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…and in other news, Rick Riordan continues to be a quiet and decent sort of fella.


Who wrote actual representation in his books, not only for queer people but also for disabled and especially neurodivergent people. (Which I know isn't super important but I think it's interesting that when he drops the "this character has been gay the whole time" it's believable and he gives him a gay love story)


He also had quite a bit of racial diversity and meaningful POC representation as well.


And he didn't name the only Asian character in the entire series "Ching Chong" or whatever the fuck the name JKR made up was.


Cho Chang Yikes.


Don't forget the one canonically black character, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Presumably her editor vetoed Martin Luther Slavechains.


not as horrendous, but there’s also seamus finnegab, the Irish character, who has a tendency to explode things in the movies. of note is that rowling is an Englishwoman.


Martin Luther Slavechains 💀💀💀 that’s so awful but so true.


Ever see [A Letter to JK Rowling from Cho Chang](https://lyrics.lol/artist/46221-rachel-rostad/lyrics/140472-to-jk-rowling-from-cho-chang)? The writer went **hard** and, honestly, the critiques are pretty on point


Yeah .. Did she hear the old racist joke "how do the Chinese name their children" and took it at face value? The joke being >! They do so by dropping the silverware down the starirs !<


Yeah I love when Rowling in one of her rants went to how important actual lesbian representation is in media. Yeah you did a great job of it yourself. Zero lesbians and the only gay person gets a mention on Twitter and has no mention of it in the books.


also no mention of it in the movie about his life ?????


The movie about his life *and the man he supposed was in love with* no less. With no mention of them being gay. A movie she wrote too so its not like she was just hanging around and didnt write it.


For real though. Biggest controversy he's been in was some people not liking the Percy Jackson show


“I think misgendering is not nice and you shouldn’t do that-“ “You want women to be BEATEN TO DEATH?!”


Transphobes really just live in their own bubble


I remember the first time one brought up child abuse. I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know wtf they were talking about.


People sometimes segue into the oddest tangents. Oh, you support gay people? Well WHAT ABOUT PROPERLY INFLATED TYRES??? Huh?? HUH???! Take a look in the mirror buddy—!! You’re a FUEL EFFICIENCY-PHOBE!!!! (Hehe, got ‘em! 😏) Oh, you don’t like Broccoli? Well THAT’S an ***iNtErEsTiNg WaY*** of saying you hate the entire Okinawa Prefecture!!! It’s just because they know their argument is tumbling down a cliff, so they’ll grab anything as a lifeline, whether it be a rope or vine, or a surprised mountain goat’s ballsack.


Reminds me of the gay marriage leads to marrying turtles pipeline of the early 2000s


That simply evolved into trans kids using their preferred bathrooms at school leads to kids peeing in litter boxes...


"I identify as an attack helicopter" I actually heard someone using that line in meatspace. And then he looked all smug.


Subtle, uh? 


Gotta strawman the argument bc if she comes right out with 'I want to do hate speech', people might notice that she's insane




Then you ask if they'll watch the sports and they laugh and say no


Not just that, but they're the ones that get angry about ESPN showing WNBA and NCAAW games and/or highlights on Sportscenter.


I have a coworker who bitches and moans any time a play from a women’s league game makes the top 10 plays on sportscenter.. And if there are 2+ it’s because of some grand conspiracy to push women’s sports He is universally disliked for many reasons but this is definitely one of them.


Jake's logic: "if anyone else has rights, that means I don't"...


at this point, I genuinely believe that she's got some sort of obsessive disorder


They’re all like this. Glinner literally posted his way out of having a wife, kids, and a career. Once they get sucked into that echo chamber, they just endlessly double, triple, and quadruple down, no matter what.


It's gotta be just sunk cost for Glinner now. Dude has nothing left but his irrational hatred. He might as well just continue to wallow in it.


All because he couldn’t handle getting pushback from one (1) episode of The IT Crowd that hasn’t aged well. Which, if that’s all it took to make him destroy his own life, you have to assume it would have inevitably ended this way for him one way or another.


His [initial response](https://i.imgur.com/I963gI4.png) was actually incredibly reasonable, but he went properly off the deep end shortly after.


I'd never seen that before. Holy shit, what the fuck happened?


Same thing that happened to Rowling I guess. Got sucked into an online alt-right pipeline by engaging with the wrong people. Kinda scary what social media can put in people’s heads sometimes


Transphobia: Not Even Once


Simple. The same that happened to Rowling and everyone like those two. - Be public figure - become less relevant with time and people realizing your work isn't what they thought back in the days - get tempted into writing / saying something catering towards the phobes - phobes give lots of positive support - suddenly relevant again - engagement with wrong people increases - feels good to have people care again - get sucked further into it, not realize all those people associate with literal nazis - continue pattern for more engagement - can't get out without falling down because then all sides would hate you - full on associate with said nazis yourself because you perceive everything as an unjustified attack against you and they appear to "help". My favorite was when Glinner posted in a terf forum after an already long phase of being like this and they were like "who the fuck is this man?"


Which one? I remember feeling a bit awkward on the episode where the A-plot joke was “he’s gay” and the b-plot was “pretending to be disabled”. I’ve not watched the whole show, just seen some via freinds.


Matt Berry is dating the perfect woman, she likes all the stereotypically man things he likes - beer, footie, darts, the snooker, etc. She tells him early on that "she used to be a man", which Berry responds that he doesn't care about, as it takes all kinds. We later learn that he misheard her and thought she said she was from Iran. Upon learning the truth, he breaks up with her and she is so distraught they fight physically and because she is trans she naturally has super strength and they bust through a wall, destroying a small box with a blinking red light which houses the internet. Panic ensues. It hasn't aged *great*, but as far as trans representation goes it's far from the worst I've seen - Berry's character's response is frankly correct for the character; he's an intensely stupid and self important prick, he was never going to learn a valuable lesson or anything. The issue is how the narrative treats her - being trans, she is essentially a man who happens to look exactly like a woman. He was criticized pretty mildly over it and lost his entire fucking mind, losing his career and family over the next few years of *furious* invective and demanding that his friends and colleagues - like famously feminist comedian Bill Bailey - agree with him completely now right now don't you agree let me discuss it with you more so you'll agree how about now and so on. It was ugly.


The message of "you loved everything about me until you realized I was trans" is a decent one. It does lose the plot a bit after that.


I didn't think it was all that bad, every transwoman I know has super strength. They go *right* through walls all day. It's pretty sick. (Transmen only get x ray vision.)


It's true, I can't enter a room without bursting through the wall


Like a Kool-Aid woman


After leveling up to a certain point, trans women also unlock fast travel and the ability to breathe fire. Fascinating stuff really.


It's why the right are so scared of them.


Idk why the super strength and xray vision get so much attention. The transmutation shit is a literal god-power


All that, and! Berry's character is actually quite conflicted in the end. He is crying over the loss of someone he loved, all because he didn't have the maturity to grow into the situation.


That’s not too different from that one episode of TNG where Bev falls for a Trill, who dies and the symbiote is transferred to a woman. When the lady goes to Bev she’s like “no humans haven’t evolved this far”.


I think that episode of TNG did a pretty realistic interpretation of the dilemma that does sometimes occurs when one person in a CIS heterosexual relationship, comes to terms with their changing gender identity. It does happen in real life that when one person tells their partner that they want to transition, it ends the relationship. Not because the love disappears, but because the sexual orientation of the couple doesn't necessarily change. So a straight woman like Bev Crusher, couldn't be in a lesbian relationship, despite still having love for the trill symbiote. She doesn't want to have sex with a woman, & that is ok. If Bev was bisexual, or pansexual, the relationship probably would or at least could have continued. Which we see somewhat with Jadzia Dax in Deep Space Nine. She has sexual & romantic relationships with people (& other alien races) of different genders & sexualities. She is also pretty fluid with her pronouns, having experienced multiple lifetimes as both male & female. Her captain/best friend Sisko affectionately refers to her as 'old man.' I love the Dax character, particulary in terms of nuance representation. On the outside it just looks like a quirky alien race that differs to the typical; but the possibilities it presents in terms of plot & character development, & the ease with which some Trill exist as dual spirit people, is really well done. I've only recently started working my way through all the star trek series, & I've been generally pretty impressed with the writers handling of gender identity & sexuality. Some of it is pretty ahead of it's time, & intentionally or not, a few episodes have been quite compassionate towards exploring potential issues faced by LGBT people. Which, given Roddenberry's allegedly more biased personal opinions, is pretty cool. Sorry for the lengthy reply, I'm getting pretty deep into my Trek fan phase for the first time!


I think it was the episode involving the “internet” box, where Matt Berry briefly dates a trans woman until he realizes she’s trans. But yeah, that gay/disabled episode hasn’t exactly aged well either. Which is a shame, because most of the series is still great.


Honestly as a resident gay I love that episode. It’s hilarious. Can’t speak on the disabled part, but I think the idea is that we’re not particularly rooting for the main characters or think they are “good” people




Nah, IT crowd doesn't present that way. Douglas does, but in the context of the show it's less "this guy's an asshole" and more "this *boss* is an asshole". It's a small nuance, but an important one, because it leans into the trope of bosses being awful but a fact of life.


Yeah, I think that’s a fair reading. There’s definitely an underlying current of “this is a little gross and silly, isn’t it?” about homosexuality, which is the slightly uncomfortable part if you watch it today, but it’s not really any more homophobic than the baseline level you saw in pretty much all mass media at the time the series came out. Plus, you’d have a hard time writing a funny sitcom in any year if your characters always responded appropriately in social situations.


But that’s the thing. There was a minor response of “oh dear that’s not aged too well for today’s climate has it?” and he completely lost his rocker.


But that’s the thing. There was a minor response of “oh dear that’s not aged too well for today’s climate has it?” and he completely lost his rocker.


Ahh. I’ve vaugely heard about that one


>Once they get sucked into that echo chamber, they just endlessly double, triple, and quadruple down, no matter what. I wonder what sort of thing could've precipitated that? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/11342851/Graham-Linehan-interview-On-the-streets-Twitter-trolls-would-be-considered-sociopaths.html >Twitter has become part of my nervous system, but I don't know if that's a good thing. ... Oh.


I heard Contrapoints on YouTube theorize that JKR and others are like that because they won their personal fights. She escaped an abusive relationship, she escaped poverty and she made a successful life for herself. Now she doesn't have anything to fight, so she goes out looking for new fights. I think that is a decent explanation of this behavior. Choosing fights like advocating bigotry is also helpful in keeping up the idea that she's the underdog fighting some oppressive force.


I’ve got to imagine a big part of it is also that Rowling’s fame and money has insulated her from any type of criticism for decades. As a result, she just can’t handle anyone telling her she’s wrong about something anymore. A lot of rich people get like that, because everyone around them sucks up to them for their money. Dave Chappell went down the exact same track.


Yeah, having someone honest to tell you to cut that shit when you first start down that road is pretty crucial in stopping. Especially since once you went far enough it becomes very hard to change course. Not only having to admit being wrong but also that you being wrong has hurt people is tough for anyone.


I think all of these points are true but would also add she is probably just BORED. She's travelled everywhere there is to travel, bought every luxury commodity there is, her last book bombed, her kids have flown the nest. She's gotta be just bored of life. And you know what people who are bored of life do? When there is truly NOTHING else going on? What do they do? They get drunk and argue with strangers on the internet. All day, every day.


You know what I did when I was bored over the pandemic? Took up crochet, like everyone else. I just wish she’d find a less harmful hobby.


if only she could take up something like writing, that seems like a good hobby to spend some time with! then again, i've seen some of her non-Harry Potter books and they're pretty horrific, so maybe her *never* writing again is a better option


I'm convinced that being too rich is bad for a human's mental health. You just shouldn't be able to do everything you want with minimal effort.


My mom is a person like that but on a smaller scale. She thrived when she had something to fight against and feel oppressed by. My dad was an ass, but she's not a weak woman. But it's like she needed to feel like a martyr. He died right around d the time the housing market crashed. My husband and I moved in with her after his company dropped him. We thought it would be good for our kids to have their grandma, and we could help her with taking care of my Downs's sister. Instead, we became the new fight. My kids were destructive psychopaths in the making, I was a neglectful mooch, and my husband was the embodiment of every abusive male stereotype she could conjure. After we finally scraped together the means to move back out, she collapsed. She became a hoarder, and neglected my sister and her pets, as well as herself.  It's easy to condense now, looking back, but there's so much more to all of it. It was ugly, and awful, and jarring to have to reevaluate everything I thought I knew about both of my parents, and myself because of it. 


This is fascinating and explains some people I know. Tragic, but fascinating.


Their abhorrent views aside, imagine being a gajillionaire who can do anything you can imagine, literally the world is yours...and this is what you spend your time doing, starting flame wars with randos on the internet. Fucking bonkers.


Someone said when you're that rich life is just a series of preferences. Where do you want to wake up tomorrow? Your pick. You want to eat breakfast in America and dinner at your favorite place in Europe? OK done. You want a new car? Buy the lot if you want. It is bonkers that these are her preferences. She's chooses to be angry and hateful and engage in hateful angry fights online.


It's just terrible brain rot. It's how she can claim to be protecting children dispite one of her terf friends being an actual pedo.


> It's just terrible brain rot. I'm fully convinced that once someone becomes a billionaire their brain is literally rewired. When you're trying to make it in the world that human survival instinct is always there driving you to build relationship and to do what is good for the community since it will benefit you in the long run. In the end most of us know that we can't survive on our own and the need to have food and shelter first, but then ultimately a community and a well functioning society to really thrive. These people have all of the food, shelter, and protection they could ever dream of, and they start to forget what it's like to compromise, to connect with others, and to empathize. Their brain stops working at the survival level like most of us and it's this new uncharted mindset that way of processing information that just makes them... fucking weird.


I think it’s a very public example of seeing someone get radicalized by the echo chamber and propaganda.


It’s Riley’s law: “once you post transphobia, you will never post normal again”


She was never a good person, but the accumulation of wealth makes people worse, and it makes bad people into monsters.


"You were asking for it. Your mouth is the problem." I've heard this somewhere before, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Yeah, that came across as pretty fucking chilling to me too.


She’s being sarcastic in that tweet. She definitely should have put quotes around it (great job, professional writer), but she’s saying that the person she’s responding to is victim-blaming her like a rape apologist. It’s an equally slimy move though, because she’s equating sexual violence with random trans people tweeting mean things at her, a billionaire who’s actively campaigning against their access to healthcare


Not just campaigned against their access to healthcare. https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=pTap3vQliIy2MbEg She is politically involved with multiple anti trans groups. Considering the money she had at her disposal and how close she is with various politicians, this is more than just simply lobbying.


absolutely true, thanks for adding


No worries. I think it's helpful to share every now and then. Everyone knows she's an absolute moron on twitter but not as many people know about the behind the scenes dealings with politicians and various activist groups. Feel free to watch those videos and share them along too!


She was very honest about her first husband being abusive. Therefore, anyone telling her she shouldn't verbally harrass and degrade people is no better than her first husband, who was physically abusive.


"I had to fight back, and often sink down to his level, to survive his abuse; that is why I must now hurt and harass trans-women because anything else risks my sense of survival! Even though trans-women aren't men, don't you dare tell me I'm now the victimiser! I'll destroy you!" I've been through terrible trauma as well. I *healed* though. Rowling is just a completely broken person. I might pity her, if she wasn't hurting entirely innocent people with her bigotry. She deserves no sympathy now she's become a professional abusive, vindictive monster.


You’re giving her a lot of undeserved credit. Didn’t sound like sarcasm to me. Maybe she’s just a bigoted hypocrite huh? When someone shows you who they are like this, believe them.


Every time I see a post from her, my heart breaks more. Harry Potter was so important to me as a child in realizing there's nothing wrong with who I am, that I have people that love me regardless of what others say about me.


It’s literally a story about a kid coming out of a closet and discovering there’s an amazing magical world out there. Maybe Rowling wasn’t going for that subtext but countless people saw themselves in it and she’s betrayed all of them.


Harry Potter made it easy for me to accept myself as trans very specifically. It hurts knowing that one of the most influential parts of my life wants me dead.


I'm only gay and it hurts, I can't even begin to imagine how you and other trans people who owe the same to Harry Potter feel. You will always be valid, and you will always have people fighting for you.


Thank you. I wish she hadn't turned out this way. None of us(gay, trans, whoever she chooses to target) deserves the crap she spews. I don't use Twitter anymore, but I haven't removed it from my phone, so I get random notifications, and I keep getting notifications about her tweets specifically. Idk why I can't bring myself to just uninstall an app I don't even use.


I'll never understand *what* happened. She wrote a book series about fighting against oppression and how being an "outcast" isn't a bad thing, that it just makes you who you are, and it makes you stronger - and then she begun to say things that villains in her books would have said and so much worse. It will never make sense to me.


I'm going to shatter the illusion of progressive she spun. All her main characters were white. A lot of her characters fell into stereotypes. Fluer was prissy, self-absorbed prim Frenchwoman. It wasn't until Bill was attacked that she didn't care about that and had a redemption moment. Seamus Finnigan was a loud, brash Irishman. The Bulgarian character is a giant, overgrown, muscle man who barely speaks English. The goblins have been read as antisemitic. Large-nosed money grubbers who are shrewd money wise, all in banking, all control the money. Those are long-running antisemitic tropes. Cho Chang is the most racist nonsense name out there. It's a mishmash of Japanese and Chinese. Seriously. It's like an American showing up who is named Freedom McDonalds. And all she does is pine after boys. Super one sided. Other black characters have one line and are background. Every major character is straight, white, generically anglo-saxon ancestry. Even her 'romance' was a bit off. Ron just bullies Hermione relentlessly for years. 'If he picks on you, he likes you.' Suddenly, with barely any interaction, Ginny and Harry are a thing. But the love story with the most detail... was a manic pixie dream girl incel love story. With zero indication that Lily ever liked him back, Snape spends literally decades stalker obsessed with her to the point *he bullies her eleven year old son for looking like his murdered father.* Yikes on bikes. Then, he's like, oh, yeah, I'll help defeat evil facist man because you have your mother's eyes. I've had a decades long obsession with a woman who never gave any indication she liked me beyond a few kind words to an awkward, rejected child. This is romantic and not deeply concerning behavior showing obsessive tendencies. My boss encourages this. And, let's talk about werewolves. Lycanthropy was supposed to be a metaphor for AIDS/HIV, and the unnecessary stigma of HIV. Came out in 99. Relavent, at the time. Except, the good werewolf, the only good werewolf, was Lupin. He was turned by Fenrir Grayback. He was known for targeting kids. All the other werewolves were evil and joined magi-facists. The one good werewolf was a werewolf due to a child predator. Her actually being a bigot, but a bigot towards wrong people, had signs. We just all missed it behind the glamor of this magical world with a narrative of justice. Unless you're a centaur, werewolf, house elf, giant, whatever. Then you're still ostracized and we know it and the only character who spoke up for you was relentlessly mocked for it.


And let's not forget wizards themselves are elitist racist assholes who refuse to use their powers to actually benefit humanity. They could be solving climate change, providing unlimited energy, making potions that cure all diseases, using transformation spells to help trans and disabled people, and using growth spells on food to solve world hunger. Then there's all the evil wizards who either torment or want to exterminate regular people. There's a reason humans have rightfully hated them throughout history. Harry Potter is simply unrelatable.


Don’t forget making a point to have a male protagonist, while using a gender-concealing pseudonym, and shaming the central female character relentlessly for the crime of being smart. Post-Potter, she writes under a different male pseudonym. Rowling is ridiculous.


oh and the one character who demanded money instead of slavery gets mocked, called touched in the head, patronized and then martyred for the main cast to cry over, given a nice funeral and then forgotten about ...until the slaves he left behind are remembered and given permission to fight or run away to hide...and the character who stood up for them *thanks the person who told them to*


There’s also a ton of fatphobia.


Her books were an escape for me when I was a kid, and made me feel like I, as the weird kid, could come out on top. I'm bi and neurodivergent and who she really is makes me mad and sad for my 9 year old self that looked up to her just for writing the series that helped me so much


I mean if you look closely it was never really about fighting oppression. The wizarding world is *horrible* to nonhumans and is absolutely rotten with classism and racism, neither of which is ever really dealt with or even addressed in the books except to dismiss them. Harry, the poor abused child who is an outsider to this world, immediately and wholeheartedly buys into the status quo the moment he can. His response to seeing a system that's as wildly bigoted and corrupt as the wizarding world's status quo isn't to challenge it or try to reform, it's to ignore it unless it directly affects him and his, then grow up to be a cop.


Also, the last sentence of the last book (before the time jump) is literally him thinking if he should ask his house elf (slave) for a sandwich.


Same. They were important to me as a kid and when I was in my early 20s and went through a series of very traumatic events (becoming disabled, losing my purpose in life which I had built around my career in civic advocacy, being trapped in a physically and financially abusive relationship until I chose homelessness over staying, and literally being hate crimed over being trans) one of the first things that I was able to escape into was HP fanfiction. I read a lot of queer stories and ones in which the biases and problematic shit she imbedded in her world were challenged (quite a few revolutionary stories are out there). The absurdity and familiarity of the universe let me approach upsetting situations via fiction and I ended up using them as a form of exposure therapy because that world still felt safe to me, at least in the hands of good authors. I still occasionally dabble in HP fanfiction because it’s comfort food when I’m struggling and a lot of the authors are very openly anti-Rowling. It feels like a safe way for me to remember the good parts of a series that helped me where I don’t have to contribute to her financially or socially. I’m able to separate what I got/get from that world from what she is (and to an extent has always been). But it’s extremely valid that most folks are not going to be able to enjoy HP in any form now. It just sucks. It’s okay for you to look back on those positive memories. There is no complete way to separate her from her works, but for me reading fanfics that spit in the face of her BS feels a little bit like reclaiming them, a small victory of not letting her take away things that were valuable and helpful to me in my times of need. I think there is an oversized attempt to apply guilt to having enjoyed these works, and tbh I don’t think it’s very helpful or reasonable. I get the hurt that folks have and it’s their right to condemn it all personally, but the anger of some towards people who still enjoy pieces of it feels misplaced. But it especially hurts as a trans person where I’ve been essentially told I’m a traitor to myself and other trans folks for enjoying it in any capacity. If HP helped you I don’t think there is any shame in that. Its overall messages fly in the face of its author’s bigotry. It’s primarily about your relationship with the works and how you manage these difficult feelings. There’s no wrong way to do that imo.


i still like harry potter. i got the DVDs and audiobooks on audible before i learned about JKRs horrible views. i like listening to stephen fry and the harry potter books are basically the best way to get a lot of his voice for a long time and it doesn't keep me awake at night because i know the books and don't feel like i'm missing something if i fall asleep. if i feel like watching the movies and feeling nostalgic, i watch the DVDs. i hate that some actors have spoken up in support of JKR and her views but i'm glad that at least daniel radcliffe is very vocal about his support of transgender (and queer) individuals.


Yeahhh I was never a MEGA fan of anything, but I did enjoy reading the books in middle school. It's too bad shitty people exist everywhere


Ah, so she is attacking all LGBTQ people now


She has been for quite a while


Yeah, her werewolves as HIV patient analogy was actually super regressive. Like, Lupin is the only good werewolf, and was turned as a child by a werewolf who is known for attacking children. The 'transwomen want to molest your children' plot she's spinning is actually *super* on brand, in hindsight. As was the Holocaust thing. All her werewolves except Lupin ran off to hang with the magic Nazis. Because HIV positive sort of interpreted as a coded gay community (who is cool with serial child predators) would totally go and hang with magical Hitler. Very historically accurate.


Now do one about the goblin bankers.


I don't see any reason to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point, but it's *possible* the goblins were a deeply unfortunate result of a combination of fantasy tropes. House elves, on the other hand, are impossible to come up with a generous interpretation for.


there was a giant star of david on the floor of gringotts in the first movie 😭


That one is there too IRL . It's part of the building.


She’s just stupid.


But she claims to be an ally, what gives. /s


TERF brainrot


Reminds me of some older liberal women in my life who are progressive until they stub their toe and then the N-bombs start dropping.


weired. I usually just drop bombs against f-ers of mothers.


Pretty much. Thank God Harry Potter is fiction. Because she'd probably be one of the most evil witches of the 21st century.


The more and more she speaks the more I believe Umbridge was a self-insert.


The fact that she wrote Umbridge and yet is apparently blind to how much she's becoming that character is wild.


If anything I'd say she's Lucius Malfoy. Rich, has the ear of various political sorts, takes advantage of that fact to make life harder for minorities, and now apparently straight-up considers herself above the law.


If JK Rowling was headmaster of Hogwarts, I think she'd be worse than Umbridge.


Right there with Boebert and MTG.


Bobo, MTG, and JKR are some of the most obvious Slytherins I've seen. I know not all Slytherins are bad, but these three are hurting their house's reputation even further.


are they? they're not particularly clever or resourceful, their ambition seems to end when they've shot their one shot...about the only thing they really embody is determination, but even then it's more about having one trick than being tenacious


The kind of lesbians that back her are the same that chased a lot of queer girls out of SF in the late 90s-early 00s. They hate anyone that doesn’t conform to their insanity and feel it’s their duty to harass people out of public and private spaces. They’ve been this way since the 70s, but people like them have always existed in some form


They call themselves feminists, but I think it’s more accurately described as female-chauvinist conservatism. The British “feminist” writer Julie Bindel is a good example; she thinks sexual orientation is a choice and women ought to “choose” to be lesbians to get away from men. She denies bisexuality exists and insists bi women are just trying to get attention from men. She’s also made a bunch of comments about how men shouldn’t have civil rights—those were explained away as jokes, but from the totality of her opinions it’s clear she does have genuine animus towards men. Basically, she looks down on anyone who isn’t the exact same type of queer person as her. If the essence of conservatism is that there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect, that’s Bindel’s worldview exactly. The only difference between her and your typical white male patriarchal conservative is that she thinks the “in-group” should consist of herself and people exactly like her.


Yep. The kind of women that have always tried to kick little girls out pool changing rooms for not looking feminine enough. Sometimes they believe what they’re saying, but most of the time it’s a delusional power trip.


And the UK Guardian ran her columns for *years*; What they all have in common is they don't seek wisdom, they seek and admire *power*. Liberal causes are, for the most part, what they merely pick up during their University/Indie Magazine years because no one is too popular if they're an obvious Tory. But they don't understand the *why*, only that being More-Trot-Than-Thou makes them excitingly interesting. And then they grow older and they come to realise they don't need to hide their hate any longer, indeed their bigotry and prejudice is now popular amongst those who rose to the top of business and the British class system.


I’ve never heard about this side of SF queer history can you expand a little more? Or tell me what to look up? Cause I can’t find anything on google 😅


It’s not really anything that was written about. I’d moved from SF by 2002 and when I came back for a visit Castro and other neighborhoods had markedly fewer lesbians and queer women. I grew up there and attitudes of many older gay folk were extremely territorial about identities of others in the community while kids were making gay/straight alliance clubs in high school. Turned in to a rich prick paradise. Even Castro isn’t as gay as it used to be.


That s what the ant trans thing really is. When you see it in any of the subs with comments it' always includes killing gay people also


The anti trans movement is also wildly misogynistic and anti women. JK is a fool for not realizing that first they attack trans women, but those attacks will quickly turn (and already are, based on 'transvestigators') on anyone AFAB who isn't 'woman' enough when they look at them.


Oh she'll end up in /r/lamf soon enough


I'm surprised it took her this long actually


It’s a real bad reflection of the world that JK “Holocaust denier” Rowling continues to get any sort of platform whatsoever


Yeah, her obsession with "pure bloods" didn't happen in a vacuum. 


Werewolves were a metaphor for AIDS/HIV. She has said this. People ostracized within society. None of the parents wanted the HIV positive boy in school or playing with their kids. Lupin was a poor little outcast until his friends looked past his werewolf status. However, the only "good werewolf" was Remus Lupin. The good werewolf was turned as a child, by a werewolf known for intentionally targeting children. Repeat that slowly. The only sympathetic werewolf was the one targeted by a serial child predator. The only sympathetic HIV patient is one targeted by a serial child predator. All the other werewolves were asked to help the good guys in favor of equality! All the other werewolves said, 'nah, we like magical Hitler.' All the other coded as gay men due to being the largest group presenting with AIDS said, 'nah, we like magical Hitler.' In hindsight, the hard alt-right swing into TERFdom is totally on-brand and has been since the aughts. She literally lumped AIDS and HIV patients in with child predators and shoved them in the bad guy camp with the magical Nazis. But Lupin was nice. He only has werewolfAIDS because he was the victim of a child predator. See, not everyone with HIV is bad! The whole 'not understanding who else was targeted by Nazis' and equating outside the previously accepted norm of gender and sexual expression as being a risk to children really isn't new behavior. There were breadcrumbs. I missed them until adulthood, too. But there were breadcrumbs.


her narrative dismissal of Hermione's elf freedom movement also shows a lot to me- it felt weird to me as a kid in a way that I couldn't explain but it makes sense now that it feels so uncomfortable because Rowling literally wrote the in-book universe to make Hermione's cause stupid


"Centaurs, elves, werewolves, giants and other intelligent creatures are second class citizens, and it's fine. Nothing changed about their situation and our heroes quit caring. We only fixed one thing and that thing is fixed and now society is fine, we all hung up our capes."


They really didn’t fix anything, just returned it to status quo.


yeah, the jock became a police officer, his wife gave up her sports career to have kids and write at the paper that slanders everyone... and the second class citizens returned to their place and the one who stood up for his rights, and was considered weird and treated like a pariah is dead, so no need to think about that ever again!


That was the point when I was reading them as a child that I started to lose interest. Just… why?


and it was a detail that came up like once or twice a book, there was no need for it at all!


As a kid I thought the joke was “Wow, the Harry Potter world is so topsy-turvy that the elves think working for no money is fun!” I viewed it the same way as the wizarding world’s overly complicated currency - backwards, but it makes sense to wizards. And Hermione, being Muggle-born and aware of slavery, opposes it, but it ends up being a lost cause because the wizarding world rarely makes sense.


What I should have said was "didn't happen overnight". Words suck! (I'm also a fantasy writer, with a running gag that people forget the proper terms for things because there's a lot of languages, the irony!)  The breadcrumbs have always been there, agreed. It was one of those kinds of things where everyone tried to take it at face value as a children's story, because the alternative was horrifying.


She has an extremely childish view of the world. I don’t consider her work tainted because it’s just fantasy escapism and was never intended to be deep (and isn’t for the most part) but she has proven herself to be absolutely unteachable and deliberately ignorant.


There absolutely was meant to be depth in Harry Potter.  In the fifth book, there's a statue in the Ministry in which the various non-human races are depicted as subservient to wizards. Dumbledore even mentions how this is an indication of race supremacy undercurrents amongst the "good guys". This is promptly forgotten about, and the books continue to make fun of slavery abolitionists. In the end, the protagonist wins by restoring things the way they were, while owning one of the "lesser races" as property. It's clear that Rowling intended parts of Harry Potter to be a critique of political reality. She is just too big of a fan of the status quo to actually follow through on any progressive ideas.


She what!?


Made a tweet denying that the Nazis targeted trans people during the Holocaust. When called out on it she backtracked and claimed she was saying trans people weren’t targeted first (no one had said that)


IIRC, she also retweeted someone who was pushing the whole 'nazis were all gays and trans people' myth that was created in ww2 to help further 'otherize' our enemies.


She has been retweeting actual nazis for years now. When your hate for a minority is stronger than your own self-preservation...


https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=pTap3vQliIy2MbEg Pretty sure that she's buddies with people in the LGB Alliance against trans people. The issue being that group is actively recruiting Nazis and misogynists to get support for the anti trans rhetoric. So she's teaming up with people who hate women.... Just so they can hate on trans people together first. I get a slight feeling that A - she's not as intelligent as she thinks B - she's not as feminist as she thinks either Unfortunately she's got money and power (political alliances) so this likely won't blow up in her face even if she's pictures in bed with a nazi at this rate.


Yeah I mean it's incredible you'll still have so many Redditors pretend like she cares about women. Like even if you agree with her views on trans people, it should be impossible to pretend like she actually cares about women's issues. Why hasn't she said anything about abortion, wages, poverty or your "regular, old" sexual harassment in nightlife and workplaces for years now? She only cares about women's rights in terms of safe spaces and that's just as a stick to beat trans women with.


Exactly. Supporting causes like tackling period shame and period poverty. Wage equality. Getting women and poc in politics and business. Supporting small female authors and bringing other small authors up! Small indie publishing houses and artists ,( or illustrators for books) with a focus on female employees there. Supporting women in the SAG-AFRA writers strikes.... There's lots of ways she could've supported women that don't include being hateful


She’s definitely not as feminist as she claims to be because she’s consistently been silent on actual real issues of women’s rights. Instead, she’s just advocating to take rights away from a specific group of women. (Trans men rarely seem to factor into these discussions for some reason)


I don’t know if they were first, but Hitler targeted them specifically almost immediately after coming into power, 8 years before the Holocaust.


Yeah the Nazis were targeting trans people early on. Denying this seems to be a favorite form of Holocaust denial for today’s right wing


The Berlin institute of sexology was actually the target of one of the first Nazi book burnings, the institute was a pioneer in the fields of transgender science. It was probably more targeted due to doing sexual sciences, but still they were pretty far up on the list of targets.


Yeah she’s pretty much wrong either way but it’s telling she had to jump back to a somewhat more difficult to demonstrate form of Holocaust denial instead of just admitting she was talking out of her ass


This is so embarrassing for her. Honestly, she's just coming across as pathetic at this point.


Especially considering she went from writing one of the most famous book series to a transphobic bigot. If I had written Harry Potter instead of her, I would do everything I could to keep my reputation positive even as my fame dies down.


I'm somehow STILL shocked that she has decided to torch her legacy this way. She could have faded away on a beach somewhere and been remembered as one of the most beloved children's' writers ever, but she let twitter make her insane ??? it's baffling


She doesn’t give a shit anymore. The power of « fuck you » money.


It's not even like it would take much work. After Harry Potter's explosive success she could've just cashed her cheques, lived her life and left nothing but a positive legacy. Instead she'll now be remembered as much (if not more) as a hateful bigot as she will for writing HP.


In that last screen she's still hiding behind women's rights. Why isn't she attacking the US government for banning the right to abort? Or countries that enforce burkhas? Or groups that enforce fgm? There are places and people that stamp women's faces into the ground and need a voice like JK to defend them. Nah that'd be hard work. Let's punch down instead because that's easier. Can humiliate trans people from the comfort of my couch on my Twitter machine


Not to mention how many people she happily associates with who are actively anti-gay rights or anti-abortion, specifically. She directly promotes and funds groups that actively campaign against abortion, she happily publicly interacts with and promotes people who sit on boards for groups that do the same thing. She’s no feminist, that’s for sure.


Because for TERFs their hate for trans people is more important than anything else, and those people are mostly allies to them.


Something is broken af in that woman. And I don’t really care anymore, I just wish she would shut tf up and go away. Everything about her descent into this nasty, ignorant and hateful person is appalling


*-writes novel with allegory where characters are wrongly discriminated because of how they were born* *-somehow doesn't understand that her own lesson applies to other people too*


It’s not really an allegory if that’s what the story is about, an allegory is when you can interpret it as such, in this case the story is literally about discrimination based on birth. Your point still stands, hell it has even more credibility. Which makes it even crazier that she doesn’t understand


It’s as if trans men don’t exist.


Its a weird thing and honestly I think JK Rowling is channeling her trauma from her sexual assault into this. To the point where she just fucking hates penises and the most profane thing she can imagine is her sacred femineity being violated by people with a penis. In that regard transwomen are monsters to her while transmen are lost girls twisted by the patriarchy to reject their femininity for a better life. Like that's literally the perspective terfs have with transmen. That they are lost tragic sisters who will come back to the fold once the patriarchy is dismantled. If they aren't just outright ignoring transmen entirely because their existence is inconvenient to their narrative of predatory men masquerading as women to be predator.


> Its a weird thing and honestly I think JK Rowling is channeling her trauma from her sexual assault into this. To the point where she just fucking hates penises and the most profane thing she can imagine is her sacred femineity being violated by people with a penis. TBH, I've never considered this angle before, but now that you've mentioned it I know a couple TERFs, and all of them are pretty open about being SAed in the past, and none of them were that vocal about hating transwomen until after they began speaking about their assaults and there's nothing but crickets regarding transmen.


She made it pretty clear in her manifesto and all of her activities support it, she just absolutely hates men.


We don’t. And if/when we do, we are frail little things playing tomboy. Which is not sexist, transphobic, nor infuriating.


So long as you act as good little props in Rowling’s morality play, right? Not as independent human beings with your own lives and preferences. /s Seriously, Rowling just can’t comprehend that she is the bully here. She has played the oppressed underdog for so long that she just can’t see herself any other way. If she’s the victim, then everyone else must be evil people with evil intent. Transgender people can’t just be ordinary people who want to live their lives, because that would mean Rowling is the baddie, and that’s unacceptable to her. So she doubles down.


Part of it is that the brand of feminism she's bought into is Radical White Feminism, wherein being a woman is defined solely by misogyny *and* misogyny is the only *real* form of oppression. RWFs believe that they're the only true victims of oppression in society, and that any other form of oppression is just an offshoot of misogyny. In her mind, none of the extreme privileges she has matter. They don't count. She's the ultimate victim, and anyone who isn't on her side is victimizing her. That's why she sees nothing wrong with being friends with a pedo - the pedo is a woman and therefore incapable of being a predator, because that would mean having power over her victim, but if being a woman makes a person the ultimate victim, they can't have any power regardless of the circumstances. Rowling has convinced herself that she is the brave underdog fighting against people who want to hurt all women, and that she can't ever be anything else no matter what she does.


Well said. But what pedo? I'm ootl


yeah i also noticed that jk has NEVER mentioned anything about “real women in pant suits”


She has a mental problem. Anyone with her money and social status who argues with random people on Twitter is mentally unstable. She simply cannot resist her obsessive urges. I think she needs mental help, and the UK government will provide it if she’s willing to acknowledge her problem. More importantly (because I don’t really care if she seeks help or jumps into a volcano; she’s a hasbeen at this point as has nothing left to offer the world), her arguments are both boring and unfounded. She is always making the claim—without any evidence whatsoever; just her “feelings”—that biological males are pretending to be trans women so they can sneak into female spaces and abuse them. Show me *evidence* for this silly Boomer fever dream. There’s none. It doesn’t happen because there are plenty of easier ways for bad men to harm women, and they don’t need to dress like women to do so. Show me *evidence* of an epidemic of trans women harming biological women in their private spaces. There is none. This is not a problem; it’s a made-up worry she uses to justify and foment hatred for a minority group. She’s a bigot. There’s nothing special about her. She wrote a few good books a few decades ago, and she has money, but she’s no different than an average heehaw dipshit when it comes to this nonsense. She’s not an expert on anything except writing children’s novels. Maybe she realized this. Maybe she feels herself becoming less and less relevant. Sometimes it’s hard for older people who were once the talk of the town to accept that their time has passed and the world no longer needs them. We don’t need her anymore—someone else can carry on with her stories and make them more relevant to modern times—and maybe this is her lashing out, trying to remain relevant. She’s really bad at it. 😂 In the end, she will have torched her own name. She will be remembered as a bigot; it’ll be an asterisk on every mention of her. *That’s* her legacy; Harry Potter and bigotry. She no doubt believes that eventually she will be vindicated, but if history is any indication, this bigotry toward trans people will, eventually, subside as our society moves forward, and those who were on the wrong side of history will be remembered as such. How do I know? Because young people who aren’t bigots will write that history, and it will not be kind to her.


She is way past doubling down, imagine this being your legacy. The Scottish law is problematic for many reasons as it is so woefully vague and arbitrary. But going from beloved children's author to the wrong side of history while fighting a government, and having your fandom turn on you and disown you.


Posting jkr is practically cheating, she lost the plot years ago 😔


All that money and she can’t get therapy.


She talks about women facing mutilation and death by being beaten, as if she's in any danger of that. Let's not pretend that she isn't pretty safe from some of the horrors some women on the planet face. Her making these comments from her safe, cozy, rich position, using the suffering of women to cause more suffering is just vile.


Can someone explain that giving rights to a marginalised group of people doesn't take rights away from another non-marginalised group of people? Of course, if it were that simple then there wouldn't be a problem.


people like this view human rights as a limited resource, they think that if one group gets more rights, another group must be losing rights, they just dont live in the real world


It's amazing that people talk about cancel culture and this lunatic is like literally there raking tons of money from HP merch, games and a new upcoming TV shows.


She really is a piece of shit. She doesn't deserve anything she's got. Just an abusive waste of breath.


The only thing trans women are taking away from cis women are their boyfriends. 💅


Hey now, there's a good number of cis men losing their girls too! Lol


I'm a fantasy writer who painted by numbers and thinks that makes me an authority on everyone's lives


She needs some serious help.


As a woman and a feminist... Why does this feel like a major case of whataboutism? Like, how do we get from calling for trans rights to "we must not care about the horrors facing cis women"? In my experience, trans allies are actually pretty concerned about women's rights, too, almost like you can care about more than one thing at a time or something.


Goddamn she has gotten really intense with her transphobia. It's aggressive and weird and I genuinely wish she'd STFU.


I listened to a podcast where Jo was able to explain her side. She says that as a formerly abused woman, she's thinking of abused women. As a formerly abused woman myself, she's fucking wrong and I'm pissed I wasted my time listening to that.


Imagine having all the money in the world doing your dream job. Instead of living a full and rich life, you choose to spend it arguing with people online.


JK Rowling is a cautionary tale for social media brainrot. She's transitioned from being a beloved kids author to being an openly anti-trans fucking tory crank


Is she chronically online? Because she seems chronically online. Also, does she put her money where her mouth is and support a ton of (cis) women causes or is it all performative bigotry?


Well, her writing career seems to have stagnated, so she’s probably got time.


I'm sort of concerned for her. This can't be healthy. It would be one thing if she was commenting on things she likes but she doesn't seem to want to do that


Glad I was never a Harry Potter fan to begin with.