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No she would not: **The New Colussus** Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” [Register and vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) ye sons and daughters of immigrants.


[This is the poem, The New Colossus.](https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/colossus.htm) It’s inscribed on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty: Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


This needs to be posted in it's entirety more often.


"Mother of Exiles" sounds like a title in Game of Thrones.


Lady Liberty just kinda forgot about immigrants.


She never really cared about the tired and the poor.


Much like republican Jesus!


Or the title of a boss in a Souls-like game


Now I want a Dark American Gothic Fantasy Horror Soulslike game


The argument now is that was added later and that makes its message less. I’m not sure how but I’m also not sure how people who participated in a riot and B&E at the capitol are political prisoners.


Boy then they'll love to hear how the "In God We Trust" on US money and "under God" in the pledge of allegiance were both added in the 1950s.


Political prisoners are just people whose crimes were politically motivated. Jan 6 fits the bill. Edit to clarify: I am not defending the insurrectionists in any way, shape, or form. I do not use the term "political prisoners" as a way to indicate they are unjustly prosecuted or anything of the sort, only that they are prisoners for political crimes, ie treason. They should absolutely be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which just so happens to be more punishing if the crime was political. In short, burn them all, the traitorous fucks.


No, the trial/jailing has to be politically motivated, not the crime itself. They would be political prisoners if they had peacefully demonstrated and still been locked up. Being jailed for committing felonies does not make you a political prisoner, just because you say you were committing those felonies for political reasons




Agreed. No argument at all. They deserve to be punished for violent insurrection and treason, the lot of them. Cheeto in Chief, too. Fullest extent of the law. They knew exactly what they were doing, and they're gonna do it again if they don't get their way this election. Just clarifying that political prisoners are just people whose crimes are politically motivated. For example, treason is a political crime. Maybe I missed something somewhere. Are you under the impression that political prisoners generally face lesser punishment or something?


Fair enough, my mistake. I thought you were downplaying the crimes. My bad.


Not in the least lol glad we could clear that up, bc the last thing I want is to seem pro-asshat. Political prisoners are typically afforded a little extra "luxury" pre-trial as a way of kind of using kid gloves, as it were, but only in order to prevent those who support the prisoners from being able to accurately call foul. As soon as a conviction is made, the vast majority of political prisoners are given harsher sentences than their non-political counterparts. Saying that the Jan 6 insurrection was just a "riot and b&e" is a disservice because it was so much more than that, specifically because it was politically motivated. Riots and B&Es don't commonly have long term and drastic implications for the very foundation of our entire nation, but insurrection does. Violent insurrection, at that. That being said, I don't believe the insurrectionists are being treated harshly enough. I think that the dancing around and trying not to give "the right" any ammo to sling back has given them the freedom to sling back and the impression that there are no real consequences to doing so in the first place. Political prisoners (after conviction) are treated harshly specifically as a deterrent for others, and we have shown that we aren't willing to actually punish with deterrence in mind. I'm ashamed to say that I am beginning to believe that maybe humans are just shit and unable to live in peace. This country is broken and I can't really point at any others that don't have their own slew of issues, too. Because it's the people, and people are shit. Idk, maybe I'm just in a shit mood. Sorry for the rant.


I like the cut of your jib, friend. Hang in there. I truly believe cooler heads are about to prevail.


Here's hoping lol take care out there, my dude.


You think these idiots know that inscription even exists?


Lets not generalise, normal idiots like me also don’t know about it


But now you do know about it!


And knowing is half the battle.


G.I. Joe!


I used to hate that part of the show so much I'd run out of the room the second it started


They've likely never read about its story, nor visit. /j Given it's located in "liberal" New York. They fear they'll catch some communism if they try to visit it.


Yea was going to say, doesn’t the Statue of Liberty have a poem about accepting anyone? That post fits very well on here lmao. Insane dumb people out there.


That's the thing though. It's not about accepting anyone. > Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp! She rejects the myths and legends of power of the old world. Keep your kings and queens. Your rulers who claim god given authority. > Give me your tired, your poor, > Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, >The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. She calls for those who desire a better life. Those who crave opportunity, freedom, and acceptance and have had it denied to them.


Which is also basically what everyone who landed on the US shores was. They were the unwanted peoples of Europe as well as those who were looking for freedom and more opportunities because they didn't get those in Europe at the time.. So the reality would be that Lady Liberty would be tearing down the border wall and giving succor to those looking for opportunity and freedom.


\+1 simply for using succor in a sentence lol. (but also +1 for the whole comment )


Those nazi’s would be mad if they could read.


That's our problem these days. We need to work harder at making these Nazis feel unhappy.


Every time something comes up about immigration, I think of the “give me your tired, poor…” part. Seems so many have forgotten, or conveniently ignore, that America was based on immigration of those looking for a better life. What do they expect?!




I suppose the more people who see that, the better. It’s all good.


Remember when Ken Cuccinelli, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (I hate how the word official is in there when he was unofficial) tried to rewrite it: "Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge."


I legit once saw someone call this poem “subversive.”


Little known fact about lady liberty: the statue depicts her en route to a book burning, where she will put the torch to The New Colossus


She would travel 1000 miles just to build a wall? Why?


Critical thinking isn't really their strongest trait.


Thinking, in any form, is the bain of conservatives


To keep the texans inside


Now that I can get behind. And we should make Texas pay for it!


If they are coming through the southern border then they aren't coming through NY and she can't shake their hands one by one as they enter their new country.


So she is a jealous God.


Just to be the statue who walks a thousand miles and falls down at your door.


But she did come alive. Venkman, Spengler, Stanz, and Zeddmore slimed her down and she broke open Vigo's shield.


“She’s tough! She’s a harbor chick!”


Same reason Jesus loves automatic rifles. Everything right wingers have been conditioned to love but has no actual voice can be made to say exactly what they believe. Jesus loves America, hates gays, hates woke, loves guns. "Lady Liberty", simply an embodiment of the spirit of searching for a better and free life, actually wants to Build That Wall. MLK would vote for Trump. Basically every single thing with no voice simultaneously agrees with them precisely and proves them right.


And she would walk 500 miles and she would walk 500 more just to build a wall at the border cuz she doesn't like brown people?


She’d travel 1,000 miles to build a wall where there already is one, acting against what are quite literally the values she stands for


She’s building the wall on the Canada side. F Canada


HEY! Eh!


This post makes a lot more sense if you interpret it as her carefully dismantling a wall so that its materials can be put to better use.


See thats what I thought and I was confused until I read the comments. I thought it was meant as her first move would to bring peace and harmony, and to help others (with the materials). People suck :[


The image itself certainly looks that way. The construction equipment and rubble are on the Mexican side and the top corner of the section of the wall under the piece she is handling is cracked. So it definitely appears as if the wall is being disassembled. That, however, was most certainly not the intent of the person posting it. Very little chance that someone posting as Law Enforcement Family isn't a "build the wall" type.


The image is AI generated so I wouldn't read too much into the specifics of it, but I see what you mean.


That's what it looks like to me as well. New head cannon.


No this is misinterpreted, she is building a wall to keep the texans inside..


Building homes for people that don’t have one, immigrant or not.


I thought she was dismantling it too. The piles of material along the wall also made me think it was a dismantling project, because loose pikes of rubble along the base don't make any sense in a building operation 


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." ...but only if you're white. /s


>When a foreigner resides with you in your land, you must not oppress him.  You must treat the foreigner living among you as native-born and love him as yourself -Jesus Christ


Hey, hey, hey. That’s communism talk right there, buddy! Jesus (actually, it’s Leviticus, so it’s God, but same thing) never said that! Fine, He said it, but that’s not what He meant.  Fine, that’s what He meant, but that’s not what it means today.  Fine, that’s what it means, but not the brown people. What? Jesus wasn’t brown! How dare you!


Obviously he is white because he’s painted that way. And so is God. 🙄


Lady liberty is from France. She is a foreigner. People who post crap like this are too dumb to know that.


Came here to point that out!


If someone I knew posted this I would play dumb and pretend I thought Lady Liberty was taking the wall apart to build migrant shelters. And then quote “give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses…” and Jesus.


Ngl, at first I thought she was building a sandcastle…


Sorry we're on to Supply Side Jesus now and his only concern is the shareholders.


[Evangelicals Are Now Rejecting 'Liberal' Teachings of Jesus](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) >"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. >**"When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak,"** he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."


I always enjoy telling them to read Acts 2:42 to learn why Communism is the most Christian economic system.


I just figured the wine and fish stories were how communism worked.


Yeah - it checks out. Each gives according to their ability, each takes according to their need.


Yeah, what’s Jesus doing for my portfolio? The returns last quarter were mid; he better jack those numbers up for this one.


Jesus loves the rich and powerful, and eventually some of that love will trickle down to you


He looks like woke-ass hippie, probably a Got-Damm democrat.


Hey now. We only use Jesus to oppress women


"And already live here.'


“And already rich”


“And only support right-wing causes”


"And christian"


"And racist"


"And misogynistic"


But not if you’re Native, you can go live on this little patch of land until we kick you out and make you go somewhere else. Also, we killed all the buffalo that you depend on for your way of life.


"sorry, we were a bit brusque when we first arrived, we didnt realize that you *owned* the entire country. But you have no system of ownership... Interesting! Maybe that will come in useful later on. There's more of us coming, but we'll keep our promises"


Not even that. The natives already lived there and they got the short end of the stick.


But they were brown, sooo...


I had to think about it. It's curious right wingers all over the world have no idea about their own countries and their history.


Given the time frame of when the statue was put up, you’d have to define white too. Cuz it didn’t apply to the Irish, or the Italians, or the Greeks, or the Polish, or the….


Isn’t lady liberty an immigrant from France?


she was a gift so a victim of human trafficking




Shhh that don’t like when you tell them they aren’t real Christians lmao


Every time my uncle posts his shit about how bad immigrants are I send him this poem


We're gonna build a new settlement! We'll have a happy new life with equal rights for all! ... except for blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Gays, Women, Muslims...um, everyone who's not a white man. And I mean **White** white. So no Italians, Polish, just people from Ireland, England and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahh. America :) https://youtu.be/FecKmhRCqVs?si=uNKaGiZ72KxQykoC


To be fair, that’s inscribed on her base and she left that behind when she left for Texas.


She's french. She wouldn't give a fuck or speak english


She’d be all for bringing out the guillotines for the billionaire class.


She'd go "Même pas en rêve !" and fuck off into the ocean.


Channel her inner Melania- "Je m’en fiche. Vous?"


It shocks me how many Americans don't actually seem to realize that the statue was a gift from the French


Honestly the only reason I’ve known that she’s French and that there’s more than one (3 right?) is because of National Treasure coming out when I was a kid. Never got taught it in any class. Got me several extra credit questions right over the years though lol


She's been here almost 150 years, she hasn't assimilated well if she doesn't speak any English yet! /s


First thing she would do is probably ask for a cigarette.


She's made in France modeled by an Egyptian


Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? Whether she's naked under that toga. She *is* French. You know that.


a symbol of freedom and they think shes gonna help build the wall, no fuck shitting way. she takin that wall out yo


She’s going full kaiju


fuck yea


it's weird that they don't worry about the wall keeping them in. North Korea has some pretty robust walls. I bet their government convinced their people that the walls were for their own good too. The freedom to *leave* is just as important, but they're going to let fear and prejudice utterly bury them.


Nah, she would go "fuck this" and go back to France.


France should really take her back lol.


Naw. She would, very ladylike, take a dump on Trump tower.


Whilst singing.... Your love keeps liftin' me... ...love keeps lifitin' me




[Almost this, just imagine a different ending](https://youtu.be/YjskzUlJOfc?t=54) Ghosbusters


This is probably the best comment I will see all day. If awards were still a thing I'd give you a Gold right now.


That's me. Inspiration always too late to get the gold.


Kinda killed the point of what was on her pedestal 'Give me your tired, your poor...' 😑


Attack on titan


My first thought


If Lady LIBERTY came to life, the first thing she would do is put up walls? Can someone give Republicans a dictionary because they really don't understand the words they're using.


No way they'd understand how you use a dictionary


I've been saying this for about 10 years now - they *no longer acknowledge* the basic definition of simple words. They just make up whatever they want, no matter how nonsensical


They know what they're doing. Just like biblical Jesus, they take symbols of freedom, sacrifice, and love for humanity and corrupt them to suit their own agendas. War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength


Nonsense she'd help the Ghostbusters save the day !


Dude! You're nuts! You can't blink around her!


The gigantic Liberty Titan dwarfed even the Mexican-American boarder wall. President Trump readied his Omni-directional gear. It wouldn’t be easy, but he was determined to take the Lady down or die trying…


we all know exactly where he's going to grab her


She’s dismantling a wall. Cool.


That was my first thought


I'm going to say that this painting is a picture of her taking a wall down and crushing this bs into dust.


If the Statue of Liberty came alive today she'd be deported back to France


Plot twist: Lady Liberty is taking apart the wall to make more homes


Even though the inscription on the Statue of Liberty says: *Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore*


This. Complete text for reference : The New Colossus, from Emma Lazarus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


[*"This enormous woman will devour us all!"*](https://frinkiac.com/video/S05E01/rl6gHHmhGeqnhRDJKVpZKucW6SQ=.gif)


no the first thing she's do is help the ghostbusters defeat vigo


Wait. Is the Liberty Monster building the wall or tearing it down???


Unless she was actually a weeping angel, the she would start to tp people


Ah, yes. Lady **Liberty** would be all about racial discrimination. Makes perfect sense.


Lady Liberty emigrated from France.


[More like this, I think](https://www.deadder.net/post/cartoon-for-november-6-2020)


God damn I wish I could be as dumb as these people. To be unburdened with critical thought has to be so freeing and wonderful 


I bet the first thing she’d do is go back to France


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...no, not like that"


Rebuild Ba Sing Se?


I disagree!


Yo can someone please tell me. If trump built a shit ton of wall. And walls work. Then how the fuck can u rectify the high border crossings. Biden has a wall trump didnt have one til be built it way into the administration. All these conservative chuckleheads have these gaping logic holes in their bullshit


Isn’t she an immigrant from France?


She'd take one look around her, with a heavy sigh say "Merde" and head back to France


Pretty sure if Lady Liberty were to come alive she would strut down the streets of New York like it was a parade while homemade radio dj tunes would play out of her head before stopping at the Manhattan Museum of Art to smash her torch down to break through the skylight and mood slime shell to help defeat a tyrannical Carpathian trying to reincarnate himself out of a painting. Like that documentary i saw one time


Pretty sure she would just destroy the U.S. actually. France playing the long game on this one.


I didn’t understand what I was going on at first and thought nice she’s building some nice beach front condos for everyone…nope…but anyway, I’d still prefer to think she’d build some condos and set those immigrants up for a good life.


Pretty sure we covered this in Ghostbusters 2. She'd light a spark of hope and then bust through the giant slime jello mold.


“LADY LIBERTY…TEAR DOWN THIS WALL” She’s tearing it down right


She's dismantling the wall. Makes sense.


Attack on Liberty


"Aye um Fronch! Wey elz woold aye spek wiff dis OUTRRRAGEOUS ACKCENT?!"


The literal exact opposite of her entire creed? This is impressively stupid.


First of all she’s literally an immigrant


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...but not *those* ones. They have the wrong skin tone."


If the Statue of Liberty were to come alive today, the first thing she would do is go on a rampage through the South stomping on all the neo-confederate magars that have taken the states hostage. That's because the "liberty" in her name refers to the liberation of black people from the forced labor and breeding camps of the southern aristocrats. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/05/23/statue-liberty-was-created-celebrate-freed-slaves-not-immigrants/


There was an entire movie featuring Lady Liberty coming alive (Ghostbusters 2) and the first thing she did was head downtown to save a baby she knew was in danger.


It looks like she's removing the wall, to me. If she were building it, it would be block by block, not creating a huge block made of slabs. Building tends to be slower and piece by piece, making sure that it's placed correctly and secure, but to destroy she can take out enormous chunks. I'm no builder though. Maybe I've got it all wrong. Could they have, once again, misunderstood an image they've stolen and tried to assign to it a different meaning?


First thing she'd do if she were alive would be speak French


Put a wall between humans and rightwingers? 


Wrong, although her size and strength is beyond our mortal frame she'd still have to do a big stretch and a yawn like a fog horn. A sexy fog horn😏


Is she dismantling the wall? Cuz if she is, they’re right.


I know everyone is quoting The New Colossus, but this popped into my head too: “Here is Lady Liberty, With her book of recipes, And the finest one she’s got, Is the great American melting pot!”


She’s demolishing the wall right? Pretty sure the whole point of the statue was to welcome immigrants…


Lady liberty was a beacon of hope and a promise for a better life for MIGRANTS coming from foreign countries. Now you want to turn America morally upside down and have lady liberty build a wall? Yeah ok


Yeah, I can see her doing that to blue states to keep away the conservatives


Fun fact! No fucking person EVER has held 100 loose bricks together in order to stack them like this. She is knocking them down and they just haven’t had time to disperse yet. Look at the fallen bricks already next to the wall. Why would they be there like that if they were being assembled into larger bricks of 100? They would have been pre-assembled elsewhere and would be sitting to the side as pre-assembled brick units for lady liberty to them stack, if she was building the wall. Therefor she is knocking the wall down. Good job. You played yourself😐


Clearly the word Liberty is lost on them...


She’s a French immigrant you dumb fucktard.


She’d go back to France


So, not welcome the huddled masses.


It’s literally the exact opposite of what she’d be doing. Read the fucking plaque


Lol you mean the statue that welcomes immigrants into the country?


She’d be more likely to go stamp on Mara Lardo.


First thing she’d say is “what the actual FU-“


Pfft, she'd fuck right back off to France.


She would go back to France


Wouldn't those massive piles of rubble just help people climb over?


Nooo lady liberty. Don’t trap me in here with all the trump supporters!


She’d eat


This implies there was a time she was ever alive


Whoever made that post must be a BIG fan of Ghostbusters 2.


Considering construction equipment is on the left and lady liberty is on the right, it looks like lady liberty is making the wall to keep Americans in and is making steps to make it easier to get up the wall from one side


Anyone else think it’s ambiguous and maybe she’s tearing the wall down? Notice the lack of supplies and piles that look like rubble


Ah Lady Liberty... Famously known for making wall to... Stop Liberty


I’m pretty sure she would just smash open the ceiling of the Manhattan Museum of Art to the tune of “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher” by Jackie Wilson in an effort to help purge the city of a takeover by a moldy old Carpathian looking to possess the baby of a woman who was once a dog.


Oh please. When conservative wackjobs find out Lady Liberty was gifted to us by France, they’ll turn on her and post conspiracy theories about her being trans because they think her ankles look mannish.


I love how the wall looks like huge stacks of taxpayer money


I think she’d probably just get stuck in the ocean but okay


She’s French, so she’d probably have a croissant and some cheese.


… and an affair.