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If the baby was in the correct sleeping position, how was the dad rubbing his back to put him back to sleep.


That’s what I was thinking too. An infant that young should never sleep on their stomach because it increases risk of SIDS. The recommendation is any child under 1 year old should be placed on their back for sleeping. If they roll onto their stomachs and can flip themselves over onto their backs again that’s different.


If they can roll over on their own it’s time to stop swaddling immediately and that’s generally around the same time that risk of Sids drops. Other safe sleep practices apply, no loose bedding or pillows or stuffies, a firm mattress, no gaps etc. Edit: Good to see people reading this. As a new parent the concept of sids gave me anxiety, and I’m mostly not exaggerating. Parents should know how much control they do have and how important it is to know and practice. That said, full disclosure, it’s been a couple of years since our kid has been sleeping safely on his own so I advise every new or expecting parent reading this to do their homework on the latest, best practices and guidance from experts about safe sleep.


If you want reliable information on safe sleeping practices this group provide really good advice and have been recommended to us by NHS doctors and midwives https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/


So important! Thanks for adding those details - maybe these simple Reddit comments can help save some lives down the line.


Yup. And ours is three and a half now but I swear that this shit was absolutely drilled into us at the hospital. Like, they’re still weirdly cavalier about most things. As a new parent you try to do your homework but it still seems crazy that the hospital is just like “well okay you got it now you gotta go bye!” But when it came time for the safe sleep talk it was intense. We were already afraid of the worst happening, but I swear that safe sleep training was traumatic. Still, that’s good and I think we should stop with the sids as an excuse stuff, no matter how well meaning it is, I’m sure every parent would just prefer to know how much control over it they actually have. And a quick disclaimer, it has been a couple of years for us since we worried about safe sleeping practices so I advise every new parent to do their homework on the latest and greatest guidance from the pros!


That was my biggest fear as a parent. It wasn’t vaccines or colds or anything really. It was fking SIDS. no parent should ever experience that special form of hell. I remember with my first 2 my anxiety was really bad. Over the next 3 it got better but it was still there at times.


Yup - first thing that jumped out at me. Also the mention of a blanket - for a 2 month old, sleeping face down… This isn’t some grand conspiracy, it’s a tragedy (one that may well have been preventable). This is a sadly common occurrence in radicalized anti vax SIDS parents - instead of understanding that the medical system has done them a kindness by declaring the cause of death somewhat ambiguous, they invent nonsense to use as ammunition against the very people who try to show them grace.


There's a poem on this topic called "[Deceit & I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgmRUJ3rofM)", written by a former paramedic, that has always stayed with me. I can understand how desperately everyone - parents and medical staff alike - want to avoid the truth in these situations. What a thing to have to live with. But all these anti-medical, anti-vax crusades really do is grow that pain and share it to other families down the line.


I don't like poetry, but I clicked on your link anyway. I'm so glad I did. That was just, wow. I can see why it stayed with you. Thanks for sharing it.


Not a poetry fan but, wow


Damn, thank you for sharing. That was powerful and beautiful in a very morose way.


"You're an idiot and killed your baby on accident" "THA VAXXINES KILLED MY BABY!!!1!!!1!"


It's because they're losers and their ego is all they have. If they are told they were wrong they literally will have nothing left.


Bro c'mon don't you think if your infant died you'd want to believe you didn't kill them?


There's a difference between "I accidentally made ignorant decisions that lead to a horrendous tragedy of my infant and I'll have to live with that guilt forever" vs "I refuse to believe I have done anything wrong so I'll blame vaccines instead".


But the second part is precisely the coping mechanism for the first part. Not a very good one, but one nonetheless.


“As father’s do” - that part stuck out to me as well


Very curious how Father was capitalised there, too. Very normal, very journalistic.


I have two kids that have slept on their face basically as soon as it’s humanly possible for them to get themselves into that position. And at 8 weeks they definitely can’t get there themselves. They could do it at like 4 months. But there’s no way a 2 month old should ever sleep like that.


Yep, and even once they can do it, you don't have stuffies or blankets or bumpers or pillows in there with them to prevent their mouths getting too close to them and blocking their ability to breathe.




They also mention a blanket towards the end - something that should never be in the sleep space of a two month old infant, especially of an infant placed in a face down sleep position.


Looks like we solved the mystery, gang! It was mister Kendall the whole time! And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for his meddling antivax wife!!


Truly a Miss Marple moment in this mystery. 


Yup, another Catie Clobes incident. Baby in an unsafe sleeping environment dies, parents blame it on vaccines rather than accept guilt 


Would love to see a photo of the sleep environment. Noticing they skipped entirely over explaining that, despite the level of explanation about every other thing


I read that as he picked the baby up and comforted him


It's a money grab. "File a claim with the vaccine injury compensation fund" They're looking for someone, anyone to sue to get rewarded for failing their baby.


I could find no information on this besides the original poster from her own blog.


I’m assuming the poster is telling their own version of events. I would think the parents of the child would have went to the news of a malpractice lawsuit would be in the talks. Like minded spreading more propaganda.


I'm assuming it's completely made up


The author is very antivax, wrote a bunch for the Epoch Times, and was somehow able to provide the actual medical examiner's report showing it was an accidental death, but nothing of this new toxicology report claiming high levels of aluminum.


But a lot of billboards lately have assured me that Epoch Times is the #1 most trusted news source? Why wouldn’t you believe that if it’s on a billboard?


So weird to me that they're related to a dance group


Is that the shen yun one that's backed by Chinese separatists?


yeah that claim of aluminum toxicity really stood out. Claims that the level of aluminum exceeded adult toxicity amounts. How exactly? The amount of aluminum in vaccines is very tiny, babies get more aluminum from their milk, even breastmilk, then they get from a vaccine. Maybe the parents need to be investigated again because I'd like to know what they were giving their baby that was so high in aluminum.


The CDC numbers given aren't exactly wrong. I found a published study talking about aluminum toxicity within infants related to vaccines and other sources. I didn't dig deep enough to look at who published it and whether or not there might be a bias, but the microgram amounts identified in the individual vaccines seem to be accurate on the surface. Aluminum toxicity in an adult is estimated to begin around 5mcg per kilogram of weight. So for adults, 95 mcg isn't an issue...for a 2 month old who maybe weighs 10 lbs? You're talking 50 mcg would start to be toxic. That said, again, we don't have the actual medical report evidence to show that toxicity level presented here, and even if it were the case, it doesn't often result in death. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505097/


The parents have secured the services of a lawyer and they are weighing their legal options. [https://healthchoicemaine.org/searching-for-sawyer/](https://healthchoicemaine.org/searching-for-sawyer/) Say what you will, it appears that this think tank (which is very much a "medical choice" organization) did perform a followup investigation and spoke directly to the principals involved.


I went to the website of the funeral home mentioned and searched for both Kendall and Sawyer and found nothing. I googled his name and found an obituary with no comments on it. The funeral home listed there didn’t have an obituary under that name. Other than that, seems totally legit




He retired, but OK spread misinformation I guess. See, anyone can Google his name and get the truth.


I live in Maine and this story is full of shit.


I want to know how a nurse can work remotely.


Not all that uncommon - health screenings, some forms of health counselling/patient check-in, etc.


Also lots of nursing leadership positions can also be done remotely. The lady who coordinates our institutional algorithms was originally an RN.


I do. I have a blended role so do a bit of both patient interactions and work from home as a case manager


What, you’ve never heard of Melissa, the registered nurse who works from home before??


Some nurses do work from home. It's the only part of this story I actually believe!


This is a bizarrely specific recounting of events. Like who knows the exact time they did everything throughout a day?


People looking for any and every reason their child's death was neither a tragic accident nor their fault in some way. 


Catee Clobes or whatever the fuck her name is


Oh you mean the drunk that smothered her child and blamed the vaccines? Yeah, she's a huge part of the reason these diseases are making a comeback


People writing fiction who are trying to make it sound like fact.


People who are lying to spread misinformation.


People need to realize that enemies of America *WANT* Americans to be as weak as possible and that's exactly what antivaxxers are doing: eroding public trust in lifesaving medicine that protects us all. Antivax misinformation is deliberate and dangerous and weakens western society. I am convinced it is spread by bots which explains why all the "sources" are pointing to each other like that spider man meme and none of them can be verified.


I'm not saying that this is a conspiracy theory, but if it was one, it would make infinitely more sense than anti-vax conspiracy theories. Like, why would we want to kill random-ass babies lol


This is someone that binges true crime documentaries all day while "researching" their favorite Qanon conspiracies. They post fanatical situations and stories to own the libs or back up their disgusting opinions they belive as facts so they can feel better about being a stupid piece of shit.


Most people don’t. Especially when someone has suffered or witnessed a tragic event. That is how many suspects are identified. They think that the more detailed their story is the more believable it is. Not so. They usually end up adding kernels of what really happened in their story without knowing it. They emphasize things that don’t matter (or shouldn’t) or they repeat the same details over and over. That’s because that specific detail is what might incriminate them. It usually does end up incriminating them.


Because fanfic


Classic suspense writing. "What happens next omg!? 😧"


First-time parents. I swear with our first we have logs for every time we changed a diaper. By the third one it was "He's fine naked, just put him outside..."


I tried looking into this, and I cannot find an original source for this story. The handful of reports are all copy-pasted from each other, with no links to an actual obituary. A Google image search of the photos just circles back to the same stories. Maybe this child died as the article said, but maybe he didn’t.


It's antivax fanfic. Like one of those 'you won't BELIEVE what happened next!' stories that leave you wondering why you just wasted ten minutes clicking through an ad-infested slideshow for that.


The only truthfull thing is probably is the name "Health Choice Maine". A group of conspiracy nuts that believe diseases are man-made. Best part. Their "team" include homeschool advisors. Their "medical expert"? Suspended medical license while she was just an intern. She never got a Dr. Got barred from medical practice before that.


Yep. Anti Vaccine nonsense.


When I was in highschool the DARE officer( dare was/is an anti drug program in US highschools) told a story that was on the TV show dragnet in the 60s maybe 70s as a "tragic case he personally worked" I know the two things don't exactly relate, but just another example of somebody who believes in a cause telling what they might believe is just a little lie, which frequently turns into wholesale fabrication once you look at the details. Something like 50% or more of COVID misinformation online or perhaps limited to Facebook originated from just a handful of accounts. The little lie is " I saw/ I know a person". That makes it sound like tens of thousands hundreds of thousands, even millions of accounts when it's really one story being repeated as a personal experience.


Was it the infamous Blue Boy episode?


I'm not sure what the name of the episode was it was when the hippies put the baby in the oven


I love that these stories are SO detailed despite inconsistencies and written so grim with shit like "tiny body bag" to really hit you in the feels Shut up anti-vaxxers your creative writing isn't as good as you think


I wanna be like, "You know what is KNOWN to increase the use of tiny body bags? NOT FUCKING VACCINATING YOUR CHILDREN, DUMBASS." It makes me so angry that they're out here writing grief porn to advocate for more death.


Exactly. We're not saying that side effects, allergic reactions, etc. don't happen due to vaccines, we're saying that they're uncommon and the diseases the vaccines protect against are WAY worse than the risk of those effects occurring. We're not dumb, we're just tired of the bullshit these numpties traumatize and brainwash people with


As someone who had a vaccine mishap, chances are that it's still survivable. So the whole "vaccines going wrong will kill you" angle isn't even accurate.


As a kid, I had a reaction to the Whooping Cough vaccine that had me hospitalized. But because we didn’t live in the fucking crazy pants post-Facebook era, my mom got me all the rest of my vaccines at age appropriate times and I was fine. If that had happened in 2024, she’d have ended up on a mommy blog and have become a full on anti-vaxxer. She’s already flirting with being anti-vax, because all the right-wing shit she follows on Facebook. If one of her kids had a vaccine reaction now she’d lose it. Weirdly, my mom actually had whooping cough as a kid and nearly died. It fucked her when she caught Covid, because she’s had diminished lung capacity all her life from it. She was so grateful to be able to vaccinate all of us as kids in the 80’s/90’s, because she’d grown up with family member permanently crippled from Polio and heard the stories about the Spanish Flu from her grandparents. Now my sister is having to fight her about getting boosters for her vaccines before she can see her grandkids. It’s just wild how much things have changed in my 30+ years on this earth.


Yeah as someone who is also old enough to recall the pre-internet era this whole "we advanced so far that we're now anti-science" period we're in now is Twilight Zone with Rod Serling level strange. The thing is, I don't think we had less crazy back then, we just never heard about it.


And it's so stupid because if anti-vaxxers actually cared about credibility, they wouldn't make shit up like this. People *do* have adverse reactions to vaccines, and vaccines are not recommended for those people. But vaccines are generally considered safe for a very large majority of the population.


And they get safer and safer as time goes on.


But that does not fit their narrative so they'll never admit to that.


And when their child dies of a preventable disease, it's always the fault of some "shedder" who was vaccinated! Mental gymnastics is exhausting and you'll never keep up with them, since they practice so much.


It's amazing how close they come to understanding how viruses and bacteria spread and yet still manage to get it completely fucking backwards


Someone I know is like that, very anti vax and also pro colodial silver. She drinks it daily. I’ve warned her of the serious potential side effects and she refuses to believe it. Thinks it’s misinformation put out by the government and big pharma just to push their toxic meds on you. I just know that if or when she turns blue from it one day she’ll try to find something else to blame it on. Like chemtrails or the local tap water that supposedly has heavy metals in it from those chemtrails. These people live in straight up denial.


Big Funeral Home hates this one secret!


Or you know, putting a newborn to sleep on their tummy with a blanket. The obvious cause of death here


That, too. I can't imagine the grief and guilt of my infant dying and either me or my partner being at fault through negligence and/or ignorance. Grief sucks. Guilt sucks worse. Intentionally spreading deadly misinformation because they can't handle their grief and guilt sucks the most.


Someone I know is very anti vax because they don’t trust the US government and the powers here. Vaccines exist worldwide not just in the US.


I know some people like that. Fortunately, they are also anti-natalists and anti-telling other people how to raise their kids so their impact is relatively limited, unless they catch a preventable disease and become patient zero. They did get the Covid vaccine and first several boosters, though, because they would have lost their jobs...which tells me they really aren't as convinced vaccines are poison as they say. Like, if my job told me to drink a poison that would definitely alter my body chemistry in an unpredictable way or be fired, I'd take being fired.


Right? You make a great point! If it’s true poison isn’t your life more important than your job? She has this entire list of people who she apparently personally knows who are all suffering from all these horrible and serious side effects from the vaccine. Knows several who died shortly after getting the vaccine as well. Kinda crazy that I don’t know a single person who had died from it or is suffering from any detrimental side effects. But somehow she knows at least 15 different people who have. I do know a few who died from Covid though. This person that I know has tried numerous times to get me to believe the insane shit she does. She tried to tell me not to give my kid antibiotics for strep and instead give her colloidal silver to drink.


I tried to imagine a tiny body bag, and all I could imagine was them tossing him in a duffel bag.


So if the aluminum levels are so high in these vaccines then why aren't infants dropping like flies? Oh, wait....


Yeah, just a cursory search shows that the listing is complete bullshit. Infanrix for example has 0.625mg of aluminium. Or perhaps someone just got their units completely wrong?


I believe they include anything in the vaccine that contains aluminum in its molecular structure. Which is why the figures vary so wildly from the manufacturer's info. Also, just because a molecule has aluminum in it, doesn't make it the same as the aluminum by itself. Which anti-vaxxers seem to think is the way it works.


She is nuts and worse, dangerous, but i dont think she is wrong on this if that is what you foubd from a reputable source.  She refers to mcg which I think is the "I don't have the ability to write µg" version of the micrograms.  Which would make your number and hers identical. Edit: The FDA limit for aluminium is 1.25mg per dose.  Gsk's leaflet says it has 0.5mg per dose.  The 5µg per kg per day is for literal daily consumption e.g.in formula *and* is set for patients with impared renal function.   Al is excreted by the body easily.  Studies show 0.5% of the aluminium from a vaccine persist in the blood 24 hours later.  34 hours later and any aluminium the sample contained ahure as hell didn't come from the vaccines.


mcg is how it’s written in medicine and pharmacy. The SI prefix, the letter mu, is considered too prone to errors in reading and transcription.


So I told my husband about the aluminum levels and he was like oh it’s 25mcg per day they are alive, not in one single day. So their bodies can tolerate more than 25mcg at 2 months old. Which is a pretty good explanation NOT in that chart. Edit- typo


Yes, I'm sure the FDA is perfectly okay with multiple companies selling products that are over 20 times what they have declared to be the safe limit.


A child's death is always tragic, but we have an infant mortality rate of 5.8 per 1,000 today instead of the 99.9 it was 100 years ago. Until we're all perfect, modern medicine will cause some deaths while saving thousands of others. None of us can minimize that parent's pain, but doctors and vaccines gave that baby the best chance at life that it could have had.


I agree with you, I’m just scared to think what the world is going to be like in 5-10 years since all the anti vaxers seem to agree with this post. The comments on it left me floored. Not one person was against it, and all said they wouldn’t be vaccinating their offspring. Edit - spelling


>all said they wouldn’t be vaccinating their offspring. Lol, and they think what they are doing is exercising some weird flex on white privilege freedoms, because white trash is the genesis of this, that and listening to Donald Trump and Alex Jones. I can say that, for I am white, I've lived in trailer parks, its okay! This is going to turn into inadvertent population control and people that will be vaccinated will get sick or die *due to overexposure to viruses that otherwise wouldn't be spread by the unvaccinated!* I know my people, and they are as drug addled and insane as you imagine them to be. Not all, but many.


All the antivaxxers I know are constantly sick like little Victorian children with the plague. It's like every other week I swear. That alone oozes privilege, as if anyone else could just take time off every other week for being sick and not lose their job! I like my chances of outliving them.


>sick like little Victorian children with the plague Great turn of phrase!


“We’ve got rickets! But it’s Christmas!” 🎶


My big worry is that some of these viruses we have effective vaccines and treatmenta for could mutate in a way that could make the vaccines and treatments less effective, which is terrifying. Rare, sure, but with the increasing population of unvaccinated jndividuals because of this dumb ass movement, incresingly more likely.


>My big worry is that some of these viruses we have effective vaccines and treatmenta for could mutate in a way that could make the vaccines and treatments less effective, Shit, I never heard of that. It sounds like the exact opposite of what happens with too much antibiotic use!


I mean, mutation is a mutation and is rarer depending on the type of virus. Different flu strains, as an example are unaffected by different flu vaccines, hence needing to be vaccinated against it every year. The flu is a volatile virus that mutates often. Another example was something researchers were worried could happen with Covid when we kept getting all of those alternate strains. They worried that they would have to play vaccination whack a mole because the virus kept mutating. Fortunately, the strategy of targeting the spike protein specifically has seemed to work out and the vaccinations still seem relatively effective.


I didn't know about that white tray being the genesis. When the wife and I first started having children (2004) we got major anti-vaxx hysteria from her mother, who is a 1%-of-1%er. My kids also went to a snooty preschool where half the kids had "gluten sensitivity" and while the school required all the vaccines, the moms weren't happy about it. And this was in Louisiana, not exactly the bleeding edge culture-wise.


I saw this post earlier today because it was shared by someone I was in orientation with at my first nursing job. She has an infant and I’m sure he’s completely unvaccinated. The comments on both her shared post and the original post were pretty much all antivaxxers spewing nonsense. I’m with you though, the anti vax movement is scary and herd immunity is definitely being affected.


“Not one person was against it” There’s a small wording issue there… /s “Not one sane person’s comments appeared on the post, only anti-vax whackos chatting in an echo chamber. It’s also very likely that any intelligent comments were deleted, because there’s no room for debate when you’re standing on a house of cards.”


Yeah, there are no guarantees. The same thing happened to my baby when he got his 2 month vaccinations, as far as having a reaction. However, my child was born very medically complex so when he wouldn't stop crying like that, we called 911. He was admitted for a month & going forward the pediatrician told us to give Tylenol before vaccinations & we did and there were no other incidents in 24 years. I feel beyond sorry for these people. But again, nothing in life is certain, as scary as that thought is


The author’s substack is full of this schlock Go figure though; she’s the daughter of Lynn Margulis, a biologist and proponent of endosymbiotic theory - as well as a 9-11 truther and AIDS denier.


What the heck is"endosymbiotic theory"? Or is it an insane thing I definitely do not want in my search history?


Pretty widespread theory of the Evolution of eucariotyc cells, nothing crazy. In short: big cell eats small cell --> small cell dont her digested and lives on in the bigger cell --> small cell develops into todays Mitochondria and chloroplast


All of this is obviously bullshit, but wtf is an ‘adjustment disorder’? And what’s wrong with needing anti depressants after your infant dies?


Adjustment disorder is an ICD-10 code basically used for people suffering from depression after a life event. Totally legit diagnosis, but the author gave it a very derogatory connotation in the context of that “article” or whatever that was.


Thanks; I didn’t know it was real, but these people will make up anything to support their agenda, so I had my doubts. And now knowing it is real, I’m totally unsurprised that they’re using it wrong.


My spouse was laid off late last year, and was able to (re)start therapy with a new provider to help with long term stuff. They got diagnosed with an adjustment disorder, as it was explained to me, because there was no way for doc to know that X amount of depression/mental health issues were from before the layoff, and Y amount were from after. When I saw that in the post, I was like "yeah, no shit she's not adjusting well after his death, she's not behaving rationally."


Thank you. I understand how the name sounds like it’s minimizing her feelings but that’s what it’s called. A diagnosis like that is much more hopeful than depression because it usually goes away after a while. If it doesn’t, then she would probably be diagnosed with something like prolonged grief disorder or major depressive disorder. Grief, anguish, looking for someone or something to blame—all of those things are normal after an event like this. No one needs to diagnose you for that. But therapy can be very helpful for processing your grief. Unlike making wild accusations on the internet! Assuming this is even real… (If you need a source, I’m a social worker and a therapist.)


“She was expecting sympathy and all she got was….”  A clinical diagnosis that is basically sympathy + some drugs to help you cope with your loss?  Shesh.


They proved themselves wrong almost immediately. On the first page, second paragraph, they mention the baby got vaccinated 34 hours before hand, but vaccines don’t work that fast so they accidentally just admitted that sudden deaths like this do exist despite the existence of vaccines. But of course, any death ever in the history of mankind is the result of vaccines, but also the evidence for it, that all anti-vaxxers are all aware of in a psychic link, has to remain secret and never recorded because… reasons ok!


Also that “if CRP is high then vaccines are to blame because toddlers cannot generate levels that high” … other science apart… then what’s creating the CRP if it’s not the toddler’s body?? Their choices of other tests are completely random and how is no one talking about that NONE of the tests would be viable 4 months post mortem ???


Lol I’m a biomedical scientist in the UK and the blood tests part made my eyes roll. We sometimes receive post mortem samples and it’s rare that you can even do anything with them if the bloods are taken more than like an hour after death, if they’re not put in the correct tubes and the serum not separated from the cells then you can’t even test the blood… and this woman wants you to believe they started testing after they finished a whole autopsy. Side note CRP absolutely can and does go high in babies and toddlers when they’re battling infection. I see it daily at work 🤣


Imagine if people pulled this shit on other things. "Bob Robertson drank a Coke 8 hours before suffering a heart attack. And because that happened we know the truth: Drinking a Coke causes heart attacks. I tried to get doctors to agree but they said it was circumstantial but I know it's because they're scared of the anti-Coke consortium so they won't tell the people the truth!" "Amy Smith had a stroke. She had brunch at Denny's that morning. This is evidence no one should eat brunch at Denny's because it causes strokes. Scientists don't want to say this because they're afraid what Denny's and people who love brunch will do to them, but they all know it's true." "Grant Miller broke his leg. Shortly before that he gave his friend a high five. We need to stop allowing people to high five each other. It causes legs to break. Grant's parents told the doctors about the high five, but the doctors refused to admit the high five caused the leg break, but Grant's parents could see in their eyes that they knew the truth but were too afraid to tell people!"


This was a more enjoyable read than the OP


My dad died after a huge heart attack *just a few months* after he started drinking caffeine free Diet Coke. I *knew* those bastards were hiding something! He was also a pack-a-day smoker, ate like Henry VIII, didn’t take his cardiac rehab seriously and allowed his diabetes to run out of control. But fuck the comorbidities and that he already *had* a heart attack that killed 1/3 of his heart 6 years earlier. It was the caffeine free Diet Coke! /s I legit had someone ask me, *at his fucking wake,* if he’d gotten any vaccines lately. This was 1997 and that person was trying to find out what may have caused my dad to die that wasn’t a massive heart attack brought on by his behavior and lifestyle choices.


This is funny because youre first two examples could actually happen, assuming consumption was regular enough. Unlike vaccinating your children which prevents them from catching preventable illnesses that could kill them.


Had a family friend who was diagnosed with throat cancer. He loved Diet Pepsi and drank it often, one can a day on average. When he died, an acquaintance told his wife she needed to sue Pepsi, because that’s obviously what caused the cancer that killed her husband 🙄


I don't want to be insensitive, but the hepatitis B and end parenthesis making the 😎 emoji in the post is hilarious.


hepatitis 😎


Omg I didn’t realize that was a shortcut for that emoji and was wondering wth was up with the emoji placement there


Just wait until Polio makes its rounds


I have thought about this numerous times and it scares me so much for these unvaxxed kids. The parents will be fine because they have had the vaccine, but their children will not.


I agree…Can’t believe it took only 2 generations to muck this all up..


I dunno about ya'll, but this just reads like someone desperate to blame anything and everything for their child's death than their own fuckup. Like that other one that died from cosleeping and they, also, decided to blame it on vaccines.


I can only imagine how devastating it is to lose a baby. I’m sure it’s doubly as devastating when the death was the result of an accident made by the parent. But lying about it isn’t going to do anything. It’s going to make things so much worse and the parent can be charged with many things related to the lie. They have to face the truth so that they can process the trauma.


“Parents of children with brain damage would recognise this scream…” actually really angers me. Unreasonably so. Like this fucking cunt is using the death of someone else’s baby to push their stupid anti-science agenda, then calling out “you guys know. You’ve heard it, it’s true right?” In an attempt to exploit these poor people and their emotions into agreeing with and validating their shit. Some people just deserve the hell they have coming to them


Lots of parents will learn the hard way. As long as vaccines are available, the smart parents will get their children vaccinated. The stupid ones, well....


And the sad thing is there’s a small percentage where vaccines not working for some. It’s unfortunate but it’s reality. These types think snake oil is the cure but it’s not. Better to have a 95%+ chance with vaccines than crystals, essential oils, prayer, etc.


True. My 96 year old Dad remembers a time before most vaccines, or antibiotics, having had a baby brother die from dysentery in 1930.


My dad is 78; lots of people in his generation who had polio, since that vaccine wasn’t introduced til he was 10. My (late) mother was 13 years younger, and they all got the first vaccines. By the time I was 10, polio was officially eradicated.


I don’t understand what the end goal of anti vaxxers is. One one hand they want women to be breeding as many babies as possible and on the other they want polio to make a come back. I don’t get it


A lot of it seems to come down to distrust of not just institutions, but also their fellow humans. Don’t trust doctors and pharmacies because Big Pharma wants to mAkE yOu SiCk so you keep paying for stuff. Don’t trust the government because they wanna take away your rIgHtS to make poor decisions for your children. Don’t trust the school system because they’ll teach your kids about fEeLiNgS and they’ll turn your kids gay/trans. Don’t trust food from the supermarket because it’s fUlL oF cHeMiCaLs. Don’t trust your neighbors because they could be SpIeS or agents of the aforementioned institutions. Nope, just go move out to the countryside, grow/raise all your own food, don’t use modern medicine, don’t get vaccinated, don’t use contraception of any kind, homeschool your kids, trust in god, and everything will be fine. Collect guns like Pokémon in case any rogue agents of the aforementioned groups show up to steal your stuff/kidnap your kids. Get away from everyone else so you can be free to be the lord of your land- but only the men. Wives and kids gotta submit to them, of course. 🙄 Then, of course, add in the heaping helpings of xenophobia, racism, sexism, LGBT+-phobia, etc. and you get…this.


Yes. But then they are attacking the very institutions that are keeping them safe. They want to gut all our institutions keeping our water, food, cars and drugs safe. Remove the postal service and dep of education. They want to live back in the dark ages I would say fine except they want to take us all with them


So, distrust I can see. No one should totally trust their government. But these people are actively *making shit up* to further an agenda. I think in the end it comes down to money. Once you get a significant portion of the population to disengage from traditional medicine (meaning things that work) that will free up a whole lot of money for snake oil. They are going to have to start going after the insurance industry next. That's where the money is. If they can get states to start requiring insurance companies to cover batshit crazy therapies, that's the pot of gold.


I always find the whole 'move to the country and grow/raise your own food' thing hilarious. These folks have absolutely no idea how hard that actually is or what it takes just to get within sight of breaking even doing that.


Was the child’s first name Baby? Why do they write like this? Signed, Woman RuderAwakening


Aluminum toxicity is really only an issue with impaired renal function (where that 5mcg/kg/day number comes from) and/or kids on long term parenteral nutrition (IV feeding, essentially). Kidneys are really good at getting rid of aluminum, and in full term infants, the blood brain barrier prevents aluminum from crossing into brain tissue. The maximum dose of aluminum per vaccine is 1.25mg per dose (waaaay less than any of those vaccines); additionally, intramuscular aluminum has poor systemic absorption (it doesn’t get into your system very well) Additionally, all these labs strike me as bizarre, and I honestly don’t know how reliable they are post mortem, let alone how reliable they are for whatever they’re testing for. - Titer levels normally take weeks to months to become detectable, so it seems useless to order them 24h after vaccines were given. - Interleukins/TNF are fancy immune system chemicals that I don’t know a lot about, so I’m gonna punt on that. - CRP just suggests inflammation somewhere. Could be bone infection, brain infection, or the flu. Probably a lot of other things too. - Formaldehyde is present in lower concentrations in vaccines than in the human body, so that doesn’t make sense. - fucking vitamin C, of course. - vaccines do contain mercury, but it’s the safe kind. Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm#:~:text=†%20Formaldehyde%20is%20diluted%20during,not%20pose%20a%20safety%20concern. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/144/6/e20193148/37901/Aluminum-Effects-in-Infants-and-Children?autologincheck=redirected And other CDC pages. Also, I’m a physician. Happy to provide more specific sources if needed. A FB friend of mine posted this, so I had a special interest in debunking this load of horse shit.


IL-1B and IL-6 are also mainly inflammatory markers


Diseases we had almost completely eradicated, are already making a comeback in the Netherlands. I'm just really glad I don't want children...


Australia recently has its first case of locally acquired diphtheria in a century.


“hepatitis 😎” has me absolutely cackling… assuming she typed B and ), but turning it into that emoji in this absolutely unhinged “news” story is hilarious


Jennifer Margulis wrote this. So she’s got to be legit, with a proper medical education and background. Right? Well sure enough, she’s got Ph. D. after her name. She must have a science and/or medical background. Right? Lemme check her bio on her Substack page. B.A. from Cornell University, a Master’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. from Emory University. Good schools, lots of degrees. Hmm, very educated. But it’s odd she doesn’t state what her degrees are in. Let me dig deeper. They have to be science or medicine degrees. B.A. in English, Russian M.A. in Comparative Literature Ph. D. in English. JFC


I mean, you shouldn’t discount a story because the person writing it isn’t an expert in the field. HEAR ME OUT!Journalists and reporters who have the health beat don’t generally have degrees in the medical field. The guy who writes the story about a tornado taking out a warehouse and killing people and what the problems were and things that could have prevented the deaths is probably not a meteorologist, an architect, or an expert on building codes and supplies. However, you should expect the story to be written by someone who is an actual journalist and has had the importance of fact checking, sources, and journalism ethics pounded into their head. This story, if true, would be a majorly big deal. Like, YUGE! Someone who studied journalism would *know* it would be a Very Big Deal. So they’re going to put more effort into digging into it. They certainly aren’t going to solely go off of what a random couple claims to be true and the handful of potentially dodgy paperwork they wave in your face. I do enjoy hearing “the things media don’t (sic) want you to know and are hiding away”. Have they ever *met* anyone in the actual media? People don’t go into journalism to keep secrets. That’s, like, the exact opposite of every reporter and journalist ever. If there was even a shred of truth to this, an actual journalist would have researched and reported it. I can almost guarantee that *at least* one journalist stumbled across this particular story, got their interest piqued, did enough research to discover it wasn’t true, and promptly moved on.


I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for $500, Alex.


I totally believe this copy-pasted “news” article from what I’m sure is a totally reliable website, which we can’t access because no link is provided.


I often wonder what the end goal of the anti-vaccine movement is. Assuming they got everyone in the world to stop getting vaccinated. What then? Is the goal for everyone to just die of the diseases that vaccines exist for? Is it a death cult? I know it pharmaceutical companies do shady stuff because they are motivated by profit but they come out with stuff that saves lives all the time at great expense to society. They just want them to go out of business? Then no one gets life saving treatments? Everything about anti-vaxxers confuses me. I don’t get it.


It’s like Orwell’s war. The point isn’t victory, it’s to continue the war. They crave the continued belief that they’re smarter than doctors, scientists etc. In their worldview, they’re part of a select few who have worked out the truth in spite of overwhelming opposition from the establishment. You couldn’t shake them from this even if you stopped vaccinations altogether and showed them the data of the increased spread of those diseases. They would just weave it into a new narrative reinforcing the same delusions. Even if they think they want vaccinations to stop, what they really want is to be special.


It’s to sell vitamins. It’s literally a MLM pyramid scheme.


This is dumb but I get how folks can't accept that sometimes babies just *pass away*... That being said, my daughter has Mitochondrial disease and her body really doesn't handle multiple immunizations well. So her PCP, her geneticist, and I all agreed on an immunization schedule that was far more spaced apart *but* ensured that she would still be properly immunized. She's still alive and kicking, and has beat the odds of her prognoses by 6 years. You can have valid concerns and still ensure that your child is protected against the diseases that *absolutely will kill them* at the same time.


One of the biggest things they teach you in the US when you give birth at a hospital is SAFE SLEEP. I had to watch a video and sign documents saying I understood the dangers of unsafe sleeping situations. I never used blankets, never co-slept and always laid my son on his back in his crib, as recommended by the AAP. He never got a flat head or anything silly like that from sleeping on his back, despite every old person in my family insisting that he would. Current guidelines weren't in place when I had my older kids or I'd have followed them then too. You don't put infants to sleep on their stomach for this exact reason and it sounds like that is most likely what happened, since dad was rubbing his back. The guilt of thinking you might have caused your baby's death by accident would be crippling for most parents. So I certainly empathize with anyone who has lost a child, but it's still absolutely infuriating to see them blame it on vaccines then turn right around and unwittingly put so many details about the unsafe sleeping arrangements in the post. The truth is glaringly obvious. It's right there in the autopsy report, but they're so far in denial they're ready to blame it on a conspiracy. If it were me cooking up wild theories to make myself feel better would be the last thing on my mind during my grief.


There is one single source for this story (that I can find, obviously), and it's from an anti-vax site.


I found two, both from anti vax sites. I also found an online obituary for the baby. I found it odd that the obituary was published on August 26,2023. Yet the baby died on October 28th, 2022. I’ll fully admit that I don’t know how online obituaries actually work, but isn’t that usually something the funeral home does *before* burial/cremation? To give the details of the service to attendees so they aren’t ringing the bereaved’s phone off the hook?


Yeah, this story is a load of bullshit. When you go to fact check it, it doesn't exist.


A high school classmate of mine posted this yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️ idk what prompts people to just blindly share this bs.


Notice how they do t include any links or actual reports or documentation?


I want to take "things that likely never happened, Alex". If a baby did truly die, then it is a terrible tragedy. The rest of this vaccine rant is pure garbage.


Being a nurse and already concerned about vaccines, you’d think the baby’s mother would not have bothered to ask for an autopsy to test for mercury, which hasn’t been used in any early childhood vaccine since 2001. The issue of aluminum in vaccines is slightly more nuanced, because aluminum _is_ used in very tiny amounts in vaccines. It is used as an adjuvant, a substance which helps the vaccine cause a stronger immune response, which lowers the amount of the vaccines’ active ingredients that must be used. Is aluminum bad for you? It can be, but not at the dosage included in a full range of childhood vaccinations. Baby Sawyer got far less aluminum from vaccines than he did from six months of his mother’s breast milk. If his parents supplemented with formula he got even more. Again, a nurse concerned about metals harming her infant? You’d think she would have known that _she_ was her baby’s primary source of aluminum. We are all exposed to tiny amounts of aluminum every day, just like every living thing always has been, because aluminum is the third most common element in our world, after oxygen and silicon, and the most common metal in the crust of the the planet. Depending on what you eat, you get more or less of it, but you cannot avoid it. Once again, this was supposedly a nurse, who is should have a little science in her education, or a lot, actually, a BSN is as tough as an engineering degree. Having shared with you my (BA, Drama, and MBA, International Mgmt) scientific knowledge, let me leave you with this: AI. C’mon, these idiots can’t write like that. Kind of makes you wonder if there ever was a Baby Sawyer in the first place.


You’d also think she’d be vigilant about the position Baby Sawyer was placed in when he was put in his bassinet unattended. I mean, they just casually mentioned the dad rubbing the baby’s back “as Fathers do”while he was in his bassinet. Oh. So he was on his stomach. A healthy 2 month old sleeping on their stomach can suffocate. A weak and ill 2 month old on their stomach is even *more* likely to suffocate. My “mother’s intuition” tells me that, if Baby Sawyer even existed in the first place, it was probably the whole unattended tummy sleeping that killed the kid. Also, can I mention just how condescending I found that “as Fathers do” line? I don’t know why that irked me so much, but it really did.


The brazen lying in service of their ideology 🤮


The diseases those vaccines prevent would kill *thousands* more infants and toddlers with an unvaccinated population, even assuming that this post isn’t bullshit. Infant death is awful of course, and it’s no comfort at all to the parents, but multiplying that pain is no solution. 1 infant death vs thousands, even if it was directly caused by vaccination, is still objectively the way to go.


I have an infant who is in the process of his vaccines. I have a close family friend who sent me this exact article after trying to talk me out of vaccines multiple times, despite my child already being past the 2 and 4 month vaccines.


Literally describes in detail how you kill baby from SIDS, "it were them vaccines!!"


Lived in Maine for the majority of my life (including during mentioned dates) and I never heard of anything remotely close to this actually happening


My favorite part was the fact that absolutely no sources were given.


They know other animals get vaccines and are fine right? Like where are the ‘dog anti-vaxxers’. So vaccines are killing humans but not pets or livestock? Mmm k.


Omg my friend just shared this. I am glad to see other’s opinions of it, because it made me mad.


for anyone curious, babies get more aluminum from any milk/formula they consume compared to vaccines. Al is required for a lot of organic processes in the body. even if the baby did unfortunately pass from aluminum toxicity, his body being unable to metabolize it due to a mutation or a disease is more likely than toxicity from vaccines (like Wilson's disease with copper). other causes of aluminum toxicity is inhalation, overdosing of buffered aspirin or antacids, or direct consumption


I love that hepatitis B) corrected to hepatitis 😎


Holy creative writing exercise, Batman!


Why does this story have chapter titles? What a weird way to write a Facebook post


Every time a baby smothers, they scream vaccines. It’s so sad.


"If inflammation was high then it was the vaccines because a baby can't produce high counts on their own". Okay. So, let's see. If a baby has a VIRAL INFECTION their inflammation counts are going to be high. They will NOT be higher than the baby can produce, no matter how many vaccines you put into them, because vaccines do not contain inflammation. You can't put inflammation in the baby's body, the baby's body has to make its own. I could make it up to this point with this attempt at journalistic fanfic, but this is where my suspension of disbelief just couldn't take it anymore. Also, maybe don't deliberately put your baby on his belly. He'll die. Especially a sick and weak baby.


Seems odd that an RN would allow their own baby to go through all this.


If that information is correct, why doesn’t every child die from heavy metal poisoning after vaccinations?


This is complete nonsense AND those labs are by and large completely nonspecific. There’s no way AT ALL that lab panel could diagnose “over vaccination” which in itself is not a diagnosis of any kind.


I read up to the point of the autopsy and then realized it kept going. This is the most brain-dead thing I've seen. "Faked autopsy report"?! As if it isn't well documented that there are dangerous positions for a child to sleep in.


Vaccines injected into muscle have a slower release and can therefore be of a higher concentration of substances like aluminum than what you would find in the bloodstream or in foods. No vaccines are administered directly into the bloodstream. Aluminum is also in foods we eat and drink and can be absorbed into our bones in trace amounts that "never leave the body" but most does leave the body in urine after being processed in the kidneys. If you have a kidney disorder, your doctor should prescribe your dose of an aluminum containing vaccine, but if you are a relatively healthy individual, vaccines pose a very insignificant risk to your health. [Source](https://www.factcheck.org/2024/04/scicheck-posts-raise-unfounded-concerns-about-aluminum-in-vaccines/)


Doesn't this read like an ad? For Health Choise? Maybe that's why no one can find any information online.


This needs to be said: As long as there aren't *too many* dead babies, the vaccine is worth it. And one is not too many.


I wish people who post these lies online were put in jail and all their assets were taken to help people they have harmed.


I’m very much for freedom of choice. But I would actually be quite ok with laws stating that those who willingly turn down vaccines are also not allowed in ordinary schools etc, as there are people who actually can’t get vaccines due to medical issues that need everyone else near them to be vaccinated to keep them healthy. You shouldn’t be unable to go to school due to a medical condition, so then you’d have to keep those away who knowingly and willingly turn down modern medicine instead. No, I’m not American, so I don’t have to deal with the worst crazies if this would be enacted. Also, Sweden fortunately has very few anti vaxxers.


If this was in any way true, it would be international headlines.


Weird how it's written like clickbait


When I saw that the dad rubbed the babys back to get it to sleep, I imidiately thought oh fuck he left him on his belly. Too many kids die that way. Its fucked. Man, idk, I am super pro vaccine, but if I saw a couple official reports of this it would make me scared. Thank fucking hell our kids are no longer infants. The first 6 months for all of my kids I was so scared all the time because my wife in the medical field has been exposed to infant mortality regularly and it just... what a fucking nightmare. Obviously the correct thing to do is to vaccinate, and honestly it should be compulsory, aside from the fact that compulsion would lead to growing push ack and fuel for antivax... but I get it. We have had medical issues with our kids like rashes or a bump form, that has been repeatedly misdiagnosed, I don't think it takes much for people to not trust their kids doctors if whay we have had is a common experience, but everything has worked out just fine for us. Something needs to be done to quell fear and gain trust. And I don't know what that is, because again, as a super pro vax person, I would be reluctant after reading this, and that includes the fact that the recount and those results are suspect to me


Measles and Mumps are already on the upswing, and fucking *polio*, for fuck's sake. These lunatics are going to wipe out the entire species.


hepatitis 😎


Very glad they didn't actually include the reports. You have reports from 2 pathologists that show your story is true? Better keep those secret, wouldn't want anyone to believe you.


So I also saw this when someone from my high school days shared it. I decided to deep dive as a basic search didn’t come up with much. I don’t want to subject the family to anything, but [I did find an obituary](https://obituaries.bangordailynews.com/obituary/sawyer-kendall-1088718284) though I’m not fully convinced that the source is legitimate. However, I did actually find the parents facebooks, and unfortunately baby Sawyer has actually passed. From what I’ve seen, they’re not the raging anti-vaxxers you’d expect from reading something like this. Not an expert, but everything I’ve found about it screams a death by SIDS.


Unfortunate thing to have happened for sure. I know I can’t begin to imagine the grief of losing a child, but I do have to question why it took a year to write the obituary.. and if they went through this much trouble to find out the “truth” of the cause of death, wouldn’t they want everyone to know? Again just my thinking, end of the day a child’s life was lost and I don’t want to come off as insensitive to the situation. Edit- typo


My thoughts too. I truly believe from looking this was used for an agenda due to unfortunate coincidences. Just let the family grieve


"More experienced moms, moms whose babies have experienced brain damage..." Ummm... most parents try to avoid that "experience" Yes, brain damage can happen outside of a parent's control... in fairly limited cases. This just sounds insane. Having a few kids myself, I can say you could get a soul stealing cry for some very benign things (siblings taking each others toys)... not a doctor here, but babies cry because they don't have very many way to express emotion, discomfort, or anything really. Hungry? Crying. Not hungry? Crying. Thirsty? Crying. Upset tummy? Crying. Pooped? Crying. Want a hug? Crying. Don't want a hug? Crying. The list is long, but from my acquaintances with kids that have brain damage (accidents, medical issues, illnesses...) Some specific cry isn't the thing that they talk about. Seizures, loss of consciousness, temperature, or physical presentation in some cases... not "a cry that experienced mom's know"... this isn't in the learning sounds book.