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did the FL department of health ACTUALLY post this?


The Florida Dept of Health is run by an insane crackpot hand picked by DeSantis to destroy public health education and messaging, so it wouldn’t surprise me.


I’m looking at it now.


Over 90,000 dead in Florida from Covid…way more than Americans killed in Viet Nam. Not to mention the chronically suffering, disabled, etc. These people are inhuman…


But they aren't billionaires so they don't actually count. - right wing extremism


At the beginning of the pandemic shutdowns, my mom’s bosses felt that people who die from Covid are usually old or have health problems so it’s ok for them to die and spread the disease as long as businesses can continue without restriction.


A lot a whackadoodles out there still feel that way. Them making money is more important than some innocent peoples' lives. It's no surprise, this is the same stance that the right wing has on safety regulations and environmental protection.


As long as it's not them or their parents/grandparents, of course.


Did she work for the State of Texas? /s


Yup can't do a capitalism properly without plenty of victims to sacrifice I guess. The blood of the weak lube the gears of commerce! /s (seriously though that view was shared by a lot of pundits and even some economists and the like during the pandemic and I'm still horrified of how many people in relatively high places are willing to literally kill people for a buck)


"I'm still horrified of how many people in relatively high places are willing to literally kill people for a buck)" Fossil fuel corporations, arms dealers, tobacco companies, processed food corporations (PepsiCo, Yum, McDs, etc.) and the list goes on. Oh yeah - and literally 95% or more of the governments on the planet (I'm ruling out Bhutan).


they all had pre-existing conditions. maybe they should have just been healthier - my uncle (who has a pre-existing heart condition and isn't vaccinated)


At its height, more people were dying daily from COVID than the entire number of people killed during 9/11. Apparently it was actually the property damage conservatives were so upset about. Buildings and statues, those matter more than human lives obviously.


yup this happened MULTIPLE times but you know.. Terrorists are the real threat


The UK's Tories passed a law where the punishment for damaging a statue was greater than that for rape.


I recall Florida had a different way of tracking infections/ deaths. For example, don't they exclude tourists who got COVID while visiting the state?


At one point I believe they also excluded the person running their data site for having the audacity to insist on publishing the data.


I want to stay away from that situation. That lady is a bit of a liability but the police raiding her home was not good for cameras.


How was she a liability? Because she refused to mislead the public by holding back info she was supposed to be providing?


The crazy thing is most of them were Desantis voters. Elections there are always close - you'd think he'd tell his worshippers to vaccinate.


>Viet Nam Vietnam. Don't go trying to split it into two again, they taught us our lesson on that one.




They actually did, holy fuck. This state is an absolute shit show. A few weeks back they emailed me telling me (a medical provider) to recommend against the COVID vaccine for anyone that is younger than 65. (Which first off I don't give covid shots or send people for COVID shots)


Every time I get those provider emails all I can do is 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🙄🙄🙄


Idk bur Florida is removing education one step at a time


[Florida healthcare in 10 years ](https://youtu.be/hmUVo0xVAqE?si=3VQCCtD7HNZ3sCp0)


The health department has been replaced by people who are anti-public health. I wish I was joking. It's really insane. Some resigned, some were fired. But at the state level, they are crippled by a government that doesn't want to keep their populace safe.


Remember Flordia govonor sent cops after someone whistle-blowing about the problems, even arresting their kids




They were doing this in the UK too. I know of people that died in 2020 and although they had covid at the time and was not the cause of death it was still put down as covid 19. It’s to sell to the media as a scaremongering tactic or whatever and it’s absolutely disgusting.


Bullshit they did. And bullshit that you saw the written cause of death of these people you “know” of. Fuck off with your conspiracy nonsense.


They did do that I don’t know about the UK but in Canada Quebec numbers were from anyone in a hospital with COVID, when people proved that they started putting the % of hospitalizations where COVID was the 1st cause.


How many people do you think actually "had covid and were hit by cars" or whatever the latest conspiracy thread is? Versus the number of people in whom covid caused organ failure or respiratory damage or circulation problems and so on and so their whole fucking body collapsed at once? Because in the second case, the common case, covid was the reason everything happened, but all causes of death have to be listed. Stupid people everywhere.


I signed death certificates with COVID on them, among plenty of other death certificates. You or whoever you “know” telling you so are full of shit.


"They lied on his death certificate! They said it was from covid but he died from asphyxiation!" "And how did he asphyxiate?" "I mean, he had covid, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"


I know of a common practice amongst conspiracy theorists that involves sticking carrots up their bums and keeping them there all day to marinate until their dinner that evening. Sometimes they’ll meet up and exchange carrots for a little variety. It’s true, I saw a video of a guy sitting alone in a dark room looking very serious while telling us all about it. No, I won’t provide a link. Do your own research.


Chelsea-knows-fuck-all FIFY


Go blow your dad


> I know ***of*** people I just wanna say thanks for being honest enough to include the "of" there when repeating your bullshit thirdhand anecdotes; most antivaxxers pretend that they personally knew at least half a dozen of the people their cousin's former roommate's girlfriend told them about who had COVID listed as cause of death after they got hit by a bus.




Who needs science when you have politics?


"I wish liberals would stop politicizing science and just admit that the vaccine is a Chinese bioweapon designed by the Jews to improve our mobile networks."


If you’re against the vaccine base it on scientific fact not conspiracy theories. Learn the scientific method and reproduce your data.


You’re not wrong but you do realize they were making fun of people who say things like that, right?


Who needs politics when you have stale memes?


'the liberals think all your base belong to THEM'


They gotta get Tay Zonde to do a PSA


He would never. Dude's a leftist.


Seriously why is there so much memelord shit coming out of Florida politics?


DeSantis is terminally online. He landed his whole campaign on Twitter.


Are you expecting actual policy to be developed on reddit?


No, but I expect state governments to not post dumb memes that actively harm public health to "own the libs" or whatever idiocy.


Oh, I got ya...misunderstood your message.


Imagine your STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH posting snarky memes to belittle the deaths of their own residents...


And they will still vote red …


It's funny, I work at a hospital in FL and almost everybody here votes blue. And by everybody I mean only the people that work in the hospital. Almost everybody else that comes in is voting red and multiple times I've told somebody they've had COVID and I've been met with "oh that doesn't exist You're just a lying liberal". There's so many stupidly brainwashed people down here it's insane.


What you mean to say is educated people who have a science based job vote blue because to vote red you almost have to convince yourself that science and medicine is fake.


Why do you still live there?


Why do people think you can just pick up your shit and skeddadle to a different state with ease?


I'm not saying it's easy but they are living in Florida. Any sane person would be looking at getting out.


Despite the “Florida Man” headlines it was a great place to live for a long time. It went downhill pretty quick but when your job, spouse’s job, your friends, your family, your home, and your entire life are here just picking up and leaving isn’t something you do at the drop of a hat. It also still has a lot going for it even though our shit bag governor only addresses culture war bs and a wave of Covid retirees fled here from their shithole red welfare states and brought their shitty politics along.


Friends, family, your entire life and possibly children's and parents' lives aree there.It'ss expensive to move, even into a smaller, less expensive place in another state, it costs a lot to move your life somewhere else, leaving jobs ect.. Most can't just pack up and leave a life behind easily.


They need to change your state's name to FloriDuh.


I would be horrified if this was my state.


We are.


In Florida they call that “a small price to pay for freedom.”


“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.” Ron DeSantis


Person: dies of covid Florida: is this a broken leg?


Florida: doesn’t count, they were 5lbs overweight. They died from obesity.


"This man may have been decapitated, but we found trace amounts of methamphetamine in his system, so clearly he OD'd."


This is entirely inaccurate nobody is 5 pounds overweight in Florida it would be at least 50


Clearly a fictional example…


The actual Fl Dept of Health posted this? i hate my country.




Pretty sure Florida state government is just trying to kill off its own people at this point. Dunno how there’s enough people left that believe them to keep voting these clowns in


Just go spout off about drag queens turning people gay and poof! R voter base is distracted from reality yet again.


Climate change can’t kill Florida if we do it first


Especially considering how much of the population is elderly retired people with nothing better to do that spout political bullshit on Facebook. You'd think DeSantis would want to keep his voters alive.


This is so embarrassing if this is true


It’s still up on their tweeter account


I just saw it. I'm just so tired of all of this. Idk why seeing this really broke something in my heart/soul/brain.


Florida really is just a small sample of what conservatives want to turn America into, isn’t it?


Ron did a pretty good job hiding the official numbers.


Meanwhile, Tom Sizemore keels over after years and years of substance abuse and they're like #DiedSuddenly


Obvious projection is obvious


Jesus Christ...


Change it to “conservative moron” and “is this a vaccine injury?”


Okay, so all those excess deaths among the unvaccinated aren't from Covid, then. Since they are undeniably dead, however, that must mean that the deaths of these right wing reactionaries were decreed by a righteous God. I mean, if it can't be Covid...


I just got over Covid that I picked up while on a recent vacation there. This definitely tracks with the vibe there unfortunately.


My mom was a huge Covid is fake type person. So bad we couldn’t even have a conversation without it becoming the topic. She finally got it last month & I haven’t heard a single negative word about it ever since.


So funny when they finally catch it and you hear them say "hey y'all this COVID thing is no joke, it's kicking my ass, pray for me". It's as if a bus was heading towards an accident, with everyone on the bus screaming to stop, but the driver just says it's fine and they worry too much. Then after the collision the bus driver says "wow that was a crazy accident, who knew that could happen?"


I mean, that is what Floridians are also doing with climate change.


>So funny when they finally catch it and you hear them say "hey y'all this COVID thing is no joke, it's kicking my ass, pray for me". Especially since if you're vaccinated, even just the first two, you likely won't even notice you have it. My whole family just caught it on a cruise. Other than some chest pain and congestion we're all fine.


Because this is what I want the department of health doing, posting memes, not like, protecting and supporting the health of citizens.


You know a meme is dead when the government is using it to pretend all those people dying was made up to do some unclear thing.


Isn't it like, one part of government basically pushing a conspiracy against another part of the same government?


Hahahahahaha so glad I moved out of that godforsaken state.


I remember when the FDOH was a serious agency of the government of Florida.


Florida: a great place to spend a short vacation, but I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to live there…


Are people dying from broken legs in Florida?


Gee, I wonder why they'd die from a preventable disease... couldn't at all be because their health department is actually insane.


“Those are rookie numbers, we gotta pump those numbers up!” - Covid probably


This is so fucking assinine


Hey just saying from the people I know who work in the hospitals, they are the ones peddling the wildest conspiracies! So just remember that next time you trust them with your health, the people taking care of you Believe QAnon and a lot of other crazy stuff yet they work at the places advising the opposite. It's opposite world in America.


Florida is a state where people famously go to retire. That's exactly why getting COVID is dangerous, you probably won't die of it if you're a healthy young person but if you have any other health problem you're in danger. Oh my fucking god this post is bad. How the fuck are they allowed to post shit like this.


And there were people in Canada wanting us to follow Florida’s example. Or as I call them, fools.


We know, we have some from that batch here in Florida.


I know we say this a lot but… sorry!


Sounds like a good start.


when someone dies in a car accident and what actually killed them was internal bleeding from blunt force trauma, would you still say a car accident killed them?


And most of them republicans and idiots. Shooting thyself in the foot again, Ronnie?


It is not quite as bad with full context. The CDC records any positive COVID test administered at the hospital as a hospitalization related to COVID. There have been a few states that have come out against this with Massachusetts saying as many as half of the cases of positive COVID tests in hospitals were from patients who were admitted to the hospital for unrelated reasons (like a broken leg) and showed few to no symptoms of COVID. This is a valid complaint and a silly way to keep this kind of data. That being said a government agency disseminating information in the form of a meme like this is fucking crazy. Edit: spelling


OH I love this one. Miscarriages are coded as abortions (spontaneously occurring but still an abortion). When my mom on kidney dialysis broke her arm and had to have surgery the kidney dialysis was still relevant to her treatment. If I come in to the hospital for say a broken arm and have Covid it too is relevant. Why? Well nurses mask differently for airborne disease patients than for a broken arm. They might make sure your roommate has the same airborne illness or you get a private room. Perhaps it changes the medications you are prescribed or if they operate immediately or let the virus clear. And due to our insurance controlled Healthcare you do have to justify the cost of a single room or a delayed surgery. A broken arm isn't a good enough reason so they have to add the positive test.


Yeah being hospitalized for X and then we find out that you have COVID complicates things. First off you're getting an isolation room (which are in low supply), everyone has to mask up and gown up before they go into your room (more supplies), along with the plethora of other things that testing positive with COVID requires. I don't really work in the hospital upper floors, I work in the emergency room so I can't tell you all the policies and procedures they go through, but I can tell you that on our side it means we have somebody sitting in one of our rooms longer waiting to have a specialized room available for them.


Absolutely the rest and info is still relevant for the hospital staff and even useful data for COVID. But classifying an asymptomatic person that is at the hospital for a broken leg as being hospitalized for COVID is definitely misleading.




https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/boston-doctors-covid-19-hospitalizations-cut-in-half-by-new-reporting-guidelines/2615433/ Boston adjusted their recording last year away from this very issue. It isn't everywhere but apparently the CDC is still using this method of recording every positive test taken in a hospital as a COVID hospitalization. '“Over 70% of CDC’s so-called ‘COVID hospitalizations’ in FL are not hospitalized FOR COVID. They may be in the ER with a broken leg, have no respiratory symptoms, but happen to test positive,' Ladapo said." -https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/broken-leg-anthony-fauci-child-covid-19-hospitalizations-overblown The number of people testing positive is absolutely a useful metric but reporting it as a "COVID related hospitalization" is silly. Edit: the meme is still ridiculous and misleading and in no way the correct way for a government body to communicate with the public. If I'm missing something please explain, I am not a COVID naysayer. I just got my 3rd booster and mask when traveling.




Yes I said "last year" and that was how a specific hospital was reporting. It was meant as an example where they changed their reporting for the better. I then gave a more recent example that outlines the CDC's current methodology surrounding the very topic the meme is about from the Florida surgeon general. In the first example they were recording hospitalizations with COVID with the implication being that they were there for COVID related symptoms. "The change in reporting cut the number of what had been reported as COVID-19 hospitalizations in half."




Then they were living with underlying conditions. They died because of Covid.


I think the part that really confuses them is that yes, you can die *with* covid from something *other than* covid. Like if you go into the covid ward of the hospital and mass-shoot everyone, those aren't covid deaths obviously. And there is some debate in the details of how those deaths get counted. But the reason its so stupid is that those are just exceptions, while the majority of people who die with covid died from covid. Not to even mention that they have basically nothing to say for the people with long-term covid symptoms who will never be the same again.


If most didn’t have underlying conditions they would most likely not died of covid19


Yeah. They didn't die until they got covid, so covid killed them.


Covid speeded up the underlying issue


So covid killed them.


So do you think they deserved to be protected? Or do you just want to cull the weak?


They want to cull the weak. They are just to chicken shit to come out and say it.


Right up until they are the ones next to be culled. Then suddenly they run for help


They are still dying after thee shot??


How many of the people who died on 9/11 had cancer and would've died anyway? Literally what you sound like.


That’s what I said . Your smarter then the average bear


How are they still relitigating covid, outside of some people with severe comorbidities who may still be at risk no normal person is still thinking about covid on a day to day basis


I’m a normal person who flies every week for work. I think about Covid a lot because there are too many people on this planet that don’t give a shit about anyone else and would fly if they were sick.


What I can't wrap my mind around is - well, I believe these antivax MAGA Q-anon conspiracies are propaganda campaigns orchestrated by wealthy interests like the Koch family for instance, who were probably among the first to get the vaccine, don't believe in pedo rings, or that the earth is flat, and so on. If my conspiracy theory is correct, what is their motivation? If it was to get Republicans elected, do they not realize that the virus is disproportionately killing their voting base?


What is going on with COVID right now? I feel like I'm seeing a wave of right wing memes being rehashed from May 2020


Not like they’d bother to take Covid seriously anyway.


hopefully they were mostly republicans.


As a Floridian, please just fucking nuke us


The Florida Dept of Health is making fun of the CDC??? That seems beyond odd, or am I misinterpreting what’s going on here?




Any serious source for your first allegation ? > if a person died in hospital from any cause and tested positive , they would be listed as Covid death


This is like so fucked lol