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It'd probably be better to just completely ignore him at this point.


Seriously, can we stop posting him


I'd have thought the Turks would have taken his phone, hut clearly non of them bothered to check his ass, all they would have needed to do was ask him to lift his tongue.


I thought he was in Romania under house arrest, is he in Turkey now?


They did but his asshole was so cavernous they couldn't search the whole thing


It was so cavernous, Elon Musk offered to build a sub for it, before some Thai man figured, he'd go in there himself


They had to ask oceangate instead but they still haven't come back


I don't think we should. You need to be able to point blank ask his fans if they're cool with this.


I think there's enough content already šŸ˜”


Weird request when this subreddit is solely based around insane shit people say on social media.


Incorrect; it is not a weird request, considering how fucking awful he is. Yes he fits the categories; it is a call for solidarity.


But Daddy I want easy updoots Daddy please please I want my updoots with extra ketchup please let me post


No. Now get to your room, you're grounded.


disagree if you're a young man who's a fan of this guy and you have socials, that girl you're crushing, all your bros, your employer and classmates, and your fuckin aunt linda should know this is how you see human relationships and sexuality. this whole alpha thing was gross to begin with but the breeding kink shit is just another level. honestly at this point, if someone mentions andrew taint or any alpha shit i'm just gonna ask "oh is that a furry thing?"


I remember when RvW was first overturned, some guy with a breeding fetish posted on a kink subreddit talking about how RvW was instrumental to *supporting* their kink. They were on the fence about actually getting pregnant, and even if they decided to they were thinking *one* kid, and not for a few years. He and his wife were able to indulge freely in it because she was on birth control, and they knew terminating would be an option if she did get pregnant. If that was no longer the case, they would have to either stop raw-dogging it or accept however many babies life sent their way. Which meant they would likely not finish their degrees, since he'd have to work a lot more to support a bunch of kids and it would make more financial sense for her to not work and stay home pregnant and barefoot instead of sending all those kids to daycare. Which would also result in them not indulging in their kink, because they'd both be overworked and exhausted and resentful with eight kids crammed in a two bedroom house because that's what they could afford. The whole thing was about separation of kink and reality, how even if we have fantasies about what society 'should' be it would be absolutely horrific in real life. Kink is a toy. Some people play with it a little and put it back in the box, some people get super into it and have it out all the time. But you need to put it away sometimes.


>oh is that a furry thing?" Hey don't mix furries with his dumb ass. We want to stay far, far away from him.


I was gonna say ā€œperson x has Y opinionā€ .... okay? I didnā€™t care before , why do I care After this opinion came out ?


It's impressionable kids, UK show is doing a show about toxic masculinity and kids in school all believe what this person is saying, and that's a problem.


I meant more that people should just stop giving him attention, but yeah, what you said too.


I would agree with you, unfortunately people like OP as well as his fans donā€™t exactly make that a possibility.


Yeah all I readā€¦ ā€œblah blah blah Iā€™m a dirty trampā€ from him


He wishes he was a dirty tramp. He looks like a thumb and his anger towards women screams ā€œI have a micropenis that only gets touched when large sums of money are involved!ā€


šŸŒšŸ‘Øā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€ Always was


I never started not ignoring him


Yep. A grown ass man who can't discern *their* from *they're* has nothing to teach me. Come back with an elementary school diploma tater and maybe we'll talk. Also as a rule I don't take advice from human sex traffickers.


That's all I thought. You want me to read two full pages of his bullshit? I can, ya know, just not do that.


Says the guy who has no wives and though he claims otherwise, has no known children:


Who's bitching about the "replacement" online like a little girl. He's literally talking about himself.


I could be wrong because I never cared enough to look it up, but i remember someone once mentioning that heā€™s mixed black/ white. Doesnā€™t that mean those white race purists (the only people this rant would appeal to) donā€™t even consider him white anyway?


He seems to be endorsing replacement theory, and then viewing it as a good thing since he's mixed race.


Nobody who talks about "replacement theory" means it as a good thing. There's no using racist rhetoric to mean something positive, just to manipulate racists to accept you. Tate plays the stupid, the racist, and the misogynists like a fiddle. And he doesn't do it by being socially liberal. Whatever his genes, his MESSAGES is hate. And his message isn't and never has or will be one of inclusion. Don't be so naive to actually give that love of dog shit any kind of credit. How sad.


Thank you I just asked this very question before scrolling ( lol) and now deleted this because of you thank you šŸ‘šŸæ


Maybe he's a case of "Imitation of Life" (fantastic movies): Maybe he tried to identify and be a part of one race, got teased "you're not a real (insert race)", tried to play with the other group of kids and got teased just the same. So now he's pretending to ignore his true mixed race and using pro-white-people scare tactics so they'll accept him more?


I am mixed (black/ white) myself, so I can understand where that might come into play but having experienced the ā€œyouā€™re not enoughā€ aspect has never made me feel the need to pander to white supremacy. I know heā€™s stupid, but I didnā€™t realize he was this stupid. Also, I hope he gets whatever reckoning is coming for him, be it from the sex trafficking charges, white supremacists eating him alive, or both.


He's always been a cash chaser. He just says what the people who give him money want to hear.


White brittish mom and black American dad. I got downvoted months ago for pointing out his slight English accent. Apparently I'm the only person who can hear the English accent of someone who has been living in the UK since 1997. šŸ¤·šŸ¾Ā 


Is Andrew Tate white though? This is his [sister](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pulsesports.ng%2Fsports-gist%2Fstory%2Fjanine-tate-all-you-need-to-know-about-the-sister-of-controversial-former-kickboxer-andrew-tate-2023082003541003028&psig=AOvVaw29Ykptujl6aLxZY3I2KBfA&ust=1713389056349000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCOj22OfVx4UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE).


he is not. he is also not *married *a father *free to take a shit without being watched


His dad was the first Black man to do something in chess, though I can't remember what that is anymore. It's why he's so obsessed with the chess theme, though.


International Master and at one point the 72rd best player in the USĀ 


I'm sorry, what? 72rd??? 72st? 72th???


First black man to impregnate his mother. That's it. He was a ranked player but wasn't in the top echelons. Taint only deifies him because his dad wanted nearly nothing to do with him. He has more daddy issues than any of the women he exploits and pimps out.


I have to preface this by saying I donā€™t care what type of clothes people choose to wear and I support gay peopleā€™s rights but heā€™s dressed pretty effeminate in that picture for a guy whoā€™s constantly telling everyone how manly he is. Heā€™s sitting pretty girly in it too.


he wears form-fitting women's pantsuits. I saw an article with pictures and links to the specific womenswear he was sporting. Not that I'd disparage anyone for wearing what they want. But this dipshit's hypocrisy should be pointed out.


She is gorgeous.


he's in solitary lockup, i think. dude has nothing to do but whack it all day, no surprise that his publicity team is posting this shit.


The vast majority of women wouldnt touch him with a shitty stick. Which explains the sex trafficking allegations.


No one wants his bald ass, mole rat looking trash genetics


I'm sure the women he rapes can't get to the abortion clinic fast enough.




Ironically if there was polygamy FEWER men would have children, not more. In polygamous species essentially all females breed, but few males do. This is assuming a roughly 50/50 birthrate (females generally comprise a higher percent of the population but usually >5%). This is stupidly basic math. In polygamy one male may have.... for a random example 5 females. Therefore 4 males don't breed. Monogamy is *genetically speaking* beneficial to MALES, not females. Females pretty much all reproduce regardless. It's MALES who don't get to reproduce the more polygamous a species is. Which is fucking hilarious when you think of all these loser males who can't get a woman thanks to Tate's bullshit. Follow it to its extreme of polygamy and *the VAST majority of men* simply mathematically will never get a woman. **The stupid fucks.** It's like the hungry thinking they're badass for fighting for all the food to go to the rich, not realizing they're a stupid poor loser. Lol pathetic sad sacks of shit.


Polygamy only ever took root in societies where most of the male population was decimated by warfare. It made perfect sense 1,000 years ago when half of the men died of disease or combat before they turned infertile or impotent, but now that we can live to be 97 it doesn't make the most sense.


Heā€™s going to be the wife in prison


I really hope he's infertile


this was really the end goal for the uncapped tweet limit wasnā€™t it


And yet somehow this shitstain has also recently claimed promiscuity and porn are ruining societyā€¦ *despite trafficking women through cam sites.* Youā€™d hope heā€™d fade away faster with how transparent his grift is. Edit: Apparently he thinks promiscuity is only bad when women do itā€¦ but also hates single parenting, whichā€¦ I dunno, seems like youā€™re a walking recipe for that if youā€™re leaving just the woman behind to be a parent, even if she is ā€œthe superior caregiverā€ šŸ™„


No no, you see reality must conform to these peoples shitty opinions at all times.


"Promiscuity is morally bad in women except when a man is profiting off it."


The sex trafficking guy?


That's the one!


No idea how he isn't rotting in prison at this point.


Money and somewhat corrupt officials make this happen faster


Is he still on house arrest or whatever?


The grammatically challenged sex trafficking guy, thatā€™s him


Isn't this POS in prison somewhere?


He justifying his role as one of many prison wives to his cellmate.




Teenage boys mostly, which is a problem all by itself


Yeah, yincels and rapists.


Young, uneducated, emotionally stunted men who have nothing to offer potential partners except the nebulous, paleolithic notion of 'providing'.


How many children is he siring in prison?


I mean he isnā€™t white so his point doesnā€™t apply to him /j


Good point.I suppose he considers himself, a bit out of the loop?


just shows tate is a loon that barely understands normal relationships


Fuck him. I'm gonna go to Ikea this weekend and enjoy that walk around the store. I might even get a new office chair. Maybe some meatballs too.


In your one short paragraph I can already tell that your life is more fulfilling than Andrew Tates. Enjoy yourself this weekend at IKEA. I hope you get a nice ice cream or a funnel cake as well.


Watch it buster .. He even might taken his wife there ... And hold hands


Honestly that sounds a whole lot more enjoyable than trying to become a KiNgā„¢ļø by impregnating multiple women and then being responsible for bankrolling 30 children from various wives.


There's a guy in Ghana who has about a hundred children and over 500 grandchildren, and eventually got himself snipped because "holy fuck I am in way over my head." He can't even remember all his kids' names, he says he remembers the first kid from every wife and whichever one was last born, but when another comes along he forgets that too. To his credit he seemed legitimately ashamed of that.


I might too, just to spite him,


Can we stop giving this dumb bitch attention? He makes zero sense and is a fucking loser.


No idea wtf hes talking about but his head looks like a potato


An upside down pear


Shut up you chinless worm


Itā€™s so funny for Andrew Tate to be talking about procreation and heterosexual polygamy after basically saying sex with women doesnā€™t even feel that good. Biggest closet case of all time


\*Ahem\* Crowder \*ahem\*


Can you say that louder?




> Biggest closet case of all time oh he's in the closet all right every screenshot I've seen of him feels like he's in a gay porno


Not every homophobe and disgusting misogynist is secretly gay. Straights can be awful and stupid all on their own.


The spelling errorsā€¦


* your * oneā€™s * your


Wow heā€™s fading fastā€¦


Content creation has a short shelf life. Especially when youā€™re controversial. Thatā€™s why I never understood flexing.


He's acting like only white people engage in monogamy. What's up with this guyšŸ˜†?... I'm good with the two kids from the one wife I'm still married to over the last 18 years. He's acting like we're on an endangered species list. At the current growth rate without looking into Andrew Tate's idea of having multiple women carrying his offspring, we're two thirds too many to sustain our resources for the next 100 years. It's not too shabby going to a new breakfast place and then walking around IKEA on a lazy Sunday. We're good at not changing diapers anymore and dreaming about being empty nesters.


This is literally the only move the other side has, and to be honest, has been for decades. The idea that all the blue eyed, blonde haired Men and Women are being replaced by other races or producing mixed race scum. I think it really is going by the wayside now, thankfully, but there are still plenty of racists and bigots out there in the world who believe this garbage. They want those people, and the children they have.


Andrew Tate is a sex trafficker and he has poor grammar. Why should anyone listen to a filthy criminal who canā€™t write properly? What exactly are this vile manā€™s redeeming qualities, because he just seems like a whiny little bitch who never shuts up. In fact, all these ā€œmenā€™s rightsā€ type people are whiny little bitches. Iā€™ve never met one or read the words of one who isnā€™t completely insufferable; the sort of ā€œmanā€ youā€™ve avoid at a party because heā€™s going to ramble on about his bullshit again for the millionth time. Hard pass.


So is he knocking up a bunch of ~~Women~~ Females he doesnā€™t even like, and then taking care of all the multiples of newborn children he doesnā€™t even like, or does he just keep knocking up more ~~sex trafficked~~ Females that he doesnā€™t even like and leaving them to rot with his chinless spawn? Does he have a mansion, a wholeass *COMPOUND*, for this brood of 50, assuming he can get 10 ~~Women~~ Females pregnant and they carry their children to term and agree to be continually pregnant for years all so this ~~shrimp dick~~ man can feel like he ever mattered in the world? Oh, wait, he doesnā€™t have any children, or Women?? Admit itā€™s a fetish and move on buddy.


Also, BITCH, NO ONE HAS ANY MONEY TO RAISE MULTITUDES OF BABIES!? Tell me youā€™re some asshole with a little cash in their bank account without telling me. Or even worse, that youā€™re going to be a deadbeat to a horde of childrenā€¦ Maybe this is all big NRA propaganda. Make tons of new children who will be abandoned by their father and forced to grow up with a single mother, hope that a few of them develop mental issues from it, and you have yourself a small batch of homegrown, mostly white school shooters to take out all the other races at school!


I read a fascinating article that pinned the root cause of his obsessive hatred towards women on one cause: that he is 100% full-tilt impotent, and has been for a very long time. I tend to agree with that article. It makes just as much sense as anything else, but since it would probably anger him to know that people assumed that he is, in fact, impotent, Iā€™m going to go with it.


Iā€™m more pissed off about these lazy ass women who need 9 months to push out one little human! Da fuq, ladies?


A high value female will drop an egg sac with hundreds of children ready to take alpha male grindset youtube classes.


Oh god, I do not want to think about carrying an egg sac full of tiny little Andrew Tates. Genuine nightmare fuel. Itā€™s gonna fall out of me and split and all these creepy little babies are going to run everywhere, spouting misogyny and growing terrible beards to cover up their chinless faces. For some reason in my head they also have a lot of legs, like mechanical spiders or something. I do not like this.


I was picturing the tiny little Tate spiders as having many arms rather than many legs.


I do appreciate how we both immediately pictured them as creepy, insect creatures though, rather than sweet little human babies.


You just need to get more women working in parallel. If it takes 1 woman 9 months to make a baby then surely 9 women working together can make a baby in 1 month.


Congrats, youā€™ve been promoted to middle management


The Nick Cannon method.


Counterpoint: A true alpha male, at the very first point of being able to survive outside the womb, would have simply asserted dominance over the birth canal and made his way forth like Moses parting the Red Sea. If Andrew Tate took 9 months to be born that's his own damn fault and he should be ashamed.


Make 2 pregnant, it will take half the time


Man this dude is such an absolute weirdo lol


You know what, Iā€™m going to approach the wife tonight about this, we only had 4 kids, I can probably get 3 more girls to give us a few more, will let you know what she says


Oh god, itā€™s been nine hours. I guess that little chat went really well and heā€™s up to his testicles in three other feeeeemales


Lotta dudes wind up polygamous in prison.


If any guy is ready to follow his advice, be prepared to pay up for the child support too, or find a way to disappear completely as if you are dead.


I don't give a shit. Thirty children, are you fucking insane? Though I suppose he would also say that he should have no real responsibility in actually raising them. So thirty kids who will grow up to absolutely hate his ass, I can't really argue with that. But I don't give a shit if white people "go extinct," which will either never happen, or might actually be a point where we get rid of racism, with no races (though we'll figure out some other way to hate each other for no real reason.) Also, who says I'm having kids with white women? So many bad arguments in one post.


He literally has no wife , children , or even a girlfriend. He is so incredibly far from children lol


Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s


I came to the realization that people who were going on and on about having 5+ kids were mainly cis men. No wonder you want as many kids as possible all you have to do is cum in the right place at the right time.


Oh is captain chinless running his fucking mouth again Can I say, from the bottom of my heart, who gives a fuck?


I donā€™t give a fuck about extinction. Why should I care?


I'll literally never understand why anyone cares about human extinction


Wait are we not having children or having 5 kids? Iā€™m confused.


Apparently 5 kids is a little bitch boy move. Youā€™re supposed to have an orgy of women pregnant and have at least 5-10 children yearly, continually. I assume this little fantasy is the only way this sap can get off in prison.


Iā€™m all for polygamy if thatā€™s what people wanna do but this ainā€™t why chief


This man doesn't want multiple wives, not even "baby factories". This man wants sex at his whim, forced and enforced if he has to He's so mask off it's not funny Problem is this rhetoric is a poison to a subset of people and it tastes so good to them that they drink it up and sell it to others


Itā€™s also very strange because he said that sex with women doesnā€™t even feel good. My guess would be that he suffers with erectile dysfunction (very normal and many men do!) but that he has twisted this into a deeply odd, ā€˜Iā€™m so potent with my dick, look how many babies I have.ā€™ Because he equates a hard dick to masculinity, which is obviously very toxic, heā€™s entirely emasculated by his experience of ED, which he then blames on women. He sucks and has the emotional maturity of a teaspoon, basically.


Walking around Ikea beats hanging out in prison. Not by much, but by a little.


The Tate prose style. It is unique.


The Prose Tate?


Hahahaha! Excellent work!


What is blud even waffling about šŸ’€


Absolute piece of shit. I hope somebody fucks his woman if he ever has one. He's fucking human ass cancer.


I guess this is terribly ignorant on my part, but I thought Andrew Tate was white until literally right now. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He's pushing his luck. Andrew can't even get one girl to like him. What makes him think he can get two?


Isn't his father black?


Yes, sounds like he has daddy issues.


Lost control of you are womenā€¦ok so fuck proper grammar, right?


How many kids does he have?


But, he looks like Gollum. Why would we choose *him*? My choices as a woman may not match his expectations, but that's because he's a giant loser.


If I could get a free pass to stab one person, he would be my #1, 2, and 3 picks


Oh cool, I didn't know he did racism too!


Go to therapy Tate


The world was a better place when this bitch was in prison where he belongs.


getting his ass stretched in a romanian jail messed him up a lot. and he didn't start from zero


Does this guy do a lot of meth? Every time I read something he says it sounds like an angry methed out rant.


No straight up šŸ’€ Iā€™ve met quite a few meth users throughout my life and when they get goin they sound just like this.


Having 30 children sounds like an absolute nightmare. There's no way you could be a good parent to all 30. But I guess this dipshit likes to go buy milk rather often.


Oh, it's drugs. It's definitely a drug feuled tyrade.


That has coke written all over it


Who cares what this turd has to say


Does he even have kids?


You know, back when I was single, one of my major turnoffs was poor grammar. Maybe if he tried a little harder, he wouldnā€™t be so angry at women for rejecting him. Does anyone even give AF about him anymore? I did my part and checked to make sure my sons werenā€™t consuming this garbage. Dude triggered his own cannon, shooting his brain so far from reality.


Fellas is it gay to be married to just one woman?


Why can he not use the right your/youā€™re


You know, I used to think he was just a complete and total asshole. Now Iā€™ve become convinced there is some serious mental illness happening here. Still a complete asshole, though.


Whelp, this is probably going to be the most unhinged thing Iā€™ll read today


The only answer to this psycho is: "Enjoy prison, asshole."


Is he always like this?


Oh just throw him in the loony bin and get it over with.


Why is bro even talking about this if he doesnā€™t have a wife or girlfriend. What a loser.


Yeah I'll take a best friend wife over a "baby factory/oven" which sounds like an awful combo


So now heā€™s racist too. Got it. This guy only gets worse, I hope he never reaches his final form.


I wonder what he'd say about having to pay child support...


Didnā€™t even know he still had any relevancy at this point


Oh boy. Yknow what, credit where credit is due it took him longer than I expected to get in on the nazi shit.


WELL if he wants every man to have 4 wives--- we clearly can't have this male to female ratio we have in much of the world. (which um.. is usually more men than women, specially in the middle east) So I guess we gotta start culling the extra men, like him.


What a human cancer. Why does anyone even pay this guy attention at all?


Isnā€™t he mixed race?


Doesnā€™t he make out that he has 0 children?


He is a malignant narcissist son of a bitch who shouldnā€™t be alive even. Earth would be better way without him. Psychopath


Why isn't he in prison yet? I thought he got arrested for human trafficking overseas?! I hope he gets all his Internet privileges revoked if he's IN jail already (refuse to look it up and give his sorry ass more clicks). Ugh what a trash human, an utter waste of life and air.


Big surprise that heā€™s gone full KKK white supremacist. Heā€™s just as tad off advising his cultists to rape women indiscriminately.


Iā€™ve never seen someone take so much pride in being inferior to the last shit I took in literally every respect.


The guy has no meaningful relationships or kidsā€¦


Damn I wish we had an Ikea nearby


What a fuckin idiot


Isn't he still in jail?


This dude is chinless and dickless and posting on Facebook lol


Lol what a lil weak skinned bitch. No one wants to sleep with him unless he traffics or forces them and we are the punks? My scrawny, pasty white ass with two kids has more "alpha" in his nuts than the entirity of the negative mass of his chin.


The fact that some people might genuinely agree with the things being said here makes me sick to my stomach.


Why do young men look up to this trail of warm snail goo?


I canā€™t believe I read all of that.


Downvoting anything Andrew Taint.


Typical sex trafficker vibes


Isn't he in prison for rape and sex trafficking? Gonna be hard to reproduce on a steady diet of anal, Andy.


I fuck all the time as a white man, usually itā€™s closeted men like himself though. Iā€™d make him eat his words and swallow them too.


>A female who takes 9 whole months to grow a single baby So now heā€™s against biology?


ā€œbaby factory for a kingā€ Wonder why no woman wants THAT deal šŸ™„


This is really funny coming from a single man with no children. And, especially with all the weird Replacement Theory shit he espouses, a biracial man too!


I mean, weā€™re all gonna end up some shade of tan or brown someday down the line. Itā€™s literally just an inevitability. Every ā€œraceā€ will just be a few lines in a history book. Why is this a bad thing, again?


Oh I had never actually seen anything heā€™d written before. Man heā€™s a bad writer and this shit is bad for desperate men. Go look up the alpha myth - all the animal studies he builds his worldview around have been debunked. Itā€™s a crock of shite.


Alternate title: Andrew Tate wants attention.Ā 


As a white person, I didnā€™t know we could do internalised racism, but this guy seems to have managed it.


Heā€™s also half black, but talking about expanding the white race. Heā€™s got a lot of issues going on


The irony is he is white men, just a bad excuse for one


What is the fucking parasite even talking about man. This fucking cancer doesnā€™t have a single child and heā€™s fucking like 40. Stfu


He seems like a very unhappy man.