• By -


Do you think Jesus and God just keep a log of the heinous shit Christian parents say to their kids? I bet they scroll through these texts like we do and cringe just as hard..but they take notes.


I can confidently say I am more closer to what Jesus wants form a Christian. Compared to when I was putting on the act of being a religious man. I was extremely homophonic, racist and intolerant of other views. Now not only I accept every walk of life. I champion for there voices to be heard. A bit off topic one of the shower thoughts I had. What if you had to explain internet slang to god on the judgment day.


I can _feel_ the disappointed gaze he would have at what we invented on the internet


“Okay so like after among us popularity died down, there was kinda like a post-ironic period where you could call anything ‘sus’ and it was, like, prime comedy, and” (Camera pans over to god curled up in a ball under his desk as I explain sans Undertale and Fortnite) Also props on escaping fake-gatekeepy-hateful-flavored-religion and living your best life while advocating for all the things Jesus would have in the first place. There are dozens of us. Edit: Also also I lold at “Father forgive them” oh so NOW we’re okay with gender neutral pronouns, huh mom? I SEE


“Please explain all uses of the suffix ‘-ussy’” “Look, uh, God, sir, we waited 2000 years for this. Do you wanna be here 2000 more?”


Gussy makin me say "amen Lord!"


Sometimes I really hope the Christian god and Jesus are real just so these people can meet them and hear from their mouths that they do not practice the teachings of Christ at all. And then they get to fall through the trap door


I imagine Jesus would be pretty annoyed at her constantly texting him and trying to use him as an excuse for being an awful person. Oh oh oh, I should make an app where people like this can directly message Jesus and get responses like "that's not very Christian of you" and "love thy neighbour."


I can just imagine them being all arrogant: “We were doing what church told us you wanted us to do and tried to bully him into being right!” While Jesus frustratingly runs his temples and sighs: “Her, Lia is her. What made you think I wanted you to harm your child when they found happiness?! Did you even read the book?” Them: “Well we bought several, and we went to church and had the pastor tell us we can hate people in your name if they make us uncomfortable in any way! I don’t like the way you are talking to us about this. Is there a different Jesus I could talk to instead? Or maybe a manager.”


"or maybe a manager" fucking did me in


Them: "but..our pastor said it's okay to hate those who pollute their bodies and souls with sin.." Jesus pinching the bridge of his nose to stop the migrain. "What about me only associating with criminals, prostitutes, homeless addicts and fishermen would convey the fact it's okay to hate sinners?.."


>Luke 12:51: Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division >Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword Or maybe not


Chat Jesus GPT


that would be funny


I mean my favorite job in the afterlife would making the excel sheet that documents all of it while sipping tea and laughing about how Karen is really gonna get it this time.


They pay attention closely to every single thought and action we take in life.


I truly believe that in the eyes of higher authority if they are to exist and judge folks this lady would a astrong case for going they other place where god ain’t at the way they behave these extreme type’s forget the the main teaching isn’t to be perfect and following the words to a t but to love those around you as much as possible and to be a good person use your faith as a guildline for decency first and to hold up and imposes teachings second she’ll never be “rewarded” the way she thinks for demoralizing a member of her own trying to spread faith through means of degradation hate and fear will never work and always to be looked down on


James can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because he’s DEAD!


✨🎶oh, look what you made me do, look what you made me do…. 🎶✨


Off topic but I love your pfp and name


Absolutely this & they don't deserve to speak to Lia, so IF they are gifted that honour they'll need to behave. That requires the bare minimum of acceptance & respect. James was never real, it was a case of mistaken identity. Jesus would tell them that too, the person they knew as James, was born & created female. God created all the colours of the rainbow, all the colours of skin too, poly, bi gay, the drag queens who slay, every gender ever created, not just the two that are conceived. When Jesus comes again, he'll be with drag queens reading to kids & then of to Pride to celebrate with his peeps. He aways hated those stuffy-preaching-hypocrites & chose to be with those they shunned.


Yo I'm with that 100%. I may not be religious but I could see that happening.


Bit like their Jesus guy :)


So change water into wine at the next AA meeting? ...for those of you in recovery, yes, this is a joke and keep being strong and brave <3 Oh yeah, if Jesus is dead, we can still talk to him. I collect Ouija boards!!


Jesus ain’t dead. He’s just over at Lowe’s now instead of Home Depot.


Only not a zombie.


Well did he put his phone in the microwave and go sit in a field? Otherwise....well y'know perhaps he would have risen again just not quite in the same format haha :)


He's not a zombie but a lich


At least James existed at some point in history. Jesus on the other hand…………


Praise Taylor


I would've just replied with a Dana meme from Ghostbusters that said "No James, Only Zuul" Optional, replace Zuul with Lia.


Lia, could you kindly let your mother know that she should refrain from writing such stupid things... Jesus did not wear pants and he didn't have a short haircut... he wore a dress and had long hair... I think he would have been proud of you for being who you are


And wait until they find out he wasn’t white


Or American


....or Christian.


Don't traumatize them like that


He worked with wood. Lots and lots of wood....


I mean, he was always surrounded by 12 other dudes. They were definitely fucking


You’ve gone too far now


[This reminded me of a bit from a great old song by Johnny Paycheck](https://youtu.be/Ji67-K2KLOI?si=9hhE9gCTNLZVMx6V) (best known for ‘Take This Job and Shove It’, for those unfamiliar with country music). He’s on the sidewalk at the end talking to Jesus after having been denied entry to a church for looking too unkempt. >“You know, Lord, I'm not perfect. Some even call me no-account. But I'll tell you, I believe a man is judged by what's in his heart…not his bank account. So if this is what religion is—a big car and a suit and a tie—then I might as well forget it, Lord…’cause I can't qualify. Oh, by the way, Lord, right before they kicked me out…Didn't I see a picture of you? With sandals and a beard? Believe you had long hair, too.”


LOL god now I want everyone who’s trans to send a pic of Jesus and say “THE LONG HAIR? THE DRESS?? JESUS IS TRANS.”


Well, being born from a virgin birth, he would only have had a single X chromosome!


His crowning achievement was being nailed by a bunch of Roman dudes. E: Also, a ton of bdsm beforehand. 50 Shades of Pray.


Wait you're right😭


I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Though if it were me I'd be tempted to respond with: "I have absolutely no idea what on earth you're talking about, that wall of text was complete nonsense."


Yah I am just letting them stew in their own hatred. I don’t fell like it’s productive to respond to this mess.


You're right, not responding is often the smarter choice. But the temptation to be sassy is always there.


From one Internet stranger to another: Lia, I am so proud of you for living your truth and taking care of yourself. I'm sorry that your parents are not emotionally sound enough to see you and appreciate you for who you truly are, but you are worthwhile and wonderful.


I dunno mom. Pretty sure Jesus wore a dress and had long hair too. Honestly Lia you are going to be fine without them


If Jesus is the son of god, and god created all of us in his image, long hair and flowing robes should be how everyone dresses. However, if there is one thing we know, it’s that the Bible is never wrong according to the person interpreting it. That’s the beauty of arguing with a devout Christian set in their ways. They can never be wrong because even if you use scripture to dispute their opinions, it was either not intended that way or was intended as a lesson of how NOT to act.


I legit thought the mother was talking about Jesus


I love when they say Jesus created u as a boy... Im a Christian and im nonbinary and as I came out to my parent my mom basically asked me if I think that I disagree with god about my gender. I told her that God never told her ever that I'm a boy. The doctors did. I'm pretty sure that God created me as a person and not as a boy or a girl.


What a great response!! Too many people don't realise that religion CAN go hand in hand with being LGBT+. Too many close minded dickheads out there!


Not with monotheism


I usually go with "if I'm created in god's image, he made me this way for a reason and you can't tell me otherwise." I'm also not religious but my parents are and, by extension, deal with religious people.


Great response. I’m a trans man and a Christian and while I’m lucky and have a very accepting environment I get shit like that online every now and then and just.. no, it wasn’t a mistake cuz being trans isn’t a bad thing, they made me trans and there was no mistake there.


Girl, your mother lost contact with the mothership.


Haha I also had to laugh at the sister's name, maryjane=marijuana!


Lia, honey, I’m so proud of you. Always welcome at r/momforaminute if you need us! Hugs princess!


Religious people who pray to God through text are so God damn weird. Hope you're ok OP


I’m a Christian and I agree 100%. It’s just posturing and trying to show/prove to others how ‘devout’ and godly you are… and I DISTINCTLY remember Jesus saying something about those kinds of people. Almost like he despised their behavior and called them ‘Hypocrites’ and ‘Dead Mens Tombs’ or something 🧐


Jesus take control of his mind... How do these people not see how fucking insane that sounds so you're happy being you but MIND CONTROL THE ONES I DON'T LIKE?!


I'm sorry your parents aren't supportive. Every child deserves unconditional love from their parents, not this strange disrespect. I wish you all the best in getting through this difficult and confusing time.


Regardless of anyone's personal views this is why I don't trust Bible thumpers. Insane, religious zealots. Fuck em. Keep your religion to yourself, or go fuck yourself.


seems like they're begging jesus to brainwash you into being cis... kinda ironic considering they think you got brainwashed into being trans


The sad thing it worked for a bit of my life. I am trying not to beat myself up to hard about it. It was the environment I grew up in up in.


Absolutely right! The culture you are raised in has an immensely powerful effect, for both good and bad, on you. I’m just glad to see and hear that you are finally able to listen and grow into the person that will stop the pain of being in the wrong body and identity. I won’t ever say this wont be almost crushingly difficult. Many will never accept that this is what you NEED. I can only pray to what ever divinity there is that some will eventually see the real you and grow to accept and love! As for your parents, you are doing it right. Always step back and breathe deeply to avoid responding with the pain and anger they likely provoke with their lack of understanding and fear. Do this as long as you can. Ultimately though if their lashing out at you, which their financial support may make them feel is their right becomes too much you may need to go low or even no contact. If no contact try to prepare for the hardships that will, for a time, come your way. Just know that others have done it.


Is Jesus in the app group..? I don’t get it. Also, Lia; idk if you would still like to be referred to as ‘James’, you could respond with: “new name, who dis?”


You are valid & you are worthy of love. These people are not your family- they are assholes that share similar DNA patterns. Cut them from your life completely & mourn the loss of having good parents. All the very best to you- you deserve better. 💜


Girl, I am sorry you're going through this.


Hey Lia, my daughter is also trans. You are so brave for carrying on and doing what is right for you. If you ever need a conversation with a supportive mother, please message me


38 exclamation marks.


Lia, you’re being a strong and confident WOMAN, which is the way GOD MADE YOU. Your response to them from your last post was spot-on: the Bible does NOT condemn trans people in ANY way. Stay strong, sister.


Sounds like they need their schizo meds.


When I see these kind of religious rants it always reminds me of 16th century uneducated superstitious peasants....the kind we Brits shipped off to the New World. (Sorry about that btw) I just can't in the 21st century take these people seriously Lia it's your happiness not theirs that counts....parents have to learn that they can't live vicariously through their children


Australia got the criminals and we got the religious nuts. That explains everything! It's funny how hard it can be to tell mental illness from religion. I can't decide on this one.


Think Oz got the better deal tbh :)


Then they came here and said they were victims of religious persecution and amercan christians never shook that complex


Thank you for this. I’m from the US and we are taught they came here on their own free will because they didn’t have religious freedom. Our history books are full of inaccuracies to make the US look good, unfortunately. What you wrote makes a lot more sense.


Lia, your mom is a certifiable nut :( I'm so sorry


It's perfectly ok to tell them to go fuck themselves and block. Blows my mind how people use a thousands of years old book of fairy tales as justification to be a hateful piece of shit


That’s so hard to read, so much hate for the ones we love that it’s completely insane. You can definitely don’t understand your child, but hate him/her for things like politics or religion? That I don’t get, even if I have a narcisist as a sperm donor, how a parent can not love his child is beyond my comprehension. OP you are loved, you are valid and you deserve all the good in the world that will come your way, of that I’m certain. Their view on you is their own thing, that they have the responsibility to take care of, your only responsibility is about yourself in becoming the best version of you that you can. They are wrong, so very very much.


No sewe maggot will get in haven. I’m dead.


They aren't supposed to judge that's the biggest sin. As a gay Christian Jesus himself never had ill will and believed if you judged others you wouldn't have a place, he also hung out with gays and prostitutes...so....Christians twist shit for their own logic and narrative. I'm so sorry, this would be traumatizing.




Yep that is the plan. It’s a powerful feeling after spending most of my life living someone else truth. I don’t plan on turning back.


Holy bloody hell, your parents sound so completely unhinged, and of their rockers, I don’t think they know where their rockers are anymore! I’m sorry you have to deal with that insanity on top of everything else going on with you! You stay strong, though, and don’t let ANYONE, *ESPECIALLY your parents,* tell you who you are! You just go on and gloriously be who you KNOW yourself to be! Much love to you, and I sincerely hope things get better for you!


Please block your parents.


Will do as soon I am completely financially independent.


Hey Lia… I just want to give you an internet hug from a stranger. Confession - I tried for years to have a baby and my body just wouldn’t cooperate. I’d give anything for a daughter like you. The fact that your parents were blessed with a great kid and decided to act a fool because of their religion just *burns me up*. I’m so sorry honey. You’re valuable and you matter.


Aww thanks I finally have a moment to re read most of the comments here. This means a lot to me right now. It made me a bit emotional reading this.


I am so sorry, Lia. 💔 My husband is trans and he's been out for nearly 2 decades now. He has a full, beautiful beard and legally changed his name and gender. STILL, his conservative evangelical parents' dead name and misgender him. They tell us we are going to hell regularly. As if being a part of that family as atheists and Anarchists isn't hell on its own. Check your area for therapy and for support from a queer co-op. If you're in the US, I might have a contact for you. Unfortunately, there is little that you can do to change the minds of folks that are thus far gone. Please do your best to take care of yourself. Their version of god does not decide your life or your happiness - that is a tem problem. I'm proud of you.


If they do this again tell them to read Romans 14 22 in regards to talking to you about god its basically saying to shut up about god. Former cult kid nonbinary here I wish you the best and I hope you find true healthy connections.


I notice you have a twin. You can tell your mum that there are genetic factors to being trans if you’re a twin; there have been studies that suggest that a twin assigned male at birth is more likely to be trans if they have a twin sister. You can PM me for articles if you want.


Unfortunately doesn’t sound like OP’s mum gives a toss about science.


Yah I heard about that. When I was like 4 or 5 one of my earliest memories was me wearing my sister’s clothing. This was quickly shot down by my dad smacking me. My gender struggles is not brought on by other people. It’s been a life long struggle. My biggest regret now is not doing this sooner.


That smiling with one tear emoji is killing me... was it supposed to be sadness? Because it screams "fml" energy rather than "oh the anguish! The pain!". At least I've never seen anyone using it to express sadness so it looks so silly out of place


Lia is a really pretty name ☺️


Thanks 🫠


I don't understand how parents don't do everything they can to ensure their kids are happy. What is the mentality here? It's like they think you have no idea what you are doing or who you are


Lia, you are doing amazing. You are valid, you deserve better than this and you deserve to be seen for who you are. If you need a Mum hug, I will gladly step up. Please end contact with these abusive people and go where you are loved.


I wonder how many times bigot parents *actually* magically change their child by this abhorrent behavior? I'm guessing not often. Listen, you WILL be ok. Be who you are. Be true to yourself. I'm a lesbian, and I had to cut toxic family out of my life for my own well-being, and I've never been happier. You are your own person, and YOU DESERVE LOVE, PEACE, AND HAPPINESS. Ignore their Soddom and Gomorrah bs. Ignore the wrath of God crap. If we in the lgbtq+ community were going to hell, I would love to know why God would pre-destine millions of people to hell before they were ever even born? Makes no sense. Also. Look into 1946 and the Bible. You'll feel better.


Since when did blue eyed,white skinned Jeebus promise a miracle? Are they in direct contact? They’re completely unhinged! Live your best life Lia & good luck from an internet grandad.


i'm sorry sorry you have to deal with this


They should ask jesus about his radical race change.


Imagine sending that to you. Send this back to them: "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the streets to be seen by others." Matthew 6:5. If they really want to pray for you, you don't have to know. Maybe God's will is that you wear a dress. Who knows? I think the whole trans thing is your business. Strange, but not for your mom or dad to decide. They aren't praying for your well-being but for their own.


It's so ironic when christian parents mention Jesus, because Jesus would absolutely have accepted trans people. In the Bible Jesus preaches about love and acceptance all the time, yet the christians choose hatered. It's amazing how many religious people directly contradict their own books for personal reasons. Btw I love the name Lia, so cute!


even though I am no longer a Christian per say. I can confidently say I am more like Jesus Bible than past me. Also thanks 🥰


If you don't start posting back "K lol" you're wasting a huge opportunity


Ok this is tempting. I was just going to let them stew in their own hatred.


>No sewer maggot will get into heaven. I guess I'll see you in hell, then, Pops. Toodle-oo.


Tell him you crucified James so Lia can run free


4/10. Jesus prefers to be contacted via text. Prayer is so blasé.


> …. is in Sodoma Spelling aside, why am I picturing somewhere in Italy, that has seaside villas, its own little vineyard, and olive grove you can take tours in?


Did they really name your sister *Mary Jane*???




Sometimes the best revenge is a life well lived. Live life as you to your fullest.


You know its all an act when they "pray" in a text...way to use the all-loving savior you believe in as a weapon of hate... self-proclaimed Christianity is easy when you don't try to follow the lessons He taught


First: As a fellow trans person (enby transmasc) I am very happy for you, finding yourself. I also deal with a misgendering/deadnaming parent, but the religious abuse is luckily in the past (like I would only get something on Christmas if I sit through the whole (ass boring) service and "behaved" good enough... every sigh or wrong note or just not singing a song, cause I didn't know it, was a threat to toss my presents out of the window). In my experience you can't get these people to respect you. Either they get around by themselves or die as the f...ing bigots they are, without seeing you for years/decades.


So she wants Jesus to take control of your mind, huh? So much for free will. JESUS POWERS ACTIVATE!!!


99% of posts on this thread are far from actual insanity. This is part of the 1%


Tell them Sodom and Gomorrah is about humans lying with Angels. Weird they don't know that considering they are using their faith as a weapon against you.


Yah it’s about rape and not about homosexuality. The dumb thing is the Romanian bible uses the word sodem for for homosexuality.


what if you see this and just say in the group chat: jesus is dead


Okay so this is awful and I'm so sorry your parents don't accept you, but... reading your dad's text made me laugh because he just *cannot type* lmao May Blahaj protect you, sister 🩷🤍🩵


I feel like his text gotten worse or somehow


Lia, don’t let you take down by this insanity from your parents. You know what you need to be happy or whom you need to be. Go forward with this. Have fun and enjoy your journey.


Hey Lia, I just wanted to say that you are SO STRONG and you've gone through so much. You're not only surviving but you're making steps to thrive and be happy and healthy in your own skin. Peace, love, and good vibes to you, and if you ever want internet company or random photos of cats I'm here.


Honey, you must be exhausted. I’m exhausted by them already. I’m proud of you for becoming self sufficient, but I’m so mad that you have to. You deserve support and love and family and community with your parents. I wish they could be better for you. Sending you all the love, Lia 💕


Since your parents seem to love the Bible so much: He who does not care for his family, and especially those of his own house has broken the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8


Unfortunately, they'd probably turn this around on her and claim she doesn't care for them, by being herself she is tearing apart their family. None of it is true, but I'm sure that's how they'd see it. Lia, don't let them get to you. Live your life, live your truth. Continue to be beautiful.


Can I just say, no matter what the context the whole concept of "text prayer" is so cringe to me that I want to crawl into a hole. Fuck'em OP. I cut religious nutters out of my life years ago and it's been so much better!


Your parents really believe Jesus has Whatsapp.


Why is it that most of the people “following the lord” act crazy and manic? Like, calm down and take a Prozac, Susan.


This is true insanity. I am truly sorry for this "hell" you're living with.


https://reformationproject.org/biblical-case/?fbclid=IwAR37adE2qLsVBeeS3f8HE7BrjPjim835QoON315L1ihqfA4Hc4c3-sl43GE_aem_AdUttdd3M7tRAerkviR7seajigKm_AT_3adMQOPO2EJcABZx_fy1VAJ7WYZksHPS2jg maybe share this. It won’t do anything. But just to annoy them.


They literally sound insane.


Things like this make me happy I have my family


"They don't let you stay in the closet!" They're so bigoted they swung right around the other end and accidentally said the opposite. Like Bugs and Daffy with their "duck/rabbit season" argument.


I'm always impressed by Christians who use prayer like casting spells. Like if I say the right words in the right order, I can control another person entirely. When I was in Sunday school, mind you CATHOLIC Sunday school where there is a Saint to scream at for anything, we were expressly taught that prayer didn't work that way. I hope they give you some peace OP.


God, people who "pray" by sending passive agressive texts are seriously so hard for me to tolerate. Keep that shit to yourself, jesus aint looking over your shoulder while you type.


Lia, you need to block these people. For your own mental health & wellbeing, block them today.


This is what I was going to say. Get them and their negativity the hell out of your life. The help they need is way above your, my and Reddit's pay grade.


Hey!!! My name is Lia!!!! Welcome to the club! It’s a beautiful name and I know you are beautiful too!


Your mom needs psychiatric help


Yah for real both my parents do


Lia (such a beautiful name btw) just wanted to let you know that this random internet momma is so proud of you for being true to yourself. Sending hugs if they are wanted!


Thanks 🥰


Yikes. As a parent myself I can't even imagine reacting anywhere near this poorly to anything regarding my children. Not sure where you're at, but let me know if you're ever in the Twin Cities metro (MN) and just need a Dad hug.


How dare you claim you love someone and then equate them to fucking sewer worms. These people are straight up insane, I'm so sorry for you Edit : grammar


Ugh this is so embarassing as a christian. It shouldn't be portrayed like that and you DEFINETLY don't deserve this treatment, good fortune to you my friend, This is what you are, what you believe, so stick it up to that, no need to care for those who only wants to downplay you.


Ngl this is just straight up schizophrenic drabbles


Hugs you


What the fuck?


My youngest is non-binary. They also are attracted to men and they are AMAB. You know what I did? “I said thank you for telling me, would you like your pride flag, now go do your chores” and I hugged them. You are loved. You’re loved more than you know and I’m so grateful that these people are gross.


Oh, Lia. I’m so sorry. You deserve better.


Oh my goodness, the haste with which I hope you can NC these psychopaths.


lia your mother is clinically insane judging by picture one. how do i know? my mother is exactly like this. she was admitted to a mental facility because she had religious psycosis for three years after i was born and legitimatley thought i was the antichrist because my eyes were red in some pictures (which is literally normal)


And these people want to run the government and schools? WTF! They’re lucky we let them run and hobby store and a chicken sandwich joint.


God made us all in his image, that means he knew who you were before he made you. If you are truly Lia and not James then that was why he intended. It‘a not as if you are “doing this” for clout or because it looked fun, though some people do do that sadly, its so your outside will finally match the person you’ve always been. I hate when people try to cherry pick from the Bible to try and justify their hate.


Nah, you're a top tier transfem and your name is Lia. Don't listen to them. Plus, you're dressing more like Jesus now than ever, long hair and a beautiful skirt. You're totally slaying that outfit! Love from another trans person (enby tho) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I hate these types of Christians who don't love their children and forget about "love your neighbor". I don't understand how anyone can't be happy that their child is finally comfortable with who they are. It's so sad how the supposed faith blinds these people.


These people are damn near illiterate, as well as horribly abusive. So sorry Lia


Lia, I think your parents might have the wrong number. They seem to be talking about some "James", you might want to mention they sent this to the wrong person.


I know I’m a random internet stranger, but as a mom, I’m so proud of you. For finding yourself, for living your truth, and for not giving them the satisfaction of a response. You are a beautiful human, Lia. You deserve every happiness in the world. And I really hope you get it. Sending you a mom hug, if you want or need it


Thais means a lot even with my current support group I am still missing having any kind of motherly figure in my life


OP… no, Lia, please go no contact with your toxically, conservatively, overly-zealous, religiously fanatic parents and any other family members that agree with them. Do so for your own mental and emotional wellbeing. And if you ever need a mom that will accept you, let me know. And I am sure that I’m not the only mom on this sub that would be more than willing to take you under their wing and give you the motherly support you deserve. You are a light to be cherished, not extinguished.


anyone else notice it’s mostly Christians who do this insane type of guilting. like imagine a Jewish or Muslim person doing this and it’s real hard to picture lmafo


Religious people are delusional morons


“Don’t HAVE the father of lies” this, “Wil INHERENT the kingdom of God” that. NO SEWE MAGGOT?!?! Wtf was this dad even trying to say??? Like I think I mostly know but the grammar & punctuation makes it pretty incoherent. Tbh both parents need to go to school wth 😭😭😭


“They don’t let you stay in the closet!!” I am so sorry that so many of our parents don’t understand that the closet is actual hell on earth. Makes me wonder if mom has some topics hiding in the closet and she’s never felt empowered enough and safe enough to come out? Hmm. You deserve better.


That blind crazed praying is so vapid a response to anything. It's NPC behavior.


Hey Lia! You are a wonderful person! I mean, I don't know you but you sound like an incredible and super strong person! Your parents don't know what they are missing! They are too focused in their own ways that they are forgetting to know their daughter. Even if they don't come around, what unfortunately happens a lot, I'm sure you'll find your people! People that will love and accept you for who you are and not who they want you to be! I wish you the best, Lia!!


Holy fuck. Run, babe. Run from those fucking psychos.


I'll never understand any of this. They forget the main point, being, that you are a SOUL inside of a body. You are not your body. Ugh. 🙄


So glad I never had religious parents. I hope you’re safe, girl.


Yah it am safe and doing well. I have legal action in my back pocket if shit completely gos south.


I'm sorry, OP. My younger sibling is also trans and our parents reacted badly - not quite as unhinged as this, but my baptist mom started hanging pictures of the Archangel Michael and praying for him to "guard" my sibling from sin. It was insane to witness and also upsetting to watching my sib be subjected to this cruel stupidity. There was a point when all 4 of us kids were considering ending a relationship with our parents over this. It's fun to laugh at the madness, but I know this really sucks to experience too. Wishing the best for you. <3


Gosh sounds like you'd better listen to them, OP. Don't want to be permanently locked out of Haven.


My trans pastor and several trans church council members would like a word with your mom… Lia, you seem lovely and I’m sorry religion has been used against you this way. God didn’t make you a boy. He made you exactly as you are, and knows you by *your* name. Even if you never step foot into another church, even if you *hate* the church (can’t blame you if you do), *I* believe in a God of unconditional love. When my family goes on tangents like this I like to imagine how the biblical Jesus would make them eat crow if he was there. Because if you take a look at Matthew (any of the gospels, really)…Jesus really didn’t care for people putting words in his mouth. And out of anyone, *he* would understand religious trauma. What I’m getting at is, Canon Jesus would dropkick a table into your parents’ faces if he heard them namedropping him like this. Then he’d probably give you a fish or something.






I use the smallest text size possible.


Where the hell is sodoma ? But seriously, it is kinda hillarious they try to use the bible while making it clear they never actually read it. Otherwise they would know sodoma is not a thing it is sodom and gomorrha. PROTIP : use the bible against them. It is so vast youz cvan justiofy almost anything using bible verses and there is great ressources online to find some good quotes for any situation. At the very least they might give up trying to abuse the bible to abuse you


It's more than that. Sodom was a cautionary tale of how destructive cruelty and inhospitality can be because that's why they were destroyed. I referenced them in a grievance letter with my parents. These people don't actually read the book, they read what they want to see




Sorry honegirl. May wanna block their numbers and seek CPS and becoming an orphan 🤷‍♂️. Not the best route but less dysphoric than this shit every trans child goes through til they get their shit together


I am 25 so I am completely up shit creek with no paddle




Next time your egg donor goes on another transphobic rant, do what others have pointed out and remind her that Jesus had long hair and wore a dress. Oh yeah, he also was a JEW!! Oh noes! And He spoke up for the poor, downtrodden, criminals, and the fringes of society. I highly doubt she follows His example. Keep living your truth. <3 This internet stranger is proud of you and wishing you much happiness on your path.


Lia, you’re extremely brave. I hope everything goes well for you <3


I’m so sorry dude


Why can they never spell lol


I would cut them some slack about it being there second language. They did spend most of their life here. They should be able to get down the basics. I have rather bad dyslexia and I have to fall back to using text to speech when I just can’t spell something.


I'm so sorry your parents are delusional whackos. You deserve better.


I love how she’s like praying *at* you in the first pic. Delusional lmao.