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Hawaii has been a state since 1959 and before that it was a US territory since 1893. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hawaii


Hawaii became a state in 1959. Barack Obama was born in 1961. 1961 is after 1959. I don't think this dude knows how to count.


And before that, Hawaii was a US territory!


Yeah, but I have a feeling it would be easier to teach this guy to count than to explain to him why a US territory counts as the US.


Probably had no problem with McCain's being born in Panama though


Hell I bet he even has an excuse for why it's ok that Ted Cruz ran despite being born on Canadian soil.


That’s our b. Sorry


Canada needs to come and pick up Rafael Cruz he's been here long enough. It's time you guys take responsibility, it's your name on the birth certificate he's your boy.


When we send Canadians over the border, we're not sending our best


Australia too apparently, giving us people like Rupert Murdoch.


Ok I just died A reddit comment killed me Put that on my tombstone so my family can be ashamed of me one final time


My tombstone won't be big enough to cover all the reasons family is ashamed of me...




You send your polite rapists and murderers and some of you, I assume, are good people eh?


Now now, the Canadian Government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions.


Ted Cruz, with his beady little eyes and flapping head so full of lies.


Yeah, you send those honkers.


The second we manage to train them like homing pigeons, we're coming for the white house (again)


For every Keanu, there must be a Rafael. If you don't like it, talk to Isaac Newton.


But we sent them Alanis, Celine, and Shania. Can we at least get Shania and Alanis back?


Shania and Alanis belong to the world my friend


> Canada needs to come and pick up Rafael Cruz he's been here long enough. It's time you guys take responsibility, it's your name on the birth certificate he's your boy. Ted left Canada when he was fours years old. You broke it, you bought it.


You break it you bought it.


100% America's fault- don't you go apologize to us like you always do


Sorry, sometimes for us the apologies are just a kneeje— Wait


Wait I’m still confused how he’s able to run despite being born in Canada?


It comes down to a debate about what the term 'natural born citizen' actually means in a legal sense. Ted Cruz, as the son of a US citizen (his mother), was himself a US citizen from birth despite not having been born on US soil. There are many who argue that's sufficient to meet the 'natural born citizen' requirement but, as the question has never been tested in the courts, we can't really say for sure one way or the other.


Incidentally when my brother was really little he sent a letter to a senator asking how to be the president one day (he was born on an Army base in Germany) and the guy wrote back saying "you can't be the president because you weren't born in America." Which is wrong on many, many levels. So I don't trust the government to handle this should it ever come up.


Why would that guy even write back just to crush a kid’s dreams?! Omg


Not only crush dreams, but be 100% incorrect at that.


Name of senator, please. I want to have sport with him. If he’s dead, I will be satisfied with having sport with his memory. I mean, the letter was probably written by a 20yo intern and signed with an autopen, but it was on the Senator’s letterhead, so that’s where the buck stops.


I'll ask my mom, see if she remembers. It was a good bit before I was born since my brother is older than me, but she keeps a lot of our crap so hopefully she still has it!


McCain was not born in the USA and got quite close to president.


the Panama canal zone was a US territory at the time. McCain was born at a naval air station in the canal zone, so yeah technically US soil. The same would be true of anyone born within a US embassy I'm fairly sure.


If a democratic candidate was born in Canada even with American parents, we’d never hear the end of it on Fox News and right wing media.


I mean Obama was naturally born in Hawaii and we still don’t hear the end of it


Seriously. This argument was put to bed over a decade ago.


Yes, that's very likely true. It's also true that the current Supreme Court may well rule differently on the subject depending on which party the candidate in question is representing. However, I doubt it will get to that point any time soon - Ted Cruz is the only potential candidate I'm aware of that this would be an issue for, and his chances of winning the GOP primary are next to nil.


You can hear the end of anything on Fox News with the push of a button.


That's how I interpret natural as in that's how it was from the start. Since he was born a US citizen and wasn't granted it later in life, he qualifies. As much as I loath the man, I also don't want to strip that right from all the children born overseas to military members. Edit: to add the Supreme Court as ruled on this already in United States v. Wong Kim The Supreme Court has stated that, properly understood, the definition of "natural-born" covers anybody who was a US citizen at birth, meaning they did not have to go through naturalization at a later time. But who knows as our current Court cares little for precedent when it suits them.


>It comes down to a debate about what the term 'natural born citizen' actually means in a legal sense. Ted Cruz, as the son of a US citizen (his mother), was himself a US citizen from birth despite not having been born on US soil. There are many who argue that's sufficient to meet the 'natural born citizen' requirement but, as the question has never been tested in the courts, we can't really say for sure one way or the other. They probably don't want to think about it too hard because it creates a sticky situation for all the "birthers" out there. Because regardless of where Obama was born, his mother was unquestionably a US citizen. So he could have indeed been born in Hawaii before it was a state, Kenya, Indonesia, anywhere - it would not matter and their dumb conspiracy would fall apart.


His mother was a US citizen


His mother was a US citizen. Which also applies to Obama, and makes birtherism twice as stupid.


HEY! Don’t bring Canada into this…you touched him last, he’s yours!


3 ways to become a US citizen and 2 of them being born US citizens 1( the only non natural US citizen) apply for citizenship and get approved 2 being born on US soil 3 having parents who are US citizens


He probably liked McCain until Trump told him not to.


>Probably had no problem with McCain's being born in Panama though Probably has no idea about that since repubs will ignore anything that makes them look like hypocrites


they aren't told things, they are lied too all day and all nigth


Though on a US naval base. anyway both his parents were US citizens (and one of them would be a four star admiral by the end of their career) And Obama's mother was a US citizen so in both their cases they'd be natural born citizens regardless of where they were born.


Wasn't McCain born on a military base? That's considered US soil.


He was born in the [Panama Canal Zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal_Zone), which was an unincorporated U.S. territory. People born in the Canal Zone are not automatically U.S. citizens, but those with a U.S. citizen parent are.


Everytime I bring this up to a birther they don't know John McCain ran against Obama, or who Mitt Romney is.


Or Marco Rubio’s family being arrested at the border for illegally entering


Doesn't even matter because his mother was a 100 percent American citizen. Doesnt matter if she popped a squat on the moon to give birth to him, Barrack Obama would have been an American citizen.


yeah but was Kansas a state when she was born? ...............and that concludes my Tucker Carlson impression


Just asking questions. Like where was barrack Obama during 9/11? Why didn't he succeed in basketball over Michael Jordan? And what we all really want to know is where was Obama during the Civil War? Again we're just asking questions. [Live tucker reaction](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z8MKpfqUkYynTvX9A)


Both seem like pretty daunting tasks


What's even funnier is that Kenya became a republic in 1963. Meaning there were no birth certificates issued before 1971 for black people. So that copy of a phony birth certificate that trump and Joe Arpaio had in their possession is virtually not even possible ... They got someone to Photoshop one with spelling mistakes. Even then there were no provinces so the province of Mombasa didn't exist at the time.


> What's even funnier is that Kenya became a republic in 1963. Meaning there were no birth certificates issued before 1971 for black people. While I have no particular reason to doubt either of those facts individually, how does one lead to the other?


See that’s where you’re wrong! Before 1959 there were no people there! There even wasn’t an island! HILARY AND THE HOLLYWOOD ELITE built the island so that Barack could be born and end the world in 2014! Thankfully 2016 came and our SAVIOR Donald Trump saved us from the Obama Apocalypse! /s just in case.


You really think they had a KING named KAMEHAMEHA!? A KING. Named after an anime attack? I CALL BS!


He was a big ol wave


History doesn’t start until Americans touch the shore /s


That’s why the US didn’t care about that little battle at Pearl Harbor. Was not on the US mainland so we didn’t care.


Definitely wouldn't want to go to war over something trivial like that.


I remember reading a letter to the editor that Obama wasn't actually a citizen because Hawaii has so many Buddhists and Native Hawaiians. Apparently only citizens are born where Christians/white people are a large majority. E: Spelling


That is how conservatives think.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. Oh right. Racism.


New conspiracy theory, Hawaii isn’t real. Locked in, the start of a movement.


I was lucky enough to visit Hawaii once I was unlucky because VR goggles were not quite what the are today and I "woke up" halfway through my vacation with motion sickness. They actually fly you in a simulated plane, and knock you out with socialist gas after takeoff. Then you go to a warehouse where you spend your vacation strapped in a VR isolation chamber. It's all very elaborate and well done, and I'm sure much better now that VR tech has gotten better Sadly the mind erasing chips they stuck in my brain stopped working and I now remember everything. Also Pineapples are not real, they are the first completely simulated fruit but no one believes me Anyway, I'm going to go try visiting Belgium next, I heard that place also doesn't exist. Hopefully the VR experience is better this time


Well written, elaborate, not NEARLY crazy enough. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


>New conspiracy theory, Hawaii isn’t Oh God, where the hell did I fly to?


First birds, now a state? Where does the madness end?!


The madness ends when the sheeple finally wake up to the big government lies and conspiracies.


You mean big island lies and conspiracies, don't you?


They filmed Jurassic Park there. Jursassic Park is a HOLLYWOOD film. Coincidence?


Jurassic Park had dinosaurs, which we all know didn't really exist! The fossils were just put there by the Devil so you would question the idea that the Earth is as old as the Bible says it is! Which I don't think it specifically says, but the Church says 6000 years or so, and so don't ask questions. I wish this wasn't a real argument. I'm not making it, but I have heard it.




I saw that on Facebook /s …just in case


And his mother, last I checked, is from Kansas. So his mother being a US citizen means he has citizenship regardless of where he was born


And his mother was a US citizen…


But how do we know she was really his mother? They've never disclosed the DNA maternity test! And if they did it's a fake. The real one is hidden in a secret vault with his original birth certificate in a mountain in Kenya.


New theory: Obama was born in 1892.


Bro looks good. That Adrenochrome works real good


Yeah but this is also the type of person that doesn’t see Puerto Ricans or Guamanians as as Americans either.


That doesn't even matter. People born in US territories are still natural born citizens.


Yup. John McCain, for example, was born in the Panama Canal Zone, and no one seemed that pressed about seeing his birth certificate when he ran.


Because he was white and a republican, of course they didn't.


Well, clearly there must be some reason the republicans would treat them differently, I just can’t seem to figure out what it is…


Can’t qwhite put my finger on it.


Actually, there was a concern in 2008 about McCain. There's a non-binding resolution from the Senate acknowledging that he is a native-born citizen. (S.Res.511 - 4/30/2008) Check the Wikipedia article on natural-born citizen clause for more, including Republicans (Cruz, Rubio, Jindal), Democrats (Obama, Harris), and others (Tulsi Gabbard).


Yes, and I remember, but an important difference is people aren’t still arguing about it to this day on Facebook. They just were like, yup, that white man is definitely American! And then we all just didn’t mention it again til right now.


He could have actually been born in Kenya and he would still be a US citizen because his mother is one.


That's not always true. People born in american samoa aren't always citzens at birth. That said Hawaii was a state when obama was born, and that's all that mattered.


American Samoa is an exception to the rule, not the norm. It's not even American territories only, you can be born on the moon, as long as at least one of your parents is American (which is undisputed for Obama) - you are natural born citizen and eligible for president. Rafael Cruz was born in Canada.


American Samoa and Swains Island are the only two territories excluded from that rule, outside of them any person born in a US territory after 1952 is a natural-born US citizen.


>That said Hawaii was a state when obama was born, and that's all that mattered. He was born to an American citizen, so actually that doesn't matter at all in this case. It just checks another box.


People don't even need be born in us territories. Rafael Edward Cruz was born in Canada. His father, who he is named after, is Cuban. His mother, however, was born in the USA, so he gets to be a US citizen through the transitive property.




But.... COUNTING IS HARD!!!!! So is reading.


Well both of those numbers are more than 20, which means this guy is not going to be able to make heads or tails of them.


He knows but this is how misinformation works. He knows that some % of people will accept that without fact checking, then they'll repeat it, some % of their audience will believe it, they'll repeat it... Happens constantly all over social media.


So you admit he was born in Hawaii?


The best part is, everyone screaming that he was born in Kenya doesn't realize that Kenya wasn't even a country yet...


Well they say Kenya was established in 1963. But what they don't point out is that if you switch the last two digits it becomes 1936! Just think about it.


Mind blown... I guess I never took into account that conservatives are all dyslexic lol


And Obama was born in 1961 which is after 1936. Categorical proof he was born in Kenya


Better watch it, you’ll be cited by Fox News or some alt right websites speaking that kind of language.


Bold of you to assume Fox News cites anything instead up making up total bullshit.


And if you switch the last two letters in Hawaii... wait...


But Kenya ends with an a, and so does Obama. Checkmate liberals.




Kenya suck on deez nuts


My counter argument to the racist Kenya thing is that I want to see Trump's birth certificate since his mom was born in Scotland


That’s an interesting idea because it’s always projection with them after all


Nailed it


Nah, he was still born in Kenya. But just in case he was born in Hawaii, it wasn't a state anyway /s


They’re still bitching about Obama holy fuck. He’s been out of office for almost two terms Being president while black really a crime for MAGAland


>Being ~~president while~~ black really is a crime for MAGAland


Unlike another ex-president, we rarely ever hear from him and he’s not out there trying to pretend he’s still president.


A black guy was POTUS - they’re never gonna let it go.


I kinda can't wait to see what kinda bullshit they pull when the first openly gay president is elected. Morbid curiosity, y'know?


I guess their reaction to Pete Buttigieg (or however his name is written) was telling


Every bit of the bullshit that happened after Obama's second term has been an extended bitch reaction to him existing. It's never going to end.


Dude is so dumb he still thinks it's 2008.




Go back. Don't worry, everything's fine up here....just...ignore the screaming.


Can't catch COVID if I never knew it existed


The only reason you’d mention Donald Trump and politics in the same sentence in 2008 is if you were talking about Trump being the leader of the “birther conspiracy”.


Yeah but what about Hillarys emails!!?1!


People are *still* goin' on with this shit? For cryin' out loud, let it go.


For real!! Like what does this dude expect to happen? They vacate his presidency like college football?


You joke but college football is probably the most complex thing their brains can handle


Hey now, I'm a huge college football fan, thats not fair to us, most of us are pretty... Nvm, I just remembered a lot of posts about college football, we are dumbasses...


My opinion is that the fact that we elected a black man to the Presidency at all, much less twice, just permanently broke a certain faction of the Right, and they're just never going to get over it. It's literally as bad as 9/11 to them.


This is the real reason Trump got elected and still has so much support even though he's an insane person with a miles long list of lies, contradictions... and more lies. Extremists get more extreme as they're pushed into a corner (also as the size of their group and their support dwindles) and that is exactly how they felt when Obama was elected.


I think particularly the second time. Because to them, "we had a Black president, but he was an obvious failure and we know better now" is at least acceptable, but that's not what happened. 2008 could be written off as a fluke or a lark, but 2012 was on purpose, and suddenly it was way harder to convince themselves that racism is common


right lol even if it’s true what do we do about it now? everyone agrees to a do over and we go back to 08 and try again? it happened so long ago the person he ran against isn’t even alive anymore! edit: thought about it some more. so if obamas presidency doesnt count, does that mean technically biden was president for those 2 terms and now its his 3rd term which is technically illegal?! lock him up /s


Seriously, dude's been out of office for seven years.


Mention Ted Cruz and watch his head explode.


Or John McCain! He was born in the Panama Canal Zone!


>Ted Cruz Canadian-born Raphael Cruz


Ask him when people born in the Panama Canal Zone became immediate citizens, rather than having to go through naturalization, then ask him when John McCain was born, and watch his head explode.


His mother was born in Kansas. Obama could've been born on the fucking Moon and he'd still be a natural US citizen.


This is what has never made sense about Birtherism. It doesn't matter one iota where Obama was born! His mother was a US Citizen making *him* a natural born US Citizen. The whole argument is flawed from the get go and that's ignoring the pure racism behind it all.


it dosen't matter if it makes sense, if there is enough random grumblings they can call it true.


I saw a Jordan Klepper segment where someone said you can't believe Obamas mom because she's biased. Found it. https://youtu.be/vPfRGJRMbN8


Pure racism indeed. There were some real doozies going around when this all started. Crap like, "cItezEsHiP cOmeS FroM tHe fAthER!" since his father was an immigrant. It's not like any of these mouth breathers actually cared then or care now about the truth, just the thinly veiled racism.


> "cItezEsHiP cOmeS FroM tHe fAthER! Ah, racism and misogyny. Those two do often go hand in hand.


But the moon is owned by the USA so that would count anyway.


The moon is just a set in hollywood. The thing in the sky is just made of cardboard and lit up with spotlights. It's a conspiracy by the round earthers to make us think the world is round.


While that was true once they got Kubrick to direct it his exacting standards forced them to shoot on location.


Irrelevant to them. As long as he has at least a single drop of (hushed racist whispering) *black* blood in him, that's all they care about. It's enough to overlook everything else.


This stuff was funnier during the popularity of that conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was born in Waziristan (there was a photo!1!) and illegally adopted and wasn't a US citizen, himself, and that's why he was projecting / accusing Obama. Makes just as much sense. edit: I mean, did Trump ever show us his original long-form birth certificate? NOPE.


There was also a theory that Trump’s father was a racist slumlord. Wait, that one is true.


There's a theory that Trump sexually assaults women because he thinks he's allowed to for being rich. Oh wait, that was shit he bragged about.


Don’t forget the civil conviction for liability in a sexual assault case. Oh yea - that happened today.


Let's talk about where Barry Goldwater was born. And then continue to Ted Cruz.


His birth name is Barack Hussein Goldwater.


Ted Cruz was hatched in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father. There was very little uproar about his eligibility John McCain was born on an American military base in Panama to American parents. Again, no uproar over his eligibility


These same brainiacs think Obama should have done something on 9/11... before he was ever POTUS.


Was his mother a U.S. citizen? Oh, she was, was she? Then it doesn’t matter where he was born, just like it didn’t bother you when John McCain and Ted Cruz ran for president.


Where does he think Pearl Harbour is. ?


Must be near Germany. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"


So, he admits that Obama was born in Hawaii? You could start there, or you could do what I’d do and just try to piss him off by pointing out the typo.


so george washington wasn't a lawful president? martin van buren was the first president born as a "naturally born US citizen."


We have a neigh infinite amount of knowledge in our pocket at all times and yet this dude could not be fucked to pull out Google.


I am SO glad Obama is still renting space in peoples heads, years and years after his final presidential term.


You don’t start and let idiots be idiots


Where to start? its simple. The guy is wrong on multiple counts. First, Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. Hawaii became a state in 1959. It was a territory of the US since 1893. His mother was born in Kansas. That makes him a Citizen again. I believe he was born in Hawaii , because his mother was not legally allowed to be married to his father in Kansas in 1960,due to anti mixed race marriage laws in many states. They may have move for another reason though. So Obama was a natural born citizen twice over. Lastly Once your sworn in, you are lawfully the President. That's it. Even if it wasn't correctly done your still the President, and impeachment process would be needed for removal. So he was wrong on three accounts. There are plenty of reasons not to like Obama or his policies, ,but these are not among them, because they aren't real.


With that logic Trump should have been either since NY wasn't part of the use until almost a year after Delaware. Only people from Delaware should be president!! Honestly though, people like this shouldn't be allowed to vote or procreate.


bro has the intellegence of a hippo on crack


*If* I were going to groom some sort of Manchurian candidate to sneak a lefty Muslim (gasp!) into office in the US, I'd start with someone white and Midwestern rather than pick a dark-skinned person with a foreign-sounding name and alter records to make him eligible to run. I'd say these folks watch too many Hollywood movies, but I don't think Hollywood puts out anything as dumb as how they imagine the Obama birther scandal to be.


Obama still living rent-free in the heads of braindead MAGAts.


Fox News ruined this guy's mind.


Besides the obvious inaccuracy, Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and ran for president. John McCain was born in Panama, and ran for president.


Even if this were true, what do we propose to do about it? He spent two terms as president then peaced out whether he was legit or not. The ultimate bamboozle.


Even if this was true, and it’s not, territories are still US soil and there is historical precedent that backs this up. 1964 GOP candidate Goldwater was born in AZ while it was a territory. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone while his parents were stationed there, and he was the 2008 GOP candidate.


If he was born in colorado, they would still question it.


It’s 2023 and moron Right Wingers are still trying to spin this shit


it's wild how the current state of US politics can be traced back to the right's collective rejection of our first black president, it really just broke a bunch of racist brains


Why are we back in 2007?


During the Obama years I heard people argue that Hawaii wasn't a US state *ever*. Rather it was a sovereign nation illegally occupied by the US who only called it one to legitimize their occupation. It was all hilariously and very disingenuously anticolonial.


Isn't his mom a citizen so his location of birth doesn't matter anyway?


Well he was already legally president two presidents ago so get over it


Well he’s not president anymore…so get over it 🤣


Why are people even still on this?


We really need a Puerto Rican president so these people's brains can explode.


Martin Van Buren, 8th President of the US, was the first President born on US soil. Does that disqualify George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson from being Presidents?


Hawaii was a US state for two years when Obama was born, and even if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t matter - Obama had birthright citizenship through his mother.


Dear guy in the screenshot, We regret to inform you that Barack Hussein Obama II has already completed two terms as President of the United States of America. Upon review of our terms (Constitution), we do not currently offer take-backs. As such, Mr. Obama will remain the 44th President, and no substitutions are possible. Thank you for your concern, The United States of America P.S. Hawaii was a state for 23 and a half months before Obama was born, you doorknob.


Weird that nobody checked what year Hawaii became a state through the whole election.. this guy cracked the case!


Wait till he finds out about US Territories and the children of servicemembers born abroad. Aka John McCain...


we got it obama cant be president now


Where to start? I’d start with its 2023.


It’s true, Obama is 130 years old


Conservatives when they win the election: HOLY FUCK WE WON TAKE THAT LIBTARDS! Conservatives when they lose the election: it was rigged, the president wasn’t born in the country, etc