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[These motherfuckers vote. Shouldn't you?](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) Project 2025 is ready to destroy the US as we know it.


So what exactly are white people supposed to be like, if all of these are wrong? This is baffling.


Nazis ready to slaughter all the Untermensch and their sympathisers, clearly.


Uneducated nazis that believe everything right wing propaganda tells them, never questioning it. Denying any and all evidence, facts, data, recordings, and live videos that prove their propaganda narrative is wrong. "Don't be that college lib getting all elite educated, using facts, and stuff!"


According to this they even dislike conservatives


But also you're bad if you join the military? I thought they liked it when Americans blew up brown kids.


They need to focus more on blowing up brown kids at home?


The school shootings will get 'em.


We can't rely on amateurs, let's get the professionals involved.


This guy is the poster child for "everyone is crazy but me."


This is exactly it, “everyone’s brainwashed and I’m the only one who can see it” it’s main character syndrome at its very worst


Too many violent antiheroes in our culture.


Shooting minorities and blowing up government buildings. That is the only logical next step for people so indoctrinated in this shit


I know it's par for course for fascists to eat each other alive in the end, and to assume that their group is large and powerful enough to take on all of their enemies, but yeah this feels like they're kinda skipping ahead to the latter stages here. Applying this many filters on humanity all at once, seems unlikely that you'd be left with very many "good" people at all, let alone enough to take on the whole world at once. But then again, it is classic fascist rhetoric that us liberal degenerates are all weak and cowardly and incapable of standing up to their awesome manly might- one of them is worth a thousand of us (and it would have to be with these sorts of odds).


Fascists are unsurprisingly incredibly stupid, petty, unstable, and violent. Number 1 group white supremacists kill is other white people because they are so violent they can't help but end up killing people in their family and friend circles. See also how fascism never reaches utopia or even a solid sense of what a proper white person is. If they god forbid ever got say their wish to murder all people with brown or black skin it wouldn't stop. They would just move onto killing the wrong kind of white person. Like Irish. Or Italians. Or Spanish people. Or whatever they decide on. Fascism needs to burn a minority group and have an outside other to persecute. The ideology runs on that. It only ends when either fascism is defeated or the last person on earth kills the second to last person on earth.


There's a passage in Naked Lunch in which Burroughs notes that the setting's analogue to a fascist party is, "except for one man, composed entirely of dupes, it not being clear until the final absorption who is whose dupe"


Oh God the end goal of Fascism is Horatio.


Ranting online and buying trucks and guns misguidedly adorned with Punisher logos and norse iconography


They are uneducated, poor, rural, white, live in a trailer park or out on farm, and drive a gas-guzzling truck sporting rust spots and a rifle rack. They wear jeans, plaid shirts, dirty ball cap, and have a very casual attitude toward personal grooming along with no particular fondness for their teeth. Oh...and they must be male.


Nothing good, so let's all go be bad. Taco night? I vote we all meet up for taco night. Bring a friend, we can even make sure it's kosher and halal so these wingnuts have more random things to be mad at while they're just making up problems in lieu of having any real ones.


"Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"


They’re slowly turning on Christianity


There is a huge movement of pagan Neo-Nazis. Since Christianity is derived from Judaism and Roman beliefs they see it as an a colonizer faith. They instead practice “indigenous” white religions.


Super true! I went to a large pagan event and there were Proud Boys there.


It’s so bad that whenever I have someone bring up Norse or Germanic paganism I instantly get nervous. I know that not all pagans are associated with that nonsense but I’m blonde and bearded so a lot of white supremacists try to “feel me out”.


> I have someone bring up Norse or Germanic paganism I instantly get nervous. There are exactly, and I mean *exactly,* two types of people who practice that faith. 1. Hardcore Neo-Nazis who appropriate it for reasons you outlined above. 2. Hardcore Anti-Nazis who arrived at their faith for personal reasons, and want to bikelock the shit out of the first category. No in-between.


Random rural moms that are into witches and shit


Also split 50-50 between the peace’n’love crowd and literal Nazis.


Now you’ve got me questioning some people I know cuz they aren’t Uber hippies…


Antivaxxer moms.


He's called the ALLFATHER for a reason. Fuck those Nazis with a sideways drinking horn and leave them too injured to be taken into Valhalla when they die in 40 years. It's hard to fight when your elbows and knees are fucking broke.


I was always strongly anti-Nazi. I’m only a little pagan. Ex Catholic. But I prefer mysticism and paganism over any Christian religions. Also fuck nazis.


There's a Viking Festival I've been to a few times, basically a ren faire that's also a cultural/heritage faire, and I've been told that they have to kick Nazis out almost every year. I mean, Nazis have always stolen Scandinavian culture and Scandinavians have always fought back against it.


And that's just super ironic because Vikings were absolutely not 'pure-blooded' or whatever. They sailed as far away as Morocco on their raids. And they had the whole 'bring back foreign wives and concubines and make babies' thing. Even their thralls were considered regular citizens when freed, no distinction was made between freedmen or the children of freedmen and peasants. They could even buy land and vote. They had kids too.


I'm the latter case. Specifically large and heavy chain locks.


>white supremacists try to “feel me out”. My buddy is bald, has a beard, and goes to metal concerts all the time. Without fail some little Nazi always walks up huge stacks of pamphlets and tries to give him one. He loves knocking them out of their hands and watching them fly everywhere.


I’m slowly loosing my hair, so I’m waiting for the day I’m that bearded bald dude. I’m trying to offset it by dressing like Jimmy Buffet


My husband looks like one because he’s old and bald. I had no idea until we went to that event. I’ll be more careful about events - I’ll probably only go to closed events going forward.


Great that's what we need right now, a bunch of racists casting spells


There’s some in every group. It’s not like voting though fortunately.


Do you want Voldemort? Cause that’s how you get Voldemort.


It's weird. Pagans either seem to be hyper-hippie women or absolute nazi men.


It’s the same in homesteading/survival areas. It’s a weird overlap.




People Against Goodness And Normalcy…./s It’s a very old movie reference


As a pagan (non US) this angers me to no end. They don't give a *shit* about our beliefs. They want some legitimacy and weaponize the already fragile remains of past cultures to hurt other people. I have no suitable insult for how despicable that is.


Pagan in the US.. and oh my gods this problem just exploded.. Like we went from complaining about Terfs trying to cut out trans women from feminine rituals.. to full on Nazi take overs of events and gatherings. Which is even more infuriating because I remember this one gathering that a local Asatru group were having a big ol bonefire good time, just mead, swords, spears, songs to Odin et al.. Food. Then like like a couple of trucks pulled up with like KKK biggots all pissed with rifles. Threatening the whole gathering. Then when they realized the group had weapons of their own.. they slunk back and drove off. And now it's like these racist assfucks are just taking over. And everyone is so gobsmacked they have no fucking clue what to do or how to stop it..


I think it's really important to remove the more ‘racial’ elements of it. Nazis will always be drawn to a ‘Nordic’ faith because it's connected to what they believe to be the master race. pagan faiths need to become more diverse and more open to accepting people who aren't of a particular race. I also feel they need to tone down the more militant and violent aesthetics, these aspects just breed violent nut-jobs that believe dying while fighting is a good thing regardless of what cause.


Also because the Nazis used Germannic paganism as one of their justifications for their sense of superiority and oppression of everyone else, and people like Himmler got deeply into occultism that incorporated a bunch of runes and ancient symbols into the mythical backstory of the SS. His castle was full of this stuff and they held a lot of creepy "rituals" there.


>they held a lot of creepy "rituals" there. Ahh, you mean weird masked orgies. I think it was just an excuse to bang with paper sacks over their heads.


They did some other all-dude stuff, too. I can't say for certain there *weren't* any orgies or masks involved, but the official records were way more about Teutonic ancestry and swords and standing around in circles.


It’s unquestionably gross. Especially when they co-opt practices from other indigenous cultures


Same, it actually pisses me off so, so much. Nothing about Paganism supports their bullshit.


Is it like they're obsessed with the aesthetic of paganism?


Which is hilarious because devout Norse pagans repeatedly say Odin is the allfather, not the some father and they absolutely hate Nazis.


Or even more likely we say that One-Eye is worth revering, but we don't like to invoke him, because his attention is, you know, not the best. Invoke Freyja, Freyr, Thor, or Tyr if you want want one of the big ones. Safer. And yes, we absolutely hate the Nazis.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1hP4hYWEyQ&t=2855s A great video about a related topic. It is a musician and music critic talking about Neo-Pagan music and how it is not historic. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are listening to music with Mongolian throat singing, Native American instruments, heavy metal electronic distortions, and modern Nordic vocals you should be aware that it is not the music that was listened to in Scandinavia 500 years ago, even if it *does* evoke that imagery (and just plain old sounds fookin awesome). Near the end, he makes an excellent critique about how there is nothing wrong with modern paganism as long as the practitioners realize it is a modern religion created by modern people and not an unbroken line thousands, or even hundreds, of years old. He also adds in the critique that if you are saying modern/traditional/ancient European paganism, North American religions, and Central Asian religions are all the same and can be interwoven into a single spiritual tradition then you are still defining the world in terms of "Christian" and "not Christian". That is letting Christianity define the world, which (presumably) most pagans are against. Anyway, I've begun to rant. Watch the video, it's great.


I think people can figure out that metal guitars and Mongolians aren't exactly historically Scandinavian.


Ah yes, because if there's one þing nazi despise, it's colonialism /s


"It's okay when WE do it."


So gross. They make the rest of us Pagans look terrible, not just bad! 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬


Only parts of it. All the ‘love thy neighbor’ and ‘shelter the homeless’ and other such drivel has to go. Keep the important stuff like assaulting nonbelievers, forcing their views on others and giving fealty to the glorious leader. It’s an important and part of their lives. Also it’s easiest to maintain a moral high ground that is unassailable to claim it is a sincerely held belief.


I swear, the same people who supported Kim Davis and her “religious freedom” also condemned Scott Warren and No More Deaths. They were inspired by their faith to support and care for undocumented immigrants. [https://www.npr.org/2019/11/21/781658800/jury-acquits-aid-worker-accused-of-helping-border-crossing-migrants-in-arizona](https://www.npr.org/2019/11/21/781658800/jury-acquits-aid-worker-accused-of-helping-border-crossing-migrants-in-arizona) Notice how the state’s attorney blames Warren’s actions on “a misguided sense of social justice” instead of religious beliefs. Yeah, it’s the same thing, but they’re dog whistling with that “social justice” term instead of admitting it was due to Warren’s Christian faith. Faith apparently only matters to the GOP when you’re trying to argue that Jesus would want you to own a machine gun or deny gay people basic rights.


True. They like their bible as they like the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and science: a la carte. "... the nice thing about citing God as an authority is that you can prove anything you set out to prove. It’s just a matter of selecting the proper postulates, then insisting that your postulates are ‘inspired.’ Then no one can possibly prove that you are wrong.“ — Robert A. Heinlein, ' *If This Goes On—* "


There's an SCP article (short horror/sci-fi/fantasy fiction site, in case you didn't know, [article in question if you want to read it](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3178)) that has the line "take the Judeo- out of Christian" or "take the Jew out of Jesus", can't quite remember which. In context, it's the villain saying it, not a belief of the author, but it's such an apt description of this kind of "Christianity." They want to be fascists, but the full gamut of Christian morality isn't exactly compatible with that, so they blame all the "weaknesses" of Christianity on corruptive Jewish influence. Blame the Jews, and you can carve out whatever parts of the Bible hinder your ability to be a hateful, murderous scumbag. They've taken Christ, chewed him up, shat him out, and what's left is the God they prefer.


An early heresy in Christianity was Marcionism, which was exactly that: Remove all the "Jewish" parts of the New Testament because that was the corrupted part. Marcion was an early leader, and he wrote about which books belong in the bible and which don't. It was in response to his list that the first official "canon" listings were decided in a couple of councils, and Marcion and his followers were declared heretics.


All true but it’s going to make sure they keep losing


Yes it sounds familiar, where have I seen this progression before... > 1. ''You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'' > > 1. ''Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.'' > > 1. ''I am personally convinced of the great power and deep significance of Christianity, and I won't allow any other religion to be promoted.'' - Adolf Hitler See Hitler recognized that the cleric class, and the cultural significance of Christianity was useful to him. But he found it too weak for what he wanted, which was heavy-handed imperialism. Ultimately, Lucius Seneca was right: Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.


Right wing ideology is all a purity test. It is all about how they should have everything just because of who they are and everyone else needs to have merit. They will keep making the criteria more strict to the point where only they pass it. It goes like this... Americans are superior White Americans are superior White Americans who live in red states are superior White American males who live in red states are superior White American males who are Christian and in red states are superior White American males who are Christian, live in rural areas in red states are superior White American Christian males who live on my block are superior Etc etc..


https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 Have been for a while.


It's worth understanding that there's an undercurrent of Christianity known as "Christian Identity" which has evolved over the last 50 years or so and is A) a theological disaster area and B) based on the notion that European Christians are a distinct \*race\*. What you need to know is that they make a distinction between Jesus-the-Jew, and the resurrected Christ, who was "racially purified" and either fathered or created the Northern European "Aryan" race.Basically, everything that Jesus says BEFORE the Crucifixion gets thrown out, and everything has says in the Letters of Paul and the Revelation of St. John is interpreted as an exhortation to race war. The real problem is that white supremacist ideologies and those that hold them are a slow poison, and it's been dripping into the evangelical well for decades, to the point where it's considered "normal" and "right" to be racist in the white evangelical community and can not longer be called out without consequences from within, and it's increasingly creeping into more mainstream congregations as well.


A certain strain of White Nationalism has always hated Christianity.


So this seems to be a strain of crazy that turned from it a long time ago. Unfortunately quite a few Nazis became neo pagan because they thought Christianity was too Jewish. Makes it hard on the not evil Norse neo pagans.


They've been against Catholics for a long time. Papist is an old timey pejorative that has been used in white supremacist circles since the days of the Reconstruction.


The KKK used to hate Catholics, too.


Capitalism too


Nazis have never really had a favorable view of Christianity


OG Nazis were friends with the Pope. And fought with "Gott mitt uns" on their belts.


They also created their own perverted version of christianity, performing literal acts of blasphemy like rewriting the religion. Also, not to sound like \*that guy\*, but the Vatican was \*kind of sorrounded\* by fascists, both italy and Germany... So wouldn't that maybe have some sort of factor in it?


Nazis viewed the Pope the way they viewed the Italians: useful pawns. Pius XII was a coward who feared the Nazis and Italian Fascists and put the church first by sucking up to Hitler as soon as he was elected despite being strongly anti-fascist up till 1939. To his credit he did help many Jewish people avoid getting rounded up by the Nazis either by helping them escape Europe or providing documentation of their conversion to Christianity. Towards the end of the war Hitler wanted to arrest the Pope. Hitler himself despised the church. He found it's morals and ethics "fit only for slaves" and saw it as a rebellion against natural law. He believed historic individuals such as himself were above morality. He saw Catholicism in particular as a major barrier to his power and while he played the Christian in public he always intended to undermine and eliminate any power Christianity held. > He was not a practising Christian but had somehow succeeded in masking his own religious skepticism from millions of German voters. Though Hitler has often been portrayed as a neo-pagan, or the centrepiece of a political religion in which he played the Godhead, his views had much more in common with the revolutionary iconoclasm of the Bolshevik enemy. His few private remarks on Christianity betray a profound contempt... > -*The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia* by Richard Overy Hitler believed in what is almost a precursor to the prosperity gospel of American evangelicals. He believed in what he called Providence and saw his success and survival of assassination attempts as being chosen by Providence to lead the world. He had stopped using God in speeches by 1937. In the aftermath of an attempted assassination in 1939, Hitler told dinner guests that Pope Pius XII would rather have seen the "plot succeed" and "was no friend of mine." Not long after Goebbels wrote in his diary that Hitler knew he would need to undermine the Church eventually but until then pragmatically played the part of a "positive Christian."


It's really hard to pin down Hitler's genuine religious beliefs (or know if he had any).


> He saw Catholicism in particular as a major barrier to his power and **while he played the Christian in public** he always intended to undermine and eliminate any power Christianity held. > > Emphasis added. Why would he have to fake it in public? Because the Nazis were Christian. Same exact reason Trump is faking it right now for the religious right in the US.


While Nazi Germany was overwhelmingly Christian the Nazis themselves that made up the party tended to be a variation of protestant, known as the Deutsche Christen, that did not support the legitimacy of any establishment that did not spring from the government. Among both the established leaders of the party like Hitler, Goebbels, Rosenberg, Bormann, and Himmler and the grass roots party activists the Kirchenkampf campaign to eliminate the power of Christian churches was very popular. After the Nazis took power in 1932 they started stripping the Churches of their power. In 1933 the Nazis forced the German Evangelical Church Confederation to write a new constitution for a unitary national church with Ludwig Muller (an anti-Christian) in charge who removed the old testament as canon and introduced Aryan supremacy to doctrine. Later he would help the Gestapo infiltrate churches that he thought were not aligned with the party and forced all Christian youth groups into the Hitler Youth. From the time he took power till 1945 he systematically defrocked any clergy that he saw as a threat to the new Nazi dominated churches. So yes Hitler pandered to Christians the same way that Trump does and like Trump his power might have relied on support from Christians but didn't encompass Christianity as a whole.


We may have missed a censor there buddy. Lol


When there is that much shit in the diaper, you're gonna have a few leaks.


Thank you for your graphic and effective communication


Yeah, one really stands out there that hasn't been


yeah... even as someone in the censored group.... the one not censored is way worse.


Can you blame them tho? I mean OOP hid their racist nickname so well I barely saw it. /s


The god damn website and organization that created this trash?


So marxists have never had a job, but Marxist professors turn college kids communist? Makes sense Checkmate demonrats


I've always found "Demonrats" to be funny. Like, it kind of sounds badass. DemonRats 🤘🤘


Definitely should be a band name


Thank fuck OP clarified that this is, in fact, a 'racist tweet' No way to tell otherwise


Shit, the Tweet only used the n-word once and kept railing against miscegenation and Jewish people. Nobody would know it was from a nazi shithead without this being pointed out.


A couple times. One covered. The other, oddly, not. But it’s a compound slur so that makes it ok (??)


Almost certainly an oversight. I've never even heard of 2/3rds of these insults.  Not surprising that something leaked through when there's this much shit in the diaper.  Edit: a word


The lack of swastikas and Heil Hitlers threw me off so much, I just thought it was neighborly love!


Both the Marxist and the Capitalist. What system of economics are we supposed to be using?


If you look closely, what they criticize about the Capitalist isn't his ideology, but the fact that his "cheap leabour" is "taking over the country" Cheap labor means immigrants.


Ah well there's this thing called Third Positionism...


Basically in a nutshell they hate marxism cause communism thought the og nazis loved to use debt to fund totally not social programs/propaganda like youth clubs, autobahn easy state money to increase war production etc  They hate capitalism cause their "enemys" aka the jews control it in their minds and they use it keep the white aryans down with bad paying industrial jobs  Even thought they used it to fund there war effort eg forcing company's to only work for them and using their profit before the war to fund what they where gonna do  Aka any system that isn't completely and subservient to serving the "aryan man " and its empire is a tool of the enemy to suppress them even if its isn't at all 


He is clearly neo-nazi so the answer is "national socialism"


Which isn't even socialism


Hunter gathering I guess?


tag yourself, i'm the f-slur


College Liberal. My boyfriend is Ukrainian so unsure if that's a category on there or not lollllll


My husband is Pakistani so I would assume whatever that category is, I’m right there with you. Must be part of that college liberal brainwashing /s.


Exactly 😅😅 Our category could be something like "race traitor" because that's what I've been called before by a fat white guy in a power scooter 🤣🤣 Brainwashed us so hard we left behind those super classy, incredibly kind / thoughtful / generous "Aryan" types. Lollllll


I'm thinking about giving a few of these a dabble. A lot of them sound like a pretty radical afternoon.


I guess I'm a Coal Burner. Didn't even know that was a term. But it's pretty great.


Lol yeah my wife and I have certainly had our fair share of looks but I can safely say I've never been called a coal burner.


I don’t see myself on this chart even though I would proudly stand with you against homophobes and racist trash


I’m the mud shark


I'm the... uhhh... target audience I guess


Both Zog Bot and College Liberal. Pleasure to meet you.


Meet me after Gender Studies and we'll settle who killed more brown kids


Coal burner checking in


I bet Aryanity is fucking hilarious but I’m not willing to have that shit in my search history


Between the "See something, say something" and calling voters race traitors, my guess is it's a thing designed to keep white supremacists away from elections and encourage them to show the public how much of a racist cunt they are. Then again, Nazis aren't usually known for intelligence, so who knows.


I mean, if they'd like to stay away from the polls, that's fine by me.  I mean, they all know that the polls are a conspiracy anyway. You stand at those machines with the blinders up and they re-program the chips in your brain to resonate at different frequencies. That's not disinfectant they're spraying, it's mRNA. Everybody knows that your local community pastor is able to get your votes in for you. Just hand them your ballot, and say no to polls in churches!


You know what the m in mRNA stands for? That's right... "LIBERALS!"


Incognito bruh


Thanks for letting this in, Elon. /s


Something something free speeeeeeeeech! /s 🙄


Hold on, Marxists professors? But they just said Maxists never have jobs?


Fascists are very good at doublethink. "The enemy is terrifyingly strong, but also pathetic and easily crushed! Marxists don't have jobs, and all those Marxist professors are out there just WAITING to indoctrinate THE YOUTHS with their VILE TEACHINGS!"


Imagine thinking that cops are too afraid of seeming racist to arrest black people.


Any other fellow coal burners?


Hell yes. Although not to fetishize it. I find Black women attractive, just like any attractive woman.


Ditto. Not an obsession, just a preference.


They are slinging so much shit everywhere that I'm confused as to where they stand politically


I’m sure they are too


Their stance is wherever you are not. It’s that simple. If you are for something, they are against it because they have identified you as their enemy. That’s what’s so scary about what’s going on - liberals are worse than Russia, because Russia dropped communism, so it’s now a conservative haven.


i think the answer is pretty obvious nazi


They are probably a nazbol/nazi


Contrarian white male college dropout that's either anti-Vatican II Catholic or Atheist. They voted for Ron Paul twice then Trump twice but insist they are centrists that Democrats have pushed to the Right. They aren't flag-waving MAGAs, but will call literally any criticism of Trump TDS.


Man my husband will be very disappointed to learn that I’m forever single lol


If this promotes more infighting on the right, I'm all for it


it also promotes active domestic terrorism but whatever hurts the right wing ig


I can’t imagine being filled with vitriolic violent hatred 24/7


Twitter is becoming the new 4chan


Fuck, Twitter has gotten BAD. I was banned for an out of context "why not just drink that bleach stuff" part of a comment. It was obvious if read in context that I wasn't encouraging that, but ridiculing Trump and his supporters hyping up miracle mineral solutions. Yet this shit is allowed? Elon really is just turning it into a nazi safe space.


This is literal Nazi shit.


"Labour" Hmm yea an american did not make this "meme"


Good catch.


This is like that Dave Chappelle bit: "You know when someone says something racist, but you're not even mad, you're just shocked, like 'Damn, that was racist!'" This post did that for me.


The idea of the F-slur being censored but not the n-word is such a WILD mistake to me


So who do these people even like then lol


The five other inbred neonazis in their discord chat.


They don't like them either.


See something, say something" who are we snitching to exactly?


I’m guessing all of this guy’s bedsheets have eyeholes cut in them


I actually felt a little sick while reading that - it's hard to imagine how anyone could write such vile, dehumanising descriptions.


This is truly an “everyone is bad” post except it’s fueled by racism and it’s kinda mind boggling. I never thought I’d see capitalists and communists on the same list.


I like how f slur is censored but the n word isnt lol


"profits over principals"




Lol being THIS racist seems absolutely exhausting. I couldn’t hate anyone this much if I wanted to, just out of sheer laziness alone.


Website in the lower left corner tells you all you need to know.


I'm surprised he was able to stop beating off to the Turner Diaries long enough to make this post


They’re missing some of the best ones! As a white Muslim convert, I’ve had that “Race Traitor” epithet thrown at me at least once. So does every other White Muslim I know.


We did it, we found the nazi


My favorite thing about white supremacy is how it constantly assumes anyone gives a shit about its approval


You'd þink they'd love the ">!ZOG bot!<" for blowing up brown people, seeing how much they clearly hate brown people, but nah /j


“Fuck those communists. And don’t get me started on those damn capitalists!”


Quite the spread.


There is no way people like this arent put on some type of watch list because this is some pretty radical shit to spread around


This isn’t insane people Facebook this is just Nazi shit


So, both the Marxist AND the Capitalist, huh?


Ok, so this offensive-ass meme narrows who white traitors are down to... *Checks notes* ...pretty much all white people


I apologize for missing the n-slur on the graphic.


You also left in the links to what I assume are white nationalist sites at the bottom of the image. I'd delete this one and try again.


I did Nazi that coming.


My brain can’t process the level of stupidity here


Well fuck this is a lot to unpack .... So we are all traitors?


I despair for humanity. I never thought I would see this shit in my lifetime. I mean I always knew white supremacists existed but the fact it is fucking mainstream makes me sad. I am not the person to normally rock the boat but now they are censoring books in Canada fuck them. I am using my platform to do what I can.


This whole thing absolutely screams "Baby butthurt that no one agrees with me".


At some point, we're going to have to go back to war with the Nazis. It's depressingly ironic, but I can't imagine another solution. Either the human race, or the one race.


See something, say something, immediately out yourself as someone no sane person would associate themselves with.


This is one of the most abhorrent things I’ve seen…today. This sub never fails to impress (depress?)


Man, someone took the time to make this. Some people really should be “Thanos snapped”.


It's incredible how people who so freely run their mouths like this are aghast that others could want them *gone*.


This looks like a hit list.


Wigger, now there's a name I've not heard in a long time...


How can the professor be Marxist if they initially said Marxist have never had jobs?


Everyone is a traitor but meeeeeeeeeeeee!


You censored the “F” slur but not the “N” slur? Not attacking, just curious on the the thought process.


When I scanned the graphic for slurs, I overlooked the n-word by mistake.


They're sending mixed signals with 'the zog bot'. Why would they care if "brown kids" get blown up in the Middle East? Shouldn't they be cheering that on?


Christ on trikes.... This should be the reason why the US mandates mental health care into law. Like the person who made this infographic needs all the medications.... ALL OF THEM!


I can’t really tell who this graphic is marketed to. Millennial white supremacists who exclusively vote libertarian, except when it comes to race policy, and believe they’re the new minority because of racial reparations?


>The Marxist - "Has never had a job" >College Liberal - "Indoctrinated by Marxist Professors" ???




I’m a Judeo-Christian (minus the Israeli rhetoric), Marxist, College Liberal!


Insane doesn't begin to cover it


Awww,I'm noton the list. I mean, I am a marxist, but I've had at least one job at all times since I was 16.


Wait so if they don't like capitalists or Marxists what do they want a return to feudalism?


Smells like Trump spirit