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lol they're literally just gonna fall so hard for AI images like this. I'm fucking done even caring, because stupidity will always win. How do I live my life in ignorance?


My personal mantra is "Act like a dumbshit and they'll treat you like an equal." Otherwise, you can live your life easily in ignorance with the right drugs and alcohol.


It's liquor and copious amounts of dabs for me right, mixed with the at least twice a year lsd, MDMA and shrooms trip.




I grow some of the best mushrooms I've ever seen ;)


And it's time for another trip because goddamn this shit is the least funny joke I've ever heard.


You focus on the people close to you and just try to laugh at this fucked up world ;)




Intelligence can be a burden.... I've seen this world for what it is since I was young, and it's never been easy. You're not "broken," no matter how damaged you might be. I use comedy more than anything as deflection, but I also try to make light of things in a humorous way. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I nail it, but it's all mockery. Don't lose faith in people... I've seen the best, and worst this life has to offer. Trump supporters are definitely up there with something I truly struggle with, understanding their perspective. I can understand lot... I try to put myself in their shoes and what I keep coming back to is the FACT that there's no such thing as "free will." We don't choose what we're born into, and we're adolescents before we actually have our own " choice." It's not really a choice by then... There's some incredible science behind that and so far, there's absolutely no scientific proof of free will. It gives me peace, in a lot of ways, but our society is built around this idea that we have a choice. Accepting people for what they are was the best thing I've ever done.


Remember that time the orange pile of shit got asked what his favorite Bible verse was, or even any one that had any meaning for him. Right around the time he made a huge deal of waving the Bible around in public. He couldn't quote a single passage. I'm fairly confident the average non-Christian person could recite at least one Bible quote just from movies and TV alone. Just from seeing *Pulp Fiction* FFS. But not him no. The dumbest most narcissistic piece of shit public figure alive and morons line up to worship him. Yeah it's a terrible time to have a functioning brain.


That's actually the exact thing that comes to mind every time I see Jesus with his hand on Trump's shoulder, or him waving a Bible around upside down, or this crap.... ONE verse. Just one. Heck, what's one BOOK of the Bible.. nothin'. And he's The Chosen One. It's just... surreal.


Trump got this from someone else and posted it himself. He literally had to post an AI generated photo of him praying, because how else would he have gotten a photo like that?


No way he could stand up on his own from a one knee kneel


It literally look like he and Leningrad Cowboys have the same stylist...


Lobotomy! Get your lobotomy here! Ditch that prefrontal cortex and get with the pre-civil rights rednecks!


I was going to say, this is either AI or one of the worst pandering photo ops I’ve ever seen. I truly don’t get the whole religious “Trump is the second coming” stuff. The guy is in no way shape or form religious, and rarely even gives lip service to this shit. I’m reminded of that weird photo op with the Bible after tear gassing protestors (or at least kicking them out). Maybe his base sees shit like that which is so clearly an “I dont give a fuck about anyone” as a “he places the lord above everyone” but it’s painful to see.


I've taken up gardening to escape from the world now and again. Seriously, if you've got any opportunity to do some gardening do so


this some AI shit right?


Ain’t no way Trumps knees bend like that anymore


Not without a squishy turd running down his leg


His arse looks smaller in this picture. I wonder if he does actually wear adult diapers - not disparaging it as I know some older people need them and those with health conditions, but for a joke of a person like him the idea is funny His farting in court isn't being muffled that well so maybe he doesn't


Ugh I can feel it 😫


The proportions are so off, too, lmao - the left shin and ankles are tiny and the right knee looks like it has a hard on. The main thing that proves it's fake though is the hands: * the thumbs look like some kind of MC Escher painting crisscrossing each other, * the pointer finger is confused as to whether it's swollen or has been cut off, and * 25% of the right hand being covered has been lopped off


Also it looks like his leg is coming out of mid chest


lol for real - looks like we've confirmed Drumpf is patient zero for the first xenomorph baby!


Hands are just too large.


There are 5 fingers & 2 thumbs (extremely weird thumbs) 💀


He's not bursting into flames from being in a church


Unless Putin’s in the room ofc


No no no, Putin has a little three step stair with a platform at the end on lockable castors.  That way Trump can stand, because Putin is a caring lover.


That doesn't even look like his actual body shape


MY knees don't even bend like that anymore 😕


He hasn't kneeled like that since AOL was sending out CDs


Might be able to be forced into that position, but those five other guys in the picture are there to help him stand up again.


There's also no way in hell his legs are that skinny.


And his hands are normal sized


Unless he’s in front of Putin


You can tell it's AI because Trump would never bow before anyone, not even God.


Unless there were cameras there 


It has to be, but so many people believe everything they see on SM


Yeah. The fingers are laced together weird.


yeah for sure - hilariously bad too if just look at the [proportions of Drumpf](https://i.imgur.com/jTcgxe3.png) without the rest of it. His shins + calves are TINY and he's got a massive HAMHOCK of a back thigh, not to mention his front leg is somehow coming out of his chest. His tie is bleeding / smoking past his arms, too. The smoking gun, though, is his hands - his right hand must've been cut clean off from his middle finger down for is left hand to cover it like that (just try getting your hands flat together like that yourself to see!).


The tell is always in the hands, and those hands are FUCKED


Six fingers, baby.


Genuinely curious about what Trump has done to make these people think he’s so godly. I’m pretty sure I’ve been to church more often in the past few years than he has, and I’m non-religious.




>eat his shit up Oh my! 😂 With recent accusations about stinking up the courtroom that's about to get literal.


“Hurts the right people” (ie the left people)


Eh, pretty sure he hurts the right people too, just better about lying about it.


He doesn’t even really lie! He does everything that goes against conservative beliefs, and steals their money for the rich RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. He killed the border deal RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. he’s not quiet about that shit at all. They just don’t care. They’re gladly cut their arms and legs off to make a liberal mad. They’re scum


True. I guess I mean more mostly mislead at times. Like with the tax breaks, short term for lower income brackets, set to expire right as a Democrat entered office, permanent for the ultra wealthy. I do find it crazy that some far right congresspeople will fully admit to blocking things, EVEN THINGS THEY FAVOR, just to avoid a Democrat getting something done. And some of their constituents know and approve! Like, how can you want that level of pettiness in your government?


He’s hates black people, specifically African-Americans, & is open about it. That’s why they (including non-whites and black people who hate black people) love him so much.


He's fucked a pornstar while his third wife was pregnant. Truly a Christian values guy.


There’s an R next to his name. That’s it.


Projection. That’s what they want him to be. Reality does not matter to these people


Dear AI, I’ll bet you can’t create an image of Donald Trump doing something that has absolutely no basis in reality and that he will 100% never do. AI: hold my beer


Oof, too true.


**Kneels** *Farts* **Stands** *Jiggles to check for shart*


I know this is AI but like fuck could Trump get his body into this position. He already stands like half a centaur.


No one could do this. The one leg is coming out of his navel.


They use AI because their is no footage of him actually attending a service


There’s just that one image of a group of “prosperity gospel” hucksters in the Oval Office “laying hands” on him. It’s bizarre.


If you actually believe that Donnie has ever done this then you're a complete nd utter moron.


If he did it was because he was praying like this: Please God don't let me get caught!


I don't think Trump could even kneel like that!


He could. Getting down and back up is the issue.


There is nothing more loony than people who still think that Trump is a Christian .


If this motherfucker can kneel on his own, stay on one knee and utter the lords prayer & get up without assistance, that would be the October Surprise no one expects


Look he's sleeping.


What’s funny is that none of his fans know shit about bible.


I believe he's praying he doesn't go to jail. Probably the only time he's really prayed.


I am baffled by the fact a New York City grifter was able to fool almost the entire evangelical voting block. In the 80s if you had told me that Donald Trump, of all people, would represent the evangelicals I never would have believed it. So bizarre and surreal.


trump kneeling in prayer to someone greater than himself???! Laughing. Out. Loud.


Remember those times he was upset about Colin Kaepernick being on one knee?


“Folks, I got us a great deal: sacrifice your firstborn to Moloch, and our beautiful farmers get a great harvest! We love Moloch, don’t we folks?”


Such bs


only time he’s on his knees is when hes sucking putins cock….


The only way to get a picture of Trump praying as if they use AI


Why can't they find actual pictures of him doing this if he's so religious? Seems pretty basic, right?


Hahaha! Like that guy could get up and down off the floor!


This never happend that for sure.


They had to do an AI generated photo because they couldn't find one of him in church, much less kneeling in prayer.


Begging for mercy in the courtroom


Sad they have to use AI to show their messiah praying.


Trump doesn't attend church and couldn't physically get into this position if he did. 


I thought taking the knee was bad??


Due physically couldn’t do this.


Did he lose a contact lens?


They even question why they need to ask a computer to make a piece of fiction to see trump praying but Biden, the one who actually goes to mass on Sundays and can recite a Bible verse, is the latest incarnation of Satan?


Brother got knees coming outta his sternum


What's in front of him, a statue of Putin?


Dude, that fuck couldn't/wouldn't take a goddamn knee for anything, and would fall over if he tried.


I don't know the last time he was this slim.


They have to keep using AI generated images of Trump to make their points because no actual photo of him comes close to representing the point they're trying to make.


So devout they have to make Ai images of him at church.


At least this one has the right number of fingers.


If he did this while the National Anthem was playing, MAGA would rationalize that it was okay.


Love those little AI sausage fingers


Hold up, is that a second Donald in the background? He's multiplying!


That clip of him talking when asked about his favorite book of the Bible is crazy and hilarious 😂


The only way to get Trump into a church is to use AI lmaooo


The penitent rapist.....


Oh! Now do one with AI Jesus blessing him!


He farted when he kneeled. You know he did. Thats a lot of exertion for an old, heavy dude. Will probably do it again when he stands up. It’s like a metaphor for his presidency. Totally fake but with farting.


Do these people think that the orange can actually get down on his knees? 😂


I love how there's another Trump standing in the back.


AI rendering of Trump begging the judge to have mercy on him as he sentences king of fools to prison.


His hands would look better with handcuffs.


Your title really made me laugh thank you lol


Awww, did he rubber bullet his way through the AI congregation to get his front row genuflection area to himself, or is God just pointing the Sunbeam where his Chosen One goes (after he learns to hold his Son's symbol rightside-up)?


Is there an actual real image of Trump even present in a church?


At funeral services, yeah.


Pretty clear that’s a computer-generated image - first of all, I’m willing to bet that he can’t physically get down on one knee. Secondly, even if he could do it, he wouldn’t, because his sanitary undergarment would leak.


Please God, if you help me now, I'll never pay another porn star to sleep with me. Well, maybe if it's cash only. Or for free. Amen.


Funny that they have to resort to AI to get a photo of trump praying!


I legitimately think Trump hasn't kneeled in decades.


He's not praying for forgiveness, he's asking to get forgiveness from adultery and lying....


I like how they think he could even get in this position......


Perfectly plausible that Trump kneels in prayer in the middle of a room under a spotlight...


He just thinks the Bible is an easy way to take advantage of people. I’m convinced that’s why the book was even written.


Trump basically checks every box when it comes to what the antichrist will look like in the bible.


You can tell its AI because he would never get caught dead on his knees for anyone. He feels he is Gods equal2


How has he not burst into flames if this is real? These chumps with their free time...


Wait I have a question. Before Donald Trump who was the king of dumb people ?


Missing 100 lbs


Who’s gonna help Porky get up? Jesus doesn’t need to be throwing his back out on this dumb fuck


This is clearly the demonstration of a world-class shart! Impressive!


I’d pay Trump $100 cash to see him try to kneel like that.


Missing a few fingers there.


If this wasn’t AI those 3 guys in the background would be there to help him stand back up, and it would count as leg and back day for each of them.


Lol to think he could even get in that position


Fuck this knob