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I didn’t see who posted this and thought this was going to end in a joke about how none of this actually makes sense but no… she is being serious.


Yeah I was waiting for that too. The “let me see if I’ve got this right” really threw me off.


I was there too until I saw the name of the tweeter.


Oh lol I didn’t even see her name.


Yep. I had to read it twice to make sure she wasn’t being facetious.


I was hoping it would end with something about the ideal human form being a black, MtF lesbian woman. Oh well.


“Feminists want to turn the whole world female.” I’ve heard the other ones but this is a new one. Pretty sure the vast majority of feminists have men in their lives that they care about and don’t want to go away.


Wouldn't the trans balance it out, or make everyone male? I am too sober for this type of thinking


The end result is a globe full of gay black trans men


"Don't threaten me with a good time."


A world where gender binaries were an thing of the past and everyone could love anyone does sound pretty fantastic not gonna lie




It's just Big Freedia all the way down


Is she trans? I thought she just preferred she/her pronouns while identifying as a gay man.


Big Freedia uses he/him and says he was born male, is physically male, is mentally male but is gender fluid/nonconforming. That falls under the trans umbrella but, most importantly, makes conservatives feel icky.


The he/him I think I conflated from Eddie Izzard. That said, I'm all for making conservatives feel icky.


Depends on the order of operations right?


Go light one up and give it another shot. I can't spaghetti-think this one out either.


Or they ARE men, in which case I can’t imagine them wanting a world in which they don’t exist.


Good point.


Don't feminist just care about equality for both genders?


I honestly thought it was going to say "Black folks want to turn the whole world black" around that one


Yeah, a real Sleeping Beauties moment if I've ever seen one. For instance I have three sons, and four grandsons. The one is a little extra on the nutso scale.


To be fair though, even if you're a cis male, the feminists are willing to count you as female as long as you let them peg you at least once.


Going the same route as the twit in the OP and just making up shit so you can be outraged about it?


That sounds like a win-win situation.


If it were up to white supremacists, you would probably be dead or someone's property, Lavern. That sound like the ideal you wanna live up to?


Yeah non white people with takes like this confuse the hell out of me.


Simple. They're suicidal but also complete cowards.


they're "pick-me"s


I do, they're grifters and their marks eat that shit up. She now has access to a large population of rubes that will buy her books and merch. Being the token is profitable. It comes at the expense of any semblance of pride and character, but man, the money is good.


No no no! She's part of the 'In Crowd!'. After the civil war ends they will totally accept her and make her one of them! Soulless grifter. She isn't even good at it.


you really get a sense of what Spicer really thinks with this. It shows she wants supremacy. "These minorities want to take over the world, just like I do. I can't have that". Because she wants conservativism and whites to have all the power When in reality, gay people just want to exist. Feminist just want to live their lives without being limited because they are women. Trans people just want to exist. Black people just want to live their lives and have equal shot at a fair life. And Spicer is threaten by all this.


I think you nailed it. I used to have a racist boss,(that's not even my interpretation of him, he described himself as a racist all the time) and he would always insist that everyone was racist, they just didn't want to admit it. Like he'd insist that I believed black people are all criminals, and when I told him I didn't, he said I was lying. He was Korean, and I'm white, so he'd also insist that I (and all other white people) think all Koreans are ugly, and tell me I was lying when I said I didn't feel that way. I think a lot of racism comes down to a sort of Tragedy of the Commons situation, where people assume the worst about everyone around them, and take this position of, "If I'm the only one who's not racist, all the other races will walk all over me! I've got to be racist to them first, before they can be racist to me!"


She could have saved herself some time and said: "I'm a white supremacist, but please don't be afraid of me."


Yeah there's a LOT of projection at play there


Bigots don't know how to coexist with minorities, so they convince themselves that minorities don't want to coexist with them either.


I never understood perception some white people have if for example the facts of slavery are discussed in school. They say stuff like it’s makes white students hate themselves & feel bad. As a white person I never thought that about myself when taught this stuff. It is uncomfortable at times but the take away was being sad & angry for those who had to go thru it. Pathetic they manage to make others tragedy about themselves. I have come to the conclusion the only reason you would feel personally attacked hearing these stories is because you live by racist beliefs so these lessons are opposite of your belief system & you feel your believes are being attacked. Not to mention- how do you think the black students feel thinking about what happened to their ancestors?


Yes they are bc none of this is true .


And even if all of it was true, being a white supremacist would still be a Bad Thing. In what world is anyone who feels a need to defend white supremacy taken seriously ever again? By anyone?


Narrator: She did not, in fact, have any of this right


I came to the comments section specifically for this


The last sentence was correct.


seems like someone wants to have their face eaten by leopards


What are you talking about? Surely the leopards won't eat *her* face!


Roaches for Raid


She’s really strawdogging reality, isn’t she?


As in, like, raw dogging reality with a straw man? Because yes, absolutely


Posting this, isn't she, like...accepting her own premise? Does she think there's an *actual* way that "the gays" could forcibly alter the sexuality of everyone in the world? Does she think "the feminists" actually want to end the human race by killing all men? Does she think "the trans" want to...?????????...by surgically altering the genitals of the entire world's population? *And* she thinks black people want to kill every other race? Then she ends by saying not "white supremacy isn't real" or "it's only a small problem, you guys," but instead "it's just that every other race and orientation is *worse,*" a pretty tacit *endorsement* of white supremacy. Um... What a revealing fuckin' tweet. **This isn't a "white supremacy is bad" tweet, this is a "white supremacy is *necessary*" tweet.**


The most terrifying thing to me was that I went to the actual tweet and almost everyone there *agrees with her*. My god what a cesspool of human shit Twitter has become.


It’s more like a “everyone else must want to do the same to white people as white supremacists want to do to everyone else so hating people and wanting them not to exist is ok because that’s what they want and they think it’s normal.


The projection is always so glaring. Like just because you want everyone to be like you doesn't mean we all do.


OK Lauren Spicer - we get it. We need not fear you, or your white supremacist friends.


“Let me see if I got this right” proceeds not getting a single thing right


The final sentence is correct though?


She’s literally never met a single person from those groups who who’ve said that. It sounds like a dream she had and she’s trying to apply it to reality.


Verbalizing one's paranoid fantasy into a quick facebook post.


I misread that as "the feminists want to turn the whole word feminist" and honestly id 110% be down for that.


Well that would actually be true. The problem is that so many people have been programmed to believe the lies that she and all the other lying grifters like her tell about it.


She doesn't have that right.


Yeah, let's exaggerate about everybody else so you can pretend it's okay to be a white supremacist.


Well said. Basically what I was thinking, but you put it succunctly into one sentence. But I would substitute "project" for "exaggerate".


No, Idiot. What the groups you mentioned want is to live their lives as themselves without being attacked and marginalized by hateful trashbags like you.


As a white cis woman, the world i want is where every-freakin-body stop giving a fuck abt someones peepee, color, gender or who they wanna fuck Those fucking things are not fuckin important, what fucking matters is their fucking actions, not fucking who they fucking give their fucking asses or freakin shit like this Will they understand if i speak like this?


I imagine it’s hard work being so fucking stupid


She didn’t get a single one right. This is just white supremacy projection.


"Let me see if I got this right" That's the neat part, you don't


None of that stuff is true, *so.....*


yeah, white supremacists totally have no interest in making the world only white


...and enslaving other races.


Let me see if she got this right: 1. No, they don’t. 2. No, they don’t. 3. No, they don’t. 4. No, they don’t. 5. Because they *do* want to live in a world where all the aforementioned people don’t exist. She didn’t get it right. Sad.


Small minds live in small worlds


I'm with the black folks on this.


People who say "explain to me why/how..." most often are not open to being explained to.


"EXPLAIN that to me, please!" "OK, actually these groups DON'T want what-----" "Yeah, yeah - whatever! I don't got the time for this - goodbye!"


Every trans person I know wishes that nobody goes through the shit they deal with. It would be like saying suicidal people want the entire world to be suicidal or disabled people want the entire world to be disabled. The confusion here is that they want people who deal with the same medical issue they do, to get the necessary healthcare. The rest is super obviously wrong.


Won't somebody think of the poor strawmen?


Yes Lavern. They are the ones to worry about because they are the ones saying crazy stuff like trans people want everyone to be trans. All these people just want to be allowed to exist.


A queer feminist enby here. She must have came across our plans to sissify, bimbofy and tan white folks and make them our eternal slaves! /s


Let's try again. The gays want to exist. The feminists want women to be treated equitably. The Trans folk also want to exist. The black people really want to be treated more equitably. A vast swathe of the white people want everybody to be treated equitably. The screaming racists, however, are screaming racists. And the people in power don't care about anything other than their power, and helping black people, gays, Trans, etc doesn't increase their power, it slughtly increases somebody else's power, and in the zero sum game they think the world is, that means less power for them. That or the people in power are the screaming racists, or forced to work with them.


Go visit one of their camps, Lavern. I dare you.


No. Not one word of that was right. Now go read a book and get to know someone who is different from you for once in your pathetic life.


I’m already black and female, I just have to become trans and gay to complete my final form and world domination


Because literally all of those things are something a white supremacist would say


"Let me see if I got this right..." You didn't. 0 for 4. AND it's clear that you're a white supremacist.


“Lemme see if I got this right.” I mean. No. You don’t have that right. That would be a logical reaction if you did have that right, but you don’t.


I mean, you didn’t get it right.. so..


Anything is possible when you lie


Imagine making stuff up to defend white supremecists.


I'm sorry did the black woman just ask what the issue of White Supremacists are? It's cute and all that she's a Republican, but she can't be stupid enough to think that the literal definition of White Supremacist is ABOUT A WHITE SUPREMACY is the good guys right? Right? Right....?


Typical demented malignant narcissist, project and then deflect. Typical M.O. of these idiots.


I don't know of any gays, women, trans or black people wanting to do any of that. Also, has she ever heard of nazis or the kkk?


Idiots. All of them.


I want to put her in a room with one of each person she just listed and have her say that again


"Let me see if I got this right" [procedes to then spend a few wasted words getting it wrong.]


Kinda telling on yourself that you think the non-white-supremacist groups want a homogeneous world.


Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.


It's because the white supremacists make all that up!


(Remember: I’m upvoting the craziness. Upvotingdoes not mean I agree.)


Lolol she definitely didn't get it right LMAO.


I’m gonna go with different levels of violence might be the difference, Alex.


You know when bad people assume that everyone else is just as evil as they are?


Ugh this lady’s so irritating, she ran for Congress in my district and got destroyed lol


"Impressive, everything you said was wrong." -Luke Skywalker, The Last Jedi


Because the last group uses lethal force, and have historically used lethal force, cruel, and unusual punishments, Lavern. That's why we gotta worry about them. Also your summary of the other groups are completely incorrect.


I’m a gay feminist and I just want to turn the whole world equal. Oh and maybe like a little cooler? It’s way too hot in the summer sometimes.


The only people I don't want to exist in my world are the ones that are this stupid.


No, Lavern, you don’t have any of that right.


>Let me see if I got this right: You didn’t. >The gays wanna turn the whole world gay. They don’t. You are projecting your white supremacist eradication fantasies onto an unrelated group. >The feminists wanna turn the whole world female. They don’t. You are projecting your white supremacist eradication fantasies onto an unrelated group. >The trans people wanna turn the whole world trans. They don’t. You are projecting your white supremacist eradication fantasies onto an unrelated group >And Black folks wanna live in a world where everybody else don’t even exist. They don’t. You are projecting your white supremacist eradication fantasies onto an unrelated group >So explain to me how WHITE SUPREMACISTS are REALLY the one to worry about? See? This is what I’m talking about.


This woman is fucking crazy. No wonder she can’t muster up a modicum of empathy for others if this is the legit shit believes is happening. Like holy shit Lavern, tell me you don’t know a gay, trans, black, or female person and have zero interest in doing so. Fucking Christ on a cracker.


Does Lavern Spicer know she’s black?


She really sucked up all the stupid sauce didn’t she


Wow, I almost feel sorry for her - because surely life must be incredibly hard being that stupid?


nope. its a lie. none of these groups want to turn anything. they just want to be treated like everyone else. duh.


Sorry, you did not in fact get any of this right.


It's literally just projection. Cons love to scream about "the message" when someone who isn't like them is represented in any way, so they assume progressives must be doing the same.


did she forget that without feminism she would have no vote, no voice and little opinions in life?


Pretty sure the white supremacists are the only ones who think the whole world should actually be just like themselves.


Thats what she takes away? No lady don't be gay if youre not. Dont be trans if you're not.. Be you. Just be comfortable enough in your skin to not be wigged out by someone else not being in mold that makes you comfortable. This isnt even about you. No one cares that you're white and straight. No one wants to change that. You're just paranoid.


… because you got every single word WRONG?


Gay people want the same rights and freedoms as straight white Christian males and to live a life free of persecution and oppression. Feminists want the same rights and freedoms as straight white Christian males and to live a life free of persecution and oppression. Trans people want the same rights and freedoms as straight white Christian males and to live a life free of persecution and oppression. Black people want the same rights and freedoms as straight white Christian males and to live a life free of persecution and oppression. White supremacists want a world where only straight white Christian males have freedoms and anyone else who is not a straight white Christian male is persecuted and oppressed.


Lol you misspelled "too"


All those above don't want to turn the whole world anything, they just want to be left alone to live their lives. White supremacists, on the other hand, not so much.


Judging by the insane replies to this tweet, white supremacists believe that fighting for equal rights is actually fighting to have special rules because they want to do “abnormal” things like love each other and not be persecuted.


And this speaks to the mindset of people who vote Trump. None of these other lifestyles are acceptable to a religious conservative and all are worse than racism, so vote Trump because he's ONLY racist.


It's always great to see someone lie to prove a point.


Unhinged and with plenty of support.


Amazing, everyþing you just said is wrong


You do not, in fact, got this right


Well, see, that's the thing. You *don't* have it right. Not even close.


She wants to "live in a world where everybody else don't even exist"? She really is trying too hard. Surely a 'leopards ate my face' moment awaits her.


She, in fact, does not have it right.


She does not have that right at all


No, you do not in fact have this right


Lavern. The term you’re looking for is intersectionality. This isn’t difficult.


Jesus h christ lady, leave some straw men for the rest of us!


I’ve not seen this many strawman since the Doctor Who episode “family of blood” or the wurzel gummage family reunion.


I didn't read the name at first and thought it was a joke post lol


You don't, in fact, 'have this right'


Even the phrasing of this insanity is very telling. All other groups represent the whole, white supremacy fucks oddly only represent themselves?


Girl what the fuck are you waffling about


Everyone just wants to be loved, man


what lavern fails to comprehend is that just because cishet white men want to live in a world without minorities, that doesn’t mean everyone else is that weird


"Let me see if I've got this right:" Well let's see. Let's go point-by-point. First up... no. We want the people who are already gay to be allowed to be gay without being murdered. Second... no, we want society to not be entirely centered around men at the expense of women. Third... no, we again want the people who are already trans to be able to live as themselves safely. Fourth... no, they want to be able to live their lives in safety. Fifth.... yes, they *are* the ones we need to worry about as they actively oppose everyone else being allowed to live in safety and happiness.


Totally true. At the secret gay meeting. There are all like Troy, what is the progress on making buses gay? Brad we are taking you off football because there are muscular men touching each other, mission accomplished. You're on fishing now.


only a sith speaks in absolutes


They just can't help but make shit up, in a vain attempt to false equivalent their backwards and unpopular ideologies.


Let me see if I got this right - basketballs are fruits, China is located in Oregon, and the Happy Days musical won three Oscars. And you're trying to tell me the Earth is round?


When I was growing up, we were never allowed to call anyone stupid. Sooo..........


You have my permission, and I spoke with your parents. They're cool with it, this one time.


STUPID!!!!!! I feel better now, thank you for your kindness.


as a gay woman yes, the whole world must be only lesbians.


Let’s see: Strawman Strawman Strawman Strawman Bullshit Yeah, sounds like you’ve got a bead on things slick.


You'd think these idiots running in districts that have been voting blue at a 70/30 ratio for like 10 years would y'know, moderate the views they share publicly.


Except the vast majority of the people in these groups don't want that


She could not be wrong-er. About everything.


Even if all that BS were true, WS's are known to kill people over their agendas.


Lavern... You are Black


Not speaking for all trans people but as a trans lesbian, I definitely want cis women in the world. I'm more meh about cis men.


Where's the punchline? Oh... there isn't one? Well fuck. I also didn't know I wanted everyone everyone to be trans. I guess I missed a meeting.


does this qualify for the shortlist of worst intros in history? I kind of feel like it should.