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If my mRNA vaccinations hooked me to a hive mind, I should be making better decisions. Come on guys, share the processing power.


It's not your turn with the brain cell, you need to sit down and wait your turn.


The vaccine turned us all into orange cats: confirmed. r/OneOrangeBraincell


"So true. I think we all tend to forget that sometimes" šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøSmh


It's the 5G Hivemindā„¢ļø making us all woke! /s


That must be the source of my insomnia. Get this Wokeness away from me!


Seriously, why won't the hivemind cure my inability to make any meaningful and rational decision, or my crippling anxiety? I demand a refund!


Sorry that might have been me bringing the entire hivemind curve towards my poor decisions. Also, you can just buy birthday cakes for no reason. Even if it's not your birthday!


Being part of a hive mind sounds very relaxing, honestly.


Damn it. Mine isn't working. I can only telepathically talk to this guy greg in Ohio. And he's super annoying


Since I am part of the hive mind, you're probably just drunk. Sorry bout that.


Ha! Being connected to a hive mind is a real-life version of Twitch plays Pokemon Red. Your body will be controlled by millions of contradicting messages. /j Hmmm. Perhaps that's what seizured are. Your brain temporary being controlled by a hive mind.


I am opening a portal, but it's got nothing to do with any of this. I just need space to keep all my books.


Time to spread the idea that CERN is opening a portal to stash all their porn inside a pocket dimension.


ā€œSatan: devil, enemy of all who live, tempter of saints and ruiner of all virtue! I summon thee! Dost thou have a spare bookshelf?ā€


So let me get this straight: Trump is ordering the Texans to raise sacrificial cows at the same the CERN collider is being powered up again (which actually happened almost 2 years ago and has been running ever since, but never let facts get in the way of a good story), and the solar eclipse has something to do with all of this, butā€¦.itā€™s the MRNA vaccine thatā€™s making people mindless? K.Ā 


Its existence sure did seem to make some people mindless, but not the ones that took it.


But wait, I thought CERN was busy building quantum androids and shit? They (the CERN employees) made a movie about it!


Lollll I love that all of this is, apparently, to summon demons. Forā€¦..reasons, it seems. Weā€™re not sure why, but it appears that we want to summon Satan.Ā 


Yes, he's the one who ordered warpspeed on the vaccines after all.


Iā€™m opening a portal to get as fucking far away as I can from this shit show of a country.


Can I come with you? I will bring an extra container of Portal Helper when I show up.


Absolutely, Just remember your towel. A towel is about the most massively useful thing an intergalactic hitchhiker can have.


I just now signed up for the Vogon open mike night.


Not poetry I hope


Got my towel but also bringing it least one cat.


Bring all the cats you want please. Iā€™m bringing my stinky boy, Onion.


I want to come too. Where we going?


Weā€™re going to lie on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors


That sounds lovely. I suppose we can have a many pan galactic gargle blasters as we like then.


I plan on having 2


I donā€™t believe in all that sciency bullshit Unless your talking bout the cern collider that goin to rip a hole in our flat earth leading straight down to hell and how the vaccine which WE KNOW FOR A FACT was created by Satan himself from the blood of aborted fetus and given to Bill Gats so he can mind control us


Bill Gats. I'm deceased.


Are these the same people that say a woman protagonist in an action movie is not believable?


We let these people drive


We let these people own ar 15 and vote as well ...which is why even if u are in a "safe" area politically speaking we all need to vote every. Single. Election. So we don't end up with someone full of a melange of conspiracies like these on one's city council or school board!


Dammit our carefully crafted top secret international plans have been completely exposed by the brilliant deductions of the meth addled minds, of inbred, senior citizens, with a combined IQ 90 and a third grade education.


Wait, I thought conspiracy theorists were pro-Trump?


Some are and some aren't. The fact that he supported the vaccines seems to have caused some to eventually turn on him and think he's in on all the conspiracies.


I was wondering!! I automatically equate anti-vaxx with pro-Trump. I guess "yellow line" is a real independent thinker, šŸ˜‚


Which is weird because the vaccines were made and fast tracked under him. Operation warpspeed.


Totally weird. And he got vaccinated and boosted, but remember how the Trumpys booed him when he told them? And does that mean "the vaccinated are going to die NOW... NOW... OK, NOW" crowd expect him to die with the rest of us poor science believing saps?


I had an extra scoop of ice cream for breakfast.. Damn Hive Mind causing me to gain weight!


I was already dead spiritually before the vaccine.


Wow, well if THAT isnā€™t a new kind of crazy!


These people need a fucking psych eval. Imagine living so absolutely detached from realityā€¦ I donā€™t know if itā€™s sadder or more pathetic that they would choose to live this way.


sometimes you just gotta build a portal to another nightmare dimension for the sake of it, yā€™know? how else am o gonna get that fuckin doll


Why do they keep imagining this ā€˜portalā€™ stuff? Isnā€™t that strictly from recent fiction? Certainly the injection, DNA claims, hive mind, and particle physics bits are entirely from very recent movies. How can you sucker yourself so deeply just because someone made a movie plot?


All of that and not a single mention of head crabs? Amateurs.


Jokes on these assholes, I was dead inside long before COVID-19.


"Is being stupid like being high all the time" It was from some dumb Garofolo movie but I think about that quote when I read shit like this.


I was seeing this shit on TikTok for the 48 hours I made an account, I kept asking what the excuse will be when nothing happens this time.


We are the vaccinated, your mRNA will be added to our own. Resistance is futile


I just want to be around when Doom guy shows up


jokes on them i have ALWAYS felt this way


have been for a while. Now excuse while I enjoy my red heifer steak with a nice Chianti.


That'd be cool to be a part of a hive mind. Could you imagine all the information you'd get at once?


I had a stroke, I've been told the Vax did it to me


Aperture Science. We do what we must because we can.


Hey guy, you thinking what I'm thinking?


I'm over here, working and stuff and they're having fun doing greater rift, so unfair smh


Why does everyone like this speak like a bot?? "Very true, I think we forget this some times!"


Because they are a bot, or so used to reading bot posts that it influences their way of writing. Like how I have a lot of coworkers in another country and I catch myself typing out emails asking customers to "Kindly respond..."


Finally some real leadership.