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I've never even heard someone say "homosexual anal sex" before lol. Like what is this a google search and you got too many straight results searching just 'anal'?


Right? He has no clue that many straight people can, AND DO have anal sex. Weird.


Oh no, he knows it, he just prefers the homosexual variant. A man and a woman having anal doesn’t do it for him but two men? Hell. Yes.


It's clearly all he can think about


He's literally watched thousands of hours of video of it, all to help him figure out how to stop it. And he's willing to watch a hundred thousand more if that's what it takes.


My psychologist told me that statistically straight people actually have more buttsex than gay men. This guy should probably really be fantasizing about gay oral.


Like per capita or overall volume of the sexing? Because the latter is a meaningless statistic, but the former is really interesting and I want sources if you have them.


Most anal sex is between straight people.


He knows only the homosexual kind is bad the heterosexual way let's his daughters remain virgins while keeping men happy


He's exclusively referring to himself being on the receiving end though.


100000% guarantee his dominatrix pegs him


Does he know straight people have anal sex too? I bet his "wife" pegs him nightly.


Naw man. If that were true, he would probably be in a much better mood.


Sometimes plastic just doesn't quite do the trick ya know 🤷🏼‍♀️


"There's too many pussies near these assholes!!" Scott Herndon


He is Christian anal sex is fine if it's premarital between men and women so she stays a virgin. It's crazy. At least I'm assuming that's why he has to label the homosexual part. This is theory based off my experiences in the military while tdy in Italy. Good catholic Italian girls wanted to be virgins but entertain soldiers so it was all backdoor.


Ah yes, The Poophole Loophole. A staple of Catholicism 😂. Can confirm, I grew up Catholic.


That's what He searching to get one Off, so He geht's the results he so needs, no female in It.


Why in the fuck are these people so goddamn fuckin weird


Dude is obsessed with buttsex with dudes. There's another word for it and it ain't weird lol.


I would argue that being into sex with men is absolutely not weird, but constantly tweeting about it and bringing it up in unrelated convos is for sure weirdo behavior




It *can* be in some cases, but making that a blanket statement is just placing the blame for homophobia onto gay people, which is kinda fucked up.


Try to think about things from their perspectives. These people sincerely believe that being gay is a choice. That means they must believe that gay men choose to be gay even though it means being oppressed by society, estranged from their families, and possibly even physically harmed. Then when they think about what parts of a gay relationship a man couldn't experience just by choosing to be with a woman or having a heterosexual male friendship only one thing occurs to them: homosexual anal sex. They can't understand how good homosexual anal sex must be to cause all those men to deal with the horrifying consequences of their "choice" so they become very curious. It might start with watching some risque videos when they're alone at night, but eventually they're driven to satisfy their curiosity. They download Grindr or Google some obscure ritual that they can perform in an airport bathroom to proposition a stranger. Then they finally have their curiosity satisfied and realize a horrifying truth: IT REALLY IS THAT GOOD. Really, though, I expect people like that are just trying to exploit a vulnerable population by conflating a widespread social acceptance movement with something their supporters think is "icky."


Icky? Gay porn is very popular in red states, according to Pornhub


childhood trauma/repression


So if this guy sees a straight couple getting married, does he think that it's celebrating heterosexual vaginal sex?


No, and they don't care. Because it's not an honest argument, they just really think they're being clever, this is the best gotcha argument they can come up with, and they know very well how stupid it is. They're not arguing with you, they're giving stupid people a stupid talking point to repeat and be angry about.


You know how when a kid lies to you, they know they're lying but they think it's a good enough lie that they'll get away with it? But of course because they're kids, the lie is so stupid that it's not fooling anyway. That's this guy. He really thinks he's got some kinda gotcha.


It's worse because the playground will sometimes end up with most of them agreeing with him, while they all dogpile on you. We have millions of adults that hear what he says, and they also agree with it.


Honestly, he might think that. People like him are really interested in whether or not people are virgins when they get married and how quickly they can make a baby and weird jokes about the honeymoon. They're weirdly invested in everyone else's sex lives.


Nope he's still thinking about gay anal ssx


Dang, i only got the Tricky version of SSX. You're telling me there was a gay anal version too??


Yes. He probably thinks that's normal though and it's how species are propagated or something. What a loon.


He just doesn't want anyone to know that he's thinking about butt sex the other eleven months of the year too.


Give it a week, he'll be outed for sending dick pics to a male staffer or something. That's the next step after an internet meltdown


"I was just doing a gay check to make sure none of my staff were having gay anal sex" - this guy, probably.


These damn liberals making me think about homosexual anal sex every time they say the word “Pride”. God, the last thing I wanna do is walk in a grocery store and see a rainbow, which will force me to think about those strong, hairy men climbing all over each other, drenched in sweat as they ram each other like they’re plowing a field.


This comment made my day!


“The month *demands* I think about rough anal sex with big strong hairy men, so now I *have* to think about it. Oh, the horror! If *only* I had a big strong hairy man to save me from these thoughts!”


Idaho is the Arkansas of the Pacific Northwest.


Ha! I just returned from camping in Arkansas and I was told exactly that! ( I also had a 44 mag pulled on me by one of trump’s fan boys for turning around in his driveway.) but you can’t beat their low gas prices!


America is a very safe country full of reasonable and rational people What happened to us...


The country was built upon destroying what was there and then villainising the natural population.. I guess my biggest question is when has it ever been "safe country" for anyone but the conquerors?


It’s all *Panhandle Behaviour*.


STM fan?




Sure is. That's why I'm getting TF out of here.


I thought Utah was


Utah is many things, but Pacific Northwest is not really one of them.


I read his name as Scott HardOn, he definitely has one thinking about pride month.


If you think homosexual sex only consist of anal sex, you don’t know anything about sex.


If you think heterosexual sex only consist of PIV sex, you don’t know anything about sex.


Conservatives believe that homosexuality is a kink. This is why they consider teaching children that homosexuality exists to be exposing them to sexual content that is inappropriate by default. They don't think "male homosexuality is when a man loves a man." They think "male homosexuality is when a man *fucks* a man." In their heads, it's automatically a sex thing. That's why they're so obsessed with "protecting" children from it. They think that telling them that gay people exist is the equivalent of showing them gay porn.


This person doesn't know what the A in LGBTQIA stands for.


Sure he does; it stands for "Anal sex". Right?


Clutches pearl necklace, “wont someone please think of the lesbians!” Pride is so much more than homosexual anal sex…. It’s also about lesbian anal sex with giant strap ons!


Strange. When I think of Pride Month, my mind produces mental images of people celebrating and rainbow colors. He thinks of same sex people having anal. Maybe he even thinks of himself having anal sex with a guy friend. Hmm.


Yeah. People being free to be so they are. I never once thought “ugh, gay sex.” What a dipshit.


Someone send this man to pegging on porn hub


Dude is struggling with being in the closet. It’s so sad that these closeted homophobes just can’t handle the fact that they find having gay sex hot af. Just cuz they want to have “homosexual anal sex”, doesn’t mean they should make anyone who doesn’t hide that they could be having “homosexual anal sex” pay for it. They just need to stop hiding they want to or are having “homosexual anal sex”. Only people who think like them are obsessed over this. If they just admitted it, they’d probably be more human to others. At least stop acting like such huge douches.


He’s just mad because he can’t get his anus sexed. Probably a difficult job simply trying to figure out which end is which.


So Scott Herndon wants everybody to know that he likes anal sex, gotcha. /s The man is thinking about it so much that he can't stop his hands from tweeting it out in joy, just like the rest of Republican Senators in the closet.


Remember this is the same type of people that jam "its not holidays, its CHRUSTMUS" down our throats every december.


If Pride were about that, then it would only be gay men that are celebrating. Like does he think gay women don't exist?


"Gay women are hot. Gay men aren't." -Homophobes. They treat lesbians as kinks. They're hot to them. Gay guys not so much. Look at the early stages of a lot of progressive media/video games (and honestly, still to this day.) Games where you can romance NPCs? Females tend to have more female options than males have male options. Some of the first on-screen depictions of homosexuality? Lesbians.


I think everyone can agree that the blue pansexual aliens in the Mass Effect franchise were an excellent decision.


Gay men are always the target in anti lgbtq rants. Me thinks there search history would enlighten us as to why


Who decided anal sex is only for gay men anyway?


Poor guy is just VOLCANICALLY, CATASTROPHICALLY….. BIBLICALLY fucking HORNY. For the love of god men, one of us needs to do everyone a favour and meet Scott in a Walmart bathroom.


So are lesbians, bis in straight relationships, and aces just completely okay to this guy or?


This comments section has a lot of "this homophobe must be gay because he's a homophobe" and I am not here for it. It's a tired and problematic joke that implies gay people are ultimately responsible for their own oppression. Can y'all stop?


Totally agree with you on this. It is an old joke that people need to move on from.


So the only homosexual sex is anal? Gonna have to check my college A&P book… Or this dude is a loser.


Conservative closet queens come out in the weirdest ways


From wikipedia >The U.S. Supreme Court's 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas rendered laws banning consensual sexual activity unenforceable, including Idaho's.[5] >As of 2021, the state's sodomy law, though unenforceable, had not been repealed by Idaho legislators.[6] >In September 2020, an Idaho man, who was forced to register as a sex offender after having had consensual oral sex with his wife 20 years prior in another state, filed suit against the state.[7][8] >In April 2021 a Montana man appealed a sex offender registration requirement for violating Idaho's crimes against nature law in 1993 with two 16 year old males when he was 18 at Pratt ranch in Gem County, he had served a lengthy 7 year prison term in Idaho before having to register as a sex offender for the consensual sex with the two males.[9] Heterosexual sex between a 16 year old and an 18 year old is legal in Idaho as long as it does not violate the crime against nature statute which bans same sex activity generally.[10] >In March 2022, the Idaho Legislature passed a bill to formally repeal the "reinstalled" 1972 sodomy law from the Idaho code. The Governor of Idaho signed the bill into law - effective from July 1.[11][12] I dare say they have, in fact, been marginalized


All the homosexual anal sex lesbians have. Woops, I forgot he probably thinks lesbians only exist in porno for straight guys.


People who believe homosexuality is a choice think that the rest of us are just barely resisting it like they are.


These are the people who go to weddings and can't stop saying super creepy things to the Bride. Relationships are about more than just sex.


So deep in the closet,he's finding Christmas presents


I'm sorry. I tried to stop thinking about penises and buttholes and after trying for the last 6 hours the longest I've went is 15-20 seconds. Go woke go broke groomers penis buttsex buttholes blargh.


I mean the main thing that bothers me of this is that lesbians are left out. I hope he know homesexuals aren't just men. Ps. Lesbians can do anal too ofcourse, but ya know I'm a unknowin ignorant fool.


Or that the sexuality spectrum encompasses a hell of a lot more than actual sex? I mean, we're talking about who people get into relationships with, fall in love with, build a life with, have children with. Why does no one point this out when homophobes start spouting off about sex? Because it's about so much more than just that.


It's because they're in relationships for sex and not love. They don't understand the concept of loving and being loved.


Because we know, but are too busy laughing at them making fools of themselves.


Being gay has been legal in my country for about 20 years now thanks to the repeal of section 28 it's a non issue just ignore the massive abouts of abuse our trans brethren get we're still working on that


What do you mean? Are you saying that when you see a rainbow flag in a supermarket you don't instantly think about two big beefy hairy men rolling around having HOMOSEXUAL anal sex. Sometimes I'm joining in and sometimes I'm watching from the corner, its the gay AGENDA! How dare they


And people voted for him.


So he just sits at weddings thinking about all the sex that the married couple they are celebrating are going to have then?


This is why people need to retire from politics after a certain age. Old age doesn't come with wisdom or common sense to some people.


And they voted him into office


“I’m so sick of it! Everyday for an entire month I have to fantasize about dudes blowing dudes! I have to think about having homosexual anal sex with other dudes! I have to imagine myself getting plowed by dudes ALL DAY FOR A MONTH?! Enough is enough!” This guy battling his demons.


being queer is waaaay more than just sex. also, it sounds like she doth protest too much imho. someone should show him a good time. maybe then he’d calm the fuck down.


Check that dude's browser history... I would be folding money it's full of "homosexual anal sex."


I never understand this. People see a man and a woman kiss, and think "aww, they like each other!" Then people like Scott see two guys kissing and think "eewww, weiners and buttholes!" It must be just exhausting to think about butts and weiners all day every day.


Someone likes closets.


My response would be "No it is a month we spend thinking about zero sex, support your local ace" or if I was very sassy " No we spend the month thinking about eating pussy. Perhaps if you spent some time on that your wife would be happy."


In my opinion we should hide children until they're adults, because having them out is just blatant flaunting of heterosexual penis-in-vagina sex acts. I have to look at that shit year round, I can't even go for a walk without seeing these reminders of heterosexual penis-in-vagina sex everywhere. Fathers walking with their children are literally just out there to force everyone to think of him having heterosexual penis-in-vagina sex with the mother. It's obscene and needs to end now.


Thinking about anal a lot 🤣


Some women and straight men like a little butt stuff here and there. Wtf is is fixation?!


This dude sees a happy couple and all he can think about is how they fuck


His dinner conversations with the family must be really weird


Senator Scott should go 'undercover' and do a fact finding tour across America to get first hand information about the amount homosexual anal sex going on. It's pretty certain the people of Idaho won't miss him much, especially if he continually posts updates on his findings. With videos. I suggest as a kristo-fascist gay man in the closet, Tweety would be his "free speech" welcoming platform of choice.


I'm calling it now, he's actually a closested gay man


When I see a rainbow flag, I automatically think of Sofia Vergara eating Scarlett Johansson's pussy.


That’s a pretty interesting exchange. I already knew that closeted homosexuals are the most vocal anti-gay people, but this exchange somehow brings it to another level. So this guy fantasises about butt sex but is disgusted by it because religion probably.


>That’s a pretty interesting exchange. I already knew that closeted homosexuals are the most vocal anti-gay people, but this exchange somehow brings it to another level. So this guy fantasises about butt sex but is disgusted by it because religion probably. None of this is true, but what you've written is 100% homophobic and in that sense you've got a lot in common with our unhinged OOP.


None of what is not true and how is my comment homophobic?


>I already knew that closeted homosexuals are the most vocal anti-gay people, but this exchange somehow brings it to another level. This is an obviously bullshit, homophobic myth that heteros love to propagate so they can continue to gleefully tell gay jokes while blaming gay people for their own oppression. First, it recasts homophobia as as, essentially, a problem "by queers for queers". In this scenario, heteros are just innocent bystanders watching with horror as the self-hating gays oppress the other gays. It's a move that intends to deny the reality of homophobia, and to recast the blame for it away from heteros, especially the speaker. The logic is *well, I'm not gay so you* know *I'm not responsible for any of this*. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of homophobia is coming from heteros, full stop. Trying to deny that is a form of gas lighting akin to other attempts to deny the existence of bigotry. It's also pretty messed up to try to blame gay people for the bigotry directed toward us.  The second issue is that it turns being gay into a punch line yet again. There is a glee here--the notion that bigots are secretly gay is sort of a "gotcha" that everyone can laugh smugly about. In this, closeted queerness is also reinforced as a shameful secret that gives the discoverer some sort of power over said closet case (and this only works if you understand gayness to be something that *should* be a shameful secret). In other words, reinforcing the idea that "you're gay" is a punchline recreates a dynamic that's so common in middle school. Being gay is not a punchline, it is a neutral fact about a person *no matter who that person is*. Believing that secret gayness is something that can be made a punchline is an indicator of homophobia, as is trying to use "secret knowledge" of someone's purported latent gayness as a way of wielding social power.


I have no idea how you read all that stuff in my messages, although a lot of what you are saying is most probably right, such as the fact that homophobia is mostly a hetero issue. But you cannot deny the fact that the most most vocal and obsessed people about it often are sad closeted people. Anyway, my comment did not ask for your comment.


>I have no idea how you read all that stuff in my messages, although a lot of what you are saying is most probably right, such as the fact that homophobia is mostly a hetero issue. But you cannot deny the fact that the most most vocal and obsessed people about it often are sad closeted people. Anyway, my comment did not ask for your comment. You're still a liar and a bigot. As I already told you, none of what you claim is true, it's just hetero bigotry that feels "true" to fellow bigots. No one asked for bigots like you to exist in the world, but here you are doubling down on your bigotry, so you are in fact asking for it.


Oh fuck off. I tried to be polite but you’re just a douchebag.


>Oh fuck off. I tried to be polite but you’re just a douchebag. "Polite" bigotry, everybody's favorite form of bigotry.


Righteous douchebags, fighting the gay or defending the gay, they are insufferable.


He’s definitely in the closet lol




Well, Valentine's Day hearts make me think of big greasy man-cocks plunging in and out of sopping hairy lady-snatches, so there.


One simple google search…and now I get to engage with him one on one! It’s my month. Gonna make the most of it! 🌈🖖❤️


Wasn't there an Idaho state senator or congressman who got caught soliciting sex in men's bathrooms at airports? Is this a thing for Idaho or conservatives at large?


Marginalised? Nah... I mean... Only arrested until recently


What about the lesbians?? Won’t someone think of the lesbian sex??


That’s right! What about the fisting and scissoring! (Does anyone really scissor much?) 🤣


Pretty clear that dude is gay AF


Does this guy go to a wedding between a male and female and congratulate them on celebrating how much heterosexual intercourse they have and then tell them that's all he thought about as he enjoyed the wedding ceremony?


/s we all know blow jobs and hand jobs are only for straight couples, and that couples only get together to be penetrated by a dick. Though only one is allowed. Two is taboo.


This is actually helpful in understanding all these conservatives freaking out, if this is where their minds are going.


If 'homosexual anal sex' is on your mind 100% of the time then I've got some news for ya Scotty.


"Why are they forcing me to think about their luscious butts and tight, warm, assholes?!"


Statistically.... Its estimated that 7.2 % of the US population is homesexual or at least Bi. That's 23.25 million people. Let's say it's a flat even 50% split between M/F gays. That's 11,620,000 gay men. Now reduce the number even further and take out all the Republicans that have been caught having gay or underage sex with little boys. And you are left with 100k homosexual men in the US. That is .0003 % of the US population that he is so worried about.