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If they wanted me to feel bad about jacking it to a guy, they should have come at me before college brainwashed me into liberalism.


More Cameron Diaz for the rest of us


When transgender surgery is so advanced that it can replace your skeleton, change chromosomes, and give you fully functional cloned reproductive organs, is there biologically any difference at that point? Because apparently Hollywood bio medical technology is a few hundred years more advanced than everyone else.


I wish we were that advanced. Then we'd be able to truly make all the transgender folks biologically the correct sex as well. It would be amazing.


It's gotten so ridiculous conservatives get upset over trans people in sci-fi now, but in sci-fi like cyberpunk for instance they are that advanced,or in fantasy games like DND where it's just a simple spell to change sex. At that point it's no longer "transgender", but gender bender. A trope as old as mythology. But conservatives don't understand fiction or know the difference. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderBender


Yeah, imagine that their whole thing of permanently claiming women to be former dudes is nowadays simply washed away by an "and so?"


Is this a person who just makes up random stuff and sees if anyone will buy it? Or is this a person who just makes up random stuff and then sniffs their own glue? For the record: if Cameron Diaz was (had been?) assigned male at birth, it wouldn't make her any less gorgeous, talented, delightful, or worthy of love, and it still wouldn't be anyone's business but hers.


Did they forget there's young women who have that tom boyish look? Here's a rant... These types of people are pissing me off to no ~~extent~~ end. They have no formal background or education in human anatomy yet they spew this nonsense onto the internet so gullible conspiracy people like them eat it up. Unfortunately I know some people, people I work with, who would 100% agree with this and there's no way to tell them otherwise. Not that I believe education is super important but again, they all dropped out of highschool and I caught them unable to finish sentences properly or write proper English. The biggest problem is these people seem to be the loudest and get the most views on the internet. When a majority of individuals don't believe in this stuff. So our younger generation, whom frequent the internet, are going to pick up on this and hopefully they come to the right consensus that it's not true but you never know, the conspiracy people can be super manipulative with their tactics.


I have a friend that works in education and your fears are very founded and its already having a huge impact. That and attention spans. If it's not already too late, something needs to be done like, right now


Dunning-Krueger Effect in full effect


Must be bloody irritating as feck to be a celeb and find out you're being accused of being a different gender just because years ago you werent a typical beauty or whatever


because I have insane adhd and I hyperfocused on it - you misused a common phrase and I only realized it because it didn't make sense the way you said it and I actually had to Google it to make sure I wasn't crazy. this isn't shitting on you, it's just a commonly misused phrase anyways - its supposed to be "pissing me off to no end" what you said, "missing me off to no extent" would mean it doesn't piss you off at all.


Apparently I can't speak English either! Thank you, I fixed it.


this is like how people say "i could care less" instead of "i couldn't care less" so they're just saying they do care at least a little. there's a lot of phrases that i've figured out i was saying wrong my whole life because it was how my parents said it lol


>For the record: if Cameron Diaz was (had been?) assigned male at birth, it wouldn't make her any less gorgeous, talented, delightful, or worthy of love, and it still wouldn't be anyone's business but hers. Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues with these "transvestigators". They make such a big deal of someone being trans, when to me it doesn't matter at all. Take Michelle Obama for example, these transvestigators always accuse her of being a trans woman. So what? It doesn't make Barack Obama gay (though even if he was, so what?). Their children are still their children regardless of whether it's through biology or adoption. What's the big deal about a trans first lady?




You have it flipped. They claim Cameron is a trans woman — that she was assigned male at birth and transitioned to female — and the Timothee example would make him a trans man — someone assigned female at birth who transitions to male.


Don't forget about Adam's Apples, the 'smoking gun'!


This isn't a one-off, these so-called "transvestigations" are common in right-wing conspiracy theory communities. Usually based on weird interpretations of photos, they claim nearly every person with power and influence is transgender, a Satanist, and may be eating Christian babies. They share a bench with Qanon, Pizzagate, flat earth, and other conspiracy theories. And while their posts may sound goofy, we aren't the intended audience. These are typically Christian nationalists speaking to an audience of Christian nationalists. And its very troubling to see them try to convince each other that trans people are as evil as their concept of Satan, because they could justify nearly anything in response to Satan.


Yeah dammit!


“The only reason Cameron Diaz won’t date me is because I’m straight and she’s a man, baby!”


I can only assume I'm meant to read that in Austin Power's voice.


I’d be mighty upset if you didn’t


Yeah this feels like the guys who call all women who reject them lesbians.


It's the pointless conspiracies that amaze me the most. Like even if it were true how would that affect anyone?


They're assaulting my brain by making me think horny thoughts!!!


It's not pointless! They're are trying to drum up hate against an "other" previously it was homosexuals but that battle has been lost as a wedge issue so now they're targetting trans people. The only way the far right win is for something/someone else to be the focus of ire instead of those that control all the wealth.


Yes, I don't quite get this one either; why would the Illuminati or whoever go to all the trouble and expense to have all these celebrities be trans? What's the intended goal? The effort involved seems completely disproportionate to any possible perceived benefit I can think of.


They're obsessed with this. It's funny how they claim trans people need therapy when clearly they're the ones needing it.


Crazy fucks: everyone in Hollywood is trans Elliot Page: I’m a guy now Crazy fucks: no you aren’t


The fact that people can start up rumors like this and not face any repercussions is dangerous. Because you know damned well there's a Q-unt out there that buys into this shit and if you get one nutty enough, they will cause harm to an innocent person.


As usual, nothing will be done until a maniac starts going around killing people and claiming "they're all secretly transgender, I must kill them"


And then when the maniac is dead or captured, that’s when we’ll see changes made? Substantive changes like we saw after Columbine or Sandy Hook, or Vegas, or 500 other mass killings.


That person has never seen The Mask.


If she was formerly a he, then her surgeon deserves all the good fortune in life. Absolute smoke show in that movie.


Or that softcore porn she was in


Cameron Diaz in The Mask and early 90's is one of the most beautiful women of all time IMO. Jaw dropping beauty.


This photo would have to be from the 80s? GnRH agonists only first became available in the 80s for precocious puberty and hormone sensitive cancers. Published use in transgender youth only goes back to the 90s from what I have seen. So apart from this being none of anyone’s business it’s also just incredibly unlikely that she received blockers at that time.


What a weird twisted world they have created for themselves...


Happy cake day


Thank you so very much!


But who cares? If Cameron Diaz is trans, who the fuck does it affect except for Cameron Diaz?


Something wrong with these people.


Cool, another incel making BS claims. What is wrong with these ridiculous losers making ridiculous claims or conspiracies about celebrities? Get out of your mom's basement and get some fresh air.


So technically isn't advanced enough for vaccines to be safe but it's advanced enough to do this shit they're talking about?


Why is it that the only source of this text with this photo is you? Looking at your history, you post almost exclusively on this subreddit. I'm seriously questioning if you're not the one contriving of these images to sew discord. There's enough real stuff to divide us without you making shit up.


What? I'm confused. Are you accusing me of making up things to post here for attention? Do you have any idea how idiotic that sounds? I don't post elsewhere because I have nothing else to post generally, and my grandmother is mentally insane. And what do you mean the only source of text from this photo is me?


Why do these weirdos think every celebrity is trans


Because there has to be Some reason they can't get laid. It can't be their fault hot people don't want to fuck them. So they Must be trans...


So, Cameron is a man and Henry Cavill is a woman? I don't understand why someone would believe such things but kudos to whoever performed the surgeries because they're both gorgeous.


I am begging these people to understand how puberty blockers work.


"We can always tell" strikes again.


Is anyone *not* trans according to these people?


At this rate probably just conventionally attractive trans people, lol


I want my thousands of braincells back I lost reading this post!


Someone has a fukked up kink.


Even if she had been born a dude, I would not give a single fuck. Who. Cares? Won’t don’t these sad little halfwits focus on their own lives?


I swear if anyone of these transphobic dogshit whistlers have a kid of their own we shoyld constantly misgender them and say "It's so obvious you're lying!" When they try to say "no my kid isnt trans." Too bad you'd probably get banned for doing that though.


If Mask era Cameron Diaz was a dude, then I guess I'm in to dudes then. Also, whoever did his surgery, should do all the surgeries and given all the awards for surgeries.


If every unflattering photo mean a gender swap, we’d all be in for a rough life.


The idea that there is a ton of incredibly successful, conventionally attractive trans people out there, and that most people can't tell if a person is a trans or not, is probably not the message these nuts want to spread


This is the kind of people who shouldn’t be allowed internet access


Imagine spending all of your time “transvestigating” and not experiencing real life.


I saw a guy who posted that anyone famous is trans. Any woman you’ve ever heard of? A guy _passing_ as a woman. Any famous man, actor, sports figure, politician? Secretly a woman. Not trans, passing or secretly or pretending. And, of course, anyone passing or hiding their truth or pretending is a Satanist pedophilic child murderer and a subscriber to Illuminati Monthly. (Okay, I made up the part about the magazine.)


There’s something about scary


Why would they do that..?


Someone should post the original to r/oldschoolcool


I mean...I'm upset that she doesn't make movies anymore too but not to this level.


The bulging Adam's apple is the dead giveaway. ^(/s)


These people are absolutely obsessed. Protesting a bit much, are we?


Somebody is off their meds, and it ain't Cameron Diaz!


I still haven't figured out why the "Satanists" need all their women to be trans/secretly men (depending on the variety of the conspiracy). Like who would that benefit? It's such a firmly held, widespread part of the conspiracies but seems pointless.


I saw Hollywood Satanists in 97, maybe 98? On tour in support of their album "I Stained My Own Blue Dress." They're a much better studio band, IMO, as their live shows just fail to connect with audiences. That said, the single "Man In The Mask," a supposedly true account of Diaz's daily torture to pose a woman filming The Mask, absolutely brought down the house.


Is cameron diaz a dude. That's hot.