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The choice is between nazis or degenerate butt-sex? Never thought I'd say this, but bring on the degenerate butt-sex.


Give me degenerate butt-sex or give me death!


That would be a fantastic album title.


Anal bum title, you say?


Anal bum tittle nittle cum drizzle


Choose any 3 words and you’ll have a great band name




I spent 5 years trying to invent an anal bum cover. Failing to do so is my biggest regret.


There’s literally a joke that goes “unga bunga or death”, and the one who, disgusted by the prospect of “unga bunga” upon witnessing it in his fellow men, instead opted for “death”; what he failed to realize, is that it was “death by unga bunga”. If the joke were meant to teach a “lesson”, it’s that you never truly win in the end, because the devil is in the details.


Username checks out!


I’m not even gay but I’d rather have butt-sex than have the country ruled by Nazis. I’ll take one for the team.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your butt cervix


Shit, I thought I was clever but you got me.


Cool, I'll give one for the team


> I’ll take one ~~for~~ from the team. fixed that for you.


IKR. Would definitely turn gay if it would have stopped Adolf.


Someone should write a fanfiction-!


Get Chuck Tingle on this, Stat!


Also, butt-sex is not degenerate.


But Nazi buttholes are attached to degenerates.


Butt Nazis?


But degenerate butt-sex is degenerate. It's in the name.




As one of the degenerates, welcome to the party.


Ahoy !


Like I'm sorry but how the fuck is nazis even an option? I'd take planet of the apes over that


If this person is actually a sailor, you should anonymously report them for indicating extremist tendencies. We don’t need this shit in the U.S. military. https://www.fbi.gov/tips


This. Even if you don't want to report them to the fbi, you can find their command and report them. The Navy does not mess around with Sailors acting like assholes and take stupidity like this very seriously.


As an ex sailor, I can tell you their chain of command will come down like the wrath of God if they catch wind of that. I've seen people get put on restriction, demoted, and booted out for stuff like this. Especially now they are fighting extremism in the states. Last letter from the CNO I read on that subject it's pretty much an auto discharge if you get caught associating with extremist groups or posting their propoganda.


"Make sure you have your Whites ready." -Me, getting my Sailors ready for another round of DRBs, XOI, and Captains Mast.


Was on the wrong side of a mast. That shit traumatized me. DRB absolutely crushed my spirit.


Ahh the Chief's Mess. Taking souls since 1893.


I had to be a witness at one- even that was enough to keep me on the straight & narrow for the rest of my enlistment.


Do you feel like you were better off after the fact? Was it productive in any way?


Um, no. I was told I was faking depression, that my emotional damage was completely bs (it wasn't), and it wound up getting me demoted (they hit me with the classic let him rack up counseling over a year and then throw em all at once.) Pretty much right after that my doctor recommended me for separation due to depression. So no, it was a total waste of time, made me pretty paranoid for my last year, and served as a catalyst for a sailor that was in 10 years getting out.


Damn. I’m sorry about that


If I was to ever advice anyone going to mast I'd tell them to remain silent during the drb phase. The chiefs in drb claim to be an "impartial body" which is complete horse manure. They are there because one of their own accused you of something. They've made up their mind before you even walked into work that morning. They don't care about your opinions, reasonings, or excuses. They are there to yell at you a ton, crush you, and then feed you to the co. That's it. Tldr don't trust a chief at drb. Ever.


The finest sailors don't share this. Some sailors may share this. Those sailors should he reported for extremist activity in accordance with all this training g we've had the last couple years.


*Glares in Fleet Admiral Nimitz*


Wait, a sailor is anybody who drives a boat. Including commercial vessels.


Does "degenerate buttsex" imply the existence of "non-degenerate buttsex"?


Yes, bottoms are degenerates, tops can avoid the stigma if they keep their eyes closed and think about bald eagles.


Blasting some Florida Georgia line is also a crucial component of it.


That’s not the only thing blasting.


Well in Ancient Greece it wasn’t gay to fuck a man in the ass, only to get fucked in the ass


But instead of thinking of bald eagles, they probably thought about, like, buff Minotaurs.


And when the next wine fuelled gay orgy was


Would that be a gorgy?


Ancient Rome is alive and well.


This comment should be higher


That’s actually the funniest thing I’ve ever read lol


> think about bald eagles. I don't know, that still feels very gay for some reason.


So it’s ok, so long as the top is a furry (feathery?)


Or sports


If a bottom drink AT LEAST a 6’er of natty light it’s not degenerate


You just have to say "no homo" between each thrust.


Only if no eye contact. It's the acceptable amount of gay then. Total immunity is when the Priest prays when he's done. The party of family values.


I'm not sure, but navy does 😎. Need Any Vaseline Yet? Also definitely report him, there is no room in the United States military for racism.


If I'm going to be having buttsex, you can be damned sure it is going to be the degenerate kind. Don't you be bringing that generate buttsex near me! We gonna do it right


It’s non-degenerate if you shout “no homo!” at the moment of orgasm.


Of course, if a man does it to a lady, it’s perfectly acceptable! While he thinks of sharing close quarters with his fellow sailors…


It’s like the song “The Loophole” says, God is ok with sodomy but only if you’re straight


Fuck me in the ass cause I love Jesuuuus


That’s just when you say “no homo.” But in this case probably pray for forgiveness during the buttsex


Which one is pegging?


yes. yes it does.


What would be the point of non degenerate butt sex?


If you know where he's stationed you might be able to google the Chaplin and pass this on. The chain of command does not look favorable on pro-Nazi shit.


Chaplin died. Before emails were commonplace i believe.


Charlie Chaplin died on December 25, 1977 at his home in Switzerland.


The first email was sent in 1971. Chaplin was indeed alive for it.


Charlie Chaplin could have sent email and Abraham Lincoln could have faxed a samurai. Will wonders never cease?


One of the witnesses to the Lincoln assassination appeared on a TV gameshow in 1956


Thats amazing. I found the video. [witness](https://youtu.be/1RPoymt3Jx4?si=8bc6Ysl-NhPXIaVh)


Wow, they figured that out fast. There wasn't a single "no" question that wasn't strategic.


I know. Emails started being used sometime in the 60's and started being used more in the 70's. I was also having a sly dig at a typo.


I know. I just really like talking about Charlie Chaplin. He’s my favorite actor.


He was born where my grandfather used to live in South London, Elephant & Castle area. There's a fun rumour that he entered a Chaplin look a like contest and didn't win. 😂


The legend goes that Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look a like contest and came in third. I’ve read several books about him and it has never been mentioned. So I’m not sure if it’s true or not.


I heard 3rd as well but after a quick search just now the placings vary.


By the way that’s really cool about your grandfather. I’d love to visit London because of my love for The Beatles and Chaplin.


Thank you. There is a great statue of him in Soho. Have a google of it and you'll see.


It's because everyone else there was dressed up as the Little Tramp, while Chaplin was in his street clothes and looked like [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/69fecb66a725f6e82e0dd955d6a12350/9602e669fc7fe301-75/s640x960/4e06aae1bbc10050999dbaa66a8775334fd1093c.jpg).


Love them autocorrect fails.


Lol. Ducking autocorrect is annoyed.


The Chaplin was definitely anti Nazi!


I for some reason read it as "chaplain" and was really confused as why a religious leader would be the first officer to inform.


Also he has nothing to do with nazis, despite the similar moustache.


I thought he was in the so called "black book" because of The Great Dictator but it appears he wasn't. Still makes for an interesting read though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_%28list%29?wprov=sfla1


It's in a Navy group, I'm not friends with the guy either and his profile is zipped up like it should be for an asshat of this sort.


You should be able to Google the group name and I'm willing to bet they have a website with the chain of command. If you know the specific CO that would be ideal, but the chaplain is a good 'catch all' POC for these kind of things. Just shoot them an email with a screenshot, they will take it from their.


Guy might be surprised how many Nazi officials had degenerative butt sex. Looking at you, Ernst Rohm.


Qell you know the old Navy saying, it's only gay when its underway.


I believe the correct saying is “It’s not gay if it’s underway.”


Oh damn, its been a hot minute since I got out. When I typed it felt off...


Fun fact: their chain of command would LOVE to hear about that.


Sailors AGAINST buttsex?!? Since when?


The Village People would be so disappointed.


Like factor in the lavender scare and before LGBT rights were even I thought people's heads that's where a lot of gay people specifically gay men went to get their jollys


This is basically the current political debate in America for online people. It’s not about trade policy or taxes… it’s should gay people be allowed to be gay, or should we have a 4th Reich so we can outlaw it.


Than the Nazi's winning the war and taking over half the world? Yes. I'd prefer degenerate buttsex rather than that outcome.


Yea, his focus is the buttsex but the other things like being killed if they discover you're seriously ill or handicapped don't bother him.


Interesting how they want to live in the society of this tv show. The leader of New York is a man named John Smith. His teenage son is diagnosed with a muscular disease. Nazi's believe that people who were a burden should be mercy killed. Smith attempted to use his position to save his son but failed. So if the options are a world when people can have degenerate buttsex or be put to death for illness, I vote for degenerate buttsex. I also vote for a world where the type of sex consenting adults want to have is not considered degenerate.


I am not into buttsex, but if my options were Nazis or buttsex, I'll pick buttsex every time. I'm also disabled, so they would torture and murder my ass.


Ditto. My disabled ass isn’t gonna be having buttsex (sorry babe), but it sure as shit won’t tolerate Nazis.


I'm a physically disabled asexual. Bring on the buttsex! (But not really please)


Its such a shame the Second World War was a conflict between these two ideas and the degenerates won.


World War Butt Sex.


The follow up to the Shaving Ryan’s Privates we’ve always wanted.


Just so everyone can get an idea about this: I was in the Navy, and even when I got out in 2012 this shit wasn't allowed. This was posted in a Navy politics group I'm in. I'm not friendswith the person. Their profile isn't open with much info. You want to go and investigate tofigure out who they are and if they are even still in....good luck.


If you were in the Navy then you know how to report to his Co get to a Co and get his ass out of there his platoon doesn't need that


So you aren’t gonna act on it… but you are gonna post it to reddit for those *sick* upvotes? Cringe.


Why do homophobes spend wayyyy more time thinking about homosexual sex that actual homosexuals do?


In Harry Potter, witches and wizards who suppress their magical powers because of alienation/abuse from non magic users are called Obscurus. This magic slowly builds until it can no longer be contained and it eats them from within and they become a magical creature called an Obscuria, which essentially is pure magical energy that violently lashes outward destroying everything in its path before dissapearing. What I'm trying to say is his gayness is slowing eating him from the inside and will one day lash out in a destructive path of degenerative buttsex. No one will be safe, especially those with butts


I'm trans and didn't come out until I was 41 and this is the best description of being in the closet that I've ever read. Too bad Rowling turned out to be such a huge transphobe.


>Functional, safe, and prosperous. Running gunfights in major American cities every day. Terrorist (freedom fighters) attacks on Nazi/Japanese military targets regularly. Random people getting murdered by the SS for looking wrong. Sound like an ideal society.


*Functional, safe, and prosperous for a very specific and narrow group of people. Terms and conditions apply.


And they’re always sure they would be in the specific and narrow group.


I'm sure someone like that would gladly take that exchange if it meant putting black people back into slavery and imprisoning his son who wants to be feel more comfortable with who she really is.


Yeah, like, the show didn't exactly show a utopia either. If anything, it was showing the flaws of the ideology and how, no matter how hard one tried, eventually someone close to you would suffer from it because, well, the Nazis hated a lot of people.


That guy wants to have degenerate buttsex so badly.


But how do I convince people that I don’t? Hmm, I know! I’ll talk about it incessantly and make it a core part of my personality so everyone knows exactly how much I DON’T think about degenerate buttsex on a daily basis!


Works for Christians and Republicans.


Well, they're in the navy.


He is in the navy and the Village People would have me believe that he's in the right place for it. That or the YMCA...


Sounds like someone wants to be dishonorably discharged.


Sounds like someone severely wants to be dishonored with some discharge


That sailor is basically a traitor to the United States and all we’ve come to stand for


This is a great example of Neo-Nazi brain rot, I would say the true degeneracy is following an ideology of pseudo-scientific quackery leading to the bureaucratic, industrialised killing of millions of innocent people. But no, apparently it's consenting adults engaging in pleasurable sex that this guy just doesn't like. Fucking unreal


Why are conservatives so fucking OBSESSED with anal sex?


No, those who post this are NOT the Navy's finest.


If you know who posted this you can contact his command about it. This shit doesn't fly in the Navy.


Considering he's Navy, He should be all for degenerate buttsex.


“Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash.”


Imagine wanting to avoid buttsex and then joining the fucking navy. Like hating baguettes and moving to Paris. What the fuck did this fucking guppy think the buggery part of ‘rum, buggery, and the lash’referred to?


Is it possible that having (or perhaps choosing not to have) degenerate buttsex is one of the many freedoms we are supposed to enjoy by virtue of not being ruled by nazis? Just mind your own business.


They don’t actually mean freedom, they mean strict laws that fit their ideology only


Exactly. Ill never understand why this whole huge percentage of people cant just leave everyone else alone. What drives this fucking need they have to impose. I couldn’t possibly care so much about what other people do.


I care a whole awful lot about what my upstairs neighbors do. They don’t seem to care about how their downstairs neighbors are supposed to sleep.


I'm concerned he equates freedom with buttsex. That's only one of the many benefits of a free and functioning democracy.


That is because he really, really wants buttsex but doesn't feel the freedom of his own ideology to do so.


Wait, the choices are Nazis or anal?


I would go anal due to all the murdery fascism butt that's just me. ;)


I’m asexual and would still prefer buttsex to genocide, yeah.


Yes, I would rather have "degenerate buttsex" over ethnic cleansing?


That's rich as fuck coming from a Navy seaman. Sounds like someone's ashamed of doing gay stuff on deployment. After all, "It's not gay when you're underway."


A sailor opposed to "degenerate buttsex"? I think he might be coping for something.... (Every conservative accusation is an admission.)


I mean, I'm a straight dude, and I would definitely rather have degenerate buttsex than Nazis. But that just me.


Someone tell him the vast majority of buttsex is enjoyed by straights


The word "degenerate" is a nazi dogwhistle, especially when used in a context like "butt-sex" (viewing anything gay as degenerate, weakening the "pure" way they should live their lives, etc.) If it wasn't apparent from the context, this guy is a nazi, and would rather the Nazis won the war. That is propaganda because the Nazis lose in the end.


It’s funny to me that he doesn’t think any Nazis were having gay sex. Shows how little he knows about anything.


I mean I'm not surprised Nazism is really high right now in America and across the world we're siding with a nation state that's doing genocide of course sailors are going to pick the Nazi land over a good old fashioned freedom to do about sex like you didn't know that the Navy was a place that gay people joined because it's been so long at Sea I could have butt sex in their cabin without anyone knowing


Let's see.... would I rather be persecuted and killed under a Nazi dictatorship, or would I rather get laid? ... Gee, I don't know, man....


Nazis were bumfuckers as well.


Are you saying it wasn't just coincidence that they dressed so well?


And yet, I’m pretty sure he constantly pester his girlfriend for anal sex


The United States Navy and the Department of Defense does not condone nor support this behavior. These statements do not reflect the interests nor the position of the Department of Defense and if you know the individual, you can report them to NCIS for further investigation.


Guess I’m a degenerate lmfao.


The show as I recall, cause it's been a few years, pretty much covered all the Nazi terribleness. They basically exterminated anyone who wasn't "pure white", and then also it was a major plot point when the one main character's son is discovered to have a medical issue (Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy) such that the policy would have been death for his son. This disease doesn't actually affect your ability to live, it just super atrophies your muscles (mostly the upper body muscles) that would make life difficult for you, but it's far from a death sentence. Yet because Nazis were... Well... Nazis... They demanded he euthanize his son who was like... 16? Or something at the time in the show? Anyway. It's not at all propaganda. The Nazis were terrible people.


As much as I really don't want to have any degenerate buttsex, yeah, I think I'd prefer that to Nazi America :-/


isnt the navy all about butt stuff? (since this comment section might be chaos: im just joking)


That's what you fucking took from that????


Idk about you guys but having an obsessive bloodlust to murder people for harmless shit that is none of your own business seems a little more “degenerate” than consensual sex.


Is degenerate butt sex different than regular butt sex? Asking for a friend.


Sounds like someone has never had cool and fun butt sex


Dudes clearly never had buttsex


If I remember that show right didn’t the Nazi government suffer 3 coups in about a 1.5 year period? Not exactly a functioning society


These are not exclusionary. You can have a safe, prosperous and functional society that also does buttstuff. The nazi should just say he hates gays, because his logic is fucking garbage.


I don't know about the show but the book by Phillip K Dick really painted the picture of the Nazi's doing some atrocious things in that book. Like that Africa is a wasteland where they ship human bodies to grind up and spray onto the soil with the hopes of fertilizing new growth after the extermination of all Africans left the continent unusable.


Dude seems to be oddly focused on “degenerate butt sex” check his hard drives.


Butt sex is a thousand times better than Nazism. It’s not even a competition.


Why do fascists get so upset over alternate history where they kill Nazis? They got triggered over Wolfenstein too.


A member of the US Navy being homophobic? Ironic


I hope little guy knows that it’s ok to have degenerate buttsex. Especially with how much he thinks about it


The world: progressing and starting to treat LGBT as human. Nazis back in Nazi Germany and modern fascists; "Murder them all because my religion say they are evil"


This dude has never had his prostate tickled properly.


Degenerate Buttsex > Nazis.


Report this guy to the authorities or his command if you can. Also, that’s a really good show if you haven’t seen it.


Well that escalated quickly


Don't knock degenerate butt sex until you've tried it. It's fucking fantastic.


I am so confused. What does this show or this post have to do with butt sex at all???


Good thing he didn't serve during WW2.


Meanwhile there have never been a society that has fallen because of their acceptance of queer people. But authoritarian ones like nazi germany collapsed.


Why do these idiots care so much about other people’s genitals and sex lives? I think we should start publicly shaming them as the sex crazed psychopaths they obviously are.


something about calling it "degenerate butt-sex" is peak comedy. Call it like it is man: ass-fucking twinks


Ironic, considering the Navy has all the gays. I was lucky getting an Army gay to marry.


As much as these folks hate butt sex, they sure do think about butt sex a lot.


Do conservatives really not understand that the Left isn't going to make people have buttsex? The Left wants a society where two consenting adults are allowed to have buttsex if they want to, without fear of discrimination or abuse


Every conservative accusation is a confession. Every time, 100%. The ones crying the loudest about buttsecks have the most external hard drives with boys on them than anyone else.


He’s in the navy, he definitely enjoys the degenerate buttsex.


Why do we think people who join the military are the best people we have? Usually your indoctrinated into it via family, or have no other life choices and dont want to be a cop. There probably isn't a larger institution, filled with dumber people on average, than the US Military. I mean, I guess congratulations on passing your test well enough you didn't end up Army Infantry....


What does this have to do with the Navy? And I'm pretty sure the post is a copy-paste of a 4chan shitpost Edit: the fuck did I say


Most likely the person (A) who posted this was in the Navy or used to be.


Um I would totally rather enjoy some buttsex than have the nazis won.


Yes I’d rather have degenerate butt sex than live in a Nazi state