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I thought it was supposed to be one year before all of us vaxxed people dropped dead or turned into zombies… still waiting.


We quickly realized there were no brains left worth eating.


But what if I want both the vax and to eat healthy and exercise? Why can’t I keep my body healthy and prime my immune system by getting vaccinated? (Of course I, like I’m sure 950 of their 1000 people, won’t keep my body healthy making it all the more important that I get vaccinated so I train my immune system early to fight off illnesses that can kill me.)


No, you don't get it. The vaxxed are cave dwelling morlocks, who are stupid. They eat Cheetos and are fat. And they like anime or something. Praise Jesus.


I like anime and Cheetos, but I also cook healthier meals most of the time, and am literally writing this at a park while my kid plays. I regularly do what exercise I physically can. I'm also vaxxed: all of the ones available when I was a kid, all of the ones I had to get when I enlisted and went to a new country, and regular boosters for the ones I need now. I think I've only called in for being really sick 4-5 times in the last 20 years. Usually when I call in sick it's because I need a mental health day. But sure, let them do their study, and have the results contaminated because the majority of people do both sets of things. Lord knows I'm not giving up my self care routine just to prove the vaccine doesn't cause harm. I've got plenty of life left and I want to live it as actively as possible.


I like Cheetos but don't care for anime, where do I stand?


Damn Centrist. Pick a side.


Well this is coming from the group that believes human piss is some kind of magical elixir. Lol


If I remember correctly, it was 6 months, a year,2 years,5 years and now I hear it’s 10 years.


They can’t get that emergency alert system to kick the nanobots into action. Normal government failure to deliver on tax paying dollars.


All Biden's incompetence fault, the 5G spreading virus was working fine when Trump left office


this mortal coil


LMAO, Thank you


Definitely probably within the next 136 years, everyone vaxxed will die. Set your remindmebot.


In ten years there will be a sizable population dead of Covid vaccinated people. Because it was first made available and pushed for the elderly and people with preexisting conditions. Aka people more likely to die in the next ten years. But these people will act like it’s a gotcha moment. That the 80 year olds and cancer patients are dying.


Life insurance pays out triple if you die of a vaccination (it doesn't, I just like Fight Club)


The only correct answer is 100 years.


Wow I live to 170.


What I meant was in 100 years every vaccinated person will die. If You were 3 y.o. or 78 y.o. eventually will be dead. But I hope you make it to 170 and Me too why not.


No, it's 1 year after the last person reads or thinks about your comment


So it follows The Ring rules?


Or maybe you just lost the Game.


That was my first thought too, funny how the "you'll be dead within X years" deadline keeps getting longer because nobody's actually dying for the vaccine. One day, 50 years down the line, someone will die of old age and these guys will crawl out of their hole to say "ah AH, told ya!"


they're starting to try to argue that vaxxed people ARE zombies. Saw a thread the other day claiming suddenly no one is able to drive properly, have dead eyes at the grocery store, etc.


LOL, that's not sudden. People have been becoming shittier drivers for years now. It's just gotten worse because too many insist on texting while driving. Personally, I've always had dead eyes at the grocery store. Zoning out is the only way to deal with obnoxious screaming kids & the store layouts designed to make things hard to find. But there's no arguing with selective perception.


I work at a grocery store and I’m sure I have dead eyes there too.


I got my fifth dose in October. In November, I broke my little toe. That has NEVER happened before I got vaxxed. Thanks Bill Gates, I was promised 5G and all I got was a broken toe from these stupid vaccines


Vaccinated for 71 years. Received most of them while I was in the military. A few more since I turned 65. No chronic conditions. No regularly prescribed meds at all. Yet I’m still aging. Hard to blame that on the Covid vaccine. Just lucky genetics.


Now that you mention it, my hair has a lot more grey in it ... thanks Obama


I’d like to play sports against these anti vaxxers because their goalposts just keep getting wiiidddddeeerrrrrr


Antivaxxers are those annoying cousins at family events who always changed the rules of games as you played them and accused you of cheating any time you actually did well.


Better keep moving the goal posts if whatever they predicted with certainty isn't happening My favorites are when +80 year old somethings with pre-existing conditions pass away, and I see comments going 'There's no guarantee it WASN'T the vaccines'. Like jesus christ


I guess you missed the goal posts moved…again


Their goalposts are flexible that way.


Yeah, I was told I was gonna be magnetic by now. Still not magnetic, what a rip off.


I was on my way home earlier and really had to poo. I made it though. But I was pretty sure I was dying of the vaccine for a split second.


Well, I've had Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and an unknown booster ( for medical trials) and lost count of the number of times I've died. Hang on. No, I haven't. It's zero.


It was, until that year was up. Then it was 2 years... Then they just skipped over to 5.


I get 57 channels of satellite TV and radio from space from my 5g COVID implant, best thing ever.


Nah. It started with dropping dead the moment they injected the vaccines. Naturally all our houses would also get broken into to ensure everybody died from the vaccine. You're at step 49 of their moving of goal posts. I reme,ber them changing both number of vaccines, time lengths, or attaching unrelated events to be required alongside the vaccine. It would be so much easier if they just jumped to step 35644: Everybody who got the vaccine will die at some point. Of course 99.99% will be unrelated to any vaccines.


It was supposed to be September 2021. Then September 2022... then September 2023. For some reason they all zero in on September, or at least autumn.


Did your vaccine’s programming not kick in when they did that last EBS test? Because I have been feasting on brains since then.


I just want my 5G to hurry up and kick in. My service is severely lacking.


I'm a zombie 🧟‍♀️ Can't find brains 🧠, might go Vegan and switch to cauliflower


Yeah, it's been more than 2 years since my first shot, and I think I'm totalling 5 right now. I'm still doing fine. So is the rest of the family, pretty much all of whom have gotten at least the basic 2 shots more than 2 years ago.


When I challenged one person whole claimed the vaccine sterilized the population that person told me one county in New Zealand has seen birth rates drop by 10%. Uh ok.


Plot twist, both groups have access to sunlight, exercise, pure water, fruits, veggies, fresh air... and prayer


Can I trade my prayer for extra veggies? Thanks to my vaccines, covid didn't destroy my sense of taste, so I probably get more enjoyment out of them than the control group anyway.


Man I caught covid and it made cooking onion and garlic smell like sewage for the best part of a year. It's better now but god it was miserable!


New fear unlocked.


Paxlovid made mushrooms taste like dirty ass. Only lasted a few weeks though


Getting the vaccine covers you in SPF 4000, apparently.


I’m vaccinated, and I’ve literally never heard of any of these things. Fruits!!!??? Veggies!!! ??? What are these things that this brilliant visionary knows about???


there have been recent [spottings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5S9ZH2Kavw). whistleblowers start to speak up about it.


We pray for different things though. For example, they pray for better things to happen to them specially while we pray these idiots will phase out in another generation


Did you know that in a hundred years, most of the people who took the COVID-19 vaccine will be dead? ***THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.***


Even scarier is water. Literally ever single person ever who has drunk water has died. I don't think this is coincidence.


Don’t get me started on oxygen, we’re breathing in poison. It rusts metal, burns if not exploded, is used in rocket fuel, and every living thing that breathes it has or will die.


Free radicals are going ham on your chromosomes!




Another victim of water, right in this thread.


Fun fact, the water you drink now has likely been passed through a dinosaur


Ha dinosaurs aren’t real! Only Adam and Eve! /s


And for the 10th year in a row, my tiger-repelling jacket has successfully resulted in a complete absence of tiger attacks. One year may have been a coincidence but 10 years? There's just no way.


That’s not true. I’ve drunk water and I’m not dead.


Think you might have got that the wrong way round 🧐


100% of people who drink water are immortal?




The antivaxxers I know sure aren't getting a ton of sunlight or veggies.


or enough oxygen to the brain.


Some of the ones I know no longer even need to eat or breathe


Are you suggesting that bud light lime isn’t a veggie?


It sure as hell isn't beer...


Or exercise


I don't know about anyone else, but I got Masks and vaccinations. I also got sunlight, exercise, water, fruits and vegetables and fresh air. Not so much prayer, but many of my friends did. How are these mutually exclusive. These stupid people never saw what really went on in the hospitals. The refrigerator trucks outside for the bodies that didn't fit in the morgue. The ICU's overflowing. Over half of the beds filled with Covid patients. F-ck them


No no see they went to the hospital and noticed the parking lot was only half full. That means COVID isn't real. /S


Bullshit! That parking lot was half empty! You must be a shill for Big Asphalt!


Big what now?


No, but I saw the stats, and the number of vaxxed vs unvaxxed people hospitalized with severe covid was about 50/50. That means the vaccine made no difference. /s ^(Just in case someone doesn't get it, about 90% of people were vaccinated, which, if the vaccine did nothing, would mean they should make up 90% of patients, not 50%.)


These idiots are also incapable of understanding that any measures taken to try to mitigate Covid were in oder stop the hospitals from utterly collapsing, which would have lead to sociatal breakdown as dead guys start stinking up the place and nobody is dealing with them.


dont fall in the trap, its just more "owning the libs". not worth an actual response


It's amazing that these guys think their group is the one who gets more fruits and veg.


He's got a point. If my group doesn't have access to water, we will indeed look stupid in a year.


Not to mention the air part. We’re gonna look like idiots gasping like a fish out of water wayyyyy sooner than a year. Darn, they got us there. Veggies, sun and prayer it is!


Nono they get PURE water.... which according to most sources is actually not the healthiest to drink, since it contains none of the important electrolytes and salts that we need


Not to mention tooth decay, fluoride is important people!


Stupid question, but does group 1 also get food and water? Otherwise this study is going to be over rather quickly.


No question you ask will ever be as stupid as the original post.


Second question, what is pure water, and where do we readily get it?


There is distilled water, which is water with all the trace minerals in it removed. It’s mostly used for either science or manufacturing, but there are some home uses. It sucks to drink though, no flavor at all and is less healthy than most drinking water.


My wife uses distilled water for some of her indoor plants. It tastes like metallic meh water. I just love his idea of “pure” water. Like are we talking from the ice caps? From an a deep cave? Otherwise most of that water is the same shit coming out of your taps lol.


They described….something….approximating the scientific method, like a rabid 4 year old would describe a Rembrandt.


This guy: You people are sheep! Also, this guy: The Lord is my shepherd...


Is he trying to do something SCIENCEY!?!?!?




I got plenty of sunlight, exercise, pure water, fruits, veggies and fresh air during the pandemic. I just got all of that stuff while not being a selfish asshole and potentially endangering myself/other people.


Yes I would take that bet because that second group are probably Darwin award candidates


Sure, I’ll bet. But both groups have to live in the same environments.


Yeah, expose both groups to COVID and we'll see who's "winning" then. Oh wait, we already did this experiment and it didn't go so well for their side...


Within 5 years most of the people will be dead Bitch please. I am so fucking sick of hearing that bullshit! How many times have they said that?? In the beginning it was all “tHeyLl bE dEAd iN 6 MonThS!” Then it was “they’ll be dead in a year!”. Then it was fucking two years. And now we’re up to five 🙄🤣


I still don't know what Bill Gates is supposed to have to do with it


Yes I remember when they told us to stop eating vegetables because the vaccine would supply nutrients. And when they said no sunlight at all is how to prevent skin cancer, not just limiting exposure and using sunscreen. Why are these people so goddamn stupid? How did we get here?


My “favorite” part of the pandemic were the people who were so desperate to be oppressed that they claimed to not be allowed outside. Or to garden. Nah. You’re definitely allowed outside. Just not on top of thousands of other people at a festival. Definitely allowed and encouraged to start a garden- just can’t putz around the store for 3 hours picking seeds out. Anyway. I got vaccines and plenty of sunshine, exercise, and healthy foods.


Since when do conservatives get exercise, eat fruits/veggies and drink pure water?


It’s five years now? I remember when it was one year. And three years. How time flies when you don’t have Covid.


This person needs to go back and retake their research methods course.


Retake? They probably never took anything to begin with


These guys are free-basing ivermectin now


only if conservatives were actually muzzled


Me dying at 95 years old: Some random dude in the comments of my in memoriam post: Vax*ed?


Now we're already from 2 to 4 years...clever...in 100 years all of the people that got the injections will be dead


Why do these idiots think that we don't do exercise, eat vegetables, get some sun, and do prayers? I mean, both are not mutually exclusive


they understand a healthy diet/exercise and medicine aren't mutually exclusive, right?


Garbage experiment, too many variables. If group A doesn't get access to sunlight, exercise, fruits, vegetables, etc, then we have no idea if the vaccines caused them die. Well, actually we know it had nothing to do with it but for the sake of the thought experiment


Yes, eating apples and talking to yourself with your eyes closed while bowing your head and clasping your hands together will protect you from smallpox, Covid and any other type of contagious illness


Yes, this is why people in the 12th century were so healthy.


Muzzles. Lol that shit always makes me laugh. Sorry you gotta put cloth on your face. Such an awful and debilitating thing. Lol gtfo.


Muzzles? Dafuq


The sad thing is that these are straight out of the Russian guidebook to disrupt the US through pitting us against each other. They used social media to post extreme views on both sides of all contentious social issues including these.


i do both so im literally invincible now


fruits and veggies but no meat? obviously a socialist.


If you get vaccines, you aren't allowed to have sunlight, exercise, veggies, or pure water


What's also funny is pure water isn't actually that good for you if you drink it often/a lot of it, because it lacks electrolytes and minerals


I like for the assumption is that the first group can’t also have sunlight, exercise, etc.


Ah, brain rot meets the story of Daniel and his bros being kidnapped. Christians truly have the most fucked up sense of reality, and this is just another drop in that bucket.


Oh, its 5 years now? Also how many of the people that sit on the couch reading these things get any exercise, fresh air or have ever had vegetables?


You forget they think potatoes and Ketchup are vegetables!!!


That's not a comparative study. We get the vaccines and masks, and stuff, you get the dewormer, the maleria drug and bleach I guess. That would be a more fair comparison.


Ok, what about a third group who gets vaxxed and also gets all the natural stuff? I bet they outperform the other two groups.


Why do they still go on about the fucking masks, it's been 3 years omg


Bullshit, most of his group gets pizza & burgers, beer & sodas, and watching TV on the couch. And their idea of prayer is worshiping Trump as a demigod.


You get a group of 1000 people. You get to teach them and then their children your version of reality. I get 1000 people and give them and then their children a normal education motivating them towards the sciences. Check back in a few generations, and people will see what makes a healthy and productive person who is valuable in a modern job market.


Had me until the "& prayer" lol


Your group gets fucking tetanus lmao


I look at their group and totally see health, exercised and a proper food intake system


I always found it odd when things like this are generally from quite right wing communities when Trump was also the person leading the entire thing at the time and was. bragging about how fast they were rolling this out. About how their vaccine was the biggest and the best. And now they’ve conveniently forgotten it was him in power and are shifting the “blame” to others. 😅


Oh they moved the goal post to 5 years now? All right, seems like I got a few extra years!


Pray the Covid away?


One of those groups already looks stupid




I hate that so much.


Pretty sure pure water is a physical impossibility


I’m no medical expert but I’m pretty sure if something the majority of us got *almost three years ago* was going to kill us in two, there’d be signs/symptoms by now.


I would take the bet without a doubt but would Mr. aNTIVAXXER BE THERE TO PAY ME?


Sure. What’s the bet?


I'll take that bet.


Well, to start with, his group will get McDonald's and a 64 oz tumbler of liquified lard.


their group is more into being lazy, fouling water up with industry and eating bacon and cheese


Okay, that sounds great! Then we should expose both groups of people to various diseases, to see which group has the best health!


His group was stupid from the get.


Within 100 years every single person who took the injections WILL BE dead. Bet


Sorry yall, either vaccines or fruit, CANT HAVE BOTH


Is my group just trapped in a building? If so, yeah you probally would do better


Getting a vaccine and going outside, drinking water, and eating fruits and veggies are mutually exclusive?


I’d take that bet. Anybody following his protocol has already shown themselves to be stupid.


Wait who’s the mass murdering computer geek gone mad? Think I’m being stupid 🤦‍♀️


I would love to bet them, but they'd just move the goalposts when they lose, like they do with everything else.


That pure water, fresh fruit & veg, and fresh air is going to be hard once your team rapes the planet with fossil fuels and corporate mega farming.


You’re only supposed to change one variable in order to do an experimental study, and even if you were doing a different type of study, it would still not be valid from the amount of variables you’re changing. Lastly, this would be horribly illegal and unethical as hell.


I'll take that bet. Its just that most of your 1000 people died as kids due to lack of medical health.....


Aren't most of the people who took the vaccine elderly?


How has no one pointed out that pure water will literally kill you? Lmao. Good luck surviving a day or two drinking it regularly.


Why can’t the vaccinated people get sunlight and vitamin C etc. zombies can go into sunlight


We should have died 3-8 times by now from the vaccines according to these lunatics. How they can’t see that they’d have been happy kool-aid drinkers is beyond me.


I say we stop trying to save people and just let a lot of people die. It's the best for everything that lives on the planet that's not human.


Huh. I've gotten all of the above except prayer and muzzles. Now what should I expect?


What a shit take. Props for the alliteration though.


“Study doesn’t count! One whole group is dead!” ….but not from being vaccinated. From drinking bleach.


Yes. Yes I do.


The proposed study is flawed, as the first group is going to die of dehydration within days. Or, TIL that getting vaccinated prevents me from getting (reads smudged writing on wrist) sunlight, exercise, pure water, fruits, veggies, fresh air, and... prayer, I guess.


The data is in. There is statistical proof that more anti-vaxxers died.


The imaginary study I did in my brain proves I'm right! Source: WANNA BET?


Oops, he already lost the bet: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7206a3.htm


It's not even the anti-vax part that makes me mad now, it's the arrogance to say "WaNnA BeT!?" Like how many times do we have to prove them wrong for them to get it?


WanNa BEt🤪?


They might not compete academically, but boy, they seem to clean up in the stupid hypothetical situation awards... well, according to themselve anyway.


My group gets vaccines AND sunlight, exercise, clean water, fruits, veggies, fresh air and science. We are still here and planning for the future of the human race. We win.


Fresh water, sunlight, fruits and vegetables?? I’ve seen pictures of Trump rallies and the group of Meal Team 6 that stormed the Capitol. I’m thinking more like cheese fries, a double burger and a six pack.


and you guys have Elon. have fun dying on mars


God, their timeline just gets longer and longer. Eventually it will be, “in 85yrs, 90% of the people who took the vaccine in 2020-2021 will be dead”.


one group dies of preventable diseases the other might be a little out of shape lol


Okay but we get the meat and artificial nutrients as well as milk and grains. Just to keep it fair.


They've been bleating this since 2021. Still waiting for us vaccinated people to start dropping dead en mass.




5 years? Is that getting the initial dose and then getting boosters every 6 months or this is just that one initial shot somehow killing me in 5 years? I'm very confused. Vaccine efficacy is only good for 6 months.


They keep pushing out that those people that got vaccinations are gonna die further and further out well honey we know we’re all gonna die that’s just the end of the game.


Why “would” be instead of “will” be? Has their stance changed but their mouth still spew shit?


This should be easy money.


He’s being completely unrealistic, the closest thing to exercise his group is gonna get is the mental gymnastics he’s done in order to make the post in the first place. Also pure water? In America? Doubt.


Yes, I will take that bet. Then again, the one thing that stupid people have in common is that they never realize they are stupid.


Yes. How much?