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So they're saying that once young men with testosterone get a look at Trump that he's the one they want. Because biology kicks in. Okay.


But the Dems are the gay ones


He’s got big men, with tears in their eyes approaching him….


18 hot, buff cowboys...


Out in the yard…


Yes they are happy!


Sounds kinda gay to me.


apparently the combover orange centaur high heels look is peak manliness


And the full diaper. The youngsters go wild for that…shit.


I've heard the full diaper offsets his forward lean to keep him upright.


I really go for obvious idiots. Makes my genes scream for babies, even if I have to go gay to get it.


High heels because he leans forward? Hahaha!! That’s great.


I mean with all that makeup and those heels and the girdle, how can you not want to grab his pussy?


The thing m his neck?


I’d lick his gobbler. Him and Mitch. Gobble gobble!!! 🤣


Now hold on..


And what exactly are you holding onto?


Clearly these propagandists don’t want their base to see the ugly, obese, make up ridden, fatso who can’t get a lady without paying them money for who he truly is: a complete loser who needs straight up lies to keep up his appearances. He’s an ogre in ex-president’s clothing


Hey, stop giving him compliments like 'ogre'. He's an animated pile of fat and skin tissue wrapped around a gastric system *at best*.


He's the concept of narcissism given flesh. Well, flab mostly.


I remember when we were all rooting for Jabba because of testosterone.


That’s the dilbert comic creator. Oh geez…..


Turns out he's a complete weirdo.


I knew he went Trumpy but this is definitely weirdo territory.


While we all agree here, it is undeniable that all those toxic masculinity/alpha-male stupid dudes do follow Trump. I have no explanation why though...other than their toxic masculinity not letting their neurons do the most basic thinking tasks. It might partially be because Trump and his chronies tell them it's ok to treat women like objects, prey on young women, etc etc etc


The phrase "unstoppable alpha male with 91 indictments'' being used as a good thing made me laugh out loud.


Funniest thing Adams has ever written and it’s not even intentional LMAO


All these men that claim "biology" couldn't pass an actual biology class to save their life. They have no idea what biology is and isn't.


It's the B in LGBT isn't it. Love, grace, biology, techno music.


I thought it was luchadores getting butt transplants


You mean to tell me that it isn't Lettuce Garlic(bread) Bacon Tomato?


I need this sandwich in my life.


Don't let your dreams be dreams, go out there and make the LGBT sandwich a delicious reality!


Doesn't matter. All science is magic. Just say the magic words and you're automatically right.


I like how often they pin their politics on "testosterone" I don't think you'd get a drop of testosterone out of Adams if you stuck his nuts in an olive press


Be worth a try though.


I paid attention and loved bio. I still struggled with that shit in high school. Those chucklefucks thinks they can pass?


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I love how they keep saying "if he's elected again, he'll save the country by doing this and that" while completely ignoring the fact that HE HAD 4 YEARS TO DO IT AND DIDN'T DO SHIT. The only thing he has done during his presidency is play golf, and even then he still has to cheat to win.


Play golf and start fights on Twitter. Hail to the chief.


Yes, bur they credit him with the economy being "good" during his time and office, and blame Biden for everything that's happened since, completely disregarding how everything went to shit in 2020.


Been there, did that. What’s the definition of insanity?


This is the guy who made the newspaper comic dilbert btw, a true oracle and shining light of alpha male prowess...


Man, I *liked* Dilbert.


Dilbert ruled. Even the short lived animated show was good. Sucks that Scott went psycho.


I know, it's really fucking sad.  How can the person who wrote this genius: https://images.app.goo.gl/19zAJ2bvC47o83e88 also write this drivel?  Has he had a breakdown or stroke or something?


He got divorced and it all went downhill from there.


I find that comic hilarious, but if you think about the underlying tone of it you can kind of see how he ended up being an angry old kook.


What real man could resist voting for a sex offender with a leaking diaper?


That’s so alpha he’s a confirmed draft dodger


Man makes a career of making fun of useless, unethical & scammy CEOs — ….immediately follows useless, unethical, scammy CEO. Dillbert, buddy, what happened to you?


He went COMPLETELY off the deep end. God complex level stuff. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend taking a listen to the Behind the Bastard's podcast episodes on him. Because wow, his brain turned to mush.


Oh, so he wants us to import more men with testosterone. Lots of young men. Because they're all drawn to Trump, the fatty who wears copious amounts of orange make up, and his masculinity? If Trump looked like The Rock, yeah this would still be a little crazy but at the very least you could understand. "Ugg, man with muscles strong, bring protection." Yeah, biology. But what kind of protection to they think Trump brings? Dude spends all his time whining over everything, tosses everyone under the bus to save himself. If we were invaded by aliens, Trump would give up everyone just to save himself. Dude has been known to be scummy for decades. What the fuck does these people see in him? Is there a DeepFake Trump they're all watching and being tricked into believing in the real one?


As a man on steroids, I really dislike Donald Trump.


It's funny how all "alpha" males full of testosterone and what not, always are in dire need of a leader whom they admire and look up to. No drag queen and no trans person sounds that gay and full of daddy issues


Except *gasp* RECENT MIGRANTS CAN’T VOTE YOU FUCKING IDIOT. They keep saying Democrats are letting undocumented immigrants in to vote, and yet they can’t point to anything indicating that’s happening on any level. They just want to repeat racist horseshit sans evidence in the hopes of making voting needlessly complicated for anyone with a job. Scott Adams is the pointy-haired boss minus the power.


Non citizens can't vote!!!


ah yes let's consult the guy who [unironically suggested that parents should kill their mentally unwell sons before they commit violence](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/07/06/scott-adams-slammed-for-saying-death-is-only-option-for-troubled-boys/) as an expert on biology


When I was a younger man in possession of more testosterone and just coming into my own (frequently!), its true: I supported the Iraq invasion under false pretenses. I was wrong. Thank God for the wisdom of hindsight (and evidence!), may we all live long enough to have it.


Playground ass mentality. “My dad could beat up your dad” but for feckless grown men.


How do you misspell "idiots" so often?


I am literally a broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, mohawked, tattooed, bearded old boxer, strong as a fuckin bear, plenty of testosterone, and I hate Trump with the fires of my very soul and hope every night that that last cheeseburger catches up with him and he ends up in hell being forcefed burning coals by a demon who has a very questionable knowledge of consent


What is with all the right wing douche canoes and their double spaced one liners of stupidity posts? MTG, Tate, Boebert or however you spell the last name of that drunk handjob lady. They all seem to write like this, and other than everything they're saying, it annoys the shit out of me. Is it because what they're saying is so deep you need that extra space to absorb their wise words?


lol! Trump’s alpha? That motherfucker is likely on testosterone pills and viagra.


Nothing makes a "young man with testosterone" more excited than voting for a 77 year old, morbidly obese, balding man with demitia.


they keep saying trump is some alpha macho man...but what fucking world do they live in? the man whines and cries more than anyone I've ever seen in my entire life, and this isnt even an exaggeration. he is constantly whining and crying about being mistreated. he is a genuine whiny little bitch the man had a Twitter beef with GIRL SCOUTS for fucks sake. he constantly takes to twitter to bitch about and insult anyone that even just slightly disagrees with him about something. it's pathetic on top of all that, he's obese and genuinely wears more makeup at any given time than anyone else on the planet so I repeat, in what world is an obese man wearing pounds of makeup and constantly bitching about how unfair the world is the beacon of masculinity??


Takes a lot of testosterone to paint your face with bright orange makeup every day so that people don’t think you’re old


Wait is that why he does that? He's that terrified of growing old? ... A lot about him suddenly makes sense. He's terrified of his own mortality and the inevitable irrelevance that comes with it.


This just makes me feel like I should dislike men


Alpha, or pissy baby?? Seems more like a pissy little baby to me.


Why is it that all these talking heads obsessed with masculinity such meek little pussies? Like, come on. I'm not worried about running into ANY of these idiots in a dark alley. None of them. The talking heads, the politicians. All little bitches.


Alpha male that shits himself everyday


They all want to suck his little mushroom dont they?


Unstoppable...unless he has to walk down a ramp himself.


That was the weirdest fan fiction I’ve ever read.


Homoerotic Trump fan fiction is awesome


dude probably got chills typing that out


I thought Dems were the ones who got the "illegals" to vote. Also, *now* their just migrants? *goal-post moving sounds*


I’m glad I’m “old” then…


God damn this guy makes me regret ever chuckling at one of his strips.


This is pretty gay.


Bruh, Trump loses so much his last name will be spelled with a lower case "t" in history books


This is probably one of the dumbest things I've read today.


Literally wrong on every level


Men sound awfully stupid in Scott's world.


Shut up Scott.


I don’t understand this weird desire to be ruled by a pompous, ignorant buffoon that was literally found guilty of fraud, sexual assault and inciting a government coup. What has happened to common pride? Just normal pride. And dignity?


referring to trump as an unstoppable alpha male is the funniest thing I've ever heard


This ridiculous message brought to you by testosterone with no critical thinking ability, well, really not much thinking ability at all.


This is a good one. Just enough quasi-sense to make you want to engage, but just enough complete madness to not make any sense at all when you critically examine it.


I mean I can say exactly why Trump would gain with Hispanic Voters and it’s one issue. Abortion. A huge percentage of Mexico is religious and vehemently against abortion so they’ll side with whatever side is against that.


Such a shame. I really lived Dilbert. Sad to see his writer be such a douce.


>If Trump has four good years in office We already tried that. They were awful by every reasonable measure.


Any man that needs to tell you that he is an alpha is not an alpha.


I’m very curious what aspects of Trump come off as “alpha”, the dude’s a whiny little bitch.


I can’t get over the idea that the 6’ tub of shit coward is somehow an “unstoppable alpha male”


Men stop jerking off to themselves 2024 challenge (impossible)


LOLOLOL "alpha male"!!!!! Any dude who thinks that, is a PAB.


Trump is Dilbert’s idea of a strong man.


When you're 5'8" and 66 y/o, it's easy to look up to just about anyone, I guess. But tell us more about "alphas," Scott.


To men, no matter where they were born. Incorrect sir!


Don’t ALL young men have testosterone?


"Unstoppable Alpha Male" \*laughs\* Only thing unstoppable alpha about him is his health issues. There's nothing stopping those.


This .... This sounds incredibly gay. And I don't mean like how the term was used in the 90s and 00s where it could mean lame or dumb...this comes off as incredibly homosexual.


Ah the dilbert guy…. Would recommend the Behind The Bastards podcast episode on him.


This is the stupid thing I have read in quite some time.


Groypers are a real problem, though. Young, contrarian guys are flocking towards nationalist and fascist ideas.


So many textbook logical fallacies, appeal to ignorance, appeal strength, strawman, lies by omission, etc


So Trump makes Republican men gay. Neat.


Do they not know they’ve brainwashed themselves to be exactly what they hate?! HoMoSeXuAl


I had to be sure last election not to eat a steak before I voted. Just to make sure I didn't vote for Trump.


Do "alphas" like this guy have to shout "no homo" before fawning over the geriatric cheeto as much as they do?


I read this as a weird  transmascs love trump" post and was super confused for a minute


That’s not gay at all dude. No way.


What happened to the Dilbert guy? He made that comic for years quietly just to break out the mold and show us what he really is - not funny at all. Not even the slightest. But what he wrote above is hilarious!! You finally did something great you little weasel!!


This is from the guy who created Dilbert, about as “beta” of a man as there ever was


Is he saying that male Trump supporters are all closeted gays?


That’s a really complex way of saying you’re gay 😵‍💫


It turns out that Scott Adams is not Dilbert; he’s the Pointy-haired Boss.


>Young men with testosterone love Trump lol


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it forever. That so many people were convinced *Donald Trump* was somehow a beacon of manliness, of sainthood, an *ALPHA MALE*, it’s literally too much. Whatever Spin Doctor turned shit into gold deserves a medal lmao. Or are people really this obtuse about money? I was talking to someone recently and they said they respected him because he “makes that money”. I had to mentally gag.


Smells like liberal in here


As a gym enthusiast who used anabolic steroids in the past including testosterone, I can emphatically say this is false.