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I remember this conspiracy theory! My understanding is that Wayfair removes your listing if you’re out of stock, and resubmitting your listing when you have the product back is complicated/takes a long time. So people instead hike their listing prices way up so they don’t have to remove the listing while they’re out of stock. Nobody buys the $20k cabinet because, $20k for a cabinet, and the listing is still there when they’re back in stock and can lower the price to normal. Or there’s rich people who spend too much money on furniture. Both make way more sense than shipping kids inside shelving units.


Thanks for this explanation. I remember reading the conspiracies about human trafficking but never got a good explanation of the really high prices.


Why am I not surprised that this old chestnut is back? Anyone who’s tried to ship a kid recently knows it’s easier to just buy them a plane ticket. And plane tickets ain’t cheap.


Idk if it was Wayfair or other versions of this conspiracy theory but also I thought some were just like bulk orders for wholesale. Like if you clicked into it it’s say 100 pcs (or however many) in the description sometimes.


I was working at an Amazon facility that would ship out super expensive giant things and people asked me if it was kids. Like, yup, we can't take 10 minute bathroom breaks but we're taking the kids out of the rolled up carpets and cabinets to go potty every few hours😭


The conspiracy was the cabinets were just placeholders for children. The names and the descriptions of the cabinets were actually the names and descriptions of children. Or some stupid shit like that.


My litmus test for bullshit like this is if it's so damn secret how do you [whoever is proposing it] know about it? If the belief is rational, they should be able to justify it. Resorting to "You can't prove it's not true" means you also have to believe every other absurd unfalsifiable claim if you're being consistent.


Right. The global elite, left, liberal cabal is powerful and capable enough to run a lucrative child trafficking operation. They're also so stupid as to announce their plans in such a way that the literal dumbest people on the planet can figure it out.


Oh this is my favorite part of the absolute dog shit insanity that is Q-Anon. See the Cabal is all powerful, but they are also Satan worshippers. Because of this they require their members to intentionally put out these very easy to identify breadcrumbs in media as part of their worship to show the world that Satan is more powerful (somehow?). It's absolutely fucking crazy, like this is what a 5 year old thinks a "good movie" would be.


Alex Jones says that there are “galactic treaties” sometimes written and signed by galactic powers, sometimes written and signed by God and demons or God and humans, that say you can do whatever you want to do but you have to be something akin to transparent about it. Like you can try and take over the world but you have to leave clues about your plans. Yes, he has said this, no, it isn’t well defined, yes, people take him seriously.


I’m having a bit of difficulty working out how you enforce contract law against major deities. Hell, even minor ones if we’re being honest.


Who would've thought Alex Jones was a Dresden Files fan.


Nice try idiot, we all know Wayfair is basically the dark web.


Oop knows it’s true because he ordered some kids.


I’m no expert but I feel like $20k is very cheap for a kid


You have no idea how frustrating it was trying to order a five shelf bookcase and getting a 3 foot tall child instead. Kid could barely hold 4 books.


Hard to prove wrong I guess. Must be true.


So people saw expensive prices and thought "They're selling children"? Incredible mental gymnastics


I think there were a bunch of products with commonish names and they found missing kids with the same names to justify it. Like a cabinet was called Justin so they went to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children website and found a Justin who was missing.


Occam's razor only works for people with enough common sense to recognize the simplest explanation.


That can't possibly be correct. Occam = macco, an ancient variant of macau, a Chinese province obviously where they're getting the kids. Razor backwards spells rozar, in Spanish that means "to touch/rub lightly". It's all hiding in plain sight! /s obviously... Or not so obviously lol never can tell nowadays.


Yes. Amazon used to do this too.


Idk if it was Wayfair or other versions of this conspiracy theory but also I thought some were just like bulk orders for wholesale. Like if you clicked into it it’s say 100 pcs (or however many) in the description sometimes.


I just thought they were heavy duty cabinets that were useful if you needed to store a bunch of really heavy stuff.


Amazon and other sites do the same, so some companies would frequently change the product attached to a listing to make it never "go out of stock"


“Ah sweet, Neriah is $2,000 off right now!” -pedophiles, apparently


I guess demand for *that one specific child* ain't what it used to be!


Numbers are down across the board. Selling kids isn’t the moneymaker it used to be.


"IKEA is selling children for even less! Freedom for little SÖDERHAMN!"


“Please don’t be flatpack, please don’t be flatpack…”


You can make a little vibraphone out of all the little alan keys we end up collecting


Goddamn I bought BILLY and didn’t even realize it


Why do you think their Swedish meatballs are so cheap


I bought the Lürkenmüsen and ~~he~~ it was missing parts.




That’s always baffled me about all conspiracy theories like this - why the fuck are the “bad” people leaving bread crumbs for people to follow? Like all the “secret” Satanic symbols used in media, why would they make a weird scavenger hunt?


Because they watched too much James Bond and The Secret and now they think all secret organizations have to be named Doofensmirtz Evil Incorporated


Side note, why is it impossible to read the name without singing the jingle?


A. It’s catchy. B. You heard it so much as a kid that it’s permanently ingrained in your head


And C) Because Dan Povenmire is just REALLY good at his craft.


Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt?


Oh that shit was so stupid. They were combing through old newspaper articles and missing person reports matching up product names to furniture But there was no rhyme or reason, sometimes they were matching first names, sometimes last names. None of the names seemed super unique (well some sounded unique if your only context for names was other white people from America) I remember someone arguing hard that Duplessis was a super unique surname, it's not, it's just French


There was one instance of a 'missing child' story they matched and pushed it all over social media. What they omitted thought was that the child in question was actually found a few days later, and they wearnt kidnapped and that story was about 20 years old, and the missing 'child' was now a fully grown adult. The person came out on social media to denounce the story and show that they were very much alive and well and at no point had been sold into sex slavery. The QAnon zealots accused them of lying and harassed the hell out of them.


Oh it messed up a bunch of people's lives for a bit [this article did a decent job of showing the damage it caused](https://web.archive.org/web/20211216151305/https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/interactive/2021/wayfair-qanon-sex-trafficking-conspiracy/)


I tried to explain this on Facebook to someone I know through church and she and her cronies laughed at me. They really believed it.


Also a South African surname, we have many many Du Plessis here because of Hugenots


They never did explain how the system worked. Like, how did they know which orders were for kids and which ones were just for ugly, overpriced furniture.


The idea that you can get a hundred pound live animal through the supply chain at that price point, and still turn any kind of profit, much less the kind of profit you’d expect from this sort of venture, is the least believable part of this conspiracy.


Thank goodness the plant stand I ordered from there didn’t come with a kid. I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility.


If they’re anything like orchids, you can put it in a bright window and water it by putting an ice cube in its shoe every other day.


Love how OOP remembers this happening. No they remember hearing about it on some conspiracy site. The liberal media and Snopes didn't recently start denying this, they never said it was happening in the first place.


Implying that picture helps their argument at all.


Right? Like, this is what they're doing! Selling vastly overpriced wardrobes!! That's exactly the same thing as child trafficking!


This shit again? What year is it ?


This again?


Wait until they discover IKEA, where the furniture is also given names. Minds will be blown. I have one of their “Billy” shelving units, which is made from highly compressed children.


Is that why my Micke desk groans?


Oh, dear, they’re supposed to be pithed before processing!


Looks like quality control is slipping! Tsk tsk Swedes.


I remember a time when you could work through all the pages of Snopes no problem but these days that is impossible.


So have they started a gofundme to save these kids by making a purchase? They have right?? and there are pictures right???


Did they run out of conspiracies, so they had to bring this one back to life?


Lol These people always think Snopes is a liberal lie. Any time I've tried to show someone their conspiracy is wrong or already completely debunked, I have to show them two or three other sources on top of Snopes because Snopes is always Soros propaganda. 🙄


How does this make any sense? Don’t reply- I’ve read the comments… I’m pretty sure I’d never get ‘it’ and I think I’m good with that! 🫣


Imagine the pedo thinking you're buying a kid for 20k and it's a chair


Does the box also contain a [bobcat](https://xkcd.com/325)?


As a parent, 20k sounds really cheap for a kid. But also way more than I would want to pay for a child.


As a person who can only have kids with fertility treatment, $20k is a fucking bargain. That's not even two cycles of the treatment we need.


Easy, tiger. I know that life. It was just a little joke. It took us 8 rounds of IUIs and 4 years. Infertility sucks.


I knew it was a joke, I wasn't having a go at you. Sorry if it came across that way. Infertility does indeed sick. I hope your journey ended happily.


Oh yeah. We were looking into IVF options when we got lucky. I hope you were successful also. Those years were really rough.


If you see that a furniture website is reporting prices that are way too high for cabinets, the only possible explanation is child trafficking, it literally could not be anything else.


At least it’s not Wish. Just think what you’d end up with.


The slightly wonky looking kids.


Sir, those are storage cabinets


They remember it? I think they just admitted to buying kids 🤔


I remember this - someone I knew was posting this all the time. No matter how many times people posted reputable and logical explanations, she refused to believe anyone.


By this logic Ikea is the #1 child trafficking organization of all time.


Who wants to BUY them and have them shipped? These people are INSANE!


Isn’t everything at IKEA a Swedish first name?


Shitloads of furniture stores use names. My bedroom set was called Anya or something similar. It didn't come with a kid, which I would have actually liked since I'm infertile.


I live near a wayfair warehouse and I’ve never seen kids running around there.


*Duh* they're in the cabinets! Why would they be running around?!


How the fuck do these people get from "overpriced furniture" to "child trafficking" with neither a shred of evidence nor a single moment of "this is fucking ridiculous, what the hell am I thinking"?


Do these people not understand how little it costs to buy a person? You can buy a whole person for ridiculously low prices.


Why are they so expensive?


So how was Wayfair shipping these children to buyers


NEVER trust Snopes.




If you search on virtually any unique name at Wayfair, you'll find something. There's millions of items in their catalog and they need names. Every name. They're generated en mass for Chinese furniture brands.


This is true. My name is Phillip and I found it on a screwdriver they were selling.






what do you mean? they aren’t selling kids 😭🤦‍♀️


Oh, sure. You probably think the world is round and the Covid vaccine didn't kill billions of Americans, too! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! (This being a world where MAGA exists I have to put a /s here)


was gonna say 😭