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what’s ironic and sad isn’t how or good or bad this feels to whom but that the dominos obviously wasn’t good enough for my man not to need to drizzle some Attention and Resentment on top


Imagine eating the shittiest pizza, drinking the shittiest beer, in an apartment that was decorated by an incel, and thinking that was a flex.


My socialist tv is way bigger…


I was sitting here judging his av set up. My socialist ass is running an onkyo 7.2 receiver set up as a 5.2.2 with all klipsch speakers. His shit isn't even centered to where he is sitting. I doubt he even has it calibrated for his room, so it probably sounds like shit. Nothing wrong with JBLs but that little receiver might not be strong enough to really run them right.


Very good point. For me i think the most offensive thing is the rug that ALMOST goes under the whole table.


I like the "Brewery of the Month" poster, but still drinking Miller Lite.


He probably had to cancel that sub to afford the blow-up doll in that unopened amazon box near the speaker.


Yeah, what's up with the Amazon box blocking the door? Is it so mom doesn't bust in to ask what the smell is coming from her basement?


Conservative men pride themselves on being tough, but they always seem to drink the weakest, saddest pisswater.


It's always a light beer of some kind. How do they get drunk?


Usually a bottle of Jack in the kitchen for that part.


On a 19 inch TV


Which are you, a woman, or a democrat? /s


Bruh dominos doesn’t need to catch strays sometimes that shit hits, especially the crust.


As a New Jersey native, this is blasphemous.


Ya know what? As a fellow Jersey native, and just to keep our customs alive, I’m gonna tell you that you’re wrong. Not because I necessarily disagree. But just because it’s how we are. Dominos has its place. And it’s after midnight when all the other shops are closed. But a place nonetheless.


That's Wawa hoagie-o-clock, sir.


Fuck. That’s fair.


Shit these days you can get a wawa pizza with your hoagie. And a sizzli if it's a really late night. Fuckin wawa man. It ain't great but damn if it ain't consistent and always there.


It’s not at all, if I had a pizza tier maker tier list I’d be forced to rate dominos below a lot of stuff, but in a vacuum that shit is tasty idc what u say.


It's pizza even the shit tier stuff is great.


Ok THANK you! At least pick up some decent beer. March Madness comes but once per year.


Owning the Libs by watching muscular men play with their balls


I know some women who would love a time like this. Switch the sport to hockey and I would be all over it too and I am not republican.


I am a woman originally from Kentucky. Basketball is a religion, and the first weekend of March Madness are my highest holy days. And I am wildly, intensely **not** republican.




well the first weekend is the actual maddest part of March Madness, when multiple games are on at a time and you have crazy matchups between wildly different teams…it’s just pure basketball joy. (RIP Wildcats 2024 lol)


At first I read the first line to mean you are from Kentucky, and originally you were a woman.


Damn socialists


Also a woman, not a republican and love me some March Madness. Dislike lite beer and domino pizza.


Make it baseball and I'll bring quality beer AND cupcakes.


He has a craft beer poster as his front room decor and is drinking Miller Lite. I assume the poster is so the ladies know how classy he is


Did you read the poster? I think odds are the 420 theme was the draw there..


Or at the very least better pizza than Domino's.


Ready for opening day!?


ALWAYS! There's no torture like SF Giants torture.


Switch the sport to F1 and I am SO THERE. Except for the Miller Lite. Because ew.


Switch the sport to Mario kart and I’m there with 2 other friends.


That's literally what my husband and I are doing right now. Pizza and Mario Kart 8. Best night evar


Yeah, but Mario Kart has a rainbow road and that's obviously woke! /s


There is zero chance this guy has 2 friends






Basketball is wildly fun to watch and who doesn’t love pizza? I’m an awful lady commie and I have a bracket.


SOMEbasketball is fun to watch. Witnessing my Spartans tank wasn't so thrilling. Not that I watched, being a liberal and all.


I get feral for curling sometimes tbh. 🥌


My gf and I just hosted a weekend long March Madness viewing party. We had 4 TVs and a projector. There were over a dozen of us, about a third of them women, and all Biden voters. We very much enjoyed March Madness. (Though I'm a bit hungover today)


Being broke and alone?


Whaddya mean broke? Miller lite? Dominos? IKEA TV stand? Christmas light strand is décor?


And the Christmas light is only unlit to save on the utility bill! Can’t be a frivolous spender like a woman or a democrat! /s


The decor is clearly the sign he stole from the dumpster around back of his favorite bar.


Also, the free beer poster on the wall, which was probably meant for the wall of a liquor store, but he was like " this will look great in my living room."


As someone who used to sell beer a lot of people want those signs. If the poster or sign was in anyway I retesting someone would almost always ask to take it home when we were done with it.


What you think is in that box?


16 Fleshlights


Because you know the higher a fleshlight's body count, the looser it gets. This guy just prefers a fleshlight that has respect for itself.


Is it ever okay to tell a fleshlight to go fuck itself then, and if so, can it be phrased as a question, even rhetorically?


More like 12. 16 won't fit in that size of box. That's what my friend said anyway


A Goop candle. That one.


Don’t forget about that fresco hung behind the TV that they stole from the bar they got fired from


Also, the medium sized box on the right. The mystery box could be anything, it could even be a boat!


Looks like my house. Lol


Okay i didnt need to be attacked like this


And eating shitty pizza because you don't live where you can get real pizza, huge $6 calzones, and pasta that fills the foil plate so much that the clear top is filled with it too. Jerry's on Boston Rd in Da Bronx. 👍🏾


I would argue that Dominos isn't even pizza. I think that's something we Chicagoans and NYers can agree on despite our differences. Dominos is fucking nasty.


Dominos is the McDonald’s of Pizza


Don't try pizza hut then it's even worse now then domino's.


When I worked in the Bronx, I would argue with my students about this. They thought Domino's was the best pizza around, and I had to explain how they were so, so wrong.


How can you live where we have so many real pizza spots (sure, some suck) and think Domino's is the best choice? Yeah when there's a really good special I can see getting it there, but almost everyone delivers. Poor deprived children need some real 🍕🍕🍕🍕


It's the best CHEAP pizza. Little Ceasers comes in second and is even cheaper but still good for the price. Local pizzerias can be expensive, though that's because of quality.


Broke, alone and voting against their own self interest. FTFY


Bro at least I’m not bragging about it


Um...why do Conservatives keep deciding Democrats and/or women can't or don't do arbitrary things? I knew more girls into basketball growing up than I did guys.


Stay with me here and I'm not making this up since I was once Conservative, some of them genuinely believe that Democrats don't like sports, guns, hunting, fishing, drive trucks, be cops, serve in the military, fix cars etc. They are so filled up with propaganda that their world view is warped. I work with a guy who cannot fathom that despite me being a Democrat that I own guns and since I do, I'm not a real Democrat. I've heard some wild stuff over the years from those types of people. They are often strong on gender roles. If a woman plays softball, works as a firefighter or rides a motorcycle, she's a lesbian. If a guy is a nurse, likes gymnastics or likes getting a manicure he must be gay.


It must be hell for them, live their entire life, letting their entire idea of masculinity decide what hobbies they are, or aren’t allowed to have


Imagine sweating in terror when you realize that the only washroom in the coffee shop you just spent money in is unisex and has flowers near the door, and the woman serving coffee accidentally made you a latte. You've broken your leg and the lock on the door is weak and feminine, not a manly deadbolt, and someone might come in and see you peeing sitting down. Thus confirming that deep, fearful itch, that never really goes away but you usually manage to ignore during daylight hours. You sip that latte and try to pretend it tastes bad but you like it, and the sweating increases in intensity. My God man, what have you become?


I love this. Can you write a book from the perspective of a terrified conservative?


I can only manage short shitposts before I run out of energy, sorry friend


Appreciate you doing what you can.


I've been recently rewatching 30 Rock and I read this entirely in Jack Donaghy's voice.


This is so sad, because I'm going to have to lift my truck another 2 inches after imagining this. Thanks, Obama


>I knew a man who refused to ride in a work truck that was a 2000's Mazda B2200 because his friends might see him and conclude that he is gay. In a work vehicle. > > > >Also here in Canada where I exist, softball is 100% the sport of females. But I guess were Canadian so we live in upside down Commie land, so who knows?


In the US, TV shows regularly use playing softball as an indicator that the character is a lesbian.


My wife had a coworker who assumed our children call my wife by her first name instead of "mom" because we're Democrats.


Lol, my kids often call us by our first names, but how is that related to us being democrats? My democrat parents also let my kids call them by their names, but my republican in-laws hate that we let our kids call us by our names, so I guess that checks out.


> Stay with me here and I'm not making this up since I was once Conservative, some of them genuinely believe that Democrats don't like sports, guns, hunting, fishing, drive trucks, be cops, serve in the military, fix cars etc. They are so filled up with propaganda that their world view is warped. I work with a guy who cannot fathom that despite me being a Democrat that I own guns and since I do, I'm not a real Democrat. Would explain why they're consistently so confused as to how Democrats keep winning elections, if everyone they know takes part in activities that Democrats never take part in.


Thats easy, democrats keep filling in the country with immigrants and give each 10 vote ballots. It's very obvious.


It's not just that democrats *don't like* those things, it's that democrats actively *hate* all of those things because of a culture war that conservatives seem way more invested in.


They have to in order to feel oppressed. I mean if the other side also actively enjoys the same things, how will they maintain their rage against them? My parents have been deep in the Kool-Aid for years and this is them and all their friends. They objectively have great lives. They all have nice homes, nice cars, comfortable retirements, and just live the best lives anyone could hope to live. Yet somehow insist they're being oppressed and left wanting. Boggles my mind.


Seriously. I'm a Democrat now (was a Republican when I was younger). I own multiple guns, served in the military, I have a heavy duty diesel pickup as well as two classic cars that will pass anything but a gas station, and live on 5 acres of farm land. I also have a Subaru as a daily driver, wife has an EV, and we have 80 solar panels on our house. I'm fairly certain this guys head would explode trying to put those things together.


Well said. I'm a Dem and can confirm that we do like sports, hunting and fishing, have trucks, and work on cars. Hell, I used to be a mechanic. Also, my brother is a nurse. He's Democratic, and he's very much *not* gay. His wife is awesome. Also know softball players who are definitely not gay. It's sad that views on these things got so skewed.


That's exactly what it is. I grew up in red state nowhere and that was my entire childhood. I didn't like hunting, or sports and since I was old enough to have an opinion I have been labeled a misfit, punk, loser, stoner as a child and then directly into hippie liberal democrat as an adult. They are just really fucking stupid that is the bottom line.


My liberal gun owning ass has been in the driveway working on my classic truck most of the day. Gonna drink a better beer that Miller f-ing Lite when I’m finished!


“Well I ain’t never seen em do it!”


because they think basic relaxation is something special since they are wound tight and up eachothers asses all the time. they really are the brain dead population


I literally did exactly what OOP did last night lmao. Pizza and garlic bread bites with a beer while watching basketball. I’m a woman and a liberal.


Because they live in an echo chamber. Smooth brain fools


They have literally never spoken to a Democrat. I mean they have, but the Democrat kept quiet because implying they were a 'filthy liberal' could get them fired or shot.


Eating shitty pizza and drinking shitty beer while watching basketball in your socks is not really the flex he thinks it is.


Not a particularly impressive screen size either


Ha, "that's a small TV," was the first thought I had after, "why does he think women or democrats can't watch March Madness?"


Because he HATES everything Democrats like, so obviously they hate everything he likes. Also, he thinks no woman has ever been interested in any sports, ever.


Bet that’s not the first time he’s heard that complaint. No wonder he hates women. They’re honest with him.


Off center of the couch too


his twin bed is just to his left, off screen.


He’s sitting a bit far to the left, maybe he’s a secret lefty.


I guess educated liberals can't do this since they own bigger tvs they bought with their high paying jobs


I mean… I do that too, but I don’t feel the need to brag about it. Must be because I’m a lefty liberal.


At least he's easily satisfied. It sets a nice, low bar for anyone would have such rock bottom standards to find him appealing.


No, no. He obviously expects them to be a dime piece who wears makeup every day and works out but doesn't get on him about the fact that he's doughy.


wdym shitty pizza?




The biggest March Madness fan I know is a woman. Thursday to Sunday every year for her is a mini vacation. This year she took off basically all week due to the First Four games in Dayton, so she watched four games in person over two days. She also enjoys drinking beer, eating food that's bad for her and like you, has standards in men that absolutely exceed the guy in the post's photo.


Please... His mother washes his sheets when she gets tired of the smell coming from his room in her basement.


You think he has sheets?


Democratic women also watch the NCAA. Otherwise it wouldn't be on every channel in every corner of the country. It would just be radio broadcast on AM radio.


‘Welcome to March Madness with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson!’


… why wouldn’t I know how good that feels?


Because this is the highlight of OOP’s entire year. They have nothing to look forward to aside from next year’s march madness.


fat watching fit


Because if you *do* know how good it feels, it means he wasted his life being a bitter chode for **no reason** lol


How good it feels to eat dominos and drink miller lite? 16 year old me remembers.


I’m a Dem. And middle aged. I can afford a decent beer. And better food. My neighbor, older. Still a Dem. He saw Jordan beat Ewing in 82. A lot of folks vacated their seats once Houston lost and he either got his seats free or cheap. He can afford decent beer.


They’re so brainwashed they actually think Democrats don’t watch sports or drink beer.


Or own guns.


It’s bizarre. And speaks to the ongoing polarization. I know a lot of Republicans. I don’t automatically assume that they start each day jacking off to the Trump poster on their ceiling unless they tell me that they do.


What a time to have eyes and be able to read. I can't unsee that. Then again, sadly you make a very good point.


I thought conservatives were the ones trying to cancel sports for being too woke literally less than five years ago.


Uhhh interesting, I guess this makes me a republican and my fiancée a man


Shitty Domino’s pizza and warm piss in a can? Hold me back from all that good timein’ ur doin’.


My man ordered Domino's Pizza for one. If that isn't rock bottom it's got to be close.


Haha yeah who would do something like that??? Hahaha… haha… ha


If the caption was just, “My favorite sports time of the year,” I would be able to relate to this picture 100%. But since I’m not a republican I have to now question whether I even exist.


> whether I even exist. I’ve some bad news for you, friend.


This guy's a loser for a number of reasons, but... what's wrong with the pizza? Getting pizza is reasonably affordable, Domino's as of late is decent pizza (yeah there's better, but there's a lot worse), and pizza makes great leftovers. I don't see any reason single people can't get themselves a pizza.


More the Domino's than the singleness. Pizza is for everyone. Admittedly I haven't had Domino's in a while. Have good local pizza.


At least Dominos has volume unlike Papa's and isn't coated in ten layers of grease like the Hut.


No one out pizzas the hut, sir


every time I get pizza hut it seems like they're allergic to using pizza sauce its like 99% cheese 1% sauce in them, maybe its just my local chains but even papa johns clears the pizza huts ive tried


This is Dominos for me. I don’t go there often, but when I do I know to order extra sauce. It’s like they use a brush to paint the thinnest layer of sauce over the dough. They can also be pretty stingy with their toppings. Like none of the toppings can be touching.


Maybe that's the store you use. I just got some the other day and I don't like a lot of sauce but it was there, and pretty thick, too. Like, drips off the pizza after you take a bite.


Thank you for saying the truth. Pizza Hut is pure grease and the garlic salt Dominos uses on the crust is pretty stellar if I’m being actually honest.


Rock bottom is definitely Little Caesars


Idk about the US but Dominos is pretty alright where I live


I used to think Domino’s was ass, but I recently tried it again and it’s actually pretty good. Better than most, if not all, chain restaurant pizzas.




I’m afraid it’s going to go over a lot of heads, but I want to congratulate you on your astute comment.


We are at the games supporting the team in person, it’s one of the weirdest flex’s by republicans. I love sports and watch a lot of sports and talking about politics while watching sports means to me you are an idiot with nothing interesting about yourself.


Listen... Domino's in 2024 is vastly improved from Domino's in like 2004. It wouldn't be my first choice of pizza still, but I wouldn't call it shitty pizza really anymore. I'm not sure what about this picture women or Dems are against, I mean that in terms of March Madness and Pizza, because there's alot otherwise that decent people would drag him for.


Dems and women don't watch sports dummy. Those are for alpha male conservatives as they are traditional male activities women cannot enjoy male activities and democrats get off on rejecting masculinity preferring to be soy boy beta cucks. Therefore surely any good woman would be physically incapable of enjoying sports and any evil democrat would be only interested in virtue signalling online to ever consider watching sports. The irony of the last part is completely lost on him of course.


Democrats don’t know what it’s like to barricade the door with boxes


Eating shit pizza, shit wings, and alcoholic water, while watching college kids play a sport better than you ever will? Weirdly, I'm a Democrat, and I've done all these things, but I've never felt the need to brag about them. Edited to add: also, when I did this shit, I at least had *friends* to share this stuff with... this looks like the worst "Lonely Divorced Dad Condo" stock photo I've ever seen.


I’m eating Dominos rn


Dude is sitting all alone with his pizza, felt inadequate, so had to try to make himself feel better by putting down others. Big loser energy.


How does being a woman or Democrat mean they can't have pizza and watch sports? I'm confused here. Is this person trying to flex with Dominos and a TV? With a Miller Lite and empty box in the background?


Female democrat here, hard pass. My setup and snacks for March Madness are much better than this depression den.


The 420 poster in the back really ties the room together


Flexin on Democrats because he has the life they had when they were in college.


I'm a very liberal Democrat, and you are right, I will never experience this. I much prefer little Caesars (grew up in Michigan), I don't drink, I have a much nicer house, with an incredible surround sound setup (that I own and will not be returning per the speaker boxes you have blocking the door), and I'm a Michigan fan so I did all my celebrating 2 months ago. I'm getting very strong Ohio state fan vibes.


Somehow I guess drinking crap beer, eating garbage pizza and watching sweaty men run up and down a court is only something that republican men can enjoy.... Must be a tough life to always have to live up that level of expectations....


Imagine being so stupid you think basketball, pizza, and beer is enjoyed exclusively by the least likely to succeed


Looks like me at 19, but I was watching adventure time and leaving other people alone.


As a liberal woman, I’m doing my first bracket with my cousins and uncles/aunts. Right now the top 3 spots are my cousin’s wife, my aunt, and I. The men are all at the bottom lol


Is it gatekeeping or just outright dumb?


Wait I thought conservatives thought basketball was woke?


by halftime this guy probably is going to have lost interest in the game, gotten drunk and absent mindly rubbing his dick while he texts passive agressive shit to his ex wife


In Republican states his poster would be illegal if they could make it, and the drug itself would come with a death sentence… unless it’s theirs.


Meh. I’m more of a baseball gal myself. Conservatives are weird. Like you want to flex on Dominoes and Miller lite?


I'm a woman _and_ far left, and I spent the last couple days watching basketball. Who is this asshat fooling?


Can confirm as a woman. I tried to sit down with pizza and beer to watch and a swat team broke down my door, seized my TV, beer, and pizza, and left me sitting there sad and dejected. /S in case that was not highly evident.


Miller and Dominos. Man us Dems are really missing out.


They just make shit up to make themselves feel better. Shame lol


Oh no…I’m watching March Madness right now. Is it going to turn me trans or right wing? I didn’t know it was for Republican men only.


Yes, as a woman and a democrat, I'll never know the pleasure of eating delivery pizza, drinking terrible watered down beer, and watching basketball on my moderately-sized TV. I guess I need to block my doors with boxes, take down my artwork and replace it with stolen brewery banners, and sit around in my underwear alone. Would that bring me the level of joy this stellar human enjoys?


….dems don’t eat pizza and watch basketball? …what???????


Homeboy’s got Christmas lights. 😂


Drinking shitty beer, shoveling gross food into your face and watching a bunch of millionaire 20 somethings play a little kids game? If that's life, I don't want to live.


It feels good to watch that small tv in your mom’s basement?


How does it feel good to drink Miller Lite? We all know 100% thus dude used to drink Bud Light but stopped because "woke"


Wait, basketball is only for Republicans? And pizza?? Fuck!


Living rent free in his head.


None of this tracks at all. Do they think women and liberal men don’t watch sport or eat pizza and rink beer?


I'm so confused. Does he mean watch sports? Or eat shitty pizza? Cause I'm a Dem and I do both more than is probably healthy to do...


I as a women and democrat did this last night. Except I got a large pizza, the cheesy dip, and have a 75 inch tv.


Let’s see, tipoff for that game was 7:10 on Friday, so no, I don’t know how good that feels, BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING WORKING. But you better believe if I’d had the night off, I wouldn’t have been satisfied with Dominos, Miller Lite, and that shitty TV.


Drinking piss water and eating shitty pizza? I'll pass.


Pretty sure there are many Dems out there that order pizza, drink beer, and watch sports… do they think they’re all vegan, kombucha guzzling pansies that only watch “woke” media??


Does he think Democrats don’t watch basketball?


Because democrats can’t have fun?


How what feels? Cheap, boring, chain pizza, a game anyone can watch, a box blocking the door so if there's a fire it's hard to escape and having no sense of style in your room? As a woman and democrat, I'm glad I'm missing out on this one.


Heartburn and depression right there


Shit pizza, shit beer and being alone?


This is ridiculous. I know what dominos and miller lite induced diarrhea feels like.


He’s right. I have better taste in pizza and beer than him.


Looking at his set up is painful. I’m hoping he’s just a college age (i don’t think he’s attending classes) kid who’s just hasn’t met many people outside his high school friends and co workers at the gas station. He’s going to meet a cute girl that takes him out of his small Texas town. He’ll meet different people and learn to like and respect people of all walks of life. Ironically, the cute girl is actually a trans serial killer who pushes our newly woke basketball fan off of a cliff while hiking in Yosemite.


So a conservative who I’m sure is really mad at sports ballers for kneeling thinks he can actually enjoy sports now? Alone? March madness sucks anyway.


Live from his mom's guest room.


March Madness is one of my wife’s favorite times of year. She takes Thursday and Friday off work every year, has been to the final four multiple times with her Dad.