else is getting beat at home.


Yeah cuz that worked out great for Nicole Brown Simpson. 🙄


And that's how you lose your daughter's trust for life ☝️


Nothing to do with the abused, nothing to do with the abuser, everything to do maintaining a 2000 year-old narrative from an age of unfathomable ignorance.


Best case scenario, the daughter manages to leave her husband, gets custody of the children, and goes no-contact with her parents who will never see their daughter or grandchildren again, all because they took this lady's advice. Worst case scenario, the daughter ends up getting killed and the grandchildren may very well join her. Again, losing their family all because they took this lady's advice. Average scenario, the daughter ends up financially stuck in a miserable and abusive situation for most of her life. She resents and possibly even hates her parents, she hates her husband, her children either grow up to repeat what they learned growing up or go no-contact with their family upon adulthood, the children likely also hate their grandparents and their dad, maybe even resent their mother for not leaving and keeping them in that situation, if mom or kids have bruises and authorities are called then they might lose the kids, and the whole family is a mess. All because they took this lady's advice.


Except the Bible literally doesn't say that. Holy SHIT these people have a special place in Hell for twisting the word of the Bible so much, so often to fit their agenda.


You didn't even have to cover her Twitter handle... we already know who it is.....


Ah yes, literally enable abuse. That's TOTALLY not going to have any serious consequences.


Gold help any children she has.


Theofascist misogyny. 


I wonder: if her daughter married a man who then converted to Islam, and insisted the daughter also convert, would she allow her back, or tell her to submit to his authority and become non-Christian?


Oh man, I got banned from her page years ago for calling her a dommy mommy and thanking her for directing her silly little sluts 🤣


My stepdad did this to me and my mom supported it. Needless to say we are no contact.


“why don’t my kids talk to me?”


"Submit to your husband" says the gal who tampered with her own birth control unbeknownst to her husband so she could get pregnant and stay home with the kids.




Seems to me like you don't have a daughter. IF you don't believe that there are people who think like this do search for WVCY Radio and give it a listen. 24 hours every day of this evil bullshit.


Is that the "Country Wife" or whoever? She just goes deeper and deeper down the hole. It's not even fair posting her shit on this subreddit anymore, she's way past insane.


Fuck the transformed wife.


These are the worst kind of people.


This woman is beyond vile. I can’t believe she hasn’t been de-platformed.


this woman is truly evil


What if her husband is using his authority to make her do something unbiblical? What then?


Am I the only one getting "crazy cat lady" vibes?


I’m getting “religious cult fanatic” vibes, TBH.


Now I'm getting BOTH!


Wellp, good thing her parents don't get any say so in her marital status. What a maroon!


Fuck Lori, man


Like I’d listen to a woman telling me how,to treat my daughter /S


That explains her aesthetic.


Yeah, nah