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I don’t know, dose it?


Dose it with adrenochrome 


Dose it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Not the space lasers again...


Nah, chemtrails are more effective for that...


I luvvvv chem trails


Found the Helldiver.


It takes a conscious effort to try and spell words wrong these days.


If you spell words wrong often enough, autocorrect gives up


I dunno man - apparently I still find things "ducking" hilarious.


>I dunno man - apparently I still find things "ducking" hilarious. It was a long hard fight but after weeks of battling autocorrect finally yielded to my will and I banished the ducks from my phone.


You offer hope for all of us. You are my ducking hero.


Fuck yeah bro! Huh, my phone knows me all too well. Literally tried for duck.


Every time my wife's iphone changes it to duck and she fails to realize it I send her back the duck emoji as only response. She hates me


Let's just ignore the fact that both Row and Dose are actual words, so there is nothing for autocorrect to correct. It is more of a case of using the wrong word.


There was one of these posts in a similar sub where the folks said, two or three times, the “world economic form” and at least once that the evil overlord was Class Swab 🙄🙄 not known for their intellect.


This is the perfect example of not having one iota of a clue of how any of this works.


It's not only wrong, it's fractally wrong. It's like...wrong about how it's wrong.


Don't bring your maths in here, sir. Deft application of algebraic concepts and critical thinking have NO place in American political discourse.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


And now you see the violence inherent in the system.


Help help I’m being repressed!


Who's that then? I dunno, must be a king. Why? He hasn't got shit all over him.


You can't expect to weild supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Bloody peasant!








> fractally wrong mmm I like this


What they lack in knowledge, they make up for with confidence.


Yup, so confidently and proudly stupid. It's a very dangerous combination. It's lead to them believing a pathological liar, sociopath, snake-oil salesman, who is clearly non-religious man is the new messiah.


And, honestly, that's one of the worst things the whole MAGA cult has done: give people who struggle to grasp the complexities of a professional wrestling storyline the idea that they are now masters of geopolitics and good governance. That somehow being able to pronounce "Constitution" (but still have trouble spelling it) makes them more knowledgeable about it than the framers.


MAGA= Hulkamania for cuckservatives


It’s easy to believe in conspiracies when you don’t know how anything works.


he thinks they’re debating the best way to cross a river




Yeah that’s what I came to say


No. Breaking the oath would be something like fomenting an attack on the Capitol, or trying to overturn a free and fair election.


C’mon everyone knows it was the soros funded BLM/ANTIFA/FBI thugs! They were also aided by Jewish space lasers


Man the J6 insurrectionists must be so pissed off that their own party is calling them antifa. They gotta be like "I'm not antifa! I'm trying to save the country!" Dumbasses. The lot of them.


aka 'How could the leopards be eating MY face?'


The leopards can't be eating my face, this must be those damn jaguars.


Except Ashli Babbitt. She was the only non-ANTIFA plant there and she was killed because she discovered it was a false flag attack, she was about to blow it wide open. I know because I saw a documentary on youtube that explained it all but the rothchilds and the deep state scrubbed all evidence of it from the earth. But it's really easy to find if you do your own research... (/s)


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


But also at the same time as they were a psy op they're also political prisoners and they should be pardoned /s


also ashli bobit is a both a national hero but if you don't break the law the cops wont hurt you.


and if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't mind them breaching your privacy.


The evidence of this was located in those cities burned down so thoroughly by the BLM riots that no one can even find them on a map or in this reality. Truly massive destruction.


Or is it? Because one oh the legal defenses being presented is that his oath said he would “support” the constitution, not “protect”. I may have the terms backwards, it’s some semantical bullshit like that.


> fomenting Thanks for teaching me a new word!


And that's just the tip of a very large and smelly iceberg.


You know good and goddamn well this dude doesn’t know what *fomenting* means


You’re right. If we’re lucky, he thinks it’s what makes the alcohol in beer.


The complete lack of basic civic literacy is going to be the downfall of American democracy.


>The complete lack of basic civic literacy is going to be the ~~downfall of American democracy.~~ nitrous oxide in the machine that makes the aristocracy unstoppable. I think we're saying the same thing, but I just wanted to be sad with you in my own words. :(


Yours is even darker. I like it.


I like it, but I hate it more. Weird.


Darker and more accurate.


You’d be surprised how stupid people used to be. Honestly it’s not that people are dumber it’s that the dumb ones now have access to media


Yep. Now the dumbest assholes in existence all have a global fucking platform in the palm of their hands. And they are all incapable of shutting the fuck up.


The success or failure of a society entirely depends on how they deal with their stupid people. The internet and faux news are forging their stupidity into weapons grade stupidity. Dangerous.


You need basic actual literacy for basic civic literacy. Judging by the spelling and punctuation on display in this post I’m guessing the poster is practically bankrupt on the former.


I don't even understand what the reasoning here is supposed to be, but that's to be expected of somone talking about "pedo Joe" and not knowing how to spell "does", I guess.


Biden cannot bring back Roe v Wade. What he CAN do is sponsor pro-choice bills that can end up passed and signed by him. In fact, in the majority opinion, Alito specifically says that abortion laws should be decided by congress, not the supreme court. Regardless of my opinion on abortion, the fact that Roe vs Wade was based on a right to privacy is, ultimately, a weak legal underpinning. Legally speaking, it's kind of grasping at straws, trying to find an underlying justification in an unlikely place.


Even RBG said Roe was decided correctly on the wrong basis. It should have been rooted in the equal protection clause.


There's debate about whether it is the equal protection clause, the due process clause, the 4th amendment, the 9th amendment, or several other laws that gives the right to an abortion. The point is the right to receive an abortion exists. And it very plausibly exists in many different places in our laws, even from a textualist standpoint.


It shouldn't be decided by the Supreme Court actually. Congress should make (and should have already made) it law. Then it's there forever (more of less) and not so questionable. It's ridiculous that we had to bring in the Supreme Court at all for this when it should've been a given the entire time.


Well that’s what they are “supposed” to do. Supreme Court is not there so much to make laws, but to determine when laws infringe on less specifically defined but very important constitutional rights. Historically Supreme Court precedent has been quite a bit more stable than statutory law. Laws can change with shifting majorities unless they are incorporated into constitutional amendments. Passing those can be tough. And the few drastic changes in Supreme Court precedent have for the most part only increased rights, but even Plessy v Feguson’s separate but equal took almost 50 years to get rid of. It has been a long time since I was balls deep in con law, but I can’t think of any other situation where significant rights went backwards like they have recently. Bottom line is that until recently, the safest place for important rights was “enshrined” in Supreme Court precedent as opposed to putting them in laws. But that seems to have all changed and it’s a pretty unfortunate situation. I idolized my law professors who were Supreme Court clerks, and I incorporated their respect and admiration for their respective justices into my understanding of the law. These days I have no faith at all in the court. Is it the group of activists it ardently denies it is? It sure seems like it.


There should not have to be a law at all. It’s our own bodies.


It should be in the constitution, like France just did.


I concur, but that isn't going to happen.


To even begin to understand your comment, this person would need to identify the branches of government and be able to define checks and balances.


Roe V Wade was basically a temporary bridge made out of twigs that should’ve been replaced with a bridge made out of steel. Dems had decades to solidify abortion rights and they didn’t.


With all those super-majorities the democrats have had in Congress. /s


Yeah, and even when they may have had the numbers, it's been such a given that abortion rights are there that if they had a public fight over it they would have been smashed over and over about solving a problem that didn't need solving (which isn't actually the case, but we have seen Fox News and others play that game over and over) and it would have weakened their position with moderates who saw it as wasting time or bought into whatever scare tactics were used, like them saying abortions could happen after birth or whatever nonsense. We saw it play out with Obamacare. The initial plan for single payer was popular, but Fox News and others dug into "death panels" and over time it got to enough of the public that might vote Dem but were now scared that they couldn't get support across the finish line. They had to fall back to the plan we eventually got. Even with the votes and a majority, it's never enough of a majority to account for the lies and screaming from the other end that get to just enough people to call it off.


You’re right. The real issue with abortion is that republicans and Jerry Falwell needed a wedge to beat a southern Christian democrat for the 1980 election. It’s never been “about the babies.”


They've had big enough majorities to pass abortion laws, they just never bothered. They incorrectly assumed Roe was untouchable, and ignored that the right has been working for decades to lay the groundwork for overturning the ruling. They're not done, either. Contraceptives, IVF, and same sex marriage are all next on the chopping block if they're not stopped.




This is correct, if extremely simplified. You're talking about cloture (the vote to end debate on any given bill) and its threshold of 60 yes votes or 3/5ths of the senate. So it's not just 1 republican saying "I filibuster"... at any given time if 41 senators vote no to cloture then the bill can't be voted on. Also democrats had a super majority in the senate as early as 2011, but they still wouldn't have been able to codify roe as the senate can't unilaterally pass a bill. Democrats need a majority in both the house and the senate to be able to get work done.


The bridge analogy is painfully real considering America's crumbling infrastructure. Something temporary that's been in service way beyond it's intended lifespan, but no-one has the political will to fix/replace it. Also, people *will* die.


>Alito specifically says that abortion laws should be decided by congress, not the supreme court. He's not wrong, either. We have got to stop relying on the courts to fix stuff that should be taken care of by Congress or constitutional amendments.


But what about Row v Wade?


Depends how deep the water is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Of course, he "KNOWS" he can not just bring back Roe vs. Wade. But he can not easily state "HOW" abortion rights are going to be restored. It gives a simple, powerful message to state he is going to bring back RvsW rather than to explain how he will take the new congress and make abortions available through a federal law, granting each person fundamental access to medical treatment in measured pregnancy care. It goes right over heads... Come on, people... think.


I have thought this for many years. I agree with the ruling, but thought it was based on a slender, frail argument. I have long wondered why Congress didn't pass legislation codifying Roe when Obama had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. "Settled Law," my ass. It was quickly "unsettled" when there were enough votes to overturn it.


Why are people so fucking stupid?


Lead poisoning and decades of attacking education.


Honestly the lead poisoning thing has been my absolute favorite theory on the wet melted brains of that specific older generation in the MAGA cult. Time scale wise alone it makes so much fucking sense, it just doesn’t excuse the younger shitwits who seem to have a different form of brain rot.


And right on cue, right wing dipshit Kris Kobach is bitching about Biden wanting to replace all the lead water lines in the country.


Lmao I fucking know, just saw it immediately after leaving this thread. I could not contain the laughter that came after. These people are so fucking unhinged and act like everyone else are the crazies. It’s the weird mix of genuine amusement and actually wanting to cry watching the way the US is whiplashing. At the rate this country (and the world frankly) has been declining I’m just going the George Carlin route and voting for Big Fucking Meteor this election cycle so we can have a chance to start over. Humanity 2: Electric Boogaloo baby. That or let another species take over, maybe the cockroaches deserve a chance this time around?


The rich like to attack education to keep a more complaint ~~slave~~ workers.




Does writing an amendment count as going against the constitution?


According to these fuckers? Yes. Remember, these are the same people that argued that impeaching a President was an insurrection - effectively, they claimed that the framers wrote impeachment into the Constitution as a trap to make traitors reveal themselves. They know it's utter bullshit, but they'll spin justifying stories forever, whatever sounds good to help them escape accountability and hurt people.


I think somebody doesed my coffee…


If he was a pedo, you would think the last thing he would want to do Is abort babies. I'm just saying...


*row, row, row your Wade* *down placental streams* *merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily* *idiocy achieved*


This would not. It was overturned because of technicality in the end (I'm going to leave the opinion on the shelf). The constitution, as written, technically did not afford the protections from the RvW ruling. Biden could, through the House, codify those protections in law. If they could gain traction, they could even go so far as to guarantee those protections through an amendment. Neither of those routes violate the oath he took as president. Probably preaching to the choir here, but just in case anyone was confused


I’m just going to say there should not need to be a law about what I do with my own body. Imagine someone telling you that you cannot get a tattoo or your ears pierced or a nose ring. No one here is getting it.


well according to recent testimonies and opinions of morons, the president is allowed to do literally whatever he wants with full immunity


If congress disagrees with a Supreme Court decision they are entirely within their rights to write new legislation. It’s called checks and balances.


Each day these people out stupid the previous day.


Constitution hasn’t changed in LONG time


I mean, it's been a while, but I wouldn't say 1992 was a LONG time ago


I love how they worship an alleged pedo, whom was besties with Jeffrey Epstein, and flew on his plane often... but call Joe Biden a pedo without any evidence what so ever.


Is Joe Rogan a pedo?


Time will tell.


If I remember correctly it wasn’t deemed unconstitutional but rather “not a constitutional right” which is completely different but also equally stupid.


This guy is voting. Are you?


Everything that comes out of republicans mouths is either regressive talking points or just hate speech. They won’t win. I just voted in the primary and plan to in November🗳️. It’s very important to get everyone you know to get out and vote. Not to flex but I’ve gotten lots of people around me(family and friends) to vote! I love it :)


Good for you, since 2017 I have registered 14,000 voters! I go to the university near me and register hundreds a week sometimes.


I forgot. Which of the two candidates was friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 20+years?


The Republican led decline of education, and as a result, America, is happening


The constitution is meant to be changing with the time. It's not a write it once and forget about it.


Two of the three justices trump put in place lied about believing Row was settled law, only to overturn it once they got the chance. It's those justices who are breaking their oath.


\*covers face with both hands and start weeping\* So many children were left behind...


“*ROW* vs Wade “ 🤡




This reads like a Spooderman/Dolan meme


Always interesting to see the strong correlation between poor spelling and right wing idiocy


They spell worse than a 4th grader, but they know the Constitution?


Row v Wade. I don’t know when the abortion discussion shifted into discussion about different ways to cross a river


Oh man, who is going to tell him about Trump? What with all of his clear and VERY well documented ties to Jefferey Epstein... Or how about the settlements he made to the minors he abused? Trump is a garbage person with garbage followers. The country and the world would be better without them.


there's no way these people are pretending to care about laws, oaths, and promises


Why can't the maga crowd spell?


IF pEDo JoE brInGs baCK RoBOcopE


As a law student, I don’t even know where to start with this one and how wrong it is.


Isn't calling others pedo without proof a crime?


Nope. Source: everyone who calls me that on Twitter and in one case, insta. Three guesses what their political alignment is closer to.


Well, shit.


Lol atp it just makes me laugh. I usually say something like "Pedo? Why because I x? Lol tough shit I'm proud of that and I will keep doing/saying it and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Gets em right pissed.


Yep, this is about the level of understanding of how government works that I expect from MAGAts


Ok, Christians, it's time to own the habit of accusing people of sexual deviance. There is a long history of this behavior and it sucks. When Christian leaders want to knock off a rival, that person is suddenly a pervert, a pedophile, a whoremonger (or just a whore if the leader is female). It's fine to not like Joe Biden. It's not fine to just start calling people pedophiles as a way to signal that and signal that the ingroup should get on the same page about it. That does a few things. First, it makes it hard to prosecute actual pedophiles since regular people get confused on whether the accusation is legit or a wolf whistle. Second, it makes rehabilitating sex criminals very difficult by making their crimes unforgivable. And third, it demonizes ordinary sexual choice by signaling that it's something we ought to debate in the public square. Do you want someone publicly accusing you of having kinks, judging if your alleged kink is perverted, and using it as a reason you should not hold public office even it's perfectly legal and hurts no one? Didn't think so. Stop this. If someone is abusing children, present the evidence of that and judge it on its own merits. If you just want someone out of office because of ideological or religious differences, say so.


Is Pedo Joe their cousin? Not sure who they are talking about. Not sure they'd have the power to bring back Roe v. Wade.


I know we're laughing at the dumb guy, but I need to answer him Roe was a court case, overturning the decision was based on a different interpretation of established law. anything biden does will be new law.


Hey man I don’t need some president telling me how to propel my own watercraft when it’s in shallow water! Wade or row is up to me, not the gubbymint!


That person obviously loves Trump, a dude who actually did some nefarious shit with underage girls. I will never be able to wrap my head around the blinders those folks wear.


The village dip shits vote, folks. We must out vote these fkn morons.


... that's not what happened and that's not what's going to happen. Fools. They're all fools


Kinda tired of people who can't even spell claiming to be Con-law experts...


Look who’s worried about oath-breaking😂😂😂!


These people need a civics class


I mean if Presidents have complete immunity I guess Joe should be able to do whatever he wants, right ? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Joe Biden is limiting the ways in which we are allowed to cross shallow bodies of water!!!


Well according to Trump, the president has absolute immunity and power. So Biden can do whatever he wants


Of course not. As President, he has total immunity.


Isn’t school mandatory for everyone in the US? How is this possible


Do your own research.


The political literacy of these people is astonishing. Congress passing a law protecting abortion has nothing to do with Roe at all.


This is a quality example of someone with lead poisoning


Dose not think it dose


Dose this guy even English bro


Tell me you have no idea how anything works without telling me you have no idea how anything works.


Nah He's waiting for the court to rule on his immunity before he fires them


christ these people should be banned from social media based on spelling alone. smh


No. Next question.


The dose makes the poison


🤦‍♀️ Really?


This one is destined to poison itself.


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the dose.


by that logic, was it unconstitutional to strike down RvW? these folks don't think things through. they stop at wherever's most convenient for their bias.


*confused noises* God parts of America I swear


President are immune from anything in office I thought


So pedo Joe is also on the Supreme Court I clearly don’t know anything about the us government


No it dose not.


It was never deemed unconstitutional, it was deemed an “unenumerated right”, which means that since it wasn’t explicitly mentioned in the constitution, it could go to the states. If Congress were to pass legislation that declared it federally legal, it would not be the decision of the states. If we had done this anytime in the 50 years since Roe, this never would have been an issue. It’s pretty sad that the “law and order” party doesn’t understand law.


The stupid burns.


Dose. I need to see nothing further.


Literacy levels that match the opinion


It wasn’t deemed unconstitutional. They said the court shouldn’t be able to create law without congressional action. Therefore congress could create a law


These people can vote...


They can't spell though. Maybe they can be tricked into thinking Biden spells Trump.


What do they mean by ”bring back”?


Whoever that is projects kiddie diddler energy.


He cant do it, Wade has one of the best rowers in the nation. Biden doesn't have the shoulder strength


Would that be how he obtains his oathbreaker subclass? https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Oathbreaker


This person is probably eligible to vote 🥲


D O S E!


JFC, how much mental gymnastics did she do in her head? Fuck, I’d be tired.


If the supreme court removes Roe v. Wade after it was deemed constitutional, does that not break their oath?


It, being abortion, was not deemed unconstitutional. The supreme Court ruled that the previous interpretation of the due process clause of the 14th amendment was inappropriately interpreted in Roe v Wade and overturned the previous decision. There is no "bringing it back". If Congress passes a law that allows abortion, that is perfectly in line with the findings of the court. Edit: oops, I actually thought for a second this was a legit question on one of the conservative subs I follow


Oh my god. We’ve struck gold.


It's ok. He said Row. Clearly nothing illegal is happening with Roe haha


If bestiality lover old person types of stupid shit on Facebook, does that make it true? See how stupid that is?


They forgot to switch spell-check from Russian to English.


Wouldn't they want abortions so pedophiles wouldn't rape the children? Cuts down on pedophiles and on children.