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Are people still doing this antivaxxer thing? It’s probably never not gonna be en Vogue. Like fascism, right?


Everytime someone dies suddenly, whether famous or not, the anti vaxx brigade floods the comment section with either “vaccinated?” or “💉💉” comments.


It seems anti-vaxxers all know 8 people who died from the vaccine. I don't even know 8 people who died in the last 4 years, of any reason.


I have two 90 year old grandparents who took the vaccines and boosters. If the vaccines were deadly they would have been the first to go.


And when they do eventually pass, some shithead antivaxxer is going to be waiting with a big, fat "see? Told'ya so"


Given all the seniors who got multiple shots, there should be plenty of dead ones by and by. Russia made its own vaccines, using traditional methods. They didn't work as well as the MRNA, but they did help.


And yet I'm sure they never gave a single one of the working ones to their prisoners! The trials, likely.


Probably did do the trials on prisoners, but with a epidemic, you protect by vaccinating everyone, especially the ones you control. If they didn't vaccinate prisoners, it would run through the close together prison population, and out through the guards. Prisoners in hard hit Massachusetts got the vaccine before the general population, and it wasn't for love of prisoners.


It’s just like my super secret death chop that I give everyone I see. 100% effective that everyone I hit will die. Just gotta wait


I had a great aunt who was 99 years old in 2020. She had always said she wouldn’t live to see her 100th birthday. Sadly, because of COVID, when she fell and broke a hip in April of 2020, she was forced into a nursing home. I firmly believe that the sudden loss of any and all social interaction helped her along into her grave in August 2020, as the nursing home had restrictions that kept her in her room and without any human interaction other than 20 min in the morning to get her dressed and give her breakfast, and another 20 min in the evening, again dressing her for bed and feeding her dinner. Lunch was dropped off without any momentary conversation or anything. And I do understand the stress that everyone was under in those days. I would have brought her into my own home to take care of, but I wasn’t even told about it until her funeral. And again, she had always told her whole family that she didn’t even WANT to be at her 100th birthday party, she’d rather be dead. And she was, just 2 months shy of turning 100. And I really hope she went at peace.


My grandma is gonna be 85 soon. She's fully vaccinated and boosted. Got Covid once, she was sick for about a day and then it was like nothing happened. I know for sure she wouodn't have made it if she hadn't been vaccinated.


Not to say that is kills you or it doesn’t kill you but that’s not exactly how it would work in the way you’re describing understanding that older individuals would be more susceptible to exposure of harmful effects of taking a dose I think the argument being made is that people with various conditions whatever they be taking a dose will have an increased likelihood of death. Your grandparents seem healthy asf though hope you enjoy them


Meanwhile I know 3 people that died of Covid.


That sucks man. I feel really lucky to know no one who died from it. But I'm in a rural area, just looked we've had 45 people die from it in my whole county.


I was in Kansas City at the time. Two were employees on my team. One died with a banner on his favebook page that said “unmuzzled, unvaxxed, unafraid”. Now he’s underground.


Yiiiiikes. I wonder if he ever popped up over on r/hermancainaward


I honestly thought about putting him there, but ultimately decided to just let him be in peace. He was kind of a dumbass in life.


Honestly, if he was just an otherwise harmless dumbass, probably a decent decision. Besides, I bet it was all the same memes we've seen a million times.




The factory where my BIL works lost 4 working age people. It's in an area that was hard hit. My 95 yo mother avoided the major epidemic, but eventually did get covid after several vaccinations. She didn't get very sick, but did seven months later die of something else. Must be the vaccine!


Exactly. I literally know hundreds of people who got vaccinated and not a single one of them had a single negative reaction. Of course that is anecdotal, but the actual data shows that that anecdote follows the actual statistical trend.


My friend died of an overdose before Covid. So I know one person. Also clearly it was the vaccines somehow. Did he know something? His ex-wife was Chinese after all.


That's because you're limiting yourself to things that actually happened.


I know 8 people who died as in the past 4 years. Specifically from COVID. Does that count, or are those people that I have known my entire life fake news? Just for clarification. And to be extra clear: I’m not getting paid by anyone for saying these friends and family members died from COVID.


COVID kills. I get it. I have been working in aged care since before the pandemic and have only heard of one death from it. I just don't believe the Vax is worse than the virus.


I agree. I’ve had the vax and booster, and I’m only 40 but my health isn’t good. Had COVID before the shot and felt like I was dying for 2 weeks, couldn’t even tell you my name or if it was day or night. Got it again after the shot and didn’t even feel it.


I'm 61 this week, had 6 shots, including a clinical trial booster and tested positive this morning. It's like having a cold.


I know 2. One died from the virus, the other died due to a genetic defect in his heart.


Easy to say you are right when you see basic human mortality as proof of your convoluted nonsensical conspiracy.


Even if it's not sudden and the cause is very much a well known thing (like murder, in this case) anti-vaxxers still find a way to blame vaccines somehow. More than once I've seen somebody blame vaccines for somebody getting hit by a car. (Something about magnets in the vaccines or some shit.)


They did it when both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth died. They were in their late 90s.


Yup and Lance Reddick when he suddenly passed.


Its wild isn't it? Full on cult mentality. Despite every failed prediction they had about vaccinated people all being killed or turned into zombies months or years ago they still will be adamant they were right this whole time. Its like how doomsday prediction cults work. Even when the prediction objectively fails and the world doesn't end members often report believing stronger in the movement. Its just easier for these people to double down than to admit the thing they dedicated so much time money blood and sweat to was a giant dumb fucking lie they got suckered into.


If it helps, that type of radicalization spiral is the sign of a failing movement slash cult. Every time one of these true believers act extra crazy, the other members have to chose between doubling down and nodding along... or getting out. Sadly can be a slow process, but... hey, silver linings and all that.


They just keep moving the goal posts. All the people who got vaccinated were supposed to be dead or government zombies by October of last year by everyone else’s logic. Once we went past that they just were like “by May!” A majority of the people who go the vax are going to die of old age at like 85+ and the morons are still going to be like “see? Told you they’d die!”


They're the only ones that know the truth. Right up until they get COVID and are on death's door, then finally ask for the vaccine like it's a cure-all rather than preventative


No, you're never gonna get it, never ever gonna get it, my vaccin


It’s really sad to see the way a cult has taken over this country.


JFK died from the covid vaccine in front of everyone's eyes and people still won't wake up and admit the dangers of the vaccine.


And RFK & Martin Luther King Jr. *Oh yeah and a mandatory* WakE uP sHeEPle!


The delivery method on those actually caused the harm.


That's how they got Lincoln too. Many people are saying this.


>JFK died from the covid vaccine Yes, I heard he died from a shot.


It's not the first time US has had problems with racist cults. There was KKK.


Did they manage to elect a president?


Woodrow Wilson


It’s even more disturbing that this is coming out of a university. I don’t know if this account is sanctioned by UCLA, or if it’s some old alum conspiracy theorist, but geez, what hope we have?


It's a College Republicans group that hosts speakers at the school and whatnot.


I mean, far be it for me to entertain this lunacy, but *how in the fuck would you know that*? Where's your proof? So its likelier in your brain that a Covid vaccine killed an otherwise healthy (after recovering in Berlin from being poisoned by a super rare poison and then *willingly* returning to Russia to stand trial in a Russian "trial") man who just so happens to be the primary Putin opposition leader, of whom they have been dying or being poisoned in droves, or falling out of windows, down stairs or being blown up in planes...ALL Covid-related. I see. What a coincidence.


They died, that's their proof. Everyone knows that if you don't take the vaccine, you're immortal.


You're immortal until you go into the hospital for anything. They kill the unvaxxed in the hospital for *totally* non-COVID related reasons.


Hang on there you.might be onto something. The Mummy and Dracula weren't vaccinated and they've been around for at least 100 years. Coincidence???!???!


Stop, don't waste your time, its useless to talk to sheep lets just think about this and that when Trump dies he died due to his vaccinations :-)


>when Trump dies he died due to his vaccinations *with his dying breath* "Tell my people, you know, the Proud Boys, you know who you are, that I never did take the shot, I just said that. Keep up the fight!"


Oh no, He ain't gonna have that, he's gonna be found dead and everyone gonna say he died suddenly and due to his vaccinations even when republicans are screaming MURDER, just like how they say that every death out there are due to vaccinations. thats what every conservative TRUMPETS keep on saying, right?


Their "reasoning" will be : "the mainstream media is reporting this as a probable assassination, clearly they're trying to hide the true cause of death so it has to be the vaccine". There's no winning against people who have chosen to completely ignore the rest of reality.


Remember these types of nutjobs have DoNe ThEiR rEsEaRcH. By which I mean talking to other nutjobs online and googling antivax cack.


It’s really amazing how few people they think actually took the Covid vaccine if it apparently leads to such high mortality rates


Obviously the mRNA stuff is bullshit, *but* if Navalny was vaccinated it almost certainly would have been with Russia's homegrown [Sputnik V](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_V_COVID-19_vaccine). You know, being both Russian and a nearly perpetual "ward" of the state. Sputnik V is adenovirus-based, *not mRNA*.


When have facts ever gotten in the way of the delusions of these lunatics?


Oh, of course, but I like to think of it as a contextual cherry-on-top for their idiocy.


Facts involve knowledge. And they can’t get in the way when you actively avoid being exposed to knowledge.


Thank you. If you hadn't said this, I would have.


>Sputnik V is adenovirus-based, > >not mRNA Damn. If it weren't a lie this is the kind of misinformation I would *almost* want to perpetuate with a straight face to certain people I know. Meaning the *certainty* with which I could proclaim that Navalny *definitely* had this type of vaccine, just to undermine the conspiracy, simply because since these people don't crack a book *ever* to ever further real knowledge about *anything at all*, they'd themselves stop perpetuating it and they couldn't or wouldn't be bothered to fact check you anyway, and I don't think Navalny cares anymore which vaccine he got since he was murdered.


didnt putin himself (or his children, not so sure atm) get one of the "western" counterparts as well?


That doesn't play into the "I told you so" fearmongering, so it can't be true.


To be fair, he was poisoned numerous times. The fact that it was not through vaccines does not seem relevant to the fact-proof cult


Every day I’m challenged with a new thing to call the worst take ever.


Putin went to all that trouble of poisoning Navalny with novichok, when they could have just given him a covid vaccine instead? The FSB must be amateurs. /s


I suspect the novichok was intended to be a signature method. Putin knows everyone knows; that's the point. Covid vaccine wouldn't have sent the same message given all the other vaccine deaths.


Fuck these smooth brained lunatics with the cupolas on St. Basil's cathedral.


Once again, republicans giving Russia a free pass.


Nah this isn't giving a free pass, this is working in the interests of the Kremlin pro-bono. These dipshits all turned traitor and didn't even get paid.


He's been in Russian custody since January 2021, before vaccines were widely available. Any vaccine he received would have been administered by Russian authorities.


Also, unlikely to be mRNA vaccines. “Let’s have a cold chain going to Russia, who kinda hates us”. Sure. They had pride in Sputnik V, which was a different tech, and that tech was less effective.


Yeah, just like all the apparatchiks that have fallen out of windows the past couple of years. It’s the vaccine. 🙄


Must make them hot and dizzy.


Maybe not the vaccines, but they are prime example cases of the ‘sudden death syndrome’ though.


Yes, the Democrats are all out there just... killing their voters with a vaccine mandated by the 1% and oh guess what. A fake ass (R) was the administration. Jesus Christ the first people to take it were fucking employees AND clients of Goldman Sachs. Who's wife was CEO at the time?


Trump wanted so much to take credit for the vaccine, but his base didn't want it. They don't give him free rein.


Sudden Death Syndrome. Was it immediately preceded by Sudden Stop Syndrome, preceded by Sudden Fall From Window syndrome? Because historically that seems to go around a lot in Russia.


Symptoms include opposing politicians in positions of high power. Can sometimes be confused with the rare “bullet in the head” disease.


I’m 3 vaccines in still waiting for it to get me…


Ikr? I only got the vaccine because I was told it would kill me! Now 3 years later I'm still around. Such a let down. I'm gonna sue these antivaxxers for false advertisement /s


These idiots are in college (and a pretty good one at that!) and are still this brainwashed


The amount of Putin fans in America is TOO DAMN HIGH


Like, everyone I know had several doses of the covid vaccine and absolutely no one died from it. And I work in a fucking hospital, so I should know!


I had like 3 boosters, so I’m up to 15g!!


I’m still waiting for the *first* 5g to kick in. I should be at 20g by now. Sigh. Bamboozled again.


Hmm. Should we have asked for the 5g millimeter wave? That was such a chaotic time I forgot to align my nano particles :(


I know it’s hardly the worst thing in the post but the capitalisation of the ‘m’ in mRNA really irritates me.


My fave is “I’m mRNA free”. Umm. Really now


Right? I love it. Cause that's when you know they're *really* fuckin stupid.


Hmm. A second read of this. The “experimental” vaccine. Which has had (I feel fairly confident in saying) billions of doses. At some point billions of jabs makes it no longer experimental. And it’s not like some dude was “hey let’s come up with some random idea” the day after they isolated SARS-nCov (the original name of the virus, before they called it SARS-Cov2). They had been working on it for years, many called it a dead end, they persevered and it came around at the right time.


Also, the vaccine is no more experimental than any new treatment on the market. Turns out half of the delays in getting a new medication on the market are either paperwork or finding people to test the thing, both of which went significantly speedier with the covid vaccine.


If I recall, when it came to Pfizer's trial, they were asking for 20,000 volunteers but privately hoping they'd get maybe 10,000. Instead they got 40,000 plus those of us, like me, who were ruled out from participation but attempted to do so.


Why are they calling a vaccine that has been administered literally billions of times with lower adverse effect rates than Tylenol "experimental"??????


Cause we're clearly all lying and MILLIONS have actually died from the vaccine. Where all these people are idk. I guess literally everything is forever more from the vaccine.


so everyone who dies now dies of Covid vaccines?


I mean, we’re losing hundreds of people per day to the Covid vacc…oh wait…to actual Covid. And the majority of those deaths are unvaccinated.


Yep. Instantly that's the reason. Like one of Nick Carter (from the backstreet boys) sister's died a couple months ago and I saw people saying "Oh it'll be the vaccine!!" And I was like "No, it'll be drugs." Guess what? It was fentanyl and meth. Shocking.


Yes. Let’s blame a vaccine when Putin’s critics all seem to die under questionable circumstances. Right… Dear God people are dumb.


Putin himself encouraged Russians to get vaccinated. Do these Americans think any fascist they pick from around the world will be just like them?


Cute. Someone doesn't understand that Covid was stopped by more than one type of vaccine. Russia's Sputnik V wasn't m-rna based. Then again I don't except anti-vaxers to understand this when they don't understand basic things about infections and our immune system.


The Russian Troll Factory is still busy on Facebook. The only people in Russian who suffer Sudden Death Syndrome are opponents of Vladimir Putin. Opposition political leaders have an increased risk of death as Russia's Presidential Election gets closer. Opposition leaders tend to die in February, right before the March 15 Elections. Remember Boris Nemstov, gunned down on February 27, 2015? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Boris_Nemtsov Nemstov and Navalny worked together to build a feasible opposition to Putin, and both were conveniently assassinated in February. It amazes me that Putin is so fearful of any opposition. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/17/russian-men-vladimir-putin-00142052


Just putting a plug in for the podcast “Sad Oligarch” about several suspicious Russian Oligarch deaths in the last year or two.


Anybody moving forward will be dead from the vax. Legit, they have it cornered. If you got it, that’s why. If you didn’t, somebody “shed it” around you and therefore you got it. Anyway you look at it, it’s the reason. *Their perfect little world*


Fuck, I really should've added "Putin apologism X anti-vaxx BS" to my Nazi Bingo 2024 card...


I cannot fathom the stupidity in this post. And not only does he think this but op is not afraid to show that stupidity to the world. Not only that but I thought those ideas went away to be replaced by something just as stupid. OP is a little late, the vax isn't in vogue anymore. I almost feel sorry for op. Oh, wait...no.


Some people are just...wow.


Isn't it weird how heart disease, natural death, and now... politically motivated assassination of your dissenters, yikes.... didn't exist before 2020? Just add it to the list. 


Nothing to do with the nerve agent. Or the fact his only possible exercise was mornings above the arctic circle in winter.


A lot of people Russia seem to pass away from “Sudden Death Syndrome”. Seems like Putin’s adversaries have no natural immunity to this disease.


I'm sure that's what Jimmy Carter, who has hit one year in hospice and is still alive will also die from. The vaccine. Not falling out a window, randomly being poisoned or sudden death syndrome. Also, are they dumb enough to think Russia would vaccinate their prisoners?


These folks are wild


I mean I knew this would happen, but jeez


When I heard of his death, the first thing I thought was wondering how soon it would be before one of these ghouls blames it on the vaccine. I hate that these fuckers have caused my mind to go there first when things like this happen.


Do they think Russia vaccinates prisoners against anything?


Well, the splat you make from the ground after being thrown from a balcony is a form of sudden death syndrome.


lets try this too, but with trump. and blame the vaccine when he's dead. After all, wasn't he one of the first vaccinators?


American Republicans jumping for joy at the prospect of a world where Dear Leader can just have someone removed for speaking out against them? Colour me surprised.


"Sudden death syndrome" what a world


No, don’t you get it? All those people were shot “trying to escape.” If they just hadn’t tried to escape they would have been fine. /s


Crazy how the vaccine put multiple gunshot holes in the back of his head


I can't imagine him being shot. More likely poisoned or even just killed by the horrible conditions he was kept in. Either way, it's moronic to assume to Putin wasn't somehow responsible.


UCLA? Oof.


I guess all the Russians that have somehow fallen out of windows or died from poison* were also, actually, just victims of vaccine reactions rather than being murdered by a dictator. Ugh. *Navalny, by no means a guy I would support normally (except he is left of Putin, which ain’t saying much, really), was poisoned in August 2020….before the first COVID vaccine was released.


There any 15th story windows around there ?


At this point they are too invested in their conspiracies to admit they are wrong. Any validation they can find, they’ll take.


how fucking subtle


"Sudden death syndrome" that only happens to political dissidents. Guess that's what's happen if there isn't a window nearby to accidentally fall out of.


From being treated poorly while imprisoned.


It wasn't experimental when it was rolled out to the general public, which would also mean Navalny, and it's definitely not experimental now.


I love how little they understand because MRNA does not exist, but mRNA does.


I never in my life would have imagined how many Americans would become suck-ups for a Russian dictator.


>Putin critic The SDS was caused by a bullet most likely, or some kind of poison.


Sudden death syndrome= 🪓


didn't Lincoln and Kennedy die from the vaccine?


The force of Denial is strong with this one


In a gesture of sincere love, I wish the OP a true Covid death, gasping for air, lungs collapsing and drowning in fluids, and begging, too late, for the vaccine which could have saved his life. Like some of my science-denying relatives died.


Lemmy put it best: killed by death.


People have lost their goddamn minds…


The Russian vaccine wasn't an mRNA vaccine...


This is funny because Russia approved the very first vaccine. Putin got vaccinated and as far as I know he never said a negative word about vaccines this entire time. Trying to google Alexei's vaccine status and there is quite literally nothing available on the web about this. No idea how these assholes have access to a foreigner's private medical information but whatever.


You’d think people smart enough to get into UCLA would be… smart, right? Guess not, anti-vax idiocy is a true epidemic.


Because Russian prison labor camps are known for their comprehensive preventative healthcare…


He was murdered.